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LONDON: 1969 



23 February 1968 
. 28 May 1968 

- 28 May 1968 

5 May 1968 

a 3 September 1968 
. 20 September 1968 

4 October 1968 

. 21 December 1968 





. The evolution and dispersal of the grassland leafhopper genus Exitianus, 

with keys to the old world species (Cicadellidae : Hemiptera). By 
H. H. Ross 

. A revision of the genus Mucrogaster Latreille (Hymenoptera : 

Braconidae). By G. E. J. NIxon 

. An index-catalogue of African Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera : Tetti- 

goniidae). By D. R. RAGGE 

Hymenoptera from Turkey (Symphyta). By R. B. BENSoNn 

The subgeneric divisions of the genus Bombus Latreille (Hymenoptera : 

Apidae). By O. W. RicHARDS 

. Alist of the type-specimens of Libellulidae and Corduliidae (Odonata) 

in the British Museum (Natural History). By D. E. KiMmins 

A revision of the genus Atolopus Fieber (Orthoptera : Acridoidea). 
By D. Ho tis 

Revision of the genus Catasarcus Schénherr (Coleoptera : Curculion- 

idae). By R. T. THompson 

Index to Volume XXII 









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ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 1 

LONDON: 1968 



H. H. ROSS |} 


Illinois Natural History Survey, Goeana 

Pp. 1-30; 82 Text-figures 

ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 1 
LONDON : 1968 

(NATURAL HISTORY), instituted im 1949, 1s 
issued in five series corresponding to the Departments 
of the Museum, and an Historical series. 

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become 
veady. Volumes will contain about three or four 
hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed 
within one calendar year. 

In 1965 a separate supplementary serves of longer 
papers was instituted, numbered serially for each 

This paper is Vol. 22, No. 1 of the Entomological 
series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited 
follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 

World List abbreviation : 
Bull, Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). 

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 23 February, 1968 Price Thirteen Shillings 


By H. H. ROSS 


EXITIANUS BALL ' : ; ; ‘ 4 
Nanus-Group . 7 
Obscurinervis-Group 8 
Distanti-Group 8 
Taeniaticeps-Group . 9 
Okahandia-Group 16 


Keys and illustrations are presented for the identification of the five species-groups of 
Exitianus and for the identification of the species occurring in the Old World, the latter including 
seventeen species, nine new to science. Synonymy is included for the described Old World 
species plus a brief synopsis of their distribution. The phylogenetic relationships are adduced 
for the world fauna. When geographic distribution is compared with the postulated family tree 
there are strong indications that the genus evolved primarily in Africa with an ancient dispersal 
to the Americas and more recent dispersals to the Oriental and Australian regions. 


AMONG the most widespread and frequently the most abundant species of grassland 
leafhoppers are the moderately large tawny forms comprising the genus Exztianus, 
a member of the subfamily Deltocephalinae. This genus differs from related forms 
in having only a small number of apical, stout setae on the male pygofer; the female 
has a relatively long ovipositor extending conspicuously beyond the last dorsal 
segment. These characters are shared only by the presumably sister genus Nepho- 
tettix, readily differentiated from Exitianus by having the crown sharply ridged 
where it meets the face, and in being opaque green with various black markings. 

* This work was supported in part by a research grant from the National Science Foundation, U.S.A. 
ENTOM. 22, I. I 

4 H. H. ROSS 

Based on similarities of male and female genitalia, Exitianus and Nephotettix are 
probably most closely related to Doratura and its allies; the entire complex can be 
segregated as a grass-feeding tribe, the Doraturini. 

On every continent at least one common form of Exitianus has a conspicuous 
black band across the top of the head. So similarly coloured are these forms that 
considerable difference of opinion has existed concerning the number of species 
involved. The same difference has been expressed concerning the number of 
species occurring on the same continent. DeLong & Hershberger (1947) segre- 
gated eleven American species on the basis of colour and the number and position 
of the large pygofer spines. Linnavuori (1959) added a few more segregates from 
South America. No one appears to have undertaken a study of the Old World 
fauna of this genus. An opportunity in 1964 to examine types of the genus at the 
British Museum (Natural History) and Stockholm and to see large series of specimens 
from Africa, India, and Madagascar led me to attempt such a study. As new 
characters and species were found, the possibility became evident of reconstructing 
the phylogeny of the entire genus with a high degree of probability. 

This paper treats the genus Exitianus in the following topical order: (1) a diagnosis 
and description of the world groups and the Eastern Hemisphere species, (2) a 
discussion of the peculiar problems encountered concerning species distinctions in 
the Eastern Hemisphere populations, (3) a derivation of the phylogeny of the genus, 
and (4) an application of these hypotheses to the question of its palaeodispersal. 

This study is based entirely on the male sex. In several species, associated 
females are known but they have proven difficult to diagnose. Sexual dimorphism 
in colour is common, females of certain indubitably different species appear identical, 
and certain females that appear distinctive have as yet not been associated with 
males. In the face of these circumstances it appears that our present knowledge 
of Exitianus females does not lend itself to either keys or diagnoses of worthwhile 
predictive value. 


Exitianus Ball, 1929: 5. Type-species: Cicadula obscurinervis Stal. 
Mimodrylix Zachvatkin, 1935 : 108. Type-species: Athysanus capicola Stal. 

Body usually about 4-5 mm. long. Colour chiefly tawny with various patterns of brown or 
black. Head only moderately produced (Text-figs. 1-14), the crown rounding into the face. 
Wings elongate and having typical leafhopper venation. Male pygofer having from two to 
six large dark or black spines along apical margin and only one or two other conspicuous spines. 
Aedeagus having an articulation between shaft and base, the shaft relatively simple in structure. 
Female ovipositor extending a considerable distance beyond abdominal tergites. 

Distribution. Recorded from all continents except Antarctica. 


I Plate short and ovoid, without lateral setae (Text-figs. 54, 55) 
okahandia-group 18 
= Plate elongate-triangular, with a row of long, stout lateral setae extending the 
length of the plate (Text-fig. 78) . ; : : . ‘ : ; 2 


2 (1) Pygofer having four to six apical brown or black spines (Text-fig. 15) 

nanus-group 5 
Pygofer having two or three apical brown or black spines (Text-figs. 19, 21) . 3 

3 (2) Dorsal margin of aedeagus with only a slight, irregular concavity at apex 
(Text-fig. 20) 5 : . obscurinervis-group 6 
-- Dorsal margin of aedeagus with 2 a large arcuate concavity at apex (Text-fig. 22) 4 

4 (3) Spine 2 of pygofer as long and slender as spine 1 (Text-fig. 21) 

distanti-group 4 

- Spine 2 of pygofer much shorter than and thicker than spine 1 (Text-fig. 24) 
taeniaticeps-group 8 


5 (2) Known only from one widespread Old World species. ; : nanus (p. 7) 


6 (3) Known from several New World species not treated further here. For diag- 
nostic treatments see DeLong & Hershberger (1947) and Linnavuori (1959). 

7 (4) Known only from one African species : : : d distanti (p. 8) 

Fics. 1-6. Head, pronotum and mesonotum of Evitianus spp. 1, E. nanus (India); 
2, same, dark form (Okahandia, Rhodesia); 3, same, light form (Okahandia, Rhodesia) ; 
4, E. okahandia (holotype); 5. E. twrneri (holotype); 6, E, natalensis (holotype). 

6 H.H. ROSS 

8 (4) Socket of spine 2 of pygofer almost contiguous with that of spine 1 (Text-fig. 

23); head with extensive dark markings (Text-fig. 13) : kilimanus (p. 16) 
_ Socket of spine 2 a considerable distance from that of spine 1 (Text-fig. 24); 
head variously marked . : : ‘ é 9 

9 (8) Spine 2 of pygofer only slightly asymmetrical (Text- figs. 64, 6 5); aedeagal shaft 
tapering almost uniformly from base to gonopore (Text-fig. 33) 
attenuatus (p. 10) 
_ Spine 2 of pygofer markedly twisted or bent at tip (Text-figs. 24, 26); aedeagal 
shaft either parallel-sided, or enlarged near gonopore, or markedly con- 
stricted at base of dorsal points ‘ : ; ; ; ; ; d 10 

Fics. 7-14. Head, pronotum and mesonotum of Evxitianus spp. 7, E. picatus (Mexico; 
8, E. exitiosus (Illinois); 9, E. indicus (China); 10, E. indicus (holotype); 11, E. coronatus 
(holotype); 12, E. ootacamundus (holotype); 13, E. kilimanus (holotype); 14, E. greens- 
ladei (paratype). 

to (9) Shaft of aedeagus as thick as in Text-figs. 25, 28, 30, 31, its paired dorsal 
points usually well separated at base as in Text-fig. 27, its apex long, 

slender and markedly curved . ; ; . : : II 
— Shaft of aedeagus thinner (Text-figs. aata6, 39-51), or its dorsal points bias 
contiguous at base : ‘ 13 

1r (10) Dorsum of head yellow with rigidly defined black spots as in ‘Text-fig. II 
coronatus (p. 14) 
— Dorsum of head otherwise (Text-figs. 10, 12) : : : 12 
12 (11) Dark markings on top of head as extensive as in Text- fig. 12 
ootacamundus (p. 14) 
— Dark markings on top of head chiefly a single, arcuate, dark line (Text-fig. 10), 
sometimes with additional light brown suffusions . ; indicus (p. 12) 
13 (10) Dorsal profile of shaft with a slight notch on which dorsal points are situated 

(Text-figs. 34-36, 39-42, 47) - + ee ee eK 

16 (13) 

17 (16) 

tS (1) 

19 (18) 


Dorsal profile of shaft with no indication of a notch where dorsal points are 
situated (Text-figs. 43-46, 48-51) F 
Profile of aedeagal shaft markedly angulate below gonopore, Poaopore opening 

very long (Text-fig. 34) . pondus (p. 

Either profile of aedeagal shaft rounded below gonopore (Text- -figs. 39-42) or 
gonopore opening much shorter (Text-figs. 35, 47) 
Either aedeagal shaft slightly to moderately flared before gonopore (Text- figs. 

39-41) or dorsal points close to base of shaft (Text-fig. 42) taeniaticeps (p. 

Aedeagal shaft not flared and dorsal points as far from base of shaft as shown 

in Text-figs. 35, 36, 47 . ; ; frontalis (p. 
Head with extensive dark markings (Text- fig. 14) : ; as tisdaieas (p. 

Head with only a dark arcuate band, as in Text-fig. ro 
Profile of aedeagal shaft with lateral ridge close to margin and apical excava- 
tion forming an obtuse angle with body of shaft (Text-figs. 48-51) 

plebeius (p. 

Profile of aedeagal shaft with lateral ridge closer to central line of shaft and 
apical excavation forming nearly a right angle with body of shaft (Text- 

figs. 43-45) . : : ; : ; : 3 . mucronatus (p. 


Apex of pygofer forming an upturned, fingerlike tip bearing one extremely 
stout, dorsally projecting spine and sometimes another much more slender 
spine (Text-figs. 60, 63); apex of style scarcely widened (Text-fig. 58) . 

Apex of pygofer wider, not upturned, and bearing two fairly stout spines 
(Text-figs. 52, 56); apex of style greatly widened (Text-figs. 54, 55) ‘ 

Apex of pygofer bearing only one spine, this spine wider than pygofer tip 

(Text-fig. 63); profile of aedeagus wider (Text-fig. 62) . zuluensis (p. 

Apex of pygofer bearing a slender seta mesad of large one, the latter narrower 
than pygofer tip (Text-fig. 60); profile of aedeagus narrower (Text-fig. 59) 

natalensis (p. 

Style markedly shorter than plate (Text-fig. 55); costal area of front wing not 

forming a conspicuous light stripe . : okahandia (p. 

Style projecting beyond plate (Text-fig. 54): costal area a of front wing forming 

a conspicuous light stripe ‘ ; é ; : é .  turneri (p. 

Exitianus nanus (Distant) comb. n. 

(Text-figs. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 76) 

Athysanus nanus Distant, 1908 : 345. India. 

Athysanus insularis Distant, 1909 : 47. Amirante Is. syn. n. 
Athysanus simillimus Matsumura, 1914 : 185. Formosa. syn. n. 
Euscelis vulnerans Bergevin, 1925 : 42. Southern Algeria. syn. n. 

This is the most widespread Old World species of the genus, occurring throughout 
Africa, Asia Minor, southern Asia, Formosa, islands in the Indian Ocean, and 

Well-marked specimens show considerable geographic variation. 







The dorsal head markings may be faint or form dark spots or crescentic 
In speci- 

mens from Asia, the dark markings usually form a solid curved arc interrupted on 
the meson (Text-fig. I, as in the type of manus); specimens from the southern half 

8 H. H. ROSS 

of Africa invariably have each half of the mark either narrowed in the middle (Text- 
fig. 2) or completely pinched off into a pair of black spots (Text-fig. 3). In specimens 
from Asia Minor and North Africa, the dark marks intergrade between the two 
darker types and occasionally these intergradations are encountered in Asian 
material also. 

The type male of insularis (Text-fig. 15) has pygofer spines 2-4 relatively slender; 
males from Tanzania have them slightly shorter and more robust (Text-fig. 17) ; 
specimens from Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, have a mixture of slender 
and stouter spines on each specimen, and sometimes five or six spines on a side 
(if so, usually not the same number on both sides). The spination of the pygofer 
therefore mirrors the variation found in the colour pattern. 

I have studied the types of manus Distant and imsularis Distant but not those of 
simillimus Matsumura and vulnerans Bergevin. The latter two species I am placing 
on the basis of illustrations by Ishihara (1954, fig. 5) and illustrations in the original 
description, respectively. 

The female seventh sternite is characterized by the bi-emarginate apical margin 
and the slightly bowed mesal area (Text-fig. 76). 

(Text-figs. 7, 8, 19, 20) 

The members of this American group of species are remarkably homogeneous in 
shape of aedeagus and pygofer, and in spines 1 and 2 of the pygofer. In all members 
spine 3 is absent, in most members spine 4 is present, and in occasional individuals 
of the latter species an additional spine 5 may be present on one or both sides of 
the capsule. The females exhibit a considerable number of inter-specific differences 
in the shape of the apical margin of the seventh sternite. 

DeLong & Hershberger (1947) and Linnavuori (1959) deal with eleven and seven 
American species, respectively. I am making no attempt to correlate the two 
accounts pending the availability of longer tropical series needed to establish the 
associations of the two sexes and possible synonymy. 

Exitianus distanti sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 21, 22) 

3g. Length 4mm. Colour of dorsum pale greenish yellow, face the same but with arcuate 
dark lines, venter of thorax and abdomen almost black, legs with coxae black, the remaining 
segments tawny with dark streaks. Dorsum of head proportioned as in Text-fig. 9, without 
any trace of arcuate banding. General structure typical for genus. Pygofer having only 
setae 1 and 2, both of them straight and slender (Text-fig. 21). Aedeagus with shaft elongate, 
slender, its apex arcuately incised, as seen from lateral view, and the shaft bearing a pair of 
dorsal projections below middle (Text-fig. 22). 

Holotype ¢ (in glycerine). [TANZANIA] Tanganyika: Ilonga, (L. 
Robertson). In B.M.(N.H.). 


Paratype. [TANZANIA] Tanganyika: Ukirigiru, 1 3 (pinned, abdomen in gly- 
cerine), 27.iv.1g61, light trap. In B.M.(N.H.). 

The two specimens have been preserved in alcohol, and the greenish cast may be 
due to the action of that preservative. This species forms a unique group all of 
its own, characterized by the possession of only spines I and 2 on the pygofer, and 
the long and slender spine 2 that is much like spine 1. In all other known species 
having only spines 1 and 2, spine 2 is much thicker and more densely pigmented 
than spine I. 

Fics. 15-22. Male genital parts of Exitianus spp. 15, 16, E. nanus (holotype of insularis) ; 
17, 18, E. nanus (Tanzania); 19, 20, E. exitiosus (Illinois); 21, 22, E. distanti (holotype) ; 
15, 17, 19, 21, pygofer; 16, 18, 20, 22, aedeagus, lateral aspect. 


In this group the aedeagus has a well-defined preapical notch, a sharp, curved apex, and a 
pair of small, dorsal, sclerotized points; the pygofer usually possesses only spines 1 and 2, of 
which spine 1 is slender and elongate, and spine 2 is much shorter, black, and more or less 
twisted at the tip (Text-figs. 23, 24, 64, 65). In most species the vertex of the head has only 
a single transverse-arcuate black band (Text-fig. 9), often with suffusions of paler brown (Text- 
fig. 10); in a few the vertex is darker (Text-fig. 12) or has a different pattern of banding (Text- 
fig. 11). 

In those species for which the two sexes are associated (indicus, taentaticeps, 
frontalis, and plebeius), the female eighth sternite has a narrow, V-shaped apical 
incision bordered with darker colouring (Text-fig. 69). In the case of mucronatus, 

ENTOM. 22, I. 1§ 

10 Hots KOSS 

pondus, and several other species, females of the same type were present from the 
same or nearby localities. It seems likely that females of all members of this group 
share this distinctive configuration of the eighth sternite. The unassociated female 
type of capicola (Stal) (Text-fig. 70) can therefore at present be assigned to this 
group but not definitely to any species. As explained below under indicus Distant, 
geographic location gives a clue as to the possible identity of fusconervosus (Mots.). 

30 » 




Fics. 23-32. Male genital parts of Exitianus spp. 23, E. kilimanus (holotype); 24, 25, 
E. ootacamundus (holotype); 26, 27, 28, E. indicus (type series); 29, 30, E. indicus 
(Ceylon); 31, 32, E. coronatus (holotype). 23, 24, 26, 29, 32, pygofer; 25, 28, 30, 31, 
aedeagus, lateral aspect; 27, aedeagus, posteroventral aspect. 

Exitianus attenuatus sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 33, 64, 65, 66) 

6. Length 445 mm. Colour above and below tawny, with a thin arcuate black line across 
dorsum of head (as in Text-fig. 9) and frontal area of head and legs with small dark markings. 
General structure typical for genus. Pygofer with spines 1 and 2, or 1, 2 and 3; spine 1 is long 
and slender, spine 2 or spines 2 and 3 are shorter, thicker, darker and very slightly asymmetrical 
at apex (Text-figs. 64, 65). Aedeagus with shaft tapering almost uniformly from base to 


gonopore, the portion beyond that slender and arcuately incised (Text-fig. 33); near the base 
of the shaft are a pair of dorsal points or projections that are finger-like, flared laterally, the 
two well separated at the base (Text-fig. 66). 

Holotype ¢ (pinned, genitalia in glycerine). SourH AFRICA: Cape Province, 
Somerset East, xi.1930 (R. E. Turner). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Paratype. Same data, I § (pinned, genitalia in glycerine). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Both type specimens have the pygofer spines somewhat damaged, but the remain- 
ing evidence indicates several interesting items: (I) spine I is long and slender; 
(2) spine 2 is only slightly asymmetrical (Text-figs. 64, 65), not approaching the 
bent condition (Text-figs. 23, 24, 26) of related species; and (3) the genetic control 
for spine 3 has not been completely lost. The latter two points warrant a serious 
consideration of this species as the most primitive of its group. 

Exitianus pondus sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 34, 67) 

3. Length 5mm. Colour tawny except for a fine dark arcuate line across anterior portion 
of vertex and a few dark marks on the face and legs. General structure typical for genus. 
Pygofer with spines 1 and 2 only, spine 1 long and slender, spine 2 deeper, shorter, almost jet 
black, and markedly asymmetrical (Text-fig. 67), the extreme tip slightly but definitely hooked 
ventrally. Aedeagus (Text-fig. 34) with profile of shaft wide at base and tapering slightly to 
gonopore, the apex with an arcuate incision occupying the apical third of the shaft and forming 
a long narrow apex sharply hooked at tip; near the base of the shaft is a prominent pair of 
dorsal points. 

Holotype 3 (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). S. ArricA: Pondoland, Port St. 
John, 1-9. vii.1923 (R. E. Turner). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data, 2 J. In B.M.(N.H.). 

Three specimens that resemble the above types very closely but lack dorsal points 
at the base of the shaft are tentatively considered as this species but not included 
in the types, as follows: S. Arrica: Zululand, Gingindhlovu, 2 ¢, (R. EF. 
Turner); MADAGASCAR: Morondova, forest south of Befasy, 1 3, 1.1956 (R.P.). 

Exitianus taeniaticeps (Kirchbaum) 
(Text-figs. 37, 39-42, 71) 

Athysanus taeniaticeps Kirchbaum, 1868 : 87. Messina, Syracuse. 

I have not seen the type of this species, but the description fits perfectly the 
species here considered as taeniaticeps, which is the only species of the group so far 
identified from the circum-Mediterranean countries, Specimens from Iraq, Lebanon, 
Cyprus, France, and Libya are remarkably uniform, in contrast with other popula- 
tions in the species, in having the dorsal points some distance from the base of the 
shaft (Text-figs. 39-41). Males from Rhodesia, considered as this species, usually 

12 We. ROSS 

have these points almost at the base of the shaft (Text-fig. 42). Large series of 
males from central Sudan are much more variable in this character, completely 
bridging the morphological gap between the Mediterranean and Rhodesian popu- 

This situation suggests that the Mediterranean and South African populations 
represent previously isolated segments of an ancestral population that became 
morphologically different, then were brought together by changing ecological con- 
ditions and have since formed an intermingled, freely-hybridizing population in at 
least the Sudan. 

In a few Rhodesian males the apico-central corner of the pygofer is almost square 
(Text-fig. 37), in contrast to the sinuate condition normally found throughout other 
populations of the species (as indicated by the broken line in Text-fig. 37). 

The illustrations of Ribaut (1952 : 138, figs. 245-249) undoubtedly refer to this 
species, although pygofer spine 2 is shown as straight rather than contorted at the 
tip. It should be noted that in Fig. 248 the shaft is folded into the socket so that 
the latter hides the real base of the shaft and the dorsal points of the shaft therefore 
erroneously appear to be basal. 

Exitianus frontalis (Distant) comb. n. 

(Text-figs. 35, 36, 47) 
Athysanus frontalis Distant, 1917 : 317. Seychelles. 

An extremely close relative of taeniaticeps, this species as here recognized is 
diagnosed by the uniformly thick shaft (Text-figs. 35, 36) in contrast with the slightly 
to markedly clavate shaft of taeniaticeps (Text-figs. 39-42). In frontalis the dorsal 
points of the shaft are some distance from the shaft’s base, as sometimes occurs in 
Mediterranean specimens but not in South African specimens of taensaticeps, sug- 
gesting that in the latter species there has been a displacement of this character 
in the southern part of Africa where both taeniaticeps and frontalis occur in the 
same area. 

To date this species has been found in the Seychelles, Madagascar (Diego-Suarez, 
Montagne des Francais), and South Africa (Pondoland). It is interesting that the 
three specimens from Pondoland exhibit almost exactly the same range of variation 
in the aedeagal shaft as found in the two specimens illustrated from Madagascar. 
The male from the type series (Text-fig. 47) is a slender extreme, matched almost 
perfectly by a specimen from Pondoland in the Turner collection, B.M.(N.H.). 
I have studied the female type, in which the eighth sternite is notched as in other 
species of the group. 

Exitianus indicus (Distant) comb. n. 

(Text-figs. 9, 10, 26-30, 69) 

?Athysanus fusconervosus Motschulsky, 1863 : 97. Ceylon. 
Athysanus indicus Distant, 1908 : 344. India. 
Athysanus atkinsoni Distant, 1908 : 345. India. syn. n. 



Fics. 33-51. Male genital parts of Exitianus spp. 33, E. attenuatus (holotype); 34, E. 

pondus (holotype); 35, 36, E. frontalis (Madagascar); 37, E. taeniaticeps (Rhodesia) ; 
38, E. frontalis (type series) ; 39, 40, 41, E. taeniaticeps (Tripoli) ; 42, the same (Rhodesia) ; 
43, 44, 45, E. mucronatus (holotype and two paratypes, respectively); 46, E. greensladet 
(holotype); 47, E. frontalis (type lot); 48, E. plebeius (Queensland); 49, the same (para- 
type of plebeius); 50, the same (Samoan Is.); 51, the same (homeotype of norrist). 37, 
38, pygofer; all others, aedeagus or shaft only, lateral aspect, 

14 H. H. ROSS 

This is a pale species having a faint or thin, dark, transverse, arcuate band on the 
vertex. It has been taken at several localities in India (in great abundance at 
Kharagpur), Ceylon, Formosa, and Japan. 

I have studied the female types of both Distant names. These are in B.M.(N.H.), 
bearing identical data ‘Calcutta, Atkinson Col. 92.6.’ The common type series of 
the two species contains several males that demonstrate the characters of this sex 
(Text-figs. 26-28). 

There is a possibility that fusconervosus Motschulsky, described from the summit 
of Mt. Patannos, Ceylon, may apply to this species, which is the only one of the 
genus thus far recorded for the island, but the unavailability of the type mitigates 
against the use of its carrier name at the present time. Ishihara’s illustrations of 
E. capicola (Stal), listed under Mimodrylix Zakhvatkin, undoubtedly apply to this 
species (Ishihara, 1954 : 6). 

Exitianus coronatus (Distant) comb. n. 
(Text-figs. II, 3I, 32) 

Phrynomorphus coronatus Distant, 1918 : 52. India. 

This species is remarkably like indicus in morphological details of the male genitalia 
(Text-figs. 31, 32) but differs markedly in the dorsal spotted pattern of the head 
(Text-fig. rr). 

The species is known only from the type, which I have studied. It is in B.M. 
(N.H.) and was collected at Kumaon, N.W. India. 

Exitianus ootacamundus (Distant) comb. n. 
(Text-figs. 12, 24, 25) 
Phrynomorphus ootacamundus Distant, 1918 : 51. India. 

As is true for the above-mentioned species, this one also is practically identical 
in details of male genitalia (Text-figs. 24, 25) with imdicus, differing primarily in 
having a much darker head (Text-fig. 12). 

To date the only known record is the type, which I have studied. It is in B.M. 
(N.H.) and was collected at Ootacamund, South India. 

Exitianus mucronatus sp. n. 

(Text-figs. 43, 44, 45) 

3. Length 4-5 mm. Colour pale tawny except for a black arcuate band across the vertex, 
much as in Text-fig. 9, and a few pale marks on face and legs. General structure typical 
for genus. Pygofer with spines 1 and 2 only, spine 1 very long slender, spine 2 much shorter, 
asymmetrical, and slightly hooked at apex as in Text-fig. 37. Aedeagus with shaft moderately 
long and thick (Text-figs. 43-45), with an apical arcuate incision resulting in a sharp hooked 
tip; the dorsal points are minute and their bases do not interrupt the even contour of the 
dorsal surface, 


Holotype 3 (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). MApAGAscaAR: Ft. Dauphin (R.P.). 
In collection of Madagascar Scientific Institute. 

Paratypes. MADAGASCAR: Ft. Dauphin, Tananarive, Bas Mangoky, Nosivola, 
Perinet, Monronova forest south of Befasy, Montagne des Francais and Andova, 
28 3. In collections of Madagascar Scientific Institute, Illinois Natural History 
Survey and B.M.(N.H.). 

This series of specimens appears to represent a distinctive and perhaps an endemic 
Madagascar species differing from plebeius in having a stouter aedeagal shaft whose 
ventral lateral ridges curve dorsally and disappear toward the apex. In Madagascar, 
mucronatus appears to displace taeniaticeps almost completely, although the latter 
species appears to be abundant in Madagascar at Mohali, lac Iconi, and one specimen 
has been taken from Rte de Fianarantsoa, Km. 334. These specimens of taeniaticeps 
are like the more massive Rhodesian type rather than the narrower type found 
around the Mediterranean. 

Exitianus plebeius (Kirkaldy) sp. rev., comb. n. 
(Text-figs. 48-51, 68) 

Nephotettix plebeius Kirkaldy, 1906 : 331. Queensland. 
Eutettix norrist Evans, 1938 : 14. West Australia. syn. n. 
Euscelis transversus Metcalf, 1946: 122. Guam. syn. n. 

This species has the same tawny colour and black arcuate stripe on the vertex 
as is found in zmdicus and several other species of the genus (as in Text-fig. 9). It 
is most closely related to frontalis, from which it differs in lacking a notch on the 
dorsal profile of the shaft where the dorsal spines arise (Text-figs. 48-51), and to 
E. mucronatus, from which it differs in the longer and more slender aedeagal shaft. 

The holotype 2 and paratype ¢, which I have examined, are from Cairns, Queens- 
land, Australia, deposited in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Both 
appear to be the same species and I am herewith designating the ¢ paratype as the 
allotype. I have also examined the ¢ holotype of tvansversus, which agrees exactly 
with males from Australia. 

Concerning norrist, I am following the synonymy of Evans (1966). To date the 
only records of this species I have personally examined are from Australia, Guam, 
and Samoa. The records of capicola cited by Linnavuori (1960) from Fiji are based 
on females, but probably refer to this species. Previously this species has been 
confused with other species in the Old World having the same colour, and the 
Australian records have been labelled as capicola. The distinct, long shaft and the 
inconspicuous dorsal aedeagal spines indicate, however, that this species is different 
from those occurring on other continents, 

16 H.H. ROSS 

Exitianus greensladei sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 14, 46, 78) 

$. Length 4 mm. Background colour tawny with many dark areas; vertex with a wide 
black arcuate band covering most of the area, face almost entirely black, the facial marks 
running up slightly over the edge of the vertex; exposed thorax with heavy black spots (Text- 
fig. 14); legs and venter of body with irregular dark marks; membrane of wings almost hyaline, 
the veins bordered by dark brown striping. General structure typical for genus. Pygofer 
with only spines 1 and 2, spine 1 long and slender, spine 2 shorter, thicker, darker, and slightly 
hooked at apex, as in Text-tig. 24. Aedeagus with shaft long and slender (Text-fig. 46), 
the dorsal points minute and their bases below the dorsal contours. 

Holotype 3 (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). SoLomMon ISLANDS: Guadalcanal, 
Kau Kau, 17.xi.1962, no. 2924 (P. Greenslade). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Paratype. Same data, 1 ¢ (pinned, abdomen not cleared). In B.M.(N.H.). 

This heavily marked species is a close relative of plebeius, which it resembles in 
structure of genitalia and from which it differs primarily in the dark colour pattern. 
The two specimens of the type series are both markedly smaller (4 versus 5 mm.) 
than any specimens of plebevus I have yet seen. 

Exitianus kilimanus( Jacobi) comb. n. 
(Text-figs. 13, 23) 
Phrynomorphus kilimanus Jacobi, 1910 : 131. Kilimandjaro, Africa. 

This species is readily distinguished by the twisted spine 2 of the pygofer and the 
very close proximity of the bases of spines 1 and 2 (Text-fig. 23). The head and 
pronotum are heavily marked with black (Text-fig. 13), much as in greensladet. 
The type ¢ (which I have seen) bears the collection data: Meru, 3,000—3,500 m 
Jan. (Sjostedt). Another female from the same locality on Mount Kilimandjaro 
bears a type label but a second female bearing a red ‘Allotypus’ label is evidently 
another species. I was not in the Stockholm Museum long enough to clear the 
genitalia of the type but the diagnostic position of the pygofer spines was readily 
visible on the dried specimen. 


Among the extensive grass-inhabiting species collected in Africa by R. E. Turner, 
I found four species that form a distinctive group of Exitianus in which the plates 
are short and lack lateral spines, and the styles have the apex truncate and projecting 
nearly posteriorly, rather than being sharp and curved sharply laterally (Text-fig. 
82) as is true of all other members of the genus, 


Exitianus okahandia sp. n. 

(Text-figs. 4, 55, 56, 57, 72) 

3. Length 4 mm. Colour tawny with the following black marks: a fairly narrow arcuate 
band on vertex, small black spots on pronotum, several black spots on scutellum (Text-fig. 
4), plus markings on the face, legs, and venter. General structure typical for genus. Plates 
ovate, without lateral spines, and about as long as wide (Text-fig. 55), extending considerably 
beyond apex of styles. Styles with apex broadened and truncate (Text-fig. 55). Pygofer 
of usual shape for genus, with only spines 1 and 2, both symmetrical, spine 2 shorter, thicker, 
and darker than spine 1 (Text-fig. 56). Aedeagus moderately long, its apex with only a slight 
and inconspicuous incision (Text-fig. 57). 

Q. Length 5-5 mm. Colour and general structure similar to male. Apex of eighth sternite 
slightly produced in middle, the segment often with a small dark spot on each side near the 
middle of the lateral half of the segment (Text-fig. 72). 

Holotype 3 (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). SoutTH AFRIca: Natal, Van Reenen, 
Drakensberg, I-22.1.1927 (R. E. Turner). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Allotype 2. SouTHWEsT AFRICA: Okahandja, 10-16.i1.1928 (R. E. Turner). 
In B.M.(N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data as allotype 9, 3 g, 89, with inclusive dates 27.i—18. iii. 
I g, 1 in Illinois Natural History Survey collection, remainder in B.M.(N.H.). 

Additional females that appear to belong to this species are from SOUTH AFRICA: 
Cape Province, Queenstown; Transkei, Untata. [TANZANIA] Tanganyika: Ukiriguru. 

Exitianus turneri sp. n. 

(Text-figs. 5, 52, 53, 54, 73) 

6. Length 4-5 mm. Colour tawny, head with a black arcuate band slightly interrupted 
at middle (Text-fig. 5), face with a narrow mesal stripe in addition to more lateral markings; 
legs with dark marks; tegmina with all veins pale brown except costal margin which is con- 
trastingly cream coloured. General structure typical for genus. Pygofer moderately narrow 
at apex, which bears spines 1 and 2, both long and symmetrical, spine 2 thicker and shorter 
than spine 1 and with a marked crease at its base (Text-fig. 52). Plates short and obliquely 
truncate, without large lateral spines (Text-fig. 54). Style with flared apex, extending slightly 
beyond plate (Text-fig. 54). Aedeagus with shaft short and slightly sinuate (Text-fig. 53). 

9. Length 5-5 mm. Colour and general structure similar to male except for the median 
stripe on the face which is usually paler. Eighth sternite (Text-fig. 73) with a fairly deep 
broad cleft apically, and with a black oblique bar on each side almost at the apical margin. 

Holotype ¢ (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). SoutH AFrrica: Pondoland, Port 
St. John, 1-11. vi.1923 (R. E. Turner). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Allotype 2. SoutH Arrica: Zululand, Gingindhlovu, (R. E. Turner). 
In B.M.(N.H.). 

18 H. H. ROSS 

ee ole Boat 

Fics. 52-54. Male genitalia of Exitianus turneri. 52, pygofer; 53, aedeagus, lateral aspect; 
54, genital assemblage, ventral aspect (one style omitted). a, aedeagus; c, connective; 
pb, pygofer; pi, plate; s, style. 

Paratypes. Same data as allotype, 3 ¢ (one without abdomen), 4 9, with inclu- 
sive dates; Natal, Kloof, 1500 ft., 1 9, vill.1926 (R. E. Turner). 
In B.M.(N.H.), one pair in Illinois Natural History Survey collection. 

This species differs from the preceding in the shorter plates and other details of 
the genitalia, and in the contrasting pale costal margin of the tegmina. In this 
latter character it resembles the following species, from which it differs in details 
of the male genitalia and the female eighth sternite. 

Exitianus zuluensis sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 61, 62, 63, 74) 

3. Length 5 mm. Colour tawny, the head with an arcuate black band on vertex, and 
almost equally dark median stripe on the face. Lateral areas of face and legs with dark mark- 
ings. Tegmina with all veins brown except the costal margin which is cream colour. General 


structure typical for genus. Pygofer (Text-fig. 63) with apical half strongly narrowed and 
upturned, ending in a single, dorsally-directed heavy black spine (presumably number 2). 
Plates short, broadly rounded at apex, and without large lateral setae (Text-fig. 61). Style 
with apex obliquely truncate, only moderately wide, extending almost to the apex of the 
plate (Text-fig. 61). Aedeagus with shaft relatively small, slightly angulate near middle, 
and narrowed at extreme tip (Text-fig. 62). 

2. Length 5:5 mm. Colour and general structure same as male. Eighth segment with 
transverse posterior margin and with a pair of dark areas, one on each side, just in front of 
posterior margin (Text-fig. 74). 

Fics. 55-63. Male genital parts of Exitianus spp. 55, 56, 57, E. okahandia (holotype) ; 
58, 59, 60, E. natalensis (holotype); 61, 62, 63, E. zuluensis (holotype). 55, 58, 61, 
style, ventral aspect, with outline of plate shown beneath; 56, 60, 63, pygofer; 57, 59, 
62, aedeagus, lateral aspect, 

20 H:. H. ROSS 

Holotype $ (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). SouTH AFRICA: Zululand, Eshowe, 
vi.1926 (R. E. Turner). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Allotype 2. Same data as holotype. In B.M.(N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data as holotype, 3 9, 3 without abdomens, with inclusive 
dates, vi-vii. In B.M.(N.H.), 1 Qin Illinois State Natural History Survey collection. 

This species is readily distinguished from the preceding by the peculiar upturned 
pygofer, and from the species that follows by its pale colour pattern. 


Fics. 64-67. Male genital parts of Exitianus spp. 64, E. attenuatus (holotype), apex 
of right side of pygofer; 65, same (paratype), apex of right and left sides of pygofer, 
respectively; 66, same (paratype), quartering posterior view of aedeagal shaft; 67, 
E. pondus (holotype), apex of pygofer. 

Exitianus natalensis sp. n. 

(Text-figs. 6, 58, 59, 60, 75) 

3. Length 4:5 mm. Base colour of dorsum chiefly tawny, vertex of head (Text-fig. 6) 
with a very wide black arcuate band, pronotum with lateral dark marks, mesonotum with 
lateral black triangles, face mostly black with tawny enclosed areas, the facial marks running 
up onto vertex; venter and legs mostly black; tegmina with veins brown and costa contrast- 
ingly cream coloured. General structure typical for genus. Pygofer (Text-fig. 60) with apical 
half strongly narrowed and upturned, the tip bearing spines 1 and 2, their bases contiguous, 
spine 1 very slender, shorter than 2, spine 2 long and massive. Plates fairly short, and apex 
broadly rounded, the lateral margin without large setae (Text-fig. 58). Style with relatively 
long apex, which is truncate and which almost reaches the margin of the plates (Text-fig. 58). 
Aedeagus with shaft relatively small, curved near middle, and narrowed at extreme tip (Text- 

fig. 59). 

Holotype ¢ (pinned, abdomen in glycerine). SoutTH AFrRIca: Natal, Van Reenen, 
Drakensberg, 1-22.1.1927 (R. E. Turner). In B.M.(N.H.). 

Three females from Pondoland, Port St. John (B.M.(N.H.)), may belong to this 
species. In general colour pattern they resemble the male closely, but the prono- 
tum and mesonotum are both much darker and therefore there is a possibility that 
they may represent another undescribed species. The eighth sternite has the apical 
margin transverse and uniformly dark coloured (Text-fig. 75). 



[ y ne 

De ee ae 74 [ = 
i te nee 75 

Fics. 68-77. Apex of female eighth sternite. 68, E. plebeius (holotype); 69, E. indicus 
(holotype); 70, E. capicola (holotype); 71, E. taeniaticeps (Libya); 72, E. okahandia 
(allotype); 73, E. turneri (allotype); 74, E. zuluensis (allotype); 75, E. natalensis 
(Pondoland); 76, E. nanus (holotype); 77, E. africanus (holotype). 


Bythoscopus africanus Walker, 1851 : 873. Type @ seen in B.M.(N.H.), from 
Sierra Leone (Morgan), 42, 31. The banded head (much as in Text-fig. 10) and the 
elongate ovipositor indicate that this species is a member of Exitianus, but the 
eighth sternite has a straight posterior margin and a pair of large posterior dark 
spots (Text-fig. 77). No males have been associated with this distinctive specimen, 
apparently representing a valid species. 

Athysanus capicola Stal, 1855 : 99. Type 9 seen in the Stockholm Museum, from 
Meru, Neider. This is a typical member of the ¢aeniaticeps group, with head banded 
much as in Text-figure 9 and the eighth sternite with a median notch (Text-fig. 70). 
At present it is impossible to associate this specimen with a recognized species. 

Eutettix pallida Evans and selbyi Evans, 1938 : 14. Both of these species were 
described from @ types collected in Queensland, and might prove to be additional 
junior synonyms of plebeius. The leafhopper fauna of Australia is as yet not well 
enough collected to make undue assumptions concerning the identity of females in 
this group of species. 


Two species placed in Exitianus by Evans (1966) do not belong in this genus— 
Nephotettix contemptus Kirkaldy (1906) and Nephotettix eurytus Kirkaldy (1907), 
both described from Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. I have examined the 9 holotypes 
and an associated ¢ of contemptus; they appear to belong to Hybrasil Kirkaldy 
(1907 : 41) with brani Kirkaldy as type-species. I have not examined the type of 
the latter, but the Australian specimens mentioned agree in all but details of indi- 
vidual parts with Linnavuori’s (1960) illustrations and description of brant. 

The types of Kirkaldy’s two Australian species appear identical. The description 

22 H.H. ROSS 

of Carvaka fulvida Evans (1966), described from the Bunya Mountains, Queensland, 
Australia, is highly suggestive of the same species. The following synonymy is 
therefore offered: 

Hybrasil contemptus (Kirkaldy) comb. n. 

Nephotettix contemptus Kirkaldy, 1906 : 332. 
Nephotettix eurytus Kirkaldy, 1907 : 54. syn. n. 
?Carvaka fulvida Evans, 1966 : 244. comb. n. 

The taxonomic position of Hybrasil is uncertain. Linnavuori (1960) placed it in 
the Drabescinae and Evans (1966) his C. fulvida in the Selenocephalini (Cicadellinae). 
Salient features of the genus include the following: Clypellus constricted in middle 
and expanded at apex; front margin of head with a yellow band defined above and 
below by a low but sharp carina, and extending from eye to eye; venation typical 
but with apical two costal crossveins edged with black (as in Fieberiella); plate 
elongate, the apex narrow and partly membranous, and without large lateral setae; 
aedeagus with shaft articulated with socket; and ovipositor extending well beyond 
pygofer (as in Exitianus). Characters of the aedeagal shaft and ovipositor suggest 
an affinity with the Doraturini. 


Fics. 78-81. Male genital parts of leafhoppers. 78, Evxitianus greensladei (holotype) ; 
79, 80, 81, Nephotettix apicalis (India). 78, 79, plate, ventral aspect; 80, pygofer; 81, 
aedeagus, lateral aspect. 


On the basis of material that has been examined in this study, there is little 
problem in establishing satisfactory species-limits in the nanus-group (only one 
species), the distanti-group (only one species), and the okahandia-group (four species). 


In the obscurinervis and taeniaticeps-groups, however, the situation is far from clear. 


DeLong & Hershberger (1947) recognized eleven American species, using the 
number and juxtaposition of the pygofer spines as their primary bases of species 
separation, supplemented with colour differences. Linnavuori (1959) uses the same 
sequence of characters in keying the seven species he recognized from the neotropical 
region. Oman (1949) questions the value of the number of the pygofer spines as 
diagnostic characters. He points out that it is not uncommon to find a specimen 
having unequal numbers of these spines on the left and right sides of the pygofer; 
I have observed this same phenomenon. It is possible, however, that in some 
species the relative position of the spines (if present) may represent diagnostic 

The real crux of whether or not different entities should be considered as distinct 
species is whether or not each unit forms a continuing series of populations progress- 
ing through time and evolving independently of other genetic lineages (Simpson, 
1951; Ross, 1962). This is a theoretical concept that can be tested experimentally 
by crossbreeding if adequate material is available and techniques are known. With 
Exitianus this experimental avenue is not yet available. The only other highly 
reliable criterion of the evolutionary distinctness of bisexual phylogenetic lines is 
whether or not the species segregates occur in the same area, yet remain distinct, 
with little or no indication of hybridization. Ina number of collections of American 
Exitianus, I have found excellent evidence of different pairs of species occurring 
together with no sign of intergradation, and I infer from this that most of the des- 
cribed American species are indeed independent phylogenetic lines. 

In sorting through these collections, however, another problem has arisen that 
affects the use of existing keys and descriptions. In almost every species the males 
are darker than the females and frequently have colour patterns that are more 
distinctive and more sharply delineated than those of the females. In several 
instances the differences between the females are negligible whereas the colour 
patterns of the males are readily differentiated. This is suggestive that the distinc- 
tive patterns of the males have evolved as differential display stimuli to which only 
the correct female normally responds. 

This sexual dichromatism complicates the matter of identification, because in 
existing keys females of several species would key out to the same place, and would 
run to a different couplet than would the male of the same species. To compound 
this situation, the shape of the female seventh sternite gives a different visual image 
depending on the position in which the female died, and use of this character for 
diagnosis must be attended by extreme caution. Until much more information is 
available concerning these problems, it seems best to treat all the currently des- 
cribed American species as distinct entities. In Text-fig. 82 the species of the 
obscurinervis-group have been arranged phylogenetically on a tentative basis using 
the characters illustrated by DeLong & Hershberger and by Linnavuori. 

24 H. H. ROSS 


Of the described species, ootacamundus, kilimanus, coronatus, and greensladei are 
the only ones having distinctive colour patterns. The remainder have simply a 
more or less distinct black band across the top of the head. When abdomens of 
this unicolorous group were cleared and examined, the first thing evident was the 
striking similarity in all of them of the two pygofer spines: spine 1 long and slender, 
somewhat variable in length, and spine 2 short, black, and twisted at the apex. 
Closer inspection revealed small differences in the shape of the aedeagus, especially 
its profile. In large series of indicus, this structure has a distinctive broad shape 
compared with material from islands of the Indian Ocean and from Australia. 
Material from Asia Minor and North Africa has a distinctive clavate profile with a 
pronounced step where the two short processes arise; in some specimens from South 
Africa the aedeagus has essentially the same shape but is more massive; and in 
collections from the Sudan, unimodal intergrading populations were found that 
bridged the gap between the Asia Minor and South African types. A long series 
of material from Madagascar added two other types, one of them similar to the 
island type and the other differing only slightly from the Asia Minor type. In the 
first sorting it appeared as if the aedeagus varied randomly and locally in a fashion 
that almost defied segregation. 

On further analysis two points of considerable interest emerged. First, in the 
three Indian species, indicus, ootacamundus, and coronatus, the aedeagi were of the 
same type (Text-figs. 25, 28, 30, 31). Furthermore, in a series of several thousand 
specimens from Kharagpur there was no indication of intergradation between the 
plain banding on the head of ¢mdicus and the colour patterns distinctive for ootaca- 
mundus and coronatus. These circumstances suggest strongly that a line of the 
taematiceps group dispersed into India, evolved the indicus type of aedeagus, and 
subsequently evolved into three species now differentiated primarily on the basis 
of head patterns. Second, in Madagascar two types of aedeagi occurred in some 
of the same localities yet no intergrades were found between them. This suggests 
that these two morphological types represent true genetic isolation and that two 
phylogenetic lines are involved. 

On the basis of these two different cases, there seems to be a good possibility 
that the different morphological types of the ¢aeniaticeps group, though sometimes 
remarkably close, represent distinctive species, and they have been so treated in 
this paper. Unquestionably a tremendous amount of collecting will be necessary 
to establish the true nature of these species but until this additional information 
is forthcoming, the only clear presentation seems to call for a course that may result 
in some splitting rather than taking the chance of obscuring future leads by lumping. 


After the various species of Exitianus had been segregated, the next problem was 
to decipher the evolutionary sequence and geographic dispersal of the various 
lineages. As a first step in this evolutionary reconstruction, the species most 
similar to each other (essentially the groups expressed in the taxonomic analysis) 


were examined for inter-group differences. The various conditions found for any 
one character were then compared with conditions found in related genera in an 
effort to determine which were the ancestral and which the derived conditions. 

As is true in most inducto-deductive investigations, certain theoretical possibilities 
are realized when the study commences, and character differences are viewed in 
their possible evolutionary light from the earliest observations of character differences. 
The present study was no exception. It was first noticed that in a number of Old 
World species, pygofer spine 2 was twisted at the apex (Text-fig. 24) and that the 
profile of the aedeagus was incised at the tip to form a fine curved point (Text- 
fig. 25), whereas in the New World species spine 2 was symmetrical (Text-fig. 19) 
and the profile of the aedeagus was blunt and little incised (Text-fig. 20). Next it 
was seen that (x) in one Old World species the pygofer had four, five, or six spines 
forming an even row (Text-fig. 15), whereas in most New World species there were 
only three spines with a large space between the two more ventral spines (spine 3 
was missing, Text-fig. 19), and (2) in those Old World species with the contorted 
spine 2, there were only two spines. Finally, another group of African species came 
to light in which the plates were short and had only very small lateral setae (Text- 
fig. 54), whereas in all other species the plates were long and each had a lateral 
row of long spines (Text-fig. 78). 

A search for related genera with which to compare conditions found in Exitianus 
soon divulged the information that (1) the genus Nephotettix was the only demon- 
strable close relative of Exitianus, (2) the genera Gillettiella Osborn, Stivellus Osborn 
& Ball, Doratura Sahlberg, and other genera possessing a long ovipositor were 
components of the same tribal unit (Doraturini1) as Exitianus, and (3) many genera 
related to Athysanus Burmeister and Recilia Edwards belonged to the same large 
branch of the leafhoppers. 

In Nephotettix the pygofer has a set of apical dark spines much like those in 
Exitianus. The dorsal spine (Text-fig. 80) seems to correspond with spine 1 of 
Exitianus ; the lower four spines seem to correspond with spines 3 and 4 of Exitianus 
but are each represented by a pair of spines; spine 2 seems to be missing. The 
plate is long and triangular, bearing lateral long setae (Text-fig. 79), exactly like 
those of Exitianus. The aedeagus has the same parts as in Exitianus, but the shaft 
is highly ornamented (Text-fig. 81). Nephotettix, however, has an unusual opaque 
green ground colour and a sharply carinate forehead, and thus would appear to be 
a separate branch arising before the evolution of Exztianus as it is now represented. 
It seems reasonable to suppose that Nephotettix and Exitianus arose from a common 
ancestor that was remarkably like the manus group of Exitianus, but probably having 
a more cryptic colour pattern similar to that found in many other grass-inhabiting 

Comparing the conditions exhibited by Exitianus and Nephotettix with those found 
in other leafhopper genera, it was evident that (1) the long plates with lateral spines 
represented the ancestral condition of this structure within Exitianus, and the 
short plates represented a derived condition; (2) the larger number of pygofer spines 
was the ancestral condition for the structures, the reduced number the derived 
condition ; (3) the symmetrical pygofer spine 2 was the ancestral condition, the twisted 

26 HH. ROSS 

spine 2 the derived condition; and (4) the blunt aedeagus was the ancestral con- 
dition for this structure, the incised and pointed type the derived condition. 

From these considerations of ancestral and derived conditions, it is most likely 
that the ancestor of Exitianus (Ancestor 1 in Text-fig. 82) possessed triangular setose 
plates, at least four or five pygofer spines, all symmetrical, and a blunt aedeagus. 
These conditions are exemplified by manus, which would therefore seem to be the 
living representative still bearing this archaic combination of ancestral characters. 
The remainder of the species have lost either spine 3 or spines 3, 4, and 5. It is 
therefore reasonable to suppose that Ancestor I gave rise to a lineage losing spine 
3 and represented by Ancestor 2. Most of the native American species comprising 
the obscurinervis group represent this condition (Text-figs. 19, 20). 


EI | 






| Taeniaticeps Okahandia 

aia iak Group Group 

a Oma 
Se © 


aoe | 
NO me 
\A ate 4 
beet = 
Exitianus 3 ; bs oi 
A B c 
O style 

Pygofer Aedeagus Plate 
Fic. 82. Proposed family tree of Exitianus. Arabic numerals refer to putative ancestral 

forms explained in text. Roman numerals indicate postulated past dispersals as 
follows: I, Africa to New World; II, Africa to South Pacific; III, Africa to India. 


If one adds together the primitive conditions found in the remainder of the species 
(all native to the Old World), the result is a form having triangular setose plates, 
blunt aedeagus, and only two aedeagal spines. This ancestral form (Ancestor 3 
of Text-fig. 82) differs from Ancestor 2 only in lacking pygofer spine 4. Ancestor 3 
apparently gave rise to two lineages. In one of these, represented by Ancestors 
4 and 5, the plates did not change but the aedeagus became incised and pointed at 
the tip; in the other lineage, represented by Ancestor 6, the aedeagus did not change 
but the plates became short and their setae greatly reduced. In Ancestor 4, pygofer 
spine 2 was probably still symmetrical. Such a stage may be represented by distanti, 
although in this species spine 2 is more elongate and in this respect is specialized 
over the theoretical structure of Ancestor 4. In addition to distanti, Ancestor 4 
gave rise to Ancestor 5 in which pygofer spine 2 became twisted at the apex. 

From Ancestor 5 evolved the species of the faentaticeps group. The most primitive 
species of the group is attenuatus, in which pygofer spine 2 is only slightly contorted 
(Text-figs. 64, 65) and appears to represent a transitional condition leading to the 
more extreme asymmetry of this spine found in all other members of the taenzaticeps 
group. Nine of the remaining ten species of the group are readily grouped into 
three complexes. In the three species indicus, ootacamundus, and coronatus the 
aedeagal shaft is unusually short and broad (Text-figs. 25, 28, 30, 31). In pondus, 
taentaticeps, and frontalis the dorsal points of the shaft are situated on a steplike 
sinuation of the profile (Text-figs. 34-36, 39-42, 47). In mucronatus, plebeius, and 
greensladet the basal profile of the shaft has no such basal sinuation (Text-figs. 
43-46, 48-51). At present there seems to be no logical basis for knowing the exact 
affinities of these three complexes, hence in Text-fig. 82 their origin is depicted as 
a trichotomy. The tenth species, kilimanus, can at present be placed in the family 
tree only tentatively because of a lack of knowledge of the internal structures. 

Ancestor 6, the ‘short plate’ offshoot of Ancestor 3, is represented by the okahandia 
group. In the species okahandia, the wing colour and head proportions are similar 
to those of paler species in the other groups; in ¢turnert, natalensis, and zuluensis 
the tegmen or front wing has a fairly broad whitish costal stripe running the full 
length of the wing. These three apparently represent an offshoot of Ancestor 6 
in which this character became established. In both okahandia and turneri the 
shape of the pygofer and the position of its apical spines is typical of other members 
of the genus, hence this condition must have been present in Ancestor 6 also. From 
this we can infer that the broad, flared styles found in these two species were also 
present in Ancestor 6. From the lineage leading to turneri there arose a branch 
in which the apex of the styles became elongate (Text-figs. 58, 61) and the apex of 
the pygofer became narrowed and upturned, pygofer spine 2 became greatly en- 
larged and spine r reduced (Text-fig. 60), ultimately lost in zuluensis (Text-fig. 63). 
Judging by the character by character changes that appear to characterize much 
of insect evolution, it is a reasonable prediction that additional collecting will bring 
to light an ancestral form having either the elongate style or the highly modified 
pygofer, but not both, now found in natalensis and zuluensis. Such a form would 
give us information as to which of these character changes evolved first. 


When geographic distribution is compared with the postulated family tree of 
Nephotettix and Exitianus (Text-fig. 82), it is apparent that the genus is tropical or 
subtropical (except for the American exitiosus), and therefore has in all likelihood 
been restricted to the tropics and subtropics during almost all of its evolution. 
It is further apparent that the evolution of the entire group occurred in the Old 
World tropics with the exception of the obscurinervis group, which evolved in 
North and South America. Linnavuori recorded several South American specimens 
as taeniaticeps, which I am presuming represent a transport by man. If this is 
indeed the case, then the only natural intercontinental dispersal of which we have 
record was an Old World-to-New World dispersal of Ancestor 2. 

Considering only the Old World records, the simplest explanation is reached by 
assuming that the genus evolved primarily in Africa. The indicus branch of Ancestor 
5 apparently is a moderately old dispersal from Africa to southeastern Asia. The 
plebeius-greenslade: branch of Ancestor 5 represents another dispersal eastward to 
Australia and the South Pacific. The present day widespread distribution of 
nanus and frontalis could be the result of natural dispersal. This seems especially 
likely with regard to nanus. 

This probable African evolution of the genus poses a problem with regard to 
probably the oldest intercontinental dispersal of the genus, that of Ancestor 2 to 
the Americas, represented by Ancestor 2A in Text-fig. 82. If this occurred 
sufficiently long ago, possibly in the Eocene or early Oligocene, it would be simple 
to postulate an overland dispersal through subtropical climates across the Bering 
bridge. If this did happen it is puzzling that a branch of the genus comparable to 
the obscurinervis group did not evolve and persist in southeastern Asia. 

A second possible solution is that Ancestor 2 was carried from Africa to South 
America by wind dispersal. This explanation seems more probable because of the 
discovery of long-distance migrations of much smaller leafhoppers in moving masses 
of warm, moist air. If this were the case, it is remarkable that apparently only 
one such dispersal occurred and became established during the entire evolution of 
the genus. Dispersal patterns of grass subgenera would indicate that satisfactory 
grass hosts for Exitianus have been present in the Americas for at least the probable 
period of Exitianus evolution. 

A third explanation is that Ancestor 2 was a species with an unusually wide 
ecological tolerance, much like that of present day Nearctic exitiosus, that the species 
was able to cross into North America through warm temperate rather than tropical 
climates, and that subsequently, for one reason or another, the range of the wide- 
spread species became fragmented into Old and New World segments that eventually 
lost their ability to live in temperate climates. 

A better insight into the circumstances surrounding the American dispersal of 
Exitianus may come when we understand more about the dispersal of grassland 
communities as a whole. 


I have received much technical and advisory help in these studies from Dr. W. J. 
Knight and other officers of the British Museum, Dr. Alfred Orian, Mauritius Depart- 


ment of Agriculture, and Dr. J. P. Kramer, U.S. Department of Agriculture. To 
Mrs. Nell Miles, Urbana, Ill., Dr. F. R. Steggerda, University of [llinois, Dr. H. G. 
Walker, Los Angeles County Museum, Dr. L. W. Quate, University of Hawaii, 
Dr. D. H. Murphy, University of Singapore, Dr. J. W. Evans, Australian Museum, 
Dr. G. C. Sanderson, Illinois Natural History Survey, and Mrs. N. J. Kemp, Australia, 
I am indebted for Old World material collected or loaned, and especially to Dr. 
L. T. Gressitt and his associates, B.P. Bishop Museum, for the loan of type material. 
To the officers of the Stockholm Museum I am much indebted for courtesies accorded 
on a visit to their Museum. 

This study has also been supported by a research grant from the U.S. National 
Science Foundation and in many ways by the Illinois Natural History Survey. 


BALL, E. D. 1929. A supplemental revision of the genus Athysanus in North America 
(Homoptera : Cicadellidae). Tvans. Am. ent. Soc. 55 : 1-81. 

BERGEVIN, E. DE. 1925. Description d’une nouvelle espece d’Athysanus suceur de sang 
humain de l’extréme Sud Algérien (Hémiptére-Homoptere, Jassidae). Ayrchs Inst. Pasteur 
Algér. 3 : 42-44, 5 figs. 

DeLonc, D. M. & HERSHBERGER, R. V. 1947. The genus Exitianus in North America 
including Mexico. Ohio J. Sci. 47 : 107-116, 2 pls. 

Distant, W. L. 1908. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota- 

Homoptera. 4, 501 pp., 282 figs. London. 

1909. ‘Sealark’ Rhynchota. Tvans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. 13 (2) : 29-47, 4 pls. 

1917. Rhynchota. Part II: Suborder Homoptera. The Percy Sladen Trust Expedi- 

tion to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A. 

Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. 17 : 273-322, pls. 49-51; text-figs. I-17. 

1918. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Homoptera: 

Appendix. Heteroptera: Addenda. 7 : i—vii, I-210, 90 pls. London. 

Evans, J. W. 1938. Australian leafhoppers (Homoptera, Jassoidea). Part VIII. Pap. 
Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. 1938 : 1-18, 3 pls. 

1966. The leafhoppers and froghoppers of Australia and New Zealand (Homoptera : 

Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea). Mem. Aust. Mus. 12 : 347, 48 figs. 

IsHIHARA, T. 1954. Homopterous notes. Scient. Rep. Matsuyama agric. Coll. 14 : 1-28, 
17 figs. 

Jacosi, A. 1910. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach 
dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den Umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 
1905-1906. Unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjéstedt. Herausgegeben mit Unter- 
stiitzung von der konigl. Schwedischen Akad. der Wiss. 12. Hemiptera. 7 Homoptera. 
2: 97-136, pls. 1-2, figs. A-N. Stockholm. 

KIRSCHBAUM, C. L. 1868. Die Cicadinen der Gegend von Wiesbaden und Frankfurt a. M. 
nebst einer Anzahl neuer oder schwer zu unterscheidender Arten aus anderen Gegenden 
Europa's. Jb. nassau ver. Naturk. 21-22 : 1-202. 

KIRKALDY, G. W. 1906. Leafhoppers and their natural enemies. Pt. [X, Leafhoppers. 

Hemiptera. Bull. Div. Ent. Hawaiian Sug. Pirs’ Ass. Exp. Sin. 1 (9) : 271-479, pls. 21-32. 

1907. Leafhoppers-supplement. (Hemiptera.) Bull. Div. Ent. Hawatian Sug. Plyrs’ Ass. 
Exp. Sin. 3 : 1-186, pls. 1-20. 

LINNAVUORI, R. 1959. Revision of the neotropical Deltocephalinae and some related sub- 
families (Homoptera). Suomal. eldin-ja kasvit. Seur. van. eldin. Julk: 1-370, 144 figs. 

— 1960. Cicadellidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of Fiji. Acta ent. fenn. 15 : 1-71 
22 figs. 

30 Het ROSS 

MaTsuMuRA, S. 1914. Die Jassinen und einige neue Acocephalinen Japans. J. Sapporo 
agric. Coll. 5 : 165-240, figs. I-12. 

MetcaLF, Z. P. 1946. Homoptera. Fulgoroidea and Jassoidea of Guam. Bull. Bernice 
P. Bishop Mus. 189 : 105-148, figs. 1-30. 

MotTscHULsky, V. I. DE. 1863. Essai d’un catalogue des insectes de Vile Ceylan. Byuill. 
mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Priv. 36 : 1-153, illus. (94-113). 

Oman, P. W. 1949. The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera : Cicadellidae). A generic classi- 
fication and check list. Mem. ent. Soc. Wash. 3 : 1-253, pls. 1-44. 

Ripaut, H. 1952. Faune Fr. Homoptéres Auchénorhynques. II (Jassidae). 57 : 1-474, 
figs. I-1212. Paris. 

Ross, H. H. 1962. A Synthesis of Evolutionary Theory. 387 pp., 146 figs. Englewood 
Cliffs, New Jersey. 

Simpson, G. G. 1951. The Species concept. Evolution 5 : 285-208, 4 figs. 

STAL, C. 1855. Hemiptera fran Kafferlandet. Ofvers. K. VetenskAkad. Férh. 12 : 89-100. 

WALKER, F. 1851. List of the specimens of Homopterous insects in the collection of the British 
Museum 3 : 637-907. London. 

ZACHVATKIN, A. A. 1935. Notes on the Homoptera-Cicadina of Jemen. Uchen. Zap. mosk. 
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MaAsnER, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British 
Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. 
Pp. 143. February, 1965. 5. 

Nixon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera : 
Braconidae). Pp. 284; 348 Text-figures. August, 1965. 6. 

Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177; 
18 plates, 270 Text-figures. August, 1965. £4 4s. 

. SANDS, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, 

Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp. 172; 500 Text-figures. October, 
1965. £3 5s. 

. AuMAD,I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera : Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156; 

475 Text-figures. November, 1965. {2 I5s. 

. OxaDA,T. Dipterafrom Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae & Drosophilidae. 

Pp. 129; 328 Text-figures. 3. 

. GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family 

Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp. 168; 43 Text-figures. February, 1967. 
£3 35. 

. FLETCHER, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the 

world species of Cleova (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. 119; 14 plates, 146 
Text-figures, 9 maps. February, 1967. £3 10s. 

HeEmMING, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species 
(Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp. 509. August, 1967. {£8 Ios. 

STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rhopa- 
locera). Pp. 322; Coloured frontispiece, 348 text-figures. August, 1967. {8. 






ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 2 
LONDON : 1968 

27 MAY 1968 

Row uct 



G. E. J. NIXON, / 

Commonwealth Institute of Entomology 

Ph. 31-72; 33 Text-figures 

ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No.2 
LONDON: 1968 

(NATURAL HiSTORY), «stituted in 1949, ts 
issued in five series corresponding to the Departments 
of the Museum, and an Historical series. . 

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become 
ready. Volumes will contain about three or four 
hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed 
within one calendar year. 

In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer 
papers was instituted, numbered serially for each 

This paper is Vol. 22, No. 2 of the Entomological 
series. The abbreviated titles of the periodicals cited 
follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 

World List abbreviation: 
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). 

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 28 May, 1968 Price Eighteen Shillings 


By G. E. J. NIXON 

SYNOPSIS : : 2 : é : * : : : : 33 
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘ : , : , , F : 33 
THE GENUS Microgaster LATREILLE f , : ; A 33 
Key to species (Females) and description of species , : ; : 34 
SPECIES INQUIRENDAE P : é : ; : , : : 69 
REFERENCES . : . ; , : ; i 3 p : 70 
INDEX . ; ; d : ‘ ‘ : ; ‘ ; : 7 

The genus Microgaster, as defined by Nixon in 1965, is revised and all species falling within 
the new definition, as far as they have been recognized, are taken into account. Forty-six 
species are keyed and discussed and fourteen of these are brought forward as new. Five 
species are put in synonymy. 


IN preparing this revision I have been much helped by a very fine collection of 
Microgaster from Ireland, received on loan from Mr. A. W. Stelfox of Newcastle, 
Co. Down, N. Ireland and now the property of the U.S. National Museum. I am 
much indebted to Mr. Stelfox. I am also grateful to the following gentlemen for the 
loan of useful material: Dr. Max Fischer of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, 
Dr. Wolter Hellén of the Helsinki Museum, Helsinki, Dr. C. F. W. Muesebeck of 
the U.S. National Museum, Dr. Jen6 Papp of the Hungarian Natural History 
Museum, Budapest,and Dr. V. I. Tobias of the Zoological Institute, Leningrad. 


In my revision of the Microgasterini I redefined this genus (1965 : 267 and in key, 
: 13) restricting the use of the name to the group of species showing an obvious and 
natural relationship with the type-species, deprimator Fab. (Muesebeck & Walkley, 
I95I : 135). Many of the better known of the remaining European species were 
transferred by me to the genus Protomicroplitis. 

Microgaster of authors now consists virtually of two genera—Mzucrogaster, as 
used here, essentially N. Temperate, and Protomicroplitis Ashmead with a world- 
wide distribution and best represented in tropical regions. 

In 1965 I divided Protomicroplitis into many species-groups, some of which were 
established for species that were traditionally included in European Microgaster, 
such as marginatus Nees, abdominalis Nees and scotica Marshall. 

The species of Microgaster s. str. are remarkably alike in general facies and quite 

ENTOM., 22, 2. 2§ 

34 G. E. J. NIXON 

impossible to recognize on the characters that have been used in the past. Species 
with red hind femora have usually been called globata L. Indeed, this is the name 
that appears most frequently in the literature on European Microgaster. I do not 
know to what species it should be applied. The Linnean type no longer exists and 
the little that Linné said about it indicates that it is a gregarious parasite living in 
stalks (? reeds) “‘ in Culmis, intra folliculum communem, bombycinum, subrotundum, 
album ”’. Mucrogaster globata auctt. is a solitary parasite. The name “‘globata”’ 
is not used in this paper. 

Microgaster s. str. was recognized as a distinct segregate within the older concept 
of the genus by earlier workers. Its species have always presented a tough taxo- 
nomic problem, baffling taxonomists by what was thought to be their extreme 
variability. Only Thomson, always a pioneer in the taxonomy of difficult groups 
of insects, succeeded in defining the limits of some of the species. Marshall, who 
lacked neither carefulness nor good judgement, was handicapped by the practice, 
fashionable in his time, of gumming insects on pieces of card, thus obscuring import- 
ant areas of their anatomy. Much more recently Fahringer (1936), Telenga (1955) 
and Papp (1959, 1960) have tried to define what they consider to be species of 
Microgaster but none, unhappily, has discovered any new characters that permit 
even a partial break-down of the genus. 

Having studied Microgaster intermittently for several years, I have been able to 
find a few structural characters that narrow considerably the margin of error in 
naming species. These characters are: the presence of teeth, or even a lobe (deductor), 
on the claws, the relative proportions of the abscissae of the basal vein of the fore 
wing and the degree of sclerotization of the hypopygium. But even with the help 
of these characters, I cannot claim to have cleared away all the difficulties of species- 
differentiation in Microgaster. The correlation of the North American and Euro- 
pean species is specially in need of investigation. 

When I defined the limits of Microgaster in 1965, I stated that the first abscissa 
of the discoideus is fully equal to the second. This is true of all the species included 
below with the exception of consors sp.n. from England. In all other respects, this 
species is typical of the genus. 

As stated earlier, Microgaster is mainly confined to north temperate regions. 
It does, nevertheless, extend as far as the Oriental region, 4jibodas from Java, 
kuchingensis from Borneo and magnifica from Queensland. I include also one 
species from Mexico, nerione. 

In conclusion, it is important to state that this revision is based only on material 
that I have personally examined. For this reason, published host records are 
excluded, since no reliance can be placed on the identification of the parasites. 


t Notaulic courses widened behind and here tending to coalesce (at most separated 
by a weak keel) so that the posterior half of the mesoscutum shows a large, more 
or less sunken area of coarse rugose-punctation or rugose-reticulation. 


Gaster always in part red; tergite 2 extremely coarsely rugose and considerably 
longer than 3; apical tarsal segment of all legs enlarged; claws very large 
hypopygium heavily sclerotized all over and hence without trace of 
lateral creasing; yussatus-group 2 

Notaulic courses, if indicated at all, never reaching beyond ‘the middle of the disc: 
posterior part of mesoscutum thus never with an area of sunken rugosity; 
deprimator-group . ‘ 4 

Hind coxa red; tergite 2 hardly 1 more than twice a as wide as long; hind tarsal seement 
3 fully one and a half times longer than wide; ovipositor sheath distinctly longer 
than the hind basitarsus d 3 

Hind coxa blackish; tergite 2 fully ino and a half times wider than long: hind tarsal 
segment 3 hardly longer than wide; ovipositor sheath distinctly shorter than the 
hind basitarsus 

Gaster short, broad (Text-fig. 31); tergites 1-3 black; rest of gaster red; inner 
spur of the hind tibia not reaching middle of hind basitarsus. 

Europe rugulosus Nees (p. 68) 

Tergites 1 and 2 and most of 3 red, the rest black; head behind the ocelli shiny and 
with only weak traces of punctation; preapical segment of the antenna not more 
than twice as long as wide; flagellum yellow. Europe. Japan 

russatus Haliday (p. 67) 

Tergites 1 and 2 black, the rest broadly banded with black or more or less entirely 
black; head behind the ocelli dull, densely rugose-punctate; preapical segment of 
the antenna fully two and a half times longer than wide; flagellum brownish but 
paler beneath. North America . : melligaster Provancher (p. 68) 

Tergite 2 entirely smooth; costad abscissa of the basalis about one fifth as long as 
the mediad abscissa 

Hind coxa and hind femur black. Europe . ‘ : politus Marshall (p. 48) 

Tergite 2 never as smooth as this; almost always very strongly, coarsely sculptured; 
if almost smooth (#zbodas) then the hind coxa in part, and the hind femur entirely, 
yellow; costad abscissa of the basalis at least one quarter as long as the mediad 
abscissa ; 5 

Thorax entirely bright reddish dalwoucs hypopygiam without lateral meniieanous 
creases and, seen from the side, with its apex produced to form a long, strongly 
sclerotized spine (Text-fig. 15) 

Preapical segment of the antenna tapered distally and about two and a half 
times ae. than its basal width; wings strongly, evenly, smoky yellow. Queens- 

land. . A magnificus Wilkinson (p. 66) 
Thorax black ¢ or blackish; hypopygium not thus produced at apex, though some- 
times it may be without lateral creases (gvandis-subgroup) : 6 

Face either virtually impunctate or more often with an even punctation, there being 
no indication of transverse or almost transverse vermiculate rugosities towards 
Vertex around the ocelli smooth, shining; claws simple P 7 
Face much less shining and with a predominantly rugose sculpture ‘and almost 
always with a clear indication of vermiculate rugosities towards sides; rarely the 
sculpture reduced to a vague, confused aciculation (tjibodas) or obsolescent 
(mevione) . : ; ‘ : : : 14 
Face smooth, except for mainate setierous punctures. 
Basal half of ventral surface of gaster bright yellow; flagellum long, thin, with 
somewhat outstanding pubescence; its preapical segment hardly less than twice 
as long as wide. Europe : : ; : ‘ : procerus Ruthe (p. 45) 
Face with distinct punctation 8 
Face, anterior part of mesopleurum, mesosternum, with a heavy. discrete puneta: 
tion; preapical segment of antenna about two and a half times longer than wide; 






hypopygium, except at extreme tip, heavily sclerotized all over, without trace of 
a fold along the middle line 
Very large species, c. 6 mm., with the whole of the hind leg blackish. E. 
Siberia ; ; reticulatus Shestakov (p.65) 
Face and more especially the anterior part of the mesopleurum and mesosternum 
with a much finer, sparser punctation, the surface at first sight sometimes appear- 
ing polished and almost impunctate; preapical segment of the antenna at most 
hardly twice as long as wide; hypopygium, except in one species which has the 
hind femur almost entirely red, tightly folded along the middle line in death and 
with more or less distinct lateral creases : 9 
Hairy part of ovipositor sheath very distinctly less than half as Jong. as the hind 
tibia; hind femur red, blackened at tip; inner spur of the hind tibia not extending 
beyond basal two thirds of hind basitarsus. 
Very small species, c. 2-5 mm. without ovipositor. Europe opheltes sp. n. (p. 48) 
Hairy part of ovipositor sheath at least about two thirds as long as the hind tibia; if 
somewhat shorter, then the hind femur entirely dark; inner spur of the hind tibia 
longer ‘ : . : : : ‘ : é : ; 10 
Hind femur entirely red. 
Antennal segments 15-17 somewhat barrel-shaped so that the apical antennal 
segments appear loosely articulated (Text-fig. 5). Europe 
fulvicrus Thomson (p. 45) 

Hind femur at least with a darkened ap : , : : : < : ; II 
Hind femur entirely black ‘ ; ; : : ; : ‘ : 12 
Hind femur red with a darkened tip . , 13 

Hairy part of ovipositor sheath not more than two thirds as s long as the hind tibia; 
posterior tangent to the anterior ocellus not, or hardly, cutting the posterior pair. 
Very dark species with heavily infumated wings; antennal segments 15-17 
cylindrical, with 17 varying from one and a half to one and two thirds times longer 
than wide. Europe . . curvicrus Thomson (p. 46) 
Hairy part of ovipositor sheath about three cuarters as long as the hind tibia; 
posterior tangent to the anterior ocellus distinctly cutting the posterior pair 
(Text-fig. 14). Europe : 7 erro sp. n. (p. 46) 
Tergites with very narrow, pale, apical margin: ‘tergite 3 with a yellowish spot on 
each side; first abscissa of the discoideus not longer than the second; setae of the 
median cell as dark towards base of cell as at apex. Europe obsepiens sp. n. (p. 47) 
Tergites entirely black; no yellow spot on each side of tergite 3; first abscissa of the 
discoideus more or less distinctly longer than the second; setae of the median cell 
dark only within about apical quarter; elsewhere colourless and almost absent. 

Ireland ‘ ; fulvicrus Thomson, var. A (p. 46) 
Hind coxa entirely, or in large part, yellow: (if the yellow colour is not sharply dis- 
crete, then the apical tergites are marked with yellow) . 15 
Hind coxa black or dark brown; at most somewhat paler beneath or ‘at apex (epagoges, 
brittont) ; ‘ ‘ : : : ‘ - é d ‘ 19 
Hind coxa entirely yellow. 
Gaster conspicuously pale-marked or banded with yellow on apical segments . 16 
Hind coxa darkened at base. ‘ ‘ ‘ : i ; 17 

Claws long, thin, evenly curved (Text- fig. 12); 3 inner spur of the middle tibia not 
reaching apex of basal segment of tarsus; tergites 4-6 with weakly indicated, 
pale, longitudinal, median band. Europe ‘ : auriculatus Fab. (p. 55) 
Claws of ordinary form; inner spur of the middle tibia reaching apex of basal segment 
of tarsus; tergites 4-6 with dark, longitudinal, median band, sometimes so narrow 
that segments appear virtually yellow. 
Hind tarsus and apex of hind tibia deeply infuscate, North America 
leechi Walley (p. 65) 










Apical tergites conspicuously banded with yellow. 
Ventral surface of gaster entirely yellow; hind leg distal to coxa entirely reddish 
yellow; anterior half of mesoscutum with fine, shrivelled rugosity, stronger along 

the imaginary course of the notaulices; radius leaving stigma far distal to middle. 

North America . : : ; ; 3 ; gelechiae Riley (p. 65) 
Apical tergites entirely dark : é : 18 
Gaster largely dull reddish; tergite 2 almost smooth: mesoscutum, except for its 

anterior declivity, polished, smooth-looking; hind femur entirely yellow; claws 

with minute, basal spine. Java . : : .  tjibodas Wilkinson (p. 67) 
Gaster virtually black; tergite 2 very coarsely rugose-reticulate; mesoscutum 

markedly dull, rugose almost all over; hind femur weakly infuscate at apex; 

claws with 2-3 teeth. North America. England pantographae Muesebeck (p. 62) 
Claws with a conspicuous, basal lobe (Text-fig. 9); head from in front markedly 

triangular (Text-fig. 29). 

Mesoscutum densely, heavily punctate all over and, at the origin of the notaulic 

courses, rugose-punctate. Europe. : : deductor sp. n.(p. 49) 
Claws never lobed, but sometimes toothed or pettiiate: head from in front not 

triangular . . 20 
Hind claw with one to eno long teeth or oe to four fine, close, black spines (Text- 

Ags..3; 6). : : ; ; : : 21 
Hind claw at most with a ‘single, fine: black spine at base : : 30 

Hind claw bent almost at right angles near base and with one to two strong teeth 
(Text-fig. 8); the distal tooth almost as pale and as long as that part of the claw 
distal to it. 
Preapical segment of the antenna more or less square in outline; hairy part of 
the ovipositor sheath fully three quarters as long as the hind tibia. . 22 
Hind claw less bent and with two to four spine-like teeth that are somewhat darkened 
and do not reach the level of the claw-tip; the claw, hence, simply pectinate (Text- 
fig. 6) ; 24 
Metacarp short, only about one and one tara Genes longer (hen ie distance from ihe 
apex of the radial cell; stigma rather short and broad (Text-fig. 25); at least the 
anterior half of the mesoscutum with much fine, shrivelled rugosity, the lines of the 
notaulices more strongly rugose; tergite 2 very coarsely rugose-reticulate, without 
obvious longitudinal elements in the sculpture; slightly longer than 3, the dividing 
suture deep, somewhat rugose; tergite 3 with distinct traces of rugosity (vague 
rugose-punctation) ; inner spur of the hind tibia longer. North America 
congregatiformis Viereck 
Metacarp longer, at least twice as long as its distance from the apex of the radial cell; 
stigma longer, narrower; anterior half of the mesoscutum more shiny and smoother; 
tergite 2 with weaker rugosity, in which there are obvious longitudinal elements; 
not longer than 3, the dividing suture smooth; tergite 3 virtually smooth; inner 
spur of the hind tibia shorter, only about three fifths as long as the hind basitarsus 23 
Flagellum bristly, the pubescence of segment 17 being equal to about one third the 
width of the segment (Text-fig. 1); hind femur entirely red or with faint, dark 
patch above at base; no trace of short, longitudinal keel between the posterior 
ocelli. Europe . crassicornis Ruthe (p. 49) 
Flagellum less bristly, the pubescence ‘of segment ba not more than one quarter the 
width of the segment; hind femur blackened at base and along upper margin; 
nearly always a very short, longitudinal keel between the posterior ocelli. Europe. 
areolaris Thomson (p. 49) 
Hypopygium heavily sclerotized all over and without a trace of lateral creases. 
Hind femur black; hind tibia deeply infuscate but slightly paler along dorsal 
surface; ovipositor sheath about half as long as the hind tibia; ovipositor thick, 
evenly curved. Mexico : ; : : d : .  nerione sp. n. (p. 68) 

ENTOM. 22, 2. 28s 











Hypopygium more feebly sclerotized laterally thana long the middle line and always 
with some lateral creasing in the dead insect 

First abscissa of the discoideus distinctly shorter than the second (Text- fig. 2 3): 
costad abscissa of the basalis hardly more than one quarter as long as the mediad 
abscissa; hind claw with two pale spines; ovipositor sheath about three quarters as 

long as the hind tibia. England . ; ; . consors sp. n. (p. 

First abscissa of the discoideus as long as, or longer thas; the second; costad abscissa 
of the basalis fully one third as long as the mediad abscissa; hind claw with two 
to four thickened spines 

Hind coxa somewhat brownish beneath; middle coxa "yellowish brown. 

Flagellum fulvous beneath; hind tibia reddish fuscous, becoming faintly darker 

towards apex and with yellowish, basal ring. North America epagoges Gahan (p. 

Hind and middle coxa black 

Metacarp more sharply defined, short, only a little longer than its distance from the 
apex of the radial cell; hind femur black; hairy part of the ovipositor sheath 
distinctly less than half as long as the hind tibia. 

Mesoscutum conspicuously punctate over anterior half. Europe tibialis Nees (p. 

Metacarp less sharply defined, at least about one and a half times longer than its 
distance from the apex of the radial cell and then, canadensis, mesoscutum not 
obviously punctate in front; hind femur red, with at most the apex darkened; 
hairy part of ovipositor sheath fully two thirds as long as the hind tibia ‘ 

Metacarp about one and a half times longer than its distance from the apex of the 
radial cell; first abscissa of the radius virtually straight; hind tibia with weak, but 
distinct apical infuscation; hairy part of ovipositor sheath hardly two thirds as 
long as the hind tibia. North America . ; ‘ canadensis Muesebeck (p. 

Metacarp about twice as long as its distance from the apex of the radial cell; first 
abscissa of the radius markedly convex on its distal side (Text-fig. 24); hind tibia 
with conspicuous, apical infuscation; hairy part of the ovipositor sheath distinctly 
more than two thirds as long as the hind tibia 

Scutellum coarsely punctate; the punctures large and separated by one to two 
diameters, except posteriorly; mesopleurum towards front with clearly defined, 

dull surface sculpture between its large, round punctures. Europe eupolis sp. n. (p. 

Scutellum with at most scattered punctures along sides; mesopleurum smooth and 
shining between its punctures 
Species with deeply blackened hind tarsus and black tip to hind tibia, con- 
trasting with deep red hind femur. Europe. Mediterranean Region 

deprimator Fab. (p. 

Costad abscissa of the basalis hardly one quarter as long as the mediad abscissa. 
Gaster yellow on basal half beneath; antenna thin, with segment 16 fully twice 
as long as wide; flagellum bristly; hairy part of ovipositor sheath about one third 

as long as the hind tibia. Europe. North America , novicius Marshall (p. 

Costad abscissa of the basalis one third to one half as long as the mediad abscissa . 
Hind tibia black with white basal ring; fore wing hyaline, sharply infuscate distal to 
middle of radial cell and with dark band enveloping first abscissa of radius 
Hind spurs white and hind tarsus as black as its tibia; scape somewhat reddish; 
costad abscissa of the basalis at most about one third as long as the mediad 
abscissa (Philippines); much shorter than this (type series, Borneo). Indo- 

Australian Region : .  kuchingensis Wilkinson (p. 

Hind tibia never black with white, basal ring: hyaline and infuscate areas of fore 
wing never as sharply discrete as this 
Eyes strongly convergent below (Text-fig. 32). 
Small species, c. 2-3 mm., with the mesoscutum confusedly rugose-punctate 
almost all over and the hind sic bright reddish yellow with darkened apex. 

Macedonia : ‘ : : ; ‘ : .  phryne sp. n. (p. 





















Eyes never as strongly convergent below as this : 33 
Hypopygium very short, heavily sclerotized all over, not tightly folded along the 
middle line and without trace of lateral creases. 

Antenna very long, the preapical segment fully twice as long as wide; surface 
between and around the ocelli with some sort of sculpture; hairy part of ovipositor 
sheath at most nearly half as long as the hind tibia, its apical edge with a row of 
stiff bristles that contrast with the longer hairs below them (Text-fig. 11); this 
tuft poorly defined in the North American brittoni but this species has the dorsum 
of the gaster conspicuously yellow-marked P ; 34 

Hypopygium usually considerably longer and not thus evenly and heavily sclerotized 
so that, in the dead insect, it tends to be tightly folded along the middle line and 
usually shows one or more lateral creases; (creases hardly evident in fischeri but 

this species is less than 2-5 mm.) . 36 
At least tergite (2 + 3) heavily marked with yellow: hairy part of ovipositor sheath 

almost half as long as the hind tibia. North America. brittoni Viereck (p. 54) 
Dorsum of gaster entirely black; hairy part of ovipositor sheath only about one 

third as long as the hind tibia : 35 

Mesoscutum, at least over anterior two thirds, core large, well separated punctures: 
hairs of the head and mesoscutum unusually long and conspicuous; hind tibia 
infuscate at apex. Europe . : grandis Thomson (p. 53) 
Mesoscutum without distinct punctation, but strongly rugulose in front; hairs of 
the head and mesoscutum short, inconspicuous; hind tibia uniformly red through- 
out. Europe ; : acilius sp. n. (p. 53) 
Claws unusually large and conspicuous (Text- fig. 10); mesoscutum dull, densely 
rugose-punctate almost everywhere; apart from the medial, polished area, the 
mesopleurum in front and below is densely rugose-punctate; posterior tangent to 
the anterior ocellus not touching the posterior pair; the rugosity of the meso- 
pleurum extends over the area posterior to the sternaulic pit. Europe 
deceptor sp. n. (p. 55) 
Claws normal; mesoscutum never as dull or as extensively sculptured as this, though 
there may be conspicuous, shrivelled rugosity along the imaginary course of the 
notaulices; mesopleurum shiny and with at least a somewhat superficial, less close 
punctation; ocelli in a lower triangle, the posterior tangent to the anterior ocellus 
at least touching the posterior pair; if the mesopleurum shows coarse rugosity, 
then this does not extend over the area posterior to the sternaulic pit ; 37 
First abscissa of the discoideus very distinctly longer than the second (Text-fig. 22) 
Mesoscutum rugulose almost all over; hind femur infuscate at tip; hind tibia 
deeply infuscated on about apical third; basal half of ventral surface of gaster 
bright yellow. Austria : ‘ caris sp. n. (p. 61) 
First abscissa of the discoideus never ‘distinctly longer than the second . : . 38 
Ovipositor sheath very long, its hairy part as long as the hind tibia. 
Both hind femur and hind tibia with blackened tip; flagellum very slender, with 
bristly pubescence and the preapical a at least one and a half times longer 

than wide. Europe . : . subcompletus Nees (p. 56) 
Ovipositor sheath at most three quarters as Jong ; as the hind tibia and then the hind 
femur is not tipped with black ; 39 

Distance between the anterior ocellus and a posterior ocellus about equal to the 
diameter of the anterior ocellus. 
Surface between and around the ocelli almost smooth; hind femur entirely red; 
hind tarsus almost as red as its tibia; hairy part of ovipositor sheath about two 
thirds as long as the hind tibia. Europe , laeviscuta Thomson (p. 56) 
This distance usually markedly less than the diameter of the anterior ocellus; if not, 
then the surface around the ocelli shows some striation radiating outwards from 
the ocellar triangle or the hind femur is blackened at least at apex . ‘ : 40 










Tergite 1 tending to become smooth and polished over the greater part of its horizon- 
tal surface; hind tibia tricoloured, deeply infuscate over distal half, red at middle 
and whitish on about basal fifth 
Mesoscutum smooth, shining, even in front; scape bright reddish. S. Europe 
asramenes sp. n. (p. 62) 
Tergite 1 strongly sculptured everywhere; hind tibia not tricoloured 41 
Hypopygium very strongly developed, long, acute, extending well beyond the apex 
of the gaster (Text-fig. 18). 
Hind femur blackish; hind tibia becoming progressively more strongly infuscate 
from base to apex; flagellum very bristly, with the preapical segment about one 
and one third times longer than wide; metacarp nearly three times as long as its 

distance from the apex of the radial cell. Finland . ; ductilis sp. n. (p. 58) 
Hypopygium rarely approaching this length and then the hind femur is entirely or 
predominantly reddish or yellowish and the flagellum is not noticeably bristly . 42 

Hind femur varying from entirely black to red with usually at least a dark 
streak above at base; if entirely red, then wings virtually hyaline. 

Small species, at most about 3 mm., without ovipositor : F ; 43 
Hind femur rarely blackened and then the species are considerably eae ‘ : 44 
Larger, about 3 mm. without ovipositor; hind tibia pale reddish, without trace of 

apical infuscation 

Wings virtually hyaline; antenna short with segments 16-17 and often 15 not or 
only very slightly longer than wide; ovipositor evenly curved throughout (Text- 
fig. 17), thinner than in laeviscuta. Europe. North America. 

hospes Marshall (p. 57) 
Smaller, about 2:3 mm. without ovipositor; hind tibia becoming infuscate in about 
apical third 

Hind femur infuscate almost throughout or entirely ; ovipositor sheath very short, 
hardly more than half as long as the hind tibia; propodeum having a somewhat 
flattened appearance. Europe : ; : . fischeri Papp (p. 64) 

Anterior half of mesoscutum very distinctly pakvtate. though the punctures tend to 
become crowded and form rugose-punctation at the origin of the imaginary 
notaulic courses; anterior part of the mesopleurum somewhat coarsely rugose. 

Wings strongly infumated; at least the apex of the hind femur strongly infus- 
cated; surface around the ocelli polished, smooth; ovipositor sheath with numerous, 
outstanding bristles. Austria ; ; famulus sp. n. (p. 59) 

Anterior half of mesoscutum without such deine panetation though there may be 
considerably rugosity along the course of the notaulices; with punctation feebly 
indicated at front of middle lobe; anterior part of mesopleurum with a prevailing 
sculpture of discrete punctation that may be very weak or superficial; if the 
sculpture here is somewhat coarse and not resolvable as ae ita then the 
wings are virtually hyaline . 45 

Tergite 2 at most about two and a half times wider than long (Text- fig. 3 3) and dis- 
tinctly longer than 3. 

Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath a little less than half as long as the hind 
tibia; hind tarsus almost as red as its tibia; head considerably sculptured around 
and between the ocelli; flagellum long, tapering, the preapical segment fully one 
and a half times longer than wide; front part of mesoscutum strongly rugose or 
rugose-punctate. Europe . sticticus Ruthe (p. 59) 

Tergite 2 about three times wider than long and not distinctly longer than 3; hairy 
part of ovipositor sheath distinctly more than half the length of the hind tibia . 46 

Femora predominantly Bilas smaller, c. 3 mm. without ovipositor. North 
America. ‘ peroneae bana (p. 58) 

Femora predominantly reddish; larger, C. ‘s 2mm. without Ovipositor . 47 


Ovipositor abruptly downcurved in about apical third; no transverse striation to 
the side of the ocelli; spines of the outer side of the hind tibia rather short and 

sparse, especially at about middle; sculpture at the origin of the notaulic courses 
fine, weak. Europe . parvistriga Thomson (p. 61) 


12 13 

Fics. 1-13. Microgaster, 9: Apical flagellar segments of 1, crassicornis Ruthe. 2, sticticus 
Ruthe. 3, evro sp.n. 4, curvicrus Thomson. 5, fulvicrus Thomson. 6, deprimator 
Fab., hind claw. 7, laeviscuta Thomson, inner spur of left hind leg. 8, crassicornis 
Ruthe, hind claw. 9, deductoy sp.n., hind claw. 10, deceptoy sp.n., hind claw. 11, 
grandis Thomson, ovipositor sheath (lateral). 12, auriculatus Fab., middle claw. 13, 

procerus Ruthe, ovipositor sheaths (dorsal). 

42 GB. Je. NIXON 

— Ovipositor weakly but evenly curved throughout; considerable striation to the side 
of the ocelli; spines of the outer side of the hind tibia longer, more numerous; 
sculpture at the origin of the notaulic courses very coarse, the sculpture extending 
much further onto the disc than in parvistriga, 
Hind femur red with at most the faintest trace of apical infuscation. Europe 
alebion sp. n. (p. 60) 

Fics. 14-19. Microgaster 9: 14, erro sp.n., ocellar triangle. 15, magnificus Wilkinson, 
apex of gaster (lateral). 16, nerione sp.n., hypopygium and ovipositor (lateral). 17, 
hospes Marshall, apex of gaster (lateral). 18, ductilis sp.n., apex of gaster (lateral). 
19, deceptor sp. n., head from above. 


Fics. 20-25. Microgaster, 2: Distal half of fore wing of 20, deceptor, sp. n. 21, tibialis 
Nees. 22, caris, sp.n. 23, comsors sp.n. 24, deprimator Fab. 25, congregatiformis, 

44 G. E. J. NIXON 



Fics. 26-33. Microgaster, 9: Distal part of fore wing of 26, politus Marshall. 27, fulvicrus 
Thomson. 28, grandis Thomson. 29, deductoy sp.n.; head (from in front). 30, laevi- 
scuta Thomson, distal part of fore wing. 31, vugulosus Nees, gaster (dorsal). 32, phryne 
sp. n., head (from in front). 33, sticticus Ruthe, gaster (dorsal). 

Microgaster procerus Ruthe 
(Text-fig. 13) 
Microgaster procerus Ruthe, 1860 : 115. 

2. Basal half of ventral surface of gaster yellow. Maxillary palpi pale yellow. Hind 
femur red with darkened tip; hind tibia at apex and hind tarsus, infuscated. Fore wing faintly 
smoky; metacarp paler than the stigma. 

Head above smooth, polished. Flagellum thin, somewhat pale beneath, distinctly bristly; 
the preapical segment almost twice as long as wide. 

Mesoscutum having a highly polished appearance, even in front, where there are traces of 
very superficial punctation; no rugosity at the origin of the notaulic courses. Costad abscissa 
of the basalis fully two-fifths as long as the mediad abscissa; first abscissa of the discoideus 
distinctly a little longer than the second. Inner spur of the hind tibia fully three quarters 
as long as the hind basitarsus. 

Tergite 1 somewhat narrowly triangular, its sculpture towards sides tending to be predomin- 
antly longitudinal. Hairy part of ovipositor sheath about half as long as the hind tibia; seen 
from above, the hairs of the sheaths are particularly long and outstanding (Text-fig. 13). 

6. Like the female in colour and sculpture. 

Length: ¢ 9, c. 5 mm. without ovipositor of female. 

Material examined: FINLAND. GERMANY. IRELAND. 34, 49. 

Distinct among those species with non-rugose face on general reduction of sculpture 
together with colour, especially that of the ventral surface of the gaster. 

The single Irish male I have seen differs from two Finnish males in that the 
middle femur is streaked with black above and the base of the gaster is not bright 
yellow; this may be due to discoloration. 

Microgaster fulvicrus Thomson 
(Text-figs. 5, 27) 
Microgastey fulvicrus Thomson, 1895 : 2240. 

9. Maxillary palpi brownish, the basal segments almost black. Hind femur entirely red; 
hind tibia with darkened tip, sometimes hardly noticeable; hind tarsus deeply infuscated. 
Fore wing somewhat darkened; the radial cell contrastingly paler than the large third cubital 
cell adjacent to it. 

Head above smooth, polished. Apical flagellar segments (Text-fig. 5). 

Front part of mesoscutum with faint to rather sharp, fine punctation. Scutellum virtually 
impunctate. Costad abscissa of the basalis about one third as long as the mediad abscissa; 
stigma rather broad, emitting the radius virtually at middle (Text-fig. 27). 

Tergite 2 as coarsely rugose as tergite 1. Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath slightly more 
than half as long as the hind tibia; outstanding hairs fewer than in procerus (cf. Text-fig. 13). 

d. Like the female in colour and associated with it on the evidence of the short series bred 
from D. ocellana. Unless careful attention is paid to the sculpture of the face, the male is 
virtually indistinguishable from the males of several other species. 


Host: Depressaria ocellana Fab. (Oecophoridae), in England, Westmorland, 
Witherslack. Parasites emerge in May from hosts collected previous June. 

Type in the Entomological Institute, Lund, Sweden. Examined. 

ENTOM. 22, 2. 28$§ 

46 G. E. J. NIXON 

Microgaster fulvicrus, var. A. Seven females from counties Wicklow and Dublin 
in Ireland. These differ from typical fulvicrus as follows: the apex of the hind 
femur is conspicuously blackened; the two preapical segments of the antenna are 
slightly more elongate; the anterior part of the mesoscutum is more densely and 
more sharply punctate; the first abscissa of the discoideus is usually distinctly 
longer than the second; the hairs of the median cell are darkened only in about 
apical quarter of cell; elsewhere the cell appears bare, the scattered setae being 
sparse and colourless, whereas in typical fulvicrus, the setae are dark wherever 
they occur. 

Microgaster curvicrus Thomson 
(Text-fig. 4) 
Microgastey curvicrus Thomson, 1895 : 2242. 

9. Middle and hind femur entirely black; front femur yellow on about distal half; hind 
tibia dusky red, darkened at tip but the infuscation not sharply discrete and more extensive 
on inner side. Radial cell more or less as dark as the third cubital cell adjacent to it. 

Flagellum differs from that of fulvicrus in that the two preapical segments are more elongate 
and evenly cylindrical (Text-fig. 4). 

Anterior half of mesoscutum very shiny, tending to be sharply and distinctly punctate. 
Costad abscissa of the basalis a little longer than in fwlvicrus so that the discoidal cell is slightly 
more elongate; abscissa 1 of the radius slightly more obliquely placed than in fulvicrus and 
slightly more curved. 

Ovipositor sheath as in fulvicrus. 

¢g. I associate with the female numerous males, caught in certain localities, with females, 
in England (Kent: Wye and Dartford Heath) and showing the same colouration. 

Distribution: ENGLAND. FINLAND. SWEDEN. A common species; some seventy- 
five specimens examined. 

Host: Depressaria pallorella Zeller (Oecophoridae). Host collected July; parasites 
emerge following May. In southern England, Mr. R. L. E. Ford has swept the 
species commonly from broom (Cytisus) in June. 

Type in the Entomological Institute, Lund, Sweden. Examined. 

Microgaster curvicrus, var. A. Three females from SWITZERLAND: Valais, Les 
Haudéres and Ferpecle, vi and CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Tatra Mts., v. These females 
have the hind tibia blackened throughout; the apical segments of the flagellum 
are slightly more slender than in typical examples and slightly more bristly; the 
hairy part of the ovipositor sheath is slightly less than half as long as the hind tibia. 

Superficially, curvicrus s.l. is much like ébialis but differs strikingly in the sculp- 
ture of the face. 

Microgaster erro sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 3, 14) 

9. Extremely like curvicrus and differing from it by little more than the characters given 
in the key. The most obvious difference is the longer ovipositor of evvo but the difference in 
the shape of the ocellar triangle may have equal importance. 


Whereas in curvicrus, the apical infuscation of the hind tibia tends to spread over almost a 
third of the tibia, in erro it is restricted to the extreme apex but tends to be faint and in one 
of the three females from Semsjarvi is absent. 

Flagellum not at all tapered apically. (Text-fig. 3). First abscissa of the radius slightly 
more curved than in curvicrus. 

Length: larger than curvicrus, c. 6 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 9. Frintanpb: Lemland (Hellén), Helsinki Museum. 

FINLAND: Berg, 1 9, (Hellén); Carelia, Semsjarvi, 3 9, 
(Hellén); Helsingfors, 3 2 (W. Nylander). SwiTZERLAND: Valais, Les Haudeéres, 
4,000-8,000 ft., 3 9, vi.1935 (J. E. & R. B. Benson). The seven Finnish females 
are paratypes. 

The three females from Switzerland are somewhat doubtful; they do not have 
the flagellar segments so bristly as in the type series. In one of them, the hind 
tibia is infuscate almost throughout; and in colour is thus exactly like var. A of 

In curvicrus the ovipositor itself is strongly curved, rather thick and distinctly 
shorter than the hind tibia; in evvo, it is longer than the hind tibia, less thick and 
less curved. 

I have examined a female of what I believe to be this species from Cyprus; it 
differs from the Finnish specimens as follows: hind tibia without a trace of apical 
infuscation. Flagellum somewhat tapered apically, with the two preapical segments 
slightly longer, though this appearance may be deceptive for the segments are 
somewhat collapsed. Ocelli in a higher triangle, the posterior tangent to the an- 
terior ocellus not cutting the posterior pair. Anterior part of the mesososcutum 
more shining and having altogether a much more polished appearance, the punc- 
tation being almost absent. 

The combination of the above differences may constitute specific validity but 
needs to be seen in further specimens before a decision on this point can be reached. 

Microgaster obsepiens sp. n. 

9. Wings strongly darkened; stigma suffused with reddish on about basal third. All the 
femora red, except that the hind femur is faintly tipped with black; hind tibia also faintly 
darkened at tip and yellowish on about basal fifth. Basal half of ventral surface of gaster 
reddish yellow; a reddish yellow spot on each side of tergite 3. 

Flagellum as in curvicrus, the apical segments tightly articulated and having an evenly 
cylindrical appearance; its pubescence so short as to be virtually not outstanding. 

Front part of mesoscutum sharply and quite strongly punctate. Front femur slightly less 
thick and slightly longer than in both curvicrus and fulvicrus; inner spur of the hind tibia 
relatively a little shorter than in both curvicrus and fulvicrus, not more than two thirds as 
long as the hind basitarsus. Radius leaving stigma more obviously distal to middle than in 
both fulvicrus and curvicrus; first discoidal cell exactly as in curvicrus. 

Ovipositor sheath slightly more than half as long as the hind tibia. Tergites with thin, 
pale apical margin. 

Length: 5 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 9. GERMANY: Berlin, Finkenburg (Hellén), Helsinki Museum. 

48 G. E. J. NIXON 

In colour, this species approaches procerus more closely than it does either fulvicrus 
or curvicrus but differs from Ruthe’s species in having very distinct punctation on 
both face and mesoscutum; the flagellum is also considerably shorter than in procerus. 

Microgaster opheltes sp. n. 

9. Hind femur red with dark tip; hind tibia also red with dark tip; middle femur with 
faint dark streak above. 

Flagellum without bristly pubescence; preapical segment about one and one third times 
longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum very shiny, even in front, and here with only a weak trace of punctation; much 
weaker than in both curvicrus and fulvicrus. Costal abscissa of the basalis between one third 
and one half as long as the mediad abscissa; first discoidal cell elongate, as in curvicrus; first 
abscissa of the radius virtually straight and leaving the rather broad stigma only very slightly 
beyond middle. Hind spurs whitish, the inner one not extending beyond basal two thirds 
of hind basitarsus. 

Tergite 2 weakly sculptured (compared with most species of the genus), distinctly shorter 
than 3. Ovipositor sheath (hairy part) distinctly less than half as long as the hind tibia, ca. 

Length: c. 2:5 mm., without ovipositor; a small species. 

Type 9. Europe, YuGOsLAVIA: Macedonia, Lake Ochrid, (R. L. 
Coe), B.M. (N.FL.). 

Paratype 9. NORTHERN IRELAND: Co. Down, Cranfield Pt., 1.vii.1957 (A. W. 

Size, colour and short ovipositor are the main features of this species. The 
usefulness of the other characters mentioned must be accepted with caution since 
they are based only on two specimens. 

Microgaster politus Marshall 
(Text-fig. 26) 
Microgaster politus Marshall, 1885 : 260. 

Q. Legs predominantly brownish, the hind femur almost black. Wings more or less hyaline. 

Face smooth-looking, almost polished and with only the merest trace of punctation. Pre- 
apical segment of flagellum about one and one third times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum highly polished. Suture between scutellum and mesoscutum reduced to a very 
narrow, foveolate groove. Hind spurs whitish, the inner one reaching only a little beyond 
the middle of the hind basitarsus. Fore wing (Text-fig. 26). 

Ovipositor sheath nearly three quarters as long as the hind tibia. 

6. Like the female in colour and sculpture. 

Length: 3 9, c. 3mm. without ovipositor of female. 

Distribution: ENGLAND. IRELAND. SWEDEN. Not common. 

Type in the B.M. (N.H.). 

An easily recognized species. Apart from the polished second tergite, the short 
costad abscissa of the basalis is very characteristic. 

Microgaster deductor sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 9, 29) 

A highly aberrant species on account of its lobed claws (Text-fig. 9). 

Q. Hind femur entirely red; middle femur dark beneath; hind tibia red throughout. Wings 
almost hyaline. 

Head from in front rather narrowly triangular (Text-fig. 29). Pubescence of flagellum 
hardly noticeable; preapical segment about one and a quarter times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum densely punctate almost all over and coarsely rugose-punctate at the origin 
of the notaulic courses. Scutellum closely punctate along each side. Mesopleurum with large, 
conspicuous punctures almost everywhere. 

Tergite 2 fully as long as 3. Tergites beyond 2 unusually densely and extensively hairy. 
Ovipositor sheath about three quarters as long as the hind tibia. 

g. Like the female but the palpi almost black and the middle femur more extensively 
blackened at base. The lobe of the claws is less well developed than in the female but will 
nevertheless distinguish this male from all others available for consideration in this synopsis. 

Length: 3 9, c. 5:2 mm. without ovipositor of female. 

Type 2. FINLAND, Ivalo (Hellén), Helsinki Museum. 

Paratypes. Same data: 1g, 19. LaApLanp: Tornekrask, 1 9. 

In the Lapland female, the hind femur is darkened at base above and the middle 
and front femora are more extensively blackened at base than in the two Finnish 
females. The colour of the legs is likely to be variable. 

An unmistakable species on account of the structure of the claws. 

Microgaster crassicornis Ruthe 
(Text-figs. 1, 8) 
Microgaster crassicornis Ruthe, 1860 : 124. 

This species has been confused in the literature with some of the other species 
with equally red legs but because of its toothed claws crassicornis could actually 
be confused only with areolaris. The essential differences between the two species 
have been given in the key. 

Q. The flagellum is more bristly than in any other species known to me and this, combined 
with the shortness of the apical segments, provides one of the most useful features for recognizing 
the species (Text-fig. 1). 

Mesoscutum in front without punctation but there is considerable rugosity at the origin 
of the notaulic courses. Inner spur of the hind tibia hardly equal to two thirds the length 
of the hind basitarsus. Ovipositor sheath fully three quarters as long as the hind tibia. 

Host: Eupithecia denotata Guenée (now pimpinellata Hiibnagel) (Geometridae), 
England, Lyle Coll. in B.M. Bred from same host in Germany, Hinz Coll. 

Microgaster areolaris Thomson 

Microgastey areolaris Thomson, 1895 : 2240. 

Q. The legs are altogether darker than in crassicornis, the basal and apical infuscation of 
the hind femur being a conspicuous feature of all the specimens I have examined, 

50 G. E. J. NIXON 

Flagellum considerably longer than in crassicornis. Face somewhat gabled along the middle; 
towards the antennal sockets, the keel is more prominent than in crassicornis. 

Sculpture of tergite 2 very variable and on the whole very weak; in one of two Scottish 
examples, the surface is almost smooth; when clearly present, the sculpture is predominantly 

Metacarp almost three times as long as its distance from the apex of the radial cell, a little 
longer than in crassicornis. Claws slightly weaker than in crassicornis. 

g. Ten males that I associate with this species (Poland, 8), (Switzerland, 2) have the claws 
toothed like the female; in all of them the middle femur is blackened and in the two specimens 
from Switzerland (Valais) the hind femur is almost entirely black. 

This is perhaps a Northern species. 

Microgaster consors sp. n. 
(Text-fig. 23) 

9. Hind femur red with infuscation at base beneath (type) or entirely blackish; hind tibia 
without apical infuscation. Wings only faintly tinted, almost hyaline. 

Flagellum not bristly; preapical segment almost square in outline. 

Mesoscutum on the whole smooth-looking but finely rugose at the origin of the notaulic 
courses. Propodeum unusually finely and evenly rugose and with only a very weak, medial 
keel. Costad abscissa of the basalis short, not much more than one quarter as long as the 
mediad abscissa; stigma somewhat broad; metacarp fully three times as long as its distance 
from the apex of the radial cell (Text-fig. 23). 

Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath fully three quarters as long as the hind tibia; apex of 
the ovipositor with two to three very small serrations, as seen from above. 

Length: c. 3:8 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 2. ENGLAND: S. Devon, Kingsteignton, Stark’s Pond, 24.v.1942 (J. F. 
Perkins), B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. ENGLAND: Surrey, Byfleet, 1 9, 9-11.v.1947 (R. B. Benson) ; Herts., 
Brickett Wood, 1 9, 20.v.1936 (R.B.B.). 

I associate with the females seven males, on the strength of wing and claw charac- 
ters. These were all captured in May (England, Herts., Brickett Wood; Bucks., 
Farnham Common; Surrey, Wimbledon Common). With one exception (Brickett 
Wood) all have the hind femur infuscate throughout, that is, very dark brown. 

This species is largely characterized by the shortness of the first abscissa of the 
discoideus, and long ovipositor sheath. 

Microgaster tibialis Nees 
(Text-fig. 21) 

Microgaster tibialis Nees, 1834 : 168. 
Microgaster pluto Morley, 1936 : 211, Syn. n. 

Q. Rather small, very dark species with dusky reddish hind tibia, infuscated on about 
apical third; both middle and hind femur entirely black or blackish. Wings strongly smoky. 


Antenna rather short, not bristly; preapical segment at most about one and a quarter times 
longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum conspicuously punctate, the punctures tending to fade out at about posterior 
third. Scutellum with a few scattered punctures. Costad abscissa of the basalis between 
one third and one half as long as the mediad abscissa; first abscissa of the discoideus fully 
as long as the second; first abscissa of the radius leaving the stigma considerably distal to 
middle and very obliquely placed (Text-fig. 21). 

N. W. Europe. Common. 

Host: Gracillaria tringipennella Zeller (Gracillariidae) ; Peronea aspersana (Hiibner) 

In size and colour this species is much like curvicrus but easily separated by the 
sculpture of the face, among several other characters. 

Microgaster deprimator Fab. 
(Text-figs. 6, 24) 

Ichneumon deprimator Fab., 1798 : 227. 
Microgaster australis Thomson, 1895 : 2240, syn. n. 

9. This large species is almost recognizable to the naked eye by its deeply infumated wings 
and strongly blackened hind tarsus, contrasting sharply with the intensely red hind femur. 
In one female (Switzerland, Miistertal, 1,400 m.) the hind femur is weakly infuscated at base; 
it is possible that more extensive darkening may occur in specimens taken at high altitudes. 

Whole of median part of face with simple, though rather coarse punctation. Flagellum 
thick, markedly tapered apically; its pubescence so short as to be almost imperceptible; pre- 
apical segment from one and one third to one and a half times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum much less noticeably punctate than in ¢ibialis. Mesopleurum, except for a 
small posterior area, closely punctate. Lateral keel of the propodeum very strongly raised 
behind so that the surface between it and the medial keel is almost concave. 

6. Claws pectinate like the female (Text-fig. 6). Colour usually similar but the hind tarsus 
often not contrastingly darkened. Propodeum equally characteristic. 

Length: ¢ 9, c. 5-5 mm. without ovipositor of female. 

Distribution: CENTRAL EuROPE as far as SPAIN and TURKEY. CYPRUS. PERSIA. 
N. Moncorta (1 3). Thomson records australis from N. Italy, not N. Europe, as 

given by Fahringer (1937 : 334). 

Microgaster eupolis sp. n. 

9. Apart from the essential differences given in the key, this species may be compared with 
deprimator as follows: 

Wings much less smoky. Distribution of light and dark leg-colouration much as in depri- 
matory, except that the hind tarsus, especially in the type, is considerably reddened. 

Surface immediately surrounding the ocelli considerably rugose; temples coarsely rugose in 
comparison with deprimator. Apical segment of antenna less narrowly conical but since only 
two females are available, this may have no significance. 

Mesoscutum coarsely punctate; course of notaulices marked by a band of coarse rugose- 
punctation. Propodeum exactly as in deprimator. Hind coxa on lower half very closely, 
strongly punctate. 

Length: c. 5-2 mm, without ovipositor, 

52 G. E. J. NIXON 

Type 9. AusTRIA: Tyrol, Seiseralpe, 1893, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. 

Paratype. AvusTRIA: Innsbruck, H6ttinger Berg, 1,700 m., IQ, 20.viii. 1950 

I associate with the above two females a single male from ITaLy (Dolomiti, Passo 
Campolongo, 6.ix.1954 (G. J. Kerrich)). This has the characteristic mesoscutal 
sculpture of the females and the densely punctate hind coxa, but the punctures 
of the scutellum are smaller and hence more widely spaced; the punctation of the 
mesopleurum is equally strong and conspicuous but the interspaces show hardly 
a trace of surface sculpture. 

Microgaster epagoges Gahan 
Microgaster epagoges Gahan, 1917 : 197. 

Q. Flagellum fulvous throughout but darker above. Hind femur red with faint apical 
infuscation. Basal half of ventral surface of gaster yellowish. 

Flagellum not bristly; preapical segment about one and one third times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum not punctate in front but considerably roughened, the sculpture still stronger 
at the origin of the notaulic courses. Hind claw with three to four spine-like teeth. 

Sculpture of tergites 1 and 2 particularly coarse; 3 also considerably sculptured. Hypopy- 
gium thin, membranous, yellowish and with numerous lateral creases. 

Length: c. 3-5 mm. without ovipositor. 

Material examined: U.S.A., Tennessee, Nashville, 1 9 paratype, in B.M. (N.H.). 

Host: Epagoge sulfureana Clemens (Tortricidae). 

I cannot be sure that this species, represented by the single paratype in the 
British Museum, is really distinct from Microgaster phthorimaeae, as represented by 
a single female in the B.M.(N.H.), determined by Muesebeck and _ evidently 
one of three specimens recorded by him (1922 : 41) from California, Pasadena but 
not part of the type series. These three examples of phthorimaeae were bred from 
Phthorimaea operculella Zeller. 

Apart from slight differences in colour—the broken flagellum of phthorimaeae is 
pale only beneath—I can find no differences of particular significance. Certainly 
there is a short keel beneath the antennal insertions in epagoges, as specially men- 
tioned by Muesebeck and only the merest trace of one in the single specimen of 
phthorimaeae but in my opinion this is a feature of only doubtful specific value. 

Microgaster phthorimaeae Muesebeck 
Microgaster phthorimaeae Muesebeck, 1922 : 40. 

See discussion under epagoges. Not included in key because not sufficiently differ- 
entiated from epagoges on the material available to me in the B.M. (N.H.). 

Distribution: U.S.A., California, Oxnard (type locality); Pasadena, 1 2 paratype, 
in B.M. (N.H.). 

Host: Phlyctaenia ferrugalis Hiibner (Pyralidae), host of type series; Phthorimaea 
operculella Zeller (Gelechiidae). 


Microgaster novicius Marshall 

Microgaster novicius Marshall, 1885 : 252. 
Microgaster swammerdamiae Muesebeck, 1922 : 37, Syn. n. 

9. This is a small species, characterized essentially by three features: long, thin antenna 
with bristly flagellum; very short costad abscissa of the basalis and very short ovipositor. 

The pale parts of the legs are yellow rather than red; hind spurs whitish; hind femur faintly 
darkened at tip above. 

Metacarp almost four times as long as its distance from the apex of the radial cell. 

Ovipositor sheath only about one third as long as the hind tibia. Hypopygium rather 
heavily sclerotized but still tightly folded along the middle line in death and without lateral 

Length: c. 3 mm. without ovipositor. 

Distribution : SCOTLAND (Lanark, Cadder) (type in B.M.(N.H.)). FINLAND, Kempele, 
I Q, Fliitis, 1 2 (hind femur of this female entirely infuscate and fine rugosity of 
the notaulic courses extending further backwards than in other females). NortTH 
AMERICA (9, paratype of swammerdamiae, in B.M.(N.H.)). 

Host: Swammerdamia castanea Busk (Hyponomeutidae), host of type series of 
swammerdanuae in North America. 

Microgaster grandis Thomson 
(Text-figs. 11, 28) 
Microgaster grandis Thomson, 1895 : 2242. 

9. Hind femur varying from entirely red to entirely black. 

Flagellum long, markedly tapering to apex; preapical segment fully twice as long as wide. 

Hairs of the median cell sparse, becoming still sparser to widely absent along the medius 
side of the cell; radius leaving stigma very obviously beyond middle; stigma rather narrow 
(Text-fig. 28); costad abscissa of the basalis fully half as long as the mediad abscissa. 

Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath about one third as long as the hind tibia. 

3g. Like the female in hairiness and punctation of mesoscutum. The median cell shows 
the same sparseness of hairs. 

Length: 3 9, 4:5 mm. without ovipositor of female. 


Host: Cunephasia chrysanthemana Duponchel (Tortricidae), 19, England, Kent, 
Bexley, collected May, emerged June same year (R. L. E. Ford). Aphelia viburniana 
Fab. (Tortricidae), 1 9, England, Yorks., Ling Hill, emerged 2. vii. 1965 (J. Bradley) ; 
the hind femur of this female is entirely black. 

This is one of the more distinct species, characterized largely by the long hairs 
and very characteristic punctation of the mesoscutum. 

Microgaster acilius sp. n. 

2. Has a hypopygium similar to that of grandis, with which, in addition to the characters 
given in the key, it may be compared as follows: 

Hind femur red, except for faint infuscation at extreme tip. 

Upper surface of the head with more rugosity. 

54 G. E. J. NIXON 

The coarse rugosity at the origin of the notaulic courses extends almost to middle of disc; 
similar rugosity occurs along the middle line in front so that the mesoscutum anteriorly has a 
strongly rugose appearance but along the middle of the lateral lobes the surface tends to 
be much smoother. Costad abscissa of the basalis slightly shorter; first discoidal cell slightly 
less elongate; metacarp very slightly shorter, about one and two thirds times longer than its 
distance from the apex of the radial cell; median cell showing an even distribution of setae. 
Inner spur of the hind tibia slightly shorter, not more than two thirds as long as the hind 

Gaster slightly narrower. Tergite 2 a little longer than 3. Seen in profile, the postero- 
dorsal edge of the hypopygium is deeply sinuate; this is more obvious than in grandis. 

Length: c. 3-5 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 2. ENGLAND: Kent, Wye Downs, (R. L. E. Ford), B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data: 19, 8.vii.1946 (G. E. J. Nixon). Kent, Dartford 
Heath, 2 9, 16.ix.1960 (R. L. E. Ford); Dulwich, 2 2, 24.viii.1885 (Billups). 

Mr. Ford has taken a series of nine males with the two females from Dartford 
Heath that I think may well belong to this species; they show the same strong 
rugosity of the anterior part of the mesoscutum a similarly short metacarp and 
similarly coloured legs. The association, however, must be regarded as circum- 
stantial for I am unable to define the male clearly in relation to the males of other 

In general facies, the female bears a striking resemblance to sticticus, differing 
from it by hardly more than the degree of sclerotization of the hypopygium, the 
arrangement of bristles at the apex of the ovipositor sheath and the longer flagellar 

Microgaster brittoni Viereck 

Microgaster (Microgaster) brittoni Viereck, 1916 : 202. 
Microgaster brittoni Viereck; Muesebeck, 1922 : 36. 

Through the courtesy of Dr. Muesebeck, I have been able to examine a male and 
two females of this species, all determined by him. 

2. Apart from differing from acilius in its extensively yellow-marked gaster, brittoni is 
extremely like that species. 

The front part of the mesoscutum is more evenly and more evidently rugose than in acilius. 
First discoidal cell more elongate, as in grandis. Hind femur narrow and very evenly widened 
towards apex. Tergite 1 appears shorter than in acilius and is more abruptly and strongly 
widened towards apex. Ovipositor sheath distinctly longer. 

$. Incolour and in sculpture of mesoscutum like the female. Beyond this there is nothing 
useful I can say about this specimen. Dr. Muesebeck assures me that it is an excellent match 
of Viereck’s type. 

Material examined: U.S.A., Mass., Holliston, 19. Michigan, Tuscola, 1 4. 
CANADA: Toronto, I 9. 

This species, together with grandis and acilius form a small species-group within 
the larger aggregate, characterized by the long, somewhat tapering flagellum, with 
its very elongate preapical segment, the evenly sclerotized hypopygium and the 


differentiated tuft of bristles at the apex of the ovipositor sheath. This tuft is 
not too readily seen in the two females of brittont but is more distinct in the specimen 
from Holliston. 

Microgaster deceptor sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 10, 19, 20) 
An aberrant species on account of large claws and heavily sculptured thorax. 

. All femora and all tibiae entirely reddish yellow. Basal half of gaster beneath yellowish; 
gaster otherwise, except for the black first and second segments, dark brown. 

Head from above strongly narrowed behind the eyes (Text-fig. 19). Temples almost coarsely 
rugose; traces of rugose-punctation immediately behind the ocelli. Flagellum thin, the pre- 
apical segment about one and a half times longer than wide. Ocelli in a higher triangle than 
in the other species in this synopsis except auriculatus. 

Costad abscissa of the basalis fully two thirds as long as the mediad abscissa; areolet some- 
what characteristic in shape (Text-fig. 20). Apical tarsal segments of all legs somewhat en- 
larged (Text-fig. 10). Propodeum with a longer, more clearly differentiated, dorsal surface 
than in the other species of the genus, somewhat dull looking, densely intricately rugose; the 
posterior corners rather strongly produced backwards. 

Tergite 2 three times as wide as long and markedly longer than 3; tergite 3 with a group 
of large punctures towards sides. Widened, hairy part of ovipositor sheath a little less than 
half as long as the hind tibia. Hypopygium in type shows no lateral creasing but is tightly 
folded along the middle line; in paratype distinct creasing is visible. 

Length: 4 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 9. FINLAND: Juuga (Woldstedt), Helsinki Museum. 

Paratype. Same data: 1 9. 

Apart from its long claws, this species has the mesoscutum more heavily sculp- 
tured than in any other species, excepting the russatus-group (but cf. auriculatus) 
On structure of propodeum, enlargement of apical tarsal segment and lengthening 
of tergite 2, this species and auriculatus are transitional towards russatus and 
rugulosus, the two species that formerly constituted the genus Hygroplitis, now 
treated as a synonym of Muicrogaster (Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951 : 135, Nixon, 

1965 : 267). 

Microgaster auriculatus Fab. 
(Text-fig. 12) 

Ichneumon auriculatus Fab., 1804 : 69. 
Microgaster auriculatus Fab.; Spinola, 1808 : 147. 

A most distinctive species, characterized by the pale-marked gaster, short ovi- 
positor and especially by the long claws. On claw-length different from typical 
species of Microgaster with the exception of deceptor to which it appears to be closely 
related and with which it may be compared as follows: 

9. Hind coxa entirely reddish yellow; (hind tibia missing); Scape reddish yellow on basal 
half; flagellum pale. Tergite 1 suffused with reddish; 2 still paler; 3 reddish yellow; a wedge- 
shaped mark of the same colour extending along the middle of the following three tergites. 

56 G. E. J. NIXON 

Head from above less exaggerated in appearance, less narrowed behind the eyes (cf. Text- 
fig. 19). Ocelli in a high triangle as in deceptor. Flagellum thin as in deceptor but broken in 
the single specimen available; twelve antennal segments present on left side. 

Mesoscutum less rugose. Front part of mesopleurum without the dense punctation charac- 
teristic of deceptor but nevertheless with coarse rugosity within the prepectal area. Claws 
thinner, slightly longer and more evenly curved; apical tarsal segment of all legs less obviously 
enlarged. Areolet of the fore wing not characteristic in shape. 

The pale honey-yellow hypopygium is more evenly sclerotized than in deceptor and is without 
a trace of lateral creasing. Ovipositor sheath as in deceptor. 

Material examined: GERMANY: I 9, labelled ‘“‘ Fiirstenberg i.M. Konow ”’, “ auri- 
culatus F. Coll. Marshall ’’ and “ Microgaster auriculatus F. det Szepligeti”’. This 
specimen received on loan from the Hungarian Natural History Museum. 

M. auriculatus and M. deceptor clearly represent a small species-group within 
Microgaster, characterized essentially by the long claws. 

Microgaster subcompletus Nees 

Microgaster subcompletus Nees, 1934 : 165. 
Microgaster carinata Packard, 1880 : 25, Muesebeck, 1922 : 38, syn. n. 

2. Scape and flagellum pale beneath. Pale parts of the legs somewhat yellowish; front 
and middle femora entirely pale. Basal half of ventral surface of gaster yellowish. 

Mesoscutum without punctation in front but rugose at the origin of the notaulic courses; 
the rugosity sometimes extending almost to middle of disc. Mesopleurum in front strongly 
shining and with only minute setiferous punctures. 

Ovipositor evenly but weakly curved and rather thick. 

N.W. Europe. NortH AMERIcA, ? Mass. (carinata). According to Muesebeck, 
in litt., carvinata may not be native to North America. 

Host: Pyramis atalanta Linn., (Nymphalidae), in Europe and North America. 
Notarcha ruralis Scopoli (Pyralidae), Europe in B.M. (N.H.). Both hosts live 
concealed in folded or rolled leaves of nettle (Urtica). 

This, the only gregarious species of Microgaster known to me, is easily recognized 
by its long, thick ovipositor, thin, bristly antenna and black-tipped hind femur 
and hind tibia. 

Dr. Muesebeck has confirmed that carinata falls as a synonym of subcompletus. 

Microgaster laeviscuta Thomson 
(Text-figs. 7, 30) 
Microgaster laeviscuta Thomson, 1895 : 2239. 

This is one of a small group of species previously confused by older writers under 
the name “ globatus Nees ’’. 

Q. All the femora and tibiae red; hind tarsus almost as red as its tibia; hind spurs as red 
as their tibia. 


Flagellum somewhat thick, not bristly, usually pale beneath and with the two preapical 
segments obviously longer than wide. The two apical segments of the maxillary palpi rather 

Mesoscutum considerably roughened in front but without obvious punctation. Front part 
of the mesopleurum shiny, at most finely rugose. Spines of the outer side of the hind tibia 
pale and short, the thicker ones along upper edge of tibia clearly a little shorter than the finer 
spines on the lower side; inner spur of the hind tibia rather short in relation to the outer one 
and not reaching beyond basal two thirds of the hind basitarsus (Text-fig 7). First abscissa 
of the radius very obliquely placed on the stigma (Text-fig. 30). 

Ovipositor thick, forming an even curve; the straight line joining its extremities equal to 
the length of the hind tibia. 

Length: c. 4 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type in the University Museum, Lund, Sweden. Examined. 

Host: Argyroploce dimidiana Sodofisky (Eucosmidae) (in England); Acrobasis 
tumidana Schiffermiiller (Crambidae) (in Czechoslovakia); Tortrix viridana L. 
(Tortricidae) (in Czechoslovakia). 

Very important for the recognition of this species is the shortness of the inner 
spur of the hind tibia (not an easy feature to appreciate!), and the thick, evenly 
curved ovipositor. 

Microgaster hospes Marshall 
(Text-fig. 17) 

Microgaster hospes Marshall, 1885 : 257. 
Microgaster comptanae Viereck, 1911 : 403, Syn. n. 

9. Very close to laeviscuta but smaller and differing from it only in a few details; these are 
mainly concerned with colour. 

All the femora clouded with infuscation at least basally; sometimes the hind femur entirely 
blackish; in palest specimens the middle femur always shows a dark streak above. 

Flagellum rather short, a little shorter than in laeviscuta but the preapical segment at least 
very slightly longer than wide. 

Inner spur of the hind tibia slightly longer in relation to the length of the outer one and 
to the length of the hind basitarsus. First abscissa of the radius very slightly less curved 

than in /aeviscuta (cf. Text-fig. 30). 
Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath shorter than in Jaeviscuta, not more than half as long as 

the hind tibia. 
Length: 3—3:2 mm. without ovipositor. 

Distribution: N.W. Europe. NorTH AMERICA (comptanae). 

Type in the B.M.(N.H.). 

Host: Peronea hastiana L., Depressaria aspersana Hiibner (Tortricidae). Bred 
from both these hosts in England by R. L. E. Ford. Parasite overwinters in cocoon 
and emerges in May and June. Ancylis comptana Frohlich (Tortricidae) in North 
America, host of comptanae. 

I sent specimens of hospes to Dr. Muesebeck for comparison with Viereck’s type of 
comptanae and he has confirmed that they are the same species. 

58 G. E. J. NIXON 

The hind tibia of hospes has the same subtly distinctive appearance as that of 
laeviscuta, all the spines being just as short and pale golden in colour. 

I am not satisfied that I have clearly recognized the specific limits of hospes; 
it is a species needing further study. 

Microgaster peroneae Walley 
Microgaster peroneae Walley, 1935 : 56. 

This is a species with only a minute black spine at the base of the claws. 

9. Flagellum a little pale beneath. Hind femur bright yellowish rather than reddish with 
only a faint touch of infuscation at tip; hind tibia with weak infuscation at extreme apex; 
hind tarsus about as dark as the apex of the hind tibia but the hind basitarsus whitish at base. 

Maxillary palpi somewhat short, in comparison with, say, leechi, bright yellow. Temples 
considerably rugose. Antenna rather thin; flagellum slightly bristly, the preapical segment 
fully one and one third times longer than wide; the segment proximal to this still longer. Face 
evenly dull, confusedly rugulose. 

Anterior part of the mesoscutum considerably roughened, the lines of the notaulices markedly 
rugose as far as about middle. Anterior part of mesopleurum shiny and with large, but very 
ill defined punctures. Inner spur of the hind tibia three fifths as long as the hind basitarsus; 
hind coxa on outer side more evenly and more closely punctate than in hospes. Medial groove 
of mesosternum wide enough to show its costae; this groove is narrower in hospes. 

In one female, a paratype, tergite 3 is as rugose as 2; in the other two females, this tergite, 
though still markedly rugose, is much less so than tergite 2. Hypopygium large, tightly folded 
along the middle line in the dead insect and with numerous lateral creases. Hairy part of the 
ovipositor sheath almost two thirds as long as the hind tibia. 

Material examined: CANADA: N.S., Grand River, 12 paratype, received for 
B.M. (N.H.) through the courtesy of W. M. Mason. Ontario, Biscotasing, I 9, ex 
P. variana. British Columbia, Creston, 1 9, ex Acleris variana on Cranberry. 

Host: Peronea variana Fernald (now Aclerts v.) (Tortricidae). 

There is very little of substance to separate this species from hospes, beyond 
colour and the slightly longer ovipositor of peroneae. It is possible that the hypo- 
pygium of peroneae is larger than that of hospes but the difference is difficult to 
assess with only two females of peroneae available. 

Microgaster ductilis sp. n. 
(Text-fig. 18) 

. Dark species; hind femur blackish; hind tibia showing a dark reddish infuscation that 
deepens distal to middle; hind tarsus infuscate, as dark as the apical part of the hind tibia; 
hind spurs contrasting pale yellow. Wings strongly infumated. 

Flagellum thin, bristly; preapical segment only very slightly longer than wide. 

Anterior part of the mesopleurum very shiny, with very shallow but more or less discrete 
punctation. Metacarp fully three times as long as its distance from the apex of the radial 
cell; costad abscissa of the basalis fully one third as long as the mediad abscissa. Inner spur 
of the hind tibia three quarters as long as the hind basitarsus. 

Ovipositor sheath with unusually long, thin, basal stalk; hairy part of sheath about two 
thirds as long as the hind tibia; ovipositor slightly but evenly curved throughout. 

Length: 4 mm. without ovipositor. 


Type 9. FINLAND: Siikajoki (Wwuorentaus), Helsinki Museum. 

Paratypes. FINLAND: Aitlolahti, 1 9, vii.; Kyolimaj, 1 9; Kangasala, 1 9, vii. 

This dark-legged species is essentially characterized by the bristly flagellum and 
the long hypopygium. 

Microgaster famulus sp. n. 

Q. This species is superficially extremely like tibialis, differing from it as follows: 

In four out of six females, the hind femur is predominantly red with considerable apical 
infuscation. Wings as dark as in tibialis. 

Flagellum slightly longer and slightly bristly. 

Front part of the mesoscutum less clearly punctate. Front part of mesopleurum rather 
coarsely rugose; the same area in tibialis shows well defined, discrete punctures. Metacarp 
longer, about twice as long as its distance from the apex of the radial cell. Claws less bent 
and without spines. 

Ovipositor sheath, seen from above, with many more outstanding bristles. 

Type 9. AustrRIA: Loitsch-Krain, vii—viii (Graeffe Coll.). Naturhistorisches 
Museum, Vienna. 

Paratypes. AUSTRIA: Steiermark, Tratten b. Murau, 29, ix.; Feistritz i.d. 
Wochein, r 9. 

The face of this species is very shiny and has rather ill defined pits along the 
middle line. This is an observable difference, compared with tibialis, but it may 
have little significance. In spite of the differences given above, the specific validity 
of famulus should be accepted with some caution. 

Microgaster sticticus Ruthe 
(Text-figs. 2, 33) 
Microgaster sticticus Ruthe, 1858 : 5. 

This species closely resembles aczlius in general facies but there is a fundamental 
difference between the two species in the sclerotization of the hypopygium; that of 
sticticus, though short, is tightly folded along the middle line and laterally usually 
shows one or more creases in death. 

Q. Legs, excluding the coxae, red; rarely the middle femur with a short, dark streak above 
at base. Wings faintly, and virtually evenly, brownish. 

Head rather deeply emarginate behind. Space between the eye-margin and the ocelli trans- 
versely striate. Flagellum not bristly (Text-fig. 2). 

Mesoscutum conspicuously rugose in front, the sculpture coarser along the course of the 
notaulices. Front part of the mesopleurum strongly shining, very superficially punctate. 
Propodeum rather evenly rounded from back to front; its sculpture fine and close for the genus; 
medial keel, and lateral keel behind, weak. As in acilius, the radius leaves the stigma markedly 
distal to middle. Inner spur of the hind tibia about three quarters as long as the hind basi- 

Gaster decidedly elongate (Text-fig. 33). 

Length: c. 3:8 mm. without ovipositor. A medium sized species of slender build. 

N.W. Europe. Common. 
This species could be confused with the similarly coloured Jaeviscuta; the latter, 

60 G. E. J. NIXON 

however, has the head more transverse, the second segment of the gaster more 
transverse, the inner spur of the hind tibia relatively shorter and the ovipositor 
sheaths longer. 

Microgaster alebion sp. n. 

I regard this species, provisionally, as being composed of two generations—a 
spring form emerging from larvae of Platyptilia and a summer one parasitizing 
various lepidoptera feeding on nettle (Uvtica). These two generations are separable 
on a small difference in the length of the ovipositor but by no other criteria that 
I believe to have specific validity. It is the spring generation from Platyptilia to 
which I give the name “ alebion ”’. 

Q. The two basal sternites usually extensively yellow; in such individuals, the femora are 
entirely red; in one out of two bred females from Boxhill, the middle femur shows faint darken- 
ing at base above; hind tibia without apical infuscation; hind tarsal segments becoming in- 
fuscated towards apex, but generally as reddish as tibia. Fore wing almost hyaline. 

Head above with a considerable amount of rugosity; between the ocelli and the eye-margin 
there is always at least a trace of striation. Distance between a posterior ocellus and the 
front ocellus distinctly less than the diameter of the anterior ocellus. Flagellum not bristly, 
the preapical segment hardly one and one third times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum very strongly rugose in front, the coarse, wrinkly rugosity extending backwards 
along the course of the notaulices almost to middle; the sculpture much stronger than in the 
very similar /aeviscuta. Front part of the mesopleurum quite strongly rugose-punctate. Hind 
tibia slightly less thick than in Jaeviscuta, the spines of its outer surface having a very prickly 
appearance, being long, sharply pointed and more upstanding than in /aeviscuta; inner spur 
of the hind tibia about three quarters as long as the hind basitarsus, much longer in proportion 
to the outer spur than in laeviscuta. Costad abscissa of the basalis rather short, hardly more 
than one third as long as the mediad abscissa. 

Ovipositor sheath about three quarters as long as the hind tibia. 

Length: ca. 4 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 2. ENGLAND: Kent, Gravesend, collected, emerged, 
ex Platyptilia gonodactyla (R. L. E. Ford), B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes (females only). Same data as type, 32, 4 d; 19, 14, 
England: Kent, Polhill, 3 9, 1g,; Surrey, Boxhill, 29, 3 3, v.1951; 
39,24, All the foregoing bred by R. L. E. Ford from P. gonodactyla. 
Surrey, Redhill, r 9,, ex P. gonodactyla (W. Rait-Smith). Herts., Gade 
Valley, I 9, (R. B. Benson). 

Host: Plavyptilia gonodactyla Schiffermiiller (Pterophoridae) on Tussilago farfara 
L., (Coltsfoot). 

Microgaster alebion, var. A 

9. Differs from the nominate form only in the length of the ovipositor, the sheaths being 
two thirds as long as the hind tibia. 

ENGLAND: Hants, Stockbridge, 1 9, I g, vii. ex Vanessa atalania. Kent, Bexley, 
12, 14, collected 6.vii.1938, emerged 1.vili.1938, ex Vanessa atalanta (R. L. E. 
Ford); 8°, 3 3, vil.1943, ex Choreutis myllerana (R.L.E.F.). Surrey, Esher, 2 9, 
I g, collected 12. vi. 1947, emerged, ex Notarcha ruralis (G. E. J. Nixon) ; 


Wimbledon Common, I 9, 20.v.1947, ex N. ruralis; Redhill, I 9, 14. viii.1947, ex 
Simaethis fabriciana. Sussex, Hailsham, 1 9, vii, ex N. ruralis. 

Host: Choreutis myllerana Fabr., Notarcha ruralis Scopoli, Simaethis fabriciana L. 
These three hosts, like Platyptilia gonodactyla, the host of the nominate form, are 
all Pyralidae. Vanessa atalanta L. (Nymphalidae). Since this host, like the others 
of var. A., lives in a rolled or folded leaf of Urtica (Nettle), the possibility of mis- 
identification of host cannot be ruled out here. 

Platyptilia gonodactyla lays its eggs in September on Tussilago so that the early 
stages are available for alebion, var. A. after its cycle on the Urtica-feeding hosts. 

I have examined a series of seven females from various localities in Finland, that 
resemble var. A. in the shortness of the ovipositor sheaths but show considerable 
leg darkening. In all these specimens both hind femur and hind tibia show well 
defined apical infuscation and in some individuals, the hind femur shows also a 
patch of basal infuscation. 

Microgaster parvistriga Thomson 
Microgaster parvistriga Thomson, 1895 : 2241. 

@. All the femora reddish yellow. Wings almost hyaline. 

Face rather finely rugulose-aciculate, lacking the somewhat coarse punctate element seen in 
the facial sculpture of hospes. Vertex between the ocelli and the eye-margin without trans- 
verse striation; immediately behind and between the ocelli, the surface virtually smooth and 
highly polished. Flagellum rather short, not bristly; the two preapical segments about one 
and a quarter times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum with a polished, smooth appearance in English specimens, the weak sculpture 
at the origin of the notaulic courses hardly spreading backwards onto the disc; in a large indi- 
vidual from Germany, Berlin (Ruthe Coll. in B.M. (N.H.)), the front part of the mesoscutum shows 
more rugosity than in the English material. Costad abscissa of the basalis not more than 
one third as long as the mediad abscissa, that is, relatively shorter than in hosfes. 

Tergites 1 and 2 rather weakly sculptured compared with hospes and Jlaeviscuta, the surface 
having a smoothed-out appearance. 


Host: A series in the B.M. (N.H.) was bred in August, 1945, from catkins of 
Betula found in March of the same year. 

The determinative feature for recognizing this species is the shape of the ovipositor. 
When this is concealed within its sheaths, the species could easily be confused with 
palest forms of hospes and smallish examples of Jaeviscuta. From the latter, parvi- 
striga differs in having the first abscissa of the radius much less obliquely placed 
(cf. Text-fig. 30) and from hospes in having tergites 1 and 2 more finely sculptured. 

Microgaster caris sp. n. 
(Text-fig. 22) 

9. A brightly coloured species. The pale parts of the legs are more yellowish than reddish; 
the hind spurs are whitish and contrast strongly with the deeply infuscated apex of the hind 
tibia and the equally infuscated hind tarsus. 

62 G.E. J. NIXON 

Maxillary palpus pale yellow. Wings only faintly and evenly darkened. 

Head considerably roughened above; traces of transverse striation between the eye-margin 
and the ocelli and at temples. Flagellum thin, bristly, with the underside markedly paler; 
antennal segment 16 fully one and a half times longer than wide. 

Mesoscutum densely sculptured at least to middle, the sculpture having a somewhat shrivelled 

Tergites 1 and 2 as densely sculptured as in the majority of the species. Tergite 2 distinctly 
longer than 3; tergite 3 with pale apical margin. Ovipositor sheaths about three fifths as long 
as the hind tibia. 

Length: ¢. 3-5 mm. without ovipositor. 

Type 9. Austria: N. Tyrol, Salvenburg (Kohl), Naturhistorisches Museum, 

Same data: 1g. AvustTRIA: Jitter, 19 (Kohl). 

The single male that I associate with the female has the underside of the flagellum 
almost yellow. The sculpture of the mesoscutum is a little less extensive but the 
venational details and the colour of the legs are the same. 

Microgaster asramenes sp. n. 

?. This species has been largely characterized by the details given in the key; there is little 
to add. 

Wings faintly darkened, the colour deeper apically; a dark band envelopes the first abscissa 
of the radius and this contrasts with a large, pale area occupying almost proximal half of radial 
cell. Scape almost entirely reddish; flagellum brown, paler beneath. Basal half of gaster 
beneath, yellowish. 

Sculpture of face decidedly fine. Flagellum somewhat bristly, tapering apically; the pre- 
apical segment fully one and a half times longer than wide. Distance between a posterior 
ocellus and the anterior ocellus equal to about half the diameter of the anterior ocellus; posterior 
ocellus separated from eye-margin by about one and two thirds its diameter. Vertex between 
and around the ocelli highly polished. 

Inner spur of the hind tibia fully four fifths as long as the hind basitarsus. Submediellan 
cell of the hind wing entirely free from hairs. 

Tergite 2 as long as 3. Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath fully two thirds as long as the 
hind tibia. 

Length: c. 4-5 mm. without ovipositor. 

$. Flagellum strongly tapered, the thick, basal segments somewhat flattened; the entire 
flagellum almost yellow beneath. Tergites 1 and 2 more extensively smooth and polished 
medially than in the female. 

Type 9. TuRKEY: Cayeli, 50 ft., 22.viii.1g59 (K. M. Guichard),B.M. (N.H.). 
Taken in Alnus plantation near stream. 
Paratypes. ITALy: Napoli, 2 g, 15.viii.1953. 

Microgaster pantographae Muesebeck 
Microgaster pantographae Muesebeck, 1922 : 34. 

@. Front and middle coxae, except at base, pale yellow; trochanters of all legs and front 
and middle tibiae pale yellow; hind femur yellowish, faintly infuscate at extreme apex; the 
blackened hind tarsal segments are faintly annulated with white at base. Scape and flagellum 
brown, both paler beneath. Wings faintly and more less evenly darkened (England); virtually 
hyaline in paratype from U.S.A. 


Antenna somewhat tapering to apex; with segment 16 fully one and a half times longer than 
wide; flagellum somewhat bristly. Distance between a posterior ocellus and the anterior 
ocellus about half the diameter of the anterior ocellus; posterior ocellus separated from the 
eye-margin by about one and two thirds its own diameter. 

Submedian cell of the hind wing with scattered, colourless hairs. 

Tergite 2 very distinctly longer than 3, very coarsely reticulate-rugose; tergite 3 almost as 
strongly rugose over at least basal half. Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath about two thirds 
as long as the hind tibia; ovipositor itself evenly curved throughout. 

Length: ¢. 4-5 mm. without ovipositor. 

Distribution: U.S.A., Maine, Bangor (type locality). Various other localities 
recorded by Muesebeck. ENGLAND: Surrey, Horsley,,1 9 (J. F. Perkins), 
in B.M. (N.H.). 

Host: According to Muesebeck, pantographae described from the linden-leaf 
roller, Pantographa lineata Grote and Robinson (Pyralidae). Same author also 
gives Gelechia cercerisella Chambers (Gelechiidae) as another host. 

In the English female the hind tibia is strongly infuscated on about apical third; 
the middle part of the tibia is almost reddish and the basal fifth is yellowish; in 
the American examples (paratype and one other female examined), this contrast in 
colour is much less well marked, the apex of the hind tibia being only weakly 

This species is readily distinguished from all other N.W. European species by 
its predominantly yellow-marked hind coxa. 

Microgaster phryne sp. n. 
(Text-fig. 32) 

Q. Front and middle legs distal to coxae entirely pale reddish yellow; hind tibia with 
darkened tip and hind tarsus infuscate more or less throughout. Wings almost hyaline. 

Face finely rugose and with no obvious punctate element (Text-fig. 32). Temples consider- 
ably roughened. Flagellum thin; preapical segment about one and a third times longer than 

Mesoscutum somewhat dull and rugulose almost all over though the sculpture fades out and 
the surface becomes more shiny towards back. Costad abscissa of the basalis from one thrid 
to nearly one half as long as the mediad abscissa; stigma short, somewhat broad. Claws simple. 

Tergite 2 weakly sculptured, sometimes almost smooth. Hypopygium more or less evenly 
sclerotized, without lateral creases. Ovipositor sheaths very short, narrow, about as wide as 
the hind basitarsus; hairy part of sheath about two fifths as long as the hind tibia. Ovipositor 
rather thin, weakly downcurved at apex. 

§. Like the female in colour and sculpture but the eyes slightly less convergent. 

Length: ¢ 9, c. 2-3 mm. without ovipositor of female. 

Type 9. Europe: Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Prespa Geul,, verge of 
oak-wood (R. L. Coe), B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data: 49, 2<. 

This unusually small species is a typical Microgaster. It differs from all other 
species in having convergent eyes. This character will separate it from opheltes, 
to which it otherwise bears a very close resemblance. 

64 G. E. J. NIXON 

Microgaster fischeri Papp 
Microgaster fischeri Papp, 1960 : 120 

My knowledge of this little species is based on two male paratypes kindly lent 
to me by Dr. Max Fischer of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. 

The species was described from the neighbourhood of Vienna and, being based 
unfortunately on the male sex only, is difficult to interpret. Nevertheless, there 
are, in the B.M. (N.H.), two females and one male, from England, all of which 
agree with the paratypes in size, colour and sculpture. It is on the characters of 
the two females that I am interpreting the species and finding a place for it in the 

$2. Wings considerably, evenly, darkened. Middle and hind femur entirely blackish in 
the three English examples; in one of the paratypes, the middle femur is flushed with reddish 
along outer side in apical half; hind tibia brownish red, gradually becoming darker in about 
apical third. 

9. Face finely rugose, without a punctate element, much as in phryne. Flagellum some- 
what thin, with the preapical segment about one and a third times longer than wide, exactly 
as in phryne. Eyes not at all convergent. 

Mesoscutum considerably rugulose in front half in the two paratypes; less so in the English 
examples; the sculpture virtually not distinguishable from that of phryne. Propodeum with 
hardly an indication of a medial keel; it is sharply defined in phryne. 

In the paratypes, tergite 3 is sculptured over basal half; in the English examples, this segment 
is smooth, though not as polished as in phyrne. Ovipositor sheath as short as in phryne but 
wider; ovipositor slightly thicker, evenly curved throughout. 

Length: 3 9, c. 2-3 mm. without ovipositor of female. 

AUSTRIA: Vienna (type locality). ENGLAND: Bucks., Princes Risborough, 1 9,; Aston Clinton, 1 g,; Wendover, I 9, All 
R. B. Benson. 

Small size and very short ovipositor are important features of this species. 

Microgaster canadensis Muesebeck 
Microgaster canadensis Muesebeck, 1922 : 38. 

9. Anterior part of mesoscutum without punctation but markedly rugose at the origin of 
the notaulic courses. Preapical segment of the flagellum almost square in outline (Q from 
Canada); flagellum not in the least bristly. 

3. Flagellum very long, heavy-looking; the basal segments decidedly flattened; the whole 
flagellum markedly pale beneath. Hind claw pectinate like that of female. 

Material examined: CANADA (type locality). Ontario, 1 9, 1g, ex Compsolechia 
niveopulvella; these two specimens in B.M. (N.H.) as well as female paratype. 

Host: Compsolechia niveopulvella Chambers (Gelechiidae). No host known for 
the type series. 

Rather close to crassicornis from which it differs in not having bristly antennae 
and differently armed claws, 


Microgaster reticulatus Shestakov 
Microgaster reticulatus Shestakov, 1940 : II. 

I have seen a female of this species from the Riksmuseum, Stockholm, labelled 
““ Microgaster reticulatus, sp. n., det Shestakov, Vladivostok, Suchan (Malaise) ”’. 

9. Flagellum very long, much tapered towards apex, bristly. Costad abscissa of the 
basalis short, only about one quarter as long as the mediad abscissa. Outer side of the hind 
tibia unusually densely beset with short, thick, fire-red spines. Propodeal rugosity coarser 
than in other species known to me; the propodeum itself, especially towards sides, is clothed 
with long, silvery white hairs. 

Gaster somewhat short, tergite (2 + 3) being longer than following terg ites together ; the suture 
between tergites 2 and 3 is much deeper, broader and more distinctly costate than in any other 
species in this revision. 

Length: 2, 6 mm. without ovipositor. 

E. SIBERIA: Vladivostok. 
This is a most distinctive species, aberrant among those species with simple claws 
and probably representing a distinct species-group. 

Microgaster leechi Walley 
Microgaster leechi Walley, 1935 : 57. 

9. This species is richly marked with yellow. Scape predominantly pale; flagellum pale 
almost throughout but the 2-3 basal segments darkened above. Hind coxa yellow throughout; 
hind femur reddish yellow; hind tibia almost dull reddish, with conspicuous apical infuscation; 
hind tarsus deeply infuscate throughout. The rather long maxillary palpi pale yellow. 

Eyes, in a facial view, markedly convergent and the face with well marked keel on upper 
half; in one of the two specimens available (Ottawa), this keel is distinct as far as the clypeus. 
Flagellum somewhat thin, markedly bristly; penultimate segment one and a half times, and 
antipenultimate segment almost twice, as long as wide. 

Costad abscissa of the basalis fully two fifths as long as the mediad abscissa. Claws simple 
(cf. gelechiae); outer side of hind tibia having a prickly appearance, its spines numerous and 
rather long. 

Gaster beyond tergite 2 almost entirely reddish yellow (Clement) or with broad, medial, 
blackish band (Ottawa). Ovipositor sheath fully two thirds as long as the hind tibia; ovipositor 
evenly curved throughout. 

6. The flagellum is strikingly yellowish throughout, except that the two to three basal 
segments are darkened above; this contrast is more striking than in the female. Apex of hind 
femur faintly darkened above. 

Material examined: CANADA: Quebec, Clement, 19, det. Mason. Ontario, 
Ottawa, 1 gf, 19, vii and viii.1947 (W. R. M. Mason). U.S.A.: Maine, Dryden, 
3 3, 26.vii.1959 (G. H. Heinrich); allin B.M. (N.H.). 

Microgaster gelechiae Riley 
Microgaster gelechiae Riley, 1869 : 178. 

Superficially very like leechi with which it may be compared as follows: 

Q. Entire hind leg distal to the coxa reddish yellow, the hind tarsus being as brightly coloured 
as its tibia; the hind coxa becomes darkened on about basal half. 

66 G. E. J. NIXON 

Face broader than in leechi, the eyes less convergent and the sculpture more evenly rugose, 
finer. Hairs of the eyes slightly shorter. Flagellum not in the least bristly; the two preapical 
segments about one and one third times longer than wide. Hind claw with three pale spines. 
Ovipositor sheath almost three quarters as long as the hind tibia. Mesosternum with fine, 
transverse striation. 

6. Flagellum blackish above, faintly paler beneath. 

Material examined: U.S.A., Virginia, Great Falls, 1 9, 1 g, det. Gahan, ex Gnori- 
moschema gallae-solidaginis, in B.M. (N.H.). 

Host: Gnorimoschema gallae-solidaginis Riley. 

There is in the B.M. (N.H.) a single female from CANADA (Toronto, Ottawa, 
22.v.1956, R. B. Benson) that I believe to be this species. The yellow markings 
of the dorsal surface of the gaster are reduced to a yellow spot at each lateral corner 
of tergite 3; these spots are united by the faintly yellow, apical margin of the tergite. 

Microgaster kuchingensis Wilkinson 
Microgaster kuchingensis Wilkinson, 1927 : 176, 1929 : 120. 

A species largely characterized by the heavily blackened hind tibia with its white 
basal ring. 

@. Front and middle tarsi whitish yellow. 

Submedian cell of the hind wing without hairs. Hairy part of ovipositor sheath about half 
as long as the hind tibia; ovipositor thick, evenly downcurved. Hypopygiom short, evenly 
sclerotized and without lateral creases. 

Borneo: Kuching (type locality). PHILIPPINES: Mt. Macolod, I 9, 24.x.1953 
(H. M. & D. Townes); Mindanao, Surigao, 1 2 (Baker). 

Type in the B.M. (N.H.). 

I am puzzled by a single female from INDIA: United Provinces, Dehra Dun, ex 
Pyrausta codesalis Walker, defoliating bamboo, (Wilkinson, 1929: 120). The 
darkened areas of the fore wing are less contrasted than in typical material, the 
hind tibia is not so deeply infuscated and the pale basal ring is less sharply discrete 
and covers almost basal quarter of tibia. The striate element in the striate-punctate 
sculpture of the basal tergites of the far eastern material is absent in this single 
specimen and most of the surface of tergites I and 2 is describable as predominantly 
punctate and shiny. 

Microgaster magnificus Wilkinson 
(Text-fig. 15) 
Microgaster magnifica Wilkinson, 1929 : 120. 

2. With its entirely fulvous red thorax, darkened gaster and dark, smoky yellow wings, 
this is a very striking species. The curiously prolonged apex of the hypopygium is distinctive 
and unique among the species dealt with in this paper. 

Hind tibia deeply infuscate but paler at extreme base; hind coxa infuscate but with a yellow- 
ish streak above and below. 


Costad abscissa of the basalis fully one third as long as the mediad abscissa. Outer side 
of the hind tibia very densely spinose (cf. tjibodas). 

Tergite 2 almost as smooth and as shining as 3, but with some vague punctation along anterior 
margin. Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath about one third as long as the hind tibia; ovi- 
positor thin, straight basally but sharply downcurved at apex (Text-fig. 15). 

3g. There are two paratypes in the B.M. (N.H.). One has the gaster considerably reddened 
medially. Both have the antenna brown but considerably paler beneath. 

AUSTRALIA: Queensland, 2 2, (type and paratype); 2 3, (paratypes). 

Type in the B.M. (N.H.). 

In general heaviness of build this species is closer to kuchingensis than to tjibodas 
but for all that the two species are widely different. Whereas kuchingensis is 
striking on colour only and structurally is close to the European species with rugose 
face and simple claws, magnificus is aberrant on the shape of the hypopygium. 
This, of course, may turn out to be only a species-group character. 

Microgaster tjibodas Wilkinson 
Microgaster tjibodas Wilkinson, 1927 : 177. 

2. A brightly coloured species with the legs almost entirely yellow. The thin hind tibia 
is reddish yellow with faint apical darkening; the hind tarsus is weakly infuscated and is much 
the same colour as the darkened apex of the hind tibia. 

Sculpture of the face very fine, feebly rugose and very shiny. Flagellum thin, bristly, with 
the preapical segment fully one and a half times longer than wide. 

First abscissa of the discoideus a little shorter than the second; costad abscissa of the basalis 
slightly more than one quarter as long as the mediad abscissa. Spines of the outer side of the 
hind tibia very fine and very sparse. 

Horizontal part of tergite 1 smooth-looking, very shiny and with scattered irregular pits 
and punctures. Tergite 2 almost smooth. Hairy part of the ovipositor sheath about three 
fifths as long as the hind tibia. Hypopygium thin, membranous and with several lateral 

JAvA: Tjibodas (type locality). 
Type in the B.M. (N.H.). 
I know this species only from the type. 

Microgaster russatus Haliday 
Microgaster russatus Haliday, 1834 : 237. 

9. Flagellum pale at least beneath. Stigma usually markedly bicoloured but in one speci- 
men in the B.M. (N.H.) entirely yellow. The hind tarsus varies from black to dull reddish 
with the apical segment the darkest. 

Japanese specimens (@) have the pale parts of the body and legs yellowish rather than red 
and the apical infuscation of the hind tibia more extensive. 


Host: Orthotelia sparganella Thunberg (Plutellidae) (in the literature). Chilo 
suppressalis Walker; Chilo simplex Butler. Both in Japan. Specimens in B.M. 
(N.H.) Crambus paludellus Hiibnagel (Crambidae) (in England, bred by R. L. E. Ford). 

I do not think there has ever been any confusion about the identity of this very 
distinctive species. 

68 G. EE. J. NIXON 
Microgaster rugulosus Nees 
(Text-fig. 31) 
Microgaster rugulosus Nees, 1834 : 163. 

This species departs from the typical Microgaster pattern in that the apical, polished band 
of the scutellum becomes very narrow at middle owing to the considerable amount of punctation 
at the apex of the scutellar triangle. 

The general surface of the gaster is much duller and more sculptured than russatus and 
tergite (2 + 3) occupies a much larger area beyond the first tergite (Text-fig. 31). 

Hind coxa densely punctate all over. Hind tibia without apical infuscation; its inner spur 
unusually short, not quite reaching the middle of the hind basitarsus. 

Microgaster melligaster Provancher 

Microgaster melligastery Provancher, 1886 : 143. 
Microgastey rubricoxus Provancher, 1888 : 386. 

This species is much more closely related to russatus than to rugulosus and in fact is very 
like the former species from which it differs as follows: 

2. Two basal segments of gaster entirely dark; remaining segments either entirely darkened 
(t 2, in B.M., Canada, Ontario) or reddened along sides (2 2, U.S.A., Maine). 

Disc of scutellum more narrowed behind, even slightly constricted. Segments of the hind 
tarsus considerably shorter. Areolet in six out of seven specimens triangular; in russatus, it 
is distinctly four-sided. 

Two basal segments of gaster less transverse; tergite 3 (i.e. tergite (2 + 3) beyond the suture) 
smooth, unsculptured; in russatus, this segment shows considerable coarse, rugose punctation. 

U.S.A.: Maine, 2 9, 2g. CANaDA: Ontario, 2g,19. All in the B.M. (N.H.). 
Other characters for this species are given in the key. 

Microgaster nerione sp. n. 
(Text-fig. 16) 

2. Middle femur infuscate throughout; front femur somewhat darkened. Fore wing hyaline 
proximal to the areolet and also within the radial cell; otherwise faintly darkened. Gaster 
blackish but becoming dark brown beneath. 

Face strongly shining, its sculpture very weak, obsolescent. Ocelli in a low triangle, the 
posterior tangent to the anterior ocellus cutting the posterior pair. Flagellum long, rather 
thin, slightly bristly; antennal segment sixteen fully twice as long as wide (two apical segments 

Mesoscutum very smooth-looking, virtually without a trace of punctation in front and with 
only very weak rugosity at the origin of the notaulic courses. First abscissa of the discoideus 
distinctly shorter than the second; costad abscissa of the basalis hardly one third as long as 
the mediad abscissa so that the first discoidal cell is somewhat high. Inner spur of the hind 
tibia unusually short, only just reaching beyond middle of hind basitarsus; spines of the outer 
side of the hind tibia somewhat sparse; those along upper edge golden; those below, whitish; 
hind claw with three, close, blackish spines. Anterior part of the mesopleurum strongly 
shining, virtually impunctate. 

Tergite 1 rather strongly narrowed basally and hence markedly triangular. Tergite 2 about 
three times as wide as long, showing the usual type of rugosity but this tending to fade out 


medially; tergite 3 as long as 2. Ovipositor thick, strongly curved. Posterior edge of hypo- 
pygium markedly sinuate (Text-fig. 16). 

Length: 4:3 mm., without ovipositor. 

Type 2. Mexico: Guerrero, Omilteme, 8,000 ft., viii (H. H. Smith), B.M. (N.H.). 
A rather slender species, distinguished from all others with toothed claws by the 

evenly sclerotized hypopygium. This feature, however, does not relate the species, 
in my opinion, to the European grandts-group. 


Microgaster campestris Tobias, 1964 : 210. 
KASAKHSTAN. Tobias states that this species is close to curvicrus Thomson. 

Microgaster claritibia Papp, 1959 : 405. 
Huncary. Almost certainly a species of Protomicroplitis. 

Microgaster fusca Papp, 1959 : 407. 
HuNGARY. Papp states that this species is related to Mucrogaster postica 
Nees. Probably a species of Protomicroplitis. 

Microgaster procris Fischer, 1964 : 42. 
Austria. Bred from Procris notata Zeller (Zygaenidae). Probably a species 
of Protomicroplitis. 

Microgaster rugosicoxa Papp, 1959 : 408. 
HunGaAry. Papp states that this species is related to Mucrogaster scotica 
Marshall (now Protomicroplitis scotica (Marshall) Nixon, 1965 : 252. Evi- 
dently a species of Protomicroplitis. 

Microgaster tegularius Papp, 1959 : 407. 
Huncary. Papp says this species comes close to Microgaster circumvectus 
Lyle (now Protomicroplitis circumvectus (Lyle) Nixon, 1965 : 256). Evidently 
a species of Protomicroplitis. 

Microgaster dudichi Papp, 1961 : 154. 
GERMANY. This species certainly belongs to Microgaster s. str. Papp places 
it near tibialis Nees but this does not necessarily relate it to the species for 
which I use the name “ ébzalis ’’ in this paper. 

Protomicroplitis kasachstanica (Tobias) comb. n. 
Hygroplitis kasachstanica Tobias, 1964: 208. KAsAKHSTAN. One female 
paratype in the B.M. (N.H.), presented by Dr. Tobias. Tobias states that 
this species is related to Hygroplitis abdominalis Nees (now Protomicroplitis 
abdominalis (Nees) Nixon, 1965 : 254); it is certainly closely related to this 
species and may not really be distinct from it. Nevertheless, without examin- 
ing further specimens I hesitate to sink Tobias’ species. 

Protomicroplitis stebposa (Tobias) comb. n. 
Hygroplitis stepposa Tobias, 1964 : 209. 
This species seems to be closely related to Protomicroplitis meges Nixon, 
1965 : 251, a species transitional between the abdominalis- and scotica-groups 

70 G. E. J. NIXON 

of Protomicroplitis (Nixon, 1965); stepposa is a much more brightly coloured 
species than meges, with the hind tibia entirely reddish yellow and the meso- 
scutum with larger punctures and their interspaces much more polished. 


Fasricius, J. C. 1798. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Supplementum. pp. 

572. Hafniae. 

1804. Systema Piezatorum. Brunsvigae. 

FAHRINGER, J. 1925-37. Opuscula braconologica. 4. Wien. 

FISCHER, MAx. 1964. Zwei neue geziichtete Braconiden. Entomophaga 9 : 39-44. 

GaHaAN, A. B. 1917. Descriptions of some new parasitic Hymenoptera. Proc. U.S. natn. 
Mus. 53 : 195-217. 

Hatipay, A. H. 1834. Essay on the classification of parasitic Hymenoptera. Ent. Mag. 
2 : 225-259. 

HELLEN, W. 1954. Ubersicht iiber die Microgasterinen Finnlands. Notul. ent. 34 : 106-121. 

MARSHALL, T. A. 1885. Monograph of British Braconidae. I. Tvans. ent. Soc. Lond., 
1885 : 1-280. 

MorteEy, C. 1936. Notes on Braconidae: XV. Microgasterinae. Entomologist 69 : 209-213. 
MUESEBECK, C. F, W. 1922. A revision of the North American Ichneumon-flies belonging to 
the subfamilies Neoneurinae and Microgasterinae. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 61 : 1-76. 
NEES VON ESENBECK, C. G. 1834. Hymenopterorum Ichneumonibus affinium monographiae, 

geneva Europaea et species illustrantes. I. 320 pp. Stuttgart et Tiibingen. 

Nixon, G. E. J. 1965. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera, Braconi- 
dae). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). Suppl. 2 : 1-284. 

PacKARD, G. M. 1881 (1880). Descriptions of some New Ichneumon parasites of North 
American butterflies. Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 21 : 18-38. 

Papp, J. 1959. The Microgaster Latr., Microplitis Forst., and Hygroplitis Thoms. species of 
the Carpathian Basin (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Amnis hist. natn. Mus. hung. 51: 

1960. Zur Kenntnis der Microgaster Latr., -und Microplitis Férst—Arten Osterreichs 

(Hym., Braconidae). Z. ArbGem. dst. Ent. 12 (3) : 117-214. 

1961. Untersuchungen iiber drei Microgaster-Arten. Beitr. Ent. 2 : 154-159. 

PROVANCHER, L. 1885-1889. Faune Entomologique du Canada traitant des Hyménopteres. 
2. Additions et Corrections. 1-475. Québec. 

Ritey, C. V. 1869. First Annual Report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the state 
of Missouri, Jefferson City. 180 pp. 

RUTHE, J. F. 1860. Deutsche Braconiden. Berl. ent. Z. 4 : 105-160. 

SHESTAKOV, A. 1940. Zur Kenntnis der Braconiden Ostsibiriens. Ark. Zool. 32 : 1-21. 

SPINOLA, M. 1806-08. Insectorum Liguriae species novae aut variores. Genuae. 

TELENGA, N. A. 1955. Braconidae: Microgasterinae, Agathinae. Fauna S.S.S.R. 5 (4), 
311 pp. Moscow and Leningrad. 

THomson, C. G. 1869-97. Opuscula entomologica 2452 pp. Lund. 

Topias, V. I. 1964. New species and a new genus of Braconidae from Kazakhstan. Trudy 
zool. Inst., Leningr. 34 : 177-234. 

WALLEY, G. STUART. 1935. Five new species of Braconidae with host records of additional 
species. Can, Ent. 67 : 55-61. 

WiLkinson, D. S. 1927. On the Indo-Malayan species of the genus Microgaster (Hymenop- 

tera, Braconidae). Bull. ent. Res. 18 : 171-178. 

1929. A revision of the Indo-Australian and Ethiopian species of the genus Microgaster. 

Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 77 : 99-123. 

MUESEBECK, C. F. W., KromsBeErn, K. V. & Townes, H. K. 1951. Hymenoptera of America, 
North of Mexico. Agriculture Monogr. 2 : 1420 pp. 



Numbers in bold type are the most important page references. 

abdominalis-group (of Protomicroplitis), 69 

abdominalis, Hygroplitis, 69 
abdominalis, Microgaster, 33 
acilius, Microgaster, 39, 53, 54 
alebion, Microgaster, 42, 60 
Alnus, 62 

Aphelia, 53 

areolaris, Microgaster, 37, 49 
Argyroploce, 57 

asperdana, Depressaria, 57 
asramenes, Microgaster, 40, 62 
atalanta, Vanessa, 56, 60 
auriculatus, Ichneumon, 55 
auriculatus, Microgaster, 36, 55 
australis, Microgaster 51 

bamboo, 66 

Betula, 61 

brittoni, Microgaster, 39, 54 
broom, 46 

campestris, Microgaster, 69 
canadensis, Microgaster, 38, 64 
carinata, Microgaster, 56 

caris, Microgaster, 39, 61 
castanea, Swammerdamia, 53 
cercerisella, Gelechia, 63 

Chilo, 67 

Choreutis, 60 

chrysanthemana, Cnephasia, 53 
ciycumvectus, Microgaster, 69 
circumvectus, Protomicroplitis, 69 
claritibia, Microgaster, 69 
Cnephasia, 53 

codesalis, Pyrausta, 66 

Coltsfoot, 60 

Compsolechia, 64 

comptana, Ancylis, 57 

comptanae, Microgaster, 57 
congregatiformis, Microgaster, 37 
consors, Microgaster, 34, 38, 50 
Crambidae, 57, 67 

Crambus, 67 

crassicornis, Microgaster, 37, 49, 64 
curvicrus, Microgaster 36, 46, 48, 69 
Cytisus, 46 

deceptor, Microgaster, 39, 55 
deductor, Microgaster, 34, 37, 49 

denotata, Eupithecia, 49 
Depressaria, 45, 46, 57 

deprimator, Ichneumon, 51 
deprimator, Microgaster, 33, 38, 51 
dimidiana, Argyroploce, 57 
ductilis, Microgaster, 40, 58 
dudichi, Microgaster, 69 

Epagoge, 52 

epagoges, Microgaster, 38, 52 
erro, Microgaster, 36, 46 
Eucosmidae, 57 

Eupithecia, 49 

eupolis, Microgaster, 38, 51 

fabriciana, Simaethis, 61 
famulus, Microgaster, 40, 59 
farfara, Tussilago, 60 

ferrugalis, Phlyctaenia, 52 
fischeri, Microgaster, 40, 64 
fulvicrus, Microgaster, 36, 45, 46 
fusca, Microgaster, 69 

gallae-solidaginis, Gnorimoschema, 66 
Gelechia, 63 

gelechiae, Microgaster, 37, 65 
Gelechiidae, 52, 63, 64 

Geometridae, 49 

globata, Microgaster, 34 

globatus, Microgaster, 56 
Gnorimoschema, 66 

gonodactyla, Platyptilia, 60 

grandis, Microgaster, 39, 53, 54 

hastiana, Peronea, 57 

hospes, Microgaster, 40, 57, 58, 61 
Hygroplitis, 69 

Hyponomeutidae, 53 

kasachstanica, Hygroplitis, 69 
kasachstanica, Protomicroplitis, 69 
kuchingensis, Microgaster, 34, 38, 66 
laeviscuta, Microgaster, 39, 56, 61 

leechi, Microgaster, 36, 65 
lineata, Pantographa, 63 

magnificus, Microgaster, 35, 66 
magnifica, Microgaster, 34, 66 



marginatus, Microgaster, 33 Pyramis, 56 

melligaster, Microgaster, 35, 68 Pyrausta, 66 

myllerana, Choreutis, 60 

reticulatus, Microgaster, 36, 65 
rubricoxus, Microgaster, 68 
rugosicoxa, Microgaster, 69 
rugulosus, Microgaster, 35, 68 
ruralis, Notarcha, 56, 60 
russatus, Microgaster, 35, 67 

nerione, Microgaster, 34, 37, 68 
nettle, 56, 61 

niveopulvella, Compsolechia, 64 
Notarcha, 60 

notata, Procris, 69 

novicius, Microgaster, 38, 53 

scotica-group (of Protomicroplitis), 6 
Nymphalidae, 56 group ( pis), a 

scotica, Microgaster, 33, 69 
scotica, Protomicroplitis, 69 

obsepiens, Microgaster, 36, 47 Simaethis, 61 

ocellana, Depressaria, 45 simplex, Chilo, 67 
Oecophoridae, 45 sparganella, Orthotelia, 67 
opheltes, Microgaster, 36, 48 stepposa, Hygroplitis, 69 
Orthotelia, 67 stepposa, Protomicroplitis, 69 

sticticus, Microgaster, 40, 54, 59 
subcompletus, Microgaster, 39, 56 
sulfureana, Epagoge, 52 
suppressalis, Chilo, 67 
swammerdamiae, Microgaster, 53 

pallorella, Depressaria, 46 
paludellus, Crambus, 67 
Pantographa, 63 
pantographae, Microgaster, 37, 62 
parvistriga, Microgaster, 41, 61 
peroneae, Microgaster, 40, 58 
phryne, Microgaster, 38, 63, 64 
phthorimaeae, Microgaster, 52 
Platyptilia, 60 

Plutellidae, 67 

pluto, Microgaster, 50 

tegularius, Microgaster, 69 

tibialis, Microgaster, 38, 46, 50, 59, 69 
tjibodas, Microgaster, 34, 35, 37, 67 
Tortricidae, 52, 53, 57 

tumidana, Acrobasis, 57 

Tussilago, 60, 61 

pimpinellata, Eupithecia, 49 Urtica, 56, 61 

politus, Microgaster, 35, 48 

postica, Microgaster, 69 Vanessa, 60 

procerus, Microgaster, 35, 45, 48 variana, Acleris, 58 
Procris, 69 variana, Peronea, 58 
procris, Microgaster, 69 viburniana, Aphelia, 53 
Protomicroplitis, 33, 69 viridana, Tortrix, 57 

Pterophoridae, 60 
Pyralidae, 52, 56, 63 Zygaenidae, 69 

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MasnER, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British 
Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. 
Pp. 143. February, 1965. £5. 

Nrxon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera : 
Braconidae). Pp. 284; 348 Text-figures. August, 1965. 6. 

Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177; 
18 plates, 270 Text-figures. August, 1965. {4 4s. 

Sanps, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, 
Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp. 172; 500 Text-figures. October, 
1965. {£3 5s. 

AuMAD,I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera: Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156; 
475 Text-figures. November, 1965. {£2 15s. 

OxapA,T. Dipterafrom Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae & Drosophilidae. 
Pp. 129; 328 Text-figures. £3. 

GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family 
Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp. 168; 43 Text-figures. February, 1967. 
£3 3s. 

FLETCHER, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the 
world species of Cleora (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. 119; 14 plates, 146 
Text-figures, 9 maps. February, 1967. {£3 10s. 

. HemminG, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species 

(Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp, 509. August 1967. {£8 Ios. 

STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rhopa- 
locera). Pp. 322; 233 Text-figures, coloured frontispiece. September 1967. 
Mounp, L. A. A review of R. S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera Collection. Pp. 181; 
82 Text-figures. May, 1968. £4. 




ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 3 
LONDON: 1968 



D. R. RAGGE | 

yo 4 BF 
British Museum (Natural Bit 

ENTOMOLOGY VolLs22. No: 3 
LONDON : 1968 

(NATURAL HISTORY), tmstituted in 1949, 1s 
issued in five series corresponding to the Departments 
of the Museum, and an Historical series. 

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become 
veady. Volumes will contain about three or four 
hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed 
within one calendar year. 

In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer 
papers was instituted, numbered serially for each 

This paper is Vol. 22, No. 3 of the Entomological 
series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited follow 
those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 

World List abbreviation : 
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). 

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 28 May, 1968 Price Sixteen Shillings 



SYNOPSIS. ; : : ; : : ; - " : , 75 
INTRODUCTION . : : s : ‘ : ; ; : : 75 
TREATMENT. : : : : : : : é 7 : 76 
REFERENCES . : F ; : 3 : F P : : 98 
INDEX . , : : : ; ; : : : ; ; 103 

A catalogue is given of all the genera and species of Phaneropterinae known at present to occur 
in Africa and its off-shore islands (but not those of the Mediterranean Sea or the Malagasy Sub- 
region), and in the Arabian peninsula. Thespeciesarearranged alphabetically under the genera to 
which they have been assigned in the most recent literature, and the arrangement of the genera 
is also alphabetical. Generic and specific synonyms, junior homonyms and deliberate variations 
in spelling are listed chronologically under the valid name. The type-species is cited for all 
generic names, and full information on the type-material is given for all specific names. The 
catalogue includes 115 genus-group and 358 species-group names; of these, eighty-three generic, 
295 specific and seven subspecific names are currently regarded as valid. The status of the 
Phaneropterinae is discussed. 


Tus catalogue has been compiled as the first stage of a comprehensive revision of the 
African Phaneropterinae. It includes all the species of Phaneropterinae known at 
present to occur in Africa, listed alphabetically under the genera to which they have 
been assigned in the most recent literature. Asa deliberate policy, no new combina- 
tions (with the exception of an unavoidable one mentioned below) or synonyms are 
established in this paper; any necessary nomenclatorial changes will appear in the 
systematic revision to be published later. With the exception of groups covered by 
recent revisions (Ragge, 1955, 1956a, 1956), 1957, 1960a, 19608, Ig61a, 19610, 1962a, 
19625, 1964) the nomenclature will thus be subject to some alteration during the next 
few years. However, the standard of taxonomic work on the Tettigoniidae during 
most of the past century has been remarkably high and there are very few nomen- 
clatorial problems. 

The geographical region covered by this catalogue includes the whole of the African 
mainland and off-shore islands (e.g. Socotra, Zanzibar and the islands of the Gulf of 
Guinea) and the Arabian peninsula, but excludes the Malagasy Sub-region; there is 

ENTOM., 22, 3. 3§ 

76 D. R. RAGGE 

such a high degree of endemism in the Phaneropterinae of this sub-region that it is 
more appropriate to treat them separately. The Mediterranean islands are not 
included, and the inclusion of North Africa adds only thirteen species, all belonging 
to the genus Odontura Rambur. 


The eventual systematic arrangement of the African genera of Phaneropterinae 
will naturally depend on the comprehensive revision to be undertaken during the 
next few years, and it has therefore been thought better at this stage to list the genera 
alphabetically. Generic synonyms, junior homonyms and deliberate variations in 
spelling are listed chronologically under the valid generic name. The entries for 
each genus and generic synonym include a reference to the original description and 
the citation of the type-species and its mode of fixation; where the type-species was 
fixed by subsequent designation, a bibliographical reference is given to the fixation. 
The type-species is cited in its original combination ; where it is now a junior synonym 
the present valid name is given in brackets. Where a type-species does not occur in 
Africa, the country of the type-locality is given in brackets. All generic synonyms 
are cited, including those based on non-African type-species; the type-species are 
cited in the same way as those of valid generic names. 

The African species of each genus are listed alphabetically, together with references 
to their original descriptions and a statement of the nature and data of the type- 
material and the institution in which the type-material is housed. The absence of 
any information on the number and sex of the specimens in the type-series indicates 
that this information was not given with the original description and has not been 
determined subsequently. Where a species is based on a type-series from more than 
one locality, the citation of one depository after the last locality indicates that all the 
type-material is believed to be in that depository. It should be noted that the stated 
numbers of syntypes are not always known for certain, but always with at least a high 
degree of probability. A number of species described by Sjéstedt (1909) from 
Kilimanjaro and Meru were based on long series of syntypes, a proportion of which 
were sent out from Stockholm, where Sjéstedt worked, to other museums; as the 
exact extent of this distribution of syntypes is unknown, the only depository cited 
in these cases is the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm. 

Where a species has been transferred from its original genus, the name of the latter 
is given in brackets after the reference to the original description; a change in status 
is noted in a similar way. A question-mark before the original genus indicates that 
the original generic assignment was doubtful; one before the specific name itself 
indicates that the present generic assignment is doubtful. Where a species is 
currently regarded as polytypic, an entry is given for each subspecies and there is no 
separate entry for the species as a whole. 

Specific synonyms (including those based on non-African type-specimens) and 
deliberate variations in spelling are indented and listed chronologically under each 
species or subspecies; they are otherwise given the same treatment as valid specific 
names. A question-mark before a specific synonym indicates that the synonymy is 


Territories in which type-localities are situated are given their current political 
names. Where the country is unknown the locality data originally published is 
quoted between inverted commas. Provinces are not cited unless given with the 
published locality data except in the case of South African specimens, for which the 
provinces (if known) are always cited. 

Where a lectotype has been designated a bibliographical reference is given to the 
designation. No lectotypes are designated in this catalogue. 

The museums and other institutions in which the type-material is housed are 
abbreviated in this catalogue as follows. 

ANS Academy of Natural Sciencies of Philadelphia. 

BMNH British Museum (Natural History). 

DEI Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde (East Germany). 

EIETH Entomologisches Institut of the Eidgendssische Technische Hochschule, 

IEE Instituto Espanol de Entomologia, Madrid. 

ILEA Instituto e Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria, Portici. 

IMZU Istituto e Museo di Zoologia of the Universita di Torino, Turin. 

IRSNB Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels. 

IZPAN Instytut Zoologiczny of the Polska Akademia Nauk, Warsaw. 

IZU Istituto di Zoologia of the Universita di Pavia. 

MCSN Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa. 

MHN Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva. 

MLZA Museu e Laboratério Zoolégico e Antropolégico, Lisbon. 

MNHN Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 

MRAC Musée Royal de 1’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. 

NM Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. 

NR Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm. 

SAM South African Museum, Cape Town. 

SMN Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Stuttgart. 

™ Természettudomanyi Muizeum, Budapest. 

UM University Museum, Oxford. 

UZI Universitetets Zoologiska Institution, Lund. 

ZM Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg. 

ZMHU Zoologisches Museum of the Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin. 

In the course of compiling this catalogue I have come across one generic and two 
specific names published before Kirby’s catalogue of 1906, but not included in it. 
The generic name is Cameronia, which first appeared in the combination Symmetro- 
pleura (Cameronia) africana Brunner in a paper by Karsch (1889 : 450). The name 
was ignored by Brunner (1891) in the supplement to his earlier monograph (Brunner, 
1878) but was quoted, in the same combination, by Bolivar (1906 : 349). As far as 
I know these are the only two occasions on which this name has appeared in print. 
Cameronia is clearly a genus-group name and is available under Article 16 (a) (v) of 
the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, with Symmetropleura africana 
Brunner as its type-species, by monotypy. It seems highly improbable that Karsch 
intended the name to be regarded as a subgenus of Symmetropleura Brunner; there is 
no other instance of either him or his contemporary Brunner using a subgeneric name, 
and on the following page of his 1889 paper (of. cit., p. 451) he describes another 

78 D. R. RAGGE 

species of Symmetropleura without giving it a subgeneric assignment. It seems more 
likely that Karsch was considering Cameronia as an alternative generic name for 
Symmetropleura africana Brunner, and so cited it in brackets. No subgenera are 
recognized in this catalogue and I have merely listed Cameronia in the synonymy 
of Symmetropleura. If, as seems probable, revisionary work shows that the African 
species at present assigned to the otherwise New World genus Symmetropleura should 
be separated at the generic level, the name Cameronia is available for any resulting 
genus that contains Symmetropleura africana Brunner. 

The two specific names missed by Kirby (1906) are Cestromoecha crassipes Karsch 
(described in a footnote—Karsch, 1890 : 364) and Rhegmatopoda brunnert Kirby. 
The latter name, proposed as a nomen novum (Kirby, 1900 : 215), was based on 
Brunner’s (1878 : 89) description of a male specimen from Grahamstown in the 
Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, then regarded by Brunner as Horatosphaga 
leptocerca Stal, and Kirby’s examination of a male specimen from Barberton in the 
British Museum (Natural History). Although these specimens were not described 
by Kirby, the name R. brunnert is available under Article 16 (a) (i) of the International 
Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The name Rhegmatopoda Brunner has since be- 
come a junior synonym of Conchotopoda Karsch (Ragge, 1960a : 325) and brunnert 
is thus listed in this catalogue under Conchotopoda Karsch, forming the new com- 
bination Conchotopoda brunnert (Kirby) comb. n. 


The inter-relationships and systematic arrangement of the African genera of 
Phaneropterinae will be considered in the course of forthcoming revisionary work, but 
it is appropriate at this stage to consider briefly the status of the group as a whole. 

The Phaneropterinae have been regarded as a subfamily of Tettigoniidae (also 
called at various times, and often in a broader sense, Locustariae, Locustina, Locusti- 
dae, Locustodea and Phasgonuridae) for well over a century: they were given this 
status, together with Mecopoda and Phyllophora (now the type-genera of two other 
subfamilies), by Burmeister (1838 : 684). In 1878 Brunner, in his classic Mono- 
graphie der Phaneropteriden, established the group in its present sense and laid the 
foundation for all subsequent systematic work on the Phaneropterinae. The 
subfamily suffix -imae was not in use at this time, but Brunner referred to the group 
as a ‘‘ Subfamilie ”’ and used for it the Latin category “‘ tribus”’. Brunner reaffirmed 
his classification in his works of 1891 and 1893. The group-name appeared with the 
currently used subfamily suffix in Saussure & Pictet’s work of 1897, and was again 
used in this form by Kirby (1906). This usage was adopted almost universally and 
still prevails today (Bei-Bienko, 1954, 1964; Blatchley, 1920; Brues, Melander & 
Carpenter, 1954; Chopard, 1922, 1943, 1947; Essig, 1947; Grant, 1964; Imms, 1957; 
Zeuner, 19364). 

During this period the general classification of the Ensifera came under the strong 
stabilizing influence of two major works on their morphology and phylogeny, one 
by Ander and the other by Zeuner, published almost simultaneously in 1939. The 
thoroughness and comprehensiveness of these studies clearly makes them the best 
available basis for considering the inter-relationships of the sub-groups of Ensifera, 


and it is significant that the classifications adopted in the two works are almost 
identical. The Phaneropterinae were again regarded as a subfamily of the Tetti- 

This long period of stability in the status of the Phaneropterinae has been affected 
during the past twenty years by a movement among European orthopterists to raise 
the status of nearly all the groups of Saltatoria, i.e. to elevate most of the families to 
superfamilies or even suborders, and most of the subfamilies to families. This move- 
ment does not stem from new morphological or phylogenetic discoveries but simply 
from the view that these groups are at present ranked at too low a level, or, in one 
case (Dirsh, 1961 : 358), from the belief that family and subfamily rank can be 
objectively defined. The effect of this action on the Phaneropterinae is to raise them 
to family rank, the Tettigoniidae becoming a superfamily more restricted in scope 
than the Tettigonioidea of Ander (of. czt.), which is left without a name. 

Although there are a few earlier instances of the Phaneropterinae being accorded 
family status (e.g. Burr, 1910; Zacher, 1917), the first major recent work in which this 
was done was that of Chopard (1949), and the practice has since been adopted by 
Beier (1955) and in the faunal works of Harz (1957, 1960). Although it seems likely 
that some other modern orthopterists whose specialities lie outside the Ensifera 
would favour family status for the Phaneropterinae, the group is still regarded as a 
subfamily in most recent taxonomic publications in both Europe and America (e.g. 
Bei-Bienko, 1964; Grant, 1964; Karabag, 1964; Ragge, 1964); indeed, some orthop- 
terists (e.g. Uvarov, 1924: 492-493; Zeuner, 1936a:107, 19360 : 300-301, 
1939 : 115) have suggested that a number of the other subfamilies of Tettigoniidae 
would be better regarded as tribes. 

There is of course a trend during the earlier stages of the taxonomic study of all 
groups towards the raising in rank of each level of the hierarchy, and it may seem at 
first sight that there is still a need for such a trend in the classification of the Ensifera. 
However, in my view the classification firmly established by Ander (of. cit.) and 
since widely adopted by orthopterists offers an acceptable compromise in the rank 
accorded to each group, and there is no reason why it should not be used, with minor 
modifications, as a framework for taxonomic work on this suborder for many years 
to come. In the case of the Phaneropterinae there is room for only one category 
between the group as a whole and its genera, one that is well provided for by tribes; 
if the group is regarded as a family, either the subfamily or tribe category will be left 
unemployed. This is not the place for further discussion of the problems of the 
classification of the Ensifera; it suffices for me to lend my support to the view still 
expressed by the majority of orthopterists—that the Phaneropterinae are best 
regarded as a subfamily. 



Phaneropteridae Burmeister, 1838 : 684. 

Camptoxiphae Serville, [1838] : 399. (Not based on the name of a contained genus and there- 
fore unavailable under Article 11 (e) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.) 

Phaneropterinae; Saussure & Pictet, 1897 : 310, 

80 D. R. RAGGE 

Anisotochra Karsch, 1889 : 430. Type-species: Anisotochra gracilipes Karsch, by monotypy. 

gracilipes Karsch, 1889 : 431. Holotype 9, Conco (KinsHasa): Kuako to Kimpoko (ZMHU, 

Arantia Stal, 1874 : 25. Type-species: Holochlora fatidica Stal, by monotypy. 

accrana Karsch, 1889 : 436. Holotype 2, Guana: Accra (ZMHU, Berlin). 

angustipennis Chopard, 1954 : 36. Holotype g, GuinEA: Nimba (MNHN, Paris). 

brevipes Chopard, 1954 : 37. I g, 12 syntypes, GuInEA: Nimba (MNHN, Paris). 

excelsior Karsch, 1889 : 435. Holotype 3, SrERRA LEONE (IZPAN, Warsaw). 

fasciata Walker, 1869 : 378 (Phylloptera). Holotype 2, GamB1ia (BMNH, London). 

atrolineata Brunner, 1891 : 69. Holotype 9, ‘“‘SLavE Coast” (EIETH, Ziirich). 

fatidica Stal, 1873 : 43 (Holochlora). Holotype g, SIERRA LEONE (NR, Stockholm). 

gabunensis Brunner, 1891 : 64. Holotype 2, GaBon (NM, Vienna). 

gestri Griffini, 1906 : 384. Holotype g, Conco (BRAZZAVILLE): N’jole (MCSN, Genoa). 

hydatinoptera Karsch, 1889 : 436. 1 3, 12 syntypes, NIGERIA (IZPAN, Warsaw). 

latifolia Karsch, 1890¢ : 356. 1 g, 12 syntypes, CAMEROUN : Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

leptocnemis Karsch, 1890¢ : 358. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN : Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

mammisignum Karsch, 1896 : 332. Holotype 9, CamMERouN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 

manca Bolivar, 1906 : 332. Holotype g, CAMEROUN (IEE, Madrid). 

marmorata Karsch, 1889 : 435. Holotype 9, ‘‘Conco”’ (IZPAN, Warsaw). 

melanotus Sjéstedt, 1901 : 6. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Bonge (NR, Stockholm). 

orthocnemis Karsch, 1890¢ : 357. 1 g syntype, CAMEROUN; I 2 syntype, CAMEROUN: Bar- 
ombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

ovalipennis Chopard, 1954 : 38. Holotype 2, GuINEA: Nimba, N’Zo (MNHN, Paris). 

rectifolia Brunner, 1878 : 137. Holotype ¢, FERNANDO Poo (NM, Vienna). 

regina Karsch, 1888 : 434. Holotype 9, GaBon (ZMHU, Berlin). 

retinervis Karsch, 1888 : 437. 2 $ syntypes, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin); 1 ¢ 
syntype, ‘‘Chinchoxo”’ (ZMHU, Berlin); 1 g¢ syntype, SIERRA LEONE (IZPAN, Warsaw). 

scurra Karsch, 1896 : 331. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 

simplicinervis Karsch, 1889 : 438. 1 ¢ syntype, “Chinchoxo’’; 12 syntype, Conco (KIn- 
SHASA): Kuako to Kimpoko (ZMHU, Berlin). 

spinulosa Brunner, 1878: 137. 1 4, 29 syntypes, SoutH Arrica: Natal, Durban (NM, 

tigrina Bolivar, 1906 : 330. Holotype J, FERNANDO Poo (IEE, Madrid). 

ugandana Rehn, 1914: 176. Holotype 92, UGanpa (DEI, Eberswalde). 

Atlasacris Rehn, 1914 : 153. Type-species: Atlasacris peculiaris Rehn, by original designation. 

peculiaris Rehn, 1914: 154. Holotype 4, “‘Ost-AFrrika’”’ (ZMHU, Berlin). 

AZAMIA Bolivar 
Azamia Bolivar, 1906 : 339. Type-species: Azamia biplagiata Bolivar, by monotypy. 

biplagiata Bolivar, 1906 : 341. Holotype 3, CAMEROUN (IEE, Madrid). 
doriae Griffini, 1906 : 395 (Vossia). Holotype g, FERNANDO Poo: Musola (MCSN, Genoa). 


BONGEIA Sjéstedt 
Bongeia Sjéstedt, 1901: 9. Type-species: Bongeia puncticollis Sjéstedt, by monotypy. 

brevicauda Ebner, 1943 : 265. Holotype 92, FERNANDO Poo (DEI, Eberswalde). 
puncticollis Sjéstedt, 1901 : 9. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN (NR, Stockholm). 

BUEACOLA Sjostedt 

Bueacola Sjéstedt, 1912: 7. Type-species: Bueacola cornigera Sjoéstedt, by monotypy. 
cornigera Sjostedt, 1912 : 8. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Buea (NR, Stockholm). 


Bittneria Karsch, 1889 : 444. Type-species: Buettneria maculiceps Karsch, by monotypy. 

Buettneria Karsch, Brunner, 1891 : 105. 

Stenacropteryx Karsch, 1896 : 339. Type-species: Stenacropteryx eburneiguttata WKarsch 
(= Buettneria maculiceps Karsch), by monotypy. 

maculiceps Karsch, 1889 : 445. Holotype 2, Conco (KinsHasa): Kuako to Kimpoko (ZMHU, 

eburneiguitata Karsch, 1896 : 339 (Stenacropteryx). Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, 


Catoptropteryx Karsch, 1890¢ : 361. Type-species: Catoptropteryx guttatipes Karsch, by mono- 
typy (two other species doubtfully included). 

afra Karsch, 1889 : 446 (Caedicia). Holotype 9, NiGeR1A: Benue (IZPAN, Warsaw). 
apicalis Bolivar, 1893 : 177 (Caedicia). Holotype 9, Ivory Coast: Assinie (IEE, Madrid). 
capreola Karsch, 1896 : 332. Holotype g, CAMERouN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
extensipes Karsch, 1896 : 336. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
guttatipes Karsch, 1890¢ : 362. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
immaculipennis Karsch, 1896 : 333. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
latipennis Chopard, 1955 : 267. Holotype g, SoutH Arrica: Cape Province, Tzitzikama 
Forest, Stormsrivierpiek (UZI, Lund). 
maculipennis Karsch, 1896 : 333. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
neutralipennis Karsch, 1896 : 334. 1 ¢ syntype, ToGo: Misahdhe; 19 syntype, Toco: 
Bismarckburg (ZMHU, Berlin). 
nigrospinosa Brunner, 1891 : 97 (Caedicia). Holotype 2, CAMEROUN (IZPAN, Warsaw). 
punctulata Karsch, 1890b : 260 (Caedicia). Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Kribi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
signatipennis Karsch, 1896 : 334. 1 ¢syntype, CAMEROUN: Victoria; I 9syntype, CAMEROUN: 
Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Cestromoecha Karsch, 1893 : 128. Type-species: Poreuomena tenuipes Karsch, by original 

crassipes Karsch, 1890¢ : 364 (Poreuomena). Holotype 2, CAMEROUN (ZMHU, Berlin). 

mundamensis Karsch, 1896 : 338. 1 ¢, 19 syntypes, CAMEROUN: Mundame (ZMHU, Berlin). 

tenuipes Karsch, 1890¢ : 363 (Poreuomena). 39 syntypes, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, 

82 D. R. RAGGE 


Conchotopoda Karsch, 1887a : 44. Type-species: Conchotopoda belcki Karsch, by monotypy. 
Rhegmatopoda Brunner, 1891 : 44. Type-species: Horatosphaga leptocerca Stal, by monotypy. 

belcki Karsch, 1887a : 45. Holotype g, SourH West Arrica: Damaraland (ZMHU, Berlin). 

brunneri Kirby, 1900 : 215 (Rhegmatopoda) (see p. 78). 1 3 syntype, SourH AFrRica: Trans- 
vaal, Barberton (BMNH, London); 1 ¢ syntype, SourH Arrica: Cape Province, Grahams- 
town (NM, Vienna). 

crassicauda Ragge, 1960a : 328. Holotype $, SoutH Arrica: Transvaal, Pietersburg (SAM, 

Cape Town). 

grallatoria Stal, 1856 : 170 (?Phaneroptera). Holotype 3, SoutH Arrica: “ Caffraria’’ (NR, 

leptocerca Stal, 1876 : 59 (Horatosphaga). Holotype g, SourH West Arrica: Damara (NR, 

parva Ragge, 1960a : 330. Holotype g, SoutH Arrica: Orange Free State, Witzieshoek 
(BMNH, London). 


Corycomima Karsch, 1889 : 457 (proposed conditionally, but available from this date under 
Article 17 (8) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature). Type-species: Plangia 
camerata Karsch (= Corycomima flavescens (Walker)), by monotypy. 

Corycomima Karsch, Karsch, 1896 : 343 (proposed unconditionally). 

flavescens Walker, 1869 : 386 (Ovophus). Holotype 2, GAmB1A (BMNH, London). 
camerata Karsch, 1889 : 457 (Plangia). Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

Corymeta Brunner, 1878 : 126. Type-species: Phaneroptera amplectens Schaum, by monotypy. 

amplectens Schaum, 1853 : 777 (Phaneroptera). Holotype g, MozamBiquE (ZMHU, Berlin). 

Dannfeltia Sjéstedt, 1901 : 19. Type-species: Dannfeltia nana Sjéstedt, by monotypy. 

nana Sjostedt, 1901 : 19. Holotype J, ‘““ Konao”’ (NR, Stockholm). 

Dapaneva Karsch, 1889 : 441. Type-species: Dapanera genuteres Karsch, by monotypy. 

eidmanni Ebner, 1943 : 263. Holotype g, FERNANDO Poo (DEI, Eberswalde). 
genuteres Karsch, 1889 : 441. 2 ¢ syntypes, GHANA: Accra (ZMHU, Berlin). 
irregularis Karsch, 1890b : 258. 1 g, 12 syntypes, CAMEROUN: Kribi (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Debrona Walker, 1870 : 480. Type-species: Debrona cervina Walker, by monotypy. 
Otiaphysa Karsch, 1889 : 453. Type-species: Otiaphysa habetata Karsch (= Debrona cervina 
Walker), by monotypy. 

angustipennis Burr, 1900 : 43 (Otiaphysa). Holotype 9, SomaLt REpuBLic: Whardi Datal 
(UM, Oxford). 
cervina Walker, 1870 : 481. Holotype 9, SourH Arrica (BMNH, London). 
habetata Karsch, 1889 : 454 (Otiaphysa). Holotype 9, Tanzania; Usambara (ZMHU, Berlin). 


DIOGENA Brunner 

Diogena Brunner, 1878 : 224. Type-species: Phaneroptera fausta Burmeister, by monotypy. 

denticulata Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954: 328. Holotype 9, Kenya: Northern 
Frontier Distr., El Wak (BMNH, London). 
fausta Burmeister, 1838 : 689 (Phaneropiera). Holotype g, SuDAN: Nubia (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Dioncomena Brunner, 1878 : 208. Type-species: Dioncomena ornata Brunner, by monotypy. 

ornata Brunner, 1878: 208. 2 3, 1Q syntypes, ‘‘ZANZIBAR”’ (NM, Vienna); 1 ¢ syntype, 
“ZANZIBAR” (IEE, Madrid). 

superba Karsch, 1889 : 449. Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, TANZANIA: Bondei 
and Usambara (ZMHU, Berlin). 

Dithela Karsch, 1890¢ : 354. Type-species: Dithela rectiloba Karsch, by monotypy. 

acuticercus Sjéstedt, 1912: 5. 2 3,19 syntypes, CAMEROUN: Buea (NM, Stockholm). 
rectiloba Karsch, 1890¢ : 355. 1 3, 22 syntypes, CAMEROUN : Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Drepanophyllum Karsch, 1890c¢ : 358. Type-species: Drepanophyllum marmoratum Karsch, 
by monotypy. 

Karschia Brunner, 1891: 41. Type-species: Karschia corrosa Brunner (= Drepanophyllum 
marmoratum Karsch), by monotypy. 

corrosifolium Karsch, 1896 : 326. Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, CAMEROUN: 
Yaunde and Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
furcatum Ragge, 1962a : 307. Holotype g, UGanpa : Entebbe (BMNH, London). 
marmoratum Karsch, 1890c : 360. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
corrosa Brunner, 1891 : 41 (Karschia). Holotype 9, CAMEROUN (IZPAN, Warsaw). 


Ducetia Stal, 1874 : 11. Type-species: Locusta japonica Thunberg, by monotypy (type-locality: 

Paura Karsch, 1889 : 439. Type-species: Paura biramosa Karsch, by subsequent designation 
(Kirby, 1906 : 407). 

Pseudisotima Schulthess, 1898 : 199. Type-species: Pseudisotima punctata Schulthess, by 

Kuwayamaea Matsumura & Shiraki, 1908 : 7. Type-species: Kuwayamaea sapporensis Mat- 
sumura & Shiraki (= Ducetia chinensis (Brunner)), by original designation (type-locality : 

Telaea Bolivar, 1922 : 201. Type-species: Telaea quadripunctata Bolivar (= Ducetia puncti- 
pennis (Gerstaecker)), by monotypy. 

biramosa Karsch, 1889 : 439 (Paura). Holotype 2, TANzan1A: Usambara (ZMHU, Berlin). 
chelocerca Ragge, 1961a : 197. Holotype g, SoutH Arrica: Transvaal, junction of Crocodile 
and Marico Rivers (SAM, Cape Town). 

ENTOM., 22, 3. 38§ 

84 D. R. RAGGE 

costata Ragge, 1961a : 196. Holotype g, Conco (KinsuHasa): Nyangwe (MRAC, Tervuren). 
crosskeyi Ragge, 1961a : 192. Holotype 3, NicEr1a: Niger Province, Diko (BMNH, London), 
fuscopunctata Chopard, 1954 : 35. Holotype $, Guinga: Nimba, Yalanzou (MNHN, Paris). 
loosi Griffini, 1908b : 204. Holotype 9, Conco (KinsHasa): Popocabacca (IRSNB, Brussels). 
macrocerca Ragge, 1961a : 195. Holotype g, Conco (KinsHasa): Katanga, Kiambi (MRAC, 
parva Ragge, 1961a : 205. Holotype ¢, SoMALI REpuBLIc: Haud (BMNH, London). 
punctata Schulthess, 1898 : 199 (Pseudisotima). Holotype 9, Eruiopia: Girma (MCSN, 
punctipennis Gerstaecker, 1869: 215 (Phaneroptera). Holotype g, Kenya: Mt. Ndara 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
veticulosa Karsch, 1889 : 440 (Paura). Holotype 9, KENya: Mombasa (ZMHU, Berlin). 
quadripunctata Bolivar, 1922 : 201 (Telaea). Holotype g, Kenya: Simba (lost). 
ramulosa Ragge, 1961a: 198. Holotype g, ZAmBiA: Luano Valley, R. Mulungushi (BMNH, 
sagitta Ragge, 1961a: 199. Holotype 3, ANGoLa: Lepi (BMNH, London). 
vitriala Ragge, 1961a : 204. Holotype g, SoMALI REpuBLic: Haud (BMNH, London). 

Enochletica Karsch, 1896 : 336. Type-species: Enochletica ostentatrix Karsch, by monotypy. 

ostentatrix Karsch, 1896 : 337. Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, CAMEROUN: 
Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 

Epiphiebus Karsch, 1896 : 325. Type-species: Epiphlebus crypterius Karsch, by monotypy. 

crypterius Karsch, 1896 : 325. Holotype 9, SomALI REPUBLIC (type-depository unknown). 
ruspolii Schulthess, 1898 : 197. Holotype 9, SomaLi REpuBLic: Ganana (MCSN, Genoa). 


Eulioptera Ragge, 1956a : 266. Type-species: Phaneroptera reticulata Brunner, by original 

breviala Ragge, 1956a:277. Holotype 3, Conco (KinsHasa): Kivu, Kibumba (MRAC, 

longicerca Ragge, 1956a : 273. Holotype g, Conco (Krinsuasa): Kinshasa (MRAC, Tervuren). 

reticulata leptomorpha Ragge, 1956a : 271. Holotype g, ZAmB1a: Mporokoso distr., Mweru 
Wa Ntipa (BMNH, London). 

reticulata reticulata Brunner, 1878 : 213 (Phaneroptera reticulata). Holotype 9, SouTH 
AFRrica: Cape Province, Grahamstown (NM, Vienna). 

spinulosa Ragge, 1956a : 274. Holotype g, Conco (KrinsuHasa): Kasenyi (BMNH, London). 


Eurycorypha Stal, 1873 : 40. Type-species: Phylloptera cereris Stal, by original designation. 
Myrmecophana Brunner, 1883 : 248. Type-species: Myrmecophana fallax Brunner, by mono- 


adicra Karsch, 1892b : 75. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Buea (ZMHU, Berlin). 
aequatorialis Krauss, 1890 : 663. Holotype 2, Roras I. (Gulf of Guinea) (SMN, Stuttgart). 


arabica arabica Uvarov, 1936 : 534. Holotype g, Saup1 Arasia: S. Hedjaz, Taif (BMNH, 

arabica media Uvarov, 1936 : 535. 3 g¢ syntypes, SAuDI ARABIA: El Kubar (BMNH, London). 

arabica reducta Uvarov, 1936 : 536. Holotype 3, SourH ARABIA: Hadramaut, Wadi Humum, 
nr. Makalla (ZM, Hamburg). 

brevicollis Stal, 1876 : 61. Holotype 9, SourH West Arrica: Ovambo (NR, Stockholm). 

canaliculata Karsch, 1890b : 261. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Kribi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

cereris Stal, 1856: 170 (Phyllopiera). Holotype g, Sourn Arrica: Natal, Durban (NR, 

compressa Walker, 1869 : 386 (Orvophus). Holotype g, Sour Arrica (BMNH, London). 

cuspidata Krauss, 1901 : 292. 1 g syntype, SourH West Arrica: Okahandja; 1 ¢ syntype, 
SouTtH WEstT AFRIcA: Windhoek (SMN, Stuttgart). 

darlingi Uvarov, 1936 : 536. Holotype g, SourH YEMEN: Makhnung (BMNH, London). 

diminuta Chopard, 1938: 121. Holotype g, Kenya: Turkana Desert, Lodwar (MNHN, 

fallax Brunner, 1883 : 248 (Myrmecophana). Nymphal holotype, sex unknown, Supan: 
Ambucarra (IRSNB, Brussels). 

montana Sjéstedt, 1901. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Mapanja (NR, Stockholm). 

mutica Karsch, 1892 : 327. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

ornatipes Karsch, 1890b : 260. Holotype 3, CAMEROUN: Kribi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

proserpinae Brunner, 1878 : 274. Holotype 9, SourH Arrica: Natal, Durban (NM, Vienna). 

punctipennis Chopard, 1938: 121. Holotype 2, Kenya: Mt. Elgon (MNHN, Paris). 

securifera Brunner, 1878 : 275. Holotype g, South West Arrica: Herrero-Land (NM, 

simillima Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 330. Holotype g, KENya: N. Turkana, 
Lokitaung (BMNH, London). 

spinulosa Karsch, 1889 : 455. Holotype 9, Conco (Kinsuasa): Kuako to Kimpoko (ZMHU, 

strangulata Walker, 1869 : 385 (Orophus). 19 syntype, SIERRA LEONE; I 9 syntype, ‘‘ WEST 
Arrica”’ (BMNH, London). 

stylata Stal, 1873 : 43. Holotype 3, SIERRA LEONE (NR, Stockholm). 

sudanensis Giglio-Tos, 1907: 18. Holotype g, SuDAN: Port Sudan (IMZU, Turin). 

varia Brunner, 1891 : 136. I 3, 12 syntypes, TANZANIA: Kilimanjaro (NM, Vienna). 

velicauda Karsch, 1893 : 131. 1 g, 19, I nymphal syntypes, ToGo: Bismarckburg (ZMHU, 

zebrata Bruner, 1920 : 135. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ANS, Philadelphia). 


Gabonia Bolivar, 1906: 327. Type-species: Gabonia cothurnata Bolivar, by monotypy. 
(Homonym of Gabonia Jacoby, 1893 : 101.) 
Gabonella Uvarov, 1940a : 174 (proposed as replacement name for Gabonia Bolivar). 

cothurnata Bolivar, 1906 : 328 (Gabonia). 2 3, 3Q syntypes, CAMEROUN (IEE, Madrid). 


Gelatopoia Brunner, 1891 : 111. Type-species: Gelatopoia bicoloy Brunner, by monotypy. 
Gelatopoia Brunner, Bolivar, 1906 : 349. 
Gelatopoea Kirby, 1906 : 439. (Unjustified emendation.) 

bicolor Brunner, 1891 : 112. Holotype g, SIERRA LEONE (IZPAN, Warsaw). 

86 D. R. RAGGE 

GOETIA Karsch 

Goétia Karsch, 1892a : 322. Type-species: Goetia galbana Karsch, by monotypy. 
Goetia Karsch, Kirby, 1906 : 428. 

dimidiata Bolivar, 1906 : 335. 1 ¢, 19 syntypes, CAMEROUN; I J, I 2 syntypes, FERNANDO 
Poo; 1 g, 1 9 syntypes, no data (IEE, Madrid). 
galbana Karsch, 1892a : 323. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Gonatoxia Karsch, 1889: 441. Type-species: Gonatoxia immaculata Karsch, by subsequent 
designation (Kirby, 1906 : 424). 

immaculata Karsch, 1889 : 442. Holotype 9, Tanzania: Usambara (ZMHU, Berlin). 
maculata Karsch, 1889 : 442. Holotype g, SoMALI REepuBLic (IZPAN, Warsaw). 


Gravenreuthia Karsch, 1892b : 73. Type-species: Gravenreuthia saturata Karsch, by monotypy. 

saturata Karsch, 1892b: 74. 1 g, 29 syntypes, CAMEROUN : Buea (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Harposcepa Karsch, 1896 : 328. Type-species: Harposcepa lobulipennis Karsch, by monotypy. 

karschiana Schulthess, 1898 : 202. Holotype 2, SomaLi REPpuBLIC (or ETHiopia?): Gubbet 
(IZU, Pavia). 
lobulipennis Karsch, 1896 : 329. Holotype 9, SomaLi REPUBLIC (type-depository unknown). 


Himerta Brunner, 1878 : 118. Type-species: Himerta marginata Brunner, by monotypy (type- 
locality: India). (Homonym of Himerta Foerster, 1868 : 200.) 
Himertula Uvarov, 1940a : 174 (proposed as replacement name for Himerta Brunner). 

feana Griffini, 1906 : 380 (Himerta). Holotype g, Conco (BRAZZAVILLE): Nkogo (MCSN, 


Horatosphaga Schaum, 1853 : 778. Type-species: Horatosphaga serrifera Schaum, by monotypy. 

Plegmatoptera Karsch, 1889 : 429. Type-species: Plegmatoptera reticulata Karsch, by monotypy. 
(Homonym of Plegmatoptera Spinola, 1839 : 283.) 

Pantolepta Karsch, 1889 : 429. Type-species: Pantolepta heteromorpha Karsch, by monotypy. 

Pachypyga Karsch, 1893: 124. Type-species: Pachypyga inclusa Karsch, by monotypy. 
(Homonym of Pachypyga Steinheil, 1873 : 564.) 

Euthyphlebia Schulthess, 1898: 204. Type-species: Euthyphlebia parallela Schulthess (= Horato- 
sphaga heteromorpha (Karsch)), by monotypy. 


Thaumatoxenia Kirby, 1909 : 65. Type-species: Thaumatoxenia leggei Kirby, by monotypy. 

Keniacola Sjéstedt, 1912 : 13. Type-species: Keniacola gracilis Sjostedt, by monotypy. 

Schulthessinia Sj6stedt, 1912 : 15. Type-species: Conchotopoda ruspolii Schulthess, by original 

Pachypygiana Strand, 1921 : 106 (proposed as replacement name for Pachypyga Karsch). 

Eupantolepta Bolivar, 1922 : 200. Type-species: Eupantolepta regularis Bolivar, by monotypy. 

Plegmatia Uvarov, 1940b : 116 (proposed as replacement name for Plegmatoptera Karsch). 

concava Ragge, 1960 : 308. Holotype g, UGANDA: Gulu (BMNH, London). 
crosskeyi Ragge, 1960 : 318. Holotype 3, Nicrr1a: Niger Province, Diko (BMNH, London). 
diminuta Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 319 (Peronura). Holotype g, Kenya: Moyale 
(BMNH, London). 
elgonis Chopard, 1938 : 119 (Peronura). Holotype g, Kenya: Mt. Elgon (MNHN, Paris). 
elongata Rehn, 1914 : 163 (Conchotopoda). Holotype g, Conco (KinsHasa): Usumbura 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
? Randtt Rehn, 1914 : 167 (? Horatosphaga). Holotype 9, Conco (KinsuHasa): Lake Kivu 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
gracilis Sjéstedt, 1912: 14 (Keniacola). Holotype g, Kenya: Mt. Kenya (NR, Stockholm) 
heteromorpha Karsch, 1889 : 430 (Pantolepta). Lectotype g, KENya: Mombasa (ZMHU, 
Berlin); designated by Ragge (1960 : 298). 
hoehneli Brunner, 1891 : 44 (Plegmatoptera). Holotype 2, Tanzania: Kilimanjaro (NM, 
parallela Schulthess, 1898 : 205 (Euthyphlebia). Holotype g, Etuiopia: Dolo (MCSN, 
kilimandjarica Sjostedt, 1909 : 132 (Pantolepta). Lectotype g, TANzAniIA: Mt. Meru (NR, 
Stockholm); designated by Ragge (1960 : 298). 
gracilis Bolivar, 1922 : 198 (Plegmatoptera). Holotype g, Kenya: Loroghi Mtns. (MNHN, 
inclusa Karsch, 1893 : 125 (Pachypyga). 1 3, 52 syntypes, Toco: Bismarckburg (ZMHU, 
leggei Kirby, 1909: 65 (Thaumatoxenia). Lectotype g, UGANDA: E. Ruwenzori, Mubuku 
Valley (BMNH, London); designated by Ragge (1960 : 292). 
vobusta Rehn, 1914: 156. Holotype 9, Conco (KinsHasa): 90 km. W. of Albert-Nyanza 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
amplipennis Rehn, 1914 : 165 (Conchotopoda). Holotype g, Conco (Kinsuasa): Lake Kivu, 
IdjwilI. (ZMHU, Berlin). 
affinis Bolivar, 1922 : 198 (Peronura). Holotype 9, Kenya: Escarpment (MNHN, Paris). 
linearis Rehn, 1914 : 167 (Conchotopoda). Holotype g, UGANDa: Mpororo (ZMHU, Berlin). 
? karschi Rehn, 1914 : 161 (Pachypyga). Holotype 9, Conco (KinsuHasA) : Ruanda, Lake. 
Mohasi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
longipes Bolivar, 1922: 197 (Peronura). Holotype 9, KENya: Naivasha (MNHN, Paris). 
magna Ragge, 1960 : 304. Holotype g, Eruiopia: nr. Scillare (BMNH, London). 
media Ragge, 1960 : 299. Holotype g, ZAmBiA: Lusaka (BMNH, London). 
meruensis Sjéstedt, 1909 : 130 (Plegmatoptera). Lectotype J, Tanzania: Mt. Meru (NR, 
Stockholm); designated by Ragge (1960 : 311). 
montivaga Sjéstedt, 1909: 129 (Peronura). Lectotype g, TANZANIA: Kilimanjaro (NR, 
Stockholm); designated by Ragge (1960 : 312). 
nomima Karsch, 1896 : 327 (Peronura). 1 3, 29 syntypes, TANZANIA: Mpwapwa (ZMHU, 
nuda Ragge, 1960 : 309. Holotype 3, SuDAN: Imatong Mtns., Kippia (BMNH, London). 
regularis Bolivar, 1922 : 200 (Eupantolepta). Holotype g, Kenya: S. of Lake Rudolph 
(MNHN, Paris). 
? reticulata Karsch, 1889 : 429 (Plegmatoptera). Holotype 9, TANzAnIA: Lake Tanganyika 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 

88 D. R. RAGGE 

ruspolii Schulthess, 1898 : 204 (Conchotopoda). Wolotype 3, Kenya: Balessa (MCSN, Genoa). 
? vivae Schulthess, 1898 : 201 (Peronura). Holotype 2, Eru1op1a: Dolo (MCSN, Genoa). 
trochlearis Bolivar, 1922 : 199. Holotype 3, Kenya: S. of Lake Rudolph (MNHN, Paris). 
? viridis Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954: 318 (Peronura). Holotype 9, Kenya: Isiolo 
distr., Bambota (BMNH, London). 
samburu Kevan, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954: 320 (Peronura). Holotype 3, Kenya: Samburu 
(BMNH, London). 
serrifera Schaum, 1853 : 778. Holotype 9, MozamBiguE (ZMHU, Berlin). 
vosselert Karny, 1910 : 52 (Pantolepta). 10 3 syntypes, SourH West ArFrica: Okahandja; 
I g syntype, SourH West Arrica: Kung-Buschmannland (ZMHU, Berlin). 
multivenosa Chopard, 1935 : 2 (Pantolepta). Holotype g, Mozampigue: Nova Chupanga, 
nr. Chemba (MNHN, Paris). 
somali Schulthess, 1898 : 200 (Peronura). Holotype 9, Somat Repusiic: Lugh (MCSN, 
peeli Burr, 1900 : 44 (Rhegmatopoda). Holotype 3, Somat1 RepuBtic: Whardi Datal (UM, 
stuhlmanni Karsch, 1896 : 329 (Conchotopoda). Holotype 4, “AFRICA ORIENTALIS”’: Buginda 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
kasindina Rehn, 1914 : 160 (? Horatosphaga). Holotype 2, Conco (Kinsuasa): Kasindi 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
stylifera Karny, 1910: 51 (Pantolepta). Holotype g, SoutH West Arrica: Windhoek 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 
vicina Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 318 (Peronura). Holotype 2, KENYA: Marsabit, 
Chopa Gof (BMNH, London). 

ITOKIIA Sjostedt 
Itokiia Sjéstedt, 1901 : 10. Type-species: Itokiia siluarum Sjéstedt, by monotypy. 
silvarum Sjéstedt, 1901 : 10. Holotype g, CAMEROUN : Itoki (NR, Stockholm). 

IVENSIA Bolivar 

Ivensia Bolivar, 1890 : 218. Type-species: Ivensia uncinata Bolivar, by monotypy. 

uncinata Bolivar, 1890 : 218. Holotype g, ‘“‘Quango”’ (MLZA, Lisbon). 

Japygophana Carl, 1921 : 301. Type-species: Japygophana peloti Carl, by monotypy. 
peloti Carl, 1921 : 302. Holotype 3, GaBon (MHN, Geneva). 


Kevaniella Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 332. Type-species: Kevaniella bipunctata 
Chopard, by original designation. 

bipunctata Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954: 333. Holotype 3, Kenya: Mandera distr., 
Rahmu (BMNH, London). 


Lamecosoma Ragge, 1960a : 331. Type-species: Lamecosoma tenuis Ragge, by original designa- 

inermis Ragge, 1961b : 217. Holotype g, Kenya: Nairobi, Karura Forest (BMNH, London). 
tenuis Ragge, 1960a : 332. Holotype $, ZamBia: Kipundu (MRAC, Tervuren). 



Letodontocercus Chopard, 1954 : 83. Type-species: Leiodontocercus angustipennis Chopard, by 
original designation. 

angustipennis Chopard, 1954: 84. Holotype g, GuinEA: Nimba (MNHN, Paris). 

condylus Ragge, 1962b: 15. Holotype g, Conco (Kinsuasa): Kibali-Ituri, Yindi (MRAC, 

malleus Ragge, 1962b: 14. Holotype 3g, GHANA: Western Region, nr. Wiawso (BMNH, 


Leptophyes Fieber, 1853: 174. Type-species: Barbitistes albovittatus Kollar, by monotypy 
(type-locality: Austria). 

antinorii Bormans, 1880: 217. Holotype 9, EtHiopi1aA: Shoa (MCSN, Genoa). 

LETANA Walker 

Letana Walker, 1869 : 277. Type-species: Letana linearis Walker, by monotypy (type-locality: 

Pyrrhicia Stal, 1873 : 41. Type-species: Phaneroptera rubescens Stal, by original designation 
(type-locality: Hong Kong). 

Pyrrhizia Brunner, 1891 : 55. (Unjustified emendation.) 

conradti Bolivar, 1906 : 329 (Pyrrhicia). Holotype 3, CAMEROUN (IEE, Madrid). 
zanzibarica Brunner, 1891 : 55 (Pyrrhizia). Holotype g, ‘‘ ZANZIBAR’”’ (NM, Vienna). 

Mangomaloba Sjéstedt, 1902 : 14. Type-species: Mangomaloba monticola Sjéstedt, by mono- 

angustipennis Chopard, 1958 : 76. Holotype 3¢, PrRinciPpE (MNHN, Paris). 

latipennis Chopard, 1954 : 86. Holotype g, GuinEA: Nimba (MNHN, Paris). 

monticola Sjéstedt, 1901 : 15. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Mt. Cameroon (NR, Stockholm). 
royi Chopard, 1954 : 85. Holotype g, Guinea: Nimba (MNHN, Paris). 

Melidia Stal, 1876 : 60. Type-species: Melidia brunneri Stal, by monotypy. 

brunneri Stal, 1876 : 60. Holotype 9, SourH West Arrica: Damara (NR, Stockholm). 

kenyensis Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954: 326. Holotype 9, Kenya: Moyale distr., 
Yasere (BMNH, London). 

laminata Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 324. Holotype g, Kenya: Wajir distr., El 
Katulo (BMNH, London). 

Meruterrana Sjéstedt, 1912 : 10. Type-species: Meruterrana elegans Sjéstedt, by monotypy. 

elegans Sjéstedt, 1912: 12. 4 g syntypes, TANZANIA; Mt, Meru (NR, Stockholm). 

go D. R. RAGGE 


Milititsa Burr, 1900 : 42. Type-species: Milititsa somaliensis Burr, by monotypy. 

somaliensis Burr, 1900 : 43. Holotype 9, SomALI REpuBLIC: Whardi Datal (UM, Oxford). 

Miltinobates Sjéstedt, 1901 : 15. Type-species: Miltinobates blandus Sjéstedt, by monotypy. 
blandus Sjéstedt, t901 : 16. Holotype g, ‘“KoncGo”’ (NR, Stockholm). 


Monteivoa Karsch, 1889 : 458. Type-species: Monteiroa latifrons Karsch, by monotypy. 
latifrons Karsch, 1889 : 458. 1 g, 12 syntypes, MozAMBIQUE: Delagoa Bay (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Monticolaria Sjéstedt, 1909 : 128. Type-species: Monticolaria meruensis Sjéstedt, by PRE- 
Both the species listed below were originally included in Monticolaria Sjéstedt, but neither was 
designated as the type-species. I here designate Monticolaria meruensis Sjéstedt as the type- 
species of Monticolaria Sjéstedt. 

kilimandjarica Sjéstedt, 1909 : 129. 2 g syntypes, TANZANIA: Kilimanjaro (NR, Stockholm). 
meruensis Sjéstedt, 1909 : 128. 10 g, 3 9 syntypes, TANzANIA: Meru (NR, Stockholm). 

Morgenia Karsch, 1890b : 261. Type-species: Morgenia hamuligera Karsch, by monotypy. 

hamuligera Karsch, 1890) : 263. Holotype g, Cameroun : Kribi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

melica Karsch, 1893: 196. Holotype g, CAMEROUN : Victoria (ZMHU, Berlin). 

modulata Karsch, 1896 : 340. 1 g, 12 syntypes, CAMEROUN : Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 

rubricornis Sjéstedt, 1913 : 4. Holotype g, Conco (KinsHasa): Mukimbungu (NR, Stock- 

spathulifera Griffini, 1908 : 209. 1 gsyntype, ‘‘ Bussanga’’; 1 9syntype, CAMEROUN: Mukonje 
Farm (IRSNB, Brussels). 


Myllocentrum Ragge, 1962b : 15. Type-species: Phlaurocentrum stigmosum Karsch, by original 

stigmosum Karsch, 1896 : 336 (Phlaurocentrum). Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, 


Odontura Rambur, 1838 : 44. Type-species: Barbitistes glabricauda Charpentier, by subsequent 
designation (Kirby, 1906 : 386) (type-locality: Portugal). 

algerica Brunner, 1878: 75. 1 g, 19 syntypes, ALGERIA (NM, Vienna). 
borrei Bolivar, 1878 : 71. Unknown number of 9 syntypes, ALGERIA: Constantine Province 
(IRSNB, Brussels). 


brevis Werner, 1932: 114. Holotype g, Morocco: Ifrane (NM, Vienna). 

capensis Walker, 1869 : 242. Holotype 2, SourH Arrica (BMNH, London). 

liouvillei Werner, 1929 : 184. Unknown number of ¢ syntypes, Morocco: nr. Tiflet, Mamora 
Forest; I g syntype, Morocco: Malay Idris (NM, Vienna). 

maroccana Bolivar, 1908 : 333 (as var. of Odontura spinulicauda; raised to sp. by Bolivar, 
1914 : 237). 7 3, 19 syntypes, Morocco: Marrakesh (IEE, Madrid). 

teknicus Morales, 1947 : 250 (as subsp. of Odontura liouvillei). Holotype ¢, IFNI: Zoco 

Tlata Sboya (IEE, Madrid). 

microptera Chopard, 1943 : 107. Holotype 9, ALGERIA: Ain Mlila (MNHN, Paris). 

moghrebica Morales, 1950 : 163. Holotype g, Morocco: Isaguen (IEE, Madrid). 

plasoni Ebner, 1915 : 419. 3 3, 1 Qsyntypes, TANZANIA: Tassamaganga (NM, Vienna). 

pulchra Bolivar, 1914 : 237. 3 g, 32 syntypes, Morocco: Tangier (IEE, Madrid). 

quadridentata Krauss, 1893 : xcvi. Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, ALGERIA: 
Tessala (type-depository unknown). 

terniensis Finot, 1893 : xxx. Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, ALGERIA: Terni, 

Sebdou and Tlemcen (MNHN, Paris). 

spinulicauda Rambur, 1838 : 45. Lectotype g, Spain (IEE, Madrid); designated by Uvarov 
(1948 : 380). 

stenoxypha Fieber, 1853 : 187 (Barbitistes). Holotype 9, SiciLy (type-depository unknown). 

uvarovi Werner, 1929: 184. Holotype g, Morocco: Fez (NM, Vienna). 

OX YECOUS Chopard 

Oxyecous Chopard, 1935 : 4. Type-species: Oxyecous lesnei Chopard, by monotypy. 

apertus Ragge, 1956b : 187. Holotype g, KENyA: Rabai (BMNH, London). 

lesnei Chopard, 1935: 4. Holotype g, MozamBiquE: nr. Vile Pery (MNHN, Paris). 
magnus Ragge, 1956) : 188. Holotype 3, TANZANIA: Kilosa (BMNH, London). 
undulatus Ragge, 1956b : 190. Holotype g, UGANDA: Bugoma Forest (BMNH, London). 


Parapyrrhicia Brunner, 1891: 149. Type-species: Parapyrrhicia zanzibarica Brunner, by 

zanzibarica Brunner, 1891 : 149. Holotype 9, ‘‘ ZANZIBAR”’ (NM, Vienna). 


Pardalota Brunner, 1878 : 133. Type-species: Pardalota versicolor Brunner, by monotypy. 

asymmetrica Karsch, 1896 : 330. 7 syntypes of both sexes, “AFRICA ORIENTALIS CENTRALIS ”’: 
Kirewia; Itimba; Bundeko; Bugundi; Sossian-Ngoroine, Massai Territory; W. Victoria 
Nyansa, Ussoga-Uganda (ZMHU, Berlin). 

cloetensi Griffini, 1908a : 77. Holotype 2, Conco (KinsHasa): Beni Bendi, Sankuru (IRSNB, 

haasi Griffini, 1908a:76. 23, 19 syntypes, Conco (KrnsHasa): Luluabourg (IRSNB, 

karschiana Enderlein, 1907: 197. 2 ¢ syntypes, TANZANIA: Dar es Salaam (1 in ZMHU, 
Berlin; 1 in IZPAN, Warsaw). 

reimeri La Baume, 1911 : 317. 29, 3 nymphal syntypes, Tanzania: Lindi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

superba Sjéstedt, 1913 : 2. Holotype g, Tanzanta: Lukuledi (NR, Stockholm). 

versicolor Brunner, 1878 : 134. Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, ‘‘ Chinchoxa in 
Benguela”’ (1 ¢ in ZMHU, Berlin; 1 g in NM, Vienna). 

92 D. R. RAGGE 


Peronura Karsch, 1889 : 426. Type-species: Peronura clavigera Karsch, by subsequent desig- 
nation (Kirby, 1906 : 391). 

clavigera Karsch, 1889 : 427. 29 syntypes, KENya: Mombasa (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Peropyrrhicia Brunner, 1891 : 37. Type-species: Dichopetala massaiae Bormans, by monotypy. 

cooperi Uvarov, 1934 : 598. Holotype g, Eruiopia: Jem-Jem Forest (BMNH, London). 

maculata Schulthess, 1898 : 198. 1 g, 12 syntypes, ErHropra: Biddwara (MCSN, Genoa). 

massaiae Bormans, 1880 : 218 (Dichopetala). 2 g syntypes (1 nymphal), Eruiopia: Let- 
Marefia (MCSN, Genoa). 

scotti Uvarov, 1934: 597. Holotype g, Eruiopia: between Jem-Jem and Addis Ababa 
(BMNH, London). 


Phaneroptera Serville, 1831 : 158. Type-species: Gryllus falcata Poda, by subsequent designation 
(Hemming, 1944 : 211) (type-locality unknown). 

Anerota Caudell, 1921 : 488. Type-species: Gryllus falcata Poda, by original designation. 

Paranerota Karny, 1926: 105. Type-species: Phaneroptera gracilis Burmeister, by original 

Euanerota Karny, 1927: 12. Type-species: Phaneroptera brevis Serville, by tentative original 
designation (see Ragge, 1956 : 206) (type-locality: Java). 

acaciae Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 323. Holotype g, Kenya: Mandera distr., 
Rahmu (BMNH, London). 
africana Steinmann, 1966: 411. Holotype g, GuinEa: Conakry (TM, Budapest). 
albida Walker, 1869 : 335. Holotype g, no data (BMNH, London). 
fragilis Ragge, 1960b : 245. Holotype g, Eruiopi1a: Danot (BMNH, London). 
gracilis Burmeister, 1838 : 690. 1 g, 29 syntypes, JAVA (type-depository unknown). 
voseata Walker, 1869 : 343. Holotype 9, Inp1aA (BMNH, London). 
marginalis Brunner, 1878 : 214. Holotype 9, SoutH Arrica (ZMHU, Berlin). 
indica Brunner, 1878 : 215. Lectotype ¢, Inp1A: Himalayas (NM, Vienna); designated by 
Ragge (1960b : 250). 
elongata Brunner, 1878: 217. Lectotype?, Java (ZMHU, Berlin); designated by Ragge 
(1956a : 251). 
subcarinata Bolivar, 1900 : 764. Holotype g, INp1aA: Madura (IEE, Madrid). 
longispina Ragge, 1956a : 244. Holotype g, UGANDA: Ruwenzori Range, Kilembe (BMNH, 
maculosa Ragge, 1956a : 243. Holotype g¢, CAMERouN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
magna Ragge, 1956a : 242. Holotype g, UGanpa: Mabira Forest (BMNH, London). 
minima Brunner, 1878 : 214. Holotype g, Eacypr (ZMHU, Berlin). 
nana nana Fieber, 1853 : 173 (assp.). Type-locality: PorTuGAL; type-material lost. 
quadripunctata Brunner, 1878 : 212. Lectotype g, ITaty: Trieste (NM, Vienna); designated by 
Ragge (1956 : 233). 
nana sparsa Stal, 1856: 170(assp.). Holotype 2, Sout Arrica: “Caffraria’’ (NR, Stockholm). 
lurida Walker, 1869 : 339. Holotype g, ‘‘W. Arrica”’ (erroneously cited as ‘‘ Natal” in 
original description) (BMNH, London). 
tetvasticta Gerstaecker, 1869 : 215. Holotype g, Tanzania: Uru (ZMHU, Berlin). 


conspersa Stal, 1874 : 29 (apparently proposed unnecessarily as replacement name for Phan- 
evoptera sparsa Stal). 
punctulata Burr, 1900 : 41. Holotype 3, SoMALI REPUBLIC: Whardi Datal (UM, Oxford). 
tenuicerca Ramme, 1951 : 348. Holotype $, LEBANon: Djezin (ZMHU, Berlin). 
nigropunctata Chopard, 1955 : 269. Holotype g, SoutH Arrica: Cape Province, Drakens- 
bergen, 8 miles E.N.E. of Rhodes (UZI, Lund). 
parva Ragge, 1956a : 240. Holotype g, Conco (KinsHasa): Kasongo (MRAC, Tervuren). 


Phaneroptila Uvarov, in Uvarov & Popov, 1957 : 363. Type-species: Phaneroptila insularis 
Uvarov, by monotypy. 

insularis Uvarov, in Uvarov & Popov, 1957 : 363. Holotype 3, Socotra: Hijama (BMNH, 


Phaula Brunner, 1878 : 167. Type-species: Phaula laevis Brunner, by subsequent designation 
(Kirby, 1906 : 425) (type-locality: Philippine Is.). (Homonym of Phaula Thomson, 1857 : 
Phaulula Bolivar, 1906 : 347 (proposed as replacement name for Phaula Brunner). 

inconspicua Brunner, 1891 : 83 (Phaula). Holotype 9, CAMEROUN (NM, Vienna). 
lenzi Brunner, 1891 : 83 (Phaula). Unknown number of ¢ syntypes, CAMEROUN (Liibeck, 
museum unknown) and GaBon (NM, Vienna). 


Phlaurocentrum Karsch, 1889 : 445. Type-species: Phlaurocentrum latevittatum WKarsch, by 

latevittatum Karsch, 1889 : 446. Holotype?, Conco (KiNsHasa): Kuako to Kimpoko 
(ZMHU, Berlin). 

lobatum Ragge, 1962b: 9. Holotype 3, Conco (Krnsuasa): Eala (MRAC, Tervuren). 

maculatum Ragge, 1962b: 10. Holotype g, Conco (KiNnsHasa): Mawambi-Irumu (NM, 

mecopodoides Karsch, 1892a : 321. Holotype $, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 

tuberosum Ragge, 1962b: 8. Holotype g, UGanpa: Mabira Forest (BMNH, London). 

turbatum Walker, 1869 : 340 (Phaneroptera). Holotype 3g, ‘‘Conco”’ (BMNH, London). 


Physocorypha Karsch, 1896 : 344. Type-species: Physocorypha politurata Karsch, by monotypy. 

politurata Karsch, 1896 : 345. 19 syntype, CAMEROUN: Victoria; 1 2 syntype, CAMEROUN: 
Mundame (ZMHU, Berlin). 

Plangia Stal, 1873 : 40. Type-species: Phylloptera graminea Serville, by original designation. 

graminea Serville, 1839 : 405 (Phylloptera). Unknown number of syntypes of both sexes, 
SoutH AFRICA: Cape of Good Hope (lost). 
natalensis Walker, 1869 : 379 (Phylloptera). Holotype 9, SoutrH Arrica: Natal (BMNH, 

94 D. R. RAGGE 

karschi Chopard, 1954: 44. Holotype 9, Guinea: Nimba, Nion (MNHN, Paris). 
laminifera Karsch, 1896 : 343. Holotype 9, CAMERouN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
nebulosa Karsch, 1890c : 366. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
unimaculata Chopard, 1955 : 271. Holotype g, SourH Arrica: Cape Province, Tzitzikama 
Forest, Storms River Mouth (UZI, Lund). 
villiersi Chopard, 1954: 45. Holotype 2, GuinEaA: Nimba (MNHN, Paris). 

Plangiodes Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 330. Type-species: Plangiodes carinatus 
Chopard, by original designation. 

carinatus Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 330. Holotype g, Kenya: Garissa distr., 
Afwein (BMNH, London). 

Plangiola Bolivar, 1906 : 336. Type-species: Plangiola herbacea Bolivar, by monotypy. 

herbacea Bolivar, 1906 : 337. 2 g, 19 syntypes, CAMEROUN (IEE, Madrid). 

Plangiopsis Karsch, 1889 : 459. Type-species: Plangiopsis semiconchata Karsch, by monotypy. 

adeps Karsch, 1896 : 338. 29 syntypes, CAMEROUN: Lolodorf (ZMHU, Berlin). 
foraminata Karsch, 18924 : 324. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
schoutedeni Griffini, 1908 : 218. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN: Mukonje Farm (IRSNB, Brussels). 
semiconchata Karsch, 1889 : 460. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Poecilogramma Karsch, 1887b : 52. Type-species: Poecilogramma striatifemur Karsch, by sub- 
sequent designation (Kirby, 1906 : 405). 

annulifemur Karsch, 1887) : 53. 2 g, 32 syntypes, TANZANIA: Kawende (ZMHU, Berlin). 
striatifemur Karsch, 1887) : 53. 2 g syntypes, Kenya: Mombasa (ZMHU, Berlin). 

Poreuomena Brunner, 1878 : 187. Type-species: Poreuomena africana Brunner, by monotypy. 

africana Brunner, 1878 : 187. Holotype 3, GaBon (MHN, Geneva). 

duponti Griffini, 1908a : 84. 1 g,69syntypes, CAMEROUN: Mukonje Farm (IRSNB, Brussels). 

forcipata Sjéstedt, 1901 : 12. Holotype 3, CAMEROUN (NR, Stockholm). 

gladiator Bolivar, 1906 : 337. Holotype g, CAMEROUN (IEE, Madrid). 

lamottei Chopard, 1954: 40. 1 ¢ syntype, GuinEA: Nimba, N’Zo; 1Q syntype, GUINEA: 
Nimba, Yalanzou (MNHN, Paris). 

wilverthi Griffini, 1908a : 85. Holotype g, Conco (K1nsHasa): Umangi (IRSNB, Brussels). 

Preussia Karsch, 1890¢ : 364. Type-species: Preussia lobatipes Karsch, by monotypy. 

lobatipes Karsch, 1890¢ : 365. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 



Pronomapyga Rehn, 1914 : 171. Type-species: Pronomapyga grandis Rehn, by original desig- 

grandis Rehn, 1914: 172. Holotype g, ‘ Ost-Arrika”’ (ZMHU, Berlin). 
graueri Rehn, 1914: 171. Holotype 9, ‘“Ost-Arrika” (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Prosphaga Ragge, 1960a : 322. Type-species: Pantolepta calaharica Karny, by original desig- 

calaharica Karny, 1910 : 52 (Pantolepta). Holotype g, Sout Arrica: Bechuanaland, Kala- 
hari, Ku Gudie, nr. Pitsani (ZMHU, Berlin). 
splendens Ragge, 1960a : 324. Holotype 3, Eruiopia: Wardere (BMNH, London). 


Pseudopyrrhizia Brunner, 1891: 110. Type-species: Pseudopyrrhizia punctata Brunner, by 

punctata Brunner, 1891 : 110. Holotype g, “ ZANzIBAR”’ (NM, Vienna). 


Schubotzacris Rehn, 1914 : 169. Type-species: Schubotzacris producta Rehn, by original desig- 

producta Rehn, 1914 : 169. Holotype g, Conco (KinsHasa): Mboga (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Stenamblyphyllum Karsch, 1896 : 326. Type-species: Stenamblyphyllum dilutum Karsch, by 

dilutum Karsch, 1896 : 327. Lectotype 2, CAMEROUN: Victoria (ZMHU, Berlin); designated 
by Ragge (1962a : 309). 


Symmetropleura Brunner, 1878 : 245. Type-species: Symmetropleura laevicauda Brunner, by 
subsequent designation (Kirby, 1906 : 446) (type-locality: South America, ‘“‘ Bahia’’). 
Cameronia Karsch, 1889 : 450. Type-species: Symmetropleura africana Brunner, by monotypy. 

(See p. 77.) 

africana Brunner, 1878 : 246. Holotype g, ‘““Conco”’ (NM, Vienna). 
plana Walker, 1869 : 339 (Phaneroptera). Holotype g, SourH Arrica: Natal (BMNH, 

TAPIENA Bolivar 

Tapeina Brunner, 1878 : 163. Type-species: Tapeina acutangula Brunner, by monotypy (type- 
locality : India). (Homonym of Tapeina Le Peletier & Serville, 1828 : 545.) 
Tapiena Bolivar, 1906 : 334 (proposed as replacement name for Tapeina Brunner). 

minor Bolivar, 1906 : 334. Holotype 9, Guana: “ Ashante’’ (IEE, Madrid). 

96 D. R. RAGGE 

Terpnistria Stal, 1873 : 42. Type-species: Phaneroptera zebrata Serville, by original designation. 

lobulata Stal, 1876: 61. Holotype 9, SourH West Arrica: Ovambo (NR, Stockholm) (the 
additional citation of ‘‘ Caffraria’’ is probably erroneous). 

tuberculata Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 326. Holotype g, Kenya: Northern 
Frontier Distr., Garissa (BMNH, London). 

zebrata Serville, 1839 : 424 (Phaneroptera). Holotype g, SourH Arrica: Cape of Good Hope 


Tetraconcha Karsch, 1890a: 61. Type-species: Tetraconcha fenestrata Karsch, by monotypy. 
Tellidia Bolivar, 1893 : 177. Type-species: Tellidia longipes Bolivar, by monotypy. 

banzyvilleana Griffini, 1909: 11. Holotype9, Conco (KinsHasa): Banzyville, Jusoro 
(MRAC, Tervuren). 
fenestrata Karsch, 1890a : 62. Holotype 3, CAMEROUN (ZMHU, Berlin). 
longipes Bolivar, 1893 : 178 (Tellidia). Holotype 9, Ivory Coast: Assinie (IEE, Madrid). 
smaragdina Brunner, 1891: 116. Holotype g, CAMEROUN (Liibeck, museum unknown). 
stichyrata Karsch, 1890¢ : 360. Holotype g, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 
scalaris Brunner, 1891 : 116. Holotype 3, GaBon (NM, Vienna). 


Trigonocorypha Stal, 1873 : 39. Type-species: Locusta crenulata Thunberg ( = Trigonocorypha 
unicolor (Stoll)), by original designation (type-locality unknown). 

tihamae Uvarov, 1952:177. Holotype g, Saupi ARABIA: near Qunfida, Wadi Qanuna 
(BMNH, London). 


Tropidonotacris Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954: 321. Type-species: Tvopidonotacris 
cavinata Chopard, by original designation. 

amabilis Ragge, 1957 : 121. Holotype g, Eruiopi1a: Ual Ual (BMNH, London). 

carinata Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 322 (as Tvopidonotacris carinatus; corrected by 
Ragge, 1957: 119). Holotype g, Kenya: Mandera distr., Takabba (BMNH, London). 

grandis Ragge, 1957: 122. Holotype 3, Tanzania: Little Mahenge (BMNH, London). 

Tropidophrys Karsch, 1896 : 340. Type-species: Tropidophrys amydva Karsch, by monotypy. 

amydra Karsch, 1896 : 341. Holotype gj, CaMERouN: Victoria (ZMHU, Berlin). 


Centrophorus Fischer, 1846 : 361. Type-species: Centrophorus spinosus Fischer (= Tylopsis 
lilifolia (Fabricius)), by monotypy. (Homonym of Centrophorus Miiller & Henle, 1837 : 115.) 
Tylopsis Fieber, 1853 : 172. Type-species: Locusta lilifolia Fabricius, by monotypy. 


ampla Ragge, 1964 : 315. Holotype $, ANGOLA: Moxico distr., upper Mu-Simoj R. (BMNH, 
bilineolata Serville, [1838]: 419 (Phaneroptera). Holotype g, SourH Arrica: Cape of Good 
Hope (lost). 
attenuata Walker, 1869 : 338 (Phaneroptera). Holotype 2, SourH Arrica (BMNH, London). 
marginata Brunner, 1891 : 113. Holotype 2, SoutH AFrica: Natal, Durban (NM, Vienna). 
brevis Ragge, 1964 : 314. Holotype g, Conco (Kinsuasa): Volcan Nyamlagira (MRAC, 
continua Walker, 1869 : 337 (Phaneroptera). Lectotype g, SoutH Arrica: Natal, Durban 
(BMNH, London); designated by Ragge (1964 : 318). 
vicaria Walker, 1869 : 338 (Phaneroptera). Holotype g, SoutH Arrica: Natal, Durban 
(BMNH, London). 
longipennis Stal, 1876 : 58. Holotype 3, SourH West Arrica: Damara (NR, Stockholm). 
vittata Brunner, 1878 : 229. Lectotype g, SoutH Arrica: Natal, Durban (NM, Vienna); 
designated by Ragge (1964 : 318). 
inhamata Karsch, 1889 : 453. Lectotype $, MozAMBIQUE: Delagoa Bay (ZMHU, Berlin). 
dispar Sjéstedt, 1909 : 135. Lectotype g, TANZANIA: Mt. Meru (NR, Stockholm); designated 
by Ragge (1964 : 309). 
dubia Giglio-Tos, 1907 : 3. I g, I nymphal syntype, UGANDa: Ibanda; I 2? syntype, UGANDA: 
Mitiana (IMZU, Turin). 
fissa Ragge, 1964 : 312. Holotype 3, UGANpa: Entebbe (BMNH, London). 
gracilis Chopard, in Chopard & Kevan, 1954 : 328. Holotype g, KeENya: Mandera distr., 
Damassa (BMNH, London). 
irregularis Karsch, 1893 : 130. Lectotype J, Toco: Bismarckburg (ZMHU, Berlin); desig- 
nated by Ragge (1964 : 307). 
perpulchra Burr, 1900 : 43. Holotype 3, Somati REpuBLic: Whardi Datal (UM, Oxford). 
obscuripes Chopard, 1945 : 166. Lectotype $, CAMEROUN: Bambouto Mtns. (MNHN, Paris); 
designated by Ragge (1964 : 307). 
villierst Chopard, 1950 : 133. Lectotype ¢, Nic—rR: Agadés (MNHN, Paris); designated by 
Ragge (1964 : 307). 
lamottet Chopard, 1954: 42. Lectotype g, GuINnEA: Nimba, Serengbara (MNHN, Paris); 
designated by Ragge (1964 : 307). 
lilifolia Fabricius, 1793 : 36 (Locusta). Type-locality: IraLy; type-material lost. 
gracilis Germar, 1817 : 251 (Locusta). Holotype 2, YuGos.avia: Zadar (lost). 
liliifolia Rambur, 1838 : 44 (Locusta). (Unjustified emendation.) 
praeusta Fischer, 1846 : 142 (Phaneroptera). Holotype 2, U.S.S.R.: Azerbaijan, Kirovabad 
spinosus Fischer, 1846 : 362 (Centrophorus). Unknown number of nymphal syntypes of both 
sexes, U.S.S.R.: Crimea (lost). 
margineguttata Serville, 1839 : 442 (Phaneroptera). 1 $ syntype, SARDINIA; I ¢ syntype, 
SICILY (lost). 
? cot Jannone, 1936: 147. Holotype g, DoDECANESE: Kos (ILEA, Portici). 
rubrescens Kirby, 1900 : 216. Holotype g, MaLtawi: Zomba (BMNH, London). 
punctulata Kirby, 1900 : 216. Lectotype g, MaLaw1: Zomba (BMNH, London); designated 
by Ragge (1964 : 320). 
meruensis Sjdstedt, 1909 : 134. Lectotype g, Tanzania: Mt. Meru (NR, Stockholm); 
designated by Ragge (1964 : 320). 
confluens Karny, 1915 : 124. Holotype ?, Guinea: Upper Niger (NM, Vienna). 

VOSSIA Brunner 

Vossia Brunner, 1891 : 139. Type-species: Vossia obesa Brunner, by monotypy. 

obesa Brunner, 1891 : 140. Holotype 2, CAMEROUN (NM, Vienna). 

98 D. R. RAGGE 


Weissenbornia Karsch, 1888 : 65. Type-species: Weissenbornia praestantissima Karsch, by 

praestantissima Karsch, 1888 : 66. Holotype 3, CAMEROUN: Lowry-Criby-Miindung (ZMHU, 

Zeuneria Karsch, 1889 : 443. Type-species: Zeuneria melanopeza Karsch, by monotypy. 

biramosa Sjéstedt, 1929 : 40. Holotype 3, Conco (Kinswasa): Bas-Uele (MRAC, Tervuren). 
centralis Rehn, 1914: 179. Holotype g, Conco (KinsHasa): Ruwenzori (ZMHU, Berlin). 
longicercus Sjéstedt, 1929 : 39. Holotype g, Conco (KinsuHasa): Inkisi (MRAC, Tervuren). 
melanopeza Karsch, 1889 : 443. Holotype 9, CAMEROUN: Barombi (ZMHU, Berlin). 


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1912. Zur Orthopterenfauna des Kamerungebirges. Ark. Zool. 7 (37) : 1-30, 4 figs., 
3 pls. 

1913. Neue Orthopteren aus Ost- und Westafrika nebst einigen anderen zugehérigen 
Formen. Ark. Zool. 8 (6) : 1-26, 3 pls. 

1929. Voyage au Congo de S.A.R. le Prince Léopold de Belgique 1925. Orthoptera. 
2. Phasgonurodea. Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 17 : 38-43, 3 figs. 

SPINOLA, M. 1839. Essai sur les Fulgorelles, sous-tribu de la tribu des Cicadaires, ordre des 
Rhyngotes [first part]. Annis Soc. ent. Fr. 8 : 133-337. 

STaL,C. 1856. Orthoptera cursoria och Locustina fran Cafferlandet. Ofvers. K. VetenskAkad 
Forh,. 13 : 165-170. 

1873. Orthoptera nova descripsit. Ofvers. K. VetenskAkad. Forh. 30 (4) : 39-53. 

1874. Recensio Orthopterorum. Revue critique des Orthoptéeres décrits par Linné, De 

Geer et Thunberg 2, 121 pp. Stockholm. 

1876. Bidrag till s6dra Afrikas Orthopter-fauna. Ofvers. K. VetenskAkad. Férh. 33 

(3) = 29-76.. 

STEINHEIL, E. 1873. Symbolae ad historiam Coleopterorum Argentiniae meridionalis, ossia 
enumerazione dei coleotteri raccolti dal prof. P. Strobel nell’Argentinia meridionale, e 
descrizione delle specie nuove. Centuria II. Aéti Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 15 : 554-578. 

STEINMANN, H. 1966. New Phaneroptera Serv. and Nephoptera Uv. species (Orthoptera: 
Tettigoniidae). Acta zool. hung. 12 : 409-417, 29 figs. 

STRAND, E. 1921. Neue Namen dreier Insektengattungen. Ent. Z. Frankf. a. M. 34 : 106, 

* This work is dated ‘‘ 1839 ”’ and this is often cited as the date of publication. The work was, how- 
ever, published in December, 1838 (teste Sherborn, C, D., 1922, Index Animalium (2) 1 : xxxiii). 


THomMson, J. 1857. Description de Cérambycides nouveaux ou peu connus de ma collection. 
Archs ent. Paris 1 : 291-320. 

Uvarov, B. P. 1924. Notes on the Orthoptera in the British Museum. 3. Some less known 
or new genera and species of the subfamilies Tettigoniinae and Decticinae. Tyvans. ent. 
Soc. Lond. 1923 : 492-537, 1 fig., I pl. 

1934. Entomological expedition to Abyssinia, 1926-7: Orthoptera of the families Mantidae 

Gryllidae, Tettigoniidae, and Acrididae. J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 38 : 591-614, Io figs. 

1936. Studies in the Arabian Orthoptera. 1. Descriptions of new genera, species and 
subspecies. J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 39 : 531-554, 5 figs., 2 pls. 
1940a. Twenty-eight new generic names in Orthoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (11) 

5 : 173-176. 
1940b. Twenty-four new generic names in Orthoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (11) 
6 : 112-117. 

—— 1952. Studies in the Arabian Orthoptera. III. New genera, species and subspecies 
collected by the Anti-Locust Missions. J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 42 : 176-194, 55 figs. 

Uvarov, B. P., & Popov, G. 1957. The Saltatorial Orthoptera of Socotra. J. Linn. Soc. 
(Zool.) 43 : 359-380, 38 figs., 1 pl., 1 map. 

WALKER, F. 1869. Catalogue of the specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the collection of the 
British Museum 2 : 225-423. London. 

1870. Catalogue of the specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the collection of the British 
Museum 3 : 425-604. London. 

WERNER, F. 1929. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise nach 

Westalgerien und Marokko. II. Dermapteren und Orthopteren aus Westalgerien und 

Marokko. Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien (I) 138 : 167-188, 7 figs., 4 pls. 

1932. Orthopteren aus Marokko und Westalgerien. Zool. Anz. 100 : 113-127, 2 figs. 

ZACHER, F. 1917. Die Geradfliigler Deutschlands und thre Verbreitung. vii + 287 pp., I map. 

ZEUNER, F. E. 1936a. The subfamilies of Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera). Proc. R. ent. Soc. 

Lond. (B) 5 : 103-109. 

1936b. The Recent and fossil Tympanophorinae (Tettigoniidae, Saltatoria). Tvans. R. 

ent. Soc. Lond. 85 : 287-302, 2 pls. 

1939. Fossil Orthoptera Ensifera. xiii + 321 pp., 80 pls. London. 


Valid names are in roman type, invalid names in italics. 

acaciae, 92 ampla, 97 

accrana, 80 amplectens, 82 

acuticercus, 83 amplipennis, 87 

adeps, 94 amydra, 96 

adicra, 84 Anerota, 92 

aequatorialis, 84 angustipennis, Arantia, 80 
affinis, 87 angustipennis, Debrona, 82 
afra, 81 angustipennis, Leiodontocercus, 89 
africana, Phaneroptera, 92 angustipennis, Mangomaloba, 89 
africana, Poreuomena, 94 Anisotochra, 80 

africana, Symmetropleura, 77, 78, 95 annulifemur, 94 

albida, 92 antinorii, 89 

algerica, 90 apertus, 9I 

amabilis, 96 apicalis, 81 


arabica, 85 
Arantia, 80 
asymmetrica, 91 
Atlasacris, 80 
atrolineata, 80 
attenuata, 97 
Azamia, 80 

banzyvilleana, 96 
belcki, 82 

bicolor, 85 
bilineolata, 97 
biplagiata, 80 
bipunctata, 88 
biramosa, Ducetia, 83 
biramosa, Zeuneria, 98 
blandus, 90 

Bongeia, 81 

borrei, 90 

breviala, 84 
brevicauda, 81 
brevicollis, 85 
brevipes, 80 

brevis, Odontura, 91 
brevis, Tylopsis, 97 
brunneri, Conchotopoda, 78, 82 
brunneri, Melidia, 89 
Bueacola, 81 
Buettneria, 81 
Biittneria, 81 

calaharica, 95 
camerata, 82 
Cameronia, 77, 78, 95 
Camptoxiphae, 79 
canaliculata, 85 
capensis, 9I 

capreola, 81 

carinata, Tropidonotacris, 96 
carinatus, Plangiodes, 94 
Catoptropteryx, 81 
centralis, 98 
Centrophorus, 96 
cereris, 85 

cervina, 82 
Cestromoecha, 78, 81 
chelocerca, 83 
clavigera, 92 
cloetensi, 91 

cot, 97 

compressa, 85 
concava, 87 
Conchotopoda, 82 
condylus, 89 


confluens, 97 
contradti, 89 
conspersa, 93 
continua, 97 

cooperi, 92 

cornigera, 81 

corrosa, 83 
corrosifolium, 83 
Corycomima, 82 
Corymeta, 82 
costata, 84 
cothurnata, 85 
crassicauda, 82 
crassipes, 78, 81 
crosskeyi, Ducetia, 84 
crosskeyi, Horatosphaga, 87 
crypterius, 84 
cuspidata, 85 

Dannfeltia, 82 

Dapanera, 82 

darlingi, 85 

Debrona, 82 

denticulata, 83 

dilutum, 95 

dimidiata, 86 

diminuta, Eurycorypha, 85 
diminuta, Horatosphaga, 87 
Diogena, 83 

Dioncomena, 83 

dispar, 97 

Dithela, 83 

doriae, 80 
Drepanophyllum, 83 
dubia, 97 

Ducetia, 83 

duponti, 94 

eburneiguttata, 81 
eidmanni, 82 

elegans, 89 

elgonis, 87 

elongata, Horatosphaga, 87 
elongata, Phaneroptera, 92 
Enochletica, 84 
Epiphlebus, 84 
Euanerota, 92 

Eulioptera, 84 
Eupantolepta, 87 
Eurycorypha, 84 
Euthyphlebia, 86 
excelsior, 80 

extensipes, 81 

fallax, 85 
fasciata, 80 
fatidica, 80 
fausta, 83 
feana, 86 
fenestrata, 96 
fissa, 97 
flavescens, 82 
foraminata, 94 
forcipata, 94 
fragilis, 92 
furcatum, 83 
fuscopunctata, 84 

Gabonella, 85 
Gabonia, 85 
gabunensis, 80 
galbana, 86 
Gelatopoea, 85 
Gelatopoia, 85 
genuteres, 82 
gestri, 80 
gladiator, 94 
Goetia, 86 
Gonatoxia, 86 
gracilipes, 80 

gracilis, Horatosphaga, 87 

gracilis, Locusta, 97 

gracilis, Phaneroptera, 92 
gracilis, Plegmatoptera, 87 

gracilis, Tylopsis, 97 
grallatoria, 82 
graminea, 93 

grandis, Pronomapyga, 95 
grandis, Tropidonotacris, 96 

graueri, 95 
Gravenreuthia, 86 
guttatipes, 81 

haasi, 91 
habetata, 82 
hamuligera, 90 
Harposcepa, 86 
herbacea, 94 
heteromorpha, 87 
Himerta, 86 
Himertula, 86 
hoehneli, 87 
Horatosphaga, 86 
hydatinoptera, 80 

immaculata, 86 
immaculipennis, 81 
inclusa, 87 

INDEX 105 

inconspicua, 93 

indica, 92 

inermis, 88 

inhamata, 97 

insularis, 93 

irregularis, Dapanera, 82 
irregularis, Tylopsis, 97 
Itokiia, 88 

Ivensia, 88 

Japygophana, 88 

kandti, 87 

karscht, Pachypyga, 87 
karschi, Plangia, 94 
Karschia, 83 

karschiana, Harposcepa, 86 
karschiana, Pardalota, 91 
kasindina, 88 

Keniacola, 87 

kenyensis, 89 

Kevaniella, 88 
kilimandjarica, Monticolaria, 90 
kilimandjarica, Pantolepta, 87 
Kuwayamaea, 83 

Lamecosoma, 88 
laminata, 89 

laminifera, 94 

lamottei, Poreuomena, 94 
lamottei, Tylopsis, 97 
latevittatum, 93 

latifolia, 80 

latifrons, 90 

latipennis, Catoptropteryx, 81 
latipennis, Mangomaloba, 89 
leggei, 87 
Leiodontocercus, 89 
lenzi, 93 

leptocerca, 82 
leptocnemis, 80 
leptomorpha, 84 
Leptophyes, 89 

lesnei, 9I 

Letana, 89 

lilifolia, 97 

liliifolia, 97 

linearis, 87 

liouvillei, 91 

lobatipes, 94 

lobatum, 93 

lobulata, 96 

lobulipennis, 86 
longicerca, Eulioptera, 84 


longicercus, Zeuneria, 98 
longipennis, 97 

longipes, Horatosphaga, 87 
longipes, Tetraconcha, 96 
longispina, 92 

loosi, 84 

lurida, 92 

macrocerca, 84 

maculata, Gonatoxia, 86 
maculata, Peropyrrhicia, 92 
maculatum, Phlaurocentrum, 93 
maculiceps, 81 
maculipennis, 81 

maculosa, 92 

magna, Horatosphaga, 87 
magna, Phaneroptera, 92 
magnus, Oxyecous, 91 
malleus, 89 

mammisignum, 80 

manca, 80 

Mangomaloba, 89 
marginalis, 92 

marginata, 97 
margineguttata, 97 
marmorata, Arantia, 80 

marmoratum, Drepanophyllum, 83 

maroccana, 9I 

massaiae, 92 
mecopodoides, 93 

media, Eurycorypha arabica, 85 
media, Horatosphaga, 87 
melanopeza, 98 

melanotus, 80 

melica, 90 

Melidia, 89 

meruensis, Horatosphaga, 87 
meruensis, Monticolaria, 90 
meruensis, Tylopsis, 97 
Meruterrana, 89 
microptera, 9I 

Milititsa, 90 

Miltinobates, 90 

minima, 92 

minor, 95 

modulata, 90 

moghrebica, 9I 

montana, 85 

Monteiroa, 90 

monticola, 89 
Monticolaria, 90 
montivaga, 87 

Morgenia, 90 

multivenosa, 88 


mundamensis, 81 
mutica, 85 
Myllocentrum, 90 
Myrmecophana, 84 

nana, Dannfeltia, 82 

nana, Phaneroptera, 92 

natalensis, 93 
nebulosa, 94 
neutralipennis, 81 
nigropunctata, 93 
nigrospinosa, 81 
nomima, 87 
nuda, 87 

obesa, 97 
obscuripes, 97 
Odontura, 90 
ornata, 83 
ornatipes, 85 
orthocnemis, 80 
ostentatrix, 84 
Otiaphysa, 82 
ovalipennis, 80 
Oxyecous, 9I 

Pachypyga, 86 
Pachypygiana, 87 
Pantolepta, 86 
parallela, 87 
Paranerota, 92 
Parapyrrhicia, 91 
Pardalota, 91 

parva, Conchotopoda, 82 

parva, Ducetia, 84 

parva, Phaneroptera, 93 

Paura, 83 
peculiaris, 80 
peeli, 88 

peloti, 88 
Peronura, 92 
Peropyrrhicia, 92 
perpulchra, 97 
Phaneroptera, 92 
Phaneroptila, 93 
Phaula, 93 
Phaulula, 93 
Phlaurocentrum, 93 
Physocorypha, 93 
plana, 95 
Plangia, 93 
Plangiodes, 94 
Plangiola, 94 

Plangiopsis, 94 

plasoni, 91 

Plegmatia, 87 

Plegmatoptera, 86 
Poecilogramma, 94 
politurata, 93 

Poreuomena, 94 
praestantissima, 98 

praeusta, 97 

Preussia, 94 

producta, 95 

Pronomapyga, 95 
proserpinae, 85 

Prosphaga, 95 

Pseudisotima, 83 
Pseudopyrrhizia, 95 

pulchra, 91 

punctata, Ducetia, 84 
punctata, Pseudopyrrhizia, 95 
puncticollis, 81 

punctipennis, Ducetia, 84 
punctipennis, Eurycorypha, 85 
punctulata, Catoptropteryx, 81 
punctulata, Phaneroptera, 93 
punctulata, Tylopsis, 97 
Pyrrhicia, 89 

Pyrrhizia, 89 

quadridentata, 91 
quadripunctata, Phaneroptera, 92 
quadripunctata, Telaea, 84 

ramulosa, 84 

rectifolia, 80 

rectiloba, 83 

reducta, 85 

regina, 80 

regularis, 87 

reimeri, 91 

- reticulata, Eulioptera, 84 
reticulata, Plegmatoptera, 87 
veticulosa, 84 

retinervis, 80 
Rhegmatopoda, 78, 82 
vivae, 88 

robusta, 87 

voseata, 92 

royi, 89 

rubrescens, 97 

rubricornis, 90 

ruspolii, Epiphlebus, 84 
ruspolii, Horatosphaga, 88 

INDEX 107 

sagitta, 84 

samburu, 88 

saturata, 86 

scalaris, 96 
schoutedeni, 94 
Schubotzacris, 95 
Schulthessinia, 87 
scotti, 92 

scurra, 80 

securifera, 85 
semiconchata, 94 
serrifera, 88 
signatipennis, 81 
silvarum, 88 
simillima, 85 
simplicinervis, 80 
smaragdina, 96 
somali, 88 

somaliensis, 90 

sparsa, 92 
spathulifera, 90 
spinosus, 97 
spinulicauda, 91 
spinulosa, Arantia, 80 
spinulosa, Eulioptera, 84 
spinulosa, Eurycorypha, 85 
splendens, 95 
Stenacropteryx, 81 
Stenamblyphyllum, 95 
stenoxypha, 91 
stichyrata, 96 
stigmosum, 90 
strangulata, 85 
striatifemur, 94 
stuhlmanni, 88 
stylata, 85 

stylifera, 88 
subcarinata, 92 
sudanensis, 85 
superba, Dioncomena, 83 
superba, Pardalota, 91 
Symmetropleura, 77, 78, 95 

Tapeina, 95 
Tapiena, 95 
teknicus, 91 
Telaea, 83 
Tellidea, 96 
tenuicerca, 93 
tenuipes, 81 
tenuis, 88 
terniensis, QI 
Terpnistria, 96 
Tetraconcha, 96 

108 INDEX 

tetvasticta, 92 versicolor, 91 
Thaumatoxenia, 87 vicaria, 97 

tigrina, 80 vicina, 88 

tihamae, 96 villiersi, Plangia, 94 
Trigonocorypha, 96 villiersi, Tylopsis, 97 
trochlearis, 88 viridis, 88 
Tropidonotacris, 96 : vitriala, 84 
Tropidophrys, 96 viltata, 97 
tuberculata, 96 vosseleri, 88 
tuberosum, 93 Vossia, 97 

turbatum, 93 
Tylopsis, 96 

Weissenbornia, 98 
ugandana, 80 wilverthi, 94 
uncinata, 88 
undulatus, 91 

unimaculata, 94 zanzibarica, Letana, 89 
uvarovi, 9I zanzibarica, Parapyrrhicia, 91 

zebrata, Eurycorypha, 85 
varia, 85 zebrata, Terpnistria, 96 
velicauda, 85 Zeuneria, 98 

vi SS 




. MAsnER, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British 

Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. 
Pp. 143. February, 1965. £5. 

Nixon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera: 
Braconidae). Pp. 284; 348 Text-figures. August, 1965. 6. 

Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177; 
18 plates, 270 Text-figures. August, 1965. £4 4s. 

Sanps, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, 
Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp. 172; 500 Text-figures. October, 
1965. £3 5s. 

AumaD,I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera : Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156; 
475 Text-figures. November, 1965. {2 I5s. 

OxapDA, T. Dipterafrom Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae & Drosophilidae. 
Pp. 129; 328 Text-figures. £3. 

GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family 
Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp. 168; 43 Text-figures. February, 1967. 
£3 38. 

FLETCHER, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the 
world species of Cleora (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. 119; 14 plates, 146 
Text-figures, 9 maps. February, 1967. £3 Ios. 

HemMinG, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species 
(Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp. 509. August, 1967. 8 Ios. 

STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rhopa- 
locera). Pp. 322; Coloured frontispiece, 348 text figures. August, 1967. £8. 
Mounp, L.A. A review of R.S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera Collection. Pp. 181; 
82 Text-figures. May, 1968. £4. 


J‘ \ —., 




ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 4 

LONDON: 1968 



RB. B: BENSON “4 : 

British Museum (Natural Histo 

Pp. 109-207; 42 Text-figs. 

ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 4 
LONDON : 1968 

(NATURAL HISTORY), instituted in 1949, 1s 
issued in five series corresponding to the Departments 
of the Museum, and an Historical series. 

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become 
veady. Volumes will contain about three or four 
hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed 
within one calendar year. 

In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer 
papers was instituted, numbered serially for each 

This paper ts Vol. 22, No. 4 of the Entomological 
series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited 
follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 

World List abbreviation: 
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). 

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 5 July, 1968 Price £2 



The Sawflies of Asiatic Turkey and neighbouring countries (from Israel and Cyprus to Trans- 
caucasia and Iran) are listed; over 370 from Asiatic Turkey itself, 50 of these for the first time. 
Twenty-three new species or subspecies are described and lectotypes designated for seven 
species. Keys to world species are given for genera or generic-groups centred in this region. 
The account is based mainly on the collections made in Turkey by Messrs. K. M. Guichard and 
D. H. Harvey in 1959, 1960 and 1962. 



INTRODUCTION . F : : : : : ; ; é : III 
XYELIDAE F ' : : : : F ‘ : : : a 
PAMPHILIIDAE A , : : : , é : i . 112 
MEGALODONTIDAE . y . Z ‘ ; . ; : ; 114 
XIPHYDRIIDAE ; ; : : 2 é ; : : ‘ 116 
SIRICIDAE ; P ; ; é : ; : , ‘ A 116 
ORUSSIDAE : ; : : : ‘ ‘ ; ‘ , : 117 
CEPHIDAE : : é ‘ s : : , : ; : TI7 
ARGIDAE . : : : ‘ ‘ ; ; . ; é i 124 
CIMBICIDAE : j : : F : . : : : : 129 
TENTHREDINIDAE F ; F : F ; ; 2 : : 133 
Selandriinae . : : : ; ‘ : : F ‘ 134 
Blennocampinae : ; : ; : : ; ; , 143 
Tenthredininae . : ‘ : : : ; : : ; 154 
Nematinae ; : : : : ; : : : és 198 
REFERENCES . ‘ ‘ ; : : ‘ ; : : : 205 
INDEX . : : “ ; : : : : : ‘ : 2006 


A GENERAL account of the fruitful entomological expeditions of Kenneth M. Guichard 
and David H. Harvey to Turkey in 1959, 1960 and 1962 has already been published 
(Guichard & Harvey, 1967). In the pages that follow, the numbers given (in paren- 
theses) after the names of the Provinces refer to the Guichard & Harvey (1967) 
collecting site-numbers. For dates and ecological details of the sites, reference 
must be made to that paper. The present work on the sawflies, though based 
mainly on the Guichard and Harvey collections, has been broadened to include 
material from other countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean, such as that 
collected by G. A. Mavromoustakis in Cyprus (Benson, 1954), by Dr. Bytinski-Salz 
and others in Israel (Benson, 1955), by Dr. Zhelochovtsev (1941) and Dr. Dadurian 
(1958) in Armenia, by G. Heinrich in the Elburz Mountains, N. Iran (Berlin 

* Since the submission of this paper for publication, we learned with deep regret of the death of the 

author. Certain editorial changes have been made in the paper, which we were unable to submit to him. 
(Editor’s Note.) 

ENTOM. 22, 4. 4 

112 R. B. BENSON 

Museum) and more recently by D. B. Baker on the S. Caspian Coast and Elburz 
Mountains of N. Iran. 

There is no doubt that in collecting this material, the larger and more highly- 
coloured flower-haunting species have been favoured, whereas most of the small 
dark inconspicuous species on low plants, as well as those associated with forest 
trees, have yet to be explored. The most useful approach therefore seemed to be 
to treat this fauna as though it were an extension of that of C. Europe as described 
by Enslin (1912-18) and Benson (1951-58), and in the families other than the 
Tenthredinidae, the Palaearctic fauna described by Gussakovskii (1935 and 1947). 
References to species given in full by Konow, 1905 or Gussakovskii are not repeated 

Wherever possible, new keys have been provided to the known world species for 
the genera centred in the E. Mediterranean: i.e., for Corynis, Tenthredopsis, Cuneala, 
Elinora and Sciapteryx. 

In Tenthredo a key has been constructed to world species-groups, and separate 
keys to species have been provided for the following species-groups: bifasciata, 
zonula, and maculata-temula; keys are also provided as follows: Calameuta and 
Tvachelus species of the E. Mediterranean; the picipes-ciliatus-group of Dolerus; 
Periclista and the blanda-duodecimpunctata- and the postica-groups of Macrophya 
in the W. Palaearctic. 

I am much indebted to many people who have helped me in this work: especially 
to K. M. Guichard and D. H. Harvey for their careful attention to collecting sawflies 
in Turkey, and to D. B. Baker for the great care he has taken in collecting sawflies 
for me in N. Iran; to Dr. Oehlke of the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Ebers- 
wald, Germany for his continued kindness in lending me numerous Konow types 
for study; to Dr. Kénigsmann of the Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Uni- 
versitat zu Berlin for lending me Dr. Heinrich’s material from the Elburz Mountains 
etc.; to Dr. Zhelochovtsev of Moscow for sending in exchange most valuable repre- 
sentatives of species collected by himself in Armenia; to Dr. F. Wolf of the Facultés 
des Sciences Agronomiques, Gembloux, Belgium, for lending me material collected 
in Turkey in 1965 by Dr. Demelt. 

Unless otherwise indicated, the new Turkish records given below are of specimens 
collected by Guichard or Harvey in 1959, 1960 or 1962. Those marked with an 
asterisk (*) are new to the recorded fauna of Turkey and a dagger (+) indicates that 
the type has been examined in the course of this work. 

Xyela graeca J. P. E. F. Stein 
Xyela graeca J. P. E. F. Stein; Benson, 1958. 
TurKEY, C. and W.: Ankara (13), 5 2; Izmir (Smyrna). 

For a key to the palaearctic species see Gussakovskii 1935. 


* Acantholyda hieroglyphica (Christ) 

TurKEY, C.: Ankara (3) 19; Ankara, Cankaya, 19, (H. Ozeren). 
Europe and TURKEY. 

Acantholyda fumata (Enslin) 

TuRKEY, S.: Mersin, Toros Dagi [“‘ Cilicischer Taurus ’’], (type locality). Endemic. 

Cephalcia hartigi (Bremi) 

* Neurotoma fausta (Klug) 

TurKEY, W.: Bursa, Karacabey, iv-v.1928 (Ayjtaz). 
C. and S. Europe and TURKEY. 

Neurotoma saltuum (L.) 

TurKEY, N.: Sakarya, Adapazari, on Prunus armeniaca L., (M. 

* Neurotoma nemoralis (L.) 

TuRKEY, C.: Kiitakya, Sureya, 1923, on leaves of Prunus cerasus L. 
Europe and TURKEY. 

Celidoptera maculipennis (J. P. E. F. Stein) 

Turkey, C.: Ankara, Kiire Dag, near Bala, 1500 m., 2 3, 2 9, 10.v.1959, flying 
round Prunus spinosa L. (E. S. Brown). 

Previously recorded only from TurKEy, W. and C.: Izmir and Amasya Provinces. 

Pamphilius caucasicus Gussakovskii, 1935 


Pamphilius trigarius Konow 


Pamphilius lethierryi (Konow) 


Pamphilius aurantiacus (Giraud) 




The species of this family are found mainly as adults on the flower tables of Umbel- 
liferae, on which plants the larvae feed socially in webs. The species are keyed 
by Gussakovskii, 1935. 

Megalodontes imperialis Konow 


Megalodontes phoenicius (Lepeletier) 


Megalodontes kohli Konow 
TurKEY, C. N. and N.E.: Amasya (5); Kayseri (4); Samsun (3); Erzurum (4). 
*Megalodontes multicinctus (Mocsary) 

TurRKEY, C.: Ankara, Bala district, Ucern, 3 9, 28.v.1959 (E. S. Brown). 

Megalodontes exornatus (Zaddach) 


Megalodontes loewi (Stein) 


Megalodontes flabellicornis (Germar) 

TuRKEY, C. and N.E.: Nigde (5); Erzurum (1 and 4); Artvin (7). 2 3, 8 9. 
S. Europe and TURKEY. 

Megalodontes escalerai Konow 

LEBANON: Djezzine, I 9, (G. A. Mavromoustakis). 

Megalodontes pectinicornis (Klug) 

TurRKEY, C. andS.: Ankara (12); Amasya (5, 7 and 14); Mersin (9). 20 3, 35 &. 
HunGary and TURKEY, 


Megalodontes olivieri (Brullé) 

Megalodontes medius Konow 

TurKEy, N.W. and C.: Bursa (4); Corum (2). 2 4, 29. 

*Megalodontes laticeps Konow 

TuRKEY, C.: Konya, Aksehir, 1 9, I-12. vi.1955 (Setdenstiicker) ; Nigde (1). 1 Q; 
Kayseri (4), 19. IsRAEL: Carmel, Place of Sacrifice, 2 g, 1 9, 26. ili-g .iv. 1930 

S.E. Europe, TURKEY and IsrAEL. Not previously recorded outside Europe. 

Megalodontes flavicornis (Klug) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Artvin (7). 319; Iran: Azerbaijan, Bazergan, 1300m., I 9, 
25.v.1960 (E. S. Brown). 


Megalodontes aquilus Konow 

*Megalodontes klugi (Leach) 

Tarpa spissicornis Klug. 

TuRKEY, N.W.: Bursa (9). 16. 
C. and S. Europe and TuRKEY. 

Tristactus judaicus (Lepeletier) 

Tarpa judaica Lepeletier. 
T. caesariensis Lepeletier. 
tTristactus punctatus Konow, syn. n. 

A series of this species (14 3, 11 2) from S. TURKEY: Mersin (5) agrees with a series 
given to the B.M. (N.H.) by Enslin from S. TURKEY: Mersin, Tarsus, 23-24 .iv.1955 
(Serdenstiicker) and S.E. TurKkEey: Diyarbakir, Ergani (Osmaniye), 5-6.v.1955 
(Seidenstticker). These all have strongly infuscate wings, the males with a white 
clypeus and mandibles, and the females with dark mandibles and a variable extension 
of black on the clypeus; it would not be surprising to find individuals with an entirely 
black clypeus and caesariensis would seem to be just such an aberration. A series 
from ISRAEL: Mt. Tiberias, 2 g, 20.11.1939 (Palmont), I 3, 14.iv.1963 (C. H. 
Andrewes); Benkamina, I 9, 23-25.ili.1942 and Elon, 1 9, 18.v.1946 (H. Bytinski- 

116 R. B. BENSON 

Salz) differ from the form from Turkey in having subhyaline wings. The punctation 
of the mesonotum is also variable and T. punctatus is not clearly differentiated. 



For a key to palaearctic species see Gussakovskii, 1935. 

Xiphydria caucasica Semenov & Gussakovskii 



For keys to species see Benson, 1943. 

Xeris spectrum (L.) 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (14). 3 9. 

EuROPE to Caucasus and AsiIA MINOR, SIBERIA and mountains to HEpta- 
POTAMIA, SAKHALIN, boreal N. AMERICA and mountains south to COLORADO. 

Urocerus augur augur (Klug) 

Sivex cedrovum Smith. 
Urocerus augur bensoni Maa, 1949, Syn. n. 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Artvin (5). 2 9 ina timber yard. 
Mountains of C. EuRopE, TURKEY and LEBANON. 

Urocerus augur sah Mocsary 

TuRKEY, W.: Izmir, Odemis, Boz Sira Daglari, 1300-1900 m., I 9, 16. viii. 1950 
(Pf. Davis). 

Urocerus gigas gigas (L.) 

Occasionally introduced from Europe. 

Urocerus gigas argonautarum Semenov 

TurRKEY, N. and N.E.: Bolu (3). 19; Trabzon (2). 1 Q in timber yard. 


Sirex juvencus (L). 

TRANSCAUCASIA (Dadurian, 1958). Holarctic. 

Sirex cyaneus dux Semenov 

This form agrees with S. cyaneus F. in ovipositor/sawsheath ratio and in all other 
essential characters, but the total ovipositor is longer than in that form and is 
almost as long as a fore wing (see Benson, 1943). It seems reasonable to treat 
forms differing only in ovipositor/fore wing ratio in Sivex as at most subspecies, as 
was done by Benson in Urvocerus. TRANSCAUCASIA. 

Sirex noctilio F. 
TURKEY, S.W.: Denizli, ex Pinus brutia Ten, 3 3, 2 9, x.1962 (Dr. Hasan Canak- 
This series of small dark-winged specimens (15-16 mm. long) and a similar series 
from Cyprus, x.1927 (H. M. Morris) in the B.M. (N.H.) may have been imported. 

Temperate EurRASIA, introduced into N. AMERICA, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA. 


Tremex jakovlevi Semenov 

Orussus abietinus (Scopoli) 


*Mocsarya syriaca Benson, 1936 

The unique original specimen of this species was collected at Akbés (Meidan 
Ekbes) on the Turkish border of Syria and as it had lost its antennae, its original 
generic assignment was doubtful. Guichard and Harvey collected a second speci- 
men, I gin N. TuRKEY: Zonguldak, near Ulus, c. 100 m., 17.vii.1962. The posses- 
sion of antennae with a small scape shows that the species had been correctly assigned 
to Mocsarya rather than to Chalinus. The male is only 9mm., with subhyaline 
wings, and the carinae within the facial field are incompletely developed, not un- 
naturally in a small specimen. 


A classification of the Cephidae was given by Benson (1946) and most of the 
species from Asia Minor can be named in Gussakovskii’s work (1935), but keys to 
E, Mediterranean Calameuta and Trachelus are given below. 

118 R. B. BENSON 

Hartigia nigra (Harris) 
TurRKEY, N.E.: Erzurum (5). 1 @. 
C. and S. Europe and TuRKEY. 

Hartigia linearis (Schrank) 

[Janus femoratus (Curtis) 

TurKEY, N.W.: Istanbul (3). 19. Not recorded yet from Asia Minor. 
This specimen differs from the normal C. European form in having a brown 
instead of yellowish white tegula. 


[Janus compressus (Fabricius) 

TurRKEY, N.W.: Istanbul (3). 29. Likewise not yet recorded from Asia Minor. 

Syrista parreyssii (Spinola) 

TurRKEY, N.W., C. and N.E.: Tekirdeg (1); Amasya (3, 4, 5 and 7); Ankara (33); 
Nigde (5); Erzurum (4). 15 4, 12 9. 

The flight period is from the end of May in Amasya and Nigde, to 23rd July at 
2,300 m., Erzurum. 



Pachycephus smyrnensis J. P. E. F. Stein 

Pachycephus brevis Ghigi, syn. n. 
tSpatulocephus sanctus Pic, syn. n. 

This species is common and very variable in size (6-11 mm.) and colour pattern. 

In Cyprus and IsRAEL it flies in March and April. In TuRKEy at Mersin (8), 
at 600 m. and at Amasya (I, 2 and 3) at 400-500 m., it was found in the last week 
of May and first week of June. 39 4, 50 9. 


Pachycephus aeneovarius Kohl 

This species is very similar to P. smyrnensis except that the dark colour of the body 
has greenish and bluish metallic reflections, and the head and thorax are even more 
densely punctured. 

Only known from TurKEy: Eskischir, Sebandseln (Kohl, 1905). Endemic. 


Pachycephus persicus Gussakovskii 

This species is based on a unique g of 6 mm. length, in which the yellowish white 
markings are replaced by white. It would seem probable that this is a form of 
P. smyrnensis. 

S. IRAN: Luristan, iii. 1904. 

[Pachycephus cruentatus cruentatus (Eversmann) 

This species is distinguished from the above in: (1) lacking any sign of a genal 
carina on the lower lateral hind margin of the head capsule; (2) the strongly shining 
surface of head and thorax with obsolescent punctures; and (3) the deeply infuscate 

S. Russia, CrimEA, N. CAucASus]. 

Pachycephus cruentatus konowi Kohl 

This subspecies differs from the typical form in having more extensive red colour 
on the legs. It was described originally from TURKEY: Kayseri, Ereiyas and Dagi, 
and has also been found in ISRAEL, at Urim. 

Characopygus decoratus sp. n. 

@. Black with following parts yellow: palps, mandibles (except teeth), fleck in middle of 
fronto-clypeal area, pronotum, behind, tegula, small fleck on each lateral mesonotal lobe, large 
fleck on scutellum, upper angle of mesepisternum legs (except most of coxae, trochanters and 
bases of femora which are black, and the yellow colour is reddish tinged) tergites 6, 7 and 9 
almost entirely, 3rd laterally and with medial fleck, and 8th with lateral and medial flecks 
broad, apical margin of hypopygium, small fleck on the preceding sternite, and lower edge of 
basal plate flanking the ovipositor. Wings hyaline; stigma, C and Sc yellow; rest of venation 
brown to piceous. 

Length: 11 mm. (without ovipositor). 

Head normal, subparallel-sided. Distance between antennal sockets compared to distance 
between socket and middle of anterior tentorial pit as 1:0 : 0-8. Antenna 22-segmented; 
becoming clavate from about 7th segment; 1oth onwards transverse, and 20th about two anda 
half times broader than long. POL : OOL: OCL as 1:0: 1°3 : I°9. 

Thorax normal. Legs with hind tarsus about as long as tibia, basitarsus longer than 3 fol- 
lowing tarsal segments together. Spurs normal. Inner hind tibial spur longer than apical 
width of tibia as 1:2 : 1-0. Claws with inner tooth about as long as end tooth, parallel with it 
but stouter at base. 

Abdomen with ovipositor about as long as 3 basal hind tarsal segments. Sawsheath at about 
45° out of alignment with basal plate and shorter than basal plate as I-o : 1:2. 

Punctation obsolescent on frons, which is shining; temples shining between shallow punctures 
separated by about two diameters from each other. Mesonotum and mesopleuron with denser 
punctures separated by about one diameter, but on the front lobes the interspaces between the 
punctures are dull, with fine surface sculpture and on the scutellum the punctures are shallow 
and with more widely shining interspaces. Abdomen dull with follicles and fine surface 

120 R. B. BENSON 

Pubescence : Head and thorax with dense pubescence about as long as diameter of an ocellus, 
fuscous on the dark surfaces and colourless on the yellow surfaces. Abdomen likewise densely 
clothed all over with very short pubescence. 

3 as @ but lateral lobes of mesonotum entirely black, and abdomen with tergites 4, 6 and 7 
almost entirely, 3 laterally, posterior half of 8 and hypopygium and apical segments entirely 

Antenna with 20th segment about x 2 broader than long. Sternite of 8th abdominal segment 
with an apical fringe of strap-shaped setae; hypopygium normal, drawn out into a narrow 
tongue-like protuberance, slightly swollen apically, 9 mm. 

Holotype 2. IsRAEL: near Jerusalem, Ejn, Karim, 10.iii.1959 (H. Bytinski- 
Salz). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratype. IsrAEL: Holou, 1 3, 28.iii.1959 (H. Bytinski-Salz). B.M. (N.H.). 

This new species is at once distinguishable from those previously known by its 
rich yellow markings. None of the other species have any tergites banded right 
across with yellow, or mesopleurum or scutellum yellow-flecked. 

In structure the species are very similar, but the 22-segmented antenna may prove 
to be characteristic (C. moricet Konow and C. scythicus Dovnar-Zapolskii have 
20 segments and C. modestus Dovnar-Zapolskii but 18). 

Characopygus scythicus Dovnar-Zapolskii 
TuRKEY: Mersin, Gozne, 1,800 m., I 2, (Guichard & Harvey). 

Previously known only from S. and S.E. Russia (Askamia-Nova, Sarepta and 

Attached to wild and cultivated Gramineae. 

Cephus pygmaeus (L.) 

Cephus tanaiticus Dovnar-Zapolskii, syn. n. 
C. notatus Kokujer, syn. n. 

The descriptions of C. tanaiticus Dovnar-Zapolskii from S. Russia and C. notatus 
from Transcaucasia agree with melanic forms of this species that I have seen in 
Britain and elsewhere. Pest of corn and other cultivated grasses. 

This species, apart from its introduction into eastern N. AMERICA, occurs through- 
out EuROoPE, west of the Volga and Caspian and south of about 60° lat. and also in 

Cephus brachycercus C. G. Thomson 
TURKEY: Samsun (5). I. 

Cephus nigrinus C. G. Thomson 
SYRIA: Meidan Ekbes (Konow, 1891). 
Throughout EUROPE, SYRIA. 


Cephus berytensis (Pic) 
+Peronistilimorphus berytensis Pic, 1916. 

Type examined 24.11.1964. g. Abdomen and antennae beyond 13th segment 
are now missing It would appear to be a true Cephus, because the distance between 
the antennal sockets is approximately the same as the distance from a socket to the 
middle of the anterior tentorial fovea. Antenna swollen from 13th segment. Claws 
with minute inner tooth. Basal antennal segment yellow and legs entirely yellow 
except for trochanters and + coxae. 

SyRIA (Beirut). 

Species incertae sedis 

Cephus nigricarpus André (Syria). 

Cephus obscuriventris Pic, 1918 (Lebanon) [Type lost. Pin and labels in Paris 
Mus., seen 24.11.1964. ] 

Cephus politissimus Costa (Armenia). 



I Either scutellum shining with at most widely spaced punctures, oy with one or 
more of the tergites entirely yellow . : : 2 
- Scutellum and whole of mesonotum dull with dense microsculpture. No 
tergite entirely yellow. Hind tibia normally with 2 preapical spines. Wings 
subhyaline. No antennal segment transverse. Tergites normally + mar- 
gined with yellow apically but may be entirely black. 9-12 mm. 
filiformis (Eversmann) 
2 (1) Maxillary palp with 5th segment much shorter than 6th (apical) . : : 3 
- Maxillary palp with 5th segment almost as long as Oth. 
Very variable in colour but @ always has apical tergite yellow and may 
have other tergites flecked or banded or entirely yellow, but has hind legs 
entirely black; in g even the hind legs may be + flecked with yellow on tibia 
and femur as also may be the face, mesopleura and pronotum. 7-10 mm. 
haemorrhoidalis (F.) 
3 (2) Larger species (10-15 mm.) with more than one tergite entirely a and 

hind tibia with only one pre-apical spine : 4 
- Smaller species (4-10 mm.) with at most only one tergite entirely Pelee or hind 

tibia with 2 pre-apical spines . 5 
4 (3) Wings strongly infuscate. Head, thorax and legs entirely black. Abdomen 

almost entirely reddish yellow. pygmaea (Poda) 
_ Wings subhyaline. Head, thorax and legs 2 sees “marked, abdomen banded 

yellow and black . : : idolon (Rossi) 
5 (3) Scutellum impunctate. Abdomen ; in 2 ‘entifely black; in 3 with 4 middle tergites 

yellow-margined. Hind tibia yellow d . pallipes (Klug) 

- Scutellum with definite punctures. Abdomen in 9 with at least apical tergite 
yellow, and g with middle tergites yellow-margined as in pallipes. Hind 
tibia yellow or + infuscate. (S.E. Europe and S. SIBERIA) 
pravei (Dovnar-Zapolskii) 

122 R. B. BENSON 

Calameuta filiformis (Eversmann) 

Cephus grombczevskit Jakovlev, syn. n. (Turkestan). 

Cephus infernalis Dovnar-Zapolskii, syn, n. (Caucasus). 

Cephus turanicus Dovnar-Zapolskii, syn. n. (Turkestan bei Taschkent). 
Calameuta amurensis Gussakovskii syn. n. (Amur). 

I have representatives of C. grombczevskui and infernalis named by Gussakovskii 
and they, together with C. amurensis, appear to be melanic forms of C. filiformis, 
C. infernalis retaining a yellow fleck on the side of the 5th tergite and C. grombczevskii 
a yellow fleck on the 5th and 6th tergites; C. infernalis has, on the contrary, paler 
hind tibiae than C. filiformis. C. turanicus appears to be a paler form than C. fili- 

In addition to EUROPE, SIBERIA, TRANSCAUCASIA, N. IRAN and SyRriA, the species 
also occurs in LEBANON, where I fg and 1@Q of the typical European form were 
collected by G. A. Mavromoustakis at Hammana, 16.v.1953 and 1 ¢ at Falouka, 

Calameuta haemorrhoidalis (F.) 

tCephus gracilicornis Konow, Caucasus. 

Cephus diversipes Ghigi, Rhodes. 

Trachelus syriacus Pic, Syria. 

+Calameuta festiva Benson, 1954, Cyprus, syn. n. 

Guichard and Harvey brought back 10 g, 179 of this species from GREECE, 
THRACE and various parts of TURKEY, N.W., W., S.W., C., N. and N.E.; Istanbul (3); 
Bursa (1 and 2); Mugla (7); Antalya (13); Amasya (1 and 7); Ankara (15 and 
23); Samsun (6 and 7); Ersurum (8). 

Most of them were collected in May and at various altitudes up to 1,800 m., near 
the summit of Elma Dagi, Ankara on 21.v.1960. The long 5th segment of the 
maxillary palp distinguishes this species from all other Cephinae, and enables a 
vast range of colour-pattern forms to be associated here, including the types of 
C. festiva and gractlicornis. 


Calameuta pygmaea (Poda) 

This is mainly a species of S.W. Europe and N. Arrica but it extends through 
Ecypt to ISRAEL, where I 9 was taken 20.iv.1953 at Wadi Ruaz, Beth Hale rem, 
Jerusalem (O. Theodor) and 1 at Oqanim, g.iv.1961 (Sandler). 

Calameuta idolon (Rossi) 
tMonoplopus apicicornis Pic, syn. n. 

Another species varying greatly in the amount of yellow colour on the head and 
thorax, so that it is not possible to draw any line of distinction from the form de- 
scribed as apicicornis with the head mainly yellow. Guichard and Harvey collected 


24 g, 129 in TurKEY, C.: Ankara (4, 11, 12 and 14) and Amasya (7), mostly from 
the flowery edges of a lake and streams. 


*Calameuta pallipes (Klug) 

A 3 was collected in TurRKEy: Ankara, 800 m., 22.v.1960 (Guichard & Harvey) 
and I 2 on the Black Sea coast at Samsun, nr. Engiz, 17.v.1959 (Guichard). 
Apart from these two records it has not been found outside Europe. 

N. and C. Europe and TurRKEY. 



I Antenna with pre-apical segments at least x 2 as broad as long. 6-gmm. . 2 

- Antenna with no antennal segments x 2 as broad as long. 7-14 mm. 

2 (1) Hind tibia without pre-apical spine. dg with 3 apical sternites excavated and 
bearing modified setae. Pronotum + yellow-flecked. 6-9 mm. libanensis (André) 

- Hind tibia with 1 pre-apical spine. dg without modified apical sternites. Pro- 

notum flecked with yellow. ‘ judaicus (Konow) 
3 (2) Larger species (10-14 mm.). Tibia ea palé, abdomen often with some of the 
tergites yellow-margined apically . . 4 

- Smaller species (7-10 mm.). Legs entirely black. " Abdomen black, vath vellow. 
lateral stripe or row of flecks but no tergites yellow-margined apically. 

Usually 2 pre-apical hind tibial spurs : f tabidus (F.) 
4 (3) Head capsule and mesonotum (apart from scutelluni) entirely black. 1-2 pre- 
apical tibial spurs present. Cross vein 3 vm present in fore wing . : 5 

- Head capsule, and mesonotum richly marked with yellow as also is abdomen. 
Hind tibiae without pre-apical apurs. Fore wing with vein 3 ym missing. 

(g unknown). 12mm. (ASTRACHAN) . ‘ .  tigris (Benson) 
5 (4) Antenna, pronotum, scutellum and abdomen richly marked with yellow. 

10-12 mm. (SPAIN and N. AFRIcaA) : ; flavicornis (Lucas) 
- Antenna, pronotum and scutellum entirely black, and abdomen with at most 

apical margins of some of the segments yellow. 10-14 mm. . troglodyta (F.) 

Trachelus judaicus (Konow) 

tMonoplopus judaicus Konow. 
tMonoplopus notaticollis Pic. 
+Microcephus judaicus (Konow) Benson, 1935. 

This species is very similar to the next following, apart from the characters men- 
tioned in the key, and Benson (1946) concluded that the species belonged to this 
genus despite its loss of the modified apical sternites in the male. 

Trachelus libanensis (André) 
tAteuchopus armenius Konow, syn. n. 

In a series of over 100 specimens of this species from Cyprus, the pronotum varies 
from entirely black to mainly yellow and the development of punctures on the 

124 R. B. BENSON 

mesonotum likewise bridges the gap between the “ species ”’ ibanensis and armenius. 
In the Transcaucasus the pronotum is said to be entirely black, whereas in Israel 
the pronotum is almost entirely yellow. 

The species was found in TuRKEy, C.: Yozgat (1) on a flowery hillside at 1,000 m. 
and at Mersin (14) at 1,600 m., near crops of corn. 


Trachelus troglodyta (F.) 
tAstatus tenuicornis Konow, 1902, syn. n. 

T. troglodyta has previously been recorded from only N. and C. Europe and 
is replaced in Transcaucasia by tenuicornis. The specimens collected from TuRKEY, 
N. and N.E. at Rize (2) and Samsun (6 and 28) appear to be normal troglodyta. 
They were collected in swampy woods and the borders of marshes. 

N. and C. Europe, to TURKEY and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

Species incertae sedis 

Cephus (Fossulocephus) citriniventris Pic, 1917 (Algeria). 


For keys to Palaearctic Avge species see Gussakovskii, 1935. 

Arge ochropus (Gmelin) 
Tenthredo vosae L.; auctt. nec L. 

TurRKEY, N.W., S., C., N., and N.E.: Bursa (2); Bolu (3); Antalya (5 and 6); 
Ankara (3); Sinop (4); Samsun (10); Amasya (I, 2, 5, 6 and 7); Tokat (4); Adana 
(3 and 6); Trabzon (3 and 8); Erzurum (6). 12 g, 22 9, from 4.iv to 16.vili and at 
altitudes up to I,700 m. 


Arge simulatrix Konow 

TurRKEY, C. and E.: Ankara (32); Amasya (1 and 2); Nigde (5); Gumusane (1). 


Arge frivaldzkyi (Tischbein) 

TuRKEY, W. and C.: Bursa (4); Ankara (2); Amasya (5 and 7). 64, 49. 


*Arge beckeri (Tournier) 

Torey, E.: Erzurum (6), <x 3.29: 
S.E. EuRopE and TURKEY. 

Arge pyrenaica (André) 

TuRKEY, N.E. and E.: Trabzon (16); and Erzurum (4). 1 3,19. 


Arge pagana (Panzer) 


Arge carinifrons Enslin 


Arge persica Gussakovskii 

Arge impressifrons Konow 


Arge cyanocrocea (Forster) 
Hylotoma syriaca Mocsary, syn. n. 

Benson (1958a) treated A. syriaca as a species distinct from cyanocrocea, as he 
found various venational and sculptural differences correlated with the blackened 
legs of syriaca. Much more material shows that these characters are not significantly 
correlated and that numerous intermediate combinations occur. 

In the cooler parts of Europe all the tibiae and basitarsi as well as the hind femur 
are marked with yellow; in the warmer parts the legs from the front become more 
extensively blackened and in various parts of the Mediterranean from Spain to 
Lebanon occur forms with all the legs entirely or almost entirely black. On the 
S. Caspian Coast in N. IRAN, D. B. Baker has collected a series with still more melanic 
tendencies: in 26 3, 12 9, in addition to the legs being black, the wings show a range 
from normal colouring to almost entire infuscation; and 48 3, 9 Q have, in addition 
to entirely black wings, a deeply infuscate abdomen at most only obscurely brownish 
on the middle segments. 

TurRKEY, N.W., S.W., S., C., N. and N.E.: Istanbul (2 and 3); Mugla (5 and 10); 
Mersin (6); Sinop (3); Amasya (14); Samsun (9 and 10); Mersin (6); Rize (8); Artvin 
(3 and 6). 74, 259. 

ENTOM. 22, 4. te) 

126 R. B. BENSON 


Arge melanochroa (Gmelin) 
(Text-fig. 1) 
Hylotoma nigritarsis Klug, syn. n. 

In the E. Mediterranean, forms of this species often have the Ist tergite + infus- 
cate and have been separated as a distinct species (nigritarsis) but every intergrade 
occurs in our series of over 150 specimens. The species is very similar to the follow- 
ing (scita) but can be distinguished by the black sawsheath in the 2 with the large 
inner teeth, and in the ¢ by the entirely different form of penis-valve (Text-fig. 1) ; 
in both sexes also by absence of a continuous longitudinal glabrous patch on the 

TurRKEY, N.W., S.W., S., C., N., N.E. and E.: Istanbul (1, 2 and 9); Mugla (5); 
Mersin (6 and 7); Ankara (39, 53 and 54); Amasya (I, 5, 7 and 14); Tokat (3 and 4); 
Zongulduk (1); Sinop (3 and 4); Giresun (5); Erzurum (4 and 6). 61 3, 48 @. 


Arge scita (Mocsary) 
(Text-fig. 2) 

Hylotoma proxima André, syn. n. 
+tArge debilis Konow, syn. n. 
A. zarudnyi Gussakovskii, syn. n. 

As in A. melanochroa, this species varies in the amount of infuscation of the 
Ist tergite, and also in whether the anastomosis of M with R in the fore wing is long 
or short, so that it is impossible in our long series from Cyprus and Turkey of over 
120 specimens to segregate proxima and debilis from scita. From melanochroa 
this species is always to be distinguished in the 9 by its pale sawsheath with only 
small inner teeth, in the g by its very characteristic penis-valve (Text-fig. 2) and 
by the longitudinal glabrous patch on the mesosternum in both sexes. 

TurKEY, W., S.W., S., C. and E.: Bursa (69 and 14); Kutahya (11); Mugla (7); 
Hatay (3); Mersin (6); Nigde (5); Maras (4 and 5); Ankara (3, 4, 17, 53 and 54); 
Amasya (I, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8); Tokat (3); Erzurum (4). 32 4, 249. It has been 
reared from a larva on Prunus amygdalus Batsch (Cyprus: Paphos, vi.1950 (Th. 


Arge cingulata Jakoulev 
Arge turanica Kuznetzov-Ugamskii, syn. n. 

IRAN: Mazanderan, Panjak Rustaq, 860-1,125 m., 7 J, IQ 23.v.1966 and 7 J, 
5 9, 3.v.1967 (D. B. Baker). 



*Arge clavicornis seljuki ssp. n. 

Differs from the closely related A. clavicornis fuscipes Fallén in that the infuscate band below 
the stigma stretches right across the fore wing to the anal margin as in A. dimidiata Fallén. 

Holotype . TuRKEy: Trabzon, Zigana Dagi, 1,400 m., 13.vii.1960 (Guichard 
& Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratype 9. Same data. B.M. (N.H.). 

The species occurs throughout Europe, and in TURKEY, TRANSCAUCASIA, SIBERIA 
and N. AMERICA. 

Arge pallidinervis Gussakovskii 

Arge aurata (Zaddach) 

This species is very closely related to the European A. ustulata and clavicornis 
but, apart from its entirely dark legs, the pubescence on its head and thorax is 
golden instead of silvery. 

TuRKEY, S. and E.: Nigde, Ciftehan, 900 m., 2 J, 26.v.1960 (Guichard & Harvey); 
and Erzurum (6). 1 9. 
Arge auripennis Konow 


Arge rustica (L.) 

TURKEY, W595. ©3.N.. N.E., and: By lzmt; Alem Des, 600: in,,.1-2)°30.-vis1906 
(Demelt); Antalya (13); Nigde (5); Ankara (41); Amasya (6, 12 and 13); Sinop (2); 
Samsun (3); Giresun (2); Gumusane (4); Erzurum (6). 22 g, 18 9. 


Arge pleuritica (Klug) 

TurRKEY, C., N., and E.: Aydin, Bozdogan, 2 3, 12 9, iv.1950 (Plant Protection 
Institute); Amasya (5), 2g, 12; Erzurum (5 and 6). 2 3, 3 9. 


Arge berberidis (Schrank) 

TurKEY, S., C., N.E. and E.: Mersin (13); Ankara (37 and 39); Giresun (5); 
Gumusane (1 and 5); Erzurum (6). I 3, 9. 

C. and S. Europe, TURKEY and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

Arge nigripes (Retzius) 
TurKEY, C., N.E., E.: Ankara (39); Giresun (2); Erzurum (6). 4, 8 9. 

128 R. B. BENSON 

Arge ciliaris (L.) 


Arge gracilicornis (Klug) 


Arge enodis (L.) 
TurRKEY, C.: Ankara (35). I. 

Kokujewia ectrapela Konow 

Kokujewia clementi Zirngiebl, syn. n. 
tKokujewia palestina Benson, syn. n. 

The type of falestina was reared from a larva and the supposed differences of 
the sawsheath and tarsi of the adult were probably due to its teneral condition. 
K. clementi is surely a further synonym, as slight differences of colour are only to 
be expected. 

TurRKEY, C.: Ankara, Elma Dagi, 1,700 m., I 3, (Guichard) ; the types 
of clementi were from Konya, Aksehir. 



Sterictiphora furcata (Villers) 

Hylotoma gastrica Klug, syn. n. 
Schizoceros nigripes Konow, syn. n. 
Schizoceros henschi (Konow), syn. n. 
Schizoceros bleuset Pic, syn. n. 

TurKEY, N.W., C., N. and E.: Istanbul (2 and 3); Ankara (39); Amasya (3 and 5); 
Zonguldak (x); Sinop (4); Erzurum (6). 1, 9 Q. 


Aprosthema tarda (Klug) 

TURKEY: Sinop, I 9, (Guichard). 

Gussakovskii keys 45 palaearctic species of Aprosthema (and Pseudaprosthema) 
but most of these are colour forms of a very few genuine species. In Europe and 
Turkey there are probably only two, tarda and melanura (see Conde, 1934). 


Aprosthema melanura (Klug) 




To distinguish the species see Benson, Ig5I : 39. 

Zaraea aenea (Klug) 

TuRKEY, E.: Trabzon (3). 1 9. 

Abia sericea (L.) 

TURKEY, S. and N.: Mersin (4); Samsun (18). 3 4,19. 


To distinguish the species see Gussakovskii, 1947. 

Pseudoclavellaria amerinae (L.) 

TURKEY, E.: Gumusane (5). 5 4, 2 9. 

Palaeocimbex quadrimaculata (Miiller) 

C. and S. Europe, TURKEY and ISRAEL. 



CORYNIS Thunberg 


Abdomen and often head and thorax marked with pale colour (yellowish white 
to orange or red). Claws sub-bifid or with small inner tooth ; 

Body entirely dark, brown or black, at most legs sometimes pale. Claws sub- 

Face, scutellum, mesopleura as well as abdomen: red- marked: Clypeo- frontal 
area convex above and gibbous in shape . : . (sanguinea-group) 

Pale colour yellow or yellowish white and usually less extensive. Clypeo- 
frontal area flattened to form straight line in profile 

Mesonotum and tergites covered with widely spaced large punctures with the 
interspaces shining though pitted with numerous fine punctures . 

Mesonotum in front, and tergites laterally, densely and coarsely punctured 
without shining interspaces; scutellum and tergites medially with shining 
interspaces scarcely larger than diameter of punctures. 

Colour red with the following parts black: head apart from face below 
antennae, a medial and lateral fleck each side of mesonotum together with 
sunken parts thereof and metanotum, lower mesopleuron and mesosternum, 









coxae and base of femora, 1st tergite (except laterally) and fore and hind 
margins of 2nd and 3rd tergites, together with most of sternites. Stigma 
and rest of wing venation brown. Antennae much longer than greatest eye 
measure, with club longer than distance between eyes in front. Hind ocelli 
about as far from eye-margin as from occipital carina (OOL = OOCL). 
Claws with small inner tooth. Inner front tibial spur almost as long as 
basitarsus. Pubescence on parts of head, mesonoton and mesopleurum as 
long as diameter of front ocellus. g not seen. 6mm. CANARY ISLANDs, 
Morocco and Tunis ; . sanguinea (Snellen van Vollenhoven) 

Claws sub-bifid. Tibiae and tarsi reddish as femora; tarsi not infuscate apically. 
Hind ocelli one and one-half times further from eye-margin as from occipital 
carina (OOL > OOCL). 

Colour as in sanguinea but the 2nd—s5th tergites are marked with black 
medially though secon less. g not known. ALGERIA and TRIPOLI- 
TANIA . : tsemisanguinea (Pic, 1916) 

Claws with only minute inner tooth. Tibiae and ‘base of tarsi yellowish white 
in contrast to the red apex of the femora, and the apical tarsomeres infuscate. 
Hind ocelli about as far from eye-margin as from occipital carina (OOL = 

Otherwise coloured as in semisanguinea but that the lateral and medial 
dark flecks on the mesonotum are much enlarged and partially joined and 
the scutellum is infuscate laterally. 6mm. dgonly. Holotype g. ISRAEL: 

Vadi Ajram, 7.v.1954 (H. Bytinski-Salz) (in B.M.). ISRAEL haematica sp. n. 

Antenna not longer than greatest measure of eye, and club often shorter than 
distance between eyes in front. Face very flat: clypeo-frontal area below 
scarcely raised above level of inner orbits. Frontal area of head and thorax 
almost glabrous; pubescence on post-ocellar region of head much shorter than 
diameter of front ocellus. Claws sub-bifid. Inner front tibial spur about 
three-fourths as long as basitarsus . ' 6 

Antenna at least about one-fourth longer than greatest r measure of res and club 
often longer than distance between eyes in front. Face with clypeo-frontal 
area with declivous sides raising it above the level of the inner orbits. Head 
and thorax pubescent all over and in part at least almost as long as diameter 
of front ocellus. Claws with small inner tooth or sub-bifid. Inner front tibial 
spur not more than about two-thirds as long as basitarsus (except in citrina) | 

Face below antenna, fleck on mesonotum in addition to scutellum and meso- 
pleuron as well as tegula and pronotum yellow. Thorax with shining 
interspaces between punctures at least as large as punctures on mesopleura 
and sides of mesonotum. Post-ocellar region? 5-6mm. S. and E. 
Europe (N. to Leningrad) and S.W. SIBERIA . 2 amoena (Klug) 

Head with only clypeus, thorax with only tegula and pronotum, + yellow. 
Thorax very densely punctured, without shining interspaces as large as 
punctures on mesopleura or sides of mesonotum. Post-ocellar region con- 
vexly raised above level of hind ocelli. 6-7mm. S.E. Europe, E. MEpt- 

TERRANEAN and TURKESTAN : ; concinna (J. P. E. F. Stein) 
Pronotum and face below antennae + yellow, or malar space at most two- 
thirds as long as diameter of front ocellus in 2 and less than one-halfin g . 8 

Pronotum and often face below antennae black. Malar space at least about as 
long as diameter of front ocellus in 9 and two-thirds in ¢. 

Claws with only small inner tooth. ; ‘ ; é . 5 ‘ II 
Claws bifid : : : : ; : ; ‘ ; 9 
Claws with only small i inner r tooth 5 : : 10 

Fleck on mesopleuron, and abdomen with continuous baiids'o on tergites I and 3 
or 4 to 7, as well as all the sternites, yellowish white. Mesonotum with 

to (8) 

tr (7) 

12 (11) 

13 (22) 

16 (15) 


shining surface between large widely-spaced punctures. Hind ocelli further 
apart than from nearest eye-margin : POL > OOL. 7-8-5mm. N. Arrica 
and ARABIA : : .  cttrina (Perez) 
Mesopleuron and abdominal sternites all black, and tergites with at most 
continuous yellow band on 7th segment. Mesonotum dull with rough surface 
sculpture between the punctures. Hind ocelli as far apart as from nearest 
eye margin: POL = OOL. 8-5-gmm. PortTuGAL, SPAIN, ALGERIA 
dusmeti (Konow) 
Malar space as long as diameter of front ocellus in 2 and two-thirds as long in 
g. Pubescence on mesopleura longer than diameter of front ocellus. E. 
MEDITERRANEAN . ‘ .  torientalis (Konow) 
Malar space only about two- thirds as long as = diameter of front ocellus in 9 and 
less than half in g. Pubescence on mesopleura much shorter than diameter 
of front ocellus. Spain, ALGERIA . : . jucunda (Klug) 
Pubescence on mesonotum and mesopleura only about half as s long as diameter 
of an ocellus. Hind ocelli closer to ge ag carina than from nearest eye- 
margin : 12 
Pubescence on mesonotum ‘and mesopleura | in part longer than diameter of an 
ocellus. Hind ocelli about as far from occipital carina as from nearest eye- 
[POL > OOL. Hind ocelli about twice their own diameter from occipital 
carina.| N. Arrica, C. and S. EUROPE, TRANSCAUCASUS and UKRAINE 
crassicornis (Rossi) 
Clypeo-frontal area entirely black and its medial groove extends only one- 
fourth or one-third of way to antennae. POL = or > OOL. Hypopygium 
(2) excised on hind margin each side of middle : 13 
Clypeo-frontal area marked in front with yellow, and its medial groove extends 
half way to antennae. POL < OOL. Hypopygium () only slightly 
emarginate on hind margin each side of middle. 
Hind ocelli about twice their own diameter from occipital carina. E. 
MEDITERRANEAN . : : tfrontina (Konow) 
POL > OOL. Hind ocelli twice their own diameter from occipital carina. 
Subcosta of fore wing infuscate except at extreme base. E. MEDITERRANEAN 
lateralis (Brullé) 
POL = OOL. Hind ocelli about one and one-half times their own diameter 
from occipital carina. Subcosta of fore wing brown except at extreme apex. 

SPAIN, N.W. AFRICA ‘ 2 é ; : mauritanica (Gussakovskii) 
Legs partly pale : : : : : , : ; : : F 15 
Legs entirely black . , ; 18 

Pubescence on mesonotum at least as long as ‘diameter of hind ocellus and + up- 
standing. Clypeo-frontal area convex and gibbous above. Malar space 
less than half as long as diameter of front ocellus : 16 
Pubescence on head and thorax much shorter than diameter of hind ocellus 
and prostrate. Clypeo-frontal area with the middle flattened so that it 
appears as a straight line in profile. Femora mainly black. 7-10 mm. 
Malar space more than half diameter of front ocellus. g apical tergites 
unmodified. EE. MEDITERRANEAN . ‘ : tsimilis (Mocsary) 
Pubescence on mesonotum and head only about as long as diameter of hind 
ocellus and pubescence on abdomen much shorter than this. Femora black 
only basally. Tergites scarcely arched longitudinally , £7 
Pubescence on mesonotum, head and abdomen very coarse and about as 1s long 
as 4th antennal segment. Femora mainly black. Tergites strongly arched 
longitudinally. ¢ 8th tergite with apical triangle bearing dense fine pubes- 
cence, S.E, Europe and E, MEDITERRANEAN , . tkruperi (J. P. E. F, Stein) 

132 R. B. BENSON 

17 (16) Mesopleura very densely punctate without shining interspaces. ¢ with un- 
modified 7th and 8th tergites. EE. MEDITERRANEAN . . reticulata (Benson) 
— Mesopleura less densely punctate, so that there are some shining interspaces 
in the middle as large as punctures. ¢ 7th and 8th tergites with an apical 
medial triangular area bearing dense long fine hairs. ALGERIA tandrei (Konow) 
18 (14) Clypeo-frontal area convex above and concave below . . 19 
— Clypeo-frontal area flattened medially, slightly concave throughout with raised 
lateral margins. 
2 hypopygium only slightly emarginate laterally. g 7th tergite with 
medial apical longitudinal line densely pubescent. 5-6 mm. long. S. EUROPE 
and E. MEDITERRANEAN ' : ‘ italica (Lepeletier) 
19 (18) Clypeo-frontal area evenly convex above and slightly concave below, showing a 
curved line in profile. Pubescence of head, thorax and abdomen grey. 
6 apical tergites unmodified. 5:5—7 mm. : 20 
— Clypeo-frontal area strongly convex above, gibbous in shape strongly de- 
pressed below, angular in profile. Pubescence of head, thorax and abdomen 
fuscous. ¢ 7th tergite with a medial apical triangular area with dense 
pubescence. 4:5-6mm. long. S.E. EUROPE . ; . tatricapilla (Mocsary) 
20 (19) Malar space about as long as diameter of front ocellus. 2 hypopygium with 
hind margin excised each side. Punctation on mesonotum coarser and 
more irregular. C. and S. Europe and TURKEY . ’ obscura (Fabricius) 
— Malar space not more than one half as long as diameter of front ocellus. 9 
hypopygium only slightly emarginate each side. Punctation on mesonotum 
much finer and more regular. S.E. Europre, E. MEDITERRANEAN to N. IRAN 
tcaucasica (Mocsary) 

Corynis haematica sp. n. 

Description and comparison with related species is included in the key above. 

+Corynis orientalis (Konow) 


Corynis concinna (J. P. E. F. Stein) 

Amasis savta Kuznetzov-Ugamskii, syn. n. 
A. bleyli Muche, 1964, syn. n. 

TuRKEY, S., C. and E.: Mersin (6). 19. Cankiri, Isik Dag, 1,200m. 1 Q, (Demelt Coll.); Amasya (5,6 and 7). 179; Erzurum (3 and 4). 49. 
At flowers of Potentilla hirta. 


Corynis lateralis (Brullé) 

TuRKEY, C. and E.: Ankara (41); Amasya (3 and 7); Artvin (2). 1, 179. 


+Corynis frontina (Konow) 

TURKEY, S., C., N., N.E. and E.: Mersin (7); Amasya (1, 2, 3, 5 and 7); Ankara 
(41); Samsun (10); Artvin (2); Gumusane (14). 39 4g, 27 9. 


Corynis citrina (Pérez) 
ARABIA: Bahrein Island in Persian Gulf, 1 9, 4.iii.1936 (J. Fernandez). 

tCorynis similis (Mocsary) 


+Corynis kruperi (J. P. E. F. Stein) 
Amasis enslini Maidl, syn. n. 

TuRKEY, W. and C.: Bursa (3); Amasya (14). 3 4, 3 9. 

*+Corynis reticulata Benson, 1954 

TurKEY, C.: Nigde, Ulukisla, 1 9, 16-20.v.1955 (Sezdenstiicker). 

Corynis italica (Lepeletier) 

TurRKEY, W. and C.: Bursa (9); Amasya (3, 7 and 9g). 83, 89. 

+Corynis caucasica (Mocsary) 

Turkey, N.W., C. and E.: Edirne (1); Amasya (2, 3, 7 and 9); Trabzon (3 and 15). 
26 3, 24 9. 

Corynis obscura (Fabricius) 
Turkey, N.E., and E.: Trabzon (13); Rize (8); Erzurum (10). I g, I 9. 


The notes on the species of this family are intended for use in comparison with 
the keys given in Benson, 1951-58. 

134 R. B. BENSON 


For a recent revision of the Palaearctic species of this subfamily see Zhelochovtsev, 
Thrinax caucasica Schaposchikov 

This species is closely similar to T. mixta Klug, but differs in that the edge of the 
pronotum, tegulae and venation at base of fore wing are red instead of yellowish 
white, that on the legs the coxae and trochanters are black as well as + the femora 
and tibiae, and the frontal area of the head is more transversely wrinkled than in 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (17). 2, 5 9. 

T. macula (Klug) 

Strongylogaster lineata lineata (Christ) 

TurRKEY, N.W., N. and N.E.: Istanbul (2); Sinop (2); Samsun (19); Rize (5). 9 9. 

+Strongylogaster lineata cypria Benson, 1954 

This form, only known from Cyprus and Lebanon, has almost entirely yellow 
legs and entirely black antenna and epipygium (the typical subspecies has black- 
based femora, and the two basal antennal segments and the epipygium brown). 

Aneugmenus padi (L.) 
T. coronatus Klug, syn. n. 

The only difference that I can discover between A. padi and A. coronatus is that 
A. coronatus has a small white fleck in the middle of the apical tergites in the 9. 
As these two forms occur together over the same range, together with intermediate 
forms which can only be ascribed arbitrarily, it is unlikely that they are specifically 

Only one form of 3 is known and this has a large yellow fleck covering the middle 
of the middle tergites and another covering most of the sternites. The ¢ is also 
remarkable in having a sinus sexualis cutting transversely deeply into the 7th tergite. 
The male has occasionally been found in Britain, where however the species is at 
least almost entirely parthenogenetic. In the Mediterranean region, males are 
more numerous than females. 

TuRKEY, N.W.,S., N. and N.E.: Istanbul (2 and 3); Mersin (6); Tokat (1); Samsun 

(29); Rize (5). 18 g, 15 9. 
LEBANON: Felouka, 5 g, 17.v.1953 (G. A. Mavromoustakis). 

Europe, N. AFRICA, TURKEY and SIBERIA (introduced into N. America). 


Aneugmenus oertzeni (Konow) 

This species, which I have never seen, is distinguished from A. padi by its un- 
toothed tarsal claws. From A. fuerstenbergensis it is distinguished in the 3 by 
having the 6th tergite emarginate apically and a transverse groove (sinus sexualis) 
across the 7th tergite (as in A. padi) and the tergites yellow from the 3rd segment; 
and in both sexes by the shining surface of the tergites which in A. fuerstenbergensis 
are dull with transverse striations. 


Birka cinereipes (Klug) 
Melisandra cinereipes (Klug) Benson. 

TuRKEY, N.: Balu (1). 1 9. 

Mesoselandria morio (Fabricius) 
Melisandva morio (Fabricius) Benson. 

TurRKEY, C., N., and N.E.: Ankara (39); Sinop (4); Trabzon (3, 7 and 9); Rize 
(r and 6). 89. 


Selandria serva (Fabricius) 
tSelandria serva fuscitarsis Benson, 1954, Syn. n. 

TurKEY, N.W., C., N. and N.E. and E.: Istanbul (3 and 10); Ankara (15, 34, 39 
and 40); Tokat (1 and 3); Samsun (5, 7, 10, 20 and 24); Trabzon (8); Gireson (3); 
Erzurum (5). Plentiful, 9. v-6.ix, from altitudes up to 1,300 m. in Karagol lake, 
Ankara. The form with black tarsi does not represent a distinct subspecies as 
numerous intermediates occur. Gramineae and Cyperaceae. 


Brachythops flavens (Klug) 


Loderus eversmanni (Kirby) 

Turkey, N., N.E. and E.: Samsun (5); Trabzon (4); Gumusane (13); Erzurum 
(13). 1,245-2,000 m., 75 g, 15 2. Equisetum. 

Europe to Caucasus and TuRKEY, SIBERIA to JAPAN, and N. AMERICA (poly- 
typic species). 

136 R. B. BENSON 


In the list which follows, a key is given to the species of the picipes-ciliatus-group. 

Loderus vestigialis (Klug) 

TurRKEY, N.E. and E.: Trabzon (3, 4 and 17); Gumusane (10); Rize (2). 500- 
1,800 m., 34 dg, 11 9. Equisetum. 
EvuRoPE to Caucasus and SIBERIA to JAPAN and N. AMERICA (polytypic species). 

Dolerus germanicus (Fabricius) 

TurRKEY, C., N.E. and E.: Amasya (2) ; Trabzon (7 and 9); Rize (5); Gumusane (3); 
Erzurum (3, 5 and 10). Trabzon and Rize at sea level. 56, 839, I9.iv.- 
20.1V.1959; 40g, 249, 24.vill.1959. Erzurum and Gumusane, 1,700-2,000 m. 
19d, 49, 1962. 

EvuROoPE and temperate Asia. (polytypic species). 

The three series from N.E. TURKEY represent the spring and summer flights of 
a double-brooded mountain form. The lowland form would appear to represent 
D. germanicus meridianus Zhelochovtsev, distinguishable from the mountain form, 
the S. European etruscus, through its yellow labrum and, in the summer females, 
through its yellow clypeus also. It is not clear whether the lowland and mountain 
forms are discrete races, kept apart by altitude and differing flying-seasons, or 
whether blending occurs in intermediate altitudes and seasons. Every intergrade 
occurs between the two European forms: germanicus of W. and C. Europe with its 
hind legs more extensively black than its front legs and frequently with black marks 
also on front mesonotal lobe and scutellum; and e¢ruscus Klug of C. and S.E. EUROPE 
with its hind legs more extensively yellow than its front legs, and the front mesonotal 
lobe and scutellum usually entirely yellow. 

It would therefore seem very unlikely that the forms D. germanicus germanicus, 
D. germanicus etruscus and D. germanicus meridianus are discrete subspecies. 

+Dolerus melanoptera Konow 

Very closely similar to the preceding but larger (10-11 mm. instead of 7-9 mm.) 
with head more swollen behind eyes, temples more sparsely punctured, with occipital 
groove and carina less developed and hind femur and tibia entirely yellow. The 3 
in lacking the black flecks on the apical tergites differs from the form of germanicus 
in E. Mediterranean (some g¢¢ of germanicus in Italy and Spain lack these 

From D. hispanicus it is distinguished by its partly pale legs and deeply excised 
clypeus (to depth of at least half the total length of clypeus). 

TuRKEY, N.W., C. and N.: Edirne (1); Ankara (15, 35 and 36); Amasya (2 and 7); 
Samsun (20). 24 4, 13 9. 

S.E. EuRopPE and TURKEY. 


{tDolerus hispanicus Mocsary 

Dolerus geniculatus Lepeletier, 1823, nec Geoffroy, 1785, syn. n. 
tDolerus nigriceps Konow, 1891, syn. n. 
Dolerus africanus Forsius, 1919, Syn. n. 

This species is similar to D. germanicus in general form and sawsheath, but is 
larger, with very sparsely punctured head and mesonotum, with poorly developed 
temporal furrows on head, and the Ist tergite and sawsheath in the 9 are pale, and 
the legs entirely black. From both germanicus and melanoptera it is distinguished 
by its less deeply excised clypeus (less than half the total clypeal length). The J, 
like the 9, has the mesonotum mainly yellow and the apex of the abdomen un- 
marked with black. The palest forms occur in Algeria, where the whole thorax 
and abdomen above, including Ist tergite in both J and Q, can be yellow, and only 
the meso- and metasternum black, but usually the scutellum and the sunken sur- 
rounding parts are + black. 

TuRKEY, C.: Amasya, 500m., I g, 29, (Guichard & Harvey). 

Dolerus aericeps C. G. Thomson 


*Dolerus anticus seljuki ssp. n. 

In the 9, this race is distinguished from the typical race in that the lateral mesonotal lobes 
are entirely reddish yellow except where they meet medially. In colour therefore these speci- 
mens resemble D. madidus f. schulthessi except that the mesopleuron is entirely black. In 
form of saw, sawsheath with curved setae, and antenna with 8th segment only twice as long as 
wide, they are clearly distinguished from D. madidus. The ¢ is distinguished from typical 
D. anticus by having the 2nd and 7th tergites unmarked with black. 

Holotype 9. E. TurKEY: Gumusane, Bayburt, 1,600 m., 26.v.1962 (Guichard & 
Harvey); B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. TuRKEY: N.W., N., N.E. and E.: Edirne, 1 9, 6.v.1960 (Guschard 
& Harvey); Samsun, Lake Ladig, 800m., 1 2, 26.vii.1959 (Guichard); Erzurum, 
Ovacik, 2,000m., 1g, 30.v.1962 (Guichard & Harvey); Gumusane, Bayburt, 
1,600 m., I 9, 26.v.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

The species not previously recorded outside Europe. 

Dolerus triplicatus triplicatus (Klug) 

This subspecies is distinguished from steind thus: (1) ¢ colour pattern is different 
from the 9, the thorax and Ist tergite being entirely black; and (2) 9, though similar 
to steini, in having a reddish yellow thorax with a black fleck on each of the mesonotal 
lobes and a large fleck on the underthorax, covering the mesosternum and much of 
the mesopleura. This fleck does not reach the front edge of the mesepisternum, and 

138 R. B. BENSON 

the depressed lateral parts of the mesonotum are not infuscate. This subspecies 
would appear to be the continental part of an atlantic/continental subspecies pair 
which it forms with steinz: these two subspecies overlap in TURKEY. 

TuRKEY, N.W., C. and E.: Edirne (1); Ankara (13); Gumusane (13); Erzurum (7) ; 
1,000 to 1,800 m., 43 3g, 7 8. 


Dolerus triplicatus steini (Konow, 1885) 

Dolerus triplicatus (Klug); Benson, 1952 nec Klug. 
Dolerus triplicatus steini (Konow); Benson, 1966. 

This subspecies is the atlantic counterpart of an atlantic-continental subspecies 
pair which it forms with the preceding subspecies. It is distinguished by the ¢ 
and 9 having the same colour pattern, which differs from that of the tiplicatus 9 
in that the black fleck on the underthorax reaches right to the front of the mesepisternum 
and that depressed lateral parts of the mesonotum are + infuscate (see fig. 4 in 
Benson, 1966). 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon, Soganli Gecidi, 2,600 m., I g, (Guichard & 
Harvey); Rize, Sivrikaya, 1,700m., IQ, (Guichard & Harvey). 


Dolerus puncticollis C. G. Thomson 

TuRKEY, N. and E.: Samsun (12 and 15). 3 J, 31 9, 1,600-2,390 m., 2-11 .iv. 1959. 
Rize (8); Gumusane (3, 10); Erzurum (5, 12 and 14). 26 3, 25 9, at sea level, 23.v 


[Dolerus gonager (F.) 
(Text-fig. 7) 
TuRKEY, N.W.: Istanbul, Belgrat Orman, I 4, 23.iii.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). 

*Dolerus montivagus sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 4, 9) 

@. Black except for the red knees (the extreme apex of all the femora and extreme base of 
all the tibiae). Pubescence silvery. Wings subhyaline with black venation. Length: 9-10 mm. 

Head : subparallel-sided behind the eyes, which are separated above from the occipital margin 
by about their own length. Malar space about one-third of inter-antennal line. Clypeus 
broadly and shallowly emarginate to a depth of only about one-fifth of the clypeal length. 
Antenna with 8th segment about x 5 as long as basal breadth and 3rd segment longer than 
greatest measure of an eye as (1:0: 09). Punctation coarse with several large shining inter- 
spaces on temples and notably a large spot as large as 2 or 3 ocelli adjoining each of the lateral 
ocelli. Occipital furrows not very clearly marked above. 


Thorax: Mesonotum coarsely and rather irregularly punctured but shining between the 
punctures; large sparsely punctate shining areas occur each side of the middle line of the front 
lobes, most of the front and middle of the lateral lobes and the front and middle of the scutellum; 
post-tergite of scutellum shining without punctures or microsculpture and longer than the 
shortest measure of a cencher. Mesopleuron coarsely and densely punctured, without inter- 
spaces as large as a puncture. Mesosternum with only very shallow fine scattered punctures. 
Legs normal, with hind tarsus about five-sixths as long as a tibia. Wings normal. 

Abdomen: Normal but with transversely alutaceous surface sculpture obsolescent on the rst 
and middle of the 2nd tergite. Sawsheath in dorsal view long and narrow, but with apical 
setae much as in D. puncticollis (Text-fig. 4). 

Pubescence silvery all over and up to about as long as x 2 diameter of an ocellus on head and 
thorax, obsolete on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tergites and middle of rst tergite. 

g as 9 but head contracted slightly behind eyes, which are separated above from the occipital 
margin by little more than their own shortest measure, 8th antennal segment only about 
x 3°5 as long as its basal breadth. Abdomen more pubescent on 1st and middle of 2nd and 
3rd tergites, the tergites beyond 4th lacking even the mid-dorsal base line; penis-valve (Text- 

fig. 9). 
Holotype 9. N.E. Turkey: Trabzon, Soganli Gecidi, 2,600m., 26.v.1962 
(Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. N.E. TURKEY: 3 § (with same data as holotype); Trabzon, Zigana 
Gecidi, 1,650m., 13 g, 22.v.1962; Trabzon, Hamsikoy, 1,245m., I gf, 19, 23- 
24.v.1962; Rize, Sivrikaya, 1,700 m., I g, I 9,; and Erzurum, Tortum, 
1,550 m., I 9, (Guichard & Harvey). Total 49, 18g. B.M. (N.H.). 

This species has the sparse punctation of D. gonager on the mesonotum, but the 
narrow sawsheath bears setae more like those of D. puncticollis: from both these 
species though it differs in having a scarcely emarginate clypeus, longer antennae 
in 2 (in neither D. gonager nor D. puncticollis 2 is the 3rd antennal segment clearly 
longer than an eye), and in g, absence of bare hairless mid-dorsal line on abdomen 
from 4th tergite, apart from differences in the penis-valve. 


In S.E. Europe, AstA MINOR and TRANSCAUCASIA there occurs a group of species 
related to the two last species (Dolerus gonager F. and puncticollis Thomson) but 
in which the female sawsheath is sharply expanded behind in dorsal view (see 
Benson, 1951-58, fig. 198), the legs are often red about the knees (the joint between 
the femur and the tibia) and the temples have an impunctate spot c. x 3 diameter 
of an ocellus adjoining the postocellar area each side. The males are under 9 mm. 
and have: (1) either the lateral mesonotal lobe punctate at least behind, or infuscate 
pubescence on the head, and (2) either very densely pubescent tergites without a 
bare medial line or a clypeus with a much-reduced medial front marginal excision 
(to less than one-third of total clypeal length). In three of the species the females 
are ++ brachypterous with correlated changes in the mesonotum (flattening and 
shortening of lobes with obsolescence of suture dividing front pair and shortening 
of post-tergite of scutellum). 




Wings hyaline and fully-developed in g and 9. Clypeus apicelly broadly 
emarginate to a depth of at least one-third of its total length, with the lateral 
lobes narrower than the medial Te: Pubescence on head and 
thorax silvery r 2 
Wings infuscate and often ‘brachypterous in &. Either clypeus with a narrow 
and shallow excision apically (to a depth not exceeding one-third of its total 
length and leaving obtuse or truncate lateral lobes) or paPerenes on head 
and mesonotum infuscate ; ‘ i ; 3 
Legs not red about the knees (joint between femur and tibia). Head behind the 
eyes slightly swollen, longer than shortest measure of eye and with occipital 
furrows obsolescent. g abdomen lacks the medial bare line through the 
pubescence on tergites 3-8; penis-valve (Benson, 1951-58, fig. 240). Larger 
species: 7-9 mm. EuRoPE , , picipes Klug 
Legs red about the knees. Head slightly contracted behind eyes, not longer 
than shortest eye-measure and with occipital furrows clearly developed. 
g abdomen with medial bare line through pubescence on tergites 3-8; penis- 
valve (Text-fig. 5). Smaller species: 7-8 mm. IRAN ; hyrcanus sp. n. 
[Dolerus vernalis Ermolenko, 1964 (unique 2) (Ukraine) would run here 
and may be synonymous, but has red on front and middle knees limited to 
apex of femur. |] 
Either clypeus excised medially in front to a depth less the diameter of the 
front ocellus, ov pubescence on head and wings silvery. 2 + brachypterous 4 
Clypeus broadly emarginate in front to a depth of almost one-third of its total 
length. Upper head and wings with infuscate pubescence. Wings fully- 
formed in both sexes. 
Legs red on the knees. Penis-valve (Text-fig. 6). S.E. Europe and 

TRANSCAUCASIA. : kRokujewi Konow 
2 wings less than one- half as long as abdomen: At ‘least 6 with infuscate 

pubescence on upper head and wings : 5 
Q wings much more than one-half as long as abdomen. Pubescence on 1 head 

and wings silvery in gand 9. S.E. Europe . .  subalatus Kirensky, 1926 

Legs entirely black. 2 with infuscate pubescence on head and wings. Pubes- 
cence on mesopleura shorter than on head and mesonotum, where it is as 
long as 2nd antennal segment. GREECE (Mt. Parnassus, 2,000 m.) (¢ un- 
known) ‘ . oertzeni Konow 
Legs with red knees. é; but not with infuscate pubescence on head and 
wings; 2 with pubescence on mesopleura as long as that on head and meso- 
notum, where it is about as long as 2nd antennal segment. S.E. EUROPE 
and TRANSCAUCASIA : : ‘ ‘ ; P ; . Ciliatus Konow 

Dolerus picipes Klug 


Dolerus kokujewi Konow 
(Text-fig. 6) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon, Zigana Gecidi, 1,650m., I g, 2.v.1962 (Guichard & 



Dolerus hyrcanus sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 3, 5) 

$. Black with the knees red (the apical half of the femur and basal fourth of the tibia) ; 
pubescence silvery; wings hyaline with black venation. Length 8-9 mm. 

Head: slightly contracted behind eyes which are separated above from the occipital margin 
by about their own shortest measure. Malar space about one-half of inter-antennal line. 
Clypeus broadly emarginate in front to a depth of about one-third of its total length and strongly 
arched transversely. Antenna with 8th segment about x 4 as long as its basal breadth. 
Punctation coarse and without interspaces in front of ocelli but the temples adjoining the post- 
ocellar region each side have an impunctate area as large as 2 to 3 ocelli. Occipital furrows 
clearly marked. 

Thorax: front lobes of mesonotum coarsely punctured laterally without interspaces but with 
the middle half shining with shallow sparse punctures; middle lobes shining with sparse shallow 
punctures on the front half, widely spaced becoming denser behind; scutellum densely punc- 
tured except in front and + along middle line, and with its post-tergite longer than the shortest 
length of a cencher and obliquely striated with rugulae. Mesopleura coarsely punctured but 
with a few impunctate spots in the middle up to about twice the diameter of a puncture. Meso- 
sternum with only very shallow fine scattered punctures. Legs normal with hind tarsus about 
five-sixths as long as tibia. Wings normal. 

Abdomen normal with tergites transversely alutaceous; penis-valve as in Text-fig. 5. 

Pubescence silvery all over; on head and thorax up to about x 2 diameters of ocellus; abdomen 
with tergites 1-3 + glabrous laterally, rest of tergites densely clothed except for base medial line. 

Q as ¢ except as follows: 8th antennal segment only x 3 as long as broad at base; hind tarsus 
only about two-thirds as long as tibia; ovipositor longer than hind femur; sawsheath in dorsal 
view incrassate apically, where it is twice as broad as at base (Text-fig. 3). Saw as in D. picipes. 

Holotype 3. IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus—Chahsavar coast, 23.11.1966 (D. B. 
Baker). B.M. (N.H.). 
Paratypes. Same locality, 19 3, 3 2, 25.ii-28.i1 (D. B. Baker). B.M. (N.H.). 

The 9 is distinguished from other species of the pzczpes—ciliatus group in the key 
above. The ¢ penis-valve (Text-fig. 5) is unlike that of any other known species 
but is perhaps most like that of D. puncticollis (cf. Benson, 1951-58, fig. 230). 

Dolerus nigratus (Miller) 

Evuropre and TurkKEY (Bytinski-Salz). 

Dolerus aeneus Hartig 
TurKEyY: Trabzon, Soganli Gecidi, 2,600 m., I 3, 27.v.1962 (Guichard & Harvey) ; 
Trabzon (17). I 9. 
Europe and AsIA MINOR. 

Dolerus asper Zaddach 
Dolerus asper megapteroides Muche Q, 1964a (nec 3) Syn. n. 

TurkKEy, E.: Gumusane (11); Erzurum (7, 12 and 13). 1,800m., 2,390m., 5 d, 
IQ, 29.v. to; Bolu (Muche). 

ENTOM. 22, 4. 6 

142 R. B. BENSON 

hyrc. 3 mont. 4 

Fics. 1-9. I, 2. Penis-valves: 1, Avge melanochroa; and 2, A. scita. 3, 4. Sawsheaths 
from above: 3, Dolerus hyrcanus sp. n.; 4, D. montivagus sp. n. 5-9. Penis-valves: 
5, Dolerus hyrcanus sp. n.; 6, D. kokujewi; 7, D. gonager; 8, D. nonutimus; and 9, 
D. montivagus sp. n. 

The specimens from Gumusane and Erzerum have more infuscate wings than 
any specimens seen from Europe. 

Species from EuRopE, TURKEY and temperate AsIA to KAMTCHATKA. 

Dolerus haematodes Schrank. 

TuRKEY, N., N.E. and E.: Samsun (5, 12 and 15); Trabzon (7 and 17); Gumusane 
(3). Sea level to 1,600 m., 80 g, 53 &. 


In the series from sea level at Samsun, 12 out of 23 3 have the female colouring, 
with red pronotum and tegulae; in the series from Gumusane, at 1,600 m., only I 
out of 58 3 have this colouring while 57 J, as in typical W. European form, lack 
any red on pronotum and tegulae. 


*Dolerus nonultimus Zhelochovtsev, 1941 (with figs.) 

TuRKEY: Trabzon (4). 1. 

This species belongs to the anthracinus-nitens group with sawsheath as in Benson, 
1951-58, fig. 196, but has a distinct penis-valve and saw. The male has infuscate 
pubescence on the upper head but differs from anthracinus in having the head strongly 
contracted behind. The female differs from other known females in the group in 
having infuscate pubescence on its head as in the male, and from anthracinus and 
coracinus differs also in having unmodified front mesonotal lobes. 


*+Dolerus megapterus Cameron 
? Dolerus asper megapteroides Muche, 1964a (3 nec Q). 

TURKEY: Gumusane (3). 2 g. G. Ovacik, 2,000 m., 4 3, I 9, 30.v.1962 (Guichard 
G& Harvey); Erzurum (5). 1 9. 

Not previously recorded from outside EUROPE. 


Tribe revised by Benson, 1962. 

+Athalia cuspidata Benson, 1954 

ISRAEL, endemic. 

+Athalia dimidiata Konow 

TURKEY, endemic. 

Athalia bicolor Lepeletier 

TurKEY, N.W., W., C., N., N.E., and E.: Edirne (1); Bursa (4 and 9g); Usak 
(x); Bilecik (2); Samsun (5, 6 and 16); Trabzon (3 and 4); Artvin (4); Erzurum 
(7): 29 3) 2 2 


144 R. B. BENSON 

+Athalia maculata Mocsary 

TuRKEY, N. and C.: Bolu (2); Samsun (30); Amasya (9). 3 9. 

tAthalia paveli Mocsary 
TURKEY, endemic. 

+Athalia rufoscutellata Mocsary 
TuRKEY, W., C., N.E. and E.: Bursa (3, 9); Ankara (11); Corum (2); Samsun (2); 
Artvin (4); Gumusane (II). 5 4g, 79. 
C. and S.E. Europe, TURKEY and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

tAthalia glabricollis glabricollis C. G. Thomson 
TuRKEY, W., S.W., C., N.E. and E.: Bursa (3); Mugla (7 and 8); Ankara (3, 11, 
14 and 63); Amasya (12); Trabzon (9); Erzurum (1); Kars (11). 12 3, 15 9. 

+Athalia glabricollis meridiana Benson, 1954 

This subspecies is distinguished from the preceding in having more than half the 
Costa from the base yellow in the fore wing. 

It is known only from IsRAEL and S.W. IRAN (Benson, 1962, was wrong in ascribing 
material from GREECE and TuRKEYy to this form). 

Athalia ahngeri Kokujev 

TuRKEY, C. and E.: Nigde (5); Gumusane (15). 2 9. 


Athalia circularis circularis Klug 

TurRKEY, N.W., W., S., N., C. and N.E.: Istanbul (3 and 9); Mugla (7); Bolu (3); 
Zonguldak (1); Mersin (7); Sinop (4); Samsun (5, 10, 1g and 21); Corum (2); Amasya 
(3 and 5); Tokat (1); Trabzon (14 and 15); Artvin (6); Rize (6). 21 3, 2 9. 

Females of the summer flight in the mountains and to a lesser extent those of 
the autumn flight at sea level have the scutellum and sides of the mesonotal lobes 
+ yellow (e.g., from Samsun, Kundaz Ovacik, at 1,300 m., 22. vii. 1959 and Samsun, 
Engiz at sea level, 22.ix.1960). 


Typical form from Europe and MEDITERRANEAN; replaced by ssp. melanoptera 
Benson in E. SIBERIA, JAPAN and mountains of C. Asta (Kopet Dag and 
Afghanistan to the Pamirs, Altai and W. Himalayas). 

Athalia cordata Lepeletier 

TurKEY, W., S.W., N., N.E. and E.: Kutahya (5); Bursa (3); Aydin (2); Mugla 
(r and 9g); Bolu (3); Samsun (15); Giresun (7); Trabzon (3, 4 and 14); Rize (3); 
Kars (I and 9). 15 4, 15 9. 


+Athalia rosae rosae (L.) 

TurRKEY, N.W., W., S., N., N.E. and E.: Istanbul (3); Kutahya (3 and ro); 
Mersin (2); Adana (3); Antakya (6); Samsun (5, 6, 19, 20 and 21); Trabzon (9); 
Rize (1); Gumusane (4); Kars (r and 7). 8, 129. 

Replaced by ssp. ruficornis in E. Asta. 

Athalia liberta liberta Klug 

TuRKEY, N.W., S.W., N., C., N.E. and E.: Istanbul (3); Aydin (1); Samsun (10); 
Amasya (5 and 7); Trabzon (9 and 14); Gumusane (13); Erzurum (10). 11 4, 3 9. 

EUROPE and MEDITERRANEAN to S.W. IRAN, Mountains of C. Asia to UZBEK, 
KIRGHIz and the Amur region of E. Asta; replaced by ssp. yanot in Japan. 

*+Athalia cornubiae Benson 

TuRKEY, N. and N.E.: Bolu (1); Trabzon (7 and 15). Sea level to 2,000 m. 3 @. 

+Athalia paradoxa Konow 

TuRKEY, W. and E.: Bursa (3); Gumusane (3); Erzurum (3). 3 &. 
Mountains of C. Europe (France, Switzerland and Austria), MACEDONIA and 

*Harpiphorus lepidus (Klug) 

TurKEY, E.: Erzurum (5). 1 9, in Quercus scrub. 
Not previously recorded outside EUROPE, 

146 R. B. BENSON 

Monostegia abdominalis (F.) 

TurKEY, N., C. and N.E.: Samsun (10, 11 and 21); Ankara (11 and 33); Amasya 
(x and 7); Tokat (1); Trabzon (4). 20 9. 

Atlantic coast of N. AMERICA. 

*Monsoma pulverata (Retzius) 

TURKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (4). 19; Rize (5)... x.¢; Rize (2), r¢, 
Not recorded previously outside EUROPE. 

Empria archangelskii Dovnar-Zapolskii 

Empria pravei Dovnar-Zapolskii 

N. IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus-Shahasavar coast of Caspian, I 2, 10.iv.1967 
(D. B. Baker). 

N. Caucasus, TRANSCAUCASIA and N. IRAN. 

tEmpria klugii Stephens 
TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (17); Rize (2). 3 9. 

tEmpria excisa Thomson 
TuRKEY, N.: Samsun (2). 1. 

Empria baltica Conde 


Empria liturata (Gmelin) 

TURKEY, N.E.: Rize (2). 1. 

Empria tridens (Konow) 
TuRKEY, N.E.: Giresun (1); Trabzon (3). 2 9. 

Empria konowi Dovnar-Zapolskii 



Ametastegia equiseti (Fallén) 

TURKEY, S., N., C., N.E. and E.: Mersin (7); Samsun (21); Amasya (9); Trabzon 
(3); Rize (x and 6); Erzurum (7). 7 4, 49. 


Protemphytus pallipes (Spinola) 
TurRKEY, N. and N.E.: Samsun (6); Trabzon (7). 3 9. 

Protemphytus carpini (Hartig) 


Protemphytes tener (Fallén) 


Taxonus agrorum (Fallén) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Artvin, above Artvin, 700m., I g, 1 9, (Guichard & 
Harvey). Not previously recorded outside EUROPE. 

Taxonus sticticus (Klug) 

C. and S.E. EuroprE and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

Allantus togatus Panzer 

TurKEY, E.: Erzurum (10). 1 . 

Allantus viennensis (Schrank) 


Allantus calceatus (Klug) 


Allantus basalis (Klug) 

TuRKEY, W. and N.: Bursa (9); Samsun (6). I 4, 2 &. 
N. and C. Europe, TURKEY and SIBERIA, 

148 R. B. BENSON 

Allantus cinctus (L.) 

TuRKEY, C. and N.E.: Amasya (7 and 13); Gumusane (11). I 4, 29. 

Allantus cingulatus (Scopoli) 


Allantus didymus (Klug) 

TuRKEY, S., N., C. and E.: Mersin (6); Nigde (5); Bolu (2); Ankara (29); Amasya 
(2, 3, 5,6 and 7); Tokat (1); Gumusane (ro); Erzurum (4 and 6). 19 fg, 129. N. 
IRAN: Mesanderan, Chalus-Shahsavar coast of Caspian Sea, alt. 20 m., I 9, 19.iv.1966 
(D. B. Baker). 


*Allantus melanarius (Klug) 
N. IRAN: Mesandaran, Chalus-Shahsavar coast of Caspian Sea, alt. 20m., 2 9, 
19.v.1966 (D. B. Baker). 
All Europe and IRAN. 

Endelomyia aethiops (F.) 

TuRKEY, N.: Samsun (2 and 25); 2 9. 

Caliroa cerasi (L.) 

TuRKEY, N.: Samsun, Engiz, 9 3, v.1959 (Guichard). 

Horarctic. Obligatorily parthenogenetic races of this species have been intro- 
duced with rosaceous fruit-trees, from its native country, presumably in Eurasia, 
to N. AMERICA and almost all other temperate regions of the world. The occur- 
rence of males in Turkey may be significant in indicating the native country of this 
species, on the theory that introduced parthenogenetic races are descended from 
normally sexual races, native to some part of the world. 

*Caliroa varipes (Klug) 
TurKEy, N.W., S., N. and C.: Istanbul (1, 3 and 8); Tekirdag (2); Mersin (6); 
Kastamonu (I); Samsun (1, 6, 7 and 13); Amasya (13). 12 4, 11 9. 
All Europe and TURKEY, 


Caliroa annulipes (Klug) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (15 and 16). 5 4, 39. 
EUROPE, TURKEY and temperate Asia to E. SIBERIA. 

*Heterarthrus vagans (Fallén) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Rize, at sea level, 2 9, 12.iv.1959 (Guichard). 
All Europe and TuRKEY. 

Metallus beckeri (Konow) 

Very close to European M. pumilus Klug, but the hind legs are almost entirely 
pale (pumilus has hind femur mainly infuscate from base) and the individual mar- 
ginal saw teeth have more-rounded projections. In the saw therefore it resembles 
the nearctic M. rohwert MacGillivray; M. albipes Cameron and M. gez Brischke 
have saws resembling M. pumilus. The 3 antenna is flattened as in pumuilus. 

TuRKEY, N. and N.E.: Samsun (9). 1g, 29; Trabzon, at sea level, I ¢, 24. vill. 1959 
(Guichard) ; Rize (5); I 9. 
Only known from TURKEY. 

Profenusa thomsoni (Konow) 

EuROPE, TRANSCAUCASIA and N. AMERICA (? introduced). 

Profenusa pygmaea (Klug) 

TuRKEY, W. and C.: Bilecik (1); Amasya (13). 1d, 19. 

Hinatara recta (C. G. Thomson) 


Scolioneura hyrcana sp. n. 

g. Black except for the following, which are brownish to yellowish white: labrum, palps, 
antennal segments 9 and underside of 5 to 8, tarsi, tibiae and apical one-third to one-half of 
femora. Wings hyaline; stigma, and venation black to piceous. Length 4:5 mm. 

Head with mouthparts normal, antenna about x 1:5 breadth of head; 4th segment = 8th 
+ 9th = 1st x 0:8. Eyes much enlarged and strongly converging in front where the distance 
between them is much less than the longest measure of the eye (1-0 : 1°5). Malar space linear. 

Thorax with tarsal pulvilli of legs developed only on two apical tarsomeres. Claws bent 
medially at right angles and with sharp basal tooth. 

Wings normal, 

150 R. B. BENSON 

Abdomen without any visible sculpture. 
Pubescence dense on upper head and mesopleura; on mesopleura up to about as long as dia- 
meter of an ocellus but on head shorter than this. On mesonotum and abdomen sparse. 

Holotype g. N. Iran: Mazandaran, Shalus—Shahsavar coast, 18.iv.1966 (D. B. 
Baker). B.M. (N.H.). 

This species is distinguished at once from S. betuleti Klug and S. tivolensis Enslin 
by its strongly converging eyes, which are much closer together in front than their 
greatest length (in S. betuleti and tirolensis they are further apart than their greatest 
length, as 1-2 : 1-0) and also by the loss of the tarsal pulvilli on the two basal tarso- 
meres of the legs. 

Messa hortulana (Klug) 

Fenusa dohrni (Tischbein) 
Turkey, E.: Rize (1); 1. 
EvuRopE, temperate Asia and N. AMERICA; introduced to S. AFRICA. 

Kaliofenusa ulmi laevinota ssp. n. 

Differs from the typical north holarctic race in that the coriaceous surface sculpture on the 
front and lateral mesonotal lobes is absent and the lobes are entirely smooth. The frontal 
basin is much shallower and the furrow separating the frontal area from the inner orbits is 
more clearly defined. 

Holotype 9. TuRKEy: Mugla, Ula (Mezarlik) 700m., on Ulmus, 17.iv.1962 
(Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. TuRKEY: Mugla, Ula (Mezarlik) 700 m.; on Ulmus, 1Q and 8 8, 
17.iv.1962 (Guichard & Harvey); Bursa, Bursa-Mudanya Rd., 50 m., I 9, 28.iv.1962 
(Guichard & Harvey); Corum, Iskilip, 700 m., I 2, 9.v.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). 

Species holarctic in distribution. 

This tribe was revised by Benson, 1966. 

*+Seljukia tenebrosa Benson, 1966 

TuRKEY, S.: Mersin, Gézne 600 m., 6 g, II 2, 3-5. vi. 1960 (Guichard & Harvey). 
The representatives of this species were taken in a rocky broken terrain with 

alder-lined streams, 34 kms north of Mersin. 
Phymatocera aterrima (Klug) 
C. and S. Europe and TRANSCAUCASIA. 


Tomostethus nigritus claripennis Enslin 
Typical subspecies throughout EUROPE and across SIBERIA. 

Eutomostethus gagathinus (Klug) 
E. gagathinus meridionalis Benson, 1954, syn. n. 
TURKEY, E.: Erzurum (13). 1 9. 

Eutomostethus luteiventris (Klug) 

Eutomostethus ephippium vopiscus (Konow) 

Tourkny, FE.» Rize (a)'4.93(2) «a: (5) 17-635 & 

This subspecies differs from the typical one in that males predominate and that 
whereas the ¢ has an entirely black body (as in one of the two 9 phases of the typical 
subspecies) the 2 is more extensively red than in the red phase of the typical sub- 
species: it has the whole thorax red (in the red phase of the typical subspecies the 
mesoscutellum, with its post-tergite and the mesosternum are black). The legs of 
2 vopiscus differ from those of both 2 forms of the typical subspecies in having the 
apical third of the femora, all the tibiae except the extreme apex as well as the basal 
tarsal segment and + the apical one yellowish white; in the males the pale colour is 

The typical subspecies is now found throughout Europe and N. AMERICA (? intro- 
duced) and there is a black-bodied form in the HIMALAYAS: ssp. vopiscus is re- 
corded only from TURKEY and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

Stethomostus fuliginosis (Schrank) 
TuRKEY, C. and N.E.: Bolu (3); Ankara (4); and Rize (1). 44,1. 

Stethomostus funereus (Klug) 
TURKEY, N. Eo: Rize (2) 33; 

Monophadnus spinolae (Klug) 
TurRKEY, N.W.: Edirne (1). 1 9. 

152 R. B. BENSON 

Monophadnus fulviventris athalioides Jakovlev stat. n. 

The only known difference between M. athalioides 2 and fulviventris Scop. 9 is in 
the colour of the thorax; the underthorax is all black in fulviventris, and in athalioides 
with the upper mesopleuron red. The mesonotum, apart from the postergite of 
the scutellum, is all red in fulviventris but is + black-flecked in athalioides. They are 
probably best treated as geographical subspecies. MM. f. fulviventris is restricted to 
C. and S. Europe and M. f. athalioides to TRANSCAUCASIA and CHINA. 

Monophadnus longicornis Hartig 
TuRKEY, N.: Samsun (12, 14 and 15). 56, 5. 

Monophadnus pallescens (Gmelin) 

TurkEY, N.E.: Trabzon (4 and 17); Rize (2 and 5). 11. 
Temperate Eurasia and N. AMERICA. 


A periclista Enslin 
Cornaria Malaise 1964, syn. n. 


I Abdomen mainly pale beneath. Hind wing with anal cell sessile or subsessile 
(peduncle not more than one-half as long as width of anal cell). Clypeus 
medially emarginate. Ovipositor not longer than hind tibia : 2 

~ Either abdomen mainly dark beneath or anal cell in hind wing with peduncle 
longer than one-half width of anal cell, ov clypeus subtruncate, or iiss gl 

longer than hind tibia. ‘ 4 
2 (1) with abdomen mainly yellowish above and hind wing with marginal vein ; 
Q with head black above and hind wing often with enclosed middle cell. 3 

~ 3 with body entirely black above except for white tegula and apical margins 
of tergites, and hind wing without marginal vein; 2 with head mainly reddish 
yellow above and without enclosed middle cell in hind wing. MEDITER- 

RANEAN (Morocco, and PorRTUGAL to BALKANS) ‘ , . andrei (Konow) 
3 (2) Antenna about as long as head + thorax; 2 with mesonotum mainly red. 

C. Europe to SPAIN and Caucasus : é ‘ albida (Klug) 
- Antenna longer than head + thorax; 92 mesonotum all black. (dg not seen). 

C. EUROPE . ‘ albiventris (Klug) 

4 (1) Anal cell of hind wing with peduncle longer than one- e-half of width of cell. 
Hind wing with or without enclosed middle cell in : or marginal vein in ¢. 
Ovipositor longer than hind tibia 
- Anal cell of hind wing subsessile (peduncle less than one- half of width of cell). 
Hind wing with enclosed middle cell in 9 and marginal vein in g. Ovipositor 
shorter than hind tibia. Legs with femora black. Spain and PORTUGAL 
dusmeti (Konow) 
5 (4) Clypeus emarginate medially. 9Q hind wing with enclosed middle cell, and 
¢ with marginal vein. Malar space at least two-thirds as long as diameter 
of ocellusin gand@? : ‘ , F : : : : ‘ 6 



Clypeus evenly truncate. Q hind wing without enclosed middle cell and ¢ 
without marginal vein. Malar space less than one-half of diameter of 
ocellus in 9 and linear in g. Body entirely black except for white-margined 

pronotum and abdominal segments. C. EUROPE . . albipennis (Zaddach) 
Head and thorax with only normal pubescence on middle of mesonotum, not 
longer than diameter of ocellus z 7 

Head and thorax clothed in woolly pubescence on mesonotum up to ae 
diameter of ocellus. Abdomen black with pale apical margins to segments and, 
in 2, with orange lateral band on down-turned lateral portions of tergites. 
Legs in § yellowish with black coxae and bases of femora, but in 2 femora 
mainly yellow with only extreme bases infuscate. C. EUROPE 
pubescens (Zaddach) 
Legs in both ¢ and 2 mainly yellow except only for coxae and extreme bases 
of femora. Abdomen in ¢ infuscate below but + yellow above; 2 mainly 
black with pale apical margins to segments. AUSTRIA and TURKEY lenta Konow 
Legs in both ¢ and 2 with mainly black femora and + pale tibiae. Abdomen 
in both g and 2 mainly black with pale apical margins to segments. C. 
EUROPE : : F ; 3 , E ‘ é . lineolata (Klug) 

Periclista lenta Konow 

TuRKEY: Mugla, Kestep, 50 m., 3 gf, 12.iv.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). 
TURKEY [type locality Brussa]. 

Monardis plana (Klug) 


Ardis brunniventris (Hartig) 


Cladardis elongatula (Klug) 


Claremontia tenuicornis (Klug) Ross, 1951 

Blennocampa tenuicornis (Klug) Konow. 
Pseudoblennocampa tenuicornis (Klug) Malaise, 1935. 
Monophadnoides tenuicornis (Klug) Benson, 1952. 

It seems to me reasonable to separate Claremontia Rohwer, 1909, in which the 
hind-orbits have a deep coriaceous groove and the hind wing has no enclosed middle 
cells, from Monophadnoides, in which the deep coriaceous hind-orbital groove is 
absent and the hind wings have normally an enclosed middle cell M. To Clare- 
montia also belong alternipes Klug, comb. n. puncticeps Konow, comb. n. confusa 

Konow, comb. n. and the following species. 

154 R. B. BENSON 
Claremontia waldheimii (Gimmerthal) comb. n. 


*Monophadnoides ruficruris (Brullé) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Rize (5). 1. 

Males of this species in Britain have some of the middle tergites + marked with 
yellow. The ¢ from Turkey has tergites 3-5 and + 2 and 6, and sternites 2-6 
yellow. This may indicate a distinct race but more specimens would be needed to 

demonstrate this. 
Not previously recorded outside EUROPE. 

Halidamia affinis (Fallén) 

TuRKEY: Amasya (5). I 9. 

Pareophora pumilio Konow 

N. IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus-Shahasavar coast of Caspian, 19, 28.iii.1966 
(D. B. Baker). 
S. and S.W. CASPIAN coast. [Type locality AZERBAYDZHAN, S.S.R., Lenkoran]. 

*Eriocampa ovata ovata (L.) 

TuRKEY, E.: Tokat (1). 3 9. 
EuROPE, not previously recorded from TURKEY, introduced into N. AMERICA. 

*Eriocampa ovata nitens ssp. n. 

A series of this species from E. TurRKEy lacks the transverse sculpture on the 

Holotype 2. TURKEY: Rize, Cayeli, 15 m., 22. vili.1959 (Guichard). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. TURKEY: Rize, Cayeli, 15 m., 19 9, 22.viii.1959 (Guichard); Rize, 
Rize, 15m., 19, 21.viii.1959; Trabzon, Trabzon, at sea level, 1 9, 24.viii.1959 
(Guichard). B.M. (N.H.). 

The absence of transverse sculpture on the abdomen occurs as a rare aberration 
in the typical race of this species (e.g. SWEDEN: Skane, Kivik, I 9, 15.vii.1938 
(D. M.S. & J. F. Perkins)), and is also characteristic of certain other species in the 
genus such as EF. dorpatica Konow (E. Europe) and E. peineae Zirngiebl (IRAN)— 
it is possible that the latter is another form of F. ovata. 


Eriocampa peineae Zirngiebl, 1956 

*Eriocampa umbratica (Klug) 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (3, 4 and 16); Rize (2, 3 and 5); Artvin (4). 38 3, 51 9, 
Not previously recorded from outside EUROPE. 

Aglaostigma langei (Konow) 


*Aglaostigma aucupariae lacteore ssp. n. 

¢$ differs from typical race in that the inter-antennal area and the whole face below the 
antennal sockets (except for the anterior tentorial pits) are yellowish white and this colour is 
continued along the edge of the inner orbits. (In the typical race most of the clypeus, the 
inter-antennal area, and the face below the antenna are black.) 

The @ is scarcely distinguishable from that of the typical race except that the costa of the 
fore wing is paler apically. 

Holotype g. TuRKEy: Trabzon, Zigana Gecidi, 1,650 m., 22.v.1962 (Guichard & 
Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. TURKEY: Bursa, Uludag, 500m., I g, 19, 26.iv.1962 (Guichard & 
Harvey); Samsun, Samsun, I 9, 20.vii.1959 (Guichard); Trabzon, Zigana Gecidi, 
1,650 m., I g, 22.v.1962; Artvin, above Artvin, 1,800 m., I 2, (Guichard 
& Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Typical race throughout EuROPE to E. SIBERIA. 



I Clypeus subtruncate in front. : 2 
- Clypeus acutely or semicircularly excised in “front medially to a depth of more 
than one-fourth of its maximal length. Penis valve without aspine. (Text- 
figs. 10 and 19). EuRopE and E. MEDITERRANEAN . . Stigma-group (p. 157) 
2 (1) Postocellar region slightly convex medially where it is about level with upper 
edge of the occipital carina and the temples. Antennal crests much smaller 
than Ist antennal segment, and joined behind to the edge of the frontal area 
without any deep excision 2 3 
- Postocellar region excavated so that medially it is ; much below the evel of the 
sharp edge of the occipital carina and the temples. Antennal crests often 
larger than 1st antennal segment and separated from edge of frontal area by 
a deep excision. Penis valve as in stigma-group. N. EURASIA 
auriculata-group (p. 157) 
3 (2) Antenna not white-ringed, nor abdomen with 1st tergite black and flecked 
with opaque white, mor mesopleuron dull with dense sculpture. . ; 5 

156 R. B. BENSON 



Fics. 10-19. 10-14. Tenthredopsis penis-valves in lateral view: 10, tesselata; 11, sordida; 
12, sovavia; 13, nassata; and 14, littevata. 15-19. Tenthredopsis penis-valves in dorsal 
view: 15, sovaria; 16, sordida; 17, nassata; 18, litterata; and 19, tesselata. 


- Either antenna white-ringed, oy abdomen with Ist tergite black and flecked 
with opaque white, oy mesopleuron dull with dense sculpture 
4 (3) Antenna longer than costa and stigma of fore wing. Clypeus not entirely black. 
Abdomen never with flecks of opaque white, but in 2 usually with a pair of 
ventral lateral black stripes. Penis valve as in stigma-group. C. EUROPE 
and C. to E. Asia ‘ 3 tarsata-group (p. 
Antenna not as long as costa stigma of fore wine. Clypeus often entirely 
black. Abdomen sometimes with flecks of opaque white. Penis valve as in 
stigma-group. S.E. Europe and E. MEDITERRANEAN. albonotata-group (p 
5. (3) 3d with apical tergite carinate medially between two glabrous depressions; 
penis valve with spine (Text-figs. 11-18). Q either has hypopygium with the 
posterior medial projection enlarged and strongly excised apically (Text-figs. 
21-23), oy has malar space + equal to inter-antennal line (1 : 1 to 1-2) and 
c. X 1-5 diameter of front ocellus. Occipital carina well developed and 
continuous. @ abdomen variously coloured but not with a pair of black 
ventral lateral stripes on a paler ia except sometimes in sordida. 
PALAEARCTIC : : nassata-group (p. 
- 3g with apical tergite not modified thus: penis valve as in stigma-group, without 
a spine. @ with medial posterior projection of hypopygium not enlarged 
nor excised apically. Malar space much shorter than inter-antennal line 
(1 : 1-3 to 1-5) and at most as long as front ocellus, or occipital carina obso- 
lescent laterally behind the orbits. 9 abdomen usually with a pair of black 
ventral lateral stripes. EE. MEDITERRANEAN . é festiva-group (p 


I Antenna longer than costa + stigma of fore wing. 92 black with following 
parts white: labrum, clypeus, face, antennal crests, orbits, + temples, pro- 
notum, tegula, scutellum, flecks on mesonotal lobes and pleura, broad ventral 
and lateral strips on abdomen which dorsally is brown, medially, legs; legs 
brown to piceous with coxae, trochanters and tarsi + white; ¢ differs in 
that the underside of the thorax is + entirely white, and the head is almost 
entirely white except for frontal area. 9g—-Io mm. 

The Japanese race, ssp. japonica Takeuchi, is often larger (10-12 mm.) 
and the black is more extensive: the 2 is entirely black except for the white 
labrum, clypeus, lateral and ventral stripe of the abdomen, and the legs 
are black except for the yellowish white trochanters, front and middle tibiae, 
and tarsi. N. PaLagarctic (N. Europe to E. SIBERIA and JAPAN) 



. 159) 


. 160) 

carinata Malaise 

- Antenna shorter than costa + stigma of fore wing. 2 mostly yellowish brown 
with white markings; $ mostly black above and + white below. 9-10 mm. 

N. Pavagarctic (N. Europe to E. SIBERIA) . . tauriculata C. G. Thomson! 


I Mesopleura with mesepisterum shining, scarcely punctured 

- Mesopleura dull with dense surface sculpture on mesepisterum between the 
punctures. Black with 4 middle abdominal segments red: white on clypeus, 
each side of labrum, inner orbits, temples, pronotum, tegula, scutellum and 

1The following are synonyms of T. auriculata: Tenthredo sachalinensis Matsumura, 1911, Syn. n. 

Tenthredopsis camtschatcali Enslin, 1927, syn. n. 
ENTOM. 22, 4. a 

158 R. B. BENSON 

metanotum. Wings sybhyaline; venation black except for base of stigma, 
C and Sc of fore wing, which are white. 9-11 mm. S. and S. E. Europe 
floricola Costa 
2 (1) Head with occipital carina well developed from gena to vertex ; ‘ , 3 
Head with occipital carina obsolescent laterally behind eyes. 
Head and thorax black with white on labrum, inner orbits, temples, prono- 
tum, tegula, scutellum; abdomen fulvous except for Ist tergite and sawsheath. 
Wings subhyaline and venation black except for base of stigma, C and Sc of 
fore wing. 9-IImm. TURKEY . : : - guichardi sp. n. 
Claws sub-bifid. Anal cell of fore wing normal ; 
- Inner tooth of claws smaller than end tooth and very short on + front and middle 
legs. Anal cell of fore wing with cross-vein missing (? abnormal specimen). 
Black species with the following parts white: labrum, sides of clypeus, inner 
orbits, temples, edge of pronotum, tegulae, femora (except for inner stripe) 
and tibiae (except for inner stripe of hind pair) and yellowish white lateral 
stripe from 2nd to 7th tergites of abdomen. 8mm. TuRKEY. 2 only 
harveyi sp. n. 
4 (3) Antenna shorter than costa of fore wing in 9 and about as long as costa in ¢. 
With 8th segment x 2-25 times as long as broad. 9 wings slightly flavescent 
with venation yellowish white to brown. Black with the following parts 
yellow: labrum, sides of clypeus, fleck on inner orbits, fleck on temple, under- 
side of antenna, edge of pronotum, tegula, scutellum, tergites 3-6 of abdomen 
(except for mid-dorsal stripe) and most of legs. ¢g as 2 except that the 
middle segments of the abdomen are buff with a black mid-dorsal band and 
a ventral lateral band each side. 9-11mm. C. and N. Europe stigma (Fallén) 
- Antenna as long as costa in 9 and costa + stigmain g, with 8th segment x 2-5-3 
times as long as broad. Wings subhyaline or slightly infuscate, with venation 
mainly black or brown. 6-5—1I mm. 

This complex of colour-forms more or less segregated into local races but 
with every intergradation have heretofore been treated as divisible into 
numerous species. Basically the 2 colour pattern is black with the following 
parts white: labrum, + clypeus, fleck on inner orbits and temples, underside 
of antenna, edge of pronotum, tegula and middle of scutellum. Abdominal 
segments 3—6 are reddish yellow apart from a + developed mid-dorsal line 
and a longitudinal lateral ventral stripe each side. The femora, tibiae and 
tarsi are also mainly reddish yellow. 

In the paler forms the extent of white increases and the head can be almost 
entirely white apart from the frontal area, the posterior orbits, the post- 
genae and occiput; on the thorax the pronotum can become entirely white 
and white flecks can develop on the mesonotal lobes and mesopleura; on the 
abdomen yellowish white and then white flecks appear first on the sides of 
the first tergite and then yellow progressively entirely replaces the reddish 
yellow colour of the abdomen (f. albata Konow, Caucasus). In some forms 
the basic reddish brown is replaced by white and the black mid-dorsal line 
extends along the apical margins of the tergite (f. hungarica Klug and Jacti- 
fiua Klug, C. and S.E. Europe). Inf. corcyvensis André S, and S.E. Europe, 
the basic pattern is altered by the labrum, clypeus, scutellum and + legs 
becoming entirely black, with, at the same time, the disappearance of the 
mid-dorsal and lateral ventral abdominal lines. The basic ¢ pattern is as 
that described above for stigma. EurRopE and E. MEDITERRANEAN 

tesselata (Klug)? 




2 Synonyms of T. tessalata: Tenthredo hungarica Klug, syn.n. T. lactiflua Klug, syn.n. Perineura 
excisa Thomson, syn. n. Tenthredopsis corcyrensis André, syn. n. T. albata Konow, syn. n. 



I Eyes only slightly converge in front where they are much further apart than the 
length of aneye. Malar space at least about as long as the diameter of front 
ocellus . 7 2 

- Eyes so strongly converging in front that they are closer together here than the 
length of an eye. Malar space correspondingly short, about one-third as 
long as diameter of front ocellus. 

Only ¢ is known and this is a mainly black species with white labrum, 
mandibles and reddish legs, and antenna white-ringed from 7th segment 
(8th and 9th segments missing in unique type). Head strongly narrowed 
behind the eyes and mesopleura dull with dense surface sculpture. 9:5 mm. 

ISRAEL : : convergens Benson 
2 (1) Mesopleura dull with dense surface sculpture. Hind tarsus not white on apical 
segments. Abdomen with or without white flecks on Ist tergite . 3 

- Mesopleura shining and sparsely punctured. Hind tarsus with 3rd to 5th 
segments + white. Antenna with or without a white ring covering + 6th 
and following segments. 
Black with red banded abdomen and white labrum, scutellum and fleck 
each side of Ist tergite. 9-11mm. S.E. Europe and E. MEDITERRANEAN 
albopunctata (Tischbein)* 
3 (2) Antenna ringed with white or yellowish white on 6th and + some of the follow- 
ing segments: Pronotum, tegula and Ist tergite entirely black. Otherwise 
black with red-banded abdomen and white labrum and scutellum. 9Q—II mm. 
C., S. and S.E. Europe and E. MEDITERRANEAN ; annuligera (Tischbein) 4 
= Antenna brown or black, + pale below, but not ringed with white or yellowish 
white. Edge of pronotum and often tegula entirely white, and there is an 
opaque white fleck each side of the Ist tergite. Otherwise coloured as in 
the preceding species except that in the red band of the abdomen is + suffused 
over or obsolete. 9-10mm. S.E. EURopE and E. MEDITERRANEAN 
3¢ albonotata (Brullé) 


I Smaller (8-9 mm.) with head strongly contracted behind eyes in dorsal view. 
Mesopleura scarcely punctate but with fine surface pis ae S.E. Asia 
(BuRMA and Formosa) . . 2 

- Larger (10-12 mm.) with head parallel- ‘sided in dorsal view. Mesopleura dull 
with dense surface sculpture between coarse punctures. (Black with 4 middle 
abdominal segments red in 9, and scutellum white-marked; g with the middle 
abdominal segments + infuscate as in scutellum.) C. and S.E. EUROPE 
32 tarsata (Konow) 
2 (1) Lateral ridge to frontal area of head continuous with antennal crests. Antenna 
not white-ringed and scutellum not marked with white. Two colour phases 
described originally as subspecies: mainly brown and mainly black. BuRMa- 
YUNNAN frontier . : : : , ; . birmanica (Malaise) ® 

3 Synonyms of T. albopunctata: Tenthredo benthint Rudow, syn. n. Tenthredo balcana Mocsary, 
syn. n. Tenthredopsis casia Konow, syn. n. T. quadrannulata Konow, syn. n. T. triforis Konow, 
syn. n. 

4 Synonyms of T. annuligera: Tenthvedo tischbeini Frivaldskii, syn.n. *Tenthvredopsis andrei Konow, 
syn. n. *T. pisinna Konow, syn. n. 

5 Synonym of T. birmanica: Thomsonia birmanica nigrorufa Malaise, syn. n. 

160 R. B. BENSON 

- Lateral ridge to frontal area of head and antennal crests notched medially. 
Antenna often + white-ringed from 6th and following segments, and scutel- 
lum usually white-marked. S.E. Asia (BuRMA and Formosa) 
insularis Takeuchi® 


In the B.M. (N.H.) there is a 9 unnamed N. American species of this group of Tenthredopsis. 
It was sent to the Museum by Norton in 1865 as a representative of his recently described 
Allantus piceocinctus but it is not even congeneric with the type of that species. It was collected 
at Farrington, Connecticut. The genus is not now recognized in N. America, though larvae 
are recorded by Maxwell, 1955 : 93. 

I Green species with black markings, and either occipital carina obsolescent 

laterally, oy inner tooth of claw diverging from end tooth and slimmer than it 2 
- Brown or red and black species. Occipital carina well-developed along whole 

hind margin of head, and inner tooth of claw parallel to end tooth and equal 

to it in girth ; . : ‘ : ; ‘ 3 
2 (1) Occipital carina obsolescent behind eyes. "Malar space (2) x 2 diameter of 

front ocellus. Claws with inner tooth parallel to end tooth and equal to it in 

girth. Pulvillus on hind basitarsus only about half as long as apical breadth 

of basitarsus. Green with black fleck on frontal and postocellar regions of 

head, on each of the mesonotal lobes and in the middle of each tergite so as 

to form a medial abdominal row. Stigma Sacaii green. 85mm. TRANS- 

CAUCASIA. ' viridis Zhelochovtsev 
- Occipital carina well developed along whole hind margin of head. Malar space 

(2) about x 1-5 diameter of front ocellus. Claws with inner tooth diverging 

from end tooth and slimmer (@) or shorter ($) than it. Pulvillus on hind basi- 

tarsus about as long as apical breadth of hind basitarsus. Green with black 

markings on head, mesonotum, mesosternum, middle dorsal line and two 

lateral ventral lines on abdomen. Stigma dark with green base. 9-10 mm. 

TRANSCAUCASIA : ornatrix Konow 
3 (1) Anal cell of fore wing with c cross-vein suberect and nearer r base than apex of cell. 

Claws sub-bifid. Abdomen banded yellow or red, and with a pair of ventral 

dark stripes . ‘ ; 4 
~ Anal cell of fore wing with cross-vein ‘oblique and near - middle of cell. ‘Claws 

with inner tooth shorter than end tooth. Black with white markings on 

head, thorax and margins of abdominal segments. 

Unique °. 7mm. (? abnormal dwarf) has asymmetric supernumerary 

cross-veins. TRANSCAUCASIA . F : nigrescens Konow 
4 (3) Head with clypeus, inner orbits, temporal spot and thorax with edge of prono- 

tum and fleck on mesonotum white. Inner hind tibial spur about half as long 

as basitarsus : 5 
- Head with clypeus black and thorax (apart from tegula and x mesoscutellum) 

entirely black. Inner hind tibial spur only about two-fifths as long as basi- 


Abdomen with yellow band covering segments 3-9. Legs yellow with 
infuscate coxae and hind tarsus. ¢ not seen. 7:5mm. TRANSCAUCASIA 
and TURKEY : : : ; : : ; : . nigella Konow 

6 Various colour forms of this species were originally described as sympatric subspecies on the Burma— 
Yunnan frontier and together with another from Formosa are synonyms of insularis Takeuchi: Thom- 
sonia insularis brunnescens Malaise, syn. n. T. insularis continentalis Malaise, syn. n. T. insularis 
deannulata Malaise, syn. n. T. insularis fuscicornis Malaise, syn. n. T. insularis ruficornis Malaise, 
syn. n. (Formosa). 










Abdomen with segments 2-6 pale yellow. Hind coxae Sec! black. ¢ not 
seen. 8-10mm. TURKEY . , straminata Konow 
Abdomen with segments 2-8 reddish yellow. Hind coxae black with broad 
lateral and ventral yellowish white stripes. Iomm. TRANSCAUCASIA 
festiva Konow 


3d : A A : : : : : : = : : , 2 
ee . . 5 
Spine on penis-valve ‘shorter than inner hind tibial spur (Text- figs. II-I 13 and 
15-17). Hypopygium with at most a small emargination, not as wide as 
the length of this spur (Text-figs. 20, 22 and 23). Colour variable but 
antennae are always fuscous above and pale brown below . : 3 
Spine on penis-valve longer than inner hind tibial spur (Text-figs. 14 and 18). 
Hypopygium with a wide apical emargination about as wide as the length 
of this spur (Text-fig. 21). Head white below and on orbits, black above; 
antennae reddish yellow below and brown above; thorax yellowish white 
with black and yellow markings above; abdomen mainly reddish yellow 
marked with black on basal tergites. Large species Io-12 mm. EUROPE 
and TURKEY : ‘ . 6 litterata (Geoffroy) 
Penis-valve with spine atiached betore apex (Text- figs. II, 12, 15 and 16) . ; 4 
Penis-valve with spine at apex (Text-figs. 13 and 17). 
6 without external vein to hind wing is thought by some to represent 
the g of another species known as coquebertii but their exact significance is 
unknown. 7-II mm. EvuROPE, TURKEY and SIBERIA to JAPAN 3 nassata (L.) 
Spines set close together on penis-valve and much shorter than apical breadth 
of hind tibia (Text-figs. 11 and 16). Straw-coloured species with black 
markings on head, thorax and abdomen. 8-10mm. EUROPE 3 sordida (K1.) 
Spines set about half their own length apart on penis-valve and about as long 
as apical breadth of hind tibia (Text-figs. 12 and 15). Black species with 
yellowish white markings on face, orbits and thorax. 11mm. TRANs- 

CAUCASIA : 3 sororia Konow 
Medial projection to hypopygiam greatly enlarged so it is longer and broader 

at base than length of an inner middle tibial spur (Text-figs. 21 and 22) . 6 
Medial projection to hypopygium much shorter and narrower than length of 

inner middle tibial spur . : 7 

Projection to hypopygium narrowed ‘behind, where it is narrower than the 
length of an inner middle hind tibial spur, and at its apex it is sharply excised 
(Text-fig. 21). Malar space almost equal to inter-antennal line and diameter 
of front ocellus. Pulvillus on basitarsus about as long as basal breadth of 
basitarsus and almost as long as pulvillus on succeeding tarsomere. 11-13 
mm. : .  § litterata (Geoffroy) 

Projection to hypopygium scarcely narrowed behind where it is as wide as the 
length of an inner middle hind tibial spur, and at its apex it is broadly and 
slightly emarginate (Text-fig. 22). Malar space only about two-thirds of 
inter-antennal line and equal to diameter of front ocellus. Pulvillus on hind 
basitarsus about two-thirds of basal breadth of basitarsus and two-thirds of 

length of pulvillus on succeeding tarsomere. 12 mm. ; Q sororia Konow 
Straw-coloured species marked with brown and black. Projection to hypo- 
pygium deeply excised apically (Text-fig. 23). 9-IImm. . 2 sordida (Klug) 

Very variable in colour from yellowish white, to brown, or red and more or less 
marked with black and white, to almost entirely black. Projection to 
hypopygium at most emarginate at an extreme apex (Text-fig. 20). 9-12 mm. 

2 nassata (L.) 

162 R. B. BENSON 

Fics. 20-23. Tenthredopsis hypopygia: 20, nassata; 21, littervata; 22, soravria; and 23, sordida. 

[Tenthredopsis floricola A. Costa 
TuRKEY: Istanbul (2-3). 2 9. 
S. and S.E. EuRopE]. 

*Tenthredopsis guichardi sp. n. 

2. Head and thorax black with the following parts creamy white: labrum, + clypeus, 
inner orbits, fleck behind eyes on lateral hind margin of head above, underside of flagellum, 
hind margin of pronotum, tegula, scutellum and fleck in middle of its post-tergite, metascutel- 
lum, small fleck on front and middle coxae and large fleck on side of hind coxa. Legs yellow 
except for most of coxae, trochanters and extreme base of front and middle and most of hind 
femora, which are black. Wings subhyaline; stigma with basal half white and apical black; 
costa and subcosta yellow; rest of venation piceous except at extreme base of wing. Abdomen 
yellowish brown, except for the mainly black 1st, + middle of 2nd and gth tergites, and saw- 
sheath. Length: 10-11 mm. 

Head shining, with obsolescent punctation. Clypeus medially emarginate in front to depth 
of nearly one-third of its total length. Malar space nearly as long as diameter of front ocellus. 
Antenna about x 2 as long as width of head behind the eyes. Frontal area with raised lateral 
margins fused with antennal crests and with a deep median groove from the front ocellus to 
the interantennal region. Carina on hind margin of head obsolete laterally behind the eyes so 
that genal carina below is separated from the occipital carina above. Distance between hind 
ocelli less than distance of an ocellus from occipital carina as 1-o : 1-7, and less than distance 
of an ocellus to margin of eye as I-o : 1.9. 

Thorax normal with underthorax and mesonotum, apart from front half of front lobes, almost 
impunctate except in the sunken lateral areas of the latter which are rugose and the 


scutellum which is opaque with a line of regular punctures separating the post-tergite which is 
+ alutaceous. 

Legs normal; inner hind tibial spur about half as long as basitarsus. 

Wings normal. 

Abdomen with fine surface alutaceous sculpture above. Hypopygium and saw as in T. 

Pubescence over head and thorax pale and shorter than diameter of ocellus. 

6 as in 9 but thorax including tegular entirely black and white on inner orbits and temples 
is much reduced. Pubescence on head infuscate. Distance between hind ocelli less than 
distance between ocellus and occipital carina as 1-0 : 1-3, and as distance between ocellus and 
eye margin as 1:0: 1:7. Hind wings with marginal vein. Genitalia much as in T. stigma 
Klug (Text-figs. 10 and 19). 

Length: 9-10°5 mm. 

Holotype 2. Turkey: Ankara, Kubuk, 830 m., 22.v.1960 (Guichard & Harvey). 
BAM (NA); 

Paratypes. Same locality, 3 3, 5 9, 21-22.v.1960 (Guichard & Harvey); TURKEY: 
Erzurum, 20 m. from Ispir on Ikizdere Road, 1,700 m., I 9, (Guichard 
& Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

*Tenthredopsis harveyi sp. n. 

. Black with the following parts white to yellowish white: palps, mandible bases, labrum, 
clypeus (except middle third), underside of antenna, spot on gena, inner orbits and spot behind 
temple, edge of pronotum, tegula, legs (except coxae, trochanters, spot on inner base of front 
femur, line on inner side of middle femur, and inner side of hind femur and tibia, most of hind 
tarsus), lateral each side of abdomen covering one-fourth of the width of tergites 2-7, a lateral 
fleck each side of middle of 1st tergite and + narrow apical margins of succeeding tergites and 

Wings hyaline with costa and subcosta and base of stigma white, rest of venation piceous. 
Length 8-5 mm. 

Head shining, with obsolescent punctation. Clypeus medially emarginate in front to depth 
of nearly one-third of its total length. Malar space slightly longer than diameter of front ocellus. 
Antenna more than x 2 as long as width of head behind eyes. Frontal area slightly convex 
above but with a deep round concavity above the interantennal area. Occipital carina clearly 
defined throughout. Hind ocelli further apart than from occipital carina as 1:0 : 1-4 and from 
margin of eye as 10: I°9. 

Thorax shining but with definite punctures dense on front of mesonotum, sparse on lateral 
lobes, scutellum, episternum and sternum of thorax, but the depressed lateral areas of the 
mesonotum as well as the mesepimeron and metapleura are dull and regulose. Legs normal 
with inner spur of hind tibia about half as long as basitarsus, but the inner tooth of the claw 
is not as long as the end tooth on the hind legs and on the front and middle legs is only about 
half as long as end tooth. 

Wings with the cross-vein to the anal cell missing in the fore wings but this may be an indi- 
vidual abnormality. 

Abdomen finely alutaceous above, hypopygium and saw normal (as in T. stigma). 

Pubescence pale on head and thorax and up to as long as diameter of an ocellus. 

Holotype 9. TuRKEy: Bolu, Ala Dagi, 2,000 m., Kartal Kaya Tepe, 15.vii. 1962 
(Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

164 R. B. BENSON 

Tenthredopsis tesselata (Klug) 

TuRKEY, N.W., W., N. to E.: Widespread from Istanbul (3); Bursa (4); Samsun 
(5 and 6); Erzurum (6). Up to 1,700 m. 52 3, 59 9, iv—vi, in many colour forms 
including f. albata, Konow, f. excisa Thomson and f. corcyrensis André. 

N. Iran: Elburz Mts., 2,000 m. (G. Heinrich). 
All EuropPE and TurRKEY to N. IRAN. 

| Tenthredopsis convergens Benson, 1954 


Tenthredopsis albopunctata (Tischbein) 

TuRKEY, N.W., W., S.W., S., C., N.: Istanbul (2); Bursa (4 and 9); Mugla (10); 
Antalya (10); Samsun (24); Amasya (2, 5, 6, 7 and 13); Corum (2); up to 1,000 m. 
(near Merzifon in Amasya on, 17.iv to and 20.vii.59 (near 
sea level at Samsun ? 2nd brood). Forms with and without white-ringed antennae 
or tarsi occurred together. 20 4, 2 9. 

S.E, Europe (Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey) and Asta Minor. 

Tenthredopsis annuligera (Tischbein) 
TuRKEY, C.: Amasya (1 and 6). 1 g, 69. 

C., S. and S.E. Europe (France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Corfu, 
Russia) and TURKEY. 

Tenthredopsis albonata (Brullé) 

S.E. Europe (Greece and Turkey) and E. MEDITERRANEAN (Syria, Lebanon and 

Tenthredopsis viridis Zhelochovtsev, 1941 


tTenthredopsis ornatrix Konow 


+Tenthredopsis nigrescens Konow 

TuRKEY (W.): Usak, Bulgaz Dag, Namrun, 1,400-1,600 m., I 2, 9-16. vi. 1965 
(Gembloux Coll. Belgium), and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

+Tenthredopsis nigella Konow 



+Tenthredopsis straminata Konow 

S. TuRKEY (Taurus Mountains). 

+Tenthredopsis festiva Konow 


Tenthredopsis litterata (Geoffroy) 

TurKEY, N.W., C. and E.: Istanbul (3); Amasya (3 and 7) and Erzurum (6). 

All EuropE and TURKEY. 

+Tenthredopsis sororia Konow 


Tenthredopsis nassata (L.) 

TurKEy (C. and N.E.): Ankara (39); Cankiri, Isik Dag, 1,200 m., I 9, 
(Demelt Coll.); Amasya (3, 13); Trabzon (15). 


Rhogogaster was revised by Benson, 1965. 

*+Rhogogaster genistae Benson 

TURKEY, (C.: Amasya. (7).---1:Gy 2:9. 
Also EuRoPE, N. AFRICA. 

Rhogogaster picta (Klug) 

TurRKEY, N.W., W., C., N.E. and E.: Istanbul (3); Bilecik (1 and 2); Konya (3); 
Amasya (7 and 13); Giresun (3); Erzurum (4). 10 3, 149. 


*+Rhogogaster dryas (Benson) 

TURKEY, C.: Amasya (5 and 18). 49. 

166 R. B. BENSON 

Rhogogaster punctulata (Klug) 

TurKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (4 and 15); Artvin (4). 1,246-1,800m. 5 9. 

These specimens seem to be racially distinct from the normal European form in 
the complete lack of the lateral row of black spots each side of the abdomen. This 
form has also occurred as a rare aberration in Finland. 


*+Rhogogaster naias Benson, 1965 

TuRKEY, E.: Gumusane (5). II g, 12 9. 
Type series. 

Rhogogaster viridis (L.) 

TuRKEY, C., N.E. and E.: Ankara (12); Amasya (13); Trabzon (3); Rize (8); 
Artvin (3); Erzurum (10). From sea level up to 2,600 m., 3 J, 7. Holarctic species. 

*+tRhogogaster chlorosoma (Benson) 

TurRKEY, N.W., C., N.E. and E.: Istanbul (9); Ankara (15, 35 and 41); Tokat (1); 
Konya (3); Giresun (3); Erzurum (6). From sea level up to 1,400 m., I g, 23 9. 


Rhogogaster auctor Weiffenbach, 1967 

TuRKEY: Nigde, Ciftehan, vi. 1965 and Ankara, Kizilkahaman, v. 1965 (Demelt 


Keys to the palaearctic species of the bifasciata-, zonula-, scrophulariae- and 
arcuata-groups, (as well as the species now segregated as Elinora and Cuneala) 
were given by Enslin, 1910, and to the olivacea-mesomelas-, cyanatra-atra- and 
maculata-temula-groups by Enslin, 1920. 


I Antennal crests, over antennal sockets, reach further forward (in dorsal view) 

than the level of the front of the eyes, and in the olivacea-mesomelas group, 

the crests are separated from the sides of the frontal area by a deep excision; 

the area between the crests is more than half as deep as the distance between 

them. Flagellum of antenna more than x 14 the width of the head behind 

the eyes ; 2 
- Antennal crests confluent “with ‘the sides of frontal area, and not reaching 

forward further than the level of the front of the eyes and/or the area between 

them is not half as deep as the width between them : 3 
2 (1) Mostly green or green and black species but some partly yellow or brown, with 

antennal crests separated behind from the sides of the frontal area by a deep 

excision : ; : : ‘ .  Olivacea-mesomelas-group (p. 167) 





Species variously coloured, often with black, red, brown or yellow but some 
with green, antennal crests behind confluent with sides of frontal area 
cyanata-atra-group (p. 167) 
Head strongly swollen behind eyes and, together with thorax, entirely black 
(except at most for small yellow flecks on edge of pronotum). Wings infus- 

cate on at least apex of front pair (W. PALAEARCTIC) bifasciata-group (p. 169) 
Head not strongly swollen behind eyes, or head and thorax more richly marked 
with yellow. Wings + hyaline or with infuscate patches . ‘ 4 

Head with temples shining and at most sparsely punctured, and occipital carina 
obsolete behind post-ocellar region. Antenna less than twice as long as 
breadth of head behind eyes. Male hind tarsal claws without acute basal 
lobe. : ; zonula-group (p. 170) 

Head dull with strong punctation above or occipital carina well developed 
along whole of hind margin of head or including the post-ocellar region. 
Antenna long or short. Male hind tarsal claw with or without acute basal 
lobe. : 5 

Wings hyaline in fresh specimens and antenna short (penultimate segment less 
than x 14 as long as broad). Stigma mostly pale. Claws usually with a 
basal lobe + developed. (Horarctic) . ‘ arcuata-group (p. 176) 

Wings strongly flavescent, or infuscate, at least partly. Antenna often 
elongate (penultimate segment at least x 14 as long as broad). Stigma 
often dark. Claws often without basal lobe. 6 

Fore wings evenly + infuscate. Stigma black. Abdomen with metallic 
lustre. Mesosternum each side and mesoscutellum with tooth-like projection. 
Antenna often with penultimate segment less than x 13 as long as broad. 
(ORIENTAL) . : opposita-group 

Fore wings subhyaline, flavescent or with infuscate patches. Stigma often pale. 
Abdomen not metallic. Mesosternum and often mesoscutellum without 
tooth-like projection. Antenna with penultimate see at least x 1} as 

long as broad ; ; ‘ : “4 
Wings flavescent, or fore wing with infuscate apex or “front margin. Stigma 
pale. (HOoLARCcTIC) 2 ‘ . vespiformis-scrophulariae-group (p. 175) 

Wings hyaline or stigma dark. (PALAEARCTIC) maculata-temula-group (p. 173) 
finschi and japonica 

Tenthredo mesomelas L. 

TuRKEY, N., N.E. and E.: Bolu (1); Zonguldak (1); Trabzon (3, 4, 15 and 16); 

Gumusane (7 and 8). 700-2,600m. 13 4, 28 9. 


Tenthredo atra duplicata (Enslin) 

This race differs from the typical race in always having white on the genae and 

each side of the Ist tergite. 

TuRKEY, E.: Trabzon (3). 2 ¢, 29; Trabzon (15). 5 9; Artvin (4). 1 9. 

The species occurs throughout EuRoPE to E, SIBERIA. 

168 R. B. BENSON 

Tenthredo mandibularis F. 


Tenthredo araxana Mocsary 


Tenthredo caligator Eversmann 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (15-16). 40 3, 59 9. 

Tenthredo albopicta Puls 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (15-16). 1 3. 

Tenthredo discophora Konow 

TuRKEY, N., N.E. and E.: Bolu (1); Gumusane (7 and 11); Trabzon (14, 15, 16 
and 17); Rize (8). 1,400 to 2,500m. 22 4, 51 9, 27.v—-I4. vil. 

Tenthredo purpurea Puls 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (15-16). 3d, 49. 

Tenthredo livida L. 

TuRKEY, N.: Zonguldak (1). 1 9. 

Tenthredo colon Klug 

TuRKEY, W. and N.E.: Kutahya (9); Trabzon (14 and 15). 3 4,3 9. 

Tenthredo balteata Klug 
TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (15); Rize (8). 29. Not previously recorded outside 
Tenthredo solitaria Scopoli 

C. and S. EuRopE and TRANSCAUCASIA. 


Tenthredo ferruginea Schrank 

LURKEY,.N.E.: Trabzon (75); Rize (8): x 6}. 2:9: 

Tenthredo luteipennis Eversmann 

TURKEY: Trabzon (13). Id; (14,15). 176, 269. 
TURKEY, and Caucasus and PAmIRS up to 3,400 m. 


This group consists of those species with + infuscate wings, and head, greatly 
swollen behind the eyes, together with the thorax entirely black (except at most 
for small lateral yellow fleck on pronotum). Abdomen black with sometimes one 
or more tergites flecked or banded with yellow but very variable in colour pattern 
as are the wings. 


Mesoscutellum shining, almost impunctate . ‘ ‘ Zz 
Mesoscutellum at least partly dull with dense puntchires or Surface sculpture 
Pubescence on head and thorax silvery, not infuscate. 11-13mm. 4 not 

seen. S.E. EUROPE and E. MEDITERRANEAN . kiefferi (Konow) 
Pubescence on head and mesonotum infuscate. 11-13 mm. C. and S. EUROPE, 
E. MEDITERRANEAN to IRAN : ; costata Klug 
Mesoscutellum entirely dull with dense surface sculpture between punctures. 
Pubescence on head and mesonotum fuscous : ; 4 
Mesoscutellum with some shining areas anteriorly between the punctures , 5 

Abdomen black except at most for + yellow tergite, and occasionally also with 
yellow flecks on 2nd and 4th, but g often entirely black. Legs entirely black. 
Inner hind tibial spur more than half length of basitarsus. Wings usually 
entirely fuscous in g, but in 9 often flavous basally. 11-15mm. C. EurRo- 
PEAN ALPs and E. MEDITERRANEAN : , . caucasica Eversmann 
Abdomen with 3rd to 7th tergites (2) or 3rd and 4th ($) margined apically 
with yellow and legs with yellow tibiae and tarsomeres, flecked with brown 
at their apices. Inner hind tibia scarcely half as long as basitarsus. Wings 
of 2 flavous + infuscate apically. 12-14mm. C. EUROPEAN ALPS 
stecki (Konow) 
Abdomen or legs + marked with yellow. Inner hind tibial spur longer than 
apical width of tibia. Wings sometimes + flavous . : ; . : 6 
Entirely black species with strongly infuscate wings. Inner hind tibial spur 
about as long as apical width of tibia. 13-14mm. E. MEDITERRANEAN 
violascens (Konow) 
Abdomen with tst tergite black. Scutellum strongly convex, gibbous 
Abdomen with ist, 3rd, 4th and sometimes 2nd, 5th and 6th tergites flecked 
or margined apically with yellow, as also is often the pronotum; otherwise 
black, except for paler tibiae and tarsi. Mesoscutellum only slightly convex 
in middle. 12-15mm. gnotseen. TURKESTAN . ; . bractea Enslin 
Fore wings fuscous throughout and either stigma dark brown or pubscence on 
head and thorax partly fuscous F : : " ; ; ; : 8 

170 R. B. BENSON 

- Fore wings flavous basally with infuscate apices and yellow stigma. Pubescence 
on head and thorax silvery. 1I0o-12mm. EvRoPE and SIBERIA _ rossii (Panzer) 

8 (7) Stigma and costa of fore wing yellow or brown. 12-14mm. C. and S. EUROPE 
bifasciata Miiller 

- Sigma and costa of fore wing infuscate. (? subspecies of preceding). 11-13 mm. 
g not seen. E. MEDITERRANEAN . . . : . diversipes Mocsary 

Tenthredo kiefferi (Konow) 

TurRKEY, S.W., S. and C.: Aydin (2); Antalya (5 and 14); Mersin (7, 12 and 14); 
Ankara (12, 14, 15, 21, 35 and 37); Corum (2); Amasya (2, 3 and 7); Kayseri 
(3 and 4); Sivas (3). Up to 1,600 m. in Mersin. 69 J, 93 9. 


Tenthredo costata Klug 
TuRKEY, C., N.E. and E.: Nigde (5); Ankara (15); Amasya (7); Sivas (3); 
Giresun (3); Artvin (2); Erzurum (4 and 6). 700-1,700m., 2 g, II 9. 

Tenthredo caucasica Eversmann 
TurKEY, N.E. and E.: Trabzon (3, 14, 15 and 16); Gumusane (10); Erzurum (6). 
I,400—2,000 m., 33 4, 60 9. 
EuROPEAN ALPS (France and Switzerland), TURKEY and TRANSCAUCASIA. 

Tenthredo violascens (Konow) 

Turkey, E.: Erzurum (6). 13 9. 

Tenthredo diversipes Mocsary 

The ZONULA-group 


I Flagellum of antenna mainly black. Head scarcely swollen behind eyes or 
+ punctate above. Wings subhyaline; stigma infuscate apically : 2 
- Flagellum of antenna mainly yellow. Head strongly swollen behind eyes and 
impunctate above. Wings yellowish throughout; stigma yellow with brown 

Occipital carina continues only up to level with top of eyes, being obsolete 
behind temples. S.E. EuropE and E. MEDITERRANEAN. flavipennis Brullé 

2 (1) Tongue long (prelabium longer than greatest measure of eye). Occipital carina 
obsolete behind upper half of eyes, temples and postocellar region. Frontal 
area densely punctate. Clypeus excised to only about one-third of its total 
length. Abdomen with Ist tergite black, but with whole of 4th and in 
segments yellow above and often 3rd and 6th laterally ‘ : 3 



- Tongue normal (prelabium shorter than greatest measure of eye). Occipital 
carina defined along whole hind margin of head except behind postocellar 
region. Frontal area sometimes shining with sparse punctures. Clypeus 
excised to more than one-half its total length. Abdomen with + Ist, whole 

of 5th, sometimes 4th and apices of some of the following tergites yellow 

3 (2) Frontal area deeply concave in the middle to a depth and size much greater 

than that of an inverted ocellus. Antenna with 1st segment yellow. 


EurRopPE and E. MEDITERRANEAN . : - dialeuca (Konow) 
- Frontal area not concave in the middle to a depth as great as an inverted 

ocellus. Antenna entirely black. C.andS. Europr and E. MEDITERRANEAN 

to IRAN : ‘ : ie Giraud 

(2) Mesopleura above dull with dense surface sculpture 
Mesopleura above shining between the follicles of dense pubescence 



5 (4) Ist antennal segment and tegula mainly yellow. Frons densely punctured and 

lower inner orbits dull with dense surface sculpture. C. and S. EuRopPE and 

N. AFRICA . ; . distinguenda (R. v. Stein) 
- Ist antennal segment entirely, and ‘tegula mainly, black. Frons sparsely 

punctured and lower inner orbits shining between surface sculpture. 


MEDITERRANEAN . ; hyrcana sp. n. (p. 172) 
6 (4) Hind femur tipped with black at apex only. Antenna with one or two basal 

segments mostly yellow. Hind tibia and tarsus of 2 marked with black or 

dark brown. C. and S. Europg, N. Arrica and E. MEDITERRANEAN zonula Klug 
~ Hind femur with most of inner side black. Antenna entirely black. Hind 

tibia and tarsus of 2 marked with reddish brown. EUROPE amoena Gravenhurst 

Tenthredo flavipennis Brullé 

Allantus lautus Konow. 
A. luminosus Konow, syn. n. 

TuRKEY, E.: Gumusane (11); Erzurum (6). 1,700—1,800 m. 

Tenthredo dialeuca Konow 

Allantus jugalis Konow, syn. n. 

TurRKEY, N. and E.: Samsun (8); Gumusane (10); Erzurum (15). Up to 2,300 m., 

Ed, 42. 


Tenthredo frauenfeldi Giraud 

Allantus helveticus Konow, syn. n. 
A. merceti Konow, syn. n. 
A. montanus Enslin, 1910. 

TurKEY, N. and E.: Samsun (5); Gumusane (10). Up to 1,800 m., 


IRAN: Mazandaran, Kalar Dasht, Sardab, Rud Valley, 3 km. above Rudbarak, 

1,500 m., 1 9, 17.iv.1966 (D. B. Baker). 
C. and S.E. Europe, TURKEY and IRAN. 

172 R. B. BENSON 

Tenthredo zonula Klug 

Allantus similis Mocsary. 
A. nazaveensis André, syn. n. 
A. serena Konow, syn. n. 

TurKEY, N.W., W., S.W., S., C., N.E. and E.: Istanbul (3); Bursa (2 and 14); 
Aydin (2); Mugla (9 and ro); Antalya (9 and 10); Nigde (5); Ankara (12); Corum (2) ; 
Amasya (2, 3 and 7); Artvin (2); Erzincan (1); Erzurum (5, 6 and 14). Up to 
2,250 m. in the east, 50 J, 35 9. 

C. and S. Europe, ISRAEL, SyRIA, LEBANON and TURKEY. 

*Tenthredo hyrcana sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 26, 26a) 

9. Black with the following parts yellow: mandibles, labrum, clypeus, hind margin of pro- 
notum, outer margin of tegula, trochanters extreme base, and apex of femora, tibiae except 
apices of middle and hind pair and apices of middle and hind tarsomere, apical half of 1st tergite, 
5th abdominal segment and apex of 7th, 8th and oth tergites. Wings subhyaline; base of 
stigma and costa yellow, apex of stigma and rest of venation piceous. Length 8-9 mm. 

Head slightly contracted behind and with clearly marked occipital carina, though this is 
obsolete behind postocellar region; labrum acute in front; clypeus deeply excised in front to 
depth of more than half total length of clypeus, slightly convex above; flagellum of antenna 
longer than width of head behind (as 1-3 : 1-0). Frontal area with an 8-shaped medial concavity. 
Punctation sparse and very fine on ridges of frontal area and lower inner orbits but gena dull 
with dense surface sculpture. 

Thorax normal and shining between fine widely-separated punctures on mesonotum. Meso- 
thorax below dull with very dense surface sculpture. Legs normal; inner hind tibial spur 
scarcely half as long as basitarsus. Abdomen dull above with dense transverse alutaceous 
sculpture. Saw. (Text-figs. 26 and 26a.) 

Pubescence white and well-developed on head and thorax and in length up to about x I$ 
diameter of an ocellus. 

g as @ but that the legs are much paler (the whole of the front legs are yellow except for the 
spurs, the claw bearing segment and extreme bases of other segments; the middle legs except 
for the tarsus and an outer black line on the tibia and the hind legs except for the base of the 
coxae, the apical half of the femur together with the whole tibia and tarsus which are black), 
the costa is darker, the 1st tergite is pale only on the apical margin and + the 3rd—5th sternites 
of the abdomen. 

Holotype @. TRANscaAucasiA: Armenia, Delizhan, 1,500-2,200 m., 
(A. N. Zhelochovtsev). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. TRANSCAUCASIA: I g¢ (same data). TurRKEy: Ankara, Idris Dagi, 
1,300 m., I 9, 30. vi. 1962 (Guichard & Harvey); Amasya, 500 m., 12 3, 22-23.V.1959 
(Guichard), 460 m., 2 3, I 2,; Erzurum, Ispir, 20 kms on Ikisdere Rd., 
700m., I g, (Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

This species is differentiated in the key above from T. distinguenda Stein, to which 
it is most closely related. According to Dr. Zhelochovtsev this species was recognized 
and named ‘‘ Allantus hyrcanus’’ by Gussakovskii in his MSS on the Tenthredininae 
in the Faune de l’URSS before the war, but was never published. I have therefore 


hyrc. 26a 

Fics. 24-26. 24. Tenthredo euphorbiae sp. n. penis-valve. 25-26. Tenthredo saws: 
25, euphorbiae sp. n.; and 26, hyrcana sp. n. 25a-26a. Enlarged roth and 11th teeth 
from apex of saws: 25a, euphorbiae sp. n.; 26a, hyrcana sp. n. 

selected as the holotype the specimen sent to me by Zhelochovtsev, bearing the 
name given by Gussakovskil. 


I @ Abdomen only one tergite (3rd) or two (3rd and 4th) entirely yellow; 5th 
tergite at least partly black; g with underthorax pale. Mesopleura with 
angular projection. Hind claws with acute basal lobe. 10-12 mm. 
(temula sspp.) 2 
ENTOM., 22, 4. 8 

174 R. B. BENSON 

- 2 Abdomen with two tergites (4th and 5th) entirely yellow or orange; 3rd 
tergite at least mainly black; g¢ with underthorax black. Mesopleura without 
angular projection. Hind claws without basal lobe. 12-16 mm. 

(maculata complex) 4 

) g has 8th tergite with at most apical margin yellow; 2 has apex of abdomen 
with at most 8th and goth tergites broadly yellow and a small fleck in the 
middle of the 7th . 3 

- 3 has 8th tergite with at least apical half yellow and 9 apex of abdomen has 

at least a large fleck of yellow on the 7th tergite and mostly has yellow on 
6th—oth tergites. 

Scutellum sharply raised so as to form right angle in profile. ¢ 3rd tergite 
entirely yellow and 2 4th tergite black-flecked medially, scutellum all black. 7 
BRITAIN, S.W. FRANCE, N. SPAIN and ITaLy . temula celtica Benson 

3 (2) of 3rd tergite entirely yellow; 2 4th tergite with medial ‘fleck of black. Scutel- 

lum flatter, with front face more shining and with no yellow fleck. C. 
Europe (excluding SPAIN and ITaty) ; ; temula temula Scopoli 
6 3rd tergite with medial black fleck; 9 with 4th ; as well as 3rd tergite entirely 
yellow. Scutellum forming almost a right angle in profile and often with 
yellow fleck. EE. MEDITERRANEAN . ; : . temula xanthaspia Enslin 

4 (1) Middle and hind coxae and trochanters mainly, and hind femur entirely, black 

in both sexes. 9 abdomen with 4th and 5th segments pale yellow; ¢ abdomen 

pale yellow except for the + infuscate 1st and 2nd tergites and two apical 

segments. 4 tarsus strongly swollen so that in ventral view the 2nd and 3rd 

tarsomeres are less than twice as long as broad (Text-fig. 29) (maculata sspp.) 5 
- Middle and hind coxae and trochanters mainly pale and hind femur pale at base 

in both sexes. 9 abdomen with 4th and 5th segments orange above and pale 

yellow below; g abdomen orange above and pale yellow below except for 

+ infuscate first 2 tergites. 4 tarsus less strongly swollen so that in ventral 

view the 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres are more than twice as long as broad (Text- 


2 ( 

fig. 30). E. MEDITERRANEAN : : vestita André 
5 (4) Hind tibia infuscate apically. 2 with and and 6th-8th tergites not marked 
with yellow. . ‘ 6 

_ Tibiae not infuscate apically. 9 with ond, 3rd, ‘6th and ath tergites flecked 

with yellow laterally and 6th—gth tergites with medial apical margins yellow. 

IraLty, N. Appenine Mountains : ‘ maculata diana ssp. n. (p. 174) 
6 (5) Scutellum, tengula and hind edge of pronotum marked with yellow in 9. 

W. and C. Europe and ITALy (except N. Appenines) maculata maculata Geoffroy 
- Thorax entirely black except for narrow outer edge of tegula. Hungarian 

Plain (CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HuNnGaAry and AusTRIA) . maculata semseyi Mocsary 

[Tenthredo maculata diana ssp. n. 

9. Black with the following parts yellow: labrum, clypeus, posterior half of pronotum, 
tegula, scutellum, fleck on metapleura and on fore and middle coxae, trochanters and front 
of fore and middle femora, all tibiae and tarsi, 4th and 5th segments of abdomen together with 
a lateral fleck each side of 2nd, 3rd and 6th tergites and medial hind margin of 6th—oth tergites. 

Wings subhyaline, with costa, front of subcosta and veins in anal regions, yellow; stigma and 
rest of venation black. 

Structure as in T. maculata but mesoscutellum is more convex medially. 13-14 mm. long. 

Holotype 9. IraLy: Emilia, Mt. Bretra, 1.v.1912 (A. Fiort) (Genova Mus.). 

Paratypes. Itaty, Emilia, La Lama, 1 9, (A. Servadet) (Padova 
Mus.); Marches, Mt. Catria, 1 9, v.1933 (Alzona). B.M. (N.H.)]. 


Tenthredo vestita André 

TuRKEY, C., N., N.E., E.: Amasya (3, 6 and 13); Samsun (17); Gumusane (14); 
Trabzon (3, 4 and 15); Erzurum (6). 500-1,400 m., 23 g, 24 9. 

Tenthredo temula xanthaspis Enslin 

TuRKEY, N. and N.E.: Sinop (2); Trabzon (3 and 4); Rize (5); Artvin (3). goo- 

T,400'M-; 3637 ¢: 
Subspecies only in TURKEY and TRANSCAUCASIA. Species otherwise confined to 


These species are coarsely punctured on the head, which is often swollen behind 
the eyes; the antennae often have the flagellum yellow and the wings often have 
infuscate patches. 

Tenthredo marginella Fabricius 

TurRKEY, W., N.E. and E.: Bursa (13); Trabzon (14); Gumusane (4). I 3, 3 9. 

*Tenthredo zona Klug 

TURKEY, S.W.: Mugla (10). 1 9. 
Not previously recorded outside EUROPE. 

Tenthredo vespa Retzius 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (15). 1 9. 

Tenthredo scrophulariae L. 

TORKEY:.©.> Tokat. (1); Sivas:(2}.. -3:g).2:9. 

Tenthredo excellens (IKonow) 

tAllantus persa Konow. 

TURKEY, S., C. and E.: Mersin (12 and 15); Ankara (9, 12, 31, 37 and 39); Amasya 
(r and 7); Kayseri (3); Sivas (3); Erzurum (7, 8 and 9). 5,000—2,300 m., 21 3, 24 9. 

N. IRAN: Elburz Mountains, 1966 (D. B. Baker). 


176 R. B. BENSON 

Tenthredo cinctipleuris (Enslin) 

TurRKEY, S. and E.: Mersin (7); Gumusane (5); Erzurum (6). 14 3, 129. 

IRAN: Elburz Mountains, N. side of Kandara Pass, 2,360 m., I 3, I 9, 9. vi. 1965 
(D. B. Baker). 


*Tenthredo propinqua Klug 

TurKEY, N.: Kastamonu—Cankiri Border (2). 2,000 m., I ¢. 
S.E. EuropPE and TURKEY. 

Tenthredo luteocincta Eversmann 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (14 and 15). 3 Q. 

Tenthredo reitteri (Enslin) 
Allantus lituratus Mocsary. 

TurKEY, W., C., N.E. and E.: Kutahya (9); Cankiri (4); Trabzon (4, 14, 15 and 
16); Gumusane (7). 1,400-2,500m., 42 3, 23 &. 

Tenthredo lauta (Konow) 


Tenthredo luminosa (Konow) 


The ARCUATA-group 

The species of this group were revised by Benson (1959). 

Tenthredo schaefferi Klug 

Outside C. and S.E. Europe, a few specimens of f. perkinst of this species were 
found in N. IRAN: Elburz Mountains, 2,500—3,200 m. (see Benson, 1959). 

*+Tenthredo acerrima Benson 

TurKEY, N.E. and E.: Trabzon (14 and 15); Artvin (4); Gumusane (8). 1,400- 
2,450m., vi-vili, many ¢ and Q. 
Europe and TURKEY. 


*+Tenthredo titania Benson 

TurRKEY: Trabzon, Zigana Dagi, 1,400 m., plentiful vii—vili, 1959-60, and Soganli 
Gecidi, 2,600 m., 40 3, 84 9, v—vil. 1960-62 (Guichard & Harvey). 


Tenthredo trivittata (André) 
tAllantus kussariensis Konow, syn. n. 


*Tenthredo euphorbiae sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 24, 25, 25a) 

9. Green with the following parts black: head above the clypeus (except for gena and lower 
outer orbits), with antenna (except underside of flagellum), prothorax (except pronotum behind), 
mesothorax (except tegula, scutellum and its post-tergite, the posterior half of the episternum, 
the epimeron and the sternum), a posterior line on the hind and middle coxae and femora, on 
all the tibiae and tarsi, and on the abdomen a transverse fleck on the middle basal part of each 
tergite. Wings hyaline; stigma, costa, subcosta and anal cells green, rest of venation piceous. 

Length 8-g mm. 

Head dull with coriaceous sculpture, slightly contracted behind with occipital carina well 
developed from gena to post-ocellar region. Labrum rounded in front. Clypeus excised in 
front of a depth less than half the total length of clypeus (1-0 : 2°5), scarcely convex, shining 
with only obsolescent punctures and surface sculpture. Eyes closer together in front than the 
length of an eye (1:0 : 1-4). Malar space about half diameter of front ocellus. Antenna more 
than x 14as long as width of head behind eyes (1°6 : 1-0); 3rd segment = 4th + 5th. Distance 
between antennal sockets about the same as the diameter of a socket. Antennal crests project 
less than half the distance between them; crests continuous with lateral walls of frontal area. 
Posterior ocelli closer together than distance from occipital carina (1-0 : 1-2) and half the distance 
from nearest eye margin (1-0 : 2:0); postocellar region clearly defined laterally by deep furrows, 
and almost x 2 as broad as long (I'9 : 1:0). 

Thorax normal; dull with dense coriaceous sculpture; mesoscutellum slightly roundedly 
convex; mesopleura without any raised protuberance. Legs with hind femur almost as long 
as tibia (1-0 : 1-3); hind tarsus longer than tibia (1-1 : 1-0); inner hind tibial spur about half 
the length of basitarsus; tarsal pulvillus on hind basitarsus about as long as apical width of 
basitarsus. Claws sub-bifid without basal lobe. 

Abdomen with typical transverse alutaceous sculpture above. Hypopygium not emarginate 
laterally. Sawsheath slender and about two-thirds the length of hind tibia. Saw (Text-figs 
25 and 25a). 

Pubescence fuscous on upper head where it is up to a length greater than the diameter of an 
ocellus; colourless on thorax and shorter than diameter of an ocellus. 

3 as 9 but the underthorax and abdomen are almost entirely green except for the black 
sutures between the sclerites, and the medial basal halves of the 1st and 2nd tergites. The 
eyes converge more strongly in front where the distance between them to the length of an eye 
is as 1:0: 1:7. The malar space is but one-quarter as long as the diameter of the front ocellus. 
The antenna is almost twice as long as the width of the head behind the eyes. 

Hind ocelli closer together than from occipital carina as 1.0 : 1.4 and then from nearest eye 
margin as 1:0 : 2°5. Postocellar region wider than long as 2:5: 1-0. Tarsal pulvillus on hind 
basitarsus only about one-third the width of basitarsus, though one-half the width on front legs. 
Penis-valve as in Text-fig. 24. 

178 R. B. BENSON 

Holotype 9. TuRKEy: Trabzon, Soganli Gecidi, 2,600 m., on flowers of Euphorbia, 
27.V.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data, 6g, 479. B.M. (N.H.). 

This remarkable species is to be distinguished at once from all others in the 
arcuata-group by the green ground colour and by the punctation of the head and 
thorax, which are dull all over, with dense even coriaceous surface sculpture without 
coarser punctures: in all the other species known to me the head and thorax are 
coarsely punctured, + shining in places between the punctures especially on the 
temples of the head and mesoscutellum, but the underthorax and frons of head are 
usually dull with coarse surface sculpture. 

CUNEALA Zirngiebl, 1956 

This group of species was previously included in Tenthredo but is readily recognized 
by the long mouthparts (prelabium longer than greatest eye-measure) and the 
subtruncate apex of the labrum. 

Whether this genus is the true Cuneala is not entirely certain, as Zirngiebl gave 
no full description of either the genus or type-species C. tricolor. He says merely 
that the mouthparts are elongate as in Amauronematus,’ the clypeus prism-shaped 
and the colour as in Tenthredo parviceps (Konow). He also says that the type is 
deposited in the Staatliches Naturkunde Museum, Stuttgart (where unfortunately 
it cannot now be found), and in correspondence Dr. Zirngiebl tells me he has no 
other representative of this species in his own collection. 


i Face and tegula entirely black. Hind tibia and tarsus yellow, with orange 
apices or almost entirely infuscate. Clypeus with coarse irregular punctures 
obscuring the obsolescent reticulate surface sculpture. Hind tarsus of g 
longer, but of 2 shorter than hind tibia. 92 either with densely pubescent 
basal tergites or with shining interspaces between punctures on scutellum . 2 

= Face or tegula + marked with yellowish white. Hind tibia and tarsus yellow 
with infuscate apices. Clypeus with evident reticulate surface sculpture 
all over between scattered shallow punctures. Hind tarsus of both ¢ and 2 
longer than hind tibia. @ with 3 basal tergites shining and with only very 
sparse pubescence, but scutellum and mesopleura dull with dense microsculp- 
ture in the interspaces between punctures ; 3 

2 (1) @ with basal tergites dull all over with dense pubescerice: 3 sniddie tenpites 
without red markings. Interspaces between punctures on mesoscutellum 
dull with dense surface sculpture. 

@ body black with yellowish white apical margins to 4th, 5th and 6th 
tergites and sometimes 1st and 7th also. Legs black with tibia and tarsus 
yellowish white with orange apices; g as 2 but apical margins usually re- 
stricted to 4th and 5th tergites. to-12mm. Mountains of C. EUROPE. 

koehleri (Klug) 

? This is not strictly true of what I here call Cuneala, because in Amauronematus it is the prementum 
and cardo that are elongate, while the glossa, paraglossa, galea and palps are shorter than in the species 
of the related genus Nematus, which has not got elongate mouthparts (c.f. Benson, 1958, figs. 388 and 
389). In the group called here Cuneala all the mouthparts are lengthened, especially the glossa, para- 
glossa and palps, 


- @ with 1st—3rd tergites shining medially with only very short and sparse pubes- 
cence; ¢ middle tergites usually + marked with red. Interspaces between 
punctures on mesoscutellum mostly shining with only obsolescent surface 
Colour extremely variable: g and 2 can be as in koehleri, but more commonly 
the 3rd and often 4th and 5th tergites in 9 are + marked with orange or more 
extensively yellow (of 1402 in B.M. only 18 are without some orange on 
abdomen); and in the commonest form of ¢ the whitish apical margins to 
the tergites are missing and the 3rd and 4th segments are entirely covered 
by a red band, while the legs are entirely black (85 out of 96 gj in B.M. are 
coloured like this); in some forms the body and legs are entirely black 
(f. atvata André). 9:5-12mm. Mountains of TuRKEy and eastwards to N. 
IRAN (I,000-2,400 m.)  . ‘ tconfinis (Konow, 1886) 
3 (1) Larger species, 11-14 mm. long. Face with clypeus, labrum and base of 
mandibles yellowish white. Clypeus with apical excision about as deep as 
half its total length. Scutellum flattened medially. 
Abdomen black with Ist tergite + white, and 3rd—6th with entire apical 
margins and 2nd and 7th with apical margins laterally white. ; 4 
- Smaller species, 8-ro mm. long. Face with clypeus and labrum black in 9 but 
+ white in g. Clypeus with apical excision usually about one-third and at 
most less than half its total length. Scutellum evenly convex, not flattened 
Tegula black with pale apical margin. 9 abdomen black with Ist and 
3rd—7th tergites + margins apically with white and 3rd and 4th may be 
+ orange; ¢ black but 3rd or 3rd and 4th tergites may be + yellow. Pubes- 
cence on head and thorax long, so that the longest hairs are about as long as 
diameter of an ocellus. Mesonotum with interspaces between the punctures 
dull with surface sculpture. TRANSCAUCASIA and N. IRAN . tlongipes (Konow) 
4 (3) Tegula mainly yellow with a small black basal spot. Pubescence on head, 
mesonotum and mesopleura shorter (longest hairs up to three-quarters of 
diameter of lateral ocellus). g and 2 with Ist tergite enitrely white. Meso- 
notum with aah sacs between punctures dull with surface sculpture. 
TURKEY ; . t*amasiensis (Kriechbaumer) sp. rev. 
- Tegula mainly black with a yellow apical margin. Pubescence on head and 
thorax longer (longest hairs about as long as diameter of lateral ocellus). 
Ist tergite in 2 entirely white but in g black with only apical margin white. 
Mesonotum with interspaces between punctures shining. S.E. EUROPE 

+Cuneala confinis (Konow, 1886) 
tAllantus parviceps Konow, 1898. 

TuRKEY, C., N., N.E. and E.: Kayseri (1); Bolu (x and 3); Cankiri and Kasta- 
monu (2); Trabzon (3, 4, 14, 15 and 16); Gumusane (7 and 8); Rize (8). 1,000— 
2,500m., 96 g, 1359, 12.v-g.viii. Many on flowers of Geranium psilostemum 

IRAN: C. Elburz, Kandavan Pass, 9 km. above Siahbishe, 2,350 m., I 9, 1966 
(D. B. Baker). Taken in “ Lush vegetation (? former cultivation) bordering stream 
in semi-desert (thorn-cushion) zone ”’ 


8 Synonym of C, dahli: Allantus xanthorius Kriechbaumer, syn. n, 

180 R. B. BENSON 

Cuneala longipes (Konow) 

IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus-Shahsavar Coast of Caspian Sea, 34 J, 219, 24. iii 
to, and 9 J, 5 9, 20.iv to 11.v.1967 (D. B. Baker). Mainly collected from 
flowers of Ranunculus in woodland and in forest clearings. 


Cuneala amasiensis (Kriechbaumer) 

TuRKEY, W., S.W. and C.: Bursa (2); Aydin (2); Ankara (14); Corum (2); Amasya 
(I, 2, 3; 5; 7» 9 and 14). 50 to 560 m., 25 3) 28 - 
Not known outside TURKEY. 


The following syntypes of Allantus found to belong to this genus in Konow’s 
collection have been examined and the lectotypes labelled. The species are differen- 
tiated in the keys that follow. 

Allantus andrei Konow. LECTOTYPE 9 selected from 1 $ and 1 9. 

A. antigae Konow. LECTOTYPE Q, with abdomen still intact, labelled ‘‘ Bar- 
celona””’ (i.e. “ Hisp. prov. Catalonia ’’ of original description), selected from 2 ¢ 
and 2 9 one of which had its saw mounted but no abdomen intact. 

A. contiguus Konow. LECTOTYPE 2 with mesopleuron bearing only a yellow 
fleck as in original description, selected from 1 g and 49, three of which have 
mesopleura almost entirely yellow. 

A. dusmeti Konow. LECTOTYPE 9Q, selected from 1 ¢ and 1 9. 

A. mgritarsis Konow. LECTOTYPE 9Q, selected from 1 f and 1 9. 

A. obscuratus Konow. LECTOTYPE 9, with yellow hind tibia and tarsus as in 
original description, selected from 2 g and 49, three of which have hind tibia 
infuscate behind. Elinora obscurata (Konow) comb. n. 

A. striatibes Konow. LECTOTYPE 9 selected from 1 ¢ and 1 9. 

In the keys the following species, described from S.E. EUROPE or TRANSCAUCASIA, 
and thought also to belong to this genus, had to be omitted as no specimens have 
been available for study: Allantus frivalskyi Mocsary, A. limbifer Mocsdry and 
A. pubescens André. 

The key to the males will be found to be more unsatisfactory than that to the 
females, on which most of the species are based, as many of the females have not 
yet had males correlated with them. 


: Orbits extensively yellow (at least hind orbits lined with yellow for their whole 
length) i : ' : ’ . : : , A ‘ : 
- At least hind orbits mainly black (at most lower gena yellow) : ; ; 6 


2 (1) Clypeus with front lobes flat and rounded or truncate apically E ; ‘ 3 
Clypeus with front lobes raised and acute apically. E. MEDITERRANEAN 
tmaculata (Kriechbaumer) 
3 (2) Ist tergite black with at most separated pale flecks. Clypeus with surface flat 

and + punctate. : 4 
- Ist tergite with a broad yellowish white apical ‘band. Clypeus - convex and 
shining between sparse punctures. CAUCASUS. 7:5-9 mm. .  ornata (André) 

4 (3) More punctate species. Mesopleura, scutellum and Ist tergite with evident 
punctation and sculpture. Abdomen with tergites black and + laterally 
pale-margined apically . é : ‘ ; d i : : ‘ 5 

- Sparsely punctate species. Mesopleura, scutellum and Ist tergite shining and 
almost impunctate. Abdomen with medial orange band covering tergites 
2-3 and all tergites with a yellowish white apical lateral fleck each side. 

Stigma infuscate apically. Hind tibia with black-tipped apex; inner spur 

about as long as tibial breadth. 11-12mm. Morocco dulcis sp. n. (p. 184) 
5 (4) Clypeus dull with fine surface sculpture. tees infuscate apically. ISRAEL. 
10°5 mm. ; : . Stolida sp. n. (p. 185) 

- Clypeus shining between coarse punctures, "Stigma + unicolorous. 

This species varies greatly in the amount of yellow on the orbits, antennal 
segments and tergites. In S.W. Europe the coxae are mostly black and 
the femora, tibiae and tarsi + black-lined; in some of the N. African forms 
the legs are almost entirely pale. S.W. Europe and N. AFrRIcA (PORTUGAL, 
SPAIN, Morocco, ALGERIA (including Ahagger Mountains in Sahara Desert), 

TRIPOLITANIA and CYRENAICA) : : : ; . sxanthopus (Spinola)® 
6 (1) Tegula at least partly black : 7 : é ; : ‘ ‘ P 7 
~ Tegula entirely pale . : : : : : IO 
7 (6) Inner hind tibial spur longer than apical width of tibia. ; j : , 8 
~ Inner hind tibial spur shorter than apical width of tibia : 9 
8 (7) Antennae and mesopleura entirely black. Head and thorax dull waite Surface 

sculpture between dense punctures. 8-5-10-5mm. SpaIN and N. AFRICA 
limbalis (Spinola) 1° 
- Antenna with basal segment and mesopleura + with yellow fleck. Head and 
mesonotum shining between fine punctures, though on mesopleura surface is 
dull between the punctures. 10-11 mm. Spain and N. Arrica (Morocco 

and ALGERIA) ; : 5 vilarrubiai (Conde) 
9 (7) Gena pale below. Abdomen black apart from apical lateral margins of tergites. 
8-11 mm. N. AFRICA . d : : deserta (Enslin)!1 

- Gena entirely dark. Abdomen wits red girdle covering segments 3-5 and 
segments from 6 and following with increasing white apical margins so that 
g is entirely white. 9mm. E. MEDITERRANEAN . . asiatica (Enslin) 
1o (6) 2nd and following tergites black with yellowish white lateral apical marginal 
flecks which, on following tergites, become more extensive till they form con- 
tinuous apical bands, and on posterior segments cover the whole tergites_ . 10 
- 2nd or 3rd and following tergites mainly orange so that the lateral apical yel- 
lowish white flecks, which become continuous apical bands on posterior 
segments, are inconspicuous. 
Stigma scarcely darker apically than nae 8-5-10°5 mm. E. MEDI- 
TERRANEAN to N. IRAN . 4 : : coniensis (Enslin) 
® Synonyms of E. xanthopus: + Allantus Saaionalis ihecieeuer syn. n. tMacrophya cognata 
Kirby, syn.n. {M. corynetes Kirby, syn.n. +M.jugurtha Kirby, syn.n. fAllantus striatipes Konow, 
Ssyn.n. fA. andrei Konow, syn.n. fA. tunetensis Konow, syn. n. Tenthredo adequata Enslin, 1910, 
syn. n. Allantus diversipes Pic, 1925, syn. n. Tenthredo limbergorum Forsius, 1930, syn. n. T. afra 
Benson, 1930, syn. n. +7. sahariensis Benson, 1954, Syn. n. 
10 Synonyms of E. limbalis: +Allantus balteatus Kriechbaumer, syn. n. <A. gribodoi Konow. 
11 Synonym of E. deserta: tElinora guichardi Benson, syn. n, 

13 (12) 

18 (17) 

19 (18) 
20 (19) 

21 (20) 


1st tergite almost entirely pale and stigma infuscate apically (pallipes complex) II 
ist tergite with at least broad base black up to one-third of its medial wea 
or stigma entirely pale . ’ 14 

Abdomen less extensively pale: 3rd and often following tergites without con- 
tinuous pale apical band. Front mesonotal lobe entirely black or with at 
most obsolescent pale flecks. : 13 
Abdomen more extensively yellowish white: 3rd tergite with continuous pale 
apical band and 4th onwards mainly pale. Front mesonotal lobe with con- 
spicuous white lateral borders. g-10 mm. TURKESTAN pallipes (Freymonth) 
Larger species (I1 mm.). Hind femur often with apical half + black. Scutel- 
lum dull and densely punctate, scarcely convex. 1I1-12mm. TURKESTAN 
tdissidua (Konow) 
Smaller species (8-10mm.). Hind femur entirely pale. Scutellum shining 
and sparsely punctate, strongly convex. g-11mm. S. and W. CaspPIAN 

Coast . : é . , , . caspia (André) 
All femora and tibiae ao infuseate behind ; ; ‘ 5 15 
Femora at most infuscate only at base, and tibiae at extreme apex’ i ; 17 
Gena black 2 : ; , : : ‘ 16 
Gena pale below. N. AFRIca. 9-10 n mm. . : : tobscurata (Konow) 
Scutellum all black. Pronotum and mesopleura almost entirely yellow. Stigma 

scarcely darker apically. E. MEDITERRANEAN. 7:5-8 mm. barbalis (Enslin) 

Scutellum with pale spot. Pronotum with only hind margin and mesopleura 
with only a small spot pale. Stigma conspicuously bicoloured with apical 
half black. N. AFRICA. Iomm. . ’ rufonigra (André) 
Wings subhyaline. Prelabium shorter than head capsule. Abdomen with at 
least posterior tergites laterally pale-margined apically. 1st tergite often 
+ punctate and with surface sculpture between punctures. Inner hind 
tibial spur shorter than apical width of tibia. ‘ ‘ : : ‘ 18 
Wings infuscate. Prelabium longer than head capsule. Abdomen black with 
middle tergites (3-5) red but other not pale-margined apically even laterally 
shining and very sparsely punctured species: 1st tergite impunctate and 
without surface sculpture. Inner hind tibial spur longer than apical width of 
hind tibia. to-1rmm. S.E. Europe . ? tsabariensis (Mocsary) 
Abdomen with unbroken lateral yellow stripe (tergites are entirely yellow 
laterally), or more extensively yellow. Antenna usually 8-segmented. 
Clypeus + shining between coarse punctures with front lobes acute or 
truncate. Ist tergite often without pale are stripe. W. Europr and 
N. AFRICA . 19 
Abdomen without lateral yellow stripe (tergites are black basally right up to 
lateral margin). Antenna 9-segmented. Clypeus dull with dense surface 
sculpture and with front lobes pressed flat. 1st tergite with continuous 
pale apical stripe. 10-12mm. C. Europe to E. MEDITERRANEAN 
fiaveola (Gmelin) 
Ist tergite without pale apical band dorsally ; ; 20 
Ist tergite with pale apical band + developed dorsally. 4th and following 
tergites with continuous pale apical band. 1to-12mm. ATLANTIC EUROPE 

Stigma unicolorous yellow scarcely darker apically 
Pale lateral stripe of abdomen with straight upper margin ‘ : ‘ 21 
Stigma at least partly infuscate . ; ’ ; ; 22 
Clypeus slightly convex and shining between scattered punctures. 75-10 mm. 
SPAIN and N. AFRICA. ‘ ; : : ‘ algeriensis (Magretti) !? 

12 Synonyms of E. algeriensis: +Allantus tricolor Kriechbaumer, syn. n. +A. contiguus Konow, 

syn. n. 








Clypeus pressed flat against labrum and with dense surface sculpture between 
punctures. E. MEDITERRANEAN. 7:5 mm. . : tparvula (Kriechbaumer) 
Smaller species (under 8mm.). Stigma with at least lower half infuscate. 
Abdomen yellow-brown (? greenish in life) with a continuous black medial- 
dorsal vitta. E. MEDITERRANEAN ‘ ‘ tvittata (Kriechbaumer) 
Larger species (Io0-12mm.). Stigma with apex infuscate. Abdomen with 
the basal tergites black and only the lateral portions yellow, but the yellow 
is progressively more extensive on the apical tergites which beyond the 4th 
segment have also yellow apical margins. SPAIN and N. AFRICA 
baetica (Spinola) '% 


Tegulae marked with black : d ; ; : ; ; : : 2 
Tegulae entirely pale ; i , : 8 
Inner hind tibial spur longer than apical width of tibia. " Stigma strongly 
infuscate apically . ; ; : ; 3 
Inner hind tibial spur much shorter than apical width of tibia. Stigma either 
unicolorous or + infuscate apically . : F : : 4 
Head above entirely dull with dense surface ® sculpture, N. AFRICA (Morocco 
and ALGERIA). 8-10 mm. : é : limbalis (Spinola) 
Head with shining unsculptured patches on n_ temples. Spain and N. AFRICA 
(Morocco and ALGERIA). 9-10 mm. ; 4 ‘ vilarrubiai Soa 
Stigma yellow often + brownish apically. 8-10mm. . 5 
Stigma black apically with a pale base. g-1omm. N. AFRICA rufonigra (F. " André) 
Hind femur at least pale-lined on the outer side. ; 6 

Hind femur almost entirely black. Stigma brownish. 8-10 mm. N. AFRICA 
obscurata (Konow.) comb. n. 
Clypeus with front lobes rounded or truncate apically and flattened é : 7 
Clypeus with front lobes acute and convex. 9-10mm. E. MEDITERRANEAN 
maculata (Kriechbaumer) 
Head above antennae, mesonotum and mesopleura + punctate and with fine 
surface sculpture. 8-10mm. W. MEDITERRANEAN (SPAIN, PORTUGAL 
and N. AFRICA) . .  s«anthopus (Spinola) 
Head above antennae, mesonotum and mesopleura smooth and shining with 
at most, sparse obsolescent punctures. 8-gmm. N. AFRICA deserta (Enslin) 
Abdomen with at least one medial or apical tergite entirely pale. Often over 
8 mm. F 9 
Abdomen yellow- apron ane a continuous ‘plack medial dorsal vitta and no 
entirely pale tergites. Hind legs mainly pale yellow except for extreme 
base of femur, apex of tibia and most of tarsi. Mesopleura yellow above and 
black below together with mesosternum. Under8mm. E. MEDITERRANEAN 
vittata (Kriechbaumer) 
Abdominal tergites 1-7 each at least marked with black at the base medially 
but with the two apical tergites and hypopygium mainly yellowish white. 
Hind femur marked with black. Wings flavescent with unicolorous yellow 
stigma often + brownish below. Large species, 10-12 mm. ; , 10 
Abdomen with one or more of the middle tergites entirely reddish brown. If 
the apical tergites and hypopygium are mainly pale then the hind femur is 
not marked with black. Wings often hyaline and stigma usually infuscate 

apically or below. Often smaller species . : II 
Clypeus with front lobes truncate and flattened. “Antenna ee segmented: 
10-II mm. C. Europe to E. MEDITERRANEAN ? : flaveola (Gmelin) 

18 Synonyms of E, baetica: t+Allantus antigae Konow, syn. n. fA. dusmeti Konow, syn. n. 

184 R. B. BENSON 

— Clypeus with front lobes acute and convex. Antenna 8-segmented. 10-13 

mm. E. EUROPE ‘ ; . dominiquei (Konow) 
Ir (9) Crests above antennal sockets scarcely project beyond level of middle of the 

inter-antennal area : . 12 
— Antennal crests project strongly beyond level of middle of inter- antennal. area . 13 

12 (11) Clypeus flat and densely punctate. 7-10 mm. 
algeriensis Magretti (N. Arrica); boetica (Spinola) (Spain); dissidua (Konow), 
fulveola (Zhelochovstev) (TURKESTAN) and parvula Kriechbaumer 


— Clypeus strongly convex and + oe between sparse punctures. 8-10 mm. 
E, MEDITERRANEAN ‘ .  ornata (André) 
13 (11) Three apical tergites black, each eth a yellowish white fleck ‘each side . F 14 

— Three apical tergites mainly yellow, each with yellowish white fleck each side 
and + a medial black fleck. Mesonotum black except for white fleck on 
scutellum. 9-11 mm. E. MEDITERRANEAN. ‘ coniensis (Konow) 
14 (13) Front lobe of mesonotum with lateral margins white, as is scutellum. Pale 
lateral flecks on apical tergites reach more than half way to middle of segment. 

8-9 mm. TURKESTAN . : ‘ . pallipes (Freymonth) 
— Mesonotum usually entirely black. “Pale “flecks on apical tergites mostly 
confined to lateral ventral portions of tergites . , 15 

15 (14) Wings + infuscate, with stigma pale above and infuscate nelnw, Clypeus and 
mesopleura shining between scattered punctures. Inner hind tibial spur 
longer than apical breadth of tibia. S.E. EurRopE . . sabariensis (Mocsary) 

— Wings hyaline; stigma pale basally and infuscate apically. Clypeus and meso- 
pleura above dull with fine microsculpture between punctures. Inner hind 
tibial spur shorter than apical breadth of tibia. S. and W. Caspian Coast 

caspia (André) 

Elinora maculata (Kriechbaumer, 1869) 

Allantus syviacus André. 
A. nigritarsus Konow. 
Tenthredo aulica Enslin, 1912. 


Elinora ornata (André, 1881) 

Allantus tdiscolor Konow. 


Elinora dulcis sp. n. 

2. Black with the following parts yellowish white: mandible base, labrum, clypeus, outer 
orbits to level of top of eyes, basal segment of antenna (rest of antennae missing in unique type), 
posterior half of pronotum, tegula, meso- and meta-scutella, fleck in middle of mesepisternum, 
fleck on metapleura, coxae (except their bases), femora, tibiae (except their extreme apices) 
middle of basitarsi, lateral fleck each side of 1st and 2nd tergites, the 3rd, 4th and 5th tergites 
except for a lateral black fleck on each and that dorsally these three tergites are fulvous, and 
there is a lateral yellow fleck on the hind margin of tergites, 6, 7, and continuously on hind 
margin of 8th and gth. 

Wings slightly brownish subhyaline; basal half of stigma, extreme apex of subcosta and basal 
two-thirds of costa yellow; rest of venation piceous, Length 12 mm, 


Head slightly swollen behind the eyes and shining with sparse punctation. Clypeus slightly 
convex but with the front lobes pressed flat and with a few scattered punctures. Frons with 
a medial groove widening behind. Hind ocelli further apart than from hind margin of head as 
I°0 : 0-9, but further from eye margin than from each other (POL : OOL as I:-o: 1:6). 

Thorax strongly shining between widely-spaced obsolescent punctures; mesoscutellum evenly 
convex; post-tergite shorter than shortest measure of a cencher. 

Legs with inner hind tibial spur about as long as apical breadth of tibia. 

Abdomen normal. 

Pubescence on head and thorax pale and up to a length as long as diameter of an ocellus. 

Holotype 9. Morocco; Grand Atlas, Idni, 8.v.1941 (K. M. Guichard). B.M. 

Elinora stolida sp. n. 

g. Black with the following parts yellowish white: mandible base, labrum, clypeus, outer 
orbits to level of top of eyes, Ist and upper side of 2nd antennal segments, pronotum, tegula, 
V-shaped outer margin of front mesonotal lobe and fleck on inner side of each of the lateral 
mesonotal lobes, anterior three-quarters of mesoscutellum, upper half of mesepisternum, small 
fleck on mesepimeron and on metapleura, coxae (except extreme bases), femora, tibiae (except 
extreme apices) basitarsus except for a fleck at extreme base and extreme apex, fleck on lateral 
hind margin of 1st and following tergites progressively longer from the Ist tergite backwards, 
so that on the 5th and following tergites the hind margin is continuously pale. 

Wings slightly brownish subhyaline; front half of stigma, costa, subcosta (front half of 
Sc + R) and veins at extreme base of wings yellow; rest of venation piceous. Length 1o mm. 

Head shining with very fine surface sculptures. Clypeus slightly convex with front lobes 
pressed flat and the whole surface dull with dense surface sculpture. Frons with a L-shaped 
medial groove. Hind ocelli further apart than from hind margin of head as 1-0 : 0-7, but 
further from the eye margin than from each other (POL : OOL as 1:0: 1°7). 

Thorax shining between sparse punctures, which become denser at front of mesonotum and 
in middle of mesonotum, where they are scarcely further apart than the diameter of a puncture. 
Mesoscutellum slightly convex and not separated medially from the raised centre of the post- 
tergite which is about as long as the shortest measure of a cencher. 

Legs with inner hind tibial spur scarcely three-quarters as long as apical width of tibia. 

Abdomen normal. 

Pubescence on head and thorax pale and up to a length as long as the diameter of an ocellus. 

Holotype 2. IsRAEL: Jerusalem, I5.iii.1923 (P. A. Buxton). B.M. (N.H.). 

Elinora asiatica (Enslin) 

Elinora coniensis (Enslin) 
Allantus (Tenthredo) kareli Muche, 1962, syn. n. 

TuRKEY: Ankara (57). I gand1 9; Kayseri (on flowers of Lepidium, Muche, 1962). 
N. [rRAnN: W. Elburz, Qazvin, c. 760 m., 2 g, 1 9, 25.iv.1967 (D. B. Baker). 

Elinora caspia (André) 


186 R. B. BENSON 

Elinora barbalis (Enslin) 


Elinora flaveola (Gmelin) 
tAllantus orientalis Kriechbaumer. 

C. and E. Europe and TurRKEY. 

tElinora parvula (Kriechbaumer) comb. n. 


+Elinora vittata (Kriechbaumer) comb. n. 



Previous keys to world Sciapteryx were compiled by Konow, 1908, Kuznetzov- 
Ugamskii, 1929 and the Caucasian species by Dovnar-Zapolskii, 1930. 

The following species, from studies of the types, are now placed in other genera 
as shown: 

Sciapteryx galerita Konow (Sikkim) = Tenthredo galerita (Konow) comb. n. 

Sciapteryx kozlovt Konow (Tibet) = Tenthredo kozlovi (Konow) comb. n. 

Sciapteryx gilua Konow (Tibet) = Rhogogaster gilva (Konow) comb. n. 

Sciapteryx virescens Konow (Tibet) = Rhogogaster virescens (Konow) comb. n. 

Sciapteryx caucasica Dovnar-Zapolski (Caucasus) and S. montana Dovnar-Zapolski 
(Caucasus) cannot be placed because they are based on inadequately described 
males and are excluded from the key below. 

All the species of this genus have size 7—I0 mm. 


I Gena dull with dense surface sculpture between punctures or with punctures 
closer together than their diameters. 92° hypopygium ee or acutely 
emarginate each side of middle ‘ 2 
- Gena behind eyes, shining, with punctures obsolescent or more widely spaced 
than their diameters. 9 hypopygium not emarginate each side of middle . 10 

2 (1) Fore wings + infuscate or milky and Sc + R not longitudinally bicoloured. 
Inner hind tibial spur not longer than apical breadth of tibia and only 4-5 
times as long as broad. 
Hypopygium in 9 slightly emarginate each side of middle , ‘ ‘ 3 

3 (2) 
4 (3) 
5 (4) 
6 (5) 
7 (2) 
8 (7) 
9 (8) 
Io (1) 
12 (10) 


Fore wings subhyaline and the fused Sc + # paler in front (Sc) than behind (R). 
Inner hind tibial spur longer than APIS breadth of tibia and 7 or 8 times 

as long as broad . . : ‘ ef 
Sc + FR and also usually C in fore wing pale goltcw or Pisco Wings milky 
or with the fore wings + infuscate. Stigma pale with or without dark apex 4 

Sc + R and C in fore wing mainly black. Wings almost uniformly infuscate. 
Stigma pale with dark apex. ATLANTIC EUROPE and MEDITERRANEAN 
tsoror Konow 
Stigma of fore wing bicoloured with dark apex and pale base. C of fore wing 

pale asin Sc + R. Fore wings + infuscate . ; 5 
Stigma pale without dark apex and C infuscate apically. “Wings uniformly 

milky. E. MEDITERRANEAN . ; : : : .  flactipennis Konow 
Tegula entirely yellowish white ‘ ‘ . _ (costalis) 6 
Tegula with most of basal half black. E. MEDITERRANEAN : levantina André 

Inner orbits and lower half of outer orbits lined with white in g and 9; ¢ with 
face below antennae entirely white; 2 with interantennal area pale marked 
CORSICA ; ; tcostalis corcyrensis Benson 
Only the inner orbits above pale- lined in 9 and interantennal area entirely 
black; in $ whole inner orbits and lower outer orbits pale-lined but clypeus 
oh marked with black. C. and E. EUROPE , : costalis costalis (Fab.) 
Darker species, flagellum of antenna and, even in g, base of clypeus, most of 
face between antennae and clypeus, mesopleura, + stigma black. Abdomen 
without a continuous pale lateral band and with no entirely pale apical 
sternites. Antenna with flagellar segments all longer than broad ; : 8 
Paler species, underside of flagellum, most of clypeus and face below antennae 
even in 9, + fleck on mesopleura, most of stigma, a broad lateral band on 
the abdomen and at least I or 2 entire apical sternites yellowish white. 
Antenna with 7th and 8th segments as broad as long (g) or broader than 
long (2). Head and thorax with aeneus reflections. E. MEDITERRANEAN 
tlaeta Konow 
Inner orbits in g and @ pale-lined to top of eyes. Head and thorax often with 
cupreous or aeneus metallic reflections. See yellowish white infuscate 
below or at apex . 9 
Inner orbits in g and Q at most only pale- jined on lower half, awit a small fleck 
at top of eye. Head and thorax carbonarius or with slight bluish, purplish 
or greenish reflections. Stigma piceous. 9 hypopygium slightly and evenly 
emarginate each side of middle. W. and C. EuRoPE ; consobrina Klug 
Stigma pale + infuscate below. Labrum and + base of clypeus pale. 92 hypo- 
pygium sharply excised each side of middle (as in Jaeta). E. MEDITER- 
RANEAN , . cCircassica Dovnar-Zapolski 
Stigma pale at base and infuscate at apex. Labrum and clypeus black except 
at most for a lateral pale fleck each side of clypeus. 9 hypopygium evenly 
emarginate each side of middle (as in consobrina). S.E. EUROPE (THRACE) 
es aan sp. n. (p. 188) 
Stigma bicoloured with infuscate apex or mainly infuscate . , . II 
Stigma mainly yellowish white . ‘ ‘ j é : ‘ : ; 12 
Stigma bicoloured with infuscate apex. Veins C and Sc + M in fore wing 
entirely pale. Tegula black with narrow white apex. All legs black with a 
white line above or on outside. S.E. MEDITERRANEAN tcleopatra Benson 
Stigma mainly infuscate. Only base of C, and Sc eee Tegula black. Legs 
mainly black. CRIMEA ; .  semenowi Jakovlev 
Tegula entirely yellowish white. TURKESTAN : : .  nigriventris André! 
Tegula black with only the apex yellowish white. TURKESTAN hauseri Forsius 

14Synonym of S. nigriventris: Sciapteryx costalis vernalis Kuznetzov-Ugamskil, syn. n. 

188 R. B. BENSON 

{+Sciapteryx soror Konow 

TURKEY, E.: Gumusane (II). I g, I Q. 

Elsewhere only in ATLANTIC and MEDITERRANEAN EvuROPE (Britain, W. France, 
Switzerland, Spain and Italy). This species forms an Atlantic/Continental species 
pair with S. costalis F. (Benson, 1952). 

+Sciapteryx lactipennis Konow 


Sciapteryx levantina André 


+Sciapteryx laeta Konow 

TuRKEY, E.: Gumusane (11). 4,4. 8 9. 

*Sciapteryx circassica Dovnar-Zaposkii 

TurRKEY, E.: Gumusane (11); Trabzon (3 and 17). 31 4, 28 9. 

Sciapteryx cleopatra Benson, 1954 

Ecypt and ISRAEL. 

*Sciapteryx byzantina sp. n. 

2. Black with the following parts yellowish white: labial palps, inner orbits above level of 
antennae, hind edge of pronotum, front half of tegula, extreme apex of femora and + outer 
edge of tibiae, + base of basitarsus and apical margin of all tergites. Wings hyaline: basal 
half of stigma, extreme apex and base of costa and subcosta (front half of Sc + R) yellowish 
white; rest of venation piceous. Length 8-9 mm. 

Head and thorax normal, dull with dense punctures closer together on gena than their diameters 
and the interspaces + with fine surface sculpture. Antenna with all flagellar segments longer 
than broad. Inner hind tibial spur longer than apical width of tibia and about x 7 or x 8 
times longer than its own basal width. Abdomen dull with dense transverse surface sculpture. 

Hypopygium emarginate each side of middle saw. J as in 2 apart from sexual characters 
but that the clypeus has a small whitish fleck each side and the pale margin of the inner orbits 
reaches to bottom of eyes. 

Holotype 9. TurKEY, N.W.: Istanbul, Belgrat Orman, at sea level, 25.11.62 
(Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data, 15g, 19. Turkey, N.E.: Rize at sea level, 1 9, 
22.iV.1959 (Guichard). B.M. (N.H.). 


Pachyprotasis rapae (L.) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Giresun (7); Trabzon (3, 4, 15 and17). 20d, 20 9. 
N. temperate HOLARCTIC species. 


Two major sections of the genus are defined as species-groups in the present paper 
and keys are given for the species of these groups from EuRoPE and S.W. AsIA. 

Macrophya punctumalbum (L.) 
TurKEy, N. and C.: Amasya (6); Samsun (8). Io 9. 
N. IRAN: Mazandaran, Panjak Rostaq, 860-900 m., I 9, 29.1v.1967 (D. B. Baker). 

Macrophya albicincta (Schrank) 

TuRKEY, W., N. and N.E.: Bursa (3, 9); Bolu (1); Samsun (9, 15, etc.) ; Giresun 
(7); Trabzon (4,:7,.17); Rize (2); 36:0, 39:9. 

Macrophya crassula (Klug) 

TuRKEY, W., S., N., and N.E.: Bursa (3 and 9); Mersin (6 and 7); Sinop (1); 
Samsun (9, 10, 21, etc.); Trabzon (17, etc.); Artvin (2). 33 ¢, 39 9. 


Macrophya consobrina Mocsary 

Macrophya pallidilabris A. Costa 

TuRKEY, W. and N.E.: Bursa (4, 5 and 9); Gumusane-Trabzon (11). 63, 69. 

Macrophya erythrocnema A. Costa 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Rize (8); Artvin (3). 2 9. 

tMacrophya rufipes orientalis Moscary 

For nec M. orientalis Mocsary; Benson, 1954 vide M. diaphenia sp. n. 
TurRKEY, C. and E.: Ankara (35); Gumusane (7). 3 . 

ENTOM. 22, 4. 9 

190 R. B. BENSON 

In this race the red markings on the middle tergites (3 and 4) are entirely absent. 

In N. Africa the species is represented by M. rufipes ruficincta Konow, stat. n., 
which differs from the typical race in having a black clypeus and black hind tibia 
and tarsus in both sexes. 

Macrophya sanguinolenta (Gmelin) 

TuRKEY, N.E. and E.: Trabzon (3); Rize (8); Erzurum (9). 2, 1 9. 


Representatives of this species-group are recognized by the presence of a small 
appendage behind the metepisternum as a separate sclerite between the hind coxa 
and the ist tergite. 

In addition to the species from Europe and S.W. Asia keyed below, M. apicalis 
Smith (JAPAN), M. ignava Smith (JAPAN), M. infumata Rohwer (E. SIBERIA) as well 
as M. fumator Norton (N. America) belong to this group. 



Appendage to mesepisternum (between hind coxa and Ist tergite) always 
infuscate. Abdomen black with lateral or ventral white flecks. Either 
hind legs + red, or hind tibia or tarsus white-flecked. Wings yellowsh or 
subhyaline . : : ‘ : : : 2 
- Appendage to mesepisternum often mainly white. Abdomen + red-banded, 
without white flecks, or hind tibia and tarsus entirely black. Wings often 

+ infuscate . , ; 4 
2 (1) Hind legs not marked with red; 3 
- Hind legs partly red . , ; : : 7 
3 (2) Wing membrane yellowish; stigma and venation yellowish brows. Hind tarsus 

black. Europe, Asia MINoR, and SIBERIA to JAPAN duodecimpunctata (L.) 
~ Wing membrane subhyaline. Stigma and venation infuscate. Hind tarsus 

with apical segments white. TRANSCAUCASIA and IRAN. longitarsus Konow 
4 (3) Hind coxa with a white fleck laterally or beneath ; ‘ ; 5 

- Hind coxa entirely black. Evuropr, S.W. Asia to IRAN and SIBERIA 
annulata (Geoffroy) 
5 (4) od with hind tarsus normal (4th segment much longer than broad in ventral 
view (Text-fig. 27). Q hypopygium only slightly emarginate apically each 
side. 6 
- 6 with hind tarsus swollen (4th segment scarcely longer than broad in ventral 
view) (Text-fig. 28). 2 hypopygium excised apically each side of middle. 
C. TURKEY . ; . Oedipus sp. n. (p. 194) 
6 (5) 4 abdomen mainly black ann white flecks below. Pubescence on head and 
thorax up to as long as diameter of an ocellus. Penis-valve Text-fig. 33. 
(Q unknown). Mountains of E. TurRKEy . : : . hamata sp. n. (p. 194) 
_ 6 abdomen + red-banded and without white flecks below. Pubescence on 
head and thorax not longer than half diameter of an ocellus. Penis-valve 
as in Text-fig. 32. Europe, Asta Minor, to IRAN and SiBErta _ blanda (Fabricius) 


7 (2) Metepisternum with lower two-thirds shining and without surface sculpture 
apart from hair follicles. rons shining between punctures and without a 
continuous medial groove. Wings subhyaline. ¢ with pale yellow front 
and middle femora and tibia strongly contrasting with its hind legs and 
with the red front and middle legs of the 9. Europe, Asta MINOR to 
N. IRAN : 5 ’ : . ; F . diversipes (Schrank) 
~ Metepisternum dull with dense surface sculpture all over. Frons dull with 
dense surface sculpture and with a deep medial groove reaching from front 
ocellus to interantennal area. 
Wings uniformly slightly infuscate. 4 with front and middle femora and 
middle tibia reddish as in the hind legs and as in the 9. IRAN 
diaphenia sp. n. (p. 195) 


lego: “AA E inso 
eninge ~ 

Fics. 27-30. hind tarsus: 27, Macrophya hamata sp. n.; 28, M. oedipus sp. n.; 
29, Tenthredo maculata; and 30, T. vestita. 

ENTOM 22. 4. 9§ 

192 R. B. BENSON 

Macrophya duodecimpunctata (L.) 

TuRKEY, N.: Samsun (2 and 6). 

Fics. 31-34. Macrophya penis-valves in lateral view: 31, diaphenia sp. n.; 32, blanda; 
33, hamata sp. n.; and 34, oedipus sp. n. 


Macrophya longitarsus Konow 
IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus—Shahsavar coast of Caspian Sea. v—vi.1966 (D. B. 

Macrophya annulata (Geoffroy) 

TurRKEY, C. and N.: Ankara (15); Samsun (9). 4, 29. 
IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus—Shahsavar coast of Caspian Sea, v.1966 (D. B. Baker). 
Europe, S.W. Asia to [RAN and SIBERIA. 

Macrophya blanda (Fabricius) 

TurRKEY, W.,S., C., N.E. and E.: Usak, Bulgaz Dag Mts., Kizilcahaman, 1,000 m., 
Ig, 29, 26.v— (Demelt Coll., Gembloux); Mersin (6, 7 and 14); Ankara 
(3x and 39); Amasya (3, 7, 9 and 13); Konya (3); Samsun (10); Giresun (2); Trabzon 
(3 and 15); Artvin (3); Erzurum (5, 6). 18 J, 48 9. 

IRAN: Mazandaran, Chalus—Shahsavar Coast of Caspian Sea, v.1966 (D. B. Baker). 


Fics. 35-36. Macrophya saws: 35, prasinipes; 36, minerva sp. n. 35a—-36a. Enlarged 
1oth and 11th teeth from apex of saws: 35a, prasinipes; 36a, minerva sp. Nn. 

194 R. B. BENSON 

*Macrophya oedipus sp. n. 
(Text-figs, 28, 34) 

g. Black with tergites 3 and 4 and sometimes also 5, 6 and 7 + red laterally and the follow- 
ing parts white: labrum, + front of clypeus, posterior extra sclerite on metepisternum; front 
face of all coxae and + lateral fleck on hind coxae, front face of fore and middle femora and 
tibiae, front tarsus, most of middle tarsus (except line on back of basitarsus, and the claw- 
bearing segment) and lower edge of hind femur. Wings hyaline; stigma and venation black. 

Length 9-11 mm. 

Head with mouthparts normal; malar space about one-fourth of distance between antennal 
sockets; 3rd antennal segment about as long as 7 + 8 + 9; frontal area not clearly defined; 
frontal groove running from front ocellus to interantennal area; hind ocelli closer together 
than from hind margin of head as 1-o : 1-4; and from eye margin as I°0 : 2:3. 

Thorax with rounded convex mesoscutellum, medially carinate over posterior half and with 
minute extra appendage attached to posterior margin of metepisternum, which is dull medially 
with dense surface sculpture. Legs with swollen hind tarsus so that the 3rd tarsal segment in 
ventral view is almost as broad as long (Text-fig. 28). Claws bifid with the inner tooth longer 
and stouter than the end tooth. Abdomen normal with penis-valve as in Text-fig. 34. 

Punctation: Head very densely and coarsely punctured on the frontal area and though the 
punctures are sparse on the temples, the surface between the punctures is dull with dense 
coriaceous sculpture. On the thorax the punctures are smaller and more evenly spaced but the 
interspaces are likewise dull with dense coriaceous sculpture. Abdomen dull with dense trans- 
verse alutaceous sculpture. 

Pubescence clothing whole of insect very short, nowhere exceeding about half diameter of an 

2 as g in colour but labrum and clypeus + infuscate, the front half of the mesoscutellum is 
white, the legs are black except for white as follows: a fleck on the underside of the fore and 
middle coxae and the side of the hind coxae, a line on the front of the fore femur, tibia and 
basitarsus and + on the apex of the middle femur. Instructure as $ except for sexual segments; 
hypopygium emarginate behind each side of middle. Length 12-13 mm. 

Holotype g. TuRKEY, C.: Amasya, 500 m., 31.v.1959 (K. M. Guichard). B.M. 

Paratypes. TURKEY, C.: Amasya, 500m., 5g, IQ, 22-24.v.1959, 24, 29, 

29.V.1959, 4 d, I-2.Vi.1959, I Y,, 2 g, I 9,, and 400 m., 6 J, 
49, 30.v.1959 (K. M. Guichard). B.M. (N.H.). 

*Macrophya hamata sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 27, 33) 

g. Colour as in M. oedipus but that the clypeus is black except for its front margin, the fore 
and middle femora and tibiae are only lined with white in front, the hind coxae, though white- 
flecked below, have no lateral white fleck, the abdomen has the red reduced to at most a lateral 
fleck each side of the 2nd tergite, but has a white fleck on the hind lateral corners of each of the 
3rd to 6th tergites, and white apical margins to the sternites. The pubescence is much longer 
than in M. oedipus, blanda and annulata; on head, mesonotum and mesopleura the hairs are up 
to as long as the diameter of an ocellus. Penis-valve as in Text-fig. 33. Otherwise as in 
M. blanda. 9° unknown. 

Holotype g. Turkey: Artvin, above Artvin, 1,800m., (K. M. 
Guichard & D. Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 


Paratypes. 1 (same data), 1 d (likewise but at 900m.) and 1 4, TURKEY: 
Trabzon, Hamsikoy, 1,245 m., 22.v.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 

Macrophya diversipes Schrank 

TurRKEY, W., C., N.E. and E.: Mugla (8); Mersin (8); Ankara (9, 37 and 39); 
Corum (2); Amasya (1, 2, 3, 5 and 7); Artvin (2 and 6); Gumusane (1 and 10); 
Erzurum (1, 4,5, 8, Ioand 11). 26, 41 9. 


Macrophya diaphenia sp. n. 
(Text-fig. 31) 
Macrophya orientalis Mocsary; Benson, 1954, nec Mocsary. 

6. Black with the following parts yellowish white: labrum, front half of clypeus, fore tibia 
and tarsus, apex and inner side of middle tibia, and middle tarsus (except apical segment) ; 
trochanters brown; red are the fore femur, middle femur and basal outer side of middle tibia, 
hind femur and tibia (except its extreme apex). Length 11-12 mm. 

Wings brownish-infuscate, paler towards base. Basal half of stigma and basal three-fourths 
of costa brown; rest of venation black. 

Head contracted behind eyes. Malar space one-third as long as distance between antenna 
or diameter of front ocellus. Antenna with 3rd segment about as long as 4th and 5th. Frons 
with a deep medial groove reaching from front ocellus to interantennal area. Hind ocelli 
closer together than from hind margin of head as 1:0 : 1:7, and from eye margin as 1:0 : 2:0. 

Thorax with slightly convex mesoscutellum, carinate medially for posterior half; metepister- 
num dull medially with dense surface sculpture and with a small posterior appendage. 

Legs with hind tarsus swollen so that the 4th segment in ventral view is almost as long as 

Abdomen normal. ¢ penis (Text-fig. 31) not distinguished from that of M. diversipes. 

Punctation dense on head and thorax; interspaces shining on head, but on mesonotum and 
mesopleura the interspaces are dull with dense surface sculpture. 

Pubescence dense all over insect and very short so that nowhere on head and mesonotum are 
the individual hairs as long as the diameter of an ocellus. 

Q as g but the stigma of the fore wing is entirely yellowish brown and all the legs have the 
femur and tibia red and the trochanters and tarsus infuscate, and the hind tarsal segments are 
not so swollen, the 4th being x 14 as long as wide in ventral view. Hypopygium slightly 
emarginate each side of middle. Saw not distinguished from that of M. diversipes. 

Holotype. gf. S.W. IRAN: Kuh Sefid, nr. Bazuft, (Escalera Coll.). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data, 3 fg, 292; N. IRAN: Elburz Mountains, Mt. Demavend, 
2,800 m., I 9, vii.1966 (L. G. Higgins). B.M. (N.H.). 

The POSTICA-group 

Species with eyes converging in front and abdomen with at least a white band 
on the Ist tergite and lateral flecks on some of the others; at least front and middle 
legs. hind coxa and base of hind femora mainly yellow or orange. 

196 R. B. BENSON 


I Either mesonotum entirely dull with surface sculpture between fine punctures 
and front lobe usually with dark adpressed pubescence shorter than diameter 
of front ocellus oy hind legs with tibia and tarsus mainly black. (2 hypo- 
pygium strongly emarginate) . : 2 
- Mesonotum with the interspaces between the “punctures ‘shining and the 
pubescence on the front lobes pale, and usually outstanding and longer than 
diameter of front ocellus; hind legs with tibia mainly yellow or orange . 6 
2 (1) Stigma of fore wing and hind tibia and tarsus mainly orange or yellow (except 
in ¢ aphrodite). Pubescence short, dark and adpressed on front lobe of 
mesonotum . ; 3 
~ Stigma of fore wing and hind legs mainly black (subsp. arpaklena Ushinskif, 
from TURKESTAN and N. [RAN has @ hind tarsus with segments 2—4 white 
as in g, and abdomen with pale flecks reduced). Europr, N. Arrica, ASIA 
MINOR to TURKESTAN . : montana (Scopoli) 
3 (2) Head above dull with dense surface sculpture between punctures, ih rap 
of scutellum longer medially than acencher . : 4 
- Head above shining between punctures, which are very sparse and obsolescent on 
middle of temples. Asia Minor to S.W. IRAN , .  feyrus Benson 
4 (3) Costa of fore wing infuscate, darker than the yellow stigma. Scutellum with 
depressed posterior third dull with dense sculpture and with anterior two- 
thirds shining between sparse punctures . . . : ‘ . 5 
— Costa of fore wing coloured the same as the yellow stigma. Scutellum with the 
posterior half dull with dense sculpture and the anterior half shining between 
scattered punctures. LEBANON, ISRAEL, TRANSCAUCASIA and IRAN 
ottomana Mocsary 
5 (4) Temples between postocellar region and eyes dull, with surface sculpture 
between the dense punctures: 3 hind tibia mainly orange and brown. C. and 
S.E. EURopE and TURKEY. . postica (Brullé) 
- Temples between postocellar region and eyes with shining interspaces between 
scattered punctures; ¢ hind tibia mainly black. Cyprus . taphrodite Benson 
6 (1) Stigma of fore wing darker apically than basally. Hind tarsus black. 92 
hypopygium not emarginate each side. 7 
- Stigma of fore wing unicolorous brown. Hind tarsus reddish brown. 9 
hypopygium strongly emarginate behind each side of middle. S.E. EUROPE 
and TURKEY : ‘ superba Tischbein 
7 (6) Abdominalsegments of ? ringed with pale apical margins to tergites and sternites; 
¢ abdomen yellow above, except for the bases of the tergites medially, and 
entirely yellow laterally and ventrally. Saw with shallow teeth (Text-fig. 
35 and 35a). TRANSCAUCASIA : ; prasinipes Konow 
- Abdomen in 9 black except for the yellow apical margitts of the tergites medially ; 
(g¢ unknown). Saw with prominent teeth (Text-figs. 36 and 36a). GREECE 
minerva sp. n. (p. 197) 

Macrophya montana montana (Scopoli) 

TuRKEY: Amasya (2, 5 and 7); Samsun (10); Sivas (3); Rize (8). 12 4, 149. 
(Ssp. arpaklena Ushinskij in TURKESTAN and N. IRAN, Mazandaran on the Caspian 
Sea Coast, iv-v.1965-1966 (D. B. Baker)). 



*tMacrophya cyrus Benson, 1954 

TuRKEY, C. and E.: Amasya (I, 2, 3 and 7); Nigde (4); Gumusane (13); Erzurum 
(I, 4,5, 6 and 8). 51g, 499. 

Macrophya ottomana Mocsary 


Macrophya postica (Brullé) 

TURKEY, S.W., S.C., N., N.E. and E.: Aydin (z and 2); Mugla (2, 5 and 7); Antalya 
(5 and 89); Mersin (1, 2 and 4); Ankara (12); Amasya (1, 2, 5, 7 and 14); Sinop 
(3 and 4); Samsun (10); Artvin (6); Gumusane (13); Erzurum (4). Many ¢ and 9. 

+Macrophya aphrodite Benson, 1954 
Macrophya superba Tischbein 

TuRKEY, N., C., N.E. and E.: Izmit, Alem Dag, 600m., 19, 
(Demelt Coll. Gembloux); Ankara (21, 35 and 39); Cankiri, Isik Dag, 1,200 m., 2 9, (Demelt Coll. Gembloux); Amasya (1, 2, 3 and 7); Nigde (5); Artvin (2) 
Gumusane (1); Erzurum (4). 35 4, 42 @. 

S.E. EuRopPE and TuRKEY. 

Macrophya prasinipes Konow 
Macrophya minerva sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 36, 36a) 

9. Black with the following parts yellowish white: palps of mouthparts, labrum, clypeus, 
hind margin of pronotum, tegula (except at base), apices of coxae, trochanter, upper outer 
face of hind coxa, femora (except small inner basal fleck) and tibiae of all legs (except apex of 
hind pair) and fore and middle tarsus (except for broken black line on inner side), apical margin 
of 1st tergite and lateral dorsal margin of 3rd and following tergites. 

Wings subhyaline; base of stigma, base of C, and Sc (front half of Sc + R); rest of venation 
piceous becoming paler at extreme base. Length: 11 mm. 

Head normal, slightly contracted behind eyes. Malar space about as long as 2 facets of com- 
pound eye. Flagellar segments of antenna all longer than broad. Occipital carina complete. 
Posterior ocelli about as far apart as from occipital carina (POL = OOCL); and closer together 
than from nearest compound eye margin (POL: OOL = 1:0: 1°5). 

Thorax normal, without the extra metepisternal sclerite between the hind coxa and Ist tergite. 
Mesoscutellum slightly convex. 

Abdomen normal; hypopygium only slightly emarginate each side. Saw (Tet-xfigs. 36 
and 36a). 

198 R. B. BENSON 

Punctation. Head shining with dense punctures on frons, inner orbits and postocellar region 
but becoming obsolescent on temples and finer and denser on outer orbits. Thorax shining 
between punctures + as far apart as their diameters, though more widely spaced on the middle 
of the mesoscutellum and much denser on the underthorax. Abdomen densely alutaceous 

Pubescence on head and thorax dense and pale and up to about as long as twice the diameter 
of a hind ocellus; on abdomen about half this length and pale and dense and recumbent. 

Holotype 9. GREECE: Soufli, 1 9, 5.v.1960 (Guichard & Harvey). B.M. (N.H.). 
Distinguished from other members of the fostica-group in the key above. 


Cladius pectinicornis (Geoffroy) 

TurRKEY, N. and C.: Samsun (6 and 21); Amasya (2, 3 and 5); Tokat (4). 40, 

Cladius ordubadensis Konow 

GREECE: Samothrace, Therme, 3 3g, 19, 16.viii.1962 (Guichard & Harvey). 

Priophorus morio Lepeletier 


Priophorus pallipes Lepeletier 


Priophorus rufipes Lepeletier 
Priophorus ulmi (L.) Konow, nec L. 


Trichiocampus viminalis (Fallén) 


Pseudodineura fuscula (Klug) 




The species of this genus segregate naturally into 3 distinct groups, all feeding as 
larvae in the fruits of Rosaceae: two groups attached to the Prunoidea and one to 
the Pomoidea. Unfortunately the major group characters, the shape of the clypeus, 
the direction of the inner eye-margins and the pubescent clothing of the under- 
thorax, have not been mentioned in previous descriptions, and it is not therefore 
always possible to place species I have not examined. 


I Clypeus broadly and shallowly emarginate in front to a depth less than half 
total length of clypeus, or (i.e. flava) mesepisternum densely pubescent all 
over and eyes large so that they are closer together in front than 1} times 
their own greatest length. Attached to Prunus (Prunoidea) . 2 

~ Clypeus deeply excised in front to a depth of at least half the total Gypeal 
length. Lower mesepisternum and mesosternum at least partly glabrous 
(with areas devoid of hair follicles). Eyes always further apart in front than 
1} times their length. Attached to Pomoidea : Eurasian species : alpina 
Zetterstedt (Sorbus); aviae Benson (Sorbus); brevis Klug (Pyrus); crataegi 
Klug (Crataegus) ; ephippiata Konow (Malus), pectoralis Thomson (Crataegus) ; 
plagiata Klug (Amelanchier); pyricola Rohwer (Pyrus) ; ? sino-birmana Malais ; 
testudinea Klug (Malus) (Text-fig. 39). 

Nearctic species (apart from introductions): alpestris Rohwer (Amelan- 
chier); bioculata Rohwer (Amelanchier); halcyon Norton (Amelanchier) ; 
montanicola Rohwer (Amelanchier); oskina Ross (Crataegus); pallipes Mac- 
gillivray (Amelanchier) ; ritcheri Ross (Crataegus); and texas Ross (Crataegus) 


2 (1) Eyesstrongly diverging in front (where they are further apart than 1} times 
their length). Mesepisternum below and mesosternum mainly glabrous. 
Nearctic species: idaho Ross; lacteipennis Rohwer (Text-fig. 38); marlatti 
Rohwer; nalema Ross; ? Ashmead . : .  oregonensis-group 

- Eyes subparallel in front (where they are closer. together than 14 times their 
length). Mesepisternum and mesosternum densely pubescent. 

Eurasian species: chrysorrhoea Klug; flava L.; ? formosana Malaise; minuta 
Klug; prunicola sp. n.; rutilicornis Klug (Text-fig. 37). 

Nearctic species: cookei Clarke; oskima Ross . ‘ : : flava-group 

Hoplocampa testudinea (Klug) 


Hoplocampa brevis (Klug) 


*Hoplocampa crataegi (Klug) 

TuRKEY, W.: Bursa (1 and 3). 8, 92 from Crataegus blossom. 
A very dark form in which in the 9 the antenna, postocellar region and occiput 

200 R. B. BENSON 


Fics. 37-42. 37-40. Hoplocampa faces: 37, rutilicornis; 38, lacteipennis; 39, testudinea; 
and 40, flava. 41-42. Hoplocampa prunicola sp. n.: 41, penis-valve; and 42, saw, 


of head, almost the entire mesonotum and the hind tibia are black and the stigma 
of the fore wing is slightly infuscate basally. 

C. and S. Europe and TURKEY. 

Hoplocampa pectoralis Thomson 

N. IRAN: Mazandaran, Pankaj Rostaq, I 2, 29.iv.1967 (D. B. Baker). 

Hoplocampa flava (L.) 
TurRKEY, S.: Antalya (11). 1 9 at flowers of Prunus insititia L. 

*Hoplocampa prunicola sp. n. 
(Text-figs. 41, 42) 

2. Reddish yellow with the following parts black or piceous: ocellar region, front edge and 
hind margin of pronotum, middle line of front mesonotal lobe, most of lateral mesonotal lobes, 
middle line and hind edge of scutellum and its post-tergite, mesepimeron and metepimeron 
above, sclerotised parts of Ist—3rd tergites, and following tergites above. Wings hyaline; 
stigma and venation very pale brown. Length 4 mm. 

Head with clypeus evenly emarginate in front to depth of about one-third of its total length. 
Eyes subparallel in front and closer than 14 times their own greatest measure apart in front 
(1°4.: 1:0). Hind ocelli further apart than from hind margin of head as I:o : 0-6, and from eye 
margin as 7:0::0:8. (= POL, “OOL); 

Thorax normal but with medial suture of front mesonotal lobes obsolescent. 

Abdomen with hypopygium but slightly emarginate each side and ovipositor scarcely as 
long as hind-femur, without 2nd trochanter, and much shorter than hind tibia. Saw as in 
Text-fig. 42. Pubescence pale and evenly spread over head and thorax, much shorter than 
diameter of front ocellus. 

Punctation: surface of head and thorax shining between shallow follicles; abdomen shining 
with faint alutaceous surface sculpture. 

3 as 2 but with black more extensive to cover + postocellar region and edges of frontal area 
and occiput of head, the whole of the thorax except the pronotum and tegula, and the whole of 
the abdomen except the hypopygium; penis-valve as in Text-fig. 41. 

Holotype °. Turkey: Izmit, Karamursel, 19, 23.11.1961 on Prunus (H. 
Birkadesler). B.M. (N.H.). 

Paratypes. Same data, 3 g,29. B.M. (N.H.). 

This species is very closely related to H. chrysorrhoea Klug, from which it is 
distinguished by the almost entirely yellow head in the female and beaked penis- 
valve in the male (c.f. Text-fig. 41 with Benson, 1958, fig. 398 etc.); in the form 
of its penis-valve it would appear more to resemble H. minuta Klug. 

The type of the Siberian species, H. ephippiata Konow (3), was borrowed for 
comparison but this species was found to be scarcely separable structurally, including 
the penis-valve, from H. pectorialis Thomson. 

202 R. B. BENSON 

Caulocampus necopinus Zhelochovtsev 


*Stauronematus compressicornis (Fabricius) 

TurRKEY, C., N.E. and E.: Corum (2); Amasya (13); Rize (1); Trabzon (6 and 9); 
Gumusane (2). 4.6, 3 . 

HOLARCTIC species. 

Pristiphora abbreviata (Hartig) 

Cyprus: Pera Pedi, 700 m., I 9, 4.iv.1952 (G. A. Mavromoustakis). 
C. and S. Europe and TRANSCAUCASIA, introduced into N. AMERICA. 

Pristiphora subbifida (C. G. Thomson) 

TuRKEY, N.: Samsun, IQ, 20.vii.1959 (Guichard). 

Pristiphora conjugata (Dahlbom) 

TuRKEY, C.: Kula, 2 9, vi.1952 (Plant. Protection Institute), “‘ Larva on poplar’. 

Pristiphora fulvipes (Fallén) 

Turkey, N. and N.E.: Samsun (8); Trabzon (4). 2 9. 

Pristiphora sp. near fulvipes 

TuRKEY: Trabzon (12). 

Pristiphora crassicornis (Hartig) 

TurKEyY: Zonguldak (1); Artvin (3). 2. 

*Pristiphora rufipes Lepeletier 

TurRKEY: Tokat (1). 1 9. 


*Pristiphora ambigua (Fallén) 

TURKEY: Giresun (7). 2 4, 20 9. 
N. and C. Europe and AsIA MINOR. 

*Amauronematus sternalis Enslin 

TurKEY, C.: Ankara (13) (Beynam Forest, 1,000 m.). 2 . 

*Nematinus luteus (Panzer) 

TURKEY, C. and N.E.: Tokat (3); Rize (3). 1, 2. 

Euura mucronata (Hartig) 


*Phyllocolpa puella (C. G. Thomson) 
TURKEY, N.E.: Gicesun (2). 1.9. 
Phyllocolpa leucosticta (Hartig) 

TuRKEY, E.: Gumusane (Soganli Gecidi at 1,800 m.). 2 J, 3 8. 

Pontania vesicator (Bremi-Wolf) 

Pontania bridgmanii (Cameron) 

Pontania viminalis (L.) 

Pontania dolichura (C. G. Thomson) 


Croesus septentrionalis (L.) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (14). 1 9. 


204 R. B. BENSON 

*Croesus varus (Villaret) 

TurkEY, N.E.: Rize (x). 2.9. 

*Nematus lucidus (Panzer) 

TuRKEY, N.E.: Artvin (3). 1. 
EvuROPE, Cyprus and TURKEY. 

Nematus salicis (L.) 


Nematus ribesii Scopoli 

EUROPE and TRANSCAUCASIA, introduced into N. AMERICA. 

Nematus myosotidis (Fallén) 

TurKEY, C., N., N.E. and E.: Amasya (13); Samsun (6 and 11); Giresun (7); 
Trabzon (7, 9, 15 and 16); Gumusane (3). 7 3, 9 Q. 

Europe, Asta MINoR, W. SIBERIA. 

*Nematus oligospilus (Forster) 

TurRKEY, C. and N.E.: Ankara (32); Trabzon (9); Rize (1). 1g, 29. 
HoLarctic to HIMALAYAS. 

*Nematus viridis (Stephens) 

TurRKEY (N.E.): Trabzon (14 and 15); Rize (5). 1,29. 
EvuRopeE and AsiA MINOR. 

Pachynematus rumicis (L.) 


*Pachynematus obductus (Hartig) 

TurRKEY, N.E.: Trabzon (18). 1 9. 
HOLARCTIC species reaching ICELAND and GREENLAND. 

Pachynematus vagus (Fabricius) 

TuRKEY, C. and N.E.: Tokat (1); Trabzon (4). 2 9. 
HOLARCTIC species. 


*Pachynematus ? clitellatus (Lepeletier) 

TuRKEY (E.): Erzurum, Cakmak mountains, 2,200m., 19, 24.v.1960 (E. S. 

Europe and AsIA MINOR. 


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MataisE, R. 1935. New Genera of Tenthredinoidea and their Genotypes (Hymen.). Ent. 

Tidsk. 56 : 160-178. 

1945. Tenthredinoidea of South-East Asia, with a general zoogeographical review. 

Subfamily Tenthredininae. Opusc ent. Supplementum 4 : 1-288, plates I-XX, figs. 1-57. 

1964. New Genera and Species of the Subfamily Blennocampinae (Hym. Tenthred.). 
Ent. Tidsk. 85 : 20-39, figs. 1-3. 

MatsumurA, F. tg11. Erster Beitrag zur Insekten-Fauna Sachalin. J. Coll. Agric. Hok- 
kaido imp. Univ. 4 : 1-145, 2 plates. 

MAXWELL, D. E. 1955. Comparative Internal Larval Anatomy of Sawflies (Hymenoptera 
Symphyta). Can. ent., Supplement 1 : 1-132, figs. 1-153. 

MucHE, W. H. 1962. Die Tenthredinidae (Hym.), meiner Anatolienausbeute ii. Reichen- 

bachia 1 : 17-20. 

1964. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Blattwespen Bulgariens mit Beschreibung einer neuen 

Amasis-Art. Ent. Z. Frankf. a.M. 74 : 17-24. 

1964a. Dolerus asper megapteroides nov. ssp. (Hymenoptera Symphyta). Reichenbachia 

4 : 31-33. 

Pic,M. 1916. Hyménopteres nouveaux d’Orient et du nord del’Afrique. Echange 32 : 23-24. 

1917. Notes Hyménoptérologiques. Echange 33 hors texte : 1-4. 

1918. Description diverses de Tenthredinides et notes. Echange 34, hors texte : 1-4. 

1925. Hyménoptéres nouveaux. Echange 41 : 12-15. 

Ross, H.H. 1951. Jn MUESEBECK, C. F. W., KromBEIn, K. V. & Townes, H. K. Hymen- 
optera of N. America north of Mexico, Synoptic Catalog. Agriculture Monogr. 2, 1420 pp. 

WEIFFENBACH, H. 1967. Eine neue Rhogogastey aus Kleinasien. NachyvBl. Bayer. Ent. 
[In press]. 

ZHELOCHOVTSEV, A. 1928. Uber paldarktische Dolerinae. Zool. Anz. 79 : 105-112. 

1941. On the Sawflies of Armenia. Sb. Trud. gos. zool. Muz. 7 : 123-153. 

ZIRNGIEBL, L. 1956. Blattwespen aus Iran. Mitt. munch. ent. Ges. 46 : 322-326. 


Synonyms in italics 

adequata, Tenthredo, 181 (footnote) balcana, Tenthredo, 159 (footnote) 
afrva, Tenthredo, 181 (footnote) balteatus, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
africanus, Dolerus, 137 bensoni, Urocerus augur, 116 
albata, Tenthredopsis, 158 (footnote) benthini, Tenthredo, 159 (footnote) 

amurensis, Calameuta, 122 

andrei, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
andrei, Tenthredopsis, 158 (footnote) ’ 
antigae, Allantus, 181 (footnote) brevis, Pachycephus, 118 

apicicornis, Monoplopus, 122 brunnescens, Thomsonia, 160 (footnote) 

armenius, Ateuchopus, 123 byzantina sp. n., Sciapteryx, 188 

bleusei, Schizoceros, 128 
bleyli, Amasis, 132 

INDEX 207 

camtschatkali, Tenthredopsis, 157 (footnote) 
casia, Tenthredopsis, 159 (footnote) 
clementi, Kokujewia, 128 

cognata, Macrophya, 181 (footnote) 
contiguus, Allantus, 182 (footnote) 
continentalis, Thomsonia, 160 (footnote) 
corcyrensis, Tenthredopsis, 158 (footnote) 

coronatus, Thrinax, 134 

corynetes, Macrophya, 181 (footnote) 

deannulata, Thomsonia, 160 (footnote) 
debilis, Arge, 126 

decoratus sp. n., Characopygus, 119 
diana ssp. n., Tenthredo maculata, 174 
diaphenia sp. n., Macrophya, 195 
diversipes, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
dulcis sp. n., Elinora, 184 

dusmeti, Allantus, 183 (footnote) 

excisa, Perineura, 158 (footnote) 
euphorbiae sp. n., Tenthredo, 177 

festiva, Calameuta, 122 
fuscicornis, Thomsonia, 160 (footnote) 
fuscitarsis, Selandria, 135 

gastrica, Hylotoma, 128 

geniculatus Lepeletier, Dolerus, 137 
gribodo1, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
grombczevski1, Cephus, 122 
guichardi, Elinora, 181 (footnote) 
guichardi sp. n., Tenthredopsis, 162 

haematica sp. n., Corynis, 130 
hamata sp. n., Macrophya, 194 
harveyi sp. n., Tenthredopsis, 163 
helveticus, Allantus, 171 

henschi, Schizoceros, 128 

hungarica, Tenthredo, 158 (footnote) 
hyrcanus sp. n., Dolerus, 141 
hyrcana sp. n., Scolioneura, 149 
hyrcana sp. n., Tenthredo, 172 

infernalis, Cephus, 122 

jugalis, Allantus, 171 
jugurtha, Macrophya, 181 (footnote) 

kareli, Allantus, 185 
kussariensis, Allantus, 177 

lacteore ssp. n., Aglaostigma aucupariae, 155 
lactifiua, Tenthredo, 158 (footnote) 

laevinota ssp. n., Kaliofenusa ulmi, 150 
limbergorum, Tenthredo, 181 (footnote) 
luminosus, Allantus, 171 

megapteroides 9, Dolerus, 141 
merceti, Allantus, 171 
meridionalis, Euromostethus, 151 
minerva sp. n., Macrophya, 197 
montivagus sp. n., Dolerus, 138 

nazareensis, Allantus, 172 

nigriceps, Dolerus, 137 

nigripes, Schizoceros, 128 
nigritarsis, Hylotoma, 126 
nigrorufa, Thomsonia, 159 (footnote) 
nitens ssp. n., Eriocampa ovata, 154 
notatus, Cephus, 120 

oedipus sp. n., Macrophya, 194 
quadrannulata, Tenthredopsis, 159 (footnote) 

palestina, Kokujewia, 128 

pectoralis, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
pisinna, Tenthredopsis, 159 (footnote) 
proxima, Hylotoma, 126 

prunicola sp. n., Hoplocampa, 201 
punctatus, Tristactus, 115 

vuficornis, Thomsonia, 160 (footnote) 

sachalinensis, Tenthredo, 157 (footnote) 
sahariensis, Tenthredo, 181 (footnote) 
sanctus, Spatulocephalus, 118 

sarta, Amasis, 132 

seljuki ssp. n., Arge clavicornis, 127 
seljuki ssp. n., Dolerus anticus, 137 
serena, Allantus, 172 

stolida sp. n., Elinora, 185 

striatipes, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
syriaca, Hylotoma, 125 

tanaiticus, Cephus, 120 

tenuicornis, Astatus, 124 

tischbeini, Tenthredo, 159 (footnote) 
tricolor, Allantus, 182 (footnote) 
triforis, Tenthredopsis, 159 (footnote) 
tunetensis, Allantus, 181 (footnote) 
turanica, Arge, 126 

turanicus, Cephus, 122 

vernalis, Sciapteryx, 187 (footnote) 
xanthorius, Allantus, 179 (footnote) 

zavudnyt, Arge, 126 

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. MasneR, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British 

Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. 
Pp. 143. February, 1965. £5. 

. Nrxon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera: 

Braconidae). Pp. 284; 348 Text-figures. August, 1965. 6. 

Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177; 
18 plates, 270 Text-figures. August, 1965. {£4 4s. 

Sanps, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, 
Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp. 172; 500 Text-figures. October, 

1965. £3 5s. 

. AuMAD,I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera : Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156; 

475 Text-figures. November, 1965. {2 I5s. 

Oxapa,T. Dipterafrom Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae & Drosophilidae. 
Pp. 129; 328 Text-figures. £3. 

GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family 
Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp. 168; 43 Text-figures. February, 1967. 

£3 35. 

. FLETCHER, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the 

world species of Cleora (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. r19; 14 plates, 146 
Text-figures, g maps. February, 1967. £3 Ios. 

HemMMING, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species 
(Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp. 509. August, 1967. {8 Ios. 

STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rhopa- 
locera). Pp. 322; 233 Text figures, coloured frontispiece. September, 1967. £8. 
Mounp, L. A. A review of R. S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera Collections. Pp. 184; 
82 Text-figures. May, 1968. £4. 


mys i, 
\e8 4 



ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 5 

LONDON : 1968 


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Imperial College of Science and Technology, London 

Pp. 209-276, 39 Text-jigs. 

ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 5 
LONDON : 1968 

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© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 13 September, 1968 Price £1 10s 



NOTE ON GROUP-NAMES : : i , : ‘ 218 
KEYS TO SUBGENERA OF Bombus Parsee ‘ ‘ : , : 260 
Males 7 A F ; : F 2 ; ‘ : : 260 
Females. ; : é . : ; 2 : ; ‘ 265 
REFERENCES . 2 g ; - ‘ : : : : : 273 

The described subgenera of Bombus Latreille are revised and listed and their characters 
discussed ; thirty-five subgenera are recognized as valid. Full synonymy is given and keys 
to males and females only are provided. 

THE current system of named subgenera for the large genus Bombus Latreille was 
first started by Vogt (1911) and Skorikov (1914, 1922). Originally, the subgenera 
were merely groups whose males possessed more or less closely similar genitalia 
and the names proposed for them were derived from the specific name of one of the 
included species. The system has gradually been elaborated and more names 
have been added; some of the old ones have tended to drop out because earlier 
names of von Dalla Torre (1880) were found to be available. Very few attempts 
have been made to provide a key to the sub-genera, many of which have never 
been described in detail. The females have been even more neglected than the 
males and though all sorts of characters have been indicated in the very scattered 
literature as helpful in recognizing the females of certain groups, no systematic 
account of the subgeneric classification of this sex is available. Some features 
of the European species were indicated by Kriiger (1917, 1920) and Pittioni (19392) 
even gave a key of a somewhat artificial type to the East European subgenera. 
Neither of these authors, however, referred to the important characters which can 
be found in the sting. Some of these had been noted by Richards (1927) and the 
North American species have recently been fully illustrated by Hazeltine & Chandler 
(1964). There is clearly a need for proper descriptions of the subgenera and for 
a key to them which includes all of them and not merely those of a small region. 
Meanwhile, Milliron (1961) produced a new classification of Bombus which he 
divided into three genera, two each with two subgenera. He recognized no other 

ENTOM. 22, 5. 10 


subgenera though he mentions a number of “species groups’’. I find Milliron’s 
system unsatisfactory partly for fundamental reasons, partly because there are a 
number of errors in detail ; some of these may be misprints but others are in- 

The key to the genera and subgenera (pp. 54-55) depends largely on venational 
characters, which prove to be quite unworkable in a number of species on which 
they have been tested. Moreover, two of his genera, Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre 
and Megabombus von Dalla Torre, each fall in two halves of his key, so that their 
reintegration is essentially arbitrary. A number of exceptions have to be made 
for particular species suggesting that perhaps his genera would really be better 
split. Other points, more of detail, in Milliron’s system which are very difficult 
to defend include, (1) putting Obertobombus Reinig in Pyrobombus sgen. Pyrobombus 
von Dalla Torre while Sibivicobombus Vogt (of which it is a synonym) is put in 
Pyrobombus sgen. Cullumanobombus Vogt, (2) putting Thoracobombus von Dalla 
Torre in Pyrobombus and not near its close allies in Megabombus von Dalla Torre, 
(3) separating B. dentatus Handlirsch and its subspecies orvichalceus Friese from 
Alpigenobombus Skorikov (to which they clearly belong) and placing them in Bombias 
Robertson, with which they have little in common and further in putting with them 
B. haueri Handlirsch, which is really a member of Crotchitbombus Franklin which 
he places in Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre, (4) placing Kallobombus von Dalla Torre, 
Alpinobombus Skorikov and Orentalibombus Richards in Megabombus von Dalla 
Torre all the other groups of which have spinose mid basitarsi in the female. 

Medler (1962a, 1962b) has made a number of studies of the wings and mouthparts 
of humblebees, measuring in particular the length of the marginal cell, the length 
of the glossa and the ratio of the length of the first segment of the labial palp to 
the length of the prementum (= labial index). He suggests (1962a : 217) that the 
group of species allied to B. pratorum (Linnaeus) (subgenus Pyrobombus von Dalla 
Torre) is an unnatural one because of discrepancies in the value of these indices. 
While it has long been known that the very large subgenus Pyrvobombus includes 
species with a considerable range of structure I cannot agree that the group is 
unnatural. The subgenera are really defined on a number of characters of both 
sexes though the male genitalia are often the simplest means of reaching a quick 
identification. Indices are often very valuable for distinguishing species but must 
be used with care as indicators of relationships. The palps and mouthparts are 
almost certainly liable to rapid adaptation and may well be imperfect indicators 
of phylogenetic relationships. 

The classification of Bombus has never been very closely set out but most specialists 
in the taxonomy of the genus are reasonably satisfied with something approaching 
the schemes of Vogt & Skorikov. The scheme set out below is far from original and 
cannot be regarded as final. Although the author is responsible for any errors, he 
is very grateful for much help and advice from Drs J. F. Perkins, B. Tkalct and I. 
H. H. Yarrow. 

Alphabetical list of names available for the subgenera of Bombus. 

Numbers are attached to the valid groups or to groups later described, and show 
the order in which they are dealt with in the descriptions. 




ADVENTORIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 150. 

Proposed as subgenus of Agrobombus Vogt. Type-species Agrabombus [sic] adventor 
Skorikov, 1914 = Bombus adventor (Skorikov, 1914), by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 522. 
(Pp. 254). 

AGROBOMBUS Vogt, 1911 : 52. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus agrorum (Fabricius) 
= Apis agrorum Fabricius, 1787 nec Schrank, 1781 [ = Apis [Bombus] pascuorum (Scopoli, 
1736)], by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 523. 

Synonym of Thoracobombus von Dalla Torre. Syn. n. 

AGRIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145. [Emend.] 

. ALPIGENOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 : 128. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus lefebvrei Lepeletier, 
1836. [ = B. mastrucatus Gerstacker, 1869], by original designation. (p. 221). 

ALPIGENIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 122. [Emend.] 

ALPINOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 : 122. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bremus alpinus (Linnaeus) 
= Bombus alpinus (Linnaeus) = Apis alpinus Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Frison, 
1927 < 66; \(p.236). 

ALPINIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1937 : 53. [Emend.] 

ANODONTOMBUS Kriiger, 1917 : 61, 65. 

Proposed as a sectional name but according to Milliron, 1961 : 53 it is synonymous with 

Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre, 1880. 

ATROCINTOB. [OMBUS] Skorikov, 1933) : 244, Table 1. 

Not described and no type-species designated, but two species, Bombus atrocinctus Smith, 
1872 and Bombus terminalis Smith, 1872, were included. This must be treated as a nomen 

BOMBELLUS, Zool. Record, Insecta, 1931 : 248, nomen nudum. 
Not in Wild, 1931, Scott. Nat. 190 : 118, as claimed. 

. BOMBIAS Robertson, 1903 : 176. 

Proposed asa genus. Type-species Bombias auricomus Robertson, 1903 [ = B. nevadensis 
Cresson, 1874 ssp.], by original designation (p. 230). 

. BOMBUS Latrielle, 1802a : 385, 1802b : 437. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Apis terrestris Linnaeus, 1758, monobasic. (p. 266). 

BOOPOBOMBUS Frison, 1927 : 62. 

Sectional name. 

BREMUS Jurine, 1801 : 164. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Bremus terrestris (Linnaeus) = Bombus terrestris 
(Linnaeus) = Apis terrestris Linnaeus, 1758 by designation of Morice & Durrant, 1915 : 428. 
Invalidated, Hemming, 1939. 

CALLOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, see Kallobombus von Dalla Torre. 
CHROMOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus muscorum (Linnaeus) 
= Apis muscorum Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 538. Synonym of 
Thoracobombus von Dalla Torre. Syn. n. 



i Pe 







. COCCINEOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 157. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Alpigenobombus Skorikov. Type-species Alpigenobombus 
coccineus (Friese) = Bombus coccineus Friese, 1903 : 254 by designation of Sandhouse, 
1943 : 539. (P. 243). 

. CONFUSIBOMBUS Ball, 1914 : 78. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus latreille. Type-species Bombus confusus Schenck, 
1859. Monobasic. 

CONFUSOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 149 [apparently independently proposed as a sub- 
genus of Bombus]. Bombus confusus Schenck, 1859 = Confusobombus confusus (Schenck) 
here designated as TYPE-SPECIES (p. 228). Synonym of Confusibombus Ball. 

CROTCHIIBOMBUS Franklin, 1954 : 51. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus crotchii Cresson, 1878 
by original designation. (p. 231). 


Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bremus cullumanus (Kirby) = 
Bombus cullumanus (Kirby) = Apis cullumana Kirby, 1802, by designation of Frison, 
1927 : 66. (p. 233). 

CULLUMANIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145-146. [Emend.] 

DIVERSOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 : 406. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus diversus Smith, 1869 
by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 546. (p. 247). 

EVERSMANNIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145. 

Proposed as subgenus of Agribombus = Agrobombus Vogt. Included only A. (E.) evers- 
manniellus (Skorikov) = Mucidobombus eversmanniellus Skorikov, 1922 = B. eversmanni 
Friese, 1911 nec B. modestus Eversmann ssp. eversmanni Skorikov, 1910, which is here desig- 
nated as the TYPE-SPECIES by monotypy and by virtual tautonymy. (p. 252). 

EXILOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 150. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Mucidobombus Skorikov. Type-species Mucidobombus exil 
[misprinted exiln. nov] Skorikov, 1922 = new name for Bombus nymphae Skorikov, 1909 % 
only, not ¢ 2. Monobasic. (p. 253). 

FERVIDOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 153. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Bremus fervidus (Fabricius) = Fervidobombus fervidus 
(Fabricius) = Bombus fervidus (Fabricius) = Apis fervida Fabricius, 1798, by designation of 
Frison, 1927 : 69. (p. 259). 

. FRATERNOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 156. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Alpigenobombus Skorikov. Type-species Alpigenobombus 
fraternus (Smith) = Bremus fraternus (Smith) = Bombus fraternus (Smith) = Apathus 
fraternus Smith, 1854 by designation of Frison, 1927 : 63. (p. 227). 

. FUNEBRIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 157. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Alpigenobombus Skorikov. Type-species Alpigenobombus 
funebris (Smith) = Bombus funebris Smith, 1854. Monobasic. (p. 244). 


HORTOMBUS Vogt, ro1t : 56. 
Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus hortorum (Linnaeus) 
= Apis hortorum Linnaeus, 1761 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 559. 

Synonym of Megabombus von Dalla Torre. 
HORTIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 146. [Emend.] 

HYPNOROBOMBUS Quilis Pérez, 1927 : 97. 

HYPNORUBOMBUS Quilis Pérez, 1927: 19. ([Error.] 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus. Type-species Bombus hypnorum (Linnaeus) = Apis 
hypnorum Linnaeus, 1758. Monobasic. 

Synonym of Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre. 

4. KALLOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

CALLOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1896 : 503. Invalid [emendation]. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus soroeensis (Fabricius) 
= Apis soroeensis Fabricius, 1777 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 561. (p. 225). 

KOZLOVIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 152. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Kozlovibombus kozlovi (Skorikov) = Bombus kozlovi 
Skorikov, 1909 = Bombus kohli Vogt, 1909 nec Cockerell, 1906 by designation of Sandhouse, 
1943 : 561. 

Synonym of Melanobombus von Dalla Torre. Syn. n. 

27. LAESOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 150. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Agrobombus Vogt. Type-species Agrobombus laesus (Morawitz) 
= Bombus laesus Morawitz, 1875. Monobasic. (p. 251). 

LAESIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145. [Emend]. 
LAPIDARIOBOMBUS Vogt, tg911 : 58. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus) 
= Apis lapidaria Linnaeus, 1758 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 562. 

Synonym of Melanobombus von Dalla Torre. 

LAPIDARIIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145-146. [Emend.] 
LAPPONICOBOMBUS Quilis Pérez, 1927 : 19, 22, 63. 

LAPONICOBOMBUS Neave, 1940 : 143. ([Error.] 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus lapponicus (Fabricius) 
= Apis lapponica Fabricius, 1793 by designation of Milliron, 1961 : 58. 

Synonym of Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre. 
LEUCOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) 
= Apis terrestris Linnaeus, 1758 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 564. 

Synonym of Bombus Latreille s.s. 
MASTRUCATOBOMBUS Kriiger, 1917 : 66. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus mastrucatus Gerstaker, 
1869 [ = Bombus lefebvrei Lepeletier, 1836). Monobasic. 

Synonym of Alpigenobombus Skorikov. 

23. MEGABOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

[MEGALOBOMBUS Schulz, 1906 : 267. Invalid emendation]. 
Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus ligusticus Spinola, 
1805 = Apis argillacea Scopoli, 1763. Monobasic. (p. 246). 





MELANOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus) 
= Apis lapidaria Linnaeus, 1758 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 569. (p. 236). 

. MENDACIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 : 125. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus mendax Gerstaker, 
1869 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 572. (p. 229). 

MUCIDOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 149. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Bombus mucidus Gerstaker, 1869 by designation of 
Sandhouse, 1943 : 574. (p. 256). 
NEVADENSIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 149. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Bremus nevadensis (Cresson) = Bombus nevadensis 
Cresson, 1874 by designation of Frison, 1927 : 64. 

Synonym of Bombias Robertson, 1903. 

. NOBILIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1933a : 62. 

Proposed as a genus but no type-species was designated. Listed by Sandhouse (1943 : 
577) but without type-designation. Type-species cited as Bombus nobilis Skorikov, 1904 
by Milliron, 1961 : 54 but there is no such species. TYPE-SPECIES of the subgenus is here 
fixed as B. nobilis Friese (1904) 1905 by virtual tautonymy. The nature of this species is 
unfortunately controversial (see p. 222) but I believe this arrangement to be the best at the 

OBERTOBOMBUS Reinig, 1930 : 107. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus oberti Morawitz, 1883. 

Synonym of Sibiricobombus Vogt. Syn. n. [but see Sandhouse, 1943 : 579]. 
ODONTOBOMBUS Kriiger, 1917 : 61, 65. 

Proposed as a sectional name but stated by Milliron, 1961 : 57 to be equivalent to Mega- 
bombus von Dalla Torre. 

. ORIENTALIBOMBUS Richards, 1929 : 378. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus orientalis Smith, 1854 
by original designation. (p. 224). 

POECILOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1882 : 23. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus sitkensis Nylander, 
1848 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 589. Synonym of Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre. 
POMOBOMBUS Kriiger, 1917 : 65. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus pomorum (Panzer) = 
Bremus pomorum Panzer, 1804 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 589. 

Synonym of Rhodobombus von Dalla Torre. 

POMIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145-146. [Emend.] 

PRATOBOMBUS Vogt, 1911 : 49. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bremus pratorum (Linnaeus) = 
Bombus pratorum (Linnaeus) = Apis pratorum Linnaeus, 1761 by designation of Frison, 
1927 >: 07; 

Synonym of Pyrobombus von Dalla Torre. 

PRATIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1937 : 59; 1938 : 146. [Emend.] 











PRESSIBOMBUS Frison, 1935 : 342. 
Proposed as a subgenus of Bremus Panzer. Type-species, monobasic and by original 
designation, Bremus pressus Frison, 1935 = Bombus pressus (Frison). (p. 237). 

PYROBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

PYRRHOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1882 : 28. [Invalid emendation.] 
Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus hypnorum (Linnaeus) 
= Apis hypnorum Linnaeus, 1758. Monobasic. (p. 234). 

RHODOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bremus pomorum Panzer, 1804 
= Bombus pomorum (Panzer) by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 596. (p. 258). 

ROBUSTOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 157. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Alpigenobombus Skorikov. Type-species Alpigenobombus 
vobustus (Smith) = Bombus robustus Smith, 1854 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 597. 

(Pp. 240). 

RUBICUNDOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 154. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Fervidobombus Skorikov. Type-species Fervidobombus rubi- 
cundus (Smith) = Bombus rubicundus Smith, 1854 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 597. 

(p. 241). 

RUFIPEDIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 156. 

RUFIPEDOBOMBUS Milliron, 1961 : 54. [Error]. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Rufipedibombus rufipes (Lepeletier) = Bombus rufipes 
Lepeletier, 1836. Monobasic. (p. 238). 
RUFOCINCTOBOMBUS Frison, 1927 : [78] pl. 17, fig. 9. 

Type-species Bremus rufocinctus (Cresson) = Bombus rufocinctus Cresson, 1863, monobasic. 
Presumably an error since on p. 65 Frison uses the name Cullumanobombus. 

Synonym of Cullumanobombus Vogt. 

SENEXIBOMBUS Frison, 1930 : 3. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bremus Panzer. Type-species Bremus senex (Vollenhoven) = 
Bombus senex Vollenhoven, 1873 by original designation. (p. 248). 

SEPARATOBOMBUS Frison, 1927 : 64. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bremus Panzer. Type-Species Bremus separatus (Cresson) = 
Bombus sepavatus Cresson, 1863 = Apis griseocollis Degeer, 1773 by original designation. 

(p. 231). 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus sibiricus (Fabricius) = 
Apis sibirica Fabricius, 1781 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 599. (Pp. 232). 
SIBIRICIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145-146. [Emend.] 
SOROEENSIBOMBUS Vogt, 1911 : 63. 

SOROE NSIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1923 : 151. [Error.] 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus soroeensis (Fabricius) 
= Apis soroeensis Fabricius, 1777. Monobasic. 

Synonym of Kallobombus von Dalla Torre. 






Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bremus subterraneus (Linnaeus) 
= Bombus subterraneus (Linnaeus) = Apis subterranea Linnaeus, 1758 by designation of 
Frison, 1927 : 68. (p. 257). 

SUBTERRANEIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1938 : 145-146. [Emend]. 

SULCOBOMBUS (Vogt) Kriiger, 1917 : 65. 

Proposed as a group name to include Mendacibombus and Confusobombus, but type-species 
designated by Sandhouse, 1943 : 502 as Bombus confusus Schenck, 1859. 

Synonym of Confusibombus Ball. 

TANGUTICOBOMBUS Pittioni, 19396 : 201. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus tanguticus Morawitz, 
1886. Monobasic and by original designation. 

Synonym of Melanobombus von Dalla Torre. Syn. n. 

TERRESTRIBOMBUS Vogt, 1911 : 55. 5 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bremus terrestris (Linnaeus) 
= Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) = Apis terrestris Linnaeus, 1758 by designation of Frison, 
1927; 3-67. 

Synonym of Bombus Latreille. 

THORACOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 : 40. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Bombus Latreille. Type-species Bombus syluarum (Linnaeus) 
= Apis syluarum Linnaeus, 1761 by designation of Sandhouse, 1943 : 604. (p. 255). 

TRICORNIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 1515. 

Proposed as a subgenus of Agrobombus Vogt. ‘Type-species Agrobombus tricornis (Radosz- 
kowsky) = Bombus tricornis Radoszkowsky, 1888. Monobasic. (p. 249). 

UNCOBOMBUS Kriiger, 1919 : 65. 
Proposed as a group name to include Lapidariobombus, Pratobombus, Cullumanobombus and 

VOLUCELLOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 : 149. 

Proposed as a genus. Type-species Volucellobombus volucelloides (Gribodo) = Bombus 
volucelloides Gribodo, 1891. Monobasic. 

Synonym of Robustobombus Skorikov. Syn.n. The page priority of Volucellobombus is 
ignored because the male of B. volucelloides is unknown whereas both sexes are known in 
B. robustus Smith. 


A few of the names in the above list seem certainly to have been intended for 
groups of subgenera. Where a type has been fixed they would be available as 
subgeneric names though as it happens none has priority. Where a type has not 
already been fixed I have not done so. The concepts indicated by these names 
(sometimes emended during the present study) seem to be as follows: 

Anodontobombus Kriiger = Subgenera I-22 

Boopobombus Frison = Subgenera 6-9 

Odontobombus Kriiger = Subgenera 23-35 

Sulcobombus Kriiger = Subgenera 7-8 

Uncobombus Kriiger = Subgenera 10-14, possibly also 15-17. Originally sub- 
genera I and 13-15. 


The order in which the subgenera are arranged below will perhaps be found 
convenient but it is not intended to have a very deep phylogenetic significance. 
It is very difficult to form a theory of the evolution of Bombus. The suggestion of 
Milliron (1961 : 50) that B. mendax Gerstacker has Anthophorine affinities, whereas 
B. fraternus (Smith) arose from some Xylocopine stock seems to me fantastic. 
Euglossa and its allies are perhaps the non-social bees most similar to Bombus. 
If one regards short tongues and malar spaces as primitive, then the serrate mandible 
of Alpigenobombus which accompanies them is surely highly specialized; the habit 
of biting through the base of the corolla can scarcely be primitive. Nevertheless 
a long malar space is practically unknown in any other bee-genus (Michener, 1944 : 
205 otherwise only in Apis, some Trigona, Thrinchostoma, and some Colletes). 

On the grounds of nest-behaviour and brood-rearing, the section Odontobombus 
has been regarded as primitive (Sladen, 1912 : 43; Plath, 1934: 119) but it is 
not certain that structural evolution has necessarily kept pace with evolution of 
social behaviour. The data recorded by Hobbs (1964) make it difficult to construct 
a combined phylogeny. Certain groups of subgenera seem clearly closer to one 
another structurally than to the others ; in the present arrangement such groups 
are: I-2, 6-9, 13--16, 19-20, 23-25, 26-32, 34-35. 

There are certain characters of subgeneric importance which have not been 
previously fully described or which require a scheme of nomenclature. Some terms 
have already been suggested in Richards (1927), others are noted below. 

Measurements were made with a micrometer scale in the microscope eyepiece. 
Since in general only proportions are important the measurements are expressed 
in micrometer units which are equal to 0-073 mm. The following structures have 
been measured, 2 length of malar space, proportions of antennal segments 3 : 4: 5 ; 
§ length of malar space, proportions of antennal segments 3 : 4:5: 8, length x 
greatest width of mid and hind basitarsus. 

While the absolute length of the malar space is given, it is usually best to measure 
it against that of the third antennal segment. I have found it more satisfactory 
to measure its length as in Text-fig. 1 (cd) rather than obliquely (bd) as proposed 
by Kriiger (1920 : 316, fig. B). 

Frons. In the female, on each side of the frons, beside the lateral ocelli, are 
roundish, unpunctured areas (Text-fig. 2). Between these unpunctured areas and 
the eyes, lying along the inner orbit, is often a band of special sculpture. Kriiger 
(1951 : 144) first showed the importance of these areas and it is illustrated by 
Moure & Sakagami (1962 : 85, fig. 1) in several species of Fervidobombus ; the sculp- 
ture is less specific in the males. In some subgenera a furrow, sometimes weak, 
transverses the top of the gena (temples) a little below the dorsal limit of the eyes. 
This will be termed the dorsal furrow of the gena. It is of minor subgeneric importance 
but in some groups it is a specific character of some value. It is best developed 
in Pyrobombus and absent in most Odontobombus. It is weaker in the males. 

The sting. Various authors have pointed out the significance of the inner thick- 
enings of the sting-sheath (= incrustaciones vestibuli aculet). The outer thickenings 
should also be examined, though less significant. The membrane between the 


inner thickenings (presumably in the region of the genital orifice) is often thrown 
into characteristic folds ; there are sometimes blackened patches in the membrane 
and, at least in Pyrobombus, these are not present in virgins and are scars produced 
during copulation by the male (probably by the sagittae) (Cumber, 1949 : 24). 
If the sting is fully extruded over the dorsal side of the abdomen, the sting-sheath 
forms a V of which the point is dorsal. In descriptions, the sting is described in 
this orientation and the essential parts are lettered in Text-fig. 3 (p. 223). 

The male genitalia. The nomenclature of the male genitalia in Hymenoptera 
has been the subject of much controversy and I have earlier indicated a number of 
the alternatives (Richards, 1956). In the present work it has proved most con- 
venient to use the old-fashioned nomenclature. The chief reason for this is that 
Snodgrass (1940 : 59-60) quoting Zander (1900 : fig. 5) gives evidence for believing 
that the lacinia and the squama are parts of one structure, the parameral spine. 
Nevertheless, it is essential for taxonomic purposes to distinguish them and to do 
this the old-fashioned terms seem the best ; once using part of the system it then 
seems best to use the same nomenclatorial scheme throughout (Text-fig. 4). 

Fic. 1. Method of measuring length of malar space. 

Fic. 2. Unpunctured areas (X) of frons of Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus), 9. 


I have only illustrated stings and male sternites and genitalia which have not 
been illustrated before. The scale lines are equal to 1-0mm. for stings and to 
2:5 mm. for the male sternites and genitalia. 

1. ALPIGENOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 

Mastrucatobombus Kriiger, 1917 

9. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line, 
median ocellus almost in a straight line with lateral ones. Frons moderately closely and 
strongly punctured, unpunctured areas large but ill-defined, with some large punctures on 
their outer part, a feebly developed band of fine punctures along the inner margin of eyes. 
Dorsal furrow of gena usually present. Antennal segments 3: 4:5 as 74: 44: 63, segment 
3 about twice to nearly three times as long as broad. Clypeus very transverse, swollen, closely 
but not very coarsely punctured throughout, apical impression very feeble, with rather dense 
punctures. Labral tubercles flattened, sharply truncate at inner end, furrow wide and deep, 
wider than length of antennal segment 3, lamella wide almost straight. Mandibles strongly 
curved, spoon-shaped, apex with six marginal teeth, incisura deep, no sulcus obliquus. Malar 
space short, very transverse, hardly longer than antennal segment 5 (= 7-73), sometimes 
with some fine punctures. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle more or less distinctly 
acute. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, feebly reticulate, corbicular bristles normal, 
dorsal inner apical angle rather distinctly spinose, hind basitarsus with posterior dorsal angle 
obtusely spinose, surface not densely pubescent but in most species with some long bristles 
arising from lower edge and adjacent disk, especially proximally. Gastral tergite 6 reticulate 
or subrugose, sometimes with a feeble short furrow or very small posterior boss, short hairs 
not conspicuous. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath narrow and hardly widened above, 
inner thickenings a little widened below and gradually narrowed upwards, the degree of widen- 
ing varying, centre or sometimes more of wide part blackened and membrane blackened on 
a lateral lobe projecting down to about mid point. Wings hyaline or in eastern species blackish. 

dg. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying almost on the 
postocular line. Antennae not very long, penultimate segments not curved, segments 3 : 4 : 5:8 
= 7:44:64: 6. Mandibles with a broad ventral and two small dorsal teeth, beard long 
and dense. Malar space transverse, shorter than antennal segment 5 (= 6). Mid basitarsus 
moderately long and parallel-sided (40 x 9), posterior edge with quite numerous long bristles, 
anterior edge also with a few. Hind tibia considerably widened distally, moderately convex, 
shining with large bare distal disk, both edges with very long hairs. Hind basitarsus 40 x 12, 
dorsal apical angle subacute, dorsal edge with a few long bristles. Gastral sternite 6 scarcely 
modified, a little truncate. Gastral sternite 7 wide, widely produced, end somewhat truncate, 
no fenestrae, bristles short and inconspicuous. Gastral sternite 8 strongly produced, produced 
part with sides somewhat convergent, end obtusely angulated, one central line, bristles short 
and dense. Genitalia rather long and narrow, stipes with a deep, wide inner impression; 
sagittae narrow, much wider in side view, especially towards base which is followed by a ventral 
emargination forming a blunt tooth, apex bent down and hooked inwards, hook rather wide, 
tip rounded, outer edge with a narrow nearly straight flange, proximal end of flange projecting 
a little ; spatha with sides strongly converging, at mid-point two and a half to three times as 
wide as sagitta ; squama rounded quadrate or pointed inwards, proximal inner lobe narrow 
and separated from main lobe by a narrow emargination ; lacinia projecting well beyond 
squama, curved, parallel-sided, end emarginate with inner angle acute, with a small bristle- 
tuft ; volsella region with or without dense bristles. 

Illustrations. @ sting—Hazeltine & Chandler 1964: pl. 6. g Gastral sternite 7 and 8— 
Pittioni, 1939a : pl. 3, fig.5 ; Frison, 1935 : figs. 5d, e, 6e, f. Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920 : pl. 6, 
fig. q ; Pittioni, 1939a : pl. 3, fig. 5 ; Frison, 1935 : figs. 5b, 6c. 


2. NOBILIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1933 
(Text-figs. 3-6) 

Skorikov (1933a : 62) published a new subgenus, Nobilibombus, including three 
species, B. nobilis Friese, B. validus Friese, and the later described B. morawit- 
zuides Skorikov. No male was known. No type-species of the subgenus was fixed 
but under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Art. 68(c), B. nobilis 
Friese can be regarded as the type-species by virtual tautonymy. 

Friese’s description ( (1904) 1905 : 513) mentions that the mandibles have four 
to five teeth and the species is recorded from several localities in W. China (8 9, 
6%). On p. 510, B. validus is stated to have untoothed mandibles. Nevertheless, 
in the review of palearctic species (pp. 516-523), he places (p. 517) B. validus in 
a group with B. mastrucatus Gerstacker which he says has a short malar space and 
toothed mandibles. On the other hand, B. nobilis (p. 519) is placed in a group 
with B. lapidarius (Linnaeus) among the species in which the mandibles are un- 
toothed. Dr. B. Tkalcti has seen a “type 2”’ of B. nobilis from Friese’s collec- 
tion and it is a species of subgenus Melanobombus von Dalla Torre [= B. pyrosoma 
Morawitz, 1890 ssp. hénet Bischoff, 1936]. It seems quite likely that Friese’s 
series was mixed and that this led to the confusion already noted in the description. 
It seems difficult to believe that Skorikov could have erected the subgenus Nobili- 
bombus for species with toothed mandibles and with malar space longer than in 
Alpigenobombus, unless most of Friese’s specimens (now at Leningrad) had these 
characters. Unfortunately it has not proved possible to examine the whole series 
or indeed any specimen other than the one retained by Friese. 

The characters of the subgenus given below are taken from B. sikkimi Friese 
and its differentiation from other subgenera will be seen in the keys (pp. 260, 265). 

Q. Ocelli separated by about three diameters from eyes, lying well in front of the postocular 
line, median ocellus almost in line with the lateral ones. Frons with fine and indistinct though 
fairly numerous punctures, especially along inner margins of eyes, unpunctured areas small 
and ill-defined. Dorsal furrow of gena present but usually very weak. Antennal segments 
3:4:5 = 10$:5: 7, segments 3 about three times as long as wide in centre. Clypeus about 
quadrate, rather swollen, with scattered sparse punctures of variable size, apical impressions 
moderate, with rather close, large punctures. Labral tubercles considerably raised, angulated 
at inner end, shining and coarsely punctured, furrow rather narrow, less wide than length of 
antennal segment 3, lamella nearly straight, almost as wide as a tubercle. Mandibles with 
six apical teeth, the ventral one at bottom of the incision large and directed downwards, almost 
at right angles to the others, no sulcus obliquus. Malar space quadrate, longer than antennal 
segment 3 (= 15). Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle spinosely produced, whole surface 
with relatively long bristles and on basal half with very long, obliquely erect ones. Hind 
tibia with corbicular surface bare, very feebly reticulate, corbicular bristles normal, dorsal 
inner apical angle scarcely produced. Hind basitarsus posterior dorsal angle acute, surface 
rather densely pubescent, dorsal edge with moderately short dense bristles, ventral part of 
disk and lower edge with long bristles, especially on basal half, almost like those of corbicle. 
Gastral tergite 6 somewhat truncate. Characters of sting (Text-fig. 3) essentially similar to 
Alpigenobombus. Wings subhyaline. 

g. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying about on the 
postocular line. Antennae not very long, penultimate segments not curved, segments 3 : 4: 5 
:8 = 74:54:7:7. Mandibles with a distinct ventral and two small dorsal teeth, the most 


dorsal one not very distinct, beard long and dense. Malar space distinctly longer than broad, 
longer than antennal segments 2 + 3 but shorter than 3 + 4 (= 12). Mid basitarsus long 
and parallel-sided (45 x 11), margins especially posterior one with many long hairs. Hind 
tibia distally a little concave with a large bare disk, both margins and proximal half of disk 
with very long bristles, at least twice as lorg as its greatest width. Hind basitarsus 50 x 13, 
dorsal apical angle just acute, surface with dense, tomentum-like hairs and on disk many very 
long bristles especially on margins. Gastral sternite 6 with apical margin rounded and a little 
thickened with a dense short postapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 (Text-fig. 4) very widely 
crescentic (i.e. long in longitudinal direction), no lines or fenestrae, one long bristle on each side. 
Gastral sternite 8 (Text-fig. 5b) strongly produced, sides feebly convergent, distal angles almost 
rounded, apex truncate or feebly curved, no fenestrae but distal half with two lines enclosing 
a very narrowly pyriform area, surface with dense short bristles. Genitalia (Text-fig. 6) large 
and rather long, stipes with a wide sharply defined impression, sagittae narrow, much wider 


Fics. 3-6. Bombus sikkimi Friese. 3, sting : a, dorsal end of sting ; b, outer thickening 
of sheath, c ; d, inner thickening ; e, folds in membrane. 4, gastral sternite 7 of g ; 
5, gastral sternite 8 of f ; 6, d genitalia, the essential parts labelled. 


in side view with a small ventral tooth at end of postbasal emargination, apex bent downwards 
and hooked inwards, apex of hook just blunt, outer side with a moderate flange which widens 
anteriorly but does not form a tooth ; spatha wide, sides strongly convergent, at centre 2-3 
times as wide as adjacent sagitta ; squama very transverse, inner side much wider than outer 
side, an inner projection forming a rounded-squarish lobe, extending some way beyond the 
stipes, and separated from this a narrow emargination a small proximal lobe ; lacinia extending 
some way beyond the squama, wide, feebly curved and parallel-sided, outer edge raised into 
a keel just inside the edge, apex feebly emarginate, outer corner rounded, inner one forming 
a feeble tooth ; volsellar region with dense, moderately long bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 3. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Text-figs 4 and 5. Genitalia— 
Text-fig. 6. 

HimarayAs (s.l.) (W. INDIA to N. CHINA). 

3. ORIENTALIBOMBUS Richards, 1929 

Q. Ocelli separated by nearly three diameters from eyes, lying well in front of postocular 
line. Frons with a large unpunctured area around the ocelli, only a few fine punctures in 
front of each lateral ocellus and some rather fine punctures along inner margins of eyes. Dorsal 
furrow of gena sometimes feebly developed posteriorly. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 10: 
64 : 74, segment 3 about two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, swollen, 
little punctured, apical impressions feeble, little punctured. Labral tubercles angularly con- 
vex but not specially so at inner angles, furrow wide, wider than length of antennal segments 
2 + 3, lamella wide, nearly straight. Mandibles with no incisura, salcus obliquus well-marked 

Fics. 7-12. Stings of 7, Bombus funerarius Smith ; 8, B. mendax Gerstacker ; 9, B. vorticosus 
Gerstacker ; 10, B. pressus (Frison) ; 11, B. eximius Smith ; 12, B. robustus Smith. 


(weaker in B. funerarius Smith). Malar space very long, longer than antennal segments 2 + 3 
(= 19). Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle obtuse. Hind tibia with corbicular surface 
bare, surface not reticulate, corbicular bristles normal, dorsal inner apical angle rather obtusely 
produced. Hind basitarsus broad, slightly narrowed to the apex, dorsal apical angle just 
acute, surface with fine bristles not dense, marginal bristles short and dense. Gastral tergite 
6 sometimes with a feeble posterior furrow, its short hairs directed inwards. Sting with outer 
thickenings of sheath of moderate, even width, inner thickening moderately widened below 
and narrowing gradually above, lower part of inner edge blackened for a considerable distance 
and the adjacent membrane also blackened. Wings dark. 

g. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of 
postocular line. Antennae very long, penultimate segments each a little curved, segments 
3:4:5:8 = 74: 84: 113: 13. Mandibles with a broad ventral and one small dorsal tooth, 
beard long and dense. Malar space much longer than broad, a little longer than antennal 
segments 2 + 3 but shorter than 3 + 4 (= 134), or in B. funerarius Smith a little longer than 
3 + 4 (= 14), not punctured. Mid basitarsus long and broad (48 x 13), fringes short. Hind 
tibia considerably widened and flattened distally, disk bare, fringes moderately dense but only 
a few bristles as long as maximal tibial width (fringes longer in B. funevarius Smith). Hind 
basitarsus 49 X 15, apical angle just acute, hairs of surface not dense, fringes short. Gastral 
sternite 6 with end thickened and recurved, especially on central quarter, followed by a mem- 
brane and a long, rather dense fringe, still longer at each side. Gastral sternite 7 forming a 
wide transverse band with anterior and posterior margins subparallel, latter feebly bisinuate, 
surface with sparse, scattered, short bristles. Gastral sternite 8 in the form of narrow band 
produced into a very wide tongue-shaped process, sides slightly rounded and angles just rounded, 
apex very feebly emarginate, surface densely covered with short bristles, three small fenestrae 
on mid-line (except in B. funerarius Smith). Genitalia very large and rather elongate, stipes 
broad with a wide, fairly well-defined impression ; sagittae narrow and very little wider in 
side view, with a strong recurved tooth near mid-point beneath, apex somewhat downcurved, 
ending in a long point, with a very slight flange on outer edge ; spatha narrow, hardly wider 
than sagitta ; squama large, transverse, somewhat wider on inner than outer-side, projecting 
in a little past the stipes, all angles rounded ; lacinia mostly narrow, parallel-sided, curving 
inwards, projecting well beyond squama, apex curved over inwards and truncate, dorsal 
corner acute, from base of lacinia and hidden by the squama arises a long, complex, pointed 
process ; or, in B. funerarius Smith, lacinia forms a long acute process and beneath the 
squama bears a small equilateral triangular process ; volsella region with dense, moderately 
long hairs. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1929: fig. 3; Text-fig. 7. Gastral sternites 7 and 8— 
Frison, 1935 : figs. 4d, e, b, 7d, e ; Richards, 1929: fig. 1. Genitalia—Richards, 1929 : fig. 
3; Frison, 1935 : fig. 7c. 

HIMALayas, S.W. CHINA. Bombus funerarius Smith (¢ = Bremus priscus Frison, 
1935) is unusually distinct but probably best included. 

4. KALLOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 
Soroeensibombus Vogt, 1911 

Q. Ocelli separated by rather more than three diameters from eyes, lying almost behind 
the postocular line. Frons rather closely but not very strongly punctured, unpunctured areas 
small but well-defined, a wide band of fine punctures along inner margins of eyes. Dorsal 
furrow of gena just indicated. Antennal segments 3:4:5 = 7:5 :5%, segment 3 about 
twice as long as broad. Clypeus rather short and swollen, rather strongly and evenly punctured, 
apical impressions strongly but not more closely punctured. Labral tubercles not much 
raised, moderately angled at inner end, furrow narrow, not as broad as length of antennal 
segment 3, lamella short and curved, inconspicuous. Mandibles with no incisura or salcus 

ENTOM, 22, 5. II 


obliquus. Malar space just transverse, a little longer than antennal segment 3 (= 8). Mid 
basitarsus with posterior apical angle obtuse. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, surface 
moderately reticulate, dorsal inner apical angle not produced. Hind basitarsus with dorsal 
angle moderately acute, surface not densely haired, bristles rather short. Gastral tergite 6 
feebly sculptured, rather shining. Sting with outer thickening of sheath moderately wide, 
especially above, inner thickenings widening rather strongly upwards to above middle, then 
suddenly narrowed, wide part a little blackened at its edge, no black spots in membrane but 
a slight dorsal fold. Wings evenly but not strongly infuscate. 

g. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by fully three diameters from eyes, lying just behind 
the postocular line. Antennae, long, penultimate segments each a little curved, segments 
3:4:5:8 = 44:54:63: 7. Mandibles with a broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard 
long and dense. Malar space quadrate, longer than antennal segments 2 + 3, shorter than 
3 + 4 (= 7), not punctured. Mid basitarsus not very long, nearly parallel-sided but a little 
narrowed at each end (37 x 8), fringes short. Hind tibia moderately convex, with a consider- 
able shining, nearly bare disk, fringes long, especially the dorsal one. Hind basitarsus 34 x Io, 
considerably narrowed at base, apical angle just acute, fringes short. Gastral sternite 6 a 
little produced on central quarter, not recurved, scarcely thickened, with a short postapical 
fringe. Gastral sternite 7 strongly produced, sides of produced part with a large submem- 
branous, transparent area, apex shallowly emarginate, with a narrow band of dense bristles 
of which some on each side are longer. Gastral sternite 8 produced, production relatively 
narrow and parallel-sided, angles rounded, apex scarcely emarginate, a considerable area of 
dense short bristles, no fenestra but two parallel lines meeting before apex. Genitalia markedly 
elongate, stipes with no real inner impression ; sagittae narrow, bent down at apex, hooked 
outwards, hook forming a sort of half arrowhead, tip rounded (proteus Gerstacker) or pointed 
(sovoeensis (Fabricius)), tip of hook pointed, sagitta also narrow in side view but with a large 
isolated pointed tooth beneath centre ; spatha wide, sides strongly converging, at centre three 
times as wide as sagitta ; squama elongate, almost twice as long as broad, inner edge with a 
shallow emargination, all corners rounded ; lacinia long, curved inwards, projecting well 
beyond squama, apex emarginate, outer corner sharp, inner one forming a curved, feebly 
serrate hook, between them a small tuft of bristles ; volsella regions with dense short hairs. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1927: fig. 54; MHazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 6. 
Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowsky, 1884: fig. 34c; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 2, fig. 6. 
Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920: pl. 7, fig. u ; Richards, 1927 : fig. 54 ; Pittioni, 1939a : pl. 2, fig. 6. 

Europe and adjacent parts of AsIA. 

5. BOMBUS Latreille, 1802< (s.s.) 

Leucobombus von Dalla Torre, 1880 
Terrestribombus Vogt, 1911 

Q. Ocelli separated by nearly three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular 
line. Frons with numerous punctures, mostly fine and coarse mixed, with well-defined un- 
punctured areas and a band of close, mostly fine punctures along inner margins of eyes. Dorsal 
furrow of gena absent or very weak ; a little stronger in B. ignitus Smith. Antennal segments 
3:4:5=9:6:7, segment 3 twice as long as broad. Clypeus short, convex, closely and 
rather strongly punctured throughout and especially closely in the well-marked apical impres- 
sions. Labral tubercles flattened, angled at inner end, furrow narrow, less wide than length 
of antennal segments, lamella short, somewhat curved. Mandibles with a strong incisura 
and moderately distinct sulcus obliquus. Malar space transverse, shorter than antennal seg- 
ments 2+ 3 (=9). Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle obtuse. Hind tibia with 
corbicular surface bare, very weakly reticulate, dorsal inner apical angle distinctly produced. 
Hind basitarsus with dorsal angle just acute, surface densely pubescent, bristles short. Gastral 
tergite 6 feebly sculptured, rather shining. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath narrow but 


broadened dorsally, inner thickenings rather wide and twice emarginate, membrane between 
thrown into central and lateral folds. Wings moderately or in some species strongly infuscate. 

g. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying on the postocular 
line. Antennae of moderate length, segments 3:4:5:8=7:5:6:6%. Mandibles with 
a broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space almost transverse, 
longer than antennal segment 3 but shorter than 2 + 3 (= 9), with some fine punctures. Mid 
basitarsus relatively broad and parallel-sided (46 x 12), fringes short. Hind tibia slightly 
convex but somewhat hollowed out towards dorsal margin, bare after proximal quarter, fringes, 
especially the dorsal one, long. Hind basitarsus 45 x 15, distal angle just acute, fringes short. 
Gastral sternite 6 with margin considerably recurved and thickened and with a dense short 
postapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 very transverse, posterior margin rounded with a central 
emargination, a group of 3—5 long bristles on each side, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 
8 broad, produced, trapeziform, sides strongly converging, apex weakly emarginate with corners 
angled, tufts of long bristles arising near these angles, no lines or fenestrae. Genitalia with 
very slight inner impressions on stipes ; sagittae narrow in dorsal view but undulating and 
widely flaring at apex, in side view very wide, deeply emarginate beneath just after base, apex 
widened and somewhat curved outwards, spatha wide, at least four times as wide as dorsal 
width of sagitta ; squama very transverse with an anterior submembranous inner projection 
separated from the main lobe by a deep emargination, main lobe expanded inwards in a more or 
less trumpet-shaped projection ; lacinia projecting very little beyond squama, end part transverse, 
strongly produced inwards into a process ending in a slight upturned hook, hind margin some- 
what roughened and with dense pubescence ; volsella region with short, rather sparse hairs. 

Illustrations. Sting—Franklin, 1913 : figs. 149, 169, 176 ; Richards, 1927 : fig. 55 ; Tkalct, 
1963: figs. 13-15 ; Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 3. Gastral sternites 7-8—Franklin, 
1913 < figs. 411, 313, 128,135; Richards, 1927 ; ‘figs,.21, 23; Pittioni,.1930a + ‘pl..3; fig: 2. 
Genitalia—Franklin, 1913: figs. 119, 120; Richards, 1927: figs. 15-27; Kriiger, 1920: 
pl. ‘vu t; Pittioni, 19390a : pl. 3, fig. 1: 

Hovarctic and parts of S.E. and S.W. Asia. 

6. FRATERNOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

. Ocelli separated by two diameters from eyes, lying well in front of postocular line. Frons 
shining, mostly with rather fine not very close punctures, fine and very close in an area behind 
the ocelli and coarser and less close in front of them, unpunctured areas large and ill-defined, 
no distinct band of denser fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena 
absent. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 10: 5 : 6}, segment 3 twice as long as broad. Clypeus 
short, transverse, swollen but rather flattened on ventral third, with large but rather sparse 
and shallow punctures except on disk below, punctures close and deeper in a large region sur- 
rounding the apical impressions which are themselves feeble and ill-defined. Labrum with 
strongly convex tubercles forming smooth rounded knobs at inner end, furrow deep, a little 
wider than length of antennal segment 3, lamella strongly curved, half as wide as labrum. 
Mandibles with no incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space very transverse, about 
as long as antennal segment 5 (= 7). Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle rounded. 
Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, not reticulate, dorsal fringe unusually short and dense, 
mostly shorter than half apical width of tibia, dorsal inner apical angle long and acute. Gastral 
tergite 6 granulate with a subapical somewhat flattened shining triangle. Sting with outer 
thickenings of the sheath narrow and of even width, inner thickenings considerably widened 
and blackened on lower third, then very narrow, membrane not differentiated. Wings evenly 
dark fuscous. 

3g. Eyes considerably swollen and reaching nearer to occipital margin than usual, ocelli 
separated by less than } diameter from eyes, very far in front of postocular line. Antennae 
rather long, segments 3: 4:5:8=9:5:7:8. Mandibles with one broad ventral and one 
smaller dorsal tooth, beard feeble, very short. Malar space absolutely linear, shorter than 


antennal segment 2 (= 24). Mid tibia wide, flattened, longitudinally hollowed out beneath. 
Mid basitarsus long, parallel-sided (66 x 15), posterior fringe short and dense. Hind tibia 
convex, mostly densely hairy but with a more posterior streak which is shining, with sparse 
short hairs, both fringes very short. Hind basitarsus 65 x 17, long, narrow, parallel-sided, 
distal angle a right angle, fringes short. Gastral sternite 6 flattened with a feeble preapical 
transverse thickening. Gastral sternite 7 very large, trapeziform, almost quadrate, apex with a 
deep semicircular emargination covering more than half its width, a wide band of very short 
dense bristles on each side, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 large, strongly produced, 
apex with recurved corners and margin weakly trisinuate, a moderate patch of short bristles 
on each side, two parallel lines on disk posteriorly. Genitalia large and elongate, inner im- 
pressions of stipes distinct but rather narrow ; sagittae narrow and not much wider in side 
view, no tooth beneath, apex hooked inwards and outer side of hook considerably expanded 
by a flange which is hardly perceptibly serrate ; spatha narrow, hardly wider than sagitta 
except right at base ; squama rather long, outer and posterior margins forming a continuous 
curve, inner margin with a strong emargination forming a rather blunt projecting hook at 
anterior inner end ; lacinia elongate, projecting some way beyond squama, pointed, outer edge 
raised and thickened, inner edge flattened, thin and approximately straight, irregularly crenate, 
short haired. Volsella region bare. 

Illustrations. Sting—Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 2. Gastral sternites 7 and 8— 
Franklin, 1913 : figs. 1, 22. Genitalia—Franklin, 1913 : figs. 71, 87. 


7. CONFUSIBOMBUS Ball, 1914 

Sulcobombus Kriiger, 1917 
Confusobombus Kriiger, 1917 

9. Ocelli separated by about two and a half diameters from eyes, lying well in front of 
postocular line. Frons mostly closely and rather finely punctured, unpunctured areas well- 
defined, a wide band of close fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of 
gena absent. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 11 : 54: 5%, segment 3 between three and four 
times as long as broad. Clypeus moderately elongate, strongly swollen but with a wide flattened 
disk, closely and finely punctured, even more closely on lower third, apical impressions ill- 
defined but closely punctured. Labrum with tubercles little raised, much rounded, furrow 
wide and shallow though not quite so wide as length of antennal segment 3, lamella small, 
inconspicuous, curved. Mandibles with no incisura, sulcus obliquus moderately strong. Malar 
space a little longer than broad (= 11), a little longer than antennal segment 3. Mid basitarsus 
with posterior apical angle rounded. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, moderately 
reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle short but pointed. Gastral tergite 6 moderately shining, 
finely granulate. Sting with outer thickenings of the sheath rather narrow but a little broader 
above than below, inner thickenings very narrow, intervening membrane convex above and 
sending to centre a large blackened lobe on each side. Wings evenly but not strongly infuscate. 

6. Eyes swollen, temples narrow, ocelli separated by rather more than one diameter from 
eye, far in front of postocular line. Antennae short, segments 3:4:5:8=7: 34:4: 6. 
Mandibles with a broad ventral and a small dorsal tooth, beard moderately long and dense. 
Malar space strongly transverse, shorter than antennal segment 3 (= 54), almost unpunctured. 
Mid basitarsus moderately long and parallel-sided (= 42 x 10) posterior fringe about as wide 
as tarsus. Hind tibia thick and rather clavate, convex, surface punctured and cross-striate 
with short hairs on its whole surface, fringes long dorsally, mostly short ventrally. Hind 
basitarsus 37 X 12, moderately broad and narrowed to base, apical dorsal angle rounded, 
dorsal fringe long, ventral one short. Gastral sternite 6 strongly recurved, a little thickened 
and emarginate. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic but considerably produced into a rounded 
triangle, with a band of scattered short bristles well before apex, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral 
sternite 8 generally crescentic, little produced, feebly truncate, angles rounded, one long black 


bristle only from a black spot on each side, no lines, two minute oval fenestrae on disk. Geni- 
talia small, pyriform ; stipes very broad with deep sharp-edged impressions covering less than 
half their width ; sagittae in dorsal view moderately narrow, dorsal half pale on apical half, 
at mid point with a lateral, somewhat ventral, tooth, beyond this finger-shaped, hardly nar- 
rowed, feebly serrate externally, considerably bent down, in side view at least twice as wide 
as in dorsal view, somewhat narrowing distally ; spatha very wide, at centre five times as 
wide as sagitta, but strongly narrowing distally ; squama elongate, bent into a V-shaped plate, 
the spine of the V forming the outer edge, the inner edge having dorsal and ventral plates, spine 
subacute distally, lower plate with posterior and inner edge rounded together, upper plate 
with a feeble bilobed process adjacent to stipes ; lacinia long, pointed, inner edge opposite 
end of squama produced into a stout, backward-curving tooth, outer edge with short stout 
dense bristles, inner edge with similar but less dense and stout bristles ; volsella region with 
a moderate number of not very long and stout bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 5. Gastral sternites 7 and 8— 
Radoszkowsky, 1884: 42c; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 4, fig. 2. Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920: pl. 
7, fig. r ; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 4, fig. 2. 


8. MENDACIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 

Q. Ocelli separated by two and a half diameters from eyes and lying just in front of post- 
ocular line. Frons finely and rather closely punctured, unpunctured areas well-defined, of 
moderate size, a band of fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena 
sometimes feebly indicated. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 11: 4:5, segment 3 nearly four 
times as long as broad. Clypeus very elongate, swollen, feebly punctured, apical impres- 
sions feeble and little punctured. Labrum with tubercles little raised, smooth and rounded, 
gradually narrowed and depressed inwards, furrow very wide and ill-defined, perhaps better 
described as a transverse furrow both above and below the little raised tubercles, lamella wide, 
straight. Mandibles with no incisura or sulcus obliquus. Malar space very elongate (= 14), 
longer than antennal segments 2 + 3. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle rounded. 
Hind tibia with basal half of corbicular surface covered with bristles, bare part densely reticulate, 
dull, inner dorsal apical angle not produced, hind basitarsus with long bristles on dorsal edge. 
Gastral tergite 6 shining, moderately closely and strongly punctured. Sting with outer thicken- 
ings of sheath very narrow, inner thickening also very narrow, not blackened, membrane 
undifferentiated. Wings evenly but very little infuscate. 

g. Eyes considerably swollen and reaching back to near the occipital margin, ocelli separated 
by one diameter from eyes, far in front of postocular line. Antennae rather long, segments 
3:4:5:8 = 124: 44:6: 64, segment 3 at least four times as long as broad. Mandibles 
rather wider than usual, ending in a single wide tooth only in B. mendax Gerstacker but with 
a smaller, more dorsal tooth in some Asiatic species, beard long and dense. Malar space very 
elongate, just shorter than antennal segment 3 (= 11), practically unpunctured. Mid basi- 
tarsus moderately long and broad (= 41 x 10), fringes mostly short but a few long bristles 
near base. Hind tibia slightly convex, rather dull, whole surface covered with not very close 
short feathered bristles, fringes very long. Hind basitarsus 34 x 15, rather short and broad, 
dorsal margin with many long hairs, apical dorsal angle rounded-acute. Gastral sternite 6 a 
little truncate with dense short pale pubescence along apex. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic 
with a wide produced piece which is about two and a half times as wide at apex as long, sides 
considerably converging, margin widely membranous, whole surface with scattered, mostly 
short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 produced in centre into a large sub- 
quadrate piece of which the sides are feebly rounded, apex rather deeply emarginate, surface 
with dense short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Genitalia with stipes short and stout with 
very slight inner impression ; sagittae rather narrow on proximal half, still more so distally 
where eventually pointed, in side view bisinuate and very little wider, margin weakly crenate 
a little before apex, apical half on inner side with distinct hairs ; spatha moderately wide, 


rather more than twice as wide as basal part of sagitta ; squama stout and dark, not produced 
inwards, in half side view quadrate with rounded angles, a little longer than broad ; lacinia 
elongate, projecting some way beyond squama, rounded-pointed with inner edge more truncate 
or a little concave, with stout, curved, rather short bristles on its outer edge ; volsella region 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 8. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 4, fig. 3. 
Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920: pl. 7, fig.s ; Pittioni, 1939: pl. 4, fig. 3. 

High mountains of EuRoPE and ASIA. 

9. BOMBIAS Robertson, 1903 

Nevadensibombus Skorikov, 1922 

Q. Ocelli separated by rather more than two diameters from eyes and lying far in front 
of postocular line. Frons moderately finely and closely punctured, unpunctured areas large 
and ill-defined, a band of fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena 
absent. Antennal segments 3:4:5 = 11:5: 6, segment 3 three times as long as broad 
or rather less. Clypeus elongate, strongly swollen, especially dorsally, finely and evenly punc- 
tured, apical impressions feeble and scarcely more punctured. Labrum with tubercles wide 
and much flattened, furrow ill-defined and shallow but essentially narrow, lamella very wide 
with a shining thickened edge, surmounted by dense pubescence. Mandibles with no incisura 
and a feeble sulcus obliquus. Malar space about quadrate (= 12-15), a little longer than antennal 
segment 3. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle rounded. Hind tibia with corbicular 
surface bare, weakly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle feebly produced, hind basitarsus with 
only short pubescence. Gastral tergite 6 finely granulate, rather dull. Sting with outer 
thickenings of sheath a little wider above than below, inner thickenings rather narrow, of almost 
even width throughout, edge recurved especially below, membrane undifferentiated except 
for some lateral blackening below. Wings infuscated. 

3g. Rather large, eyes strongly swollen, temples narrow, ocelli separated by one quarter 
their diameter from eye, very far in front of postocular line. Antennae rather long, segments 
3:4:5:8 = 84: 44:5:5, penultimate segments not curved. Mandibles with a broad 
ventral and a small dorsal tooth, beard very sparse. Malar space very transverse (= 5), about 
as long as antennal segment 5, with a few microscopic punctures. Mid basitarsus long and 
broad (48 x 13), posterior apical angle rounded, dorsal fringe long. Hind tibia considerably 
clavate, somewhat concave, moderately shining but strongly cross-striate, whole surface with 
moderately numerous, very short hairs, fringes short. Hind basitarsus (47 x 17), dorsal 
fringe long, apical dorsal angle rounded. Gastral sternite 6 somewhat depressed with apex 
recurved, with a dense short fringe. Gastral sternite 7 broadly produced, sides anteriorly 
diverging, apex truncate, feebly emarginate, angles moderately distinct, a distal patch of very 
short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 broadly triangular (no tongue-like 
projection), apex deeply emarginate and with a U-shaped line defining a still deeper mem- 
branous area which is not actually emarginate, two apical patches of short bristles, no other 
lines or fenestrae. Genitalia with stipes broad at apex, inner impressions hardly developed ; 
sagittae in dorsal view narrow, a little downcurved, posterior third outwardly feebly serrate, 
apex more or less pointed (no hooks or flanges), in side view hardly wider, no ventral tooth or 
emargination ; spatha very wide, five times as wide as sagitta, only narrowing just before 
its end ; squama large, subquadrate, sloping obliquely downwards laterally, all angles rounded ; 
lacinia relatively narrow, projecting far beyond the squama, apex subtruncate with a slight 
hook at inner end, whole surface and outer and inner margin with short, rather dense hairs ; 
no long bristles in volsellar regions. 

Illustrations. Sting—Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 2; Franklin, 1913: fig. 151. 
Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Franklin, 1913: figs. 100, 124, 136, 139. Genitalia—Franklin, 
1913 : figs. 73, 82, 83. 


10. SEPARATOBOMBUS Frison, 1927 

2. Ocelli separated by two diameters or rather less from eyes and lying well in front of 
postocular line. Frons rather strongly and closely punctured, unpunctured areas small and 
well-defined, a band of fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena 
absent. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 9: 44: 54, segment 3 twice as long as broad. Clypeus 
rather long and swollen, finely and moderately closely punctured, apical impressions feeble, 
more closely punctured. Labrum with tubercles, flattened, angled at inner end, furrow wide 
and deep, nearly as wide as length of antennal segment 3, lamella wide, curved. Mandibles 
with no incisura but with a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space short and transverse (= 8), 
shorter than antennal segment 3. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle rounded. Hind 
tibia with corbicular surface bare, distinctly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle distinctly 
but not strongly produced, hind basitarsus with only short pubescence. Gastral tergite 6 
shining, feebly granulate. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath moderately wide both above 
and below, inner thickenings rather strongly widened on lower third, then narrowed in a smooth 
curve and thence upwards of an even width, a little blackened where it narrows, membrane 
projecting above and produced downwards on each side into an elongate-oval lobe which is 
blackened at the end. Wings infuscate at tip or throughout. 

3g. Rather large, eyes swollen, temples rather narrow, ocelli separated by two thirds their 
diameter from eyes, far in front of the postocular line. Antennae rather long, segments 
3:4:5:8 = 74:5%4:7: 74, penultimate segments scarcely curved. Mandibles with a 
broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space very short and 
transverse (= 34), hardly longer than antennal segment 2, shorter than 4, hardly punctured. 
Mid basitarsus long and parallel-sided (45 x 94), posterior apical angle rounded, fringes short. 
Hind tibia not very convex, dull and alutaceous, large disk almost completely bare, dorsal 
fringe long. Hind basitarsus (42 x 10) dorsal fringe long, fully twice as long as tibial width, 
apical dorsal angle a rounded right angle. Gastral sternite 6 with apex a little thickened, 
not recurved, with short dense postapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 trapeziform, apex very 
feebly emarginate, corners rounded but slightly projecting, a large area of short dense bristles, 
no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 subtriangularly produced, sides strongly converging, 
apex a little rounded, almost pointed, a large area of dense, short bristles, with two parallel 
lines which meet at centre and then proceed back as one line, no fenestrae. Genitalia rather 
broad, stipes with wide but very poorly defined impressions ; sagittae in dorsal view narrow, 
apex curved downwards, widely hooked inwards, tip of hook not really acute and its outer 
edge with a slight flange, in side view about twice as wide, with no ventral tooth or emargina- 
tion, spatha small, sides strongly converging, at its centre two and a half times as wide as 
sagitta ; squama small, transverse, rounded-triangular, with a small inner process separated 
by a shallow emargination where it joins the stipes ; lacinia short, only just projecting beyond 
the squama, with an acute outer angle and a moderate inner curved hook ; volsella region 
with dense, short, bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 2. Gastral sternites 7 and 8— 
Franklin, 1913 : figs. 31, 127, 129, 134. Genitalia—Franklin, 1913: figs. 85, 86, 89, 9o. 


11. CROTCHIIBOMBUS Franklin, 1954 

. Ocelli separated by somewhat less than two diameters from eyes, lying well in front 
of postocular line. Frons rather sparsely punctured in region of ocelli except for a densely 
punctured quadrate area immediately behind them, unpunctured areas very ill-defined, a 
number of very fine but not very close punctures between them and the eyes, nearer the latter. 
Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal segments 3: 4:5 = 10:6: 64, segment 3 just 
longer than twice as long as broad. Clypeus short, rather strongly swollen, with not very close 
but general punctures, mostly rather small but some large, apical impressions strong, very 


closely punctured. Labrum with tubercles moderately convex, laterally flattened, inner end 
angled, furrow deep but narrower than length of antennal segment 3, lamella curved, moderately 
broad. Mandibles with a feeble incisura and a rather weak sulcus obliquus. Malar space 
transverse (= 9), a little shorter than antennal segment 3. Mid basitarsus with posterior 
apical angle feebly angled. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, feebly reticulate, corbi- 
cular hairs not short and dense as in B. fraternus (Smith), inner dorsal apical angle strongly 
produced, hind basitarsus with short pubescence. Gaster with pubescence short but not 
closely appressed as in Fraternobombus, tergite 6 moderately shining and coarsely rugose. 
Sting with outer thickenings rather wide but somewhat narrow in centre, inner thickenings 
widening for a short distance below, but then rather suddenly narrowing again and remaining 
of even width to dorsal end, lower part considerably darkened, intervening membrane apparently 
not differentiated but a blackened convex area near the narrowing of the inner thickenings. 
Wings evenly infuscate. 

6. Rather large, eyes large and swollen, ocelli separated by half a diameter from eyes, 
lying far in front of postocular line. Antennae long, segments 3: 4:5: 8 = 8}: 63:94: 9. 
Mandibles with a broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space 
very short and transverse (= 5), shorter than antennal segment 4, not punctured. Mid basi- 
tarsus very long and narrow (52 x 9), posterior apical angle rounded, fringes short. Hind 
tibia narrow, especially at base, gently convex, shining, with sparse short hairs throughout, 
dorsal fringe rather sparse but nearly as long as apical width of tibia. Hind basitarsus (52 x 
13), dorsal apical angle a rounded right angle, dorsal fringe not dense but nearly twice as long 
as its width. Gastral sternite 6 a little thickened but not reflexed subapically, thickening 
truncate in centre, a short dense subapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 in the form of a wide, 
curved, transverse band, fore and hind margins nearly parallel, a large patch of short dense 
bristles on each side, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 a narrow band, strongly pro- 
duced into a tongue-shaped process, sides slightly convergent, angles rounded, apex approxi- 
mately straight, most of surface with dense, short bristles, two parallel lines and a small, sub- 
apical fenestra. Genitalia large, stipes rather long and broad with a wide, well-defined, inner 
impression. Sagitta narrow, slightly less so in side view, no ventral tooth, end hooked inwards, 
end of hook narrow and pointed, whole hook elongate, outer side with a slight flange which 
does not end anteriorly in a tooth. Spatha broad, sides very rapidly converging, at mid point 
three times as wide as sagitta. Squama rounded triangular, moderately large, with a small 
antero-internal process separated from the rest by a narrow emargination, process wide in the 
transversely dorso-ventral plane. Lacinia not much projecting beyond the squama, curved, 
parallel-sided, end emarginate, outer angle produced into a small acute point, inner angle 
forming a small hook, somewhat widened in dorso-ventral plane. No dense bristles on lacinia 
or volsellar region. 

Illustrations. Sting—Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 2. Gastral sternites 7 and 8— 
Franklin, 1913 : figs. 117, 130. Genitalia—Franklin, 1913 : figs. 81, 88. 



Obertobombus Reinig, 1930 

Q. Ocelli separated by two diameters from eyes or rarely fully two and a half diameters, 
lying well in front of postocular line. Frons closely and rather finely punctured, unpunctured 
areas small and well-defined, a wide band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal 
furrow of gena sometimes weakly developed. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 10}: 44:5, 
segment 3 about four times as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, strongly swollen, rather closely 
punctured, even more so in the well-marked apical impressions. Labrum with tubercles rather 
small and convex, furrow not wide, much narrower than length of antennal segment 3, lamella 
nearly straight. Mandibles with no incisura and a well-marked sulcus obliquus. Malar space 
very elongate (= 17), longer than antennal segments 2 + 3, with many fine punctures. Mid 


basitarsus with posterior apical angle somewhat produced. Hind tibia with corbicular surface 
bare, feebly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle rather weakly produced, hind basitarsus with 
short pubescence, dorsal apical angle almost spinose, auricle covered with dense short hairs. 
Gastral tergite 6 rather strongly granulate, usually dull. Sting with outer thickenings of the 
sheath narrow, rarely a little widened above, inner thickenings very little widened below, a 
little blackened near centre in an adjacent membranous lobe, membrane also brown and con- 
vex in a small dorsal area. Wings evenly but not strongly infuscate. 

6. Eyes normally large and swollen with temples narrow, but unmodified in B. sibiricus 
(Fabricius), when enlarged ocelli lying far in front of postocular line ; ocelli separated normally 
by one diameter from eyes, but by two and a half diameters in B. sibivicus (Fabricius). An- 
tennae very long, 3 : 4: 5 : 8 = aboutg: 54: 84: gorin B. sibiricus (Fabricius) 7 : 5 : 94 : 93, 
penultimate segments nearly straight. Mandibles with a broad ventral and a small dorsal 
tooth, beard pale, dense but rather short. Malar space much longer than broad (= c. 9), 
longer than antennal segments 2 + 3, with many fine punctures. Mid basitarsus very long 
and parallel-sided (38 x 8), posterior apical angle acute, fringes very short. Hind tibia not 
very elongate, strongly convex (less so in B. sibivicus (Fabricius) ), hairy, the hairs arising 
from granulate punctures, dorsal fringe very long. Hind basitarsus (40 x 12) dorsal apical 
angle acute, dorsal fringe long. Gaster with short not very close hairs, not very closely punc- 
tured or reticulate. Gastral sternite 6 little modified but usually distinctly emarginate (not 
in B. obtusus Richards). Gastral sternite 7 rounded rectangular with apex widely straight 
truncate, with considerable area of fine short hairs, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 
produced but sides of production strongly converging posteriorly, with a small truncate apex 
and an apical tuft of longish bristles, no fenestrae, lines absent or feebly developed at base. 
Genitalia elongate, rather large ; stipes with a strong (in B. sibivicus (Fabricius) weaker) 
sharp-edged inner impression, half its width ; sagitta narrow, dorsal half submembranous, 
strongly bent down at apex where hooked inwards, hook very long and pointed, no real outer 
flange, sagitta in side view much wider but gradually narrowing to apex, no ventral tooth or 
emargination ; spatha fully twice as wide as sagitta, almost parallel-sided ; squama rather 
long, outer and posterior edges forming a continuous curve, inner edge with a deep oval emar- 
gination leaving a wide, rounded, posterior, inner process and a narrow, acute, anterior one ; 
lacinia projecting some way beyond squama, considerably narrowed and curved inwards 
towards apex which is truncate with inner corner forming a slight hook, apex and outer edge 
with dense short bristles ; volsellar region with very dense, moderately long, stout bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig.9. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowski, 1884 : figs. 44c, 
44d ; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 4, fig. 1. Genitalia—Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 4, fig. 1. 

EASTERN EvuROPE to northern ASIA and mountains of S. ASIA. 


Rufocinctobombus Frison, 1927 

Q. Ocelli separated by rather less than three or (B. rufocinctus Cresson) rather more than two 
diameters from eyes, lying well in front of postocular line. rons closely and rather finely 
punctured, unpunctured areas small and well-defined, a wide band of fine punctures along 
inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena sometimes developed. Antennal segments 
3:4:5 = 8:5: 54 (or B. rufocinctus Cresson 8 : 44: 44), segment 3 about twice as long 
as broad. Clypeus rather swollen, rather closely and evenly punctured or (B. rufocinctus 
Cresson) shining and sparsely and more coarsely punctured, apical impressions rather deep 
or (vufocinctus) small and shallow. Labrum with tubercles rather small and flattened, some- 
what angled at inner end, furrow rather narrower than length of antennal segment 3, lamella 
short and curved. Mandibles with no incisura but with a more or less well-marked sulcus 
obliquus. Malar space just transverse (= 9), a little longer than antennal segment 3 or (B. 
vufocinctus Cresson) distinctly transverse and clearly shorter than segment 3. Mid basitarsus 
with posterior apical angle rounded. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, finely or (B. 


vufocinctus Cresson) more strongly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle produced but not strongly 
so, hind basitarsus with short, not very dense pubescence, dorsal edge strongly curved (except 
B. rufocinctus Cresson). Gastral tergite 6 dull, granulate and sparsely punctured with traces 
of a longitudinal furrow. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath considerably widened above, 
inner thickenings rather strongly widened and somewhat blackened below, two small blackened 
areas in membrane just above the widening, no other folds in membrane. Wings with apex 

3g. Eyes scarcely or (B. rufocinctus Cresson) more distinctly enlarged, ocelli separated by 
two and a quarter diameters from eyes or (B. vufocinctus Cresson) rather less than two diameters, 
just in front or well in front of postocular line. Antennae moderately long, segments 3 : 4 : 
5:8 =6: 44: 74: 7% (in B. rufocinctus Cresson segment 3 nearly as long as 5), penultimate 
segments straight. Mandibles with a broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard dense but 
not very long. Malar space just transverse (= 5), about as long as antennal segment 3, with 
numerous fine punctures. Mid basitarsus moderately long and parallel-sided (= 38 x 9), 
posterior apical angle a rounded right angle, fringes short. Hind tibia moderately clavate, 
disk convex, shining, mostly bare, with small coarse, scale-like cross-striation, dorsal fringe 
long but not dense. Hind basitarsus (384 x 11) with dorsal apical angle rounded but rarely 
acute, fringes short or (B. rufocinctus Cresson) dorsal fringe long. Gaster with dense, relatively 
short hairs. Gastral sternite 6 with its apex somewhat truncate and thickened at the angles. 
Gastral sternite 7 widely crescentic, apical margin rounded with scattered short, coarse bristles, 
apical disk with an area of close fine ones, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 triangularly 
produced, sides not at all parallel, apex somewhat pointed, with a small area of dense, short 
hairs, no fenestra, two parallel lines on disk. Genitalia rather long but not wide ; stipes with 
inner impressions feebly indicated ; sagittae narrow, curved down at end where hooked inwards, 
actual tip of hook a little pointed, no real flange, in side view equally narrow, not widening 
even at base, no ventral tooth ; spatha narrow, hardly widened at base, at centre hardly wider 
than sagitta ; squama transverse though not strongly so, externally more or less rounded, 
distal end feebly emarginate, inner side produced into a strong but not very acute posterior 
point and a very short anterior tubercle, inner margin generally straight-oblique ; lacinia 
projecting far beyond squama, narrow and parallel-sided, curving a little inwards, apex pointed, 
obliquely truncate, a little before apex with close short bristles on both inner and outer side ; 
volsellar region with a group of dense, long bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1927: fig. 57; Hazeltine and Chandler, 1964: pl. 2. 
Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Franklin, 1913 : 55, 122; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 3, fig. 6. Genitalia 
—Kriiger, 1920: fig. 60; Franklin, 1913: figs. 79, 84; Richards, 1927: fig. 36; Pittioni, 
1939a : pl. 3, fig. 6. 

Europe, N. AsitA, N. AMERICA, northern CENTRAL AMERICA. 

14. PYROBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 

Pyrrhobombus von Dalla Torre, 1882 
Poecilobombus von Dalla Torre, 1882 
Pratobombus Vogt, 1911 
Hypnorobombus Q. Pérez, 1927 
Lapponicobombus Q. Pérez, 1927 

This large subgenus includes species which vary much more than usual in the 
length of the malar space ; there is also some variation in the structure of the 
male genitalia. Nevertheless it scarcely seems practical at present to subdivide 
the group. 

Q. Ocelli separated by nearly three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular 
line. Frons mostly shining and rather sparsely punctured, in species such as B. atrocinctus 


Smith with much dense, short, velvety pile, unpunctured areas large and ill-defined, no band 
of fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena always indicated, some- 
times quite strong. Antennal segments 3 : 4: 5 about = 7:4: 54, or, B. atrocinctus Smith, 
74:6: 64, segment 3 hardly twice as long as broad. Clypeus typically moderately long and 
swollen, largely unpunctured, with characteristic deep, well-marked apical impressions con- 
taining many large punctures, in B. atrocinctus Smith these impressions weak and hardly 
punctured. Labrum with tubercles rather flattened, furrow very narrow, narrower than 
length of antennal segment 3, lamella usually short and strongly curved, wider and less curved 
in B. impatiens Cresson. Mandibles usually with a well-marked incisura, no sulcus obliquus. 
Malar space variable, from just longer than broad and a little longer than antennal segment 3, 
to clearly transverse and hardly as long as 3, length varying between 8 and 12 units, not punc- 
tured. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle rounded. Hind tibia with corbicular surface 
bare, shining or moderately reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle feebly or not produced (except 
B. atrocinctus Smith), hind basitarsus with short pubescence. Gastral tergite 6 shining, finely 
rather sparsely punctured or granulate. Sting with outer thickenings of the sheath narrow 
but considerably widened for a short distance dorsally, inner thickenings narrow and not 
much widened below, membrane undifferentiated except for two black central spots (copulation 
scars) in copulated specimens. Wings rather evenly but usually not much darkened. 

6. Typically rather small. Eyes not at all swollen, ocelli separated by at least three dia- 
meters from eyes, lying about on the postocular line. Antennae not very long, segments 
3:4:5:8=6:5: 64: 64, or (B. atrocinctus Smith) segment 5 a little longer (74), penultimate 
segments straight. Mandibles with a large ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and 
dense. Malar space variable as in the 9, from as long as antennal segments 2 + 3 (or shorter) 
to as long as segments 3 + 4, usually with scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus long and 
parallel-sided (32 x 7), still longer in B. atrocinctus Smith (= 46 x 9), fringes short. Hind 
tibia moderately convex, surface moderately shining, with long hairs except on distal third 
where they are short, fringes long. Hind basitarsus (= 33 x 9) apical angle subacute, fringes 
short. Gastral sternite 6 not recurved and hardly thickened at apex, postapical fringe short 
and inconspicuous. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic, not at all produced, with two almost joined 
groups of bristles which are longer on each side, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 strongly 
produced into a subquadrate plate, sides parallel, apex feebly emarginate, angles rounded, 
most of surface covered with short bristles, no lines or fenestrae ; in B. atrocinctus Smith the 
produced part is narrower, with its sides more converging posteriorly, the end forming a rounded 
point. Genitalia typically rather short, not much longer than broad (relatively larger and 
longer in B. atrocinctus Smith) ; stipes rather narrow with effectively no inner impressions ; 
sagittae narrow, bent downwards apically in a rounded right-angle, hooked inwards without 
broad flanges, in side view somewhat wider, emarginate beneath near base, with a small tooth 
at the end of emargination ; in B. atrocinctus Smith the hook is longer with its outer edge 
straighter ; squama very small and subtriangular, mostly in a transverse dorso-ventral plane, 
with a distinct anterior inner process in B. atrocinctus Smith. Lacinia typically very small 
and entirely hidden by the squama but much longer and projecting well beyond it in B. atrocinctus 
Smith, parallel-sided, apex slightly emarginate or with a strong, curved, inner hook in B. 
atrocinctus Smith ; volsellar region normally almost bare but with long dense bristles in B. 
atrocinctus Smith. 

Illustrations. Sting—Franklin, 1913: fig. 172; Richards, 1927: fig. 58; Hazeltine & 
Chandler, 1964: pl. 4. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowski, 1884: fig. 2c ; Franklin, 
1913: figs. 105, 125, 131, 133, 137, 140, 142, 144, 145 ; Frison, 1925: pl. 1, figs. 2, 3 ; Frison, 
1934: figs. 5c, d, 6c, d; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 3, fig. 4. Genitalia—Radoszkowsky, 1884 : 
figs. 2a, b; Franklin, 1913: figs. 64, 65, 67, 190; Frison, 1925: pl. 1, fig. 1; Richards, 
1927 : fig. 37 ; Frison, 1934 : figs. 5a, 6a ; Kriiger, 1920: pl. 6, fig. p ; Pittioni, 1939a : pl. 3, 
fig. 4. 

Europe, AsiA (including Burma and “ Indo-China” and East Indies), N. 


15. MELANOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 

Lapidariobombus Vogt, 1911 
Kozlovibombus Skorikov, 1922 
Tanguticobombus Pittioni, 1939b 

This is another large and varied subgenus. The tip of the gaster almost always 
has red hairs (except most specimens of B. flavothoracicus Bingham). The malar 
space is normally a little longer than broad but markedly so in B. simillimus Smith 
of which the male is unknown. The labrum and other characters of B. tanguticus 
Morawitz are somewhat abnormal but there seems no reason to place it in a separate 
subgenus, at least until the male is known. B. rufofasciatus Smith and its allies 
have the eyes more or less enlarged with the ocelli approximated to them and the 
inner side of the squama more strongly emarginate than usual ; nevertheless it 
does not seem that the group is well enough marked to be treated as a distinct 

9. Ocelli normally separated by nearly three diameters from eye and lying just in front 
of postocular line but in some species separated by not much more than two diameters and 
lying well in front of postocular line. Frons with some large and many fine punctures, un- 
punctured areas rather small and well-defined (larger and ill-defined in B. tanguticus Morowitz), 
a well-marked wide band of fine punctures along inner margin of eye, this band almost ceasing 
behind the level of the mid-point of the ocelli in B. rufofasciatus etc. Dorsal furrow of gena 
usually more or less indicated, absent only in B. incertus Morawitz. Antennal segments 3 : 4: 
5 = 8: 53:6, segment 3 twice as long as broad. Clypeus long (shorter in B. tanguticus), 
rather flattened (more convex in B. rufofasciaticus), rather finely punctured (more punctured 
in B. tanguticus and B. rufofasciatus, and in the first-named the punctures coarser), apical 
impressions feeble and not strongly punctured except in B. tanguticus. Labrum with 
tubercles not much flattened and rather dull, more angular inwardly in B. tanguticus, furrow 
broad, wider than length of antennal segment 5, or deep and narrower and hardly as wide as 
antennal segments in B. tanguticus, lamella moderately wide, little curved. Mandibles typically 
with no incisura and a well-marked sulcus obliquus weak or absent in B. tanguticus, 
B. rufofasciatus and B. keriensis tenellus Friese. Malar space a little longer than broad 
(= 10), a little longer than antennal segment 3, but somewhat longer in B. rufofasciatus 
(as long as antennal segments 2 + 3), or considerably more elongate in B. simillimus and B. 
flavofasciatus Bingham. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle rounded or in B. tanguticus 
distinctly angled. Hind tibia with corbicular surface usually bare exceptionally with some 
short hairs (B. simillimus, B. tanguticus), finely reticulate inner dorsal apical angle not at all 
or very little produced. Hind basitarsus with short pubescence, on surface usually dense 
except in B. tanguticus. Gastral tergite 6 with a raised, more or less rounded, sometimes 
furrowed, largely bare boss, apex in B. rufofasciatus somewhat truncate and emarginate, or in 
B. tanguticus distinctly emarginate. Sting with outer thickenings of the sheath narrow except 
at extreme dorsal end, inner thickenings narrow, a little widened on lower third and then 
narrowed again, not blackened except rather extensively in B. simillimus, or in B. tanguticus 
with whole inner thickenings wider and margin medially quite widely reflexed and dorsally 
shortly blackened, intervening membrane very little blackened laterally or more extensively 
so in B. simillimus. Wings typically not at all darkened, even at the tip, but dark throughout 
in B. simillimus. 

3g. Typically a good deal smaller than 9. Eyes not enlarged and ocelli separated by three 
diameters from eyes and lying just in front of postocular line or (B. rufofasciatus, etc.) eyes 
more or less distinctly swollen (most in B. oculatus Frison) ocelli separated by about two dia- 
meters or less from eyes and lying more or less strongly in front of postocular line. Antennae 
moderately long, segments 3 : 4:5 : 8 = about 7: 4:6: 54, penultimate segments straight. 


Mandibles with a large ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space 
about quadrate (= 7), not quite as long as antennal segments 2 + 3, with some fine, scattered 
punctures. Mid basitarsus rather long, a little convergent at each end (40 x 9, or B. rufofas- 
ciatus 51 X 11), with long hairs on proximal half of dorsal edge and some on disk. Hind 
tibia distinctly convex, dull and reticulate, most of surface with rather sparse, moderately 
long hairs but a considerable bare disk on apical half (absent in B. rufofasciatus) fringes very 
long. Hind basitarsus (= 41 x 11 or B. rufofasciatus 50 x 13), apical angle a rounded right 
angle or B. rufofasciatus, subacute, dorsal margin with some long hairs. Gastral sternite 6 
a little produced, thickened and recurved on central half and here a little emarginate. Gastral 
sternite 7 crescentic with centre of hind margin truncate or emarginate (rather more produced 
in B. rufofasciatus) with a large transverse patch of short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gas- 
tral sternite 8 not much produced posteriorly, broadly subtriangular, somewhat truncate or 
emarginate at apex, angles of truncation rounded, two small patches of bristles on each side, 
a few of the bristles long, no fenestrae but one centralline. Genitalia relatively long and narrow ; 
stipes narrow with no or with weak inner impressions ; sagittae narrow in both dorsal and 
lateral views, no tooth or emargination beneath, end bent downwards and hooked inwards, 
but the hook angular and pointed like a half arrowhead ; spatha long and narrow, sides feebly 
converging, in centre twice as wide as sagitta ; squama small, not quite quadrate, rounded- 
transverse, with small rounded proximal inner projection, or (B. rufofasciatus) squama smaller 
with posterior vertically truncate and smaller broadly triangular proximal inner lobes ; 
lacinia long, projecting some way beyond squama, curved, parallel-sided, and truncate or 
emarginate so that there are two weak angles, in B. rufofasciatus the inner one forming a curved 
hook ; volsellar region with no conspicuous bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1927: fig. 36 [figure on pl. 6 of Hazeltine & Chandler, 
1964 seems to be some wrongly determined species]. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Pittioni, 
1939a : pl. 3, fig. 3 ; Frison, 1933 : figs. 3e, f ; Frison, 1934: figs. 4e,d. Genitalia—Kriiger, 
1920: pl. 6, fig.n; Richards, 1927: fig. 35 ; Frison, 1933: fig. 3c ; Frison, 1934: fig. ga. 


16. PRESSIBOMBUS Frison, 1935 

Q. Ocelli separated by nearly three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular 
line. Frons not very closely or coarsely punctured, part behind ocelli at sides with very close 
fine punctures, temples also with very close, fine punctures, unpunctured areas ill-defined and 
not large, no band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eyes, much of head with dense, 
feathery hairs. Dorsal furrow of gena very weak. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 84}: 5: 6}, 
segment 3 about two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus moderately elongate, little 
swollen, with fairly numerous scattered punctures, mostly small but a few large, apical impres- 
sions well-defined with a few large punctures. Labrum with tubercles angularly raised towards 
inner end where they fall sharply on lower half (less so near clypeus), surface shining with large 
shallow punctures, furrow rather wide and shallow, at least as wide as length of antennal seg- 
ment 3, lamella very inconspicuous, rather short, feebly curved. Mandibles with a feeble 
incisura and no sulcus obliquus. Malar space about quadrate (= 13), about as long as antennal 
segments 2 + 3, not punctured. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle obtuse. Hind 
tibia with corbicular surface bare, rather weakly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle moderately 
produced. Hind basitarsus densely pubescent, lower edge for its whole length and part of 
adjacent disk with long bristles. Gastral tergite 6 slight truncate, with raised boss. Sting 
with outer thickenings of the sheath not wide, but wider above than below, inner thickenings 
wide, widest just above the middle, edge forming a smooth curve, considerably blackened, 
especially near middle, membrane darkened at extreme dorsal end, otherwise undifferentiated. 
Wings moderately, evenly, infuscate. 

3g. Relatively small. Eyes not swollen, temples wide with dense feathered pubescence, 
ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying on postocular line. Antennae moderately 


long, segments 3:4:5:8=7:4:54:6, penultimate segments straight. Mandibles with 
large ventral and small dorsal apical teeth, beard long, dense, pale. Malar space elongate 
(= 94), as long as antennal segments 2 + 3, not punctured. Mid basitarsus (35 x 6$) long, 
narrow, parallel-sided, posterior apical angle a rounded right angle, a few long bristles in dorsal 
fringe. Hind tibia feebly convex, strongly shining, disk bare, fringes very long but rather 
sparse. Hind basitarsus (= 37 xX 10), rather long and narrowed to base, dorsal apical angle 
subacute, dorsal fringe long but sparse. Gastral sternite 6 with apex a little recurved and 
truncate. Gastral sternite 7 unusually strongly produced, apex feebly curved, a large patch 
of short, black-based bristles and a group of long feathered hairs on each side, no lines or 
fenestra ; gastral sternite 8 considerably produced, sides nearly parallel but somewhat con- 
verging posteriorly, apex truncate, angles quite well-marked, a large patch of short bristles, 
two parallel lines joining at centre and proceeding backwards as one, between them a transparent 
area, almost forming a fenestra. Genitalia relatively large ; stipes with a broad, sharp-edged 
inner impression ; sagitta in dorsal view wide at base, narrow after middle, apex moderately 
bent down, feebly hooked inwards with a small, sharp flange, externally with a much larger 
acute flange, in side view wide at base then somewhat emarginate, then widened again and then 
narrowing to apex though still relatively wide, no ventral tooth ; spatha wide, little narrowed 
posteriorly, nearly twice as wide as sagitta, acutely produced between basal inner processes 
of stipes ; squama very unusual in that it is completely fused to the stipes, represented by a 
long, narrow, acute process, directed obliquely backwards and inwards ; lacinia rather elon- 
gate, twisted so that in dorsal view it appears very narrow, apically, from side apex is obliquely 
truncate with dense rather short bristles at tip and along whole inner edge ; volsellar region 
with short moderately dense hairs. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 10. Gastral tergites 7 and 8—Frison, 1935: figs. te, f. 
Genitalia—Frison, 1935 : fig. 1b. 


17. RUFIPEDIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

Very large species. 9.- Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes somewhat in front 
of postocular line. Frons not much punctured, punctures fine, particularly in front of and at 
sides of ocelli, unpunctured area large and ill-defined, some fine punctures along inner margin 
of eyes, much of head with dense velvety hairs as well as bristles. Dorsal furrow of gena 
more or less developed. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 11: 8:9, segment 3 not three times 
but more than twice as long as broad. Clypeus moderately long, swollen, irregularly and 
not very closely or coarsely punctured, apical impressions deep but not closely punctured. 
Labrum with tubercle strongly angled at inner end, furrow moderately distinct, about as wide 
as length of antennal segment 3, lamella wide, little curved. Mandibles with a weak or no 
incisura, no sulcus obliquus. Malar space distinctly longer than broad (= 16), nearly as long 
as antennal segments 4 + 5, feebly punctured ventrally. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal 
corner not angled. Hind tibia with corbicular surface not reticulate, typically with sparse, 
short feathered hairs, dorsal corbicular fringe very dense, dorsal inner apical angle acutely 
produced. Hind basitarsus not densely pubescent. Gastral tergite 6 variable, finely or 
coarsely granulate, apical half keeled, swollen or hollowed out. Sting with outer thickenings 
of the sheath very narrow, more or less distinctly widened above, inner thickenings considerably 
widened below to just above the middle then narrowed again, edge considerably blackened, 
just inside this on each side a very strong, shining, convex fold of the membrane. Wings 
evenly yellowish or infuscate, or darker at tip. 

g. Large but much smaller than 9. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by two and a half 
diameters from eyes, just in front of postocular line. Antennae very long, segments 3 : 4:5: 8 
= 74:64:10: 10, penultimate segments straight. Mandibles with a broad ventral and a 
small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space distinctly longer than broad (= 12), 
a little longer than 2 + 3 but shorter than 3 + 4, almost unpunctured. Mid basitarsus (= 


48 x 11), long and parallel-sided, posterior apical angle rounded, posterior fringe nearly as 
long as its width. Hind tibia not very clavate, flat, shining, with numerous, quite long, feathered 
hairs, fringes long and dense, especially the dorsal one. Hind basitarsus (= 54 x 14) parallel- 
sided, relatively broad, posterior dorsal angle a rounded right-angle, fringes short. Gaster 
with dense, moderately short hairs, tergites closely and rather strongly punctured and strongly 
reticulate. Gastral sternite 6 smooth and shining, central third produced into rounded lobe 
which is a little thickened and reflexed. Gastral sternite 7 widely crescentic, apex shallowly 
curved, with two small groups of short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 very 
transverse, little produced and produced part wide, feebly emarginate at apex, a small apical 
group of bristles, disk with a bi-emarginate thickening. Genitalia with inner impressions of 
stipes large but ill-defined, inner side with a large, pale membranous band, sagitta in dorsal 
view relatively narrow, dorsal half pale and submembranous, lower half darker sclerotised, 
apex bent down and hooked inwards, hook not very long but moderately sharp with a wide 
outer flange on the bend, in side view it is very wide at base but narrows regularly towards 
the apex, with no ventral tooth or emargination, except a slight projection at the base of the 
flange ; spatha almost quite parallel-sided, a little wider than sagitta ; squama small, almost 
entirely developed on the inner side of stipes in an S-like curve with its inner end forming 
a small backwardly directed hook ; lacinia projecting far beyond the squama, broad at base 
with a central membranous area, narrowing to apex which is roundly pointed but sometimes 
irregular, almost bare, tips of lacinia tending to curve inwards and almost meeting ; volsellar 
region entirely without bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 11. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Frison, 1930: figs. 6, 7 ; 
Frison, 1934: figs. 3c, d. Genitalia—Frison, 1930: fig. 5 ; Frison, 1934: fig. 3a. 


Bombus festivus Smith, of which the male and worker have been unknown, seems 
now almost certainly to belong to Pyrobombus (= B. atrocinctus Smith) von Dalla 

18. ALPINOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1914 

Large species. 9. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of or 
on the postocular line. Frons rather feebly punctured, especially behind the level of the 
ocelli laterally, unpunctured areas ill-defined, a rather broad band of very fine sculpture along 
inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena distinct. Antennal segments 3:4:5=9:6:7 
or 8: 5:6, segment 3 twice as long as broad or slightly less. Clypeus moderately long and 
swollen, generally but not very coarsely punctured, apical impressions rather strong, strongly 
and closely or rather closely punctured. Labrum with tubercles flattened, not much angled at 
inner ends, furrow narrow, narrower than length of antennal segment 3, lamella short, curved, 
inconspicuous. Mandibles with no incisura and a weak sulcus obliquus. Malar space longer 
than broad, longest in B. hyperboreus Schonherr (= 16), as long as antennal segments 3 + 4, 
shortest in B. arcticus Kirby (= 12), as long as antennal segments 2 + 3. Mid basitarsus 
with apical dorsal angle a rounded right angle. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, hardly 
reticulate, dorsal inner apical angle shortly and broadly produced. Hind basitarsus not densely 
pubescent. Gastral tergite 6 moderately shining, granulate, sometimes coarsely. Sting with 
outer thicknenings moderately wide, especially above, inner thickenings greatly widened below, 
with two isolated blackened spots (sometimes fused), in the membrane between them. Wings 
if somewhat infuscate, evenly so. 

6. Relatively large. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying on postocular line. Antennae moderately long, segments 3 :4:5:8 = 6$:43:8: 8, 
penultimate segments straight. Mandibles with one broad ventral and one small dorsal tooth, 
beard long and dense. Malar space (= c. 9) about quadrate, a little longer than 2 + 3 but 
shorter than 3 + 4, with scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus (= 38 x 11) moderately 
long, rather broad, somewhat narrowed at base, posterior apical angle a rounded right angle, 


a few long hairs in posterior fringe. Hind tibia rather clavate, with large, bare, convex disk, 
both fringes very long. Hind basitarsus (= 42 x 13), moderately long, rather broad, posterior 
apical angle a rounded right angle, dorsal fringe very long. Hairs of gaster long and shaggy. 
Gastral tergite 6 with apical margin strongly thickened and somewhat recurved, centre feebly 
truncate, postapical fringe weak. Gastral sternite 7 rather narrowly crescentic with two 
separate groups of long bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 produced into a tongue- 
like process, sides very converging posteriorly, almost pointed, a small posterior area of short 
bristles, no fenestrae, sometimes two weak parallel lines on disk. Genitalia relatively elongate ; 
stipes with no inner impressions ; sagitta in dorsal view rather narrow and sinuate, apex 
not bent down, with a preapical flange forming a small tooth, at apex slightly hooked on both 
sides, in side view narrow at base then considerably widened with a large central tooth, a 
smaller tooth beneath the flange, all these details varying somewhat specifically ; spatha 
wide, sides strongly converging, at centre three times as wide as sagitta ; squama large, longer 
than broad, inner and outer sides parallel and the whole structure somewhat bent inwards, 
the inner edge at a lower level feebly serrate, a slight emargination forming a very small process 
next the end of the stipes, details of squama varying specifically ; lacinia very long, projecting 
some way beyond the squama, narrowed but a little before the apex widened again, apex 
slightly emarginate, inner corner produced inwards into a feeble, rounded, serrate lobe ; bristles 
on volsellar area dense but not long. 

Illustrations. Sting—Franklin, 1913 : fig. 173 ; Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl.5. Gastral 
sternites 7 and 8—Franklin, 1913: figs. 115, 123, 165; Richards, 1931: pl. 1; Pittioni, 
1939a:: pl. 3, fig. 3. Genitalia—Franklin, 1913: fig. 173; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 3, fig. 3. 

Atps, ARCTIC EuRASIA and AMERICA, Rocky Mts., Californian Sierras. 

19. ROBUSTOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

Volucellobombus Skorikov, 1922 

@. Ocelli separated by two diameters or rather less from eyes, lying well in front of postocular 
line. Frons with large areas both in front and behind the level of the ocelli without punctures, 
unpunctured areas very large and ill-defined, no band of fine sculpture along inner margin of 
eyes. Dorsal furrow of genera absent. Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 10: 54: 64, segment 
3 rather more than twice as long as broad. Clypeus rather short, strongly swollen, with few 
or only a moderate number of punctures, apical impressions feeble, with a few large punctures 
or with numerous small ones in addition. Labrum with tubercles moderately convex and 
angled at inner end, furrow very wide, about as wide as length of antennal segment 3, lamella 
not wide, curved. Mandibles with a feeble incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar 
space (= Io) distinctly transverse, shorter than or no longer than antennal segment 3. Mid 
basitarsus with the apical dorsal angle hardly less than a right angle. Hind tibia with corbi- 
cular surface dull, densely reticulate (though much more finely than in Mendacibombus), 
proximal third of surface with long bristles, dorsal inner apical corner with a short but acute 
process. Hind basitarsus not densely pubescent but whole surface and margins with much 

oe | 

Fics. 13-14. Bombus robustus Smith. 13, gastral sternite 7 ; 14, gastral sternite 8. 


coarser bristles than usual. Gastral tergite 6 shining, finely granulate. Sting with outer 
thickenings of the sheath moderately broad and of even width, inner thickenings considerably 
widened below, the wide part ending in an emargination defined by two blackened and some- 
what projecting points, the emargination sometimes bounded externally by a small blackened 
line, intervening membrane undifferentiated or raised dorsally into a horseshoe-like fold, a 
little blackened at each end. Wings infuscate. 

$. Relatively small. Eyes rather swollen, temples rather narrow dorsally, ocelli separated 
by a little less than one diameter from eyes, far in front of postocular line. Antennae long, 
segments 3:4:5:8=74:5:8:7, penultimate segments straight. Mandibles with one 
wide bentral and one small dorsal tooth, beard dense, moderately long. Malar space (= 4) 
transverse, about as long as antennal segment 4, scarcely punctured. Mid basitarsus (= 
42. 8) very long and narrow, somewhat narrowed at each end, posterior apical angle completely 
rounded, dorsal margin with very long bristles and a few also on the disk. Hind tibia moderately 
clavate, convex, a little dull and reticulate, with moderately long hairs throughout, fringes 
long, especially the dorsal one. Hind basitarsus (43 x 11) moderately long and broad, some- 
what narrowed basally, posterior apical angle a rounded right angle, posterior margin with 
numerous long bristles. Pubescence of gaster long and shaggy. Gastral sternite 6 with margin 
rounded, scarcely thickened, with a dense, pale postapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 widely 
crescentic, apical margin somewhat truncate, almost no bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral 
sternite 8 with a tongue-like projection with its sides converging and only becoming parallel 
near the apex which is straight, angles rounded, a large apical patch of short dense bristles, 
no fenestra, two lines which converge close to one another posteriorly. Genitalia moderately 
large and elongate ; stipes not curved in at apex, with wide, deep, inner impressions ; sagitta 
in dorsal view narrow, bent downwards and hooked inwards at apex, tip of hook with a long, 
relatively narrow point, outer side with a moderately long and broad, weakly serrate flange, 
in side view with sagitta is only about twice as wide, not widened at base and without a tooth ; 
spatha rather narrow, sides not much converging, about one and a half times as wide in centre 
as sagitta ; squama very transverse but considerably widened inwards, outer edge with a 
considerable rounded-angular projection, considerably narrowed to the actual apex and here 
with a small bristle tuft and a little emarginate with the inner corner produced into a long, 
curved hook ; volsella area with short not very dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig.12. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Text-figs. 13,14. Genitalia— 
Franklin, 1913 : figs. 181, 197. 

Southern C. and S. AMERICA. 

20. RUBICUNDOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

Q. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying a little in front of postocular line. 
Frons rather closely punctured, unpunctured areas large but not well-defined, a well-marked 
band of fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal 
segments 3: 4:5 = 8: 4: 63, segment 3 slightly more than twice as long as broad. Clypeus 
rather short, basal half much swollen, ventral third flattened, whole with numerous punctures, 
mostly large, apical impressions not defined, with close, rather small punctures. Labrum 
with tubercles convex, rather strongly angled at inner end, furrow very narrow, much narrower 
than the length of antennal segment 3, lamella not wide, moderately curved. Mandibles with 
a feeble incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space (= 8) short and transverse, as 
long as antennal segment 3, without any punctures. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal angle 
almost rounded. Hind tibia with corbicular surface rather dull, finely reticulate, proximal 
two fifths with rather sparse bristles on disk, dorsal inner apical corner distinctly produced. 
Hind basitarsus not densely pubescent but for the bristles on the dorsal edge. Gastral tergite 
6 dull, finely reticulate, finely and sparsely punctured. Sting with outer thickenings of the 
sheath very wide, inner thickenings gradually widening upwards from below but soon ending 
in a right-angled truncation, above this widening again in a smooth curve, margins somewhat 

ENTOM. 22, 5. I2 


blackened, intervening membrane forming on each side a somewhat pyriform, convex, deep 
brown lobe. Wings dark. 

6. Of moderate size. Eyes hardly enlarged, ocelliseparated by one and a half diameters from 
eyes lying far in front of postocular line. Antennae not long, segments 3 :4:5:8=6:4: 6} 
: 54, penultimate segments straight. Mandibles with one broad ventral and a narrow dorsal 
tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space transverse (= 5), about as long as antennal segmeut 3, 
unpunctured. Mid basitarsus (= 39 x 84) long, nearly parallel-sided, posterior apical angle 
a rounded right-angle, posterior fringe long. Hind tibia rather clavate, convex and with 
numerous rather long bristles on basal two thirds, apical third bare, weakly reticulate, dorsal 
fringe very long, ventral one much shorter. Hind basitarsus (= 38 x 13) relatively short 
and broad, somewhat narrowed to base, dorsal margin somewhat curved, with a very long 
fringe, posterior apical angle rounded. Hairs of gaster dense and rather uneven, tergites 
closely, rather coarsely punctured and reticulate. Gastral sternite 6 somewhat produced, 
especially over central quarter which is truncate and feebly emarginate, with a small depression 
embracing the truncation and extending a short way forwards. Gastral tergite 7 transverse 
with the central quarter moderately produced, shallowly emarginate, corners angled, with 
two dense tufts of bristles, disk with two suboval fenestrae, on each side of produced part 
with a semioval marginal reticulate area. Gastral sternite 8 subtriangular, the produced 
part with strongly converging sides, apex shallowly emarginate, with dense short bristles, 
disk with two parallel lines. Genitalia elongate, rather large ; stipes with a deep, sharp-edged 
inner impression over two-thirds its width ; sagitta in dorsal view narrow, not much bent 
down at tip, apex acutely pointed, behind this on inner side a small flange leading some way 
to a small inner dorsal tooth, in side view sagitta much wider, gradually narrowing to apex, 
no ventral emargination or tooth ; spatha rather narrow, about one and a half times as wide 
as sagitta, sides sub-parallel ; squama quite large, externally rounded, inner side with a large, 
deep, almost circular emargination, producing internally a wide posterior and a much narrower, 
pointed anterior process ; lacinia not projecting beyond squama, rather wide, apex truncate, 
with a dense tuft of relatively long bristles, inner end forming a small hook ; volsellar area 
with dense, short bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 15. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Text-figs. 16, 17 ; Franklin 
1913: fig. 152. Genitalia—Franklin, 1913: figs. 186, 195. 



Fics. 15-17. Bombus rubicundus Smith. 15, sting ; 16, gastral sternite 7 ; 
17, gastral sternite 8. 

21. COCCINEOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

9. Ocelli separated by two and a half diameters from eyes, lying entirely in front of post- 
ocular line. Frons with rather numerous, not very large punctures, unpunctured areas moder- 
ately large and well-defined but with a wide transverse band of fine punctures across the middle, 
another band of fine and a few large punctures along inner margin of eye, temples with a wide 
unpunctured band next to eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennae with segments 
3:4:5 = 10} : 64: 7, segment 3 just over twice as long as broad. Clypeus a little broader 
than long, not much swollen, with moderately numerous, mostly large punctures over whole 
surface, apical impressions fairly distinct, large, with numerous punctures, some large. Labrum 
with tubercles large, strongly punctured but not angular, furrow wide and rather shallow, not 
quite as wide as length of antennal segment 3, ill-defined, lamella much wider than furrow, 
feebly curved. Mandibles with no incisura or sulcus obliquus. Malar space just transverse 
(= 17), about as long as antennal segments 2 + 3. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle 
about a right angle. Hind tibia with surface dull, finely reticulate, whole surface with scattered 
but quite numerous short, non-feathered hairs, corbicle moderately dense, inner dorsal apical 
angle long, acute. Hind basitarsus with apical dorsal angle just acute, no bristles on margins 
longer than half its width, surface with dense, feathered, black pubescence. Gastral tergite 6 
dull, granulate, apical quarter with a raised boss (almost as in Melanobombus) but divided 
by a deep, well-defined furrow. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath wide dorsally and 

a | 

Fics. 18-20. Bombus coccineus Friese. 18, sting ; 19, gastral sternite 8 ; 20, § genitalia. 


narrow ventrally, inner thickenings moderately widened on ventral quarter, above this narrow, 
not darkened, intervening membrane dark, rather convex dorsally. Wings subhyaline. 

6. Relatively small and narrow ; eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by two diameters 
from eyes, lying distinctly in front of postocular line. Antennae moderately long, segments 
3:4:5:8=74:4:6$: 74, penultimate segments not curved. Mandibles with broad 
ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space about quadrate (= 9), 
not quite as long as antennal segments 2 + 3, unpunctured. Mid basitarsus (= 47 x 12) 
long, narrow, somewhat narrowed at each end, posterior apical angle quite rounded off, posterior 
fringe long but diffuse. Hind tibia moderately widened, surface shining but alutaceous, with 
sparse short hairs, fringes, especially dorsal one, long and dense. Hind basitarsus (= 47 x 
13) moderately long and broad, somewhat narrowed at base, posterior apical angle a rounded 
right angle, dorsal edge with a long, rather dense fringe. Hairs of gaster rather shaggy. 
Gastral sternite 6 a little recurved and thickened at apex with a dense apical fringe. Gastral 
sternite 7 transverse, apex widely emarginate with a small tooth in centre of emargination, 
two large reticulate areas on each side, just connected along posterior margin, two small lateral 
areas of short bristles, no fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 produced in a long, rather narrow, 
mostly parallel-sided tongue, apex truncate, a large apical area of short dense bristles, two 
parallel lines on disk. Genitalia rather short and broad, dull ; stipes wide with a deep wide 
inner impression, basal inner process strong, almost parallel-sided ; sagitta in dorsal view 
narrow, ventral half much more sclerotised than dorsal half, apex bent downwards and hooked 
inwards, hook pointed, inner edge straight (almost a half arrow head) outer side with a narrow, 
very finely serrate edge, sagitta in lateral view twice as wide, no ventral tooth or emargination ; 
spatha about two and a half times as wide in centre as sagitta, sides rather converging ; squama 
short and very transverse, angles rounded, projecting inwards beyond the stipes, a second 
rather thickened inner lobe separated from the posterior one by a narrow emargination ; 
lacinia projecting a short distance beyond squama, generally curved and parallel-sided, a bit 
narrowed at apex but twisting inwards and upwards, actual tip narrow and rounded truncate, 
both inner and outer surfaces with dense short pubescence ; volsellar region with short, not 
very dense pubescence. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig.18. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Text-fig. 19 ; Franklin, 1913 : 
fig. 155. Genitalia—Fig. 20; Franklin, 1913: figs. 185, 191, 192. 

Western S. AMERICA. 

22. FUNEBRIBOMBUS Skorikovy, 1922 

Q. Ocelli separated by two and a half diameters from eyes, lying rather distinctly in front 
of postocular line. Frons quite closely punctured, unpunctured areas large but well-defined, 
a wide band of fine punctures along inner margins of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. 
Antennae with segments 3: 4:5 =9:5: 6, segment 3 nearly two and a half times as long 
as broad. Clypeus short, swollen, with numerous punctures mostly large, apical impressions 
moderately distinct, with close large or moderately large punctures. Labrum with tubercles 
convex, angled at inner end, furrow narrow, clearly narrower than length of antennal segment 
3, lamella little curved, moderately wide. Mandibles with no incisura, ventral corner produced 
into a short, acute process, sulcus obliquus moderately strong. Malar space moderately 
transverse (= 9), about as long as antennal segment 3. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal 
angle almost rounded. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, feebly reticulate, inner dorsal 
apical angle almost spinosely produced. Hind basitarsus with apical dorsal angle just less 
than a right angle, surface unusually bare and shining, bristles nowhere dense or long. Gastral 
tergite 6 shining, on posterior half dull, reticulate and finely and rather closely punctured 
with traces of a feeble longitudinal furrow. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath moderately 
broad, inner thickenings gradually but not very strongly widened below, ending above in 
rounded blackened knob, above this slightly widened again and sending down an ill-defined 
process towards the knob, lower part dark and margin blackened, upper process slightly 
blackened, intervening membrane little differentiated. Wings evenly but not greatly infuscate. 


3. Relatively small ; eyes a little swollen though temples are quite broad, ocelli separated 
by rather less than two diameters from eyes, lying well in front of postocular line. Antennae 
long, segments 3:4:5:8=8:5:7: 7%, penultimate segments hardly curved. Mandibles 
with a broad ventral and a small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space just trans- 
verse (= 6), a little longer than antennal segment 4 but shorter than 5, with scattered fine 
punctures. Mid basitarsus (= 40 x Io) moderately long and parallel-sided, posterior apical 
angle a rounded angle, posterior fringe long. Hind tibia clavate, convex, finely reticulate, 
a little shining, hairy throughout, hairs moderately long and not dense, dorsal fringe long 
and moderately dense, ventral fringe shorter and denser. Hind basitarsus (= 37 x II) some- 
what narrowed at base, posterior apical angle acute but not very sharp, dorsal fringe and 
some discal hairs near it very long, at least twice as long as width of tarsus. Hairs of gaster, 
long, shaggy, not very dense. Gastral sternite 6 hardly thickened or reflexed at apex, slightly 
truncate. Gastral sternite 7 widely crescentic, apex weakly emarginate, with a preapical 
submembranous area and two patches of long bristles before apex, no lines (except some trans- 
verse ones) or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 widely produced, sides of produced part concave 
and considerably diverging anteriorly, apex a little emarginate, an apical patch of dense, short 
bristles, spreading sparsely down each side, two widely separated feebly curved lines, almost 
parallel. Genitalia relatively long and large ; impressions of stipes small and ill-defined ; 
sagittae in dorsal view narrow, curved down at apex almost at apex, curving outwards, then 
inwards but apex scarcely hooked, a distinct serrate preapical outer flange, in lateral view 
sagitta about twice as wide, no ventral tooth or emargination ; spatha rather wide and strongly 
narrowing posteriorly, at centre two and a half times as wide as sagitta ; squama strongly 
transverse, short and rounded off externally, longer but also rounded off internally, inner 
edge emarginate, with a narrow, subacute anterior lobe, not projecting far inwards beyond 
the stipes ; lacinia projecting a moderate distance beyond squama, rather narrow, moderately 
curved inwards, apex with small, inner hook-like projection, outer edge with rather dense 
hairs ; volsellar region without dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 21. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Franklin, 1913: fig. 153 ; 
Text-figs. 22, 23. Genitalia—Franklin, 1913: figs. 178, 180. 

Western S. AMERICA. 

Fics. 21-23. Bombus funebris Smith. 21, sting ; 22, gastral sternite 7 ; 
23, gastral sternite 8. 

Section ODONTOBOMBUS Kriiger 

This group of subgenera has always been rather difficult to deal with and its 
members are on the whole more uniform than those of the previous sections. The 
males are often distinct, though it is not always easy to decide to what level of 
divergence subgeneric rank should be given, but the characters of the females are 
much less pronounced and it is difficult to make a useful key to them. The arrange- 
ment adopted below is provisional ; it seemed, at this stage, it might be better to 
define as many groups as possible ; it would not be difficult later to sink some 
of them. 

23. MEGABOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 
Hortobombus Vogt, 1911 

. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons finely and rather closely punctured, unpunctured areas small and well-defined, a wide 
band of fine sculpture along inner margins of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena occasionally deve- 
loped as in B. gerstaeckeri Morawitz. Antennae with segments 3 : 4: 5 = 10}: 5 : 6, segment 
3 nearly or quite three times as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, swollen dorsally, flattened 
ventrally, general surface little punctured, several rows of minute punctures along dorsal 
third of mid line, apical impressions feeble but more closely punctured. Labrum with tubercles 
rounded, little convex, largely smooth, furrow narrow but shallow, lamella rather broad and 
margin gently curved. Mandibles with no incisura, sulcus obliquus strong or moderate. 
Malar space very elongate (= 21), about as long as antennal segments 2+ 3+ 4. Mid 
basitarsus with apical dorsal angle spinosely produced. Hind tibia with corbicular surface 
bare and shining, inner dorsal apical angle with a short, wide, sharp process. Hind basitarsus 
with apical dorsal angle spinosely produced, surface rather more bristly than usual. Gastral 
tergite 6 shining, finely or coarsely granulate, often with a preapical furrow. Sting with outer 
thickenings of the sheath rather narrow throughout, more or less blackened near centre, inner 
thickenings rather strongly widened below, rather suddenly narrowed just above the middle, 
margins just above and below this extensively blackened, intervening membrane raised into 
a lobe on each side and strongly blackened at end of lobe opposite the point where the inner 
thickenings are narrowed. Wings evenly but only in a few species strongly infuscate. 

3. Relatively large. Eyes not at all swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from 
eyes, lying on the postocular line. Antennae long, segments 3:4:5:8 = 8:44:74: 7}, 
penultimate segments each a little curved. Mandibles with one broad ventral and one small 
dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space very elongate (= 16), about as long as an- 
tennal segment 2 + 3 + 4, unpunctured. Mid basitarsus moderately long (= 38 x 9) and 
slightly narrowed at each end. Posterior apical angle just less than a right angle, fringes 
short. Hind tibia distinctly flattened, disk with rugose margins from which the hairs arise, 
somewhat dull and very finely reticulate, both fringes long. Hind basitarsus rather broad 
(= 36 X 13), apical posterior angle about 80°, fringes short. Hairs of gaster rather long and 
dense. Gastral sternite 6 with apical margin a little thickened and recurved, hardly truncate. 
Gastral sternite 7 widely crescentic, central third of hind margin a little more produced, two 
large and narrowly separated patches of long, black bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral 
sternite 8 with a wide base and central quarter with a tongue-like process, sides a little concave, 
apex straight, large apical area of short bristles, two parallel lines, no fenestrae. Genitalia 
rather large ; stipes with inner impressions small and not well-defined ; sagittae in dorsal 
view narrow, distal half serrate on lower outer edge, tip not hooked, sagitta in side view widen- 
ing only at base, no ventral emargination or tooth ; spatha narrow for most of its length, 
hardly wider than sagitta, sides scarcely convergent ; squama large, projecting far beyond 
stipes, on inner side a wide, curved upright lamella which defines and two-thirds encloses an 


oval area, all corners rounded but anterior end produced upwards into a sharp spike ; lacinia 
rather narrow, extending well beyond squama, curved inwards, tip with a peculiar process 
rather like the “‘ toe of Italy ’’, volsellar region with stout, not very dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1927: fig. 46; MHazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 3. 
Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Frison, 1935: figs. 2d, e, 3c, d; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 1, fig. 1. 
Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920: pl. 5, fig. a ; Richards, 1927 : fig. 26 ; Frison, 1935 : figs. 2c, 3b; 
Pittioni, 1939a : pl. 1, fig. 1. 

EvuROPE to CHINA and JAPAN, apparently not south of China. 

[Bombus melanopoda Cockerell is a true Megabombus and was described from 
Sumatra. The record requires substantiation though the type exists in the British 
Museum and there is no obvious reason to doubt the label. ] 

24. DIVERSOBOMBUS Skorikov, I914 

. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons anteriorly shining, coarsely and moderately closely punctured, posteriorly dull, very 
closely and finely punctured, unpunctured areas rather small and well-defined, a moderately 
broad band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena occasionally 
indicated. Antennae with segments 3:4:5 =9:4:7, segment 3 two and a half times as 
long as broad. Clypeus elongate, swollen, finely and generally rather sparsely punctured, 
apical impressions feeble with rather closer punctures. Labrum with tubercles moderately 
convex and angled at inner end, furrow rather deep and narrow, narrower than length of 
antennal segment 3, lamella wide, little curved. Mandibles with no incisura, sulcus obliquus 
strong. Malar space very elongate (= 16), longer than antennal segments 2 + 3, nearly as 
long as 2 + 3 + 4, with a few scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal 
angle spinosely produced. Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, feebly reticulate, inner 
dorsal angle very feebly produced. Hind basitarsus with dorsal apical angle not very acute, 
bristles all short. Gastral tergite 6 moderately shining, coarsely granulate, apex often with 
a small convex boss. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath moderately widened, especially 
above, inner thickenings strongly, almost angularly, widened, widest well below middle, not 
blackened, intervening membrane hardened and darkened dorsally. Wings evenly infuscate. 

3g. Very small compared with 9. Eyes not at all swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters 
from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. Antennae very long, each segment after 
fourth slightly curved, segments 3:4:5:8=6:4: 74:74. Mandibles with one large 
ventral and one small dorsal tooth, beard dense, moderately long. Malar space very elongate 
(= 13), as long as antennal segments 2 + 3, with sparse fine punctures throughout. Mid 
basitarsus (= 44 x 84) rather long and narrow, slightly narrowed at each end, apical dorsal 

25 24 26 


Fics. 24-26. Stings of, 24, Bombus diversus Smith ; 25, B. senex Vollenhoven ; 
26, B. tricornis Radoszkowsky. 


angle a right angle, fringes short. Hind tibia only slightly convex, shining, most of surface 
with sparse, rather short bristles but a narrow, subapical disk bare, fringes moderately long 
and stout, not very dense. Hind basitarsus (= 43 x 13) moderately broad, considerably 
narrowed at base, apical dorsal angle just less than a right angle, fringes short. Hairs of gaster 
often relatively sparse. Gastral sternite 6 with apex very slightly thickened, not recurved, 
rounded, with a moderately dense postapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic ; posterior 
margin rounded, with two rather approximated patches of moderately long bristles. Gastral 
sternite 8 considerably produced but sides of produced part clearly convergent, apex weakly 
angulated, angles almost rounded, a large apical patch of dense, short bristles. Genitalia 
relatively large and elongate ; stipes with a well-marked inner impression for more than half 
its width ; sagittae in dorsal view relatively narrow, somewhat sinuate in then out, apex 
bent down and with a well-marked transverse flange on outer side, top of flange forming a 
small tooth, sagitta in side view much broader, especially at base, emarginate beneath but 
end of emargination hardly forming a tooth ; spatha long and narrow, about as wide as sagitta, 
sides subparallel ; squama mostly narrow and transverse with its posterior margin curved 
parallel with end of stipes, posterior inner end produced into a rounded thumb-shaped process, 
anterior inner end produced into a long curved hook extending as far back as posterior margin ; 
lacinia proximally narrow, curved, parallel-sided, posteriorly with a characteristic spur-like 
process with a posterior spike and anterior crescentic serrate process, another external sub- 
triangular spike preceding the posterior one ; volsella region with long, moderately dense 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 24. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Frison, 1934: figs. 7c, d. 
Genitalia—Frison, 1934 : fig. 7a. 


25. SENEXIBOMBUS Frison, 1930 

Q. Ocelli separated by about three diameters from eyes, lying a little in front of postocular 
line. Frons moderately closely and strongly punctured, very finely and closely behind the 
ocelli, rather less close and more shining at sides, unpunctured areas large, not well-defined, 
no band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennae 
with segments 3 : 4:5 = 10: 5 : 5, segment 3 two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus 
moderately elongate, not much swollen, closely and coarsely punctured on dorsal third, rest 
unpunctured, apical impressions large, deep, moderately coarsely punctured. Labrum with 
tubercles moderately raised and angulated at inner end, shining, coarsely punctured, furrow 
wide and shallow, wider than length of antennal segment 3, lamella straight-edged, very wide. 
Mandibles with a very weak incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space about quadrate 
(= 15), longer than antennal segment 3 but about as long as 2 + 3, with numerous fine punc- 
tures, especially on the lower half. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal angle acutely spinose. 
Hind tibia with corbicular surface bare, very weakly convex, feebly reticulate, inner dorsal 
apical angle strongly produced. Hind basitarsus with apical dorsal angle acute, without 
long bristles. Gastral tergite 5 rather closely and coarsely punctured, tergite 6 feebly granulate, 
moderately shining. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath rather wide, even wider dorsally, 
inner thickenings rather narrow, moderately wide in middle, narrowing above and below, 
upper half blackened, blackening at about the middle, with a small downwardly directed 
process projecting into the membrane which is thrown into two folds. Wings feebly infuscate 
or yellow-brown. 

3g. Relatively large. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying just on the postocular line. Antennae very long, segments 3:4:5:8 = 7$:5:12: 
114, penultimate segments each a little curved. Mandibles with a broad ventral and small 
dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space considerably longer than broad (= 13), 
just longer than antennal segment 5, closely and relatively strongly punctured except for a 
small antero-dorsal patch. Mid basitarsus (= 54 x 14), long, a little narrowed at each end, 


apical dorsal angle acute, fringe shorter than basal width. Hind tibia not very clavate or 
convex, densely hairy with feathered hairs of moderate length, both fringes long and dense. 
Hind basitarsus (= 60 x 18) considerably narrowed to base, apical dorsal angle acute, fringes 
short. Gaster with short rather dense hairs, tergites 1-5 with margins pale, almost white. 
Gastral sternite 6 with apex a little thickened and truncate. Gastral sternite 7 widely cres- 
centic with two closely approximated patches of short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral 
sternite 8 considerably produced but sides of production diverging anteriorly, apex feebly 
emarginate, its angles rounded, a moderate apical patch of dense short bristles, a short longi- 
tudinal line on disk and sometimes two small fenestrae on each side. Genitalia large ; stipes 
narrow distally, with wide but ill-defined depressions ; sagitta narrow in dorsal view, bent 
down at apex but not curved or widened, outer side serrate on posterior third, first tooth of 
serration much larger, in side view about twice as wide (except quite near base) emarginate 
beneath to form a strong angle near centre ; spatha very narrow hardly wider than sagitta, 
sides scarcely convergent ; squama very large, obliquely transverse, outer end rounded- 
rectangular, inner end produced into a large hook-like lobe extending well anteriorly to end 
of stipes, inside the hook can be seen a downwardly directed bifid process, the outer division 
of which is longer and more acute than the inner one ; lacinia rather narrow, curving inwards, 
apex narrow, curved upwards and outwards into a small hook, inner side with a long dense 
regular fringe continuous with a dense, long, posterior volsellar tuft. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 25. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Frison, 1928: pl. 1, figs. 
2, 3; Frison, 1930: figs. 2, 3. Genitalia—Frison, 1928: pl. 1, fig. 1 ; Frison, 1930: fig. 1. 


26. TRICORNIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons anteriorly rather closely and coarsely punctured, behind ocelli (also laterally) very 
closely and rather coarsely punctured, unpunctured areas rather small and well-defined, a 
wide band of close fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. 
Antennae with segments 3 : 4:5 = 74: 44: 54 or (B. atripes Smith, 7} : 54 : 63) segment 3 
not quite two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, little swollen, closely and 
mostly quite strongly punctured, only a small ventral disk smooth, apical impressions rather 
feeble with close, coarse punctures. Labrum with tubercles only moderately raised, rather 
flattened, not angled, large outer area smooth, furrow very wide and shallow, at least as wide 
as length of antennal segments 2 + 3, lamella very wide, feebly curved. Mandibles with no 
incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space, longer than broad (= 12 or B. atripes 
Smith, 14), about as long or nearly as long as antennal segments 3 + 4 with a few fine punctures. 
Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal angle spinosely produced. Hind tibia with corbicular surface 
bare, hardly at all convex, distinctly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle strongly produced. 
Hind basitarsus with apical dorsal angle distinct but short, bristles short. Gastral tergites 
very closely and coarsely punctured almost throughout except for narrow apical bands, tergite 
6 dull, reticulate and with sparse, coarse granules, dense hairs more confined to sides than usual. 
Sting with outer thickenings only widened dorsally, inner thickenings very wide, bent inwards, 
becoming rather suddenly very narrow dorsally and at this point a bit blackened, membrane 
generally undifferentiated, but a convex central fold at dorsal end. Wings evenly infuscate, 
sometimes strongly so. 

3d. Relatively small. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying on postocular line. Antennae moderately long, segments 3:4:5:8=4:4:7:8 
or 64: 64:9}: 12, penultimate segments all distinctly curved. Mandibles with a broad 
ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard rather long. Malar space a little longer than broad 
(= 8 or 9), about as long as antennal segments 3 + 4, scarcely or quite strongly punctured. 
Mid basitarsus (= 39 X 9 or 55 X 13) relatively long and parallel-sided, apical dorsal angle 


rounded or subacute, fringes short. Hind tibia with corbicular surface convex, shining, gran- 
ulate with coarse hairs throughout, fringes short but of very stout bristles. Hind basitarsus 
(B. atripes = 61 X 17) moderately long and parallel-sided, apical dorsal angle acute, fringes 
short. Gaster with short, not very dense hairs, sculpture more or less granulate or confluently 
punctured. Gastral sternite 6 with apex widely rounded, thickened and a bit recurved. 
Gastral sternite 7 widely or long crescentic, apex sometimes a little produced, with a few black- 
based bristles, no or two converging lines, no or two small fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 strongly 
produced, production almost parallel-sided, apex straight or nearly rounded, with a large 
apical patch of dense short bristles, two parallel lines on disk, sometimes with an oval fenestra 
at base. Genitalia not large ; stipes with distal angle produced inwards, inner impression 
strong and sharp-edged, two-thirds its width ; sagitta in dorsal view rather narrow, distinctly 
so on bent down apical part which is not hooked but has a wide, feebly serrate, outer flange, 
in lateral view sagitta wide with a deep emargination at centre, ending in a tooth, beyond this 
emarginate again before the flange ; spatha wide, at centre one and a half times as wide as 
sagitta, sides strongly converging ; squama with an outer rounded lobe set in an oblique plane, 
considerably or only a little longer than broad, very narrow where it adjoins inner half of stipes, 
at a much lower level produced on inside into two long, very acute lobes, directed obliquely 
forwards and backwards, or one downwards and the other obliquely upwards ; lacinia very 
wide, not extending very far beyond the squama, on inner side proximally with a very long 
acute hook, edge beyond the hook straight truncate, a bit serrate with rather long bristles ; 
volsellar region with long, moderately dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 26. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Text-figs. 27, 28. Genitalia— 
Text-fig. 29. 

East AsiA, mostly northern. 


Fics. 27-29. Bombus tricornis Radoszkowsky. 27, gastral sternite 7 ; 
28, gastral sternite 8 ; 29, genitalia. 

27. LAESOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

The males of this subgenus are easily recognized but it is not certain that the 
females can be distinguished from all members of subgenus Thoracobombus. 

. Ocelli separated by about three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular 
line. Frons anteriorly strongly and not very closely punctured, posteriorly much more finely 
and closely, unpunctured areas rather large and well-defined, a narrow band of fine punctures 
along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal segments 3:4:5 = 
9 : 44:5, segment 3 about two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus about as long 
as broad, rather swollen, with quite numerous punctures, mostly small but a few rather larger, 
apical impressions moderately distinct with close, large punctures. Labrum with tubercles 
flattened and very little raised, not at all angled, furrow wide and shallow, not quite as wide 
as length of antennal segment 3, lamella not strongly marked, half as wide as labrum, little 
curved. Mandibles with a weak incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space about 
quadrate (= 10), distinctly shorter than antennal segments 2 + 3, scarcely punctured. Mid 
basitarsus with apical dorsal angle spinosely produced. Hind tibia with corbicular surface 
slightly convex on basal half, shining, not reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle with a strong 
but not very acute projection. Hind basitarsus with dorsal apical angle acutely spinose, 
bristles all short. Gastral tergite 6 moderately shining, coarsely granulate, not at all upturned 
at apex. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath not wide but somewhat more so dorsally, 
inner thickenings moderately widened over most of dorsal half, slightly blackened, membrane 
undifferentiated. Wings slightly and evenly darkened. 

g. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying a little in front 
of postocular line. Antennae long, segments 3 :4:5:8 = 44:7 : 84: 93, individual seg- 
ments a little convex below. Mandibles with broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard 
rather long and dense. Malar space just longer than broad (= 63), about as long as antennal 
segment 4, practically unpunctured. Mid basitarsus (= 35 x 84) not long, moderately broad, 
dorsal apical angle moderately acute, fringes short. Hind tibia almost flat, mostly a little 
dull, more shining and concave on distal quarter where it is considerably widened, whole surface 
with sparse short bristles, fringes, especially dorsal one, long. Hind basitarsus (= 37 x II) 
rather short and broad, dorsal edge feebly curved, dorsal apical angle distinct, no long bristles. 
Gaster with hairs short and dense, tergites finely but not rugosely punctate. Gastral sternite 
6 with margin a little thickened, not recurved, with short, dense, pale, postapical fringe. Gastral 
sternite 7 crescentic with central part of margin a little produced and bisinuate, with a large 
continuous area of short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 narrow with a strongly 
produced central part which is approximately quadrate, with sides, apical margin and angles 
a little rounded, whole produced part with short bristles, two parallel lines on disk, no fenestrae. 
Genitalia rather elongate ; stipes wide, especially distally, inner impressions very weak ; 
sagitta in all views narrow except right at base, a little pointed and downcurved at apex, not 
serrate nor toothed beneath ; spatha broad, short, rapidly narrowing at centre, much wider 
than sagitta ; squama highly differentiated, large outer part mainly pale and submembranous, 
generally transverse, posteriorly produced into a wide rounded lobe, anterior to this the inner 
edge deeply emarginate and produced into an elaborate process which bears a long acute spine 
directed obliquely forwards and above this a large subcircular lobe (mainly in the vertical 
plane) with its dorsal edge serrate and the whole attached to the squama by a narrow stalk ; 
lacinia long and broad, projecting far beyond squama, broadly digitiform with end obliquely 
truncate, inner edge feebly emarginate and weakly serrate, opposite end beneath the rounded 
process of the squama produced inwards into a strong, parallel-sided process with its end 
moderately expanded and with sharp angles ; inner side of lacinia and volsellar region with 
rather dense stout bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 30. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 2, 
fig. 4. Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920: pl. 6, fig. i; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 2, fig. 4. 

SPAIN and N. AFRICA to central U.S.S.R. 

28. EVERSMANNIBOMBUS Skorikovy, 1938 

I am uncertain of the status of this group without further study of allied forms. 
Its characters are, however, listed. 

Q. Ocelli separated by rather more than three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of 
the postocular line. Frons rather closely and strongly punctured, unpunctured areas small 
and well-defined, the areas narrowed from in front so that they are laterally pointed, two thirds 
of the space to the eye with very dense fine punctures. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal 
segments 3: 4:5 = 94:5: 5, segment 3 not quite three times as long as broad. Clypeus 
long, moderately swollen with rather numerous punctures, many large, apical impressions 
small with a narrow band of close punctures. Labrum with tubercles little raised or angled, 
somewhat flattened, furrow moderately wide and deep, not quite as wide as length of antennal 
segment 3, lamella wide, straight, but not prominent. Mandibles with no incisura, sulcus 
obliquus strong. Malar space just longer than quadrate (= 12), just longer than antennal 
segment 3, much of it finely punctured. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal angle not strongly 
spinose. Hind tibia with corbicular surface not reticulate, inner apical dorsal angle with a 
small acute process. Hind basitarsus with apical dorsal angle moderately acute, no long 
bristles. Gastral tergite 6 moderately shining, moderately coarsely and closely granulate. 
Sting with outer thickenings of the sheath rather narrow, somewhat wider above, inner thicken- 
ings narrow, somewhat widened on central two thirds, and the centre of this part of margin 
somewhat blackened, the adjacent membrane also a bit blackened but otherwise undifferen- 
tiated. Wings moderately infuscate. 

3. Relatively large. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying just in front of postocular line. Antennae long, segments 3:4:5:8 = 6$:5:7: 7%, 

Fics. 30-34. 30, Sting of Bombus laesus Morawitz ; 31-34, B. eversmanniellus Skorikov, 
31, Sting ; 32, gastral sternite 7 ; 33, gastral sternite 8 ; 34, genitalia. 


penultimate segments hardly curved. Mandibles with a large ventral and a small dorsal 
tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space much longer than broad (= 84), about as long as 
antennal segments 2 + 3, shorter than 3 + 4, with quite numerous strong punctures. Mid 
basitarsus moderately long nearly parallel-sided (= 38 x 9), apical dorsal angle a right angle, 
fringes short. Hind tibia feebly clavate, rather convex, disk shining with rather sparse coarse, 
bristle-bearing punctures, fringes shorter than the width of tibia. Hind basitarsus moderately 
long and broad (= 40 x 14), apical dorsal angle just acute, all bristles short. Gaster with 
close coarse punctures and some reticulations, hairs rather long and dense. Gastral sternite 6 
flat, apex a little thickened, subtruncate, postapical fringe short, dense, pale. Gastral sternite 
7 widely crescentic, apex rounded, practically whole surface with short bristles which along 
apical margin are longer and feathered, a central thickened line and a darker spot on each 
side of base, no fenestra. Gastral sternite 8 with a strong tongue-shaped projection, sides a 
little concave, apex rounded-truncate, practically the whole process with dense bristles which 
become dense at centre of sides, usually with a very large lannceolate fenestra with thickly 
margined sides, for two-thirds of its length. Genitalia rather long and large ; stipes long and 
wide with inner impressions very feeble ; sagitta in dorsal view narrow, not much curved 
down at end, slightly widened over central fifth and again on apical fifth, this apical part 
forming a slight, very feebly serrate, lateral flange, apex hardly acute, sagitta in side view 
with basal half very wide, suddenly narrowed and after a small emargination produced into 
a wide straight truncate lobe, then another small emargination before the apical flange ; squama 
small, transversely crescentic, sides and posterior margin in one continuous curve, squama 
almost evanescent at inner posterior end of stipes but produced here inwards into a moderately 
acute process which in a more anterior view forms an obliquely-lying plate, the dorsal edge 
of this plate forming a continuous S-shaped curve with posterior margin of squama ; lacinia 
long and broad, thumb-shaped, inner edge nearly straight with very dense curved, feathered 
bristles which are half as long as its width, outer edge more curved, apex narrowly rounded ; 
volsellar region also with dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 31. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Text-figs. 32, 33 ; Pittioni, 
1937 : fig. 2. Genitalia—Text-fig. 34 ; Pittioni, 1937: fig. 1. 


29. EXILOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons moderately strong but rather sparsely punctured, shining but with a very faint reticu- 
lation, unpunctured areas large, fairly well defined, inner margin of eye with a band of micro- 
scopic punctures which broadens posteriorly and spreads almost half way across unpunctured 
area though the fine punctures here are not very dense. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. An- 
tennal segments 3 : 4:5 = 8 : 4: 4, segment 3 two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus 
a little longer than broad, somewhat convex, with numerous punctures, many of them large, 
apical impressions very narrow but rather deep, closely punctured. Labral tubercles little 
raised, smooth and rounded, hardly punctured, furrow broad and shallow, about as broad as 
length ot antennal segment 3, lamella broad and straight, considerably thickened. Mandibles 
with a distinct sulcus, incisura weak, basal area closely, aciculately punctured. Malar space 
a little longer than broad (= 10), longer than antennal segment 3, nearly as long as 2 + 3, un- 
punctured. Mid basitarsus strongly and acutely produced. Hind tibia with corbicular sur- 
face bare, shining, excessively finely reticulate, dorsal inner apical angle strongly produced, 
hind basitarsus with dorsal angle quite strongly produced, surface shining not very densely 
pubescent, margins without long bristles. Gastral tergite 6 dull, very finely and densely 
reticulate, with fine sparse punctures. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath wide above, 
narrow below, inner thickenings moderately widened on lower half, narrow on upper half, 
transition very gradual, thickenings separated from sheath by a narrow paler area, edge of 


narrow part of thickening a little darkened near mid point, membrane hardly differentiated, 
with two somewhat darkened lobes above. Wings feebly infuscate. 

3. Not seen. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 35. 

EASTERN MONGOLIA and UssurR!I district. 

30. ADVENTORIBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

The status of this group is very doubtful. Originally it seems to have been 
intended for all the species of Agrobombus Vogt (= Thoracobombus) which do not 
have a serrate sagitta in the male, that is for all of them except B. pascuorum 
(Scopoli) (= agrorum (Fabricius) ). This is a large and very diverse group of 
species but as it happens B. adventor (Skorikov) is unusually distinct in the female 
(the § has not been available for study). Whether this species should form a 
separate subgenus or whether it and perhaps some other groups should all be united 
under Thoracobombus will have to be determined in the future. The female is 
described below. 

2. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons anteriorly with rather sparse, coarse punctures, posteriorly dull, finely and closely 
punctured, unpunctured areas small, moderately well-defined, a wide band of close, fine sculpture 
along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal segments 3:4:5 = 
74: 44:5, segment 3 about twice as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, swollen, with rather 
sparse, scattered punctures, mostly small, apical impressions very feeble with a row or two 
of moderately close punctures, Labrum with tubercles flattened and rounded, furrow rather 
narrow, clearly narrower than length of antennal segment 3, lamella inconspicuous. Mandibles 
with no incisura and a strong sulcus obliquus. Malar space distinctly longer than broad (= 14), 
at least as long as antennal segments 3 + 4, unpunctured. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal 
angle long, spinose. Hind tibia with corbicular surface rather convex on basal half, shining, 
not reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle produced into a rather wide process. Hind basitarsus 
with apical dorsal angle quite strong, dorsal margin with some long bristles near base. Gastral 
tergite 6 upturned at apex, shining, with sparse, coarse, granulations. Sting with outer 
thickenings of sheath somewhat wider dorsally than ventrally, inner thickenings widening 
very gradually upwards, widest near top, then rather suddenly narrowing, a slight blackening 
of edge near centre, membrane with small central folds at top. Wings subhyaline. 

Illustration. Sting—Text-fig. 36. 


35 37 

nS eae x 


Fics. 35-37. Stings of, 35, Bombus exilis Skorikov ; 36, B. adventor Skorikov ; 
37, B. mucidus Gerstacker. 

31. THORACOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre, 1880 

Chromobombus von Dalla Torre, 1880 
A grobombus Vogt, 1911 

This is a large group with a considerable range in structure. Only some of the 
species have been examined and the characters given here are probably not found 
in all of them. It might have seemed natural to adopt the subgenus Chromobombus 
but the type-species Bombus muscorum Linnaeus raises a nomenclatorial problem 
because the ostensible type in the Linnean collection differs from the usual con- 
ception of the species. There is no doubt about the type-species of Thoracobombus, 
namely Apis sylvuarum L., though it is a somewhat peripheral member of the group. 

9. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying about on the postocular line. Frons 
shining and somewhat swollen in front with coarse, not very close punctures, posteriorly with 
very close rather fine punctures, unpunctured areas of moderate size, well-defined, a rather 
wide band of close fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. 
Antennal segments 3 : 4:5 about = 7: 44:5, segment 3 twice as long as broad. Clypeus 
clearly longer than broad, swollen, with more or less fine, scattered punctures, apical impressions 
rather strong with close, moderately coarse punctures. Labrum with tubercles flattened 
and rounded, inner ends rounded, shallow furrow, rather less wide than length of antennal 
segment 3, lamella very wide and straight, sharp-edged or with edge thickened. Mandibles 
with no incisura, sulcus obliquus strong. Malar space distinctly longer than broad (= 12), 
about as long as antennal segments 3 + 4, with scattered fine punctures, especially on distal 
half. Mid basitarsus acutely spinosely produced. Hind tibia a little convex, not reticulate, 
inner dorsal apical angle distinctly produced. Hind basitarsus with short, rather sparse hairs, 
dorsal angle acute. Gastral tergite 6 moderately shining, finely granulate, a little upturned 
at apex. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath moderately wide, especially above, inner 
thickenings strongly widened upwards from below in B. sylvarum but considerably narrower 
in many other species, the middle of the broadest part sometimes projecting as a slight spur 
and margin below this slightly blackened, membrane undifferentiated. Wings evenly but 
usually only slightly infuscate. 

6. Of moderate size. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying on postocular line. Antennae moderately long, segments 3 : 4: 5 : 8 typically 64: 44: 
8:8 but varying specifically, penultimate segments slightly or (B. pascuorum (Scopoli) ) 
strongly thickened beneath. Mandibles with a broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard 
long and dense. Malar space distinctly longer than broad (= 84), a little shorter than antennal 
segments 3 + 4, with scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus moderately long and parallel- 
sided (40 x Io), dorsal apical angle acute, fringes short. Hind tibia not very clavate, surface 
convex, cross-striate, not very shining, with dense, moderately long hairs throughout, dorsal 
fringe very long. Hind basitarsus moderately long and broad (43 x 13), apical dorsal angle 
subacute, all bristles short. Gaster with dense, moderately long hairs, with granulate punc- 
tures, rather dull. Gastral sternite 6 feebly truncate. Gastral sternite 7 transverse rather 
than crescentic, side apical border with rather long bristles, no fenestrae but sometimes a 
little thinner on oval areas each side of mid-line. Gastral sternite 8 produced into a wide, 
almost parallel-sided process, apex just rounded, angles rounded, with a very large area of 
dense short hairs, no fenestrae but a thickened central line. Genitalia of moderate size ; 
stipes with no definite impressions ; sagitta in dorsal view narrow, not much desclerotized, 
apex hardly bent down, usually with small, outwardly directed, pointed hook and no flange, 
but in B. pascuorum (Scopoli) with a long, narrow, serrate flange, sagitta in side view very 
wide at base, then narrower with an emargination before the central tooth, beyond this narrow 
to apex ; spatha narrowing very soon behind base, mostly about one and a half times as wide 
as sagitta ; squama generally large, subquadrate with outer edge rounded to apex, details 
varying specifically but inner side produced obliquely into a downwardly directed acute plate 


or spike ; lacinia wide but not very long, not projecting much beyond squama, inner edge 
at apex produced into a small process and at centre into a spike or a narrow, truncate process, 
bristles short and not dense ; volsellar area with some long bristles posteriorly. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1927: figs. 50, 51, 52, 53; Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964 : 
pl. 5. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowsky, 1884 : figs. 20c, 21c, 22c ; Richards, 1927 : 
figs. 22, 24 ; Pittioni, 1939a : pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 6, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 3. Genitalia—Radoszkowsky, 
1884 : figs. 20a, b, 21 a, b, 22a,b; Kriiger, 1920: pl. 5, figs. g, f, h, pl. 6, figs. k, 1; Richards, 
1927 : figs. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 6, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 3. 

EUROPE to JAPAN, TIBET, but probably not south of the Chinese boundaries. 

32. MUCIDOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

Exilobombus Skorikov, 1922 of which I have not been able to examine the male, 
may prove to be a synonym. As in the other groups allied to Thoracobombus, the 
males of Mucidobombus are rather distinctive but the females are difficult to separate 

9. Ocelli separated by rather more than three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of 
postocular line. Frons rather closely punctured, more strongly and less closely in front of 
ocelli, unpunctured areas moderately large, well-defined, a wide band of fine sculpture along 
inner margin of eyes. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal segments 3 : 4: 5 = 74: 3}: 
4, segment 3 rather more than two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, moder- 
ately swollen, with scattered, not at all close, fine punctures, apical impressions feeble but 
with a narrow deeper strip with close, moderately large punctures. Labrum with tubercles 
flattened, inner ends moderately raised, rounded-angular, furrow moderately deep, not broad, 
narrower than length of antennal segment 3, lamella half the width of labrum, feebly curved, 
rather thin. Mandibles with almost no incisura, sulcus obliquus strong. Malar space some- 
what longer than broad (= 11), not quite as long as antennal segments 2 + 3, a considerable 
number of scattered, minute punctures. Mid basitarsus strongly spinosely produced. Hind 
tibia with corbicular surface scarcely reticulate, a little convex towards base, inner apical 
dorsal angle acutely produced. Hind basitarsus with dorsal angle acute, all bristles short 
and not numerous. Gastral tergite 6 shining, weakly granulate. Sting with outer thickenings 
of sheath rather narrow, even dorsally, inner thickenings developed for whole length, very 
gradually widening upwards, widest just before the top and for a short distance below this 
somewhat blackened, membrane undifferentiated. Wings lightly infuscate, darker towards tip. 

6. Relatively small. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying on postocular line. Antennae with segments 3 : 4: 5:8 = 64: 34: 7: 74, penultimate 
segments a little curved. Mandibles with one broad ventral and a small dorsal tooth, beard 
long and dense. Malar space distinctly longer than broad (= 10), nearly as long as antennal 
segments 3 + 4, with scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus moderately long and parallel- 
sided (= 31 X 9), apical dorsal angle acute, fringes short. Hind tibia distinctly clavate, 
convex, only a small distal disk bare though the hairs are not long elsewhere, dorsal fringe 
very long. Hind basitarsus short and broad (= 35 x 13), dorsal apical angle acute, fringes 
very short. Gaster with long, rather dense hairs, moderately shining with rather close coarse 
punctures and some cross-striation. Gastral sternite 6 with apex rounded, a little thickened. 
Gastral sternite 7 transversely crescentic, apex rounded, with scattered short bristles, no lines 
or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 produced into a moderate process which is distally parallel 
sided, apex truncate, angles rounded, a large patch of hairs posteriorly, proximal half with 
two parallel lines on disk with a small fenestra between them. Genitalia relatively long ; 
stipes wide with feeble, ill-defined inner impressions ; sagitta narrow in dorsal view, curved 
down at apex where pointed though not very acutely, no flange or serration, in lateral view 
about twice as wide, no ventral emargination or tooth, but a slight projection at proximal 


end of subapical flange ; spatha small, strongly narrowing posteriorly, at middle about as 
wide as sagitta ; squama large, transverse, outer and posterior margins forming a continuous 
curve, anterior inner end produced forwards and then obliquely downwards and backwards 
in a broad but acute spike ; lacinia very long and broad, generally finger-shaped but in centre 
of inner margin with a wide lobe, defined at each end by a small tooth, the posterior one very 
acute, end of lacinia subacute, inner edge and ventral surface with dense, quite long pubescence ; 
volsella region relatively bare. 

Illustrations. Sting—Text-fig. 37. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 2, 
fig. 5. Genitalia—Kriiger, 1920: pl. 5, fig.e; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 2, fig. 5. 



This subgenus has many species, especially in western and central Asia, and there 
is a considerable range in structure ; the malar space in particular varies greatly 
in length. The male genitalia, as far as they are known, though showing good 
specific differences are of the same general type. 

Q. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying about on the postocular line. Frons 
closely and rather finely punctured, unpunctured areas moderately large, well-defined, a wide 
band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eye. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal 
segments 3 : 4: 5 about = 9: 4: 6, segment 3 from rather under to fully three times as long 
as broad. Clypeus elongate, swollen, either little punctured or (B. fragrans (Pallas) ) closely 
and finely punctured throughout, apical impressions feeble, little punctured or (B. difficillimus 
Skorikov) closely and finely punctured. Labrum with tubercles smooth, flattened and con- 
siderably rounded or (B. fragrans) considerably more raised and angled at inner end, furrow 
rather wide, about three-quarters as wide as length of antennal segment 3, lamella moderately 
wide, curved. Mandibles with no incisura, sulcus obliquus strong. Malar space usually 
elongate or even very elongate, longer than antennal segments 2 + 3, about = 3 + 4 + 1/3 5 
(= 15), but in B. fragrans hardly more than quadrate and about as long as antennal segments 
2 + 3 (= 13). Mid basitarsus with its dorsal apical angle usually with a relatively short and 
broad spinose production. Hind tibia with corbicular surface shining, inner dorsal apical angle 
acute but relatively short and broad. Hind basitarsus with dorsal apical angle not very acute, 
bristles all short. Gastral tergite 6 not modified, more or less coarsely granulate, sometimes 
with a furrow on the posterior half. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath of even width, 
relatively narrow, inner thickenings rather strongly widened in a very even curve, widest 
at about the middle, a strong black patch just above this, membrane on each side thrown into 
a strong fold which extends down to the middle and almost touches both the inner thickening 
and its fellow from the other side. Wings evenly infuscate, sometimes strongly. 

3. Relatively small. Eyes not swollen, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, 
lying just in front of postocular line. Antennae long or very long, segments 3:4:5:8= 
7-8 : 5: 74-8: 8, penultimate segments somewhat or scarcely curved. Mandibles with a 
broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard long and dense. Malar space elongate, as long 
or longer than antennal segments 3 + 4 (= II or more), surface unpunctured. Mid basitarsus 
moderately long and parallel-sided (40 x 10 or 46 X 12), dorsal apical angle about a right 
angle, fringes short. Hind tibia with distal half flattened or even concave, covered either 
with short, not very close bristles, or with a considerable bare disk, fringes short or dorsal 
fringe long. Hind basitarsus relatively long and parallel-sided (= 41 x 13 or 47 X 13), 
dorsal apical angle just acute, bristles short. Hairs of gaster long or short, not very dense. 
Gastral sternite 6 with apex gently rounded, not thickened, with a dense, short, postapical 
fringe. Gastral sternite 7 widely and broadly crescentic with scattered bristles and closer 
short hair on disk, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral sternite 8 with a wide tongue-shaped process 

ENTOM. 22, 5. 13 


on central third, sides almost parallel, apex just emarginate, with dense short hairs, two weak 
parallel lines but no fenestrae. Genitalia rather large ; stipes with a deep, wide, sharp-edged, 
inner impression ; sagittae in dorsal view generally narrow, apex a little curved downwards, 
a slight broadening at a lower level near centre and apex outwardly triangularly widened or 
with a triangular pointed flange, sagitta in side view broad on the basal half or rather more, 
then narrowed and emitting a process ending in two or three small points ; spatha narrow, 
almost parallel-sided, about as wide as sagitta ; squama transverse or transversely S-shaped, 
all angles, or at least the external ones, rounded, inner side sometimes produced into a vertical 
lamella which looks sharp in dorsal view ; lacinia little or moderately projecting beyond squama, 
rather narrow, a little curved inwards, end pointed or almost rounded, sometimes with a small 
apical tuft ; volsellar region with short dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Franklin, 1913: fig. 157; Richards, 1927: fig. 49; Hazeltine & 
Chandler, 1964: pl. 6. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowski, 1884: figs. 26c, 36c ; 
Franklin, 1913: fig. 138 ; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 1, fig. 2. Genitalia—Radoszkowski, 1884 : 
figs. 26a, b, 36a, b; Franklin, 1913: fig. 157 ; Kriiger, 1920: pl. 5, figs. c, d ; Richards, 
1927: fig. 27; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 1, fig. 2. 

Europe, AsIA to the Himarayas, N. AMERICA. 

34. RHODOBOMBUS von Dalla Torre 1880 

Pomobombus Kriiger, 1917 

Q. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons finely, mostly not very closely punctured, a large area in front of median ocellus without 
punctures, unpunctured areas large but well-defined, a narrow band of fine punctures along 
inner margin of eye. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal segments 3: 4:5 =9: 4: 43, 
segment 3 two and a half times as long as broad. Clypeus elongate, moderately swollen, finely 
and rather sparsely though generally punctured, apical impressions small and narrow but 
rather well-defined, with a few close larger punctures, mostly in transverse rows. Labrum 
with tubercles somewhat flattened and rather rounded, furrow of moderate width, about 
three-quarters as wide as length of antennal segment 3, lamella wide, gently curved. Mandibles 
with no incisura, sulcus obliquus strong. Malar space elongate, about as long as antennal 
segments 2 + 3 (= 134), with a certain number of scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus 
with its dorsal apical angle acutely spinose or in some American species only somewhat angled. 
Hind tibia with corbicular surface somewhat convex on posteroventral part, surface bare, 
weakly reticulate, inner dorsal apical angle not or scarcely produced. Hind basitarsus spinosely 
produced at dorsal apical angle, bristles short. Gastral tergite 6 finely granulate, moderately 
shining. Sting with outer thickenings of sheath rather narrow but somewhat widened above, 
inner thickenings evenly widened for most of their length, edge somewhat emarginate above. 
Wings usually moderately infuscate. 

g. Size moderate. Eyes normal, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying 
just in front of postocular line. Antennae rather long, segments 3:4:5:8=6:4:7: 73, 
penultimate segments hardly curved. Mandibles with a broad ventral and a small dorsal 
tooth, surface granulate and dull, beard not developed. Malar space elongate, about as long 
as antennal segments 3 + 4 (= 94), with scattered very fine punctures. Mid basitarsus 
moderately long and parallel-sided (34 x 8), dorsal apical angle a rounded right-angle, fringes 
short. Hind tibia thick and little clavate, surface convex and shining with scattered punctures 
and some cross-striation, with hairs over whole surface, fringes not dense nor longer than its 
width. Hind basitarsus moderately broad and parallel-sided (37 x 13), dorsal apical angle 
acute, fringes short. Gaster with close moderately short hairs. Gastral sternite 6 slightly 
thickened and truncate with a short subapical fringe. Gastral sternite 7 somewhat produced 
in a broad triangle with rounded apex, well behind apex darker transverse band running parallel 
to margin, moderate bristles arising on and before the band, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral 


sternite 8 narrowly transverse with a strongly produced parallel-sided process, angles rounded, 
apex bifid though the emargination partly filled in by transparent membrane, with tufts of 
moderate bristles on each side, a pair of parallel lines on disk. Genitalia of moderate size ; 
stipes with well-defined inner impression of half its width ; sagittae in dorsal view rather 
narrow, not at all desclerotized, apex a little bent down, curved outwards into a truncate 
hook whose anterior end forms a small acute tooth, in side view at least twice as wide with a 
well-marked emargination after base and a strong acute tooth at middle ; spatha moderately 
broad, gradually narrowing posteriorly, at centre one and a half times as wide as sagitta ; 
squama transverse, outer edge curving obliquely inwards and ending in a stout acute process 
at inner posterior dorsal corner, inner edge from anterior inner corner produced obliquely 
downwards and backwards into a twisted plate of the end is hardly acute ; lacinia projecting 
a moderate distance beyond the squama, narrowing to apex and then expanded inwards into 
a small tooth, lacinia almost bare, no dense bristles on volsellar area. 

Illustrations. Sting—Richards, 1927 : fig. 48 ; Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964: pl. 5. Gastral 
sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowski, 1884 : figs. 18c, I9c, 27c ; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 1, fig. 3. 
Genitalia—Raduszkowski, 1884 : figs. 17a, b, 18a, b, 19a, b, 27a, b; Kriiger, 1920: pl. 5, 
fig. b ; Richards, 1927: fig. 26; Pittioni, 1939a: pl. 1, fig. 3. 

EuROPE to IRAN and CENTRAL AsIA but not beyond the Himarayas or in CHINA. 

35. FERVIDOBOMBUS Skorikov, 1922 

This is a large and varied subgenus with a considerable range of structure amongst 
the species ; moreover several of them are not available in England. 

9. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just in front of postocular line. 
Frons swollen in front and coarsely punctured (closeness varying with the species), very closely 
and finely punctured behind, unpunctured areas rather large and ill-defined, a rather wide 
band of fine punctures along inner margin of eye. Dorsal furrow of gena absent. Antennal 
segments 3:4:5=c.9: 4:6, segment 3 two to two and a half times as long as broad. 
Clypeus elongate, swollen, rather strongly and closely punctured, especially at sides, disk 
below rather widely unpunctured or with fine punctures, a line of several rows of fine punctures 
on mid line of dorsal third, apical impressions rather distinct with a few but large close punc- 
tures. Labrum with tubercles little raised, flattened and rounded, furrow rather narrow, 
not as wide as length of antennal segment 3, lamella wide, shining, thickened, edge nearly 
straight. Mandibles with no incisura, sulcus obliquus strong. Malar space quadrate to elongate, 
(13-18), from about as long as antennal segment 3 to rather longer than 2 + 3, usually with 
some fine punctures. Mid basitarsus with apical dorsal angle not or very feebly spinose 
produced into a relatively wide angular process. Hind tibia corbicular surface bare, feebly 
reticulate, with posterior ventral part convex, sometimes subangular in proximal part, inner 
dorsal apical angle not or little produced. Hind basitarsus not very acutely produced, bristles 
short. Gastral tergite 6 shining, feebly granulate. Sting variable, outer thickenings of sheath 
usually much wider above than below, inner thickenings strongly widened below then narrowing 
from about the midpoint where there is a large blackened area, membrane above thrown into 
a convex central fold. Wings usually strongly darkened. 

6. Size moderate. Eyes normal, ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, lying just 
in front of postocular line. Antennae long, segments 3:4:5:8=c.7: 44:8: 84, penul- 
timate segments a little curved. Mandibles with broad ventral and small dorsal tooth, beard 
long, dense and brown. Malar space quadrate to rather elongate (= 11-14), usually a little 
longer than antennal segments 3 + 4, with scattered fine punctures. Mid basitarsus rather 
long and parallel-sided (44 x 9) dorsal apical angle rounded right-angle, fringes short. Hind 
tibia not very long, convex, hairy all over, coarsely cross-striate and obliquely punctured, 
fringes short. Hind basitarsus parallel-sided and rather broad (48 x 16), apical dorsal angle 
a right angle, fringes short. Gaster with hairs rather short and even. Gastral sternite 6 

ENTOM. 22, 5. 13§ 

260 oO. W. RICHARDS 

with end rounded and a little thickened. Gastral sternite 7 very broadly crescentic posteriorly 
rounded, with two distinct discal patches of short bristles, no lines or fenestrae. Gastral 
sternite 8 with central quarter produced into a wide, almost parallel-sided tongue-shaped 
process, apex slightly emarginate, with a large area of dense short bristles, a central line which 
forks a little before the bristle patch. Genitalia of moderate size ; stipes with a moderately 
well-defined impression of half its width ; sagitta seen from above narrow, not bent down 
until just before apex where bent outwards into a hook-like structure of which the outer margin 
is straight-serrate, in side view sagitta considerably broader on basal half up to the mid-ventral 
tooth, then relatively narrow ; spatha narrow, sides not convergent, at centre about twice 
as wide as sagitta ; squama transverse, outer and posterior edges forming a continuous curve 
to a blunt exterior point on outer edge of stipes, inner margin produced into a vertical, plate- 
like anterior lamella and a more dorsal wider rounded process ; lacinia produced a very little 
way beyond squama, strongly widened at apex, angularly produced at outer end and into a 
small curved hook at inner end, volsellar region with dense bristles. 

Illustrations. Sting—Moure & Sakagami, 1962: fig. 3; Hazeltine & Chandler, 1964 : 
pl. 3. Gastral sternites 7 and 8—Radoszkowski, 1884: fig. 28c ; Franklin, 1913: figs. 32, 
IOI, 126, 132, 148, 174 ; Moure & Sakagami, 1962: fig. 4. Genitalia—Radoszkowski, 1884 : 
figs. 28a, b ; Franklin, 1913: figs. 66, 70, 78, 102, 156, 159-164, 166-168, 170-171, 179, 182— 
183, 193, 196 ; Moure & Sakagami, 1962 : figs. 5, 6. 

NortTH and SouTH AMERICA. 


It is very difficult to make practical keys to the subgenera of Bombus, especially 
in the female sex. Apart from the intrinsic difficulties, few authors have seen more 
than a fraction of the species. There are of course also many nomenclatorial 
problems and points of doubt at the specific and subspecific level, though these 
do not affect a subgeneric key in principle. The keys which I have constructed 
are tentative and I would not claim that an inexperienced entomologist would 
find them very useful ; even the expert will find that some species are troublesome 
and they may also detect errors. Nevertheless, no really comparable attempt 
has been made before and I hope that it may constitute a foundation for more 
successful efforts in the future. It is impossible at the moment to make useful 
keys to the worker caste, which is far too variable and often lacks the diagnostic 
characters of the female. In any district, when a study of the males and females 
has shown which species are present, it is usually possible to identify most of the 

3g of B. adventor (Skorikov) and B. exil (Skorikov) were not available. 

1 Mandibles distally ending in one large ventral and two small dorsal teeth. Antennal 
segment 4 0°73-0°74, segment 5 0-93 as long as segment 3. Mid and hind basi- 
tarsi with long fringes, hind tibia with a bare disk and very long dorsal and ventral 
fringes. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes. Genitalia with spatha 
very wide but strongly narrowed posteriorly ; squama transverse or quadrate, 
inner side proximally with a small process separated by a moderate emargination 
from the posterior lobe ; sagittae hooked inwards, tip blunt, outer side of hook 
with a considerable flange. 3 ‘ : : ; ; ’ ‘ : 2 



Mandibles distally ending in one large ventral and one small dorsal tooth (absent 
in some Mendacibombus) ; ‘ : : : 
Malar space a little shorter than antennal segment RS Squama rounded-quadrate 

or with a long, pointed inner process ‘ : . ALPIGENOBOMBUS (p. 

Malar space half as long as antennal segment 3. Squama very transverse 


Sagittae narrow and pointed. Antennae very long, antennal segment 4 I-I-1°4, 
segment 5 I°5-I7 times as long as segment 3. Malar space nearly twice as long 
as antennal segment 3. Mid and hind basitarsi with short fringes, hind tibia 
bare on disk. Ocelli separated by three to three and a half diameters from eye. 

(Pakistan to W. China) : : . ORIENTALIBOMBUS (p. 

If the sagittae are of this type, the ocelli ; are much closer to the eyes or the hind 
tibia is hairy, or if there is a small bare disk, the fourth antennal Gan is about 
half as long as the third : 

Sagittae curved outwards in a rounded Hoole! Antennal “segments : and 5 1°2 
and 1°5 times as long as segment 3. Ocelli separated by three diameters from 
eyes. Mid and hind basitarsus without long fringes, hind tibia with a bare disk and 
long fringes. Gastral sternite 7 strongly produced, sternite 8 with a narrow, 
parallel-sided, tongue-shaped projection. Stipes with the inner impression very 

feeble ; squama twice as long as broad. (Europe) . . KALLOBOMBUS (p. 

Sagitta not curved outwards into a recurved hook. Antennal segments 4 and 5 
relatively shorter “ shorter than 3) except in a few species with short basitarsal 

Antennal segments 4 and 5 oO ae 56 and O° pe 78 ‘times as long as | segment y 
Eyes swollen, ocelli separated from them by one diameter or less. Mandibular 
beard usually not very well developed. Sagittae narrow and pointed, or finger- 
shaped, only in one group curved inwards with a flange outside the curve 


Antennal segments 4 and 5 relatively longer and sagittae usually of a different 
shape, particularly if the antennae are at all similar. Ocelli eee less close 
to the eyes . ; : 

Sagittae curved inwards with a ‘small flange on the outside of the curve. Squama 
rather elongate, inner edge emarginate. Spatha narrow. Gastral sternite 7 
long trapeziform, apex deeply emarginate. Gastral sternite 8 strongly produced, 
production tongue-shaped. Mid and hind basitarsi and hind tibia with short 

fringes. (S.W. America) ‘ : . FRATERNOBOMBUS (p. 

Sagittae pointed or finger-shaped. Hind basitarsus with a long dorsal fringe 

Squama in section V-shaped, formed of two plates set at an angle and joining at 
their outer edge. Genitalia small, pyriform. Spatha very wide, narrowing 
distally. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic but with rounded-triangular production. 
Gastral sternite 8 crescentic, little produced, subtruncate. Mid basitarsus with 

a fringe as long as its width, fringe of hind tibia long CONFUSIBOMBUS (p. 

Squama subquadrate, all angles rounded, not V-shaped in section : ‘ 
Mid basitarsus with fringe mostly short, hind tibia with long fringes. Antennal 
segment 3 unusually long. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic, sternite 8 produced, 
sides a little rounded, apex distinctly emarginate. Spatha about twice as wide 

as sagitta. (Mountains of Eurasia) é ; MENDACIBOMBUS (p. 

Mid basitarsus with a long fringe, hind tibia with very short ones. Gastral sternite 
7 broadly triangular, apex feebly emarginate, sternite 8 broadly triangular with 
apex deeply emarginate. Spatha very wide, 5 times as wide as sagitta. (N. 

America) : ; : BOMBIAS (p. 

Sagittae in the form of witle sinuate vertical plates. “ Lacinia projecting very little 
beyond squama which on inner side has a deep anterior emargination of which 
the proximal bounding lobe is linear. Spatha very wide. Mid and hind basitarsi 





with short fringes, hind tibiae with a bare disk and both fringes long. Ocelli 

separated by three diameters from eyes. Antennal segments 4 and 5 0-7 and 

o-9 times as long as segment 3. (Eurasia and N. America) . BOMBUS s:.s. (p. 226) 
— Sagittae ofa quite different form ‘ 10 
10 Sagitta ending in a strong, inwardly directed, recurved hook. Mid basitarsus with 

short fringes. Antennal segment 5 longer or (in Separatobombus) just shorter 

than 3 é II 
— Sagitta rarely ending ina a strong, inwardly directed, ‘recurved hook and if. so the 
mid basitarsus with a long fringe . H 16 

1m Ocelli separated by less than one diameter from eyes. Malar space shorter than 
antennal segment 4. Hind basitarsus with a long fringe. Sides of spatha 
strongly convergent posteriorly. Squama a small or rather small rounded 
triangle, lacinia hardly projecting beyond it. (America) . : 5 . : 12 

— Ocelli separated by more than one diameter from eyes. Malar space as long or 
longer than antennal segment 3. Sides of spatha subparallel, little convergent 
posteriorly. Sagitta ending in a more or less rounded, blunt-ended hook . ‘ 13 

12 Sagitta ending in a rounded hook, tip not acute. Impression of stipes wide but 
ill-defined. Antennal segment 5 shorter than 3. Gastral sternite 7 trapeziform, 
apex feebly emarginate, sternite 8 subtriangular . SEPARATOBOMBUS (p. 231) 

— Sagitta with a somewhat smaller hook, tip acute. Impression of stipes wide and 
well-defined. Antennal segment 5 longer than 3. Gastral sternite 7 subcres- 
centic, sternite 8 with a parallel-sided, tongue-like projection 


13 Squama considerably longer than broad, inner side emarginate, lacinia also elongate 
and projecting well beyond it. Impression of stipes strong, sharp-edged. An- 
tennal segment 5 clearly shorter than 3. Hind basitarsus with a long fringe. 

Ocelli separated by one to two and a half diameters from eyes. Gastral sternite 

7 rounded triangular, widely truncate, sternite 8 rounded triangular but slightly 

truncate or if produced, sides of production strongly divergent. (Eurasia). 

— Squama not clearly longer than broad, inner side not emarginate. Impression of 
stipes feebly defined. Antennal segment 5 longer than 3. Gastral sternite 7 
trapeziform or crescentic. 

14 Lacinia scarcely projecting beyond the squama (more so in B. atrocinctus Smith) 
which is small and rounded triangular. Hind basitarsus with a short fringe. 
Ocelli separated by at least three diameters from eye. Gastral sternite 8 with a 
parallel-sided, tongue-like projection. (Eurasia, N. America) PYROBOMBUS (p. 234) 

— Lacinia very long, projecting well beyond the squama. Ocelli separated by less 
than three diameters from eyes. Gastral sternite 8 widely subtriangular . 15 

15 Squama just transverse with inner side emarginate. Hind basitarsus with a short 
or long fringe. Malar space not longer than antennal segment 3. Ocelli separated 
by one and three quarters to two and a quarter diameters from eyes. (Eurasia 
and N. America) ; : ; CULLUMANOBOMBUS (p. 233) 

— Squama S-shaped, inner end pointed, almost the whole of it lying inside the inner 
margin of the stipes. Hind basitarsus with a short fringe. Malar space longer 
than antennal segment 3. Ocelli separated by two and a half diameters from 
eyes. (E. Asia) . : : ; RUFIPEDIBOMBUS (p. 238) 

16 Mid and hind basitarsi wits long fringes : ; , : é : ‘ ‘ 17 

— Mid and hind basitarsi with short fringes. Ocelli separated by three diameters 
from eyes. Malar space more or less elongate (Section ODONTOBOMBUS) 23 

17 Sagitta at end not curved inwards or outwards but with two external teeth, one 
of which is sometimes small. Antennal segment 4 not much shorter than 3, 

5 one and a quarter times longer than 3. Malar space in most species distinctly 
longer than antennal segment 3. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic, 8 subtriangular. 







Spatha wide, sides strongly converging ; stipes with no inner impression ; 
squama longer than broad ; lacinia very long, apex on inner side produced into 
a feeble, rounded, serrate lobe. aici Jig in Eurasia & N. America but 
not in mountains of S.E. Asia) , ; ALPINOBOMBUS (p. 239) 
Sagitta sometimes curved inwards but never with more than one outer tooth. 
Antennal segment 4 not more than three quarters as long as segment 3, 5 not 
more than one tenth longer than segment 3. Malar space rarely longer than 
antennal segment 3... é ; i : : , ; ; 18 
Lacinia projecting far beyond ec Malar space as long as antennal segment 3 
or a little longer. Sagitta with a sharp projection on inner side of apex. An- 
tennal segment 4 0°57, segment 5 about 0-80 as long as segment 3. (Eurasia) . 19 
Lacinia relatively short, projecting at most a moderate distance beyond the squama 
which has rounded angles and an inner emargination. Malar space usually 
shorter than antennal segment 3. Ocelli separated by two diameters or less 
from eyes. (S. America) é 20 
Squama completely fused with the stipes, produced ‘ato a long acute process directed 
downwards and backwards. Sagitta at apex with a small pointed flange on inside 
and a large pointed one on outside. Gastral tergite 7 widely trapeziform, 8 with a 
parallel-sided projection. Stipes with a broad, sharp-edged impression. Lacinia 
twisted so that its plane is oblique distally, with dense short hairs at apex and 
on inner side. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes. (Himalayas) 
Squama separate from stipes, rounded-transverse with a small, proximal inner 
process. Sagitta with an acute apex and an acute inner flange (half arrowhead). 
Gastral tergite 7 crescentic, 8 broadly triangular. Stipes narrow without an 
inner impression. Lacinia not twisted, with few hairs. Ocelli variable, separated 
by 1-3 diameters from eyes. (Eurasia). ; : MELANOBOMBUS (p. 236) 
Antennal segment 5 a little longer than 3. Impression of stipes wide and deep. 
Spatha relatively narrow, about one and a half times as wide as sagitta, sides 

not very convergent posteriorly. : ; : : : : F PIA 
Antennal segment 5 distinctly shorter than 3. Impression of stipes not more than 
half its width. Squama rounded transverse, inner side emarginate . . 22 

Sagitta curved inwards at apex with a serrate flange on the outside. Spatha narrow, 
sides subparallel. Squama very transverse, widening inwards, inner edge emar- 
ginate. Lacinia with a rounded-angular projection on the inner edge, inner corner 
of apex with a long curved hook. Gastral sternite 7 crescentic, 8 with a tongue- 
like projection whose sides converge. Malar space hardly more than half as 
long as antennal segment 3. Ocelli separated by less than one diameter from 
eyes . ; : : ROBUSTOBOMBUS (p. 240) 
Sagitta slightly curved inwards at apex and with a small inner tooth. Squama 
rounded quadrangular with a large subcircular inner emargination. Lacinia 
wide, posterior end with a short hook, end with a dense tuft of relatively long 
bristles. Gastral sternite 7 transverse with central quarter produced, 8 sub- 
triangular. Malar space a little shorter than antennal segment 3. Ocelli separ- 
ated by one and a half diameters from eyes. RUBICUNDOBOMBUS (p. 241) 
Stipes with strong impressions. Sagitta with a somewhat inward-curving pointed 
hook on inside and a narrow serrate flange outside. Lacinia short, apex with 
a small posteriorly directed hook, outer and ventral side with dense short hairs. 
Gastral sternite 7 transverse, apex biemarginate, 8 with a long, parallel-sided 
process. Malar space slightly longer than antennal segment 3. Ocelli separated 
by two diameters from eyes . ; ‘ . COCCINEOBOMBUS (p. 243) 
Stipes with small ill-defined depressions. " Spatha wide with strongly convergent 
sides. Sagitta with apex hooked inwards, externally with a serrate flange. 
Lacinia moderately long, apex with small hook-like projection at inner end. 


Gastral sternite 7 crescentic, weakly emarginate, 8 subtriangular. Malar space 
three quarters as long as antennal segment 3. Ocelli separated by less than 

two diameters from eyes ; ; : FUNEBRIBOMBUS (p. 244) 

23 Lacinia long and narrow, produced inwards at apex into a process like a toe and 
heel. Sagitta narrow, outer side distally strongly serrate (character otherwise 
seen only in B. pascuorum (Scopoli)—Thoracobombus), no tooth beneath. Squama 
forming a large elongate, vertical, curved plate on inner side two thirds enclosing 
an oval space, anterior lower corner produced upwards into a sharp spike. Malar 

space as long as antennal segments 2 + 3 + 4. (Eurasia) MEGABOMBUS (p. 246) 

— Lacinia long and narrow, produced inwards at apex into a spur-like process with 
several points. Sagitta narrow, sinuate, with an apical outer flange forming a 
small tooth at its proximal end, emarginate beneath but not forming a real tooth. 
Squama narrow and transverse, posterior inner corner produced into a thumb- 
shaped process, anterior inner corner with a long curved hook, extending as far 
back as posterior margin. Malar space as long as antennal segments 2 + 3. 

(E. Asia). . ..  DIVERSOBOMBUS (p. 247) 

— Lacinia at apex produced at most into a small hook or serrate, rounded lobe. In 
Senexibombus, somewhat similar to Megabombus, but the sagitta is serrate only 
at the recurved distal quarter 

24 Antennal segment 5 much (x 1:5—1-'9) longer than segment 3 

— Antennal segment 5 little (x 1-0-1-3) longer than segment 3 

25 Antennal segment 4 less than o-7 times as long as 3. Spatha very narrow. Squama 
very large, transversely oblique, proximal inner end produced into a large hook, 
beneath this hook can be seen a downwardly directed bifid process, the outer 
division longer and more acute than the inner one. Sagitta narrow, outer side 
serrate on distal quarter, first tooth of serrations large, beneath with a strong 
angle rather than atooth. Malar space nearly as long as antennal segments 3 + 4. 


(E. Asia) . , SENEXIBOMBUS (p. 248) 

— Antennal segment \ as long as Or longer than segment = Seine ie broad with 
convergent sides . 

26 Lacinia very wide, not extending far beyond outer part of squama, on inner side 
proximally with a very long acute hook, inner edge behind the hook straight 
truncate, somewhat serrate, with long bristles. Squama with elongate outer 
lobe set in an oblique plane, on inner side at a lower level produced into two very 
long acute processes, directed obliquely forwards and backwards respectively. 
Sagitta apically with an outer feebly serrate flange, beneath with a tooth. Malar 
space about as long as antennal cas 3 +4. Gaster very closely punctured. 


(E. Asia). . .  TRICORNIBOMBUS (p. 249) 

— Lacinia very long, broadly digitiform, near centre on inner side produced into a 
strong, parallel-sided process with an expanded end with sharp angles. Squama 
with large, outer part pale and submembranous, generally transverse but posteri- 
orly produced on inside into a rounded lobe, before this deeply emarginate and 
then produced into a large subcircular lobe (mainly in a vertical plane) with its 
dorsal edge serrate and the whole attached to the squama by a narrow stalk. 
Sagitta narrow, simply pointed at apex, not toothed beneath. Malar space as 

long as antennal segment 4. (Eurasia) . ‘ ‘ . LAESOBOMBUS (p. 251) 

27 Sagitta at end somewhat hooked inwards and on outer side with two large teeth, 
mid-point beneath with bifid or trifid tooth. Stipes with wide, sharp-edged 
impressions. Inner edge of squama not emarginate, anterior inner corner some- 
times produced into a vertical lamella. Hind tibial fringe long or short (Hol- 

arctic) F ; . SUBTERRANEOBOMBUS (p. 257) 

— Sagitta curved or hooked outwards, or x pointed, or in one species serrate 
28 Malar space normally a little longer than antennal segments 3 + 4. Sagitta at 
end curved outwards (except B. brevivillus Franklin, Fervidobombus), this end- 






piece serrate or truncate, beneath with a central tooth. Stipes with rather well- 
defined inner impressions. Fringe of hind tibia short. ; : ; ; 

Malar space a little shorter than antennal segments 3 + 4. Sagitta with a small 
pointed external lobe, or pointed, or serrate. Stipes without any distinct inner 
impressions. Squama produced inside into an ora: downwardly directed, 
acute plate or spike. (Eurasia) 

Mandibles without a beard. Squama anteriorly on inside produced obliquely 
downwards and backwards into a twisted plate of which the end is hardly acute. 
Lacinia with apex on inside produced into a small lobe with a small tooth. Trun- 
cate end of sagitta not serrate. Volsellar region with no very conspicuous bristles. 
(Eurasia) . 7 RHODOBOMBUS (p. 

Mandibles with a beard. “Squama on ciaide usually produced into a vertical plate- 
like anterior lamella and a more dorsal wider rounded process (details vary con- 
siderably in different species). Truncate end of sagitta sometimes serrate (in 
B. brevivillus Franklin the sagitta is simply pointed). Lacinia with apex on 
inside produced into a small hook or angular process. Volsellar region with dense 
bristles. (N. and S. America) , ; : FERVIDOBOMBUS (p. 

Lacinia long and broad, finger-shaped, centre of inner edge produced into a wide lobe 
defined at each end by a small tooth or else simple, inner and often ventral surface 
with dense, quite long Raney Sagitta beneath simple or emarginate but 
with no distinct tooth . 

Lacinia wide but not very long, apex: more pointed, pubescence less dense and wide- 
spread, centre of inner edge produced into a spike or at least a narrow, truncate 
process. Sagitta variable but with a central tooth beneath. Fringe of hind 
tibia long . ‘ : f THORACOBOMBUS (p. 

Lacinia with centre of inner edge produced into a wide lobe defined at each end by 
a small tooth. Sagitta simply eS with no tooth or emargination beneath. 
Hind tibia with a long fringe : : MUCIDOBOMBUS (p. 

Lacinia with inner edge straight or feebly cc concave, with no lobe or process. Sagitta 
at end hardly acute, with a slight outer, feebly serrate, flange, ventrally bi- 
emarginate but without a tooth. Fringe of hind tibia short 



Apex of mandibles with six teeth. Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle 
more or less clearly acute. Hind basitarsus proximally near ventral margin often 
with a number of bristles almost as long as the corbicular bristles. Sting-sheath 
with the outer thickenings rather narrow, of even width ; inner thickenings 
moderately widened below and gradually narrowed upwards, centre of wide part 
blackened, membrane between blackened on a lateral lobe Plecene down to 
mid-point : 

Apex of mandibles with one Email dereal tooth and eHen an incisura is developed’ 
the ventral corner may also project to some extent. Hind basitarsus normally 
with no bristles as long as the corbicular bristles [except in Mendacibombus and 
Pressibombus | , G : 

Malar space strongly transverse, shorter than eatennal segment 3. Ventral man- 
dibular tooth directed inwards. (Pyrenees and Norway to Himalayas and 










China) ; ; . ALPIGENOBOMBUS (p. 221) 

Malar space about quadrate, longer than antennal segment 3. Ventral mandibular 

tooth directed downwards. (Himalayass.l.) . ; . NOBILIBOMBUS (p. 

Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle obtuse, more or less rounded. [Except 
for some Sibiricobombus, most of which have the ocelli separated by about two 



diameters from eyes ; they also differ from the species of Subterraneobombus 
which they often most resemble in having the whole surface of the auricle of the hind 
basitarsus densely hairy (Text-fig. 38). Bombus tanguticus Morawitz (Melanobombus) 
has the basitarsus produced but has a strong, bare subcircular boss on gastral 
tergite 6 such is not found in Odontobombus] . : 4 
— Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle usually spinose, at least very distinctly 
acute. Malar space usually at least longer than broad, often distinctly elongate. 
Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes. (Section Odontobombus)  . : 22 
4 Outer surface of hind tibia densely reticulate, dull, some long bristles arising from 
disk down to near its mid-point. Malar space very elongate. Antennal segment 
3 fully three times as long as wide in centre. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath 
very narrow, inner ones very narrow, of even width, no blackened areas. (Pyren- 
ees to Himalayas and other asiatic mountains) : MENDACIBOMBUS (p. 229) 
~- Outer surface of hind tibia less coarsely reticulate, rarely if ever so dull, long bristles 
confined to margins except very near the base or else the malar space is transverse. 
Antennal segment 3 nearly always shorter : : ‘ : . 5 
5 Malar space very long, longer than antennal segments 2+ 3. Antennal segment 3 
about four times as long as broad. Lateral ocelli usually separated by not much 
more than two diameters from eyes. Clypeus usually with rather numerous, 
scattered, rather fine punctures, apical impressions with dense fine punctures. 
Mid basitarsus with posterior apical angle somewhat produced. (Some species, 
see couplet 3, are difficult to separate from some of Subterraneobombus, cf. couplet 
29.) Outer thickenings of sting-sheath rather narrow, sometimes a little widened 
above, inner thickenings narrow very little widened below ; membrane brown 
and convex in a small dorsal region and with a somewhat blackened lobe laterally 
near centre. (E. Europe to Asia, where mainly in mountains) 
— Malar space clearly shorter or, if not, antennal segment 3 not so long (about two 
and a half times as long as broad). Mid basitarsus with posterior angle quite 
obtuse . 6 
6 Corbicular hairs unusually dense, tibial surface between them covered throughout 
with rather sparse but quite distinct, very short feathered hairs. Very large 
species ; wings usually coloured, dark or yellow brown. Malar space about 
quadrate. Mandibles with weak or no incisura, no sulcus obliquus. Clypeus 
generally little punctured, mid line dorsally with many, usually fine, punctures, 
apical depressions with coarse punctures and sometimes fine ones as well. Punc- 
tures of frons all relatively fine, unpunctured areas large. Outer thickenings 
of sting-sheath narrow but considerably widened above, inner thickenings 
widened from below to just above middle then narrowed again, edge consider- 
ably blackened, adjacent to this on each side a strong, shining, convex fold of 
membrane. (Himalayas to Formosa and Sumatra) RUFIPEDIBOMBUS (p. 238) 
— Corbicular hairs less dense, tibial surface between them without these short feathered 
hairs except in a few Melanobombus (couplet 8). (B. coccineus Friese has short, 
non-feathered hairs, but gastral tergite 6 has a deep furrow and the ee 
area of the frons has a band of microscopic punctures.) . 7 
7 Frons with unpunctured areas very large ; most of the area for some , distance in 
front of the ocelli unpunctured and a narrow band of punctures between the 
ocelli and eyes ; area immediately behind the ocelli also unpunctured. Large 
species with dark wings. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes. Malar 
space considerably longer than broad, clearly longer than antennal segments 2 + 3, 
antennal segment 3 two and a half times as long as wide at apex. Mandibles 
with no incisura. Clypeus with few punctures and these nearly all fine, apical 
impressions sparsely punctured. Labral lamella straight, wide, but not very 
clearly defined. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath of moderate, even width ; 

inner thickenings moderately wide and gradually narrowing upwards, inner 
margin blackened for a considerable distance and adjacent membrane also 
blackened. (Kashmir to S. China) : : . ORIENTALIBOMBUS (p. 224) 

— Frons without this large unpunctured area, especially in front of the ocelli ; or 
else densely punctured right up to them posteriorly and ocelli closer to eyes 8 

8 Sixth gastral tergite with a bare, convex, more or less rounded boss. Hind tibia 
with dorsal inner corner not or rarely somewhat produced. Hind basitarsus 
as a rule with unusually dense, short, feathery hairs. Wings rarely dark, tip 
not particularly darkened. Malar space about quadrate or, if distinctly longer, 
the ocelli are separated by two to two and a half diameters from eyes, or the 
species is very large and dark winged. Antennal segments 3: 4:5 = 8: 54:6. 
Frons with quite numerous fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Outer 
thickenings of sting-sheath generally narrow but much widened for a short 
distance dorsally, inner thickenings widened for a considerable distance then nar- 
rowed again dorsally, edge sometimes blackened and intervening membranous 
folds sometimes also blackened. (Europe to India, China and Formosa) 


— Sixth gastral tergite without a convex rounded boss. Hind tibia with dorsal distal 
inner corner more or less strongly angularly produced (except in Kallobombus 
and a few Pyrobombus—B. pratorum (Linnaeus), B. atrocinctus Smith). Hind 
basitarsus rarely so densely haired d 

g Whole discal surface of hind tibia with scattered but quite numerous sshort unbranched 
hairs. Ocelli separated by two and a half diameters from eyes. Frons with 
unpunctured area moderately large crossed by a wide transverse band of micro- 
scopic punctures, inner margin by eye with numerous very microscopic punctures 
and a few rather large ones. Malar space just transverse. Gastral tergite 6 with 
a raised boss (almost as in Melanobombus) but divided by a deep, well-defined 
furrow. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath narrow but considerably widened 
dorsally, inner thickenings narrow but moderately widened, on ventral quarter, 
not darkened ; membrane dark and rather convex dorsally. (Peru) 


— Hind tibia at least with a considerable distal discal area bare. Frons without a 
band of microscopic punctures across the unpunctured area. Gastral tergite 
6 never with such a deep, well-defined furrow . 
10 Malar space distinctly transverse. Either a definite band of close punctures along 
inner margin of eyes or ocelli separated by about two diameters from eyes, or 
both : ‘ : ; ; i 
— Malar space elongate, quadrate or just transverse. In the members of Pyrobombus 
with a distinctly transverse malar space, there are no fine punctures along the inner 
eye-margin and the ocelli are separated by three diameters from eye ; antennal 
segment 3 clearly shorter than4+ 5. . 
Ir Ocelli lying just in front of postocular line, separated by three diameters from 
eyes and corbicular surface of hind tibia entirely bare and shining. Mandibles with 
a strong incisura, sulcus obliquus moderately distinct. Clypeus strongly punc- 
tured on almost its whole surface. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath narrow, 
widened dorsally for a short distance only ; inner thickenings relatively wide, 
twice emarginate, the processes so formed more or less bent inwards, membrane 




undifferentiated. (Eurasia and N. America to Mexico) . BOMBUS s:.s. (p. 226) 

— Either ocelli not separated by more than two diameters from eyes or the proximal 
half or third of corbicular surface bristly and the whole surface more or less 
strongly reticulate ; or both these characters present. Mandibles with no or 
with a weak incisura, sulcus obliquus strong (except in Crotchitbombus Franklin). 
Clypeus sometimes with some sparse large punctures but if punctures are close 
they are small. 



12 Hind tibia with its corbicular surface bare. Clypeus swollen with fine and rather close 
punctures. Ocelli separated by two diameters or less from eyes, well in front 
of postocular line. (U.S.A. and C. America) ; : : 

— Hiuind tibia with pier ae half or third of its corbicular surface bristly (C. and 
S. America) ‘ : ’ 

13 Frons with rather strong, close, punctures along inner margin of eyes. Clypeus 
elongate, impressions feeble, finely and closely punctured. Labral furrow wide 
and deep, nearly as wide as length of antennal segment 3. Mandibles with a 
strong sulcus obliquus. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath moderately wide 
both above and below, inner thickenings rather strongly widened on lower third 
and evenly narrowing and running to top at a constant width ; a little darkened 
where it narrows. Membrane dorsally projecting and produced down each side 



into an elongate-ovate, blackened lobe. (N. America) SEPARATOBOMBUS (p. 231) 

— Frons rather sparsely punctured all round the ocelli except for a densely punctured 
area immediately behind them ; unpunctured areas large and ill-defined, without 
a band of fine punctures near the eye though in Crotchiibombus a band of very 
fine punctures may be seen set rather more discally. Clypeus short, impressions 
with coarse punctures. Labral furrow deep and narrower. (Mandibles with a 
weaker sulcus obliquus in Crotchiibombus.) 

14 Malar space clearly shorter than antennal segment 3 which is shorter than twice 
the length of 4. Clypeus more coarsely though shallowly punctured, impressions 
weaker. Labral tubercles more convex but less angular, furrow deep, rather wider 
than length of antennal segment 3. Corbicular hairs shorter than half tibial 
width and dense. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath narrow and of about constant 
width, inner thickenings considerably widened and blackened on lower third, 
above this very narrow ; membrane undifferentiated. (N. America) 



— Malar space clearly longer than antennal segment 3 which is nearly as long as twice 
the length of 4. Clypeus more finely punctured, impressions stronger. Labral 
tubercles less raised but more angular at inner end, furrow deeper and much 
narrower than the length of antennal segment 3. Corbicular hairs mostly longer 
than half the tibial width and less dense. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath 
rather wide but narrowed in centre, inner thickenings widened for a short distance 
ventrally, then rather suddenly narrowed and of constant width to the top, con- 
siderably blackened on lower half ; membrane with a blackened convex area 
close to the narrowing of the inner thickenings. (N. and C. America) 


15 Frons rather closely punctured, with large but well-defined unpunctured areas and 
a band of fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Ocelli separated by three 
diameters from eyes and lying a little in front of postocular line. Clypeus with 
numerous punctures, mostly rather large, swollen with ventral third flattened. 
Labral furrow narrow. Hind basitarsus not unusually bristly. Outer thickenings 
of sting-sheath very wide, inner thickenings gradually widening from below but 
soon ending in a right-angled truncation, above this widening again in a regular 
curve, inner margin somewhat blackened, membrane forming two somewhat 
pyriform, convex, deep brown lobes. (C. and western S. America) 


— Frons with large unpunctured or very sparsely punctured areas in front of and 
around the ocelli, no specially defined unpunctured areas, no band of punctures 
along inner margin of eyes. Ocelli separated by two diameters from eyes and 
lying well in front of postocular line. Clypeus strongly swollen, sometimes 
somewhat flattened ventrally, little or moderately punctured, apical impressions 
feeble. Labral furrow wide or very wide. Hind basitarsus with bristles on its 
outer surface longer and more numerous than usual. Outer thickenings of 






sting-sheath of constant width, moderately broad, inner thickenings considerably 
widened below and ending in a finger-shaped blackened process, a somewhat 
similar process projects from above almost to meet it, margin of small area 
enclosed between these processes also sometimes blackened; intervening mem- 
brane sometimes raised into a horseshoe-shaped fold. (C. and S. America) 



Malar space much or at least distinctly longer than broad, at least as long as antennal 
segments 2 + 3, often as long as 3 + 4. Clypeus moderately long and swollen, 
generally but not very coarsely punctured, apical impressions strong, strongly 
and more or less closely punctured. Antennal segments 3:4:5=9:6:7. 
Frons rather finely punctured, especially behind the level of the ocelli, unpunc- 
tured areas ill-defined, a rather broad band of fine sculpture along inner margin 
of eyes. Ocelli separated by three diameters from eyes, just in front of or almost 
on the postocular line. Inner thickenings of sting-sheath strongly widened below, 
two isolated blackened spots in the membrane between them. (Alps, N. Scan- 
dinavia, Arctic Eurasia, Arctic America, Rockies, Sierras, to Colorado and 

California) . ‘ ALPINOBOMBUS (p. 239) 

Malar space transverse, quadrate or a little longer than broad, never more than a 
little longer than antennal segment 3. 

Mandibles with no incisura but with ventral apical angle. produced into a | small 
process, sulcus obliquus rather strong. Ocelli separated by two and a half dia- 
meters from eyes, rather distinctly in front of postocular line. Labral tubercles 
convex, angled at inner end, furrow narrow, narrower than length of antennal 
segment 3. Frons quite closely punctured, unpunctured areas large but well- 
defined, a wide band of fine punctures along the eyes. Outer thickenings of 
sting-sheath moderately wide, inner thickenings gradually but not very strongly 
widened from below, ending in a rounded blackened knob, above this slightly 
widened again and sending down an ill-defined blackened process towards the 
knob ; lower part and adjacent membrane somewhat blackened, membrane 


otherwise undifferentiated. (C.andS. America) . FUNEBRIBOMBUS (p. 244) 

Mandibles sometimes with an incisura but not with the ventral apical angle produced 
into a short process 

Labral tubercles little raised and much rounded, forrow shallow and ill- defined. 
Ocelli separated by two and a half diameters or less from eyes, well in front of 
postocular line. Mandibles with no incisura and a weak sulcus obliquus. An- 
tennal segment 3 as long as or hardly longer than 4 + 5 . : 

Labral tubercles more or less raised and flattened, inner end more or ‘less angled, 
furrow deeper and well-defined. Ocelli more widely separated from eyes (except 
some Cullumanobombus). Antennal segment 3 clearly shorter than 4 + 5. 
Malar space quadrate or more or less transverse. 

Malar space a little longer than broad and a little longer than antennal segment . 
Clypeus with a wide flattened disk, closely and finely punctured, especially on 
lower third, impressions ill-defined but closely punctured. Frons mostly closely 
and rather finely punctured, unpunctured areas well-defined, a wide band of 
close fine punctures along inner margin of eyes. Outer thickenings of sting- 
sheath not broad but a little more so above than below, inner thickenings 
very narrow, membrane convex dorsally and sending down to centre two large 
blackened lobes on each side. (C. Europe) 

Malar space about quadrate, about as long as antennal segment 3. Clypeus long, 
strongly swollen, closely and finely punctured, impressions very weak and not 
more punctured. Frons moderately strongly and closely punctured, unpunctured 
areas large and ill-defined, a narrow band of rather fine sculpture along inner margin 
of eyes. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath a little wider above than below, inner 
thickenings rather narrow and of almost constant width, edge upturned, especially 











below, membrane undifferentiated except for some lateral blackening. (N. 
America) . ‘ ; BOMBIAS (p. 230) 
Ocelli separated by. somewhat. or distinctly less than three diameters from eyes, 
well in front of postocular line. Hind basitarsus rather less pubescent than 
usual. Frons closely and rather finely punctured, unpunctured areas small and 
well-defined, a wide band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eyes. Mandibles 
with no incisura and a rather strong sulcus obliquus. Outer thickenings of sting- 
sheath considerably widened above, inner thickenings rather strongly widened 
and a little blackened below, two small blackened areas in membrane opposite 
centre of widened part. (Eurasia, N. and C. America) 
Ocelli separated by fully three diameters from eyes, gre in front of eee 
line. : . 21 
Clypeus rather strongly and evenly “puncturéd; impressions strong but not more 
closely punctured. Frons rather closely punctured, unpunctured areas small and 
well-defined, a wide band of fine sculpture along inner margin of eyes. Man- 
dibles with no incisura or sulcus obliquus. Hind basitarsus with sparse pubes- 
cence and no long bristles. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath moderately wide, 
especially above, inner thickenings rather strongly widened upwards to above 
middle then suddenly narrowed, edge of wide part a little blackened, a slight 
dorsal fold but no black spots in the membrane. (Europe) KALLOBOMBUS (p. 225) 
Clypeus, except impressions, largely unpunctured (more strongly and closely in 
B. lapponicus (Fab.). Frons mostly rather sparsely punctured, unpunctured 
areas ill-defined, no fine punctures along inner margin of eyes, the margin being 
largely shining. Mandibles with a well-marked incisura but no sulcus obliquus. 
No long bristles on hind basitarsus which is not usually very densely haired. 
Outer thickenings of sting-sheath narrow but considerably widened for a short 
distance dorsally, inner thickenings narrow and scarcely widened or blackened, 
two large blackened spots in membrane (at least of copulated 9) (Europe, Asia, 
including Malayan Archipelago, N. and C. America) PYROBOMBUS (p. 234) 
Clypeus with fairly numerous scattered punctures, mostly small but some large. 
Frons not closely nor coarsely punctured, unpunctured areas not large, ill-defined, 
no fine punctures along inner margin of eyes, the margin being largely shining. 
Mandibles with feeble incisura and no sulcus obliquus. Hind basitarsus densely 
pubescent, lower edge for its whole length and disk in part with long bristles. 
Outer thickenings of sting-sheath not wide but wider above than below, inner 
thickenings very wide, widest just above middle and gradually narrowing above 
and below, considerably blackened, especially near middle ; membrane little 
differentiated except for a darkened dorsal patch. (Himalayas) 
PRESSIBOMBUS (Frison) (p. 237) 

Malar space twice as long as antennal segment 3 ‘ ‘ . ‘ 23 
Malar space less than 1-30 times as long as antennal segment ro ‘ ; ; 25 
Malar space 1:40-1:80 times as long as antennal segment 3 . : ; : : 27 

Antennal segment 3 a little shorter than 4 + 5 (104: 11). Mid line of clypeus 
dorsally with a slight furrow or line of close punctures. Furrow between labral 
tubercles narrower. Mid basitarsus acutely spinosely produced. Outer thick- 
enings of sting-sheath rather wide, of fairly constant width, inner thickenings 
considerably widened below to above the mid point, this part with a blackened 
edge and ending in a small blackened projection, above this emarginate and then 
with a rounded projecting lobe of which the base is blackened, membrane between 
thrown into two longitudinal folds. (Eurasia north and west of Himalayas) 

MEGABOMBUS (p. 246) 

Antennal segment 3 clearly shorter than 4 + 5 (at most 114: 13). Furrow between 

labral tubercles wider. Mid basitarsus with the production wider, hardly spinose. 24 








Inner dorsal angle of hind tibia not or hardly produced apically. Much of clypeus 
rather strongly and closely punctured, mid line on dorsal third with several rows 
of fine punctures (cf. couplet 36). A few species of FERVIDOBOMBUS (p. 259) 
Inner dorsal angle of hind tibia pointed apically though the point is short and broad. 
Clypeus finely or little punctured, no rows of punctures on mid line dorsally 
(cf. couplet 35). . ; . Some species of SUBTERRANEOBOMBUS (p. 257) 
Frons with large unpunctured areas separated from eyes by a narrow band of close, 
fine punctures. Malar space unpunctured. Mid basitarsus spinosely produced. 
Outer thickenings of sting-sheath not wide, a little wider above, inner thickenings 
moderately widened over most of dorsal half, a little blackened, membrane not 
differentiated. (Eurasia, north and west of the Himalayas) 
Frons with small unpunctured areas, separated from eyes by a wide band of fine 
punctures . : 26 
Mid basitarsus broadly produced, Band. of fine puicbures along inner edge of 
eye not spreading over the unpunctured area of frons. Labral lamella not 
prominent. Malar space with many fine punctures. Outer thickenings of 
sting-sheath rather narrow but somewhat wider dorsally, inner thickenings 
narrow but somewhat widened on central two thirds and the margin at the 
centre somewhat blackened, adjacent membrane also somewhat blackened but 
otherwise undifferentiated. (E. Europe and W. Asia but not in Himalayas) 
Mid basitarsus spinosely produced. Band of fine punctures along inner edge of 
eye spreading halfway across unpunctured area of frons. Labral lamella con- 
siderably thickened. Malar space unpunctured. Outer thickenings of sting- 
sheath wide above, narrow below, inner thickenings moderately wide on lower 
half, gradually but much narrowed above, membrane with two indefinite dorsal 
lobes. (E. Mongolia and Ussuri distr.) . ‘ : . EXILOBOMBUS (p. 253) 
Gastral tergites with very close coarse punctures except tergite 6 which has coarse 
granules. Mid basitarsus acutely spinosely produced. Hind tibia with corbi- 
cular surface strongly reticulate. Length malar space : antennal segment 3 = 
1°60. Frons with rather small and well-defined unpunctured areas with a wide 
band of close fine punctures along inner margins of eyes. Outer thickenings of 
sting-sheath not wide except quite dorsally, inner thickenings very wide and 
bent inwards, ending rather suddenly dorsally and here somewhat blackened 
though generally pale brown ; membrane not generally differentiated but with 
a convex central fold at dorsal end. (Asia, especially north-eastern) 
Gastral tergites without such close, coarse punctures . ; ; 28 
Frons with no band of close fine punctures along the inner margin of eyes, unpune- 
tured area large and ill-defined. Clypeus closely and coarsely punctured. 
Length malar space: antennal segment 3 = 1:50. Mid basitarsus acutely 
spinosely produced. Hind tibia with corbicular surface feebly reticulate. Outer 
thickenings of sting-sheath rather wide, even wider dorsally, inner thickenings 
rather narrow with a moderately wide section near centre, above this blackened 
and the black part with a small downward projection into the membrane from 
about the middle, intervening membrane thrown into two big folds. (Malaysia, 
Philippines, Indonesia) , , SENEXIBOMBUS (p. 248) 
Frons with a band of close fine punctures along the inner margin of eyes. : 29 
Malar space very long and third antennal segment about four times as long as broad. 
Auricle of hind basitarsus with dense brown pile even on surface not apposed to 
hind tibia (Text-fig. 38. Inner thickenings of sting-sheath very little widened even 
below and membrane only with a narrow blackened lateral lobe. 
Some species of SIBIRICOBOMBUS (see couplet 5). 





Malar space and third antennal segment shorter. A few species of Subterraneobombus 
(couplet 34) are not very different but in them the auricle (fig. 39) has dense 
pile only on the surface apposed to the end of the hind tibia and the inner thicken- 
ings of the sting-sheath project strongly, are heavily sclerotized, and the inter- 
vening membrane has two very large lateral folds. 

Mid basitarsus acutely spinosely produced . 

Mid basitarsus acute but not spinose 

Malar space longer, about as long as antennal segments 2 she 3+ 4: meee rom 
narrower and deeper. Inner dorsal angle at apex of hind tibia little produced 

Malar space not longer than antennal segments 3 + 4; antennal segment 5 only 
a little longer than 4. Hind basitarsus quite strongly produced ; 

Antennal segment 5 clearly longer than 4 which is transverse rather than quadrate 
and shorter than in any other group of Odontobombus. Hind basitarsus little pro- 
duced apically. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath moderately wide, especially 
above, inner thickenings strongly almost angularly widened, widest well below 
middle, not blackened ; membrane hardened and darkened dorsally. (Asia) 




Antennal segment 5 very little longer than 4 which is at least quadrate. Hind 
basitarsus distinctly produced apically. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath some- 
what wider dorsally than ventrally, inner thickenings widening very gradually 
upwards, widest near the top then rather suddenly narrowing, a slight blackening 
of the edge near the centre ; two small central folds at the top of the membrane. 
(I have not seen a male of this group and the genitalia do not seem to have been 

illustrated.) (Asia) . : ADVENTORIBOMBUS (p. 254) 

A large unpunctured area in front of median ocellus, lateral unpunctured areas large 
but well-defined, band of fine sculpture along inner margins of eye narrow. 
Antennal segment 3 just longer than 4 + 5. Apical impressions of clypeus small 
and narrow with close larger punctures, mostly in rows. Inner dorsal angle at 
apex of hind tibia not or hardly produced. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath 
rather narrow, only a little wider dorsally, inner thickenings moderately and 

Oh | (Y WY —_ 
SoS Ry, 1&3 iif Ys f 

Fics. 38-39. Auricle of right hind basitarsus of, 38, Bombus miniatocaudatus Vogt ; 

39, B. fragrans Pallas. 




evenly widened over most of their length, thickenings rather dark ; membrane 
thrown into two small dorsal brown folds. (Eurasia north and west of Hima- 
layas). (cf. also couplet 37) ‘ ; RHODOBOMBUS (p. 258) 

Area in front of median ocellus coarsely but not closely punctured, lateral un- 

punctured areas of moderate size, fairly well-defined, band of fine sculpture along 
inner margin of eyes wide or rather wide, antennal segment 3 shorter than or as 
long as 4 + 5. Inner dorsal apical angle of hind tibia more acutely produced. 34 

Malar space as long as antennal segments 3 + 4. Apical impressions of clypeus 

rather strong with close, moderately coarse punctures. Labral tubercles flat- 
tened, furrow shallow. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath moderately wide, 
especially above, inner thickenings moderately or rather strongly broadened to 
the middle or rather higher, the top of the broad part projecting as a slight spur, 
margin below the broadest part a little blackened, membrane undifferentiated. 
(Eurasia, north and west of Himalayas) . : é THORACOBOMBUS (p. 255) 

Malar space not quite as long as antennal segments 2 + 3. Apical impressions of 

clypeus weak with a narrow deeper strip with close moderately coarse punctures. 
Labral tubercles somewhat raised and angular at the inner end, furrow moderately 
deep. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath rather narrow even dorsally, inner 
thickenings gradually widening upwards for almost whole length, widest just 
before the top and blackened for a short distance below this ; membrane undif- 
ferentiated. (Eurasia, west and north of Himalayas) MUCIDOBOMBUS (p. 256) 

Species often large or very large, clypeus swollen with no furrow or lines of punctures 

on dorsal third of mid line, general surface often but not in all species considerably 
punctured. Malar space variable, ratio of its length to that of the third antennal 
segment from 1-43 (B. fragrans Pall.) to over 2-10 (B. difficillimus Skor.). Hind 
tibia with inner dorsal apical angle sharp though production rather wide. Outer 
thickenings of sting-sheath not very wide and of even width, inner thickenings 
rather strongly widened in a regular curve, widest at about the middle, a sharp 
black patch just above this ; membrane dorsally on each side thrown into a 
strong dark fold which touches the inner thickening, about meets its fellow and 
extends down to mid point. (See also couplet 24.) (Eurasia, N. America) 

Clypeus with a slight furrow or distinct lines of punctures on mid line of dorsal 

third. Malar space of medium length or, rarely, rather long. Hind tibia with 
inner dorsal apical angle not or scarcely produced . ; : : ; ‘ 36 

36 Clypeus with widespread but sparse fine punctures. Mid basitarsus more spinosely 

produced. Frons less punctured with a larger area in front of and at sides of 
ocelli unpunctured. (See couplet 32.) . : RHODOBOMBUS (p. 258) 

Clypeus generally with closer and coarser punctures. Mid basitarsus often not 

very distinctly produced. Frons more punctured, with unpunctured areas 
smaller. Species often large or very large. Outer thickenings of sting-sheath 
much wider above than below, inner thickenings strongly widened below, then 
narrowing from about mid point where there is a large blackened area ; membrane 
dorsally thrown into a convex central fold. (N. and S. America) 



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MasNER, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British 
Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. 
Pp. 143. February, 1965. £5. 

Nixon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera : 
Braconidae). Pp. 284; 348 Text-figures. August, 1965. 6. 

. Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177; 

18 plates, 270 Text-figures. August, 1965. £4 4s. 

. SaAnDs, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, 

Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp.172; 500 Text-figures. October, 
1965. £3 5s. 

. AHMAD,I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera : Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156; 

475 Text-figures. November, 1965. {2 I5s. 

. OxaDA,T. Dipterafrom Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae & Drosophilidae. 

Pp. 129; 328 Text-figures. 3. 

. GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family 

Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp.168; 43 Text-figures. February, 1967. 
£3 35. 

. FLETCHER, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the 

world species of Cleora (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. 119; 14 plates, 146 
Text-figures, 9 maps. February, 1967. £3 Ios. 

HemminG, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species 
(Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp. 509. August, 1967. {£8 Ios. 

STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rhopa- 
locera). Pp. 322; Coloured frontispiece, 348 text-figures. August, 1967. £8. 
Mounp, L. A. A review of R. S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera Collection’s Pp. 184; 
82 Text-figures. May, 1968. £4. 




ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 6 
LONDON: 1968 




British Museum (Natural History) 

Pp. 277-305 


ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 6 
LONDON: 1968 

(NATURAL HISTORY), instituted in 1949, ts 
issued in five series corresponding to the Departments 
of the Museum, and an Historical series. 

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become 
ready. Volumes will contain about three or four 
hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed 
within one calendar year. 

In 1965 @ separate supplementary series of longer 
papers was instituted, numbered serially for each 

This paper is Vol. 22, No. 6 of the Entomological 
series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited 
follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 

World List abbreviation : 
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). 

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 20 September, 1968 Price Twelve Shillings. 



SaeNiOiWw SEs 

A list of the Libellulid and Corduliid type-specimens in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) has 
been prepared. Three hundred and forty-three taxa are dealt with and lectotypes are designated 
for ninety-seven of these taxa. 


In 1966, following the bequest to the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) of the Fraser 
collection of Odonata, the author published a list of Fraser’s Odonata types in the 
BM(NH) collections. This produced valuable information and the present work 
offers a similar list of the type-specimens of Libellulidae and Corduliidae in our 
collection. The publication of such lists is advocated by the International Commis- 
sion on Zoological Nomenclature (Rec. 72D(4)) and the preparation of this list has 
proved both useful and interesting. Certain discrepancies in the labelling and 
marking of some of the earlier types have come to light and the opportunity has 
been taken to designate lectotypes in ninety-three cases in which the descrip- 
tions were based upon a series of specimens and a type or holotype was not 
specified by the original author in print. The word LECTOTYPE, in capital letters, 
indicates a designation of lectotype in this paper. 

This list includes not only Fraser’s types, dealt with by Kimmins (1966), but also 
the small number of Fabrician Libellulid types from the Sir Joseph Banks collection, 
which were studied by Campion (1917). In both these cases, the original type data 
is not repeated, but reference is made to the appropriate paper in which it may be 

The general lay-out follows that of Kimmins (1966), each entry beginning with the 
specific name (in alphabetical order), author, the genus in which it was described, 
followed by the date and page and figure references. Full references are given at the 
end of the paper. Next follows the status of the type specimen and the label data, 
that of each label being separated from the next by an oblique stroke. 

Any comments are given in a second paragraph. Square brackets enclose addi- 
tional information, such as the completion of abbreviated locality names; [WFK] 
indicates that a label is in Kirby’s writing. Type [McL. label] indicates the small, 
rectangular type-label, usually on mauve or reddish paper, used by McLachlan. 
BM Register numbers are not given. 

In the case of species described by Calvert (1909), it appears to have been his 
practice to label as TYPE the example figured. These are to be considered as 
Holotypes. (Calvert, r901-08: xxviii). 

This list of types was completed in February 1968. 

ENTOM. 22, 6 14 

280 D. E. KIMMINS 

adolescens Kirby (Beblecia), 1900 : 71-72, fig. 2. LECTOTYPE 3 (abdominal segments 
5-10 missing). Free Town, Sierra Leone, 13.ix.99, E. E. Austen/Beblecia adolescens Kb. 
type [WFK]. 

Of the three examples listed by Kirby, only one (the lectotype) bears his determination 
label, as recorded above, but the other two examples, 1 g, 1 9, are recognizable by the locality 
data and are considered to be paralectotypes. No type was designated in print, but the 
example bearing his determination label has been selected as Lectotype. This specimen has 
for many years carried a red type label, now replaced by a lectotype label. This taxon is 
currently considered a synonym of Crocothemis divisa Karsch. 

aenea Kirby (Zygonidia), 1905 : 275-277. Holotype g. Tonkin/Zygonidia aenea Kirby, 
$ Holotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1961. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Zygonyx iris Selys. 
aequalis Kimmins (ssp. Rhyothemis phyllis), 1936 : 78-80, text-fig. 7 and pl. 3. Holotype ¢. 
New Hebrides, Malekula, Ounua, 21.iii.1929, Miss L. E. Cheesman/Rhyothemis phyllis 
aequalis Kimmins ¢, det. D. E. Kimmins. 

aethiopica Kimmins (ssp. Atoconeura biordinata), 1958 : 357—358, figs. 7a-c. Holotype ¢. 
Ethiopia, Segheria, 25.iii.1948, K. M. Guichard/Atoconeura biordinata aethiopica Kim., 
3g Type, D. E. Kimmins det. 1958. 

affinis Kirby (Neurothemis), 1889 : 323, pl. 54, fig. 2. Holotype §. Barang/N. affinis type 

This specimen has lost its BM register number, so that it is not possible to check the accuracy 
of the locality label ‘Barang’, which is in Indochina. It is probably wrongly labelled, since 
the taxon is currently placed as a synonym of Erythrodiplax funerea Hagen, a S. American 

alcestis Tillyard (Rhyothemis), 1906 : 482-483, pl. 44, fig. 1. Holotype 9 (lacking head). 
Kuranda, N. Q., F. P. Dodd, xii.o7/Rhyothemis alcestis Till., 9 TyPE, R.J.T. 
Described from a single example. Currently placed in the synonymy of Rhyothemis 
braganza Karsch. 
allogenes Tillyard (Agrionoptera), 1908 : 641-643. LECTOTYPE 3. Cairns, N. Q., iv.o5, 
E. Allen/Agrionoptera allogenes Till., Type, R.J.T./Agrionoptera allogenes Tillyard, $ Lecto- 
type, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a subspecies of A. papuensis Selys. 
amaryllis Selys (Rhyothemis), 1878: 299. MWHolotype g (lacking head). Menado/Type 
[McL. label]/Lib. amaryllis ¢ Selys. 

The unique holotype was originally in the McLachlan collection. Currently placed as a 

synonym of Rhyothemis phyllis snellent Selys. 
amazonica Kirby (Ephidatia), 1889 : 331 (pars) LECTOTYPE g. Santarem/168/Ephidatia 
amazonica type [WFK]/Ephidatia amazonica Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

This species was restricted by Ris, 1913 : 1013 to the ¢ and 9 from Santarem, the ¢ from 
Para becoming a paratype of Ephidatia batesi Ris, 1913. E. amazonica Kirby (restr.) is 
currently considered a synonym of Idiataphe longipes cubensis (Scudder). 

amazonica Kirby (Fylgia), 1889 : 344, pl. 51, figs. 2, 3. LECTOTYPE g. Para [label 
replaced, DEK]/Fylgia amazonica type ¢ [WFK]/Fylgia amazonica Kirby, 4 Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. ~ 

Kirby’s label ‘Fylgia amazonica type 9’ had been wrongly attached to an immature g and 

has been transferred to one of the two 2 syntypes, both of which lack heads. 

ambiguus Kirby (Misthotus), 19054 : 193. Lectotype g (Kimmins, 1957 : 96-97). C/[ape 
of] G[ood] H[ope]/Misthotus ambiguus cotype [WFK]/Misthotus ambiguus Kirby, g Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1956. 

Currently placed as synonym of Trithemis dorsalis (Rambur). The other syntype of 
ambiguus (Transvaal) was placed by Longfield (1936 : 490) as a synonym of Tvithemis risi 
Longfield (1936 : 490). 


anomala Kirby (Anatya), 1889 : 338, pls. 53, fig. 9 and 57, fig. 7. LECTOTYPE 3. Para/3/ 
Anatya anomala type [WFK]/Anatya anomala Kirby, Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Anatya guttata (Erichson). 

anomala Pinhey (Trithemis), 1955 : 38-39, fig. 8. Holotype g. Lake Chila, Abercorn, 
N. R., iv.1954, E. Pinhey/Trithemis anomala Pinh. 1954, Holotype/Male and Female in 

apicalis Fraser (ssp. Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi), 1924. WKimmins, 1966 : 178-179. 
apicalis Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1889 : 319, pl. 51, fig. 5 Holotype 9. Aneit[yum], Wallace/ 
apicalis type [WFK]. 
This taxon is currently placed as a subspecies of Rhyothemis phyllis (Sulzer). 
apicalis Kirby (Untamo), 1889 : 331, pl. 53, fig.4. Holotype 9. Sulf{a]/Sula, Wallace/Untamo 
apicalis type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Neurothemis ramburi (Brauer). 
ardens McLachlan (Thecadiplax), 1894 : 429-430. LECTOTYPE g. Ta-chien-lu/Type 
[McL. label]/Thecadiplax ardens McL./Thecadiplax ardens McL , § Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a subspecies of Sympetrum eroticum (Selys). 

armstrongi Fraser (ssp. Rhyothemis regia), 1956. Kimmins, 1966 : 179. 

arsinoe Lieftinck (Diplacina), 1953 : 171-173, fig.6. Holotype g. Papua, Kokoda, 1,200 ft., 
viii. 1933, L. E. Cheesman/Diplacina arsinoe sp. n. Holotype, det. M. A. Lieftinck, 1947. 

atra Pinhey (Trithemis), 1961 : 166-167, pl. 11, fig. 14. Holotype g. Uganda, Masindi Port, 
25.iv.1956, P. S. Corbet/Trithemis atra Pinh., 1956, $ Type. 

attenuata Kirby (Trithemis?), 1889 : 328, pl. 53, fig. 2, LECTOTYPE g. Amazjon]/ 
Trithemis attenuata type ¢ [WFK]/Trithemis? attenuata Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 

Kirby gives as locality ‘Santarem’, but the locality labels on the specimens marked by him 

as fg and @ types are ‘Amaz{on]’, and one of the paratypes is labelled as ‘Braz.’. In this case 
I am not interpreting the locality strictly as given in the description but have selected the 
g labelled by Kirby as type ¢ to be the lectotype. The taxon is currently placed in the genus 

aurea Fraser (Tetrathemis), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 180. 

auricolor Fraser (var. of Notiothemis jonesi), 1944. Kimmins, 1966: 181. 

austeni Kirby (Perithemis), 1897 : 602, pl. 12, figs. 4, 5. LECTOTYPE g. Manaos, 
11.ii.96, $/Manaos, Brazil, 11.ii.96, E. E. Austen/austeni [WFK]/Perithemis austeni Kirby, 
3d Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

austeni Kirby (Thermorthemis), 1900 : 72-73, pl. 2, figs. 1, 1a. LECTOTYPE 3g. W. 
Afr[ica]/Thermorthemis austeni § [WFK]. 

Kirby based his description upon five males, four from W. Africa (without other locality) 
and one male, one female from Sierra Leone. Three of the W. African males have been traced 
and also the male and female from Sierra Leone. This taxon is currently placed as Orthetrum 
austeni (Kirby). 

australis Kirby (Brachydiplax), 1894: 18-19. Holotype 3. Queensland, Turner/australis Kb. 
type [WFK]. 

australis Kirby (Brachymesia), 1889 : 330. Holotype g. ‘Sydney, N.S.W.’/australis type 

Locality label believed to be incorrect and the taxon is currently placed in the synonymy 

of Brachymesia furcata Hagen, a South American species. 
azorensis Gardner (ssp. Sympetrum fonscolombei), 1958 : 791-792. Holotype g. Azores, 
Pico 13, 17. viii. 52, paired, leading, J. D. Carthy/Sympetrum fonscolombei azorensis Gardner, 
Type 3, E. Gardner det. 
The holotype ¢ and allotype 2 were taken paired. 

282 D. E. KIMMINS 

azteca Calvert (Tauriphila), 1906 : 297, 298. Holotype $ (somewhat teneral). Guadaljaro, 
Jalisco, July, Schumann/Tauriphila azteca Calv. Type. P. P. Calvert det. 1906. B.C.A. 
Neur., p. 298. 

basalis Kirby (Micrathyria), 1897 : 610-612, pl. 12, fig. 1. LECTOTYPE g. W. end of 
Parana de Buyassu, 16.i.96/Parana de Buyassu, Lower Amazon, 16.i.96, E. E. Austen/ 
basalis [WFK]/Micrathyria basalis Kirby, g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Kirby mentions two other localities after his description, Obidos (g) and Breves (9) and I 
consider these three examples to be the syntype series. Three additional males discussed 
later by Kirby are considered as additional non-syntype material, although one of them bears 
a Kirby cotype label. The taxon is currently placed in the genus Erythrodiplax. 

basilinea McLachlan (Libellula), 1894 : 430-431. LECTOTYPE g. Ta-chien-lu/Type [McL. 
label]/Libellula basilinea McL./Libellula basilinea McL., g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 
batesi Kirby (Cannacria), 1889 : 341, pls. 53, fig. 1 and 57, fig. 9. Holotype g. Amaz[ons]/ 
Cannacria Batesii type [WFK]. 
The ending of the specific name has been changed to a single ‘i’ in accordance with Art. 31. 
This taxon is currently placed in the genus Brachymesia. 

bella Kirby (Perithemis), 1889 : 324, pl. 51, figs. 8,9. LECTOTYPE 4. 115/Santarem/bella 
Kb. ¢ [WFK]/Perithemis bella Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The example in the BM type collection, though bearing Kirby’s determination label, was 
not chosen as lectotype since its locality label is ‘Amaz.’, whereas the type-locality is specified 
as ‘Santarem’. 

bifida Fraser (Tetrathemis), 1941. Kimmins, 1966 : 182. 

bimacula Kimmins (Misagria), 1943 : 156-159, figs. 1-6. Holotype g. R. Demarara, B. 
Guiana/Misagria bimacula Kim., ¢ TyPE, det. D. E. Kimmins. 

[biolleyi Calvert (Orthemis), 1906 : 233, 237, pl. 9, figs. 36, 37. 

The example in BM(NH) is one of the syntypes but is not labelled Type by Calvert. In the 
circumstances, Ris (1910 : 286-287) should be considered as having selected the ¢ in the 
Calvert Collection (Costa Rica, Esparta) as Lectotype, and the g in BM(NH) from Bugaba 
is therefore a paralectotype.] 

blackburni McLachlan (Lepthemis), 1882 : 229-231. LECTOTYPE g. Hawaiian Islands/ 
Lepthemis? Blackburni McL./Type [McL. label]/Lepthemis blackburni McLachlan, ¢ Lecto- 
type, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Now placed in the genus Nesogonia. 

borneense Kimmins (Orthetrum), 1936a : 70-73, figs. 2,3. Holotype g. Sarawak, Mt. Dulit, 
4,000 ft., 22.x.1932. Bin cop. A/Oxford Univ. Exped., B. M. Hobby, A. W. Moore & J. 
Ford/Orthetrum borneense ¢ sp. n., Holotype, det. D. E. Kimmins. 

braueri Kirby (Lyriothemis), 1889 : 332. Holotype 2. Sula, Wallace, D. E. Kimmins, 
1967/W. Borneo [WFK]/L. Braueri type [WFK}. 

Kirby gives the locality as Sula [Moluccas] and this locality is repeated by Ris (1909 : 108, 
111), after his study of the type. When examining this type during the preparation of this 
paper, it was found to be labelled ‘W. Borneo’ in Kirby’s writing. It is very unlikely that Ris 
would not have remarked on the discrepancy in the locality label when he studied the type, 
and one can only assume that at some later date there was been a change of label. I have 
therefore placed a ‘Sula’ label above the W. Borneo label. This taxon is currently placed as a 
synonym of Lyriothemis cleis Brauer. 

brevistylum Kirby (Orthetrum), 1896 : 521-522. Holotype g. Dobar, Goolis Mts., 4.ii. 
1895, L. L{ort-] P{hillips]/Orthetrum(?) brevistylum n.s. [WFK]. . 
Currently placed as a synonym of Orthetrum taeniolatum (Schneider). 


broadwayi Kirby (Dythemis), 1894a : 227-228. LECTOTYPE g. Trinidad/broadwayi/ 
Dythemis broadwayi Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Dythemis velox Hagen. 

burmeisteri Kirby (Tramea), 1889 : 316. LECTOTYPE g. N.W. India/Burmeisteri Kb. 
type [WFK]/Tramea burmeisteri Kirby, $ Lectotype, det. D. E. Kimmins, 1967. 
In addition to the allotype 2, there are 5 paralectotypes in the BM(NH). The taxon is 
currently placed as a subspecies of Tvapezostigma basilaris (Palisot de Beauvois). 

camarense Kirby (Orthetrum), 1889: 298. Holotype g. Cameroons/camarense type 
[WFK]/Orthetrum camarense Kirby, $ Holotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

cambridgei Kirby (Micrathyria), 1897 : 608-609, pl. 13, fig. 4. Holotype 3. Breves, 
13.i.96/Breves, Lower Amazon, 13.i.96, E. E. Austen/cambridgei [WFK]. 

campioni Ris (Allorhizucha), t915a : 214-216; Kimmins, 1942 : 47 [selection of holotype]. 
Lectotype g. KaYima, Sierra Leone,, Jas. J. Simpson/Allorhizucha nova spec. 
C, Det. Dr. F. Ris/Allorhizucha campioni Ris, ¢ Type, det. D. E. Kimmins. 

cannacrioides Calvert (Dythemis), 1906 : 272, 276, pl. 8, figs. 43, 44. Holotype g. San 
Isidro, 1,600 ft., Champion/Dythemis cannacrioides Calv. g TYPE. P. P. Calvert det. 1906. 
B. C. A. Neur., p. 277. Orig. Pl. viii, figs. 43, 44. 
The penis of the lectotype was removed and studied by Dr. K. Buchholz. 

carpenteri Fraser (Oxythemis), 1944. Kimmins, 1966 : 186. 
carpenteri Fraser (Tetrathemis), 1941. Kimmins, 1966 : 186. 

Celebensis Kirby (Protorthemis), 1889 : 334-335, Pls. 54, fig. 7 and 57, figs. 6,6a. Holotype 3. 
Mak[assar]*/Celeb[es], Wallace/O. celebensis type [WFK]. 

ceylonica Kirby (Zygonidia), 1905 : 273-275. Holotype g. Ceylon. E. E. Green/Kandy, 
ii.1go1 [E. E. Green’s writing]/Zygonidia ceylonica Kirby, $, D. E. Kimmins det. 1961. 
Currently placed as subspecies of Zygonyx iris Selys. 

chirinda Longfield (ssp. Atoconeura biordinata), 1953 : 46, pl. 1, figs. 3, B, H. Holotype ¢. 
Chirinda For., Melsetter Dist., Dept. Agric. S. Rhodesia, 27.xii.1948, J. A. Whellan/Atoco- 
neura biordinata chirinda, Type ¢ subsp. nov., det. Miss C. Longfield. 

chloe Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1894 : 15-16. LECTOTYPE 9. Queensland, Turner/chloe Kirb. 
type [WFK]/Rhyothemis chloe Kirby, 2 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The lectotype @ is the darker of the two syntypes, with (in the hind wing) the ‘dark spot on 
the subnodal sector, halfway between the dark blotch on the nodus and the clouded tip of the 
wings’ mentioned by Kirby. Currently placed as a subspecies of Rhyothemis phyllis. 

chrysobaphes Ris (Pseudomacromia), 1915a : 221-223. LECTOTYPE g. Sierra Leone, 
Sandea,, J. J. Simpson/Pseudomacromia nova spec. d, Type 3, Det. Dr. F. Ris/ 
Pseudomacromia chrysobaphes Ris, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed in the genus Zygonyx. 

cingulata Kirby (Nesoxenia), 1889 : 336, pl. 53, fig. 8. LECTOTYPE 9. [Solomon Islands], 
Alu/Nesoxenia cingulata type [WFK]/Nesoxenia cingulata Kirby, 9 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
The syntype series also contained 1 ¢ (incomplete) and 1 9. This taxon is currently con- 
sidered a subspecies of Nesoxenia mysis Selys. 

cladophila Tillyard (Tetrathemis), 1908 : 647-648, pl. 14, fig. 5. LECTOTYPE 3g. Cook- 
town, N. Q., i.o8, R. J. Tillyard/Tetrathemis cladophila Till. ¢typr. R. J. T./Tetrathemis 
cladophila Tillyard, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

* This label was transcribed by Kirby as Makian, but according to Bradley & Betrem, 1967, 
Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 20 (7) : 292, the locality should be Makassar. 

284 D. E. KIMMINS 

corduliformis Longfield (Tetrathemis), 1936: 484, figs. 6, A-D. Holotype g. Central 
Africa, Uganda, Bunyoro Distr., Nyamagita Dam, 18.ii.1934, C. E. Longfield/Tetrathemis 
corduliformis sp. n. Type g, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

coryndoni Fraser (Lokia), 1952. Kimmins, 1966 : 187. 

cuprina Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1889 : 320, pl. 51, fig.6. Holotype 9. S. Leone/cuprina Kb. 
type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Rhyothemis fenestrina (Rambur). 
dalei Tillyard (Nannodythemis), 1908a : 449-450, pl. 6, fig. 2. LECTOTYPE 2. Blue 
Mts., N.S.W., ii.1908, R. J. Tillyard/Nannodythemis Dalei Till. g type, R. J. T./Nannody- 
themis dalei Tillyard, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed in the genus Nannophya. 

darwini Kirby (Tramea), 1889 : 315, pl. 51, fig. 1. LECTOTYPE 9. Galapagos/Galapagos/ 
28/Darwinii Kb. type [WFK]. 
The remaining four female syntypes (in bad condition) are still in the B.M. collection. This 
taxon is currently placed as a synonym of Tvapezostigma cophysa (Selys). 

davina Fraser (ssp. Zygonyx iris), 1926. Kimmins, 1966 : 188. 
denticauda Fraser (Tetrathemis), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 189. 

diamangae Longfield (Aethiothemis), 1959 : 35, 36, fig. 5A. Holotype ¢ (teneral), N. Angola. 
Lunda Prov., Dundo, iii. 1949/Aethiothemis diamangae, Type 3, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

dispar Selys (Trithemis, ?aberration), 1883 : 107. Holotype 9. Japan/Type [McL. label]/ 
Trithemis phaon, var. 9 dispar Selys. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Deielia phaon (Selys). 

disparilis Kirby (Neurothemis), 1889 : 322-323, pl. 54, fig. 8. LECTOTYPE ¢ (head 
missing). W. Borneo/N. disparilis ¢ [WFK]/Neurothemis disparilis Kirby, $ Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

dissocians Calvert (Micrathyria), 1906 : 222, 226, pl. 9, figs. 19-21. LECTOTYPE 2. 
Atoyac, Vera Cruz, May, H.H.S[mith]/Micrathyria dissocians Calv. ¢ TYPE. P. P. Calvert 
det. 1906. B.C.A. Neur., p. 226, Orig. of pl. ix, figs. 19-21/Micrathyria dissocians Calvert, 
3 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Ris (1911 : 440) refers to the Portorico specimen as ‘Calvert’s Type’. I do not consider 
this to be a designation of Lectotype, and consider that the data on the above mentioned 
example makes it clear that Calvert considered it to be the type, especially as the second Vera 
Cruz example is not marked TYPE. 

distanti Kirby (Stoechia), 1898 : 236-237. LECTOTYPE g. Pretoria (W. L. Dfistant])/ 
distanti Kirby type [Distant’s writing]/Stoechia distanti Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
Currently placed as synonym of Tvithemis dorsalis (Rambur). 

donaldi Lieftinck (Lanthanusa), 1955 : 161-164, figs. 5-9. Holotype 3. N.E. New Guinea, 
Saiko, 5,500—6,000 ft., Babu River (Upper Waria River), ix—x.1936, D. Shaw-Meyer/Lanthan- 
usa donaldi Lieft. Det. M. A. Lieftinck, 1955. Holotype. 

dorothea Fraser (ssp. Agrionoptera insignis), 1927. Kimmins, 1966 : 189. 
dubia Fraser (Porpacithemis), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 190. 

ducalis Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1898 : 230-232. LECTOTYPE ¢. Fort Johnston, Nyassaland, 
P. Rendall/Rhyothemis ducalis Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Two 3, one 2 of the four syntypes are from Fort Johnston; the 2 from Pretoria, though 
marked ‘cotype’ by Kirby, was in effect excluded from the syntypes by Kirby’s statement 
(231) ‘The specimens from Fort Johnston are to be considered typical.’ Currently placed 
as a synonym of R. semthyalina Desjardins. 

eltoni Fraser (Phyllothemis), 1935. Kimmins, 1966 : 191. 


eludens Tillyard (Nannophlebia), 1908 : 645-647, pl. 14, fig. 4. LECTOTYPE ¢g. Cairns, 
N. Q., v.05, E. Allen/Nannophlebia eludens Till. g typr, R.J.T./Nannophlebia eludens Till- 
yard, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

equestris Fabricius (Libellula), 1781 : 523. Campion, 1917 : 445. 

equivocata Kirby (Thermochoria), 1889 : 339, pl. 52, fig. 8. Holotype g. W. Afrfica]/ 
Thermochoria equivocata type [WFK]. 

erichsoni Kirby (Trithemis), 1894 : 263. LECTOTYPE g. Amaz./erichsoni [WFK]/ 
Trithemis erichsoni Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
This specimen was the basis of the drawings and notes sent by the present author to D. J. 
Borror in Jan. 1935, and referred to in his monograph on Erythrodiplax. This taxon is 
currently placed in synonymy of Erythrodiplax unimaculata (De Geer). 

eudoxia Kirby (Accaphila), 1909 : 60. Holotype g. Ruwenzori East, alt. 6,000 ft., 30.i.07/ 
Ruwenzori Exp./Accaphila eudoxia Kb. type. 
Currently placed in the genus Atoconeura. 

eurybia Selys (Libellula), 1878 : 293, 298. Holotype g. Menado/Type [McL. label]/Lib. 
eurybia Selys 3, race de Chinensis? [Selys writing]. 

Currently placed in the genus Tvapezostigma. 

exigua Kirby (Fylla), 1889 : 345, pl. 52, fig. 6. LECTOTYPE ¢. Gilfolo]/Wallace/Fylla 
exigua Kirby, § Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The syntype series was found in the museum collection, without type-indication or deter- 
mination labels by Kirby. One can only presume that as Kirby reduced the taxon to syn- 
onymy of Nannophya pygmaea Rambur in his Catalogue of Odonata published the following 
year, he removed his determination labels. The series now contains paralectotypes from 
Borneo, Gilolo and Morty. 

eximia Kirby (Micrathyria), 1897 : 609, pl. 13, fig. 3. LECTOTYPE ¢g. Obydos, 2.ii.96/ 
Obydos, Lower Amazon, 2.ii.96, E. E. Austen/eximia [WFK]/Micrathyria eximia Kirby, 
3g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The lectotype is the specimen which, for many years, has carried a red BM type label. The 
remaining 3 ¢ syntypes have been labelled paralectotypes. Since Kirby stated that the 
species was described from four males from Obydos, the male mentioned by him from Para is 
excluded from the syntype series. 

extraordinata Fraser (Atoconeura), 1950. Kimmins, 1966: I9I. 

falsum Longfield (ssp. Orthetrum capense), 1955 : 26. Holotype g. B. E. Africa, Kenya, 
Thoura Forest, Meru, 600 ft., 30.i.1934, far from water, C. E. Longfield/Orthetrum capense 
falsum Longf., Type g, det. Miss C. Longfield. 
Currently placed as subspecies of Orthetrum capicola Kimmins. 

fasciata Kirby (Celithemis), 1889 : 326, pl. 52, fig. 2. LECTOTYPE g. Georgia/fasciata 
Kb. type [WFK]/Celithemis fasciata Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

fasciata Kirby (Deielia), 1892 : 330, pl. 53, fig. 6. McLachlan, 1892 : 177-178. Holotype 9. 
137/Sandw{ich] Is., Beechey/Loo Choo Is, Voy. of ‘Blossom’, See McLachlan, An. Mag. Nat. 
Hist. (6) x. p. 177 (1892)/Deielia fasciata, type [WFK]. 

As explained by McLachlan (1892), the original locality label on this specimen appears to 
have been incorrect, as the insect has not been refound in the Hawaiian Islands. It does 
occur in the Loo Choo (Ryukyu) Islands, which were also visited by the ‘Blossom’, and it is 
considered most likely that the example came from these islands. The taxon is currently 
considered a synonym of Deielia phaon (Selys). 

ferruginata Fabricius (Libellula), 1781 : 521. Campion, 1917 : 445. 

fitzgeraldi Pinhey in Longfield (Nesciothemis), 1955 : 61-63, figs. 10 B, D, F; Pinhey, 1955 : 
30-32, fig. 6. Holotype g. Lake Chila, Abercorn, N. R., 31.i1.54, D. Vesey-Fitzgerald/ 
Orthetrum(?) fitzgeraldi Pinh. 1954, Holotype/Nesciothemis fitzgeraldi (Pinhey), det. Miss 
C. Longfield. 

ENTOM. 22, 6, 14§ 

286 D. E. KIMMINS 

The type of Orthetrum(?) fitzgeraldi Pinhey was presented to the BM(NH) when the manus- 
script was sent to press. Publication was unavoidably delayed, and in the belief that Pinhey’s 
paper was due to appear, Miss Longfield included a description of fitzgeraldi in her paper on 
African Orthetrum, placing it in her new genus Nesciothemis, the publication of which un- 
fortunately antedated Pinhey’s paper. 

flava Longfield (Monardithemis), 1947 : 23-25, figs. 9-10. Holotype $ (original designation 
as type). Kalukembé, Dec./Angola, Miss. sc. suisse, 1932—1933/Monardithemis flava genotype 
3, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

flavescens Kirby (Miathyria), 1897 : 600-601, pl. 13, fig. 2, LECTOTYPE 3g. Santarem/ 
113 ¢/ Miathyria flavescens Kirby, § Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The lectotype g, which has for many years carried a red BM type-label, has no determina- 
tion label by Kirby, but the locality label agrees with the type-data and there is no doubt that 
it is one of the syntypes. On the other hand, an example bearing Kirby’s label ‘Miathyria 
flavescens K. cotype’ is from Para, not Santarem and is from the Saunders collection (not 
Bates) and cannot therefore be a syntype. 

flavescens Kirby (Tetrathemis), 1889 : 343, pl. 52, fig. 4. LECTOTYPE $. Sar[awak]/ 
Wallace/T. flavescens type [WFK]/Tetrathemis flavescens Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
flavidulum Kirby (Orthetrum), 1898 : 238. LECTOTYPE 9. Pretoria, W. L. D.[istant]/ 
Orthetrum flavidulum Kirby, 9 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Of the four examples (listed by Kirby as females), the example from the Pienaars River, 
iii. 1894 proves to bea g. Currently placed as synonym of Orthetrum abbotti Calvert. 

flavifrons Kirby (Chalcostephia), 1889 : 337. Holotype g. Angola/Chalcostephia flavifrons 
flavopicta Kirby (Orthemis), 1889 : 332-333, pls. 54, fig. 1 and 57, fig. 5. LECTOTYPE 4. 
Para/43/Orthemis flavopicta type/Orthemis flavopicta Kirby, Holotypus prap. Dr. Buchholz/ 
Orthemis flavopicta Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
From the syntype series of 4 3, 1 9, the $ bearing Kirby’s type label has been chosen as 
foliata Kirby (Belonia), 1889 : 333, pl. 54, fig. 4. Holotype 9 (by original designation). 
[Mexico], Duefias/foliata Kb. type [WFK}. 
Currently placed in the genus Libellula. The ¢ from Guatemala, doubtfully referred to 
Belonia foliata by Kirby, is now considered to be a synonym of Libellula herculea Karsch. 
fraseri Pinhey (Olpogastra), 1955 : 39-40, pl. 3, fig. 1, text-fig. 8. Holotype g. Aswa R., 
Acholi, Uganda, March 1952, T. H. E. Jackson. Olpogastra fraseri Pinh. 1954, Holotype. 
Currently placed in the genus Zygonoides Pinhey. 
frontalis Kirby (Lyriothemis), 1889 : 332. Holotype 9. Sulfa]/Sula, Wallace/L. frontalis 
type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Lyriothemis cleis Brauer. 
fulgens Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1889 : 322. Holotype 3. Sar[awak]/fulgens, Kb. type [WFK] | 

gamblesi Longfield (Oxythemis), 1959 : 36-38, figs.5 B,C. Holotype g. S. Nigeria, Ikorodu, 
Ogun Delta, 26.ii.1956, R. M. Gambles/Oxythemis gamblesi Type g, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

gardneri Fraser (Hylaeothemis), 1927. Kimmins, 1966 : 194. 

grenadensis Kirby (Brechmorhoga), 1894) : 265. LECTOTYPE §. Grenada/106/grena- 
densis [WFK]/Brechmorhoga grenadensis Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a subspecies of Brechmorhoga praecox (Hagen). 
[hageni Kirby (Micrathyria), 1890 : 41] 
This name was proposed for Dythemis didyma Hagen, 1861, nec Selys, 1857 and the type 
should therefore be selected from Hagen’s material. 


hyalinum Kirby (Orthetrum), 1886 : 326-327, pl. 33, figs. 5, 6. LECTOTYPE 3g. N.W. 
Ind[ia]/Campbellpore, 14.xi.85, 7/hyalinum Kirb. $type [WFK]/Orthetrum hyalinum Kirby, 
3 Lectotype, D. E, Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Orthetrum taeniolatum (Schneider). 

hyalina Kirby (Tetrathemis), 1889 : 342, pl. 56, fig. 8. Holotype ¢ (lacking abdominal 
segments 5-10). Borneo/T. hyalina type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as subspecies of Tetvathemis irregularis Brauer. 

[icteroptera Selys (Libellula), 1857, in Sagra, Hist. Cuba, 7 : 190.] 

This species was briefly differentiated as a race in a note on Libellula metella Selys; the type 
locality being given as Buenos Ayres. The McLachlan collection included an example 
determined by Selys as Lib. icteroptera Selys 9, to which McLachlan had added a type label. 
This cannot however be the type, as its locality label is Minas Geraes. 

immaculata Fraser (Zygonyx), 1933. Kimmins, 1966 : 196. 

imperatrix Selys (Rhyothemis), 1887 : 53-54. Holotype g. Ryukyu [Loo Choo], vi-viii. 1887 
[Pryer]/Rhyothemis imperatrix Selys, nov. sp.? ou race de splendida, R. 3, Loo Choo [Selys’ 

Selys saw originally only this one example, but McLachlan subsequently received three 
females with the same locality data (collected by Pryer), of which one was given to Selys and 
was described by him (1888 : 1); the other two females are now in BM(NH). 

indica Fabricius (Libellula), 1781 : 521. Campion, 1917 : 444. 
indica Fraser (Hylaeothemis), 1946. Kimmins, 1966 : 196. 

indica Kirby (Brachydiplax), 1889 : 329, pl. 54, fig. 9. LECTOTYPE 3g. N. Ind{ia]/B. 
indica g type [WFK]/Brachydiplax indica Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The mature 3 has been chosen as lectotype, as this example has been segregated in the type- 
collection since 1940. 

infuscatum Selys (Diplax), 1883 :90. LECTOTYPE 3. Japan/Type/Diplax infuscata 
Selys, $ Japon/Diplax infuscata Selys, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed in the genus Sympetrum. 

insignis Kirby (Zygonidia), 19004 : 533-534, pl. 12, fig. 1. LECTOTYPE ¢. 5-fingered Mt., 
Hainan, J. T. Thomasson/Zygonidia insignis, type [WFK]/Zygonidia insignis Kirby, ¢ Lecto- 
type, D. E. Kimmins det., 1967. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Zygonyx iris Selys. 

insularis Kirby (Agrionoptera), 1889 : 336-337. LECTOTYPE ¢. [Solomon Is.] Santa 
Anna/Agrionoptera insularis $ type [WFK]/Agrionoptera insularis Kirby, g Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a subspecies of Agrionoptera insignis (Rambur). 

insularis Kirby (Cannaphila), 1889 : 341. Lectotype 2 (Ris, 1910: 295). Hayti/Canna- 
phila insularis Kirby, 9 Lectotype, F. Ris design. 1910 [D.E.K. hand]. 

I consider that Ris’ action (1910 : 295) in citing ‘British Museum: 1 9 juv. Hayti (Kirby’s 
Type)’ is equivalent to selection of a lectotype. There is one other ? in BMNH, which bore 
Kirby’s determination Cannaphila insularis, but this has a locality label St. Dom. [Santo 
Domingo], which is in Haiti and was probably asyntype. This is now labelled paralectotype. 
I have been unable to trace the g syntype referred to by Kirby. 

Kirby’s statement ‘Hab. Haiti (types in British Museum); Jamaica (Dublin Museum)’ 
eliminated the Dublin Museum example(s) from consideration as lectotype. 

intensa Kirby (Perithemis), 1889 : 326, pl. 51, fig. 7. Holotype ¢ (abd. segs. 9-10 missing). 
Mex{ico]/intensa Kb. type [WFK]. 

intermedia Fraser (Protorthemis), 1936. Kimmins, 1966 : 198. 

288 D. E. KIMMINS 

internum McLachlan (var. of Orthetrum japonicum), 1894 : 431-432. LECTOTYPE @. 
Ta-chien-lu/O. japonicum var. internum McL,/Orthetrum japonicum internum McL., g Lecto- 
type, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as Orthetrum japonicum internum McL. 
iridescens Kirby (Urothemis), 1898 : 235. LECTOTYPE ¢ (abd. segs. 6-10 missing). Fort 
Johnston, Nyassaland, P. Rendall/iridescens Kirby type [WFK]/Urothemis iridescens Kirby, 
3 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as synonym of Uvothemis edwardsi (Selys). 
isa Fraser (ssp. of Zygonysx iris), 1926. Kimmins, 1966 : 198. 
isis Fraser (Zygonyx), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 198. 
iulia Kirby (Orthetrum), 1900 : 75-77, pl. 2, fig.3. LECTOTYPE ¢ (abd. segs. 9-10 missing). 
Sierra Leone/Orthetrum julia type [WFK]. 

Kirby writes (: 77) ‘The species is described from four specimens from Sierra Leone, two 
of which were collected by Mr. Austen on Aug. 26 and Sept. 11 (1899).’ The example desig- 
nated as Lectotype is the only one bearing Kirby’s determination label. The allotype female 
has for many years borne a museum type label but now has no locality label (?Sierra Leone, 
42.31). Of the listed examples collected by Austen, one (without abdomen), labelled ‘Free 
Town, Sierra Leone, 26. viii. 1899, E. E. Austen’ has been located but the other is missing. 

kalai Longfield (ssp. Orthetrum stemmale), 1936 : 487, 488, fig. 7. Holotype 3. S. Rho- 
desia, Victoria Falls, Zambesi River, Kalai Island, 7.iv.1936, C. E. Longfield/Orthetrum 
stemmale kalai sp. nov. Type 3, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

kalula Kirby (Trithemis), 1900 : 69, pl. 2, figs. 2, 2a. LECTOTYPE 3. Free Town, Sierra 
Leone, 13.ix.99, E. E. Austen/Trithemis kalula Kb. type [WFK]. 

Kirby lists four males, but only three can now be traced in the collections; of these, only the 
lectotype bears Kirby’s determination label. This specimen has for many years carried a red 
type label and has been considered to be the type. The two remaining males are considered 

kenya Longfield (spp. Atoconeura biordinata), 1953 : 46, pl. 1, figs. 5,9, C, G. Holotype g. 
B.E. Africa, Kenya, Meru, 6,000 ft., on swift stream, 29.i.1934, C. E. Longfield. Atoco- 
neura biordinata kenya, Type ¢ subsp. n., det. Miss C. Longfield. 

kerri Fraser (Amphithemis), 1933. Kimmins, 1966 : 198. 

lacustris Kirby (Trithemis?), 1889 : 329. Holotype g. [Central Africa] Wadelai, 27.i.1887 
[Emin Pasha]/lacustris Kb. type [WFK]. 
Currently placed in the genus Brachythemis. 

lankana Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1893 : 549-550. Holotype g. Udagama, 26.iv.92/Ceylon, 
Yerbury, (on reverse) lankana type/Rhyothemis lankana Kirby, g¢ Holotype, D. E, Kimmins 
det. 1967. 

leakeyi Pinhey (Lokithemis), 1955 : 34-35, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4, 6, and text-fig. 7. Holotype ¢. 
Lake Chila, Abercorn, N. Rhodesia, 31.i.54, D. Vesey Fitzgerald/Lokithemis leakeyi Pinh. 

[levis Calvert (Orthemis), 1906 : 233, 238, pl. 9, figs. 38, 39.] 

No example in our B.C.A. series was marked TyPE by Calvert and our specimens are there- 

fore considered as syntypes. The true type is probably in some other collection. 

lewisi Selys (Lyriothemis), 1883 : 96-97. LECTOTYPE g. Japan, Lewis/Lyriothemis 
lewisii Selys 3, Japon/Lyriothemis lewisi Selys, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Ris (1909 : 119) in the list of material dealt with cites ‘1 g¢ Japon (Pryer, Selys Type der 
L. lewisi)’; this cannot be accepted as a designation of lectotype, since Selys limits his material 
to ‘Japon, par M. G. Lewis, communiquée par MacLachlan (coll. MacLachlan, Selys)’. I have 
therefore designated the above specimen as Lectotype. Currently placed as a synonym of 
L. pachygastra (Selys). 


lieftincki Fraser (Rhodothemis), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 201. 
lifuana Kimmins (ssp. Agrionoptera insignis), 1953 : 243-244, figs. 1-3. Holotype ¢. 
Lifu/Agrionoptera insignis lifuana Kim. ¢ Holotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1951. 
Currently placed as a subspecies of Agrionoptera papuensis. 
longipennis Kirby (Belonia), 1889 : 334. Holotype 2. Cuenga/longipennis Kb. type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Libellula herculea Karsch. 
lorti Kirby (Orthetrum), 1896 : 522-523. Holotype 2 (lacking abd. segs. 6-10). Dobar, 
Goolis Mts., 4.ii. 1896, L. Lfort-] P{hillips]/Orthetrum lorti. 
Currently placed as synonym of Crocothemis erythraea (Brullé). 
machadoi Longfield (Orthetrum), 1955 : 35-39, figs. 5, A, E, J. Holotype g. N.E. Angola, 
Dundo, Lunda Distr., 13.xii.1947/Orthetrum machadoi Type g, in cop. with type 9, det. 
Miss C. Longfield. 

macrostigma Longfield (Orthetrum), 1947 : 25-27, fig. 11. Holotype g. Lunda, sept./ 
Angola Miss. sc. suisse, 1932—1933/Orthetrum macrostigma Type 3, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

madagascariensis Kirby (Tramea), 1889 : 317. Holotype g. Betsileo, Madag. [WFK]/ 
madagascariensis Kb. type [WFK]. 
This taxon is currently placed as a synonym of Tvapezostigma limbata (Desj.). 
malabarica Fraser (ssp. Zygonyx iris), 1926. Kimmins, 1966 : 203. 
malcolmi Fraser (Brachydiplax), 1922. Kimmins, 1966 : 203. 
marginata Fabricius (Libellula), 1781 : 523. Campion, 1917 : 445. 
marshalli Kirby (Misthotus), 1905a : 192-193. LECTOTYPE ¢. Salisbury, Mashonaland, 
Marshall/5. Salisbury, Nov. 1903, in copula. G. A. K. M[arshall)/marshalli Kb. type 
[WFK]/Misthotus marshalli Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The ‘still more immature male’ referred to by Kirby cannot be traced. Currently placed as 
a synonym of Trithemis dorsalis (Rambur). 
maya Calvert (Dythemis), 1906: 272, 275, pl. 8, fig. 45. Holotype g. San Geronimo, Vera 
Paz, Champion/Dythemis maya Calv. TYPE g. P. P. Calvert det. 1906. B.C. A. Neur., 
p. 275. Original of Pl. viii, fig. 45. 
The penis of the lectotype was removed and studied by Dr. Buchholz. 
metallica Fraser (ssp. of Zygonyx iris), 1931. Kimmins, 1966 : 203. 
mildredae Fraser (ssp. of Zygonysx iris), 1920. Kimmins, 1966 : 204. 

monteiroi Kirby (Thermorthemis), 1900 : 73. Holotype 2. Angola/monteiroi Kb. type 
Currently considered a synonym of Orthetrum austent (Kirby). 
multipunctata Kirby (Dythemis), 1894b : 265-266. LECTOTYPE g (left fore wing 
missing). St. Vincent/Pools near Bannonallie, Jan. 12/multipunctata [WFK]/Dythemis 
multipunctata Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
I have chosen as lectotype the ¢ which has for many years carried a BM red type label and 
of which the penis was removed and studied by Dr. K. Buchholz. 

multipunctata Kirby var. (Dythemis), 1894): 266. LECTOTYPE ¢g. Grenada/235/ 
Dythemis multipunctata var. Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967/Dythemis sterilis 
Hag., det. D. E. Kimmins. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Dythemis sterilis Hagen. 

nicevillei Kirby (Orthetrum), 1894c : 112-113. LECTOTYPE g. Burma/nicevillei Kb. 
type ¢ [WFK]/Orthetrum nicevillei Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
One of Kirby’s determination labels had at some time been transferred from a 3 syntype to 
a 2 which was not received at the BM(NH) until after publication of the description. This 
label has been replaced on its correct specimen. Currently placed as synonym of Orthetrum 
glaucum Brauer. 

290 D. E. KIMMINS 

nigra Longfield (ssp. of Trithemis donaldsoni), 1936 : 491-493, 496, figs. 9, 10. Holotype ¢ 
(last 5 abdominal segments missing). W. Africa, Principe I., Ogui Pipi, 7.xii.1932, W. H. T. 
Tams/Trithemis donaldsoni nigra ssp. nov. Type g, det. Miss C. Longfield. 

In the original description, only the above example was mentioned, but in a list (: 496), 
two garerecorded. The second one (a complete example) had been labelled by Miss Longfield 
as type and the holotype labelled as paratype. This error has now been corrected and the 
second example cannot be considered even as a paratype, as it is not mentioned in the original 

nigricolor Fraser (Amphithemis), 1922. Kimmins, 1966 : 206. 

nigrifrons Kirby (Orthetrum), 1894: 19-20. LECTOTYPE g. Queensland, Turner] 
Orthetrum nigrifrons Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The lectotype and paralectotype lack any determination label by Kirby. Currently placed 
in the genus Crocothemis. 
nigrilabris Selys (Lib[ellula]), 1872 : 177; (Uvothemis), Selys, 1878 : 304-305. Holotype 9. 
Menado/Lib. nigrilabris Selys, 9 Type/Macrodiplax lycoris Selys. 
This taxon was first described briefly (1872) in comparison with Libellula lycoris Selys, and 
a full description, with location of type given, in 1878. Currently placed as synonym of 
Macrodiplax cova Brauer. 

notablis Kirby (Onychothemis), 1906 : 277-278. Holotype ¢g. Tonkin [Fruhstorfer]/ 
Onychothemis notabilis Kirby, Holotype g, det. D. E. Kimmins, 1967. 
No Kirby determination label. Currently placed as synonym of Onychothemis tonkinensis 
Martin, 1904. 
notata Fabricius (Libellula), 1787 : 337. Campion, 1917 : 444. 
novaezealandiae McLachlan (var. of Sympetrum bipunctatum), 1894a : 271-272. LEC- 
TOTYPE 9. 29e[Hudson’s locality number]/Paikakariki, Wellington, N.Z., Hudson/ 
Sympetrum bipunctatum Br., var. novae-zealandiae McL. Type/Sympetrum bipunctatum var. 
novaezealandiae McL., 2 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The fourth syntype (from Auckland) has not been traced. The name novaezealandiae was 
originally hyphenated and has been emended in accordance with Art. 32(e)(i). Currently 
placed as a synonym of Diplacodes bipunctata (Brauer). 

obsolescens Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1889: 321. Holotype ¢. Borneo/obsolescens type 
occidentalis Tillyard (Nannodythemis), 1908a : 450-453, pl. 6, fig. 3. LECTOTYPE ¢. 
Bridgetown, W. Al[ustralia], i.o7, R. J. Tillyavd/Nannodythemis occidentalis Till., g TYPE. 
R.J.T./Nannodythemis occidentalis Tillyard, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed in the genus Nannophya. 

octomaculata Fraser (Palpopleura), 1935. Kimmins, 1966 : 207. 
oculata Fabricius (Libellula), 1775 : 421. Campion, 1917 : 444. 
osiris Fraser (ssp. Zygonyx iris), 1936. Kimmins, 1966 : 208. 

othello Tillyard (Camacinia), 1908 : 639-641, pl. 14, fig. 1. Holotype g. Cooktown, N.Q., 
xii.o7, R. J. Tillyard/Camacinia Othello Till. g Typr, R. J. T. 

pacificus Kirby (Diplax), 1884 : 355. Holotype g. Tongatabu, with on reverse, Diplax 
pacificus type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as synonym of Diplacodes bipunctatus (Brauer). 
pallidinervis Kirby (Sympetrum), 1889 : 327, pl. 55, fig. 4. LECTOTYPE ¢. Indfia]/ 
Pseudothemis pallidinervis Kb. type [WFK]/Sympetrum pallidinervis Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as Trithemis pallidinervis (Kirby). Although described as a Sympetrum, 
Kirby labelled his specimens as Pseudothemis. 


parana Kirby (Misagria), 1889 : 339, pls. 52, fig. 9 and 57, fig.8. Holotype g. Para/Misagria 
parana type (WFK]. 

parasticta Pinhey (Trithemis), 1955 : 35-37, fig. 8. Holotype g. Lake Chila, Abercorn, 
N. R., 31.i1.54, D. Vesey Fitzgerald/Trithemis parasticta Pinh., 1954. 

phaon Selys (Trithemis), 1883 : 106-107. LECTOTYPE g. Yokohama, Orio/Type [McL. 
label]/Trithemis phaon Selys g, Japon [Selys label]/Trithemis phaon Selys, g Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Selys gives no indication as to the collection in which the type was deposited. Ris (1gI11I : 
589) makes no mention of the type in the Selys Collection and therefore the above specimen 
from the McLachlan Collection has been designated as Lectotype. Currently placed in the 
genus Deielia Kirby. 

phillipsi Kirby (Orthetrum), 1896 : 522. Holotype g. Dobar, 2nd Feby. 95, maritime 
plain/Dobar, Goolis Mts., 2.ii.1895, L. L{ort-] P[hillips]/Orthetrum Phillipsi Kb. type [WFK]. 

It may be pointed out that the locality data given on the second (printed) label and in the 
description differs from that given on the first (mss) label. The date on the printed label has 
been altered to conform with the mss label. Currently placed as a synonym of Orthetrum 
abbotti (Calvert). 

prateri Fraser (Pseudotramea), 1920. Kimmins, 1966 : 210. 

princeps Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1894 : 16-17. LECTOTYPE g. Queensland, Turner, 
princeps Kb. ¢ type/Rhyothemis princeps Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

pruinosa Kirby (Micrathyria?), 1894b : 267-268. Holotype 3 (abd. segments 8-10 missing). 
Grenada/233/pruinosa [WFK]/Micrathyria (?) pruinosa Kirby, $ Holotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 

Currently placed as synonym of Micrathyria didyma didyma (Selys). 

pseudeudoxia Longfield (ssp. Atoconeura biordinata), 1953 : 46, pl. 1, figs. 2, E, H. Holo- 
type g. Uganda, Ruwenzori Range, Mubuku Valley, Bikoni Peak, 7,000 ft., 30. xii. 1937, 
C. E. Longfield/Atoconeura biordinata pseudeudoxia Type 3, ssp. nov. det. Miss C. Longfield. 

pseudodefecta Pinhey (ssp. Hadrothemis defecta), 1961 : 127-128, pl. 9, fig. 2. Holotype ¢. 
Entebbe, Uganda, Oct. 1952, E. Pinhey/Hadrothemis defecta pseudodefecta Pinh. Holotype. 

puella Kirby (Aino), 1890 : 113. LECTOTYPE 4¢ (lacking abd. segs. 9-10). N. pygmaea/ 
Aino puella Kirby, ¢ Lectotype. D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The only example labelled ‘puella’ and with type label was the female, but the g syntype 
was discovered labelled solely ‘N. pygmaea’. It agrees well with the original description and 
has been designated the lectotype. The locality of the syntypes was unknown. The taxon 
is currently placed as a synonym of Nannothemis bella Uhler, a South American insect. 

pusilla Kirby (Miathyria), 1889 : 318, pl. 52, fig. 3. LECTOTYPE §. Amazions]/142/ 
Miathyria pusilla type [WFK]/Miathyria pusilla Kirby, g$ Lectotype, det. D. E. Kimmins, 

Kirby gives as localities for this species, Tapajos and Santarem; there are three paralecto- 
types from these localities, one of which is labelled 142 9. In spite of the fact that the speci- 
men bearing Kirby’s type label has only ‘Amaz[ons]’ as locality, I have accepted it as lectotype. 
This taxon is currently placed as a synonym of Miathyria simplex (Rambur). 

reducta Fraser (Uracis), 1946. Kimmins, 1966 : 211. 

regalis Tillyard (Agrionoptera), 1908 : 643-645, pl. 14, fig. 3. LECTOTYPE g. Cooktown, 
N.Q., i.o8, R. J. Tillyard/Agrionoptera regalis Till, g$ TyPE, R.J.T./Agrionoptera regalis 
Tillyard, $¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Currently placed as synonym of Agrionoptera longitudinalis Selys. 

rendalli Kirby (Urothemis), 1898 : 234. Holotype 9. Fort Johnston, Nyassaland, P. 
Rendall/rendalli Kirb. paratype [Distant’s writing]/Urothemis rendalli Kirby 9 TypE, D. E. 
Kimmins det. 1956. 

As U. rendalli was described from one female, Distant’s label ‘paratype’ must be an error. 
Currently placed as synonym of Urothemis edwardsi (Selys). 

292 D. E. KIMMINS 

[resplendens Selys (Rhyothemis), 1878 : 300—301.] 

The unnamed variety mentioned by Selys (: 301) is in the BM(NH). Although given a type 
label by McLachlan, it is not considered to be a type. 

reticulata Kirby (Crocothemis), 1886 : 328, pl. 33, figs. 8,9. Holotype g. Campbellpore, 
21.xi.85/N.W. Ind[ia]/reticulata Kirb. type. 
Currently placed as synonym of Crocothemis servilia (Drury). 

rezia Kirby (Aethriamanta), 1889a : 298. Holotype ¢ (lacking abd. segs. 5-10). Madag- 
[ascar]/rezia Kb. type. 

risi Campion (Oda), 1915 : 489-491, fig. 40. Holotype g. Utakwa R., Dutch N. Guin., 
2,500-3,000 ft., ii.1913, A. F. R. Wollaston/Oda nov. spec. Det. Dr. F. Ris/Oda risi Cmpn. 
Holotype, Determined by H. Campion. 
Currently placed in the genus Risiophlebia. 

risi Longfield (Trithemis), 1936 : 490, 491, fig. 8A. Holotype g. Brit. E. Africa, 31.iii.11, 
S. A, Neave/Trithemis distanti 3, Dr. F. Ris det./Trithemis risi Longfield, g¢ Holotype, D. E 
Kimmins det. 1967. 

Longfield (: 491) states ‘Lectotype g and 2 have been selected from specimens collected by 
Dy. Neave in British E. Africa in 1911.’ As she was describing a new species, in effect she 
designated holotype 3 and allotype 9. Pinhey (1962, Publ ¢des cult. Co. Diam. Angola 59 : 271) 
quotes the Transvaal $ of ambiguus Kirby as lectotype of visi Longfield, but although Long- 
field quotes this specimen in synonymy, she designated a holotype for visi Longfield. 

risi Pinhey (ssp. Porpax asperipes), 1958a : 115-116. Holotype g. Chibudzana R., Melsetter 
Dist., 26.ii.1948, Dept. Agric. S. Rhodesia/Porpax asperipes ssp. risi Pinhey, 1956, Type. 
Subsequently raised to specific rank. 

risi Tillyard (Nannophlebia), 1913a : 713-714, pl. 74, figs. 4, 5, 7. LECTOTYPE ¢. Bel- 
linger R., N.S.W., 30.xi.11, R. J. Tillyard/Nannophlebia risi Till., g type, R. J. T./Nanno- 
phlebia risi Tillyard, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

robertsi Fraser (Notiothemis), 1944. Kimmins, 1966 : 211. 

rubra Kirby (Trithemis), 1889 : 328. LECTOTYPE 4. Australia/T. rubra type [WFK]/ 
Trithemis rubra Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
As Australia is the first locality mentioned, and Kirby’s type label was attached to the 
Australian specimen, this has been chosen as the Lectotype. Currently placed as a synonym 
of Diplacodes haematodes Burmeister. 

ruwenzoriensis Fraser (Tetrathemis), 1941. Kimmins, 1966 : 211. 

sagitta Ris (Orthetrum), t915a : 216-217. LECTOTYPE ¢. Sierra Leone, Port Lokko, 
3.v.1912, J. J. Simpson/Orthetrum nov. spec. g (Type) (near africanum)[Ris’ writing]/ 
Orthetrum sagitta Ris, § Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The penis of the lectotype was dissected and studied by Dr. K. Buchholz, 1963. 

schumanni Calvert (Micrathyria), 1906 : 225, 227, pl. 8, figs. 39, 40, pl. 9, fig. 24. Holo- 
type g. Guadaljara, Jalisco, July, Schwmann/Micrathyria schumanni Calv., Type. P. P. 
Calvert det. 1906. B.C. A. Neur., p. 227, Orig. pl. viii, ff. 39, 40, pl. ix, fig. 24. 
The ¢ right hamule has been removed and mounted in canada balsam. 

serva Kirby (Trithemis), 1900 : 69-70, fig. 1. LECTOTYPE ¢ (abd. segs 7-10 missing). 
Free Town, Sierra Leone, 5.ix.99, E. E. Austen/On reverse, T. serva K[WFK]. 

Kirby is a little obscure in his account of the material upon which this taxon is based. He 
says ‘Described from six specimens, two of them taken by Mr. Austen on Sept. 5 and 21 
(1899).’ These two specimens are in the collections; one is labelled ‘Trithemis serva Cotype’ 
in Kirby’s writing, the other (with a red type label) has ‘I. serva K’ in Kirby’s writing on 
underside of locality label. There is also another Sierra Leone specimen, collected by Morgan, 
1835, labelled ‘Trith. serva’ by Kirby. Three other Free Town examples, collected by Austen, 
bear no determination labels and I consider them to be excluded from the type series by Kirby’s 


statement that two were taken by Austen. One must assume that the other three examples 
are missing. I have therefore chosen the specimen which originally bore the red type label 
as Lectotype. 

siamensis Fraser (ssp. of Onychothemis tonkinensis), 1932. Kimmins, 1966 : 213. 

siemensi Kirby (Uracis), 1897 : 605-606, pl. 12, fig. 2.5 LECTOTYPE g. Gurupa, Lower 
Amazon, 22.ii.96, E. E. Austen/siemensi [WFK]/Uracis siemensi holotypus, prap. Dr. Buch- 
holz/Uracis siemensi Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The penis of the lectotype was removed and studied by Dr. H. Buchholz on one of his visits 
to BM(NH). The ‘female from Para’ referred to by Kirby is now labelled allotype and the 
second male (marked cotype by Kirby) has been labelled paralectotype. 

simpsoni Ris (Cyanothemis), 1915 : 219-221, fig. Holotype ¢ (original designation). Yana, 
Sierra Leone, 1.iv.1912, Jas. J. Simpson/Nov. gen. nov. spec.c, Det. Dr. F. Ris/Cyanothemis 
simpsoni Ris, ¢ Holotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Ris (1919 : 219) refers to this Yana specimen in his description of the subjuvenile ¢ from 
Mongheri as ‘Like first(type) specimen,’ and also figures the left wings of the Yana specimen 
(: 220) as ‘(type 3)’. I interpret this as a designation of holotype, although the word holotype 
is not used. 

sita Campion (ssp. of Indothemis limbata), 1923 : 29-31, fig. Holotype g. Ceylon, Yerbury/ 
Trincomali, 6.xii.go/Indothemis limbata sita Campion, g Holotype. Determined by H. 

smithi Fraser (Crocorthetrum), 1921. Kimmins, 1966 : 213. 

smithi Kirby (Cannacria), 1894) : 266-267. LECTOTYPE ¢. [St. Vincent], Grand Sable 
(Windward), by pools near sea, Jan. 4/smithii [WFK]/Cannacria smithi Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as synonym of Brachymesia furcata Hagen. 

stigmata Kirby (Bradinopyga), 1893 : 553-554, pl. 41, fig. 3. LECTOTYPE g. Ceylon, 
Trincomalee, 5.viii.go, Yerbury/stigmaticum [WFK]/Bradinopyga stigmata Kirby, ¢ Lecto- 
type, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

stigmatizans Fabricius (Libellula), 1775 : 421. Campion, 1917 : 443. 

strachani Kirby (Apeleutherus), 1900 : 74-75, pl. 2, figs. 4, 4a. LECTOTYPE ¢g. Lagos, 
Dr. H. Strachan/Apeleutherus strachani g/App. figd [last two labels in Kirby’s writing]. 
Of the long series recorded by Kirby, only the lectotype ¢ and allotype 2 bear Kirby’s 
determination labels. I have been unable to trace the ¢ from Free Town, 24.viii, listed by 
Kirby. This taxon is currently placed as Bradinopyga strachani (Kirby). 

subpruinosum Kirby (Sympetrum), 1886 : 326, pl. 33, fig. 7.5 LECTOTYPE 92. N.W. 
Ind{ia] [WFK]/subpruinosum Kirb. type [WFK]/Sympetrum subpruinosum Kirby, ? Lecto- 
type, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Currently placed as synonym of Sympetrum commixtum Selys. 
sylvia Kirby (Nannothemis), 1889 : 343-344. Holotype 9. Beara/N. sylvia type [WFK]. 
Currently placed in the genus Oligoclada. 

terminalis Kirby (Lathrecista), 1889 : 336. LECTOTYPE ¢. W. Borneo/Lathrecista 
terminalis ¢ type [WFK]/Lathrecista terminalis Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 

Currently placed as a synonym of Lathrecista asiatica (Fabr.) 

thais Kirby (Perithemis), 1889 : 324-325. LECTOTYPE 4. Para/330/thais Kb. type 

[WFK]/Perithemis thais Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The female, without locality, referred to by Kirby, has not been traced. 

thomasi Longfield (Urothemis), 1932 : 34-35. Holotype g. S. Arabia, Qara Mts., Ain al 
Rizab, 250 ft., 31.x.1930, Bertram Thomas/Urothemis thomasi Longfield, 3 Holotype. 
Miss Longfield’s determination label is missing, and a new one has been provided. 

294 D. E. KIMMINS 

tibialis Kirby (Micrathyria), 1897 : 610, pl. 13, figs. 5-6. LECTOTYPE ¢. Santarem/ 
tibialis [WFK]/Micrathyria tibialis Kirby, g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

tillyardi Fraser (Palaeothemis), 1923. Kimmins, 1966 : 216. 

torrida Kirby (Pseudomacromia), 1889 : 340-341, pl. 52, fig. 7.5 LECTOTYPE g. Sierra 
Leone/Pseudomacromia torrida type [WFK]/Pseudomacromia torrida Kirby, ¢ Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The allotype 9 (the only one in Kirby’s series) is from Sierra Leone and is very teneral, the 
head now missing. Theremaining four syntypes (all males) from Abyssinia, West Africa, Natal 
and Tenerife, have been traced and are now labelled as paralectotypes. Kirby’s statement 
(: 341) ‘Notwithstanding these differences, I am not at present inclined to treat any of these 
specimens (all of which are males, the only female being described above) as specifically dis- 
tinct’ is considered as definite inclusion of these specimens in the type-series. 

torrida Kirby (Tyriobapta), 1889 : 338-339, pl. 54, figs. 5-6. LECTOTYPE g. W. Borneo/ 
Tyriobapta torrida type [WFK]/Tyriobapta torrida Kirby, § Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 
trameiformis Kirby (Antidythemis), 1889 : 315, pl. 51, fig. 4. LECTOTYPE ¢. Para/ 
Carolina Lin. Cab./Antidythemis trameiformis g¢ type [WFK]/Antidythemis trameiformis 
Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The allotype 2 bears a label Dythemis? trameiformis Selys, n. sp. 9, Amazone? 

translucida Kirby (Tramea), 1889 : 315. Holotype 9. N. India/translucida Kb. type 
This taxon is currently placed as a synonym of Trapezostigma limbata (Desj.). 
triangularis Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1889 : 319. LECTOTYPE ¢. Sar[awak] 78/Wallace/ 
triangularis type [WFK]/Rhyothemis triangularis Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 

The example in the BM Type collection, although bearing a type-label, proved to be an 
imposter, bearing a label Sandakan, 29.iii.1893 (four years after publication of the descrip- 
tion). The specimen selected above as type was found in the general collection. It is pre- 
sumed that the false type was transferred to the type collection for evacuation in the summer 
of 1940 and has remained undetected until the preparation of this type list. 

tricolor Kirby (Orthetrum), 1893 : 555-556. Holotype g. Kandy,, 
Yerbury/Orthetrum tricolor [WFK]. 
trifidum Kirby (Acisoma?), 1889 : 341. Holotype ¢ (lacking head and right hind wing). 
Congo/Acisoma ascalaphoides? [in pencil, writing unknown]/Acisoma trifida, type [WFK]. 
The spelling of the specific name trifida has been corrected to trifidum. 
tristrigata Kirby (Tetrathemis), 1889 : 343. Holotype 9. Gil./Gilolo/T. tristrigata type 
Currently placed as a synonym of Tetvathemis irregularis leptoptera Selys. 
turneri Kirby (Rhyothemis), 1894: 17. LECTOTYPE g. Queensland, Turner/Turneri 
Kb. $ [WFK]/Rhyothemis turneri Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as synonym of Rhyothemis resplendens Selys. 
tyleri Kirby (Trithemis), 1899 : 364, pl. 15, fig. 1. LECTOTYPE g. La Chorrera, Panama/ 
T. Tyleri, Named at sight by W. F. K./Trithemis tyleri Kirby, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
uniformis Kirby (Belonia), 1889 : 333-334. Holotype 2. Mex{ico]/uniformis, type [WFK]. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Libellula croceipennis Selys. 
variegatum Kirby (Acisoma), 1808 : 239-240. LECTOTYPE g. Fort Johnston, Nyassaland, 
P. Rendall/variegatum Kirby paratype [Distant’s writing]/Acisoma variegatum Kirby, 
3 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1961. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Acisoma ascalaphoides Rambur. 


venusta Kirby (Micrathyria), 1897 : 612-613, pl. 13, fig. 1. Holotype g. Macapa, 25.ii.96/ 
Macapa, Lower Amazon, 25.ii.96/venusta [WFK]. 
This taxon is currently placed in the genus Erythrodiplax. 
vibrans Fabricius (Libellula), 1793 : 380. Campion, 1917 : 449-450. 
vittata Kirby (Urothemis), 1893 : 552, pl. 42, fig.2. LECTOTYPE 9. Trincomali, 10.ix.g1/ 
Ceylon, Yerbury/vittata type [WFK]/Urothemis vittata Kirby, 2 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
vittatus Kirby (Hydrobasileus), 1889 : 314, pl. 51, fig. 10. Holotype 3. Men[ado]/Wallace/ 
Tramea 4 vittata type [WFK]/Hydrobasileus vittatus Kirby ¢, det. D. E. Kimmins, 1967. 
The name Tvamea quadrivittata Hag. MS is quoted by Kirby in synonymy of Hydrobasileus 
vittatus Kirby. 
vivax Calvert (Brechmorhoga), 1906 : 279, 280, pl. 8, fig. 46. Holotype ¢. Zapote, 
Guatemala, Champion/Brechmorhoga vivax Calvert, TypE. P. P. Calvert det. 1906. 
B. C. A. Neur. p. 280. Original of Pl. viii, f. 46. 
wilsoni Pinhey (Brachythemis), 1952 : 16, fig. 5A. Holotype g. Xambio, S. Sudan, xii. 
1950, C. E. Wilson/Brachythemis ?sp. nov. E. Pinhey det. 1951/Brachythemis wilsoni Pinh. 3. 
woodfordi Kirby (Nesocria), 1889 : 335. Holotype g. [Solomon Islands], Alu/Nesocria 
woodfordi type [WFK]. 
Currently placed in the genus Protorthemis. 
yerburyi Kirby (Tetrathemis), 1893 : 556-557, pl. 41, fig. 4. LECTOTYPE 3. Kandy, B. in coitu A/Ceylon, Yerbury/yerburii type [WFK]/Tetrathemis yerburyi Kirby, 
3 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The specific name, spelt yerburii by Kirby, has been emended to yerburyi. 

aculeata Fraser (Macromia), 1927. Kimmins, 1966 : 176. 
aeneothorax Nunney (Ceratogomphus?), 1895 : 349-351, figs. A, B. Holotype ¢ (one sup. 
app. and inf. app. glued to card). Ceratogomphus aeneothorax Nunney mss, on reverse 
‘Sierra Leone’ and TYPE. 
I do not recognise the writing (in red ink) of the locality ‘Sierra Leone’. Currently placed 
in the genus Macromia. 
annaimallaiensis Fraser (Macromia), 1931. Kimmins, 1966 : 178. 

atrifrons McLachlan (Syncordulia), 1883 : xc-xci. Holotype 9. Queensland/Type [McL. 
label]/Syncordulia atrifrons McL. 
Currently placed in the genus Micromidia. 
atuberculata Fraser (Macromia), 1922. Kimmins, 1966 : 180. 
aurolineata Tillyard (ssp. of Metathemis guttata), 1913 : 575. LECTOTYPE g. Dorrigo, 
N.S.W., R. J. Tillyard, 4.xii.1911/Metathemis guttata aurolineata Tillyard, Type 3, R.J.T./ 
Metathemis guttata aurolineata Till., ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 
Currently placed as Eusynthemis guttata aurolineata (Tillyard). 
bellicosa Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 181. 
berthoudi Tillyard (Hesperocordulia), 1911 : 376-378, pl. 10, figs. 1, 3,9. LECTOTYPE 4. 
Waroona, W. Al[ustralia], G. F. Berthoud, 27.xi.1909/Hesperocordulia Berthoudi [sic] Till., 
6 TYPE, R.J.T./Hesperocordulia berthoudi Till., ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 
binocellata Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 183. 
bispina Fraser (Macromia), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 183. 
braueri Selys (Epitheca), 1871 : 284-285. Holotype g. N{ew] Zealfand]/24/Cordulia Braueri 
de Selys/Type [McL. label]/Epitheca braueri Selys, ¢ Holotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Placed by Fraser, 1939, in his genus A ntipodochlora. 

296 D. E. KIMMINS 

burliyarensis Fraser (ssp. of Idionyx corona), 1922. Kimmins, 1966 : 184. 

canis McLachlan (Tetragoneuria), 1886 : 104-105. Holotype g. [Western North America] 
Washington Territory [K. H. Morrison]/Type [McL. label]/Tetragoneuria canis McL. 

circularis Tillyard (Pseudocordulia), 1908 : 743, pl. 22, fig. 1. Holotype g. Kuranda, 
N.Q., xii.o7, F. P. Dodd/Pseudocordulia circularis Till., g Typr, R.J.T. 

claviculata Tillyard (Synthemis), 1908b : 749-750, pl. 22, fig. 5. Holotype g. Kuranda, 
N. Q., i.08, E. Allen/Synthemis claviculata Till., ¢ TyPE, R.J.T. 

contumax Selys (Phyllomacromia), 1879 : 103-104. Holotype ¢ (right fore wing, both hind 
wings somewhat damaged). West Africa, Akele/Type [McL. label]/Phyllomacromia contu- 
max, Selys [McL. hand ]. 
Currently placed in the genus Macromia. 

corona Fraser (Idionyx), 1921. Kimmins, 1966 : 187. 

corycia Laidlaw (Macromia), 1922 : 220, 225, fig. 5. Holotype g. Sarawak, Ulu Baram 
3.xi.1920, J. C. Moulton/Macromia corycia sp. n. ¢ Type, det. F. F. Laidlaw. 
The original paper label, in Laidlaw’s handwriting, gives the date wrongly as 3.xi. 30. 

costalis Selys (Cordulia), 1871 : 273. Holotype 9. Georgia/Cordulia costalis de Selys/C. 
costalis De Selys 9. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Tetragoneuria cynosura (Say). 

cupricincta Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 187. 
cupricolor Fraser (Hemicordulia), 1927. Kimmins, 1966 : 187. 
cyanitincta Tillyard (Synthemis), 1907 : 724-726, pl. 35, figs. 3-4, pl. 36, fig. 1. LECTO- 

TYPE g. Margaret R., W. A., i.o7, R. J. Tillyard/Synthemis cyanitincta Till., $ TYPE, 
R.J.T./Synthemis cyanitincta Tillyard, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

cydippe Laidlaw (Macromia), 1922 : 220-222, 223, figs. 2, 3. Holotype g. Sarawak, Lio 
Matu, 3.x.1914, J. C. Moulton/Macromia cydippe Laidlaw, 3 Type. 

cyrene Lieftinck (Synthemis), 1953a : 78-81, figs. 5-9. Holotype g. N. E. New Guinea, 
Saiko, 5,500—6,000 ft., Babu River (Upper Waria River), ix—x.1936/F. Shaw-Mayer/Synthemis 
cyrene sp. n. g. 

divergens Tillyard (Cordulephya), 1917 : 467-469, pl. 23, figs. 9-10, text-fig. 6. LECTO- 
TYPE ¢. Hornsby, N.S.W., 8.v.16, R. J. Tillyard/Cordulephya divergens Till., g TYPE, 
R.J.T./Cordulephya divergens Tillyard, g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

donaldi Fraser (Indomacromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 189. 

elliptica Tillyard (Pseudocordulia), 1913b : 229-230, pl. 15, figs. 1-2. LECTOTYPE @. 
Kuranda, N. Q[ueensland], F. P. Dodd, 3.i.1913/Pseudocordulia elliptica Tillyd., g TYPE, 
R.J.T./Pseudocordulia elliptica Till., ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 

ellisoni Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 190. 

elongata Campion (Metaphya), 1921 : 64-66, pl. 9, fig. 17. Holotype 9. Loc. Baie Ngo, 
no. 204, 10.ii.14. Coll. P. D. Montague, New Caledonia Exped./New Caledonia, P. D. 
Montague/Metaphya elongata Campion, Holotype, Determined by H. Campion. 

euterpe Laidlaw (Macromia), 1915 : 26-29, figs. 1-2. LECTOTYPE g. Kina Balu, British 
North Borneo, J. C. Moulton/M. euterpe Type g, 12.ix.13, 7 [Laidlaw’s writing]/Macromia 
euterpe Laidlaw, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
The example chosen as Lectotype has for many years been labelled “Type H.T.’, but was not 
so designated in print by Laidlaw. 

evelynae Lieftinck (Synthemis), 1953a : 81-84, figs. 10-11. Holotype ¢ (abd. segs. 6-10 
and anal appendages wanting). Papua, Mafulu, 4,000 ft., xii. 1933, L. E. Cheesman/Synthemis 
evelynae sp. n. ¢. 


fallax McLachlan (Gomphomacromia), 1881 : 141-142. LECTOTYPE g. Intaj, Ecuador/ 
Gomphomacromia fallax McL./Type [McL. label]/Gomphomacromia fallax McL., $ Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

fenella Campion (Synthesis), 1921 : 61-62, pl. 9, fig. 16. text-fig. 11. Holotype g. Loc. 
Mt. Mou, No. 725, Date 20.iii.14. Coll. P. D. Montague, New Caledonia Exped./Synthemis 
fenella Campion, Holotype. Determined by H. Campion. 

fidelis McLachlan (Hemicordulia), 1886: 104. Holotype g. [Loyalty Isls.] Uvea/Type 
[McL. label]/Hemicordulia fidelis McLach. 

flavicauda McLachlan (Nesocordulia), 1882 : clxx—clxxii. Holotype ¢. Madagascar/ 
Nesocordulia flavicauda McL./Type [McL. label]. 

flavicincta Kirby (Phyllomacromia), 1898 : 241-242. LECTOTYPE 4. Rustenberg, 
W.L. D{istant]/flavicincta (type) Kirby [Distant’s writing]/Macromia picta Selys H. C[ampion]/ 
Phyllomacromia flavicincta Kirby, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Currently placed in the genus Macromia, where it is a junior homonym of M. flavicincta 

Selys and a synonym of Macromia picta (Selys). 

flavicincta Selys (Macromia), 1874: 25-27. LECTOTYPE ¢. North Indf[ia]/Macr. 
flavicincta de Selys/Macromia flavicincta Selys, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The male chosen as Lectotype has for may years been labelled Holotype, but it was not so 

indicated in print by Selys. The original description gives ‘Nord du Bengale’ as locality, but 
it is only the 9 which is so labelled. 

flavocolorata Fraser (Macromia), 1922. Kimmins, 1966 : 192. 

flavovittata Fraser (Macromia), 1935. Kimmins, 1966 : 192. 

flexicauda Campion (Synthemis), 1921 : 57-61, pl. 8, fig. 14, pl. 9, fig. 15, text-fig. 10. Holo- 
type g. Loc. Mt. Nekando, Date, 24.v.14, Coll. P. D. Montague, New Caledonia Exped./ 
New Caledonia, P. D. Montague/Synthemis flexicauda Campion ¢. Holotype. Determined 
by H. Campion. 

fulva Laidlaw (Macromidia), 1915 : 29-30, fig. 3. Holotype g. Borneo, J. C. Moulton/ 
Macromidia fulva, ¢ Laidlaw, Type. Kina Balu, Borneo, 11.ix.1913, J. C. Moulton. 

fulvia Fraser (ssp. of Idionyx corona), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 193. 

galeata Fraser (Idionyx), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 193. 

genialis Laidlaw (Macromidia), 1923 : 232. Holotype g. Malay Peninsula, Pahang, 
Gunong Tahan, 10.xii.1921/Macromidia genialis g¢ Type [Laidlaw’s writing]. 

gomphomacromioides Tillyard (Synthemiopsis), 1917 : 464-467, pl. 23, figs. 7-8, text-figs 
4-5. LECTOTYPE g. Cradle Mt., Tas., R. J. Tillyard, 18.i1.17/Synthemiopsis gomphoma- 
cromioides Till., ¢ TYPE, R.J.T./Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides Tillyard, $ Lectotype, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

gracillima Fraser (Hemicordulia), 1944. Kimmins, 1966 : 194. 

halei Fraser (Macromia), 1928. Kimmins, 1966 : 194. 

ida Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 196. 

imbricata Fraser (Idionyx), 1926. Kimmins, 1966 : 196. 

indica Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 197. 

insignis Kirby (Pseudogomphus), 18894 : 299. Holotype g. Cameroons/Pseudogomphus 
insignis [WFK}. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Macromia sophia Selys. The tenth abdominal degment 
and anal appendages are detached. 

insularis Kimmins (Guadalca), 19574 : 318-319, figs. 3-4. LECTOTYPE ¢. Solomon Is., 

Guadalcanal, Tapenanje, 10-23.xii.1953, J. D. Bradley/Guadalca insularis Kim., 3 Type, 
D. E. Kimmins det. 1955/Guadalca insularis Kimmins, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

298 D. E. KIMMINS 

intricata Fraser (Idionyx), 1926. Kimmins, 1966 : 198. 
irata Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 198. 
junior Pinhey (ssp. of Macromia kimminsi), 1961 : 116, pl. 8, figs. 10, 15, 16. Holotype 2. 
van Someren, Broderick Falls, Scarp, Kenya, v.51/Macromia kimminsi junior Pinh. HOLo- 
kimminsi Fraser (Macromia), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 199. 
kimminsi Lieftinck (Synthemis), 1953a : 75-78, figs. 1-4. Holotype g. N.E. New Guinea, 
Saiko, 5,500—6,000 ft., Babu River (Upper Waria River), 24.x.1936/F. Shaw Mayer/Synthemis 
kimminsi sp. n. 
laidlawi Fraser (Idionyx), 1936. Kimmins, 1966 : 200, 
In my paper (1966), the reference to this species was omitted. It should be 1936a : 7or. 
leachi Selys (Synthemis), 1871a : 561. Holotype g. N{[ew] Holland/Cord. Leachii ¢ Selys/ 
Synth. Leachii de Selys. 
The left hind wing is missing and the other wings are somewhat battered. The specific 
name has been emended to ‘leachi’. 

leoni Fraser (Phyllomacromia), 1928. Kimmins, 1966 : 200, 
lieftincki Fraser (Macromia), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 201. 

magnifica Selys (Macromia), 1874 : 22-24. LECTOTYPE 92. N. California, Walsingham|/ 
Macromia magnifica 9 [Selys’ writing]/Macromia magnifica Selys, 2 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 
The ¢ syntype of this species has not been traced in the McLachlan collection. The 2? was 
found (without any type label) and has been designated Lectotype. Selys gives no indication 
that he retained the g, and Martin (1906 : 67) writes “Types ¢ et 2 coll. MacLachlan’, 

malabarensis Fraser (Epophthalmia), 1935. Kimmins, 1966 : 203. 

malayana Laidlaw (ssp. of Macromia moorei), 1928 : 133-134. Holotype ¢. Pahang, 

L. Tamang,, F. N. Chasen/Macromia moorei malayana n. subsp. [Laidlaw’s 
writing]/Macromia moorei malayana ¢ Holotype, Laidlaw [DEK]. 
Currently placed as synonym of Macromia moorei fumata Kruger. 

marginata Selys (Somatochlora?), 1883 : 109-110. Holotype ¢ (head lacking). Japan/Type 
[McL. label]/Somatochlora? marginata Selys, gf, Japon [Selys’ writing]. 
Currently placed in the genus Epitheca. 
[martini Tillyard (Synthemis), 1907 : 726-728, pls. 35, figs. 1-2 and 36, fig. 2.] 
There are no examples of this species in BM(NH) collection. The types may perhaps still 
be in Canberra. 

mascarenica Fraser (Nesocordulia), 1948. Kimmins, 1966 : 203. 

melanosoma Tillyard (ssp. of Metathemis guttata), 1913) : 231-233. LECTOTYPE 4. 
Tambourine, Qfueensland], R. J. Tillyard, 24.xii.1912/Metathemis guttata melanosoma 
Tillyd., g TyPE, R.J.T./Metathemis guttata melanosoma Till., g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1968. 

Currently placed as Eusynthemis guttata melanosoma (Tillyard). 

metallica Tillyard (Lathrocordulia), 1911 : 379-380, pl. 10, figs. 2, 4 and 10. LECTOTYPE 
¢. Waroona, W. A[ustralia], G. F. Berthoud, 3.xii.1910/Lathrocordulia metallica Till., 
g TYPE, R.J.T./Lathrocordulia metallica Till., g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 
The lectotype lacks the apex of the left superior anal appendage. 

micans Laidlaw (Metaphya), 1912 : 2-3, pl. 1. Holotype g. Sarawak, 1910/Metaphya 
micans Type ¢ [Laidlaw’s writing]. 
The allotype 2 was described later (Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1913 : 65-67). 

minima Fraser (Idionyx), 1931. Kimmins, 1966 : 204, 


montaguei Campion (Synthemis), 1921 : 55-57, pl. 8, fig. 13, text-fig.9. Holotype g. Loc. 
Alt Mou, Date, 10.iii.14 (No. 488), Coll. P. D. Montague, New Caledonia Exped./New Cal- 
edonia, P. D. Montague/Synthemis montaguei Campion, g, Holotype. Determined by H. 

montana Tillyard (Cordulephya), 1911a : 392-397, pls. 11-12. Hclotype g. [Medlow], 
Blue Mts., N.S.W., 19.i.10, R. J. Tillyard/Cordulephya montana Till., g tyPE, R.J.T. 
Holotype ¢ specified by Tillyard (1911 : 397, line 14, ‘type-male’). The locality ‘Medlow’ 
is given in the text in several places but not on the locality label. 

moorei Selys (Macromia), 1874 : 28. Holotype g. Himalaya/Macromia moorei Selys 4, 
Nn. sp. 

mystica Tillyard (Austrophya), 1908) : 739-740, pl. 31, fig. 1. Holotype 9. Kuranda, 
N. Q., i.08, F. P. Dodd/Austrophya mystica Till., TyPE 9, R.J.T. 

nadganiensis Fraser (Idionyx), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 205. 

nasalis Selys (Epitheca), 1874 : 21. Holotype 9. North America/Epith. nasalis de Selys mss., 
var. d’albicincta B.? [Selys’ writing]. 
This example has at some time lost its locality label and a new one has been provided. 
Currently placed in the genus Somatochlora. 
nigra Tillyard (Synthemis), 1906 : 489-491. LECTOTYPE 4 (lacking most of left hind wing). 
Kuranda, N. Q., i.05, R. J. Tillyard/Synthemis nigra Till. g rypE, R.J.T./Synthemis nigra 
Tillyard, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed in the genus Eusynthemis. 

nilgiriensis Fraser (ssp. of Idionyx corona), 1922. Kimmins, 1966 : 206. 

nilgiriensis Fraser (Phyllomacromia), 1918. Kimmins, 1966 : 207. 

occidentalis Tillyard (ssp. of Synthemis macrostigma), 1910 : 355. LECTOTYPE 4. 
Bridgetown, W. A., i.07, R. J. Tillyard/Synthemis macrostigma Selys, subsp. occidentalis 
Till., ¢ TYPE, R.J.T./Synthemis macrostigma occidentalis Till., ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins 
det. 1967. 

olivei Tillyard (Synthemis), 1908b : 747-749, pl. 22, fig. 4. LECTOTYPE 3. Cooktown, 
N. Q., i.08, R. J. Tillyard/Synthemis olivei Till., g TypE, R.J.T./Synthemis olivei Tillyard, 
3d Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Currently placed in the genus Choristhemis. 
orientalis Tillyard (ssp. of Synthemis macrostigma), 1910 : 355. LECTOTYPE 3. Blue 

Mts., N.S.W., ii.o5, R. J. Tillyavd/Synthemis macrostigma Selys, subsp. orientalis Till., 3 
TYPE/Synthemis macrostigma orientalis Till., g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

ornata Fraser (Idionyx), 1921. Kimmins, 1966 : 208. 
pacifica Fraser (Hemicordulia), 1925. Kimmins, 1966 : 208. 
pallida Fraser (Macromia), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 208. 
periyashola Fraser (Idionyx), 1939. Kimmins, 1966 : 209. 

piscator Barnard (Presba), 1934 : 168, figs. 1f-h, 2. LECTOTYPE ¢. Groot Drakenstein, 
Cape Province, xii.1932, A. C. Harrison/Presba piscator Barnard g tTyPE [DEK]/Presba 
piscator Barnard, g Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

pseudafricana Pinhey (Macromia), 1961 : 109, pl. 8, fig. 5. Holotype g. Aswe R., Kara- 
moja Suk, Uganda, iv.1952/Macromia africana Selys, E. Pinhey det. 1952/Macromia africana 
Selys, F. C. Fraser det. 1953/Macromia pseudafricana Pinh. HOLOTYPE. 
Pinhey states that Fraser’s determination was made ‘with reservation’. 

pygmaea Selys (Cordulephya), 1871 : 316. Holotype g. Melbourne, Edwards/122/Cordu- 
lephia pygmaea Selys ¢/Type [McL. label]. 

300 D. E. KIMMINS 

refracta Tillyard (Austrocordulia), 1908b : 744-745, pl. 22, fig. 2. Holotype g. Cooktown, 
N. Q., i.08, R. J. Tillyard/Austrocordulia refracta Till., g type, R.J.T. 

regina Selys (Synthemis), 1874 : 31-33. LECTOTYPE ¢g. Njew] Sfouth] W/{ales]/Synth. 
regina de Selys/Synthemis regina Selys, g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Selys gives as locality ‘Queensland’, but the BM(NH) specimen, which he lists first, is 
labelled New South Wales, the MacLachlan examples being from Queensland. Currently 
placed in the genus Eusynthemis. 

rhinoceroides Fraser (Idionyx), 1934. Kimmins, 1966 : 211. 

rutherfordi Selys (Neophya), 1881 : xvii—xviii, 1 fig. Holotype g. Old Calabar, R[uther- 
ford]/Type[McL. label]/Neophya Rutherfordi Selys. 

saffronata Fraser (Idionyx), 1924, Kimmins, 1966 : 212, 

selysi Fraser (Idionyx), 1926 : 201-202, pls. 9, fig. 6 and 1o, fig. 6. LECTOTYPE ¢. I. 
selysi g. Maymyo, Upper Burma, Col. F. Wali coll. [F.C.F.]/Idionyx selysi 
Fraser. ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

Through an unfortunate oversight, this species was omitted from my 1966 paper. The 
above example has been chosen as Lectotype, in preference to the example in the Selys collec- 
tion, which Fraser appears not to have seen. 

selysi Kirby (Macromia), 1900 : 77-78. Holotype g. Sierra Leone, Free Town, 16.ix.g9, 
E. E. Austen|M. Selysi type [WFK]. 

shanensis Fraser (Macromidia), 1927. Kimmins, 1966 : 213. 

smithi White (Cordulia), 1845, pl. 6, fig. 2; Selys, 1871 : 261. Holotype 9. New Zealand/ 
Cordulia Smithii White, Zool. Ereb. & Terror, t..., f... [A. White’s writing]. 
The first reference to this species is the plate reference given above. The first description 
is that of Selys, 1871. Currently placed in the genus Procordulia, 

sophia Selys (Macromia), 1871a : 550-551. Holotype g. Cape Coast Castle [Guinea]/124/ 
Type [McL. label]/Macromia sophia ¢ Selys [Selys’ writing]. 

spiniger Tillyard (Synthemis), 1913 : 572-574, pl. 62, figs. 15-16. Holotype g. Waroona, 
W. Alustralia], G. F. Berthoud, 27.i.1912/Synthemis spinifer [sic] Tillyard, TyPE g, R.J.T./ 
Synthemis spiniger Till., gf Holotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 
The specific name was published as ‘spiniger’ and used consistently five times in the original 

stevensi Fraser (Idionyx), 1924. Kimmins, 1966 : 214. 

subjuncta Tillyard (ssp. of Metathemis brevistyla), 1913 : 574, pl. 62, fig. 1b. LECTOTYPE 

g. Dorrigo, N.S.W., R. J. Tillyard, 6.xii.1911/Metathemis brevistyla subjuncta Tillyard, 

TYPE ¢, R.J.T./Metathemis brevistyla subjuncta Till., g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 
Currently placed as Eusynthemis brevistyla subjuncta (Tillyard). 

superba Tillyard (Hemicordulia), 1911 : 368-370, pl. Io, figs. 5-8. LECTOTYPE g. Pallal, 
N.S.W., R. J. Tillyard, 13.xii.1910/Hemicordulia superba Till., ¢ Typr, R.J.T./Hemicordulia 
superba Till., g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 

sylvatica Fraser (Macromia), 1954. Kimmins, 1966 : 215. 

tasmanica Tillyard (Synthemis), 1910 : 344-347, pls. 4, fig. 2 and 7, figs. 2, 20. LECTO- 
TYPE ¢g. St. Patrick’s R., Tas., 7.i.09, R. J. Tillyard/Synthemis tasmanica Till., ¢ TYPE, 
R.J.T./Synthemis tasmanica Till., g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

thalia Lieftinck (Macromia), 1929 : 103-104, fig. 29. Holotype g. Khasia Hills/Macromia 
thalia nov. nom., ¢ Holotype, vid. Lieftinck, ’28 [Lieftinck’s writing]./Macromia thalia 
Lieftinck, ¢[DEK]. 
This specimen was originally determined as Macromia ?fraenata Laidlaw, by Laidlaw. 


thetis Ris (Macromia), 1921 : 379-381, figs. 65-66. LECTOTYPE 4. Chirinda For., 
Gazal{and], 3,600 ft., 9.x.1905, G. A. K. Marshall/Macromia spec. a, Det. Dr. F. Ris, Phyl- 
lomacromia aequatorialis Martin?/Macromia thetis Ris g, det. Miss C. Longfield, 1934./ 
Macromia thetis Ris, g¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 

With this type and the allotype 9 is a mss. note by Miss Longfield. ‘These are believed to 
be the types of Macromia thetis Ris, described 1921, in Ann. S. African Mus. Found with all 
labels as at present, except type labels and determination labels of Miss C. Longfield’. 

The female in the South African Museum was excluded from the type series by Ris’ reference 
(p. 381) to the ‘typical pair in the British Museum’. 

tillyardi Martin (Macromia), 1906: 72. Holotype 9. Kuranda, i.o5/Macromia tillyardi 
Martin, 9 TYPE, R.J.T. 
Although Tillyard (1906 : 491) records the capture of three females, only one, ‘the type- 
specimen’ was sent to Martin and is therefore automatically the holotype. 

travencorensis Fraser (Idionyx), 1931. Kimmins, 1966 : 216. 
trituberculata Fraser (Macromia), 1921. Kimmins, 1966 : 216. 
unguiculata Fraser (Idionyx), 1926. Kimmins, 1966 : 217. 

venator Barnard (Presba), 1933 : 167, figs. 1a~e. LECTOTYPE ¢. French Hoek, C[ape] 

P{rovince], with on reverse, K. H. Barnard, xii. 1932/Presba venator Barnard, ¢ TyPE [DEK]/ 
Presba venator Barnard, $ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Syncordulia gracilis (Burm.). 

virgula Selys (Synthemis), 1874 : 33-34. LECTOTYPE g. S. Australfia], Bakewell/Synth. 
virgula de Selys/Synthemis virgula Selys, 3 Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 
Currently placed in the genus Eusynthemis. 

viridescens Tillyard (Macromia), 1911 : 380-381, pl. 10, fig. 11. Holotype g. Cape York, 
N. Q[ueensland], H. Elgner, 22.xi.1909/Macromia viridescens Till., Q TYPE, R.J.T./‘This is 
said to be the 2 of M. terpsichore Foerster. Tillyd., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. xxxvii, 
1912, p. 584’ [F. C. Fraser’s writing]. 
Currently placed as a synonym of Macromia terpsichore Foerster. 

whitei Selys (Macromia), 1871a : 555. LECTOTYPE ¢g. N. India/Macr. Whitei ¢ De Selys 
[Selys’ writing]/Macromia whitei Selys, ¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1967. 

The BM(NH) collection contains 1 g, 1 9 of this species, labelled by Selys in writing very 
similar to that on the label of Synthemis leachi, described in the same publication. Selys quotes 
an unspecified number of examples in ‘Coll. Selys et Brit. Mus.’ Our examples are labelled 
N. India, which would certainly include part of Bengal. The species is almost certainly named 
after Dr. Adam White, a previous Keeper of the Zoological Department of the British Museum 
and one assumes therefore that our examples would be the types. Martin (1906 : 70~71) 
mentions types of M. cingulata Rambur (of which whitei is a synonym) in the Selys Collection, 
but not of whitez. I do not know of any previous designation of a type for this species and 
have therefore selected our $ (as above) as Lectotype. 

wollastoni Campion (Synthemis), 1915 : 486-488, figs. 38-39. Holotype 9. Dutch New 
Guinea, A. F. R. Wollaston/Snow Mts. 4,000 to 6,000 ft., i-ii.1913/Synthemis wollastoni 
Cmpn., 2 Holotype, Determined by H. Campion. 
The description gives the additional data, Utakwa River, not mentioned on the printed 

xanthosticta Tillyard (ssp. of Metathemis nigra), 1913b : 230-231. LECTOTYPE 4. 
Tambourine, Q[ueensland], R. J. Tillyard, 5.i.1913/Metathemis nigra xanthosticta Till., 
3¢ Lectotype, D. E. Kimmins det. 1968. 

Currently placed as Eusynthemis nigra xanthosticta (Tillyard). 

zeylanica Fraser (Macromia), 1927. Kimmins, 1966 : 219. 

302 D. E. KIMMINS 


BARNARD, K. H. 1933. A new genus of Corduline Dragonfly from South Africa (Odonata), 
Stylops 2 (7) : 165-168, figs. I—2. 

CaLvERT, P. P. rgo1—1908. Odonata in Biologia Centrali-Americana: 17-420, pls. 2-10. 

Campion, H. 1915. Report on the Odonata collected by the British Ornithologists’ Union 
Expedition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond. 
20 (15) : 485-492, text-figs. 38-40. 

1917. On Fabricius’s Types of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. 

Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 19 : 441-450. 

1921. Odonata collected in New Caledonia by the late Mr. Paul D. Montague. Ann. Mag. 

nat. Hist. (9) 8 : 33-67, pls. 8-0, text-figs. I-11. 

1923. A new form of Indothemis limbata from Ceylon (Odonata). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 

(9) 11 : 28-31, 1 text-fig. 

Fapricius, J. C. 1775. Systema Entomologiae sistens Insector'um Classes, Ordines, Genera, 
Species, etc. pp. 420-426. Flensburgi et Lipsiae. 

1781. Species Insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca 

natalia, metamorphos, etc., 1 : 519-528. Hamburgi et Kilonii. 

1787. Mantissa Insectorum etc. 1. Hafniae. 

1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta, 2: viii + 519. Hafniae. 

FRASER, F.C. 1926. <A revision of the genus Idionyx Selys. Rec. Indian Mus, 28 : 195-207, 

pls. 8—10. 

GARDNER, A. E. 1958. Aspects of the fauna and flora of the Azores, xii(a). Odonata. 
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (13) 1 : 791-792. 

Kimmins, D. E. 1936. Odonata, Ephemeroptera and Neuroptera of the New Hebrides and 

Banks Island. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (10) 18 : 68-88, 11 text-figs., pl. 3. 

1936a. The Odonata of the Oxford University Sarawak Expedition. J. fed. Malay St. 

Mus. 18 (1) : 65-108, 17 text-figs. 

1942. The type of Allorhizucha campioni Ris (Odonata, Libellulinae). Entomologist 


1943. A new South American Dragonfly. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (11) 10 : 156-159, figs. 


1953. Miss L. E. Cheesman’s Expedition to New Caledonia, 1949—Orders Odonata, 

Ephemeroptera, Neuroptera and Trichoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 6 : 241-257, 24 


1957. Some notes on nomenclature in the family Libellulidae (Odonata). Entomologist 

90 : 95-97. 

1958. New species and subspecies of Odonata. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist, (Ent.) 7 (7) : 

347-358, 7 text-figs. 

1966. <A list of the Odonata Types described by F. C. Fraser, now in the British Museum 

(Natural History). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist, (Ent.) 18 (6) : 173-227. 

Kirsy, W. F. 1884. On the Neuroptera collected during the recent expedition of H.M.S. 

Challenger. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 13 : 453-456. 

1886. Ona small collection of Dragonflies from Murree and Campbellpore (N.W. India), 

received from Major J. W. Yerbury, R.A. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1886 : 325-329, pl. 33. 

1889. A revision of the subfamily Libellulinae, with descriptions of new genera and 

species. Tvans. zool. Soc. Lond. 12 (9) : 249-348, pls. 51-57. 

1889a. Descriptions of new genera and species of Odonata in the collection of the British 

Museum, chiefly from Africa. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond, 1889 : 297-303. 

1890. Description of a new species of Dragonfly. Aun. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 5 : 112-113. 

1893. Catalogue of the described Neuroptera Odonata (Dragonflies) of Ceylon, with 

descriptions of new species. J. Linn. Soc., Zool. 24 : 545-566, pls. 41-42. 

1894. Ona small collection of Odonata (Dragonflies) from Queensland, with descriptions 

of five new species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 14 : 15-21. 


KirBy, W. F. 1894a. Descriptions of a new species of Dragonfly (Dythemis Broadwayi) from 
Trinidad. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 14 : 227-228. 

1894b. On some small collections of Odonata (Dragonflies) recently received from the 

West Indies. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 14 : 261-260. 

1894c. Notes on a small collection of Odonata etc. from Upper Burma, with the descrip- 
tion of a new species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 14 : 111-113. 

1896. On some Dragonflies obtained by Mr. and Mrs. Lort-Phillips in Somaliland. Proc. 
zool. Soc. Lond. 1898 : 521-523. 

1897. List of the Neuroptera collected by Mr. E. E. Austen on the Amazons etc. during 

the recent expedition of Messrs. Siemens Bros. Cable S.S. Faraday, with descriptions of 

several new species of Odonata (Dragonflies). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 19 : 598-617, pls. 


1898. On a collection of Dragonflies from the Transvaal and Nyasaland. Ann. Mag. 
nat. Hist. (7) 2 : 229-245. 

1899. On a collection of Odonata (Dragonflies) from Panama. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 
(7) 3 : 362-371, pl. 15. 

1900. Report on the Neuroptera Odonata collected by Mr. E. E. Austen at Sierra Leone 
during August and September 1899. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) 6 : 67-79, pl. 2 and 2 text 

1g00a@. Ona small collection of Odonata (Dragonflies) from Hainan, collected by the late 
John Whitehead. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) 5 : 530-539, pl. 12. 

1905. List of a small collection of Odonata (Dragonflies) from Ceylon, collected by Mr. E. 
Ernest Green, with notes on the genus Zygonidia and its allies, and descriptions of new 
species of Zygonidia Kirb, and Onychothemis Brauer, from Ceylon and Tonkin. Ann. Mag. 
nat. Hist. (7) 15 : 270-278. 

1905a. List of a collection of Neuroptera Odonata (Dragonflies) formed by G. A. K. 
Marshall, Esq., at Salisbury, Mashonaland, with descriptions of a new genus and two new 
species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) 15 : 190-193. 

1909. Ruwenzori Expedition Reports. 7. Neuroptera. Tvans. zool. Soc. Lond. 19 (1) : 

LAIDLAW, F. F. 1912. Ona new genus and species of Odonata from Sarawak. Sarawak Mus. 
feck (2) 4 435 plore 

1915. Contributions to a study of the Dragonfly fauna of Borneo.—Part III. <A collection 
made on Mount Kina Balu by Mr. J. C. Moulton in September and October, 1913. Proc. 
zool. Soc. Lond. 1915 : 23-39, text-figs. I-5. 

1922. Notes on some oriental Dragonflies: the genus Macromia. Journ. Straits Br. R. 

Asiat. Soc. 85 : 218-229, 7 figs. 

1923. <A survey of the dragonfly fauna of the Malay Peninsula, with notes on that of 
neighbouring countries. Part I. J. Malayan Br. R. Asiat. Soc. 1 : 319-333, figs. 

1928. Notes on Oriental Dragonflies (Odonata), with descriptions of new species. Proc. 
zool. Soc. Lond. 1928 : 129-138, 3 text-figs. 

LieFTinck, M. A. 1929. A revision of the known malaysian Dragonflies of the genus Mac- 
vomia Rambur, with comparative notes on species from neighbouring countries and des- 
criptions of new species. Tijdschr. Ent. 72 : 59-108, 22 figs. 

1953. Revisional notes on the genera Diplacina Brauer and Huonia Forster (Odon.). 

Treubia 22 (1) : 153-216, 23 text-figs. 

1953a. Revision of the Australasian species of Synthemis Selys (Odon. Corduliidae), with 
descriptions of four new species and a key to their identification. Idea 9 (3-4) : 70-88, 
14 figs. 

1955. Two new species of Lanthanusa Ris, from the high mountains of New Guinea 
(Odonata). Zodl. Meded. Leiden 33 (18) : 157-164, 9 text-figs. 

LONGFIELD, C. 1932. A new species of the genus Uvothemis from Southern Arabia, and some 

comments on the species of Odonata inhabiting the Qara Mountains. Stylops 1 : 34-35. 

1936. Studies on African Odonata, with synonymy and descriptions of new species and 
subspecies. Tvans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 85 : 467-498, 10 text-figs. 

304 D. E. KIMMINS 

LONGFIELD, C. 1947. The Odonata of South Angola. Archos Mus. Bocage 16 : 1-31, 11 figs. 

1953. The Atoconeura problem (Odon., Libellulidae). Entomologist 86 : 42-49, pl. 1. 

1955. The Odonataof North Angola. Part I. Publ gdes cult. Co. Diam. Angola 27 (11) : 

13-63, 10 figs. 

1959. The Odonata of North Angola. Part II. Publ ¢des cult. Co. Diam. Angola 45 : 13-42, 

6 text-figs. 

McLacuian, R. 1881. Description of a new species of Corduliina (Gomphomacromia fallax) 

from Ecuador. Tvans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1881 : 141-142. 

1883. Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands. Part I. Pseudo-Neuroptera. Ann. Mag. 

nat, Hist. (5) 12 : 226-240. 

1883a. Description d’une espéce nouvelle de Corduline du sousgenre Syncordulia. C.r. 

Soc. ent. Belg. 27 : xc—xci. 

1886. Two new species of Cordulina. Entomologists’ mon. Mag. 23 : 104-105. 

1892. Supplementary note on the Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands. Ann. Mag. nat. 

Hist. (6) 10 : 176-179. 

1894. On two small collections of Neuroptera from Ta-chien-lu, in the province of 

Szechuen, Western China, on the frontier of Thibet. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 13 : 412-436. 

1894a. Some additions to the neuropterous fauna of New Zealand, with notes on certain 

described species. Entomologists’ mon. Mag. (2) 5 : 238-243, 270-272. 

Nunney, W. H. 1895. A new West-African Insect. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 16 : 349-351. 

PINHEY, E. C. G. 1952. Three new species of Odonata from Eastern Africa. Occ. Pap. 

Coryndon meml Mus. 3 : 13-16, fig. 5. 

1955. Some dragonflies of East and Central Africa and a rarity from Mauritius. Occ. 

Pap. Coryndon meml Mus. 4 : 17-41, pls 2-3, 9 text-figs. 

1958. Records of Dragonflies from the Zambezi and Rhodesia; a revision of the genus 

Platycypha; a gynandromorph dragonfly from Uganda. Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Sth Rhodesia 

22B : 97-116, 7 text-figs. 

1961. A Survey of the Dragonflies (Order Odonata) of Eastern Africa. viii + 214 pp., 

11 pls., 2 text-figs. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. 

Ris, F. 1909-1919. Libellulinae, Catalogue systématique et descriptif. Coll. zool. Sélys- 
Longchamps, Bruxelles, fasc. [IX—XVI, 1,278 pp., 8 pls., 692 text-figs. 

1915a. New Dragonflies (Odonata) of the subfamily Libellulinae from Sierra Leone, W. 

Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 15 : 213-223. 

1921. The Odonata or Dragonflies of South Africa. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 19 : 245-452, pls. 

5-12, 77 text-figs. 

SELYs-LoNGcHAMpPS, E. DE. 1871. Synopsis des Cordulines. Bull. Acad. r. Sci. Belg. (2) 
31 : 238-316. 

1871a. Synopsis des Cordulines (Suite). Deuxieme Légion.—Macromia. Bull. Acad. r. 

Sci. Belg. (2) 31 : 519-565. 

1872. Note sur plusieurs Odonates de Madagascar et des Iles mascareignes. Rev. Mag. 

Zool, (2) 23 : 175-183. 

1874. Additions au Synopsis des Cordulines. Bull. Acad. rv. Sci. Belg. (2) 37 : 16-34. 

1878. Considérations sur la faune de la Nouvelle Guinée, des Moluques et de la Célébes. 

Mitt. K. zool. mus. Dresden 1878 : 289-322. 

1879. Description of a new species of Phyllomacromia (Corduliina) from West Africa. 

Entomologists’ mon. Mag. 16 : 103-104. 

1881. Neophya Selys, nouveau genre de Cordulines. C.r. Soc, ent. Belg. 25 : xv—xviii, 

I fig. 

1883. Les Odonatesdu Japon. Amn. Soc. ent. Belg. 27 : 82-143. 

1887. Revision des Odonates de ]’Asie septentrionale, du Japon et de l'Afrique septen- 

trionale. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. 31,: 50-68. 

1888. Odonates recueillis aux Iles Loo-Choo par feu M. Pryer. C.v. Soc. ent. Belg. 

(3) 101 : xlviii—liii. 

TILLYARD, R. J. 1906. New Australian species of the family Libellulidae. Proc. Linn. Soc. 
N.S.W. 31 : 480-492, pl. 44. 


TILLYARD, R. J. 1907. The Dragonflies of South-western Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 
32 : 719-742, pls. 34-36. 

1908. On some remarkable Australian Libellulinae. Proc, Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 33 : 637— 

649, pl. 14. 

1908a. On the genus Nannodythemis, with descriptions of new species. Pyvoc. Linn. Soc. 

N.S.W.33 : 444-445, pl. 6. 

1908b. On some remarkable Australian Corduliinae, with descriptions of new species. 

Proc. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. 33 : 737-751, pls. 21-22. 

1910. Monograph of the genus Synthemis. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W.35 : 312-377, pls. 4-9. 

1911. Further notes on some rare Australian Corduliinae, with descriptions of new species. 

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 36 : 366-387, pl. 10. 

1g11a. On the genus Cordulephya. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 36 : 388-422, pls. 11-12. 

1913. On some Australian Anisoptera, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Linn. 

Soc. N.S.W. 37 : 572-584, pl. 64. 

1913a. Description and life history of a new species of Nannophlebia. Proc. Linn. Soc. 

N.S.W. 37 : 712-726, pl. 74. 

1913b. Some descriptions of new forms of Australian Odonata. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 

38 : 229-241, pl. 15. 

1917. On some new dragonflies from Australia and Tasmania [Order Odonata]. Proc. 
Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42 : 450-479, pl. 23 and Io text-figs. 

Waite, A. 1846-1874. In The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror, under the 
command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, R.N., F.R.S., during the years 1839 to 1843. 
Ed. Richardson, J. & Gray, J. E.2. Insects, p. 25. London. 


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. Masner, L. The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the British 

Museum (Natural History) and in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford. 
Pp. 143. February, 1965. £5. 

. Nixon, G. E. J. A reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini (Hymenoptera : 

Braconidae). Pp. 284; 348 Text-figures. August, 1965. 6. 

. Watson, A. A revision of the Ethiopian Drepanidae (Lepidoptera). Pp. 177; 

18 plates, 270 Text-figures. August, 1965. £4 4s. 

. SANDS, W. A. A revision of the Termite Subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, 

Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Pp. 172; 500 Text-figures. October, 
1965. £3 5s. 

. AHMAD,I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera : Alydidae) of the World. Pp. 156; 

475 Text-figures. November, 1965. {2 15s. 

. OxADA,T. Dipterafrom Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae & Drosophilidae. 

Pp. 129; 328 Text-figures. May, 1966. 3. 

. GILIOMEE, J. H. Morphology and Taxonomy of Adult Males of the Family 

Coccidae (Homoptera : Coccoidea). Pp. 168; 43 Text-figures. February, 1967. 
£3 35. 

. FLETCHER, D. S. A revision of the Ethiopian species and a check list of the 

world species of Cleora (Lepidoptera : Geometridae). Pp. 119; 14 plates, 146 
Text-figures, 9 maps. February, 1967. £3 Ios. 

. Hemmine, A. F. The Generic Names of the Butterflies and their type-species 

(Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Pp. 509. August, 1967. {£8 Ios. 

STEMPFFER, H. The Genera of the African Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera : Rhopa- 
locera). Pp. 322; 233 Text-figures, coloured frontispiece. August, 1967. £8. 
Mounp, L. A. A review of R. S. Bagnall’s Thysanoptera Collections. Pp. 184; 
82 Text-figures. May, 1968. £4. 



ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 7 

LONDON: 1968 




Anti-Locust Research Centre, London 

Ph. 307-355 ; 102 Text-figures 

ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 22 No. 7 
LONDON : 1968 

(NATURAL HISTORY), «stituted in 1949, is 
issued in five series corresponding to the Departments 
of the Museum, and an Historical series. 

Parts will appear at irregular intervals as they become 
ready. Volumes will contain about three or four 
hundred pages, and will not necessarily be completed 
within one calendar year. 

In 1965 a separate supplementary series of longer 
papers was instituted, numbered serially for each 

This paper is Vol. 22, No. 7 of the Entomological 
series. The abbreviated titles of periodicals cited 
follow those of the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 

World List abbreviation 
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.). 

© Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History) 1968 


Issued 4 October, 1968 Price £1. 





INTRODUCTION . i ; : , : 5 ; : : : 309 
BIoLocy . , : ; : ; : : : : F : 310 
TAXONOMIC TREATMENT .. ; : , : , ‘ ; ; 312 
REFERENCES . ; : , , : ; : : 2 Z 352 


The genus Aiolopus is redescribed and defined, and notes are given on its biology. A key is 
given to the seven species and six subspecies included within the genus, and all of these are 


For the past century the genus Azolopus has been a source of anxiety to acridid 
taxonomists. It arose in confusion through being described twice in the same year, 
first as Atolopus (Fieber, 1853, May) and then as Epacromia (Fischer, 1853, Novem- 
ber), and its species have since been continually confused with one another. 

Up to 1938 even the familiar association of Atolopus was in doubt but firstly 
Zimin (1938 : 27) and later Uvarov (1942 : 336) placed the genus naturally in the 
subfamily Oedipodinae (here considered a part of the Acridinae) close to Encop- 
tolophus and Hilethera. At the same time Uvarov (1942 : 337) erected two genera, 
Platypygius and Epacromius, from species previously included in Azolopus. 

In recent decades it has become increasingly obvious that the species of Atolopus 
can and are becoming serious crop pests, being particularly able to adapt from their 
natural grassland savannah habitat to irrigated crop areas. 

In the light of this knowledge and the confused state of the systematics of the 
genus it became clear that some form of revisionary work was necessary. The 
present paper attempts to revise the genus taxonomically and to introduce stability 
of identification of the species concerned. 

Immediately prior to this work the genus was thought to contain seventeen recog- 
nizable species. In a previous paper (Hollis, 1967) the author transferred two of 
these species to other genera. The present paper recognizes seven species, including 
one newly combined species, with four others reduced to subspecific status and the 
remaining five sunk into synonymy. 

All available types have been studied and where a type is lost or is inaccessible 
due to institutional policy this is clearly stated. If a type of a recognized species 
is destroyed a neotype is erected in the interests of stability of the nomenclature and 
where a species is based upon a series of syntypes a lectotype is erected from that 

ENTOM. 22, 7 15 

310 D. HOLLIS 

Distribution of the recognized species and subspecies is only considered in the 
light of material studied by the present author. Previous records are not con- 
sidered, unless checked, because of the confusion which would arise from past 
misidentification and misapplication of names. For most species a large amount of 
material was studied and their distribution is presented in map form with notes on 
the countries in which each is found and the months of its known occurrence. 

Type depositories are given in abbreviated form as follows: 

Berlin—Zoologisches Museum der Universitat, Berlin. 

BM(NH)—British Museum (Natural History), London. 
Copenhagen—Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen. 
Leningrad—Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Leningrad. 
Maastricht—Natuurhistorisch Museum, Maastricht. 

Madrid—Instituto Espafiol de Entomologia, Madrid. 

Paris—Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. 
Stockholm—WNaturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm. 

Turin—Istituto e Museo di Zoologia, Torino. 

Uppsala—Zoologiska Institutionen, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala. 

Measurements and abbreviations of measurements used in this paper follow those 
of Dirsh (1953). 

Abbreviations used in the phallic complex figures are as follows: Ac—arch of 
cingulum; Ap—apical valve of penis; Apd—apodeme of cingulum; Bp—basal valve 
of penis; Cv—cingular valve; Dp—dorsal process of cingulum; Ejd—ejaculatory 
duct; Ejs—ejaculatory sac; Gpr—gonopore process; Rm—ramus of cingulum; 
Sps—spermatophore sac. 

The opportunity is taken here to thank the Keeper of Entomology of the British 
Museum (Natural History) for allowing me to study the mass of material in his care; 
Dr. T. H. C. Taylor for editing the manuscript; and the following colleagues for 
loans and information concerning type material; Professor G. Ya. Bei-Bienko, 
Leningrad; Professor J. van Boven, Leuven; Dr. M. Descamps, Paris; Dr. K. K. 
Giinther, Berlin; Dr. L. Hedstrém, Uppsala; Professor J. O. Hiising, Halle (Saale) ; 
Dr. K. H. L. Key, Canberra; Professor E. Morales—Agacino, Madrid; the late Dr. 
B. Hanson, Stockholm; Dr. B. Petersen, Copenhagen; Professor M. Salfi, Naples; 
and Dr. F. Willemse, Eygelshoven. 


There is no major study on the biology of the species of Azolopus available, but 
many authors have studied specific items of the biology of the more common species 
such as A. thalassinus and A. simulatrix (as A. savignyt). 

Chesler (1938) studied the life history and described the immature stages of A. 
thalassinus in the Transvaal, and Hafez et al. (1962a) studied the same species in 
Egypt, both papers reporting that successful digging and oviposition took place in 
wet soil. Khalifa (1956), studying the egg-pods of A. thalassinus and A. simulatrix, 
mentions that a higher percentage of simulatrix than of thalassinus will oviposit 


on dry soil and the eggs of both species will develop without contact water as, pro- 
vided they are in an atmosphere of 100 % humidity, they can absorb enough moisture 
from the atmosphere for development. 

Zimin (1938) describes egg-laying and the egg-pods of thalassinus in southern 
Russia; Chapman & Robertson (1958) describe the egg-pods of thalassinus and longi- 
cornis in the Rukwa Valley, and Chapman (1961) describes those of thalassinus from 
Ghana; and Descamps & Wintrebert (1967) describe the egg-pods, eggs, copulation 
and oviposition of A. rodericensis (Butler) and suggest three to four generations per 
year for this species in S.W. Madagascar. 

Joyce (1952) records that A. simulatrix in the Sudan overwinters as adults in 
soil cracks and the present author confirms the presence of this species in soil cracks 
in the Sudan at the onset of winter. Khalifa (1956) states that in Egypt, where the 
winter is more severe, s¢mulatrix overwinters in the egg stage, but thalassinus breeds 
throughout the year. This latter fact is verified for other regions by Nolte (1939) 
and Chapman (1962). Roffey (1965) suggests that, in Thailand, A. thalassinus 
tamulus undergoes more than one generation per year and does not overwinter in 
the egg stage. 

Joyce (1952 and 1954), studying the general biology of s¢mulatrix in the Sudan, 
describes the formation of loose swarms and seasonal migration by this species. 
Khalifa (1956) states that both thalassinus and simulatrix will invade crop areas 
from fallow land and Hafez et al. (1963) describe experiments showing movement of 
thalassinus from Cynodon to irrigated areas for the higher relative humidity rather 
than for food preference, the female showing a better reaction to relative humidity 
than the male. Rungs (1938) describes thalassinus swarming in Morocco. Davey 
et al. (1959) suggest large scale migrations between seasonal habitats for thalassinus 
in Mali. 

Phipps (1959 and 1966) discusses the biology of thalassinus (as Atolopus sp.) and 
longicornis with special emphasis on egg production, and Robertson & Chapman 
(1962) give short biological notes on longicornis, femoralis and thalassinus in the 
Rukwa Valley. 

Hafez et al. (1962), discussing the general ecology and biology of thalassinus in 
Egypt, showed the ability of both hoppers and adults to mature effectively on a 
variety of food crops and on Cynodon but found both cotton and lentil refused or 
detrimental to growth, and the same authors (Hafez et al., 1963a) describe the poss- 
ible humidity and temperature receptors in thalassinus. 

Nolte (1939), discussing the colour forms and chromosome complex of thalassinus 
in Transvaal, considers this species a grassland type with two basic colour forms, 
green and light brown; the latter was by far the more common and the former was 
not controlled in colour by environment alone since most, but not all, specimens of 
it darkened to brown on maturity. 

Very little is known of the natural enemies of Azolopus spp., but the literature is 
reviewed by Greathead (1963) and the same author (1966) records Blaesoxipha 
anceps Vill. parasitizing simulatrix (as savignyi) in Eritrea. Chapman (1962) 
records rearing dipterous larvae from Aiolopus sp., Descamps & Wintrebert (1967) 
record Scelio sp. parasitizing eggs of rodericensis in Madagascar; and the present 

312 D. HOLLIS 

author can record thalassinus killed by Entomophthora sp. (probably grylli) in 

Of the published economic notes on the genus perhaps the most significant are 
those relating to simulatrix. Joyce (1952) gives an account of the damage caused 
by this species (as savignyt) to millet on a mechanized crop scheme in the Sudan. 
Coates (1893) records Epacromia dorsalis (Thunb.) and E£. tricoloribes Burm. 
damaging various crops in many parts of India. The record of tricoloripes probably 
refers to A. thalassinus tamulus (Fabricius) and that of dorsalis refers to simulatrix 
simulatrix as the figure given, and copied by Fletcher (1914 : 525), is obviously of 
simulatrix. Coates (1893) records simulatrix (as dorsalis) causing serious damage to 
summer rain crops, particularly millet, in the Upper Sind Frontier district; and 
Barlow (1900) records simulatrix (as dorsalis) damaging young wheat seedlings in 
the Ahmednagar district of India. 

—— an 




Fic. 1. Aiolopus thalassinus thalassinus (Fabr.). Entire insect, 9, lateral view. 
(After Dirsh, 1965). 


Until the present revision, the genus Azolopus has never been considered in its 
entirety and earlier workers, e.g. Finot (1895 : 421), Brunner von Wattenwyl 
(1882 : 145), I. Bolivar (1898 : 69), Innes (1929 : 30) and Chopard (1943 : 287), 
were only concerned with separating species in particular areas. Consequently no 
set of characters has been tested for the genus as a whole. 

Bei-Bienko (in Bei-Bienko & Mishchenko 1951 : 567) gives the most complete 
key to species previously published; in it five species are separated. He used a fairly 
large combination of characters, the genus being basically divided up on the width 
of the hind femur in relation to the width of the tegmen, coupled with the form of the 
pronotum. The present author has found the femoro-tegminal character unreliable 
as, for any species, the width of the tegmen varies directly with its length but by no 
means always directly with the width of the hind femur. 

The width of the hind femur relative to its length can be used as a rough guide 
to species-groups, although there are overlaps between those with narrow hind femora, 
e.g. A. thalassinus, those with hind femora of medium thickness, e.g. A. longicornis, 


Fics. 2-4. Aiolopus thalassinus thalassinus (Fabr.) Q genitalia. 2, ovipositor, ventral 
view; 3, same, lateral view; 4, subgenital plate, dorsal view. Ad—apical diverticulum 
of spermatheca; Aov—anterior (ventral) ovipositor valve; Avbs—anterior ventral 
basivalvular sclerite; Eg—egg guide; Jo—Jannone’s organs; La—lateral apodeme; 
Lbs—lateral apodeme; Lbs—lateral basivalvular sclerite; Lov—lateral (dorsal) ovi- 
positor valve; O—oviduct; Pd—preapical diverticulum of spermatheca; Pov—pos- 
terior (inner) ovipositor valve; Pvbs—posterior ventral basivalvular sclerite; Sa— 
spermathecal aperture; Ss—spermathecal sac. 

314 D. HOLLIS 

and the species with broad hind femora, e.g. A. strebens. However, when this 
character is coupled with other characters such as the form of the pronotum (Text- 
figs. 11-20), the frontal ridge (Text-figs. 21-29) and the length of the hind tibia 
relative to the hind femur (Text-figs. 5-8), the species are more clearly defined. 

Identification of subspecies is more difficult as the characters are geographically 
significant trends such as the colouration of the hind tibia and the relative proportions 
of the hind femur and tegmen. The latter character is used to separate A. thalas- 
sinus thalassinus from A. th. rodericensis and A. simulatrix simulatrix from A. s. 
femoralis by comparison of the ratio of the length of the tegmen over the length of 
the pronotum (E/P) with the ratio of the length of the hind femur over its maximum 
width (FL/FW) (Text-figs. 37-38, 90-91). 

The phallic complex appears to be of little use in separating species because, as 
in many other Acridinae genera, it is extremely similar in all the species and can 
only be used as a loose supporting indication of specific identity. 

The female subgenital plate (Text-fig. 4) and ovipositor (Text-figs. 2-3) are very 
uniform within the genus and the spermatheca has a similar range of variation in 
most species. 

AIOLOPUS Fieber, 1853 

Aiolopus Fieber, 1853 : 100. 

Epacromia Fischer, 1853 : 360; Rehn, 1902 : 317. 
Aeolopus [sic] Kirby, 1910 : 190. 

Aeoloptilus Bei-Bienko, 1966 : 1793, Syn. n. 

Type-species: Gryllus thalassinus Fabricius, 1781; Kirby, Igro : 190. 

Medium size. Integument finely or moderately coarsely pitted. Antenna filiform, slightly 
shorter than, as long as, or longer than combined lengths of head and pronotum. Fastigium 
of vertex pentagonal, slightly longer than wide, moderately concave with well defined margins, 
forward angle acute or broadly rounded, fastigial foveolae trapezoid or rectangular, if former 
then narrowing forwards, shallow, normally with well defined margins; frons oblique; frontal 
ridge in some species slightly convex, in others flat or, sometimes weakly concave at and below 
median ocellus, if latter then marginal carinulae present but poorly developed. Eyes oval, 
long axis always vertical. Pronotum from slightly tectiform to slightly saddle-shaped, 
constricted at junction of prozona and metazona with former sometimes constricted medially ; 
median carina linear, crossed only by posterior sulcus; raised lateral carinae absent in most 
species, rarely present in prozona, lateral ‘‘ shoulders ’’ often present; metazona longer than 
prozona, with obtuseangular posterior margin; mesosternal interspace as long as wide or slightly 
wider than long, rectangular or trapezoid and widening posteriorly. Tegmen and hind wings 
fully developed; intercalary vein of medial area of tegmen well developed and serrate at least in 
male, continuing to distal apex of medial area; membrane of tegmen semi-transparent with 
moderately sparse reticulation. Hind femur slender or broad, apical lobes rounded; hind 
tibia as long as or shorter than hind femur, apical spurs not specialized; arolium of medium size 
or small. Male supra-anal plate rounded-triangular, with moderately elongated, subangular 
posterior apex; cercus narrow-conical with subobtuse apex; subgenital plate short, subconical, 
with rounded apex; epiphallus with moderately narrow bridge, curved ancorae and bilobed 
lophi; ectophallic membrane sclerotized and forming sheath below apical penis valves; cingulum 
with horseshoe-shaped arch bearing moderately long apodemes and very weak or more strongly 
developed dorsal processes, from ramus lateral processes extend backwards on each side above 
cingular valves, latter crescent-shaped in profile and slightly expanded medially; cingular valves 


less sclerotized than apical penis valves, elipsoid in profile, with acute apices; basal penis valves 
with moderately or well developed lateral expansions which are rarely recurved; flexure narrow; 
apical penis valves very narrow-triangular in profile, with acute apices. Ovipositor of female 
short; valves moderately robust, with curved apices, lower valve with small externo-ventral 
tooth; spermatheca with sac-like preapical and short finger-like apical diverticula. 

When this genus was first erected by Fieber as Aiolopus and later by Fischer as 
Epacromia neither author designated a type-species but both gave a list of contained 
species for their genera. Kirby (r910) designated Gryllus thalassinus Fabricius 
as the type-species for the genus Azolopus after Rehn’s (1902) synonymy of Fieber’s 
and Fischer’s genera. As G. thalassinus was listed by both Fieber and Fischer in 
their genera, Rehn’s synonymy can be accepted. 

Bei-Bienko (1966) erected the genus Aeoloptilus for a new species carinatus Bei- 
Bienko (1966), described from Komodo Island. The present author has been able 
to examine male and female paratypes of this species and a female specimen from 
Sumba Island. Bei-Bienko separates Aeoloptilus carinatus from Atolopus by the 
presence of lateral pronotal carinae, the weak and elongate-oval fastigial foveolae 
and the shape of the intercalary vein of the medial area of the tegmen. As will be 
seen below, lateral pronotal carinae are not good diagnostic features in Atolopus, 
as they may or may not be very weakly developed in A. thalassinus tamulus 
(Fabricius). The fastigial foveolae in cavinatus appear to be of the Azolopus type 
but weakly developed. The intercalary vein of the medial area of the tegmen in 
carinatus shows no significant difference in shape or position from that of A. thalas- 
sinus (Fabricius). Furthermore the male phallic complex of carinatus is extremely 
similar to that of A. th. tamulus (Fabricius). For these reasons the genus Aeolop- 
tiulus Bei-Bienko is synonymized with Azolopus, but the type-species, carinatus, is 
kept distinct for reasons discussed below (p. 334). 

Atolopus is placed naturally in the oedipodine half of the subfamily Acridinae 
where it may be distinguished by the following combination of characters: filiform 
antenna, trapezoid or rectangular fastigial foveolae, weakly tectiform or saddle- 
shaped dorsum of pronotum, lateral pronotal carinae absent or weakly present only 
in prozona, metazona of pronotum longer than prozona and its posterior margin 
obtuseangular, mesosternal interspace as wide as or wider than long, intercalary 
vein of medial area of tegmen extending to distal apex of medial area, hind femur 
with lower outer area not expanded, hind tibia not expanded and its apical spurs 
not specialized, epiphallus with simple bilobed lophi, male subgenital plate sub- 
conical, and apical penis valves short. 

The genus is widely distributed throughout the Old World south of latitude 50° N. 
and north of latitude 40°S., extending westwards to the Cape Verde Islands and 
eastwards to the Samoan Islands. Its distribution in the Indian Ocean region is of 
particular interest. Two species are present, A. thalassinus and A. simulatrix, both 
on the east coast of Africa and the west coast of India, but thalassinus is not found 
east of the Seychelles Islands and simulatrix is not found west of Coetivy Island. 
This possibly suggests invasion of the region by the genus during different geological 

316 D. HOLLIS 


1 Hind tibia considerably shorter than hind femur, with a maximum of nine outer and 
ten inner spines (Text-fig. 8); frontal ridge coarsely and densely pitted, without 
lateral carinulae, with margins converging strongly just below fastigium (Text-fig. 
27); prozona of pronotum gradually sloping away on each side of median carina 
and without trace of lateral “‘ shoulders ”’ (Text-figs. 15-16); hind femur broad or 
very broad : ; ; : : ; 3 ? 3 , ; : 

— Hind tibia as long as or only slightly shorter than hind femur, with at least nine to 
twelve outer and ten to thirteen inner spines (Text-figs. 5—7); frontal ridge more 
sparsely pitted, if coarsely pitted then not narrowing strongly just below fastigium 
(Text-figs. 21-26, 28-29); pronotum almost flat or slightly saddle-shaped, prozona 
either with pattern suggesting presence of lateral carinae or almost flat dorsally 
and without median constriction (Text-figs. 11-14, 17-20); hind femur narrow 
orbroad . : : : ? : , ; : , ; : : 

2 Hind femur very broad, ratio of length to width (FL/FW) barely 3-0; tegmen hardly 
surpassing tip of hind femur, ratio of length of tegmen over length of pronotum 
(E/P) normally between 3-7 and 4°5. S.W. Tanzania, Zambia and South Africa 

simulatrix femoralis Uvarov (p. 325) 



Fics. 5-10. <Atolopus spp. 5-8 hind femora, lateral view: 5, A. thalassinus thalassinus 
(Fabr) ; 6, A. longicornis Sjést.; 7, A. strepens (Latr.); 8, A. simulatrix simulatrix (Walker) ; 
9 and 10, pulvillus and claw of hind tarsus, ventral view: 9, A. thalassinus thalassinus 

(Fabr.); 10, A. oxianus Uv. 


— Hind femur slightly less broad, ratio of length to width (FL/FW) about 3-4; tegmen 
well surpassing tip of hind femur, ratio of length of tegmen over length of pronotum 
(E/P) normally between 4:5 and 5:3. Northwards from E. Tanzania to eastern 
Mediterranan region, Arabian peninsula, Middle East, India, Burma, Islands of 
Indian Ocean westwards to Seychelles. . . Simulatrix simulatrix (Walker) (p. 320) 
3. Pronotum almost flat dorsally and without constriction in prozona (Text-figs. 13-14); 
hind femur broad, ratio of length to width (FL/FW) about 3-4 (Text-fig. 7); hind 
tibia with ten outer and eleven inner spines, red except for basal quarter ; maximum 
width of face (C) normally less than maximum width of hind femur (FW); anten- 
nae shorter than combined lengths of head and pronotum. Southern Palaearctic 
region westwards to Persian Gulf. . : é : strepens (Latreille) (p. 327) 
— Pronotum slightly saddle-shaped and with median prozonal constriction (Text-figs. 
II-12, 17-20); hind femur narrow or broad, if latter then only with nine outer 

‘sp anes 
> se* 

22222890 23; 
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Fics. 11-20. Aiolopus spp., pronota. 11, A. thalassinus thalassinus (Fabr.), lateral view; 
12, same, dorsal view; 13, A. strepens (Latr.), lateral view; 14. same, dorsal view; 15, A. 
simulatrix simulatrix (Walker), lateral view; 16, same, dorsal view; 17, A. longicornis 
Sjést., lateral view; 18, same, dorsal view; 19, A. carinatus (Bei-Bienko), dorsal view; 
20, same, lateral view. 

318 D. HOLLES 

and ten inner spines (Text-figs. 5-6); maximum width of face (C) normally greater 
than maximum width of hind femur (FW); antennae at least as long as combined 
lengths of head and pronotum ‘ ; i : : ; ; : : 4 

Fics. 21-29. Aiolopus spp., heads, anterior view. 21, A. thalassinus thalassinus (Fabr.), 
Q; 22, A. thalassinus tamulus (Fabr.), 2; 23, A. thalassinus tamulus (Fabr.), 3 from Christ- 
mas Island; 24, A. thalassinus dubius (Willemse), 9; 25, A. oxianus Uv., 2; 26, A. longi- 
cornis Sjést., 2; 27, A. simulatrix simulatrix (Walker), 2; 28, A. strepens (Latr.), 9; 
29, A. carinatus (Bei-Bienko), 9. 



Arolium of hind tarsus very small, about one quarter the length of claw (Text-fig. 10); 
frontal ridge weakly sulcate and with parallel, obtuse, lateral carinulae which 
extend almost to base of frons (Text-fig. 25). Central Asia oxianus Uvarov (p. 

Arolium of hind tarsus larger, about half length of claw (Text-fig. 9); frontal ridge 
normally flat, if sulcate then lateral carinulae ier ee converging upwards 
(Text-figs. 21-24,29) . 

Fastigial foveolae weak, ovoid, with poorly developed margins (Text- fig. 20); 
prozona of pronotum with lateral carinae moderately developed, parallel or 
weakly diverging anteriorly (Text-figs. 19-20); hind tibia with twelve outer and 
twelve or thirteen inner spines. Komodo and Sumba Islands. 

carinatus (Bei-Bienko) (p. 

Fastigial foveolae rectangular or trapezoid, with well developed margins (Text-figs. 
21-24); prozona of pronotum with lateral carinae absent or very weakly developed 
(Text-figs. 11-12); hind tibia with nine or ten outer and ten or eleven inner spines 

Antennae very long, when extended backwards almost reaching base of hind femur; 
face broad (Text-fig. 26), ratio of length of pronotum over maximum width of 
head (P/C) about 1-05; large species with very prominent criss-cross pattern on 
dorsum of pronotum (Text-figs. 17-18); hind femur of medium thickness. East 
Africa, Lake Chad , , ; longicornis Sj6stedt (p. 

Antennae not longer than combined lengths of head and pronotum; face narrower, 
ratio of length of pronotum to maximum width of head (P/C) about 1-20 but if 
much less then pronotum short and broad and i as foveolae not much longer 
than wide 

Fastigial foveolae broads epee hatary one tag a cast ees toncet vee wile: 
hind tibia not black ventrally; pronotum short and broad; hind femur broad, ratio 
of length to width (FL/FW) less than 3:7. East and southern Africa 

meruensis SjOstedt (p. 

Fastigial foveolae narrowly trapezoid, about twice as long as broad, but if less then 
hind tibia bluish in apical two thirds or almost completely black ventrally; 
pronotum narrower; hind femur of medium thickness or narrow, ratio of length to 
width (FL/FW) more than 3:5 é 

Ventral surface of hind tibia completely black or aati ae in pic tices ananiete: 
fastigial foveolae rectangular and about one and a half times longer than wide (Text- 

fig. 24). Polynesia eastwards toSamoa . . thalassinus dubius (Willemse) (p. 

Ventral surface of hind tibia with dark colouration, if present, broadly interrupted 
with reddish, bluish or ochraceous band; fastigial foveolae narrowly age 
about twice as long as wide (Text-figs. 21-23) 

Hind femur of medium thickness, ratio of length to wicithi (FL/FW) bees 3°4 acl 
4:0; tegmen shorter, ratio of length of tegmen over length of pronotum (E/P) 
between 41 and 4:9; hind tibia without red colouration Madagascan subregion 

west of Comoro Islands. ‘ i thalassinus rodericensis (Butler) (p. 

Hind femur narrower, ratio of length to width 4-0 or more; tegmen longer, ratio of 
length of tegmen over length of pronotum (E/P) 4:7-5:5. Palaearctic, Ethiopian 
and Oriental regions 

Frontal ridge narrow, gisele and sidaucnely aaneoing eats (Text- fee 
22-23); hind tibia with red colouration, if present, broadly separated from basal 
black band by bluish grey band. East India and Ceylon eastwards to Australia. 

thalassinus tamulus (Fabricius) (p. 

Frontal ridge broad, with lateral margins only slightly convergent upwards to 
fastigium (Text-fig. 21); hind tibia with apical red colouration, if present, narrow- 
ly separated from basal black band by ochraceous band. Ethiopian region, N. 
and W. India westwards to Palaearctic region. 









thalassinus thalassinus (Fabricius) (p. 340) 

320 D. HOLLIS 
Aiolopus simulatrix (Walker, 1870) 

This species is divided into two subspecies which are described and discussed below. 

Aiolopus simulatrix simulatrix (Walker, 1870) stat. n. 
(Text-figs. 8, 15, 16, 27, 30-39) 

Epacromia simulatrix Walker, 1870 : 773. 

Heteropternis (?) savignyi Krauss, 1890 : 262, syn. n. 
Epacromia affinis I. Bolivar, 1902 : 600, syn. n. 
Acrotylus simulatrix (Walker, 1870) Kirby, 1910 : 267. 
Aeolopus laticosta I. Bolivar, 1912 : 270, Syn. n. 
Aeolopus strepens deserticola Uvarov, 1922 : 358, Syn. n. 

Type locality. South Hindustan; type § deposited in the BM(NH). 

Redescription. ¢. Integument more strongly rugulose than the other species in the genus. 
Antenna as long as combined lengths of head and pronotum with twenty-two to twenty-four 
segments. Fastigium of vertex pentagonal, slightly longer than wide, moderately concave with 
well defined margins, forward angle narrowly rounded; fastigial foveolae rectangular, shallow, 
coarsely pitted, with moderately well defined margins, lower margin often very weak; frontal 
ridge wide, coarsely and densely pitted (Text-fig. 27), with parallel margins along most of length 
but narrowing strongly just below fastigium. Eye oval, about one and a half times as high as 
wide and almost twice as high as length of subocular groove. Pronotum relatively narrow 
(Text-figs. 15-16); prozona cylindrical above, with very slight median constriction; metazona 
rather flat, with obtuse angular posterior margin; median longitudinal carina stronger in prozona 
than in metazona; lateral plate of pronotum higher than wide; mesosternal interspace wider 
than long, trapezoid, slightly widening posteriorly. Tegmen relatively long, E/P ratio about 
4:9. Hind femur broad, ratio of length to width about 3-5; hind tibia shorter than hind femur 
(Text-fig. 8), with nine outer and ten inner spines, inner apical spurs slightly less than twice 
as long as outer pair; arolium almost half length of claw. Phallic complex (Text-figs. 30-33) 
with zygoma of cingulum with small dorsal processes and short apodemes; basal valves of penis 
with small lateral expansions which are not recurved posteriorly. 

General colouration mid-brown with ochraceous (or green) and blackish markings; pronotum 
often unicolorously brown or rarely greenish, sometimes with weak ochraceous X-shaped pattern 
on dorsum; tegmen with two ochraceous transverse fasciae which extend from anterior margin 
to first vannal vein (Snodgrass, 1935), the proximal fascia narrows somewhat posteriorly, apex 
of tegmen mottled; hind wing hyaline, sometimes pale yellow basally, apex slightly darkened ; 
hind femur with two dark spots in upper outer area, inner surface ochraceous with two incomplete 
dark fasciae, lower inner area often reddish, hind ‘‘ knee ’”’ blackish; hind tibia narrowly black 
basally, followed by broad ochraceous ring and with broad blackish or grey ring medially, apical 
third reddish or ochraceous. 

9. Larger and more robust than male. Spermatheca as in Text-figs. 34-36. 

Measurements (mm.). Length of body, ¢$ 16-9-26-0, 9 21-0-30°8. Length of pronotum. 
3 3°2-4'5, 93°9-5'2. Length of tegmen, $ 16:1-21-9, 2 18-5-26-6. Length of hind femur, 
3 9°5-14'5, Q11:0-14:6. Maximum width of hind femur, ¢$ 2-7-4:3, 23:3-4°6. Maximum 
width of head (C), ¢ 2-9—-4°1, 9 3°6—5:0. 

Ratios (forty males and forty females measured) : 

Cx — a | OF Ss A ary | a, ae | 
Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. 
G 00 X°3E 1-20 3°27 3°48 3°65 - 4°75 4°93 5°3@  3*S4- 2-09° 3:87 
Q 1:00 I-09 I-2E 3°13 3°43 3°78 4°46 4°93 5°31 1°54 1:72 1°82 


ee te ay 

as a eee ae —Ap 


Fics. 30-36. A. simulatrix simulatrix (Walker), genitalia. 30, g epiphallus; 31, 3 phallic 
complex, dorsal view, epiphallus and ectophallic membrane removed; 32, same, lateral 
view; 33, ¢ endophallus, lateral view; 34, Qspermatheca of specimen from Tanzania; 
35, same, from Jordan; 36, same, from S. India. 

322 D. HOLLIS 

Discussion. This subspecies is quite variable in size, general colouration, relative 
width of hind femur and relative length of tegmen. The last two characters show 
a very general tendency to vary according to geographical distribution, the trends 
being towards slightly broader hind femora and shorter tegmina as the species ex- 
tends southwards down the eastern half of the African continent and narrower 
hind femora and longer tegmina as the species extends southwards down the Indian 
peninsula. The former trend reaches its culmination in southern Africa, and the 
forms involved in it are here regarded as a separate subspecies A. simulatrix femoralis 
Uvarov; the latter trend culminates in populations on the Maldive, Chagos and Sey- 
chelles Islands. By comparing the ratios of length to width of the hind femur against 
the ratio of the length of the tegmen over the length of the pronotum these trends 
may be demonstrated, as in Text-figs. 37-38. 

A. simulatrix simulatrix may be readily distinguished from other species in the 
genus by the form of the frontal ridge, pronotum and hind leg. 

Up to the present this species has been recorded in the literature as A. savignyi 
(Krauss), the type of which species does not exist and is known only as a drawing 
in Savigny’s “ Descriptions de l’Egypt ”’ (1809-1813 : 182, pl. 6, fig. 16), from which 
a specific description was made by Krauss (1890 : 262) as Heteropternits (?) savignyt. 
The original drawing is not particularly diagnostic and as the specimen from which 
the drawing was made is no longer in existence, the true identity of the name savignyi 
is open to subjective conclusions. Storey (1919 : 55) synonymized H. savignyi 
with Epacromia strepens (Latreille) but in all probability Storey’s E. strepens was the 
same species as A. savignyt of other authors. Uvarov (1942 : 337) firmly established 
the synonymy of H. (?) savignyt with Epacromia affinis I. Bolivar (1902) and A. 
strepens affinis Uvarov (1924: 21). In order not to confuse the literature even 
further the present author accepts Uvarov’s interpretation of Savigny’s drawing 
as being the species which has, up to the present, been named A. savignyi (Krauss). 

However the type male of Epacromia simulatrix Walker, 1870 represents the same 
species and therefore Krauss’s name should fall into synonymy. The use of the 
older Walker name is a strict application of the law of priority but does involve the 
use of a nomen oblitum, as it has not been used as a senior synonym in the primary 
zoological literature since its original publication in 1870; it has been used, in the 
present author’s opinion quite wrongly, as a junior synonym by Kirby (1914 : 122) 
and I. Bolivar (1918 : 382). The usage of Walker’s name is proposed for the two 
following reasons: firstly, the name in common usage, i.e. savigny1 Krauss, is based 
upon the description of a drawing of a specimen which is now lost and which is there- 
fore open to subjective interpretation; and secondly, the older nomen oblitum i.e. 
simulatrix Walker, is based upon the description of an objective type specimen 
which is still in existence. 

Aeolopus strepens deserticola Uvarov is synonymized here, since the male upon 
which Uvarov based the subspecies falls well within the range of individual variation 
of the nominate subspecies. The type male bears the locality label “KAZVIN, 
N.W. Iran” and is deposited in the BM(NH). 

Aeolopus laticosta 1. Bolivar, described from the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean, 
represents an extreme form of the nominate subspecies which, however, cannot be 


3-74 *-femoralis 
g : : oO 
.64 @-simulatrix (Palaearctic Oo 
3-6 ) Oo ge% re) 
3.5| @-simulatrix Ethiopian) ° § © 
© © © 
3.4, O-simulatrix @riental) e® & 6® 9 © 
F , ; © 
3-34 O-simulatrix (Maldive Is) ; ° of . e 
x . ie) 
3-2; x x 
FL uN 
FW 3-15 x x 
3-04 Me 

37 38 39 4041 42 43 4445 46 47 48 49 5051 52 53 5.4 

a7 £——> 

3-87 ° 
3-74 x-femoralis 0 . 3 
3-64 @-simulatrix (Palaearctic) fo) O 
® fe) 
3.5] ©-simulatrix Ethiopian) 5® Oe 
3.4] ©-simulatrix Oriental) .e) © 9 
eo 8 @.400 
3.3] O-simulatrix (Maldive Is) e 
h eae 
: 13) 
| 3-24 x ; 0 
x © 23) 
3-1 x 
Fu ‘ x 
FW 3-0. x 
2-9) XXX x 
2:8; x x 
36 37 3839 4041 42434445 46 47 48 49 5051 52 53 54 
38 B 

Fics. 37, 38. A. simulatrix subspp., scatter diagrams comparing values of 
FL/FW against E/P. 37, males; 38, females. 

ENTOM., 22, 7 16 

324 D. HOLLIS 

regarded as distinct as it merges very well with the more typical form on the Indian 
mainland through populations on the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. The lecto- 
type male, bearing the locality label ‘‘ Diego Garcia, Chagos Is.’’, was selected by 
Dirsh (1963) and is deposited in BM(NH). 

Epacromia affinis I. Bolivar was described from a male and female from South 
India. The male is here selected as LECTOTYPE and bears the following data: 
“ Madure, P. Pantel, E. affinis ’’; it is deposited in Madrid. 

Distribution (Text-fig. 39). From the seven hundred and thirty-nine specimens 
of this subspecies examined the following distributional conclusions are made: 

TANZANIA, March to April, July, December to January; KENyA, January to June; 
SOMALIA, June to August, October to November, January; FRENCH SOMALILAND, 
August; EtuiopiA, February to April, July, November to December; SUDAN, May 

56 0 0 40 60 80 100 
60 4 a | + | 
on hu 
ZS } oe 
0 2 
40—— ~ 0 es & a rs ia 
: ene 
: 4 
of e ee 
Ge ; ; 74 
e @ 
20— e oe 
- A sla ° ey 
_- 2 X 
O % a 
Wee é @ 
4 ; . 
20—— ¢ .? — 
femoralis -@ 
| | | | | | 
et | | | | 

Fic. 39. A. simulatrix subspp., distribution map. 


through to January; NIGERIA, May, July to August, October; SENEGAL, August 
to September; MALI, June, August to December, March; UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC, 
May, August to September; SOUTHERN YEMEN, June, August to November; YEMEN, 
March, June to July, December; SAupI ARABIA, August through to June; ISRAEL, 
June, August, October to November; JoRDAN, March, May, June, October; Syria, 
August; TURKEY, November; Cyprus, May, July, September; IRAQ, May to Sept- 
ember, December; IRAN, April to June; WEsT PAKISTAN, July, September, November; 
Inp1IA, June to November, March to April; BurMA, October; LAccADIVE Is., No 
dates; MALDIVE Is., July to August, October, December to February; Cuacos Is., 
May to December; SEYCHELLES, Coetivy, May to December. 

Aiolopus simulatrix femoralis Uvarov, 1953 stat. n. 

(Text-figs. 37-45) 
Aiolopus femoralis Uvarov, 1953 : 109, figs. 126-128. 

Type locality. Northern Rhodesia: Luano Valley, Chisorwe; type ¢ deposited 
in the BM(NH). 
Differs from the nominate subspecies in the following ways: 

6. Smaller size; tegmen shorter, hardly reaching or just exceeding tip of hind femur, E/P 
ratio about 4-0; hind femur very broad, about three times longer than maximum width or even 
broader; hind tibia with normally eight or rarely nine inner and normally nine or rarely ten outer 
spines; phallic complex (Text-figs. 40-43) very similar to nominate subspecies, but dorsal pro- 
cesses on zygoma of cingulum a little larger and apodemes a little longer, and lateral expansions 
of basal valves of penis larger and slightly recurved. 

Q. Spermatheca as in Text-figs. 44-45. 

Measurements (mm.). Length of body, g 16-8—19-9, 2 21-3-25:5. Length of pronotum, 
3 3°6-4:1, 29 4:3-5:0. Length of tegmen, g 14-I-17-:0, 2 15-8—-20-2. Length of hind femur, 
6 9°5-11°4, 9 10:9-13°8. Maximum width of hind femur, ¢ 3:1-3:°6, 2 3:8-4:-4. Maximum 
width of head, $ 3-1-3°7, 2 4:0—4'6. 

Ratios (twelve males and twelve females measured) : 


A eF 7 SSF 
Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. 

Gus 2808. Tita L575 BOT” 3°ER, 3°28 3°76 4°18 4°43 rae 1°5r  Brs5s 
2. 500° “106; I*14 2°80 2:98 3:19 3707 3°97) 4°30 297, i047 156 

Discussion. Only a small number of specimens of this subspecies have been 
examined and variation appears chiefly in size and general colouration. There is a 
general tendency as the subspecies extends southwards for the hind femur to become 
relatively thicker and for the number of spines on the hind tibia to decrease from 
nine outer and ten inner to eight outer and nine inner. 

When first described, femoralis was considered to be a distinct species and by its 
broad hind femora and short tegmina the type series would appear to be fairly well 
distinguished from simulatrix. However, specimens from southern Tanzania are less 
well defined and the specimen examined from South Africa is even more clearly defined 

326 D. HOLLIS 

than the type series, suggesting a culmination of trends which can be seen in simula- 
trix as it extends southwards down E. Africa. The line of demarkation between 
the two subspecies in Tanzania coincides fairly well with that between the wooded 
steppe of the Sudan and of E. Africa and the savanna of south-eastern Africa (see 
Keay, 1959). 

Distribution (Text-fig. 39) (thirteen males and twelve females examined). TAN- 
ZANIA: Kimamba, iv, 1 g§; Tumba, 1, 2 gf, 1 9; 1, 5 3; xii, r g; Lake Rukwa, v, 1 Q; 
C. Rukwa, Lundi Mbuga, xii, 4 9; Mshughaa, 35 mls, S.E. of Singida, xii, r g. 

ZAMBIA: Luano Valley, Chisorwe, ui, 3 3, 3 Q; iii, 2 9. 

Eid Ejs Gpr Sps Rm Ap 



Fics. 40-45. <A. simulatrix femoralis Uv., genitalia. 40, gepiphallus; 41, 3 phallic 
complex, dorsal view, epiphallus and ectophallic membrane removed; 42, same, lateral 
view; 43, gd endophallus, lateral view; 44, 9 spermatheca of specimen from Zambia; 
45, same, from Tanzania. 


SouTH AFRICA: Transvaal, Zoutpansberg distr., Limpopo R., nr. Kobeenpan, 
2,200 ft., iv, “‘ along banks ’’, r 9. 

Aiolopus strepens (Latreille, 1804) 
(Text-figs. 7, 13, 14, 28, 46-51) 

Acrydium strepens Latreille, 1804 : 154. 
Gryllus prasinus Thunberg, 1815 : 239, syn. n. 
Acridium vittatum Brullé, 1840 : 78, pl. 5, fig. 7; Finot, 1895 : 422. 

Type locality. “Environs de Bordeaux’”’; specimen lost. NEOTYPE (9) 
erected bearing the following data: FRANCE: Dordogne, les Eyzies, ix. 1949 (ex. 
Zeuner coll. ), B.M. 1964-194. This specimen was chosen because of its agreement 
with Latreille’s original description and the close proximity of its locality to the 
original type locality; it is deposited in the BM(NH). 

Redescription. 3. Robust body-form, integument moderately rugulose. Antenna shorter 
than combined lengths of head and pronotum. Fastigium of vertex pentagonal with forward 
angle broadly rounded, hardly longer than wide, shallowly concave; fastigial foveolae trapezoid, 
narrowing forwards, very shallow with lower margin somewhat obliterated, about one and three 
quarter times as long as maximum width; frontal ridge flat or convex, sparsely pitted, gradually 
narrowing upwards (Text-fig. 28). Eye ellipsoid, almost twice as high as maximum width and 
about one and three quarter times as high as length of subocular groove. Dorsum of pronotum 
subtectiform, rather flat, prozona not constricted medially (Text-fig. 13-14); metazona almost 
one and three quarter times as long as length of prozona, with narrowly obtuseangular posterior 
margin; lateral plate of pronotum higher than wide; mesosternal interspace rectangular, slightly 
broader than long. Tegmen short and broad, normally only slightly exceeding tip of hind femur. 
Hind femur broad, about 3-3 times as long as maximum width and always broader than maximum 
width of head; hind tibia as long as hind femur (Text-fig. 7), with ten outer and normally eleven 
inner spines; inner apical spurs slightly more than one and a half times as long as outer pair; 
arolium about half length of claw. Supra-anal plate, cercus and subgenital plate normal for 
genus. Phallic complex (Text-figs. 46-49) with zygoma of cingulum without dorsal processes 
but expanded laterally at bases of apodemes; basal valves of penis expanded laterally but not 

General colouration from uniformly brown through brown and ochraceous or green to uniformly 
green; dorsum of pronotum normally unicolourous but sometimes with median longitudinal 
contrasting stripe which may continue forwards along vertex; tegmen with pale basal transverse 
fascia which extends either as far across as medial vein or as far as Ist vannal vein in which case 
it narrows strongly posteriorly, median pale transverse fascia always extending broadly or 
narrowly to 1st vannal vein; hind wing hyaline, often bluish basally, apex darkened; hind femur 
apically with inner area black and upper outer area blackish, lower inner area reddish; hind tibia 
narrowly black basally, basal quarter ochraceous or pinkish, apical three quarters red, the two 
colours separated by a narrow and incomplete black band. 

9. As male but larger and more robust; spermatheca as in Text-fig. 50. 

Measurements (mm.). Length of body, 4 17:7-23:7, 9 22:7-32:0. Length of pronotum, 
3 3°9-5°0, 2 4:6-7-0. Length of tegmen, ¢ 16-7—23°6, 9 19°6-30-9. Length of hind femur, 
gf 11-3-14°8, 9 13-4-19:2. Maximum width of hind femur, ¢ 3-3-4'1, 2 4:3-5°8. Maximum 
width of head, $ 3°3-4:'1, 2 4:2-5:7. 

328 D. HOLLIS 

Ratios (twenty males and twenty females measured): 

Tamm — = eee" ieee oo san — 
Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. 

G 1:18 I°24 1°29 3°19 3°39 3°64 4°06 4°33 4°85 ¥°39 1°52. 2°91 
9, E904 E24 1°33 3°00: “3°14. 3°45 3°60 3°93 4°51 1°38 ISI 3-67 

Discussion. There is considerable variation in size and general colouration in 
this species. Specimens from N. Africa are much larger than others and their 
general colouration is very like that of A. simulatrix; they can, if not examined in 
detail, be misidentified as the latter. 

A. strepens differs from other species in the genus in the form of the pronotum; 
also it differs from the thalassinus group in having a broad hind femur and from the 


Fics. 46-50. A. strepens (Latr.), genitalia. 46, gepiphallus; 47, g phallic complex, 
dorsal view, epiphallus and ectophallic membrane removed; 48, same, lateral view; 
49, g endophallus, lateral view; 50, 2 spermatheca. 


-deui uorjnqiiysip ‘(‘1yeq) suadays *p “1S ‘OI 



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330 D. HOLLIS 

simulatrix group in that although the hind femur is broad the hind tibia is as long 
as the hind femur and has ten outer and eleven inner spines. 

The author has examined the type ¢ of Gvyllus prasinus Thunberg, deposited in 
Uppsala, and makes the above synonymy although this species has been previously 
considered a junior synonym (Stal, 1873 : 112) of A. thalassinus. 

The type of Acridium vittatum Brullé has not been traced, but from the original 
description and figure it is obvious that Finot’s synonymy should be accepted. 

Distribution (Text-fig. 51). Nine hundred and eighty-four specimens of this 
species were examined and the following conclusions on its distribution are made: 

FRANCE, May to October, December; Corsica, August; SPAIN, April to May, 
August to October; BALEaRIC Is., April, September to October; PoRTUGAL, August; 
Itaty, July through to May; Sicity, September; SARDINIA, September; MALTA, 
January; GREECE, April to September; YuGosLaviA; July to September; ALBANIA, 
August; BuLcariA, August; Cyprus, April to December; TURKEY, July to Septem- 
ber, November; LEBANON, March to May, July, September, December; Syria, 
February to May, November; IsRAEL, April; IRAQ, June; IRAN, March; MADEIRA, 
June to July, November to December; Canary Is., April, July to September, 
December, January; Morocco, June to September, December, ALGERIA, May to 
July, September to October; Tunista, January, April; Lipya, February to May, 
July, September, November; UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC, March, May to August, 

Aiolopus oxianus Uvarov, 1926 
(Text-figs. I0, 25, 52-56) 
Aiolopus oxianus Uvarov, 1926: 347. 

Type locality. USSR, ‘“ Kerki, on River Amu-Darya’’; type ¢ deposited in 

Redescription. 3. Slender build, moderately rugulose. Antenna longer than combined 
lengths of head and pronotum, with twenty-two to twenty-four segments, the median segments 
of the flagellum elongate. Fastigium of vertex pentagonal, longer than wide, weakly concave 
with well defined margins; fastigial foveolae elongate, trapezoid, narrowing forwards, more than 
twice as long as maximum width, with well defined margins; frontal ridge weakly sulcate along 
most of length (Text-fig. 25), marginal carinulae low but distinct almost to clypeus, parallel 
along most of their length but converging slightly just below fastigium. Eye more rounded 
than in other species, little more than one and a quarter times higher than maximum width but 
twice as high as length of subocular groove. Pronotum narrow, weakly saddle-shaped, prozona 
constricted medially; metazona about one and three quarter times longer than prozona, with 
obtuseangular posterior margin; lateral plate of pronotum higher than wide; mesosternal 
interspace slightly wider than long. Tegmen long and narrow, well exceeding tip of hind femur. 
Hind femur narrow, ratio of length to maximum width about 4:1; hind tibia as long as hind 
femur, with ten outer and eleven inner spines, inner apical spurs slightly longer than outer pair; 
arolium very small (Text-fig. 10), about one quarter the length of claw. Supra-anal plate, 
cercus and subgenital plate normal for genus. Phallic complex (Text-figs. 52-55) with apodemes 
of zygoma of cingulum short, weakly sinuous and with apices weakly expanded dorsally, dorsal 
processes of zygoma weak or absent; basal valves of penis expanded apically but not recurved, 
apical penis valves slightly longer than normal. 


General colouration brown with some ochraceous and black markings; head and pronotum 
with narrow median longitudinal ochraceous stripe sometimes present, ochraceous X-shaped 
pattern on dorsum of pronotum weak or absent; tegmen with broad dark transverse band 
basally and diffuse dark band medially, apical half mottled; hind wing hyaline; upper outer 
area of hind femur with three black spots, outer area with faint subapical black transverse band 
and faint ochraceous apical ring, inner area with three diffuse black spots, lower inner area 
reddish; hind tibia ochraceous in basal half interrupted by broad black ring one third the way 
along, apical one third reddish. 

9. As male but larger; eye a little more ellipsoid than male, about one and a half times as 
high as maximum width and one and a half times as high as length of subocular groove. Sper- 
matheca as in Text-fig. 56. 


Fics. 52-56. A. oxianus Uv., genitalia. 52, gd epiphallus; 53, g phallic complex, dorsal 
view, epiphallus and ectophallic membrane removed; 54, same, lateral view; 55, 3 endo- 
phallus, lateral view; 56, 2 spermatheca. 

332 D. HOLLIS 

Measurements (mm.). Length of body, ¢ 18-6—22:0, 2 27:-6-29:5. Length of pronotum, 
3 3'7-4°4, 2 4°8-5°8. Length of tegmen, § 18-6—21-2, 9 24-5-27-1. Length of hind femur, 
do 11°3-12'7, 2 14:2-16:1. Maximum width of hind femur, ¢ 2-7—3-2, 92 3-4-3:9. Maximum 
width of head, 3 3°3-3°7, 2 4:2-4°8. 

Ratios (eight males and twelve females measured) : 

ern hee aie = 
Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. 
Sg 222. F980. TT 3°97 4°08 4°18 4°82 4:99 5°21 1°59 «1°67 °° «1°73 
9 1:06 1°13 1°23 3°95 4°07 4:30 4:67 4°94 5°27 I°64 1°72 1°79 

Discussion. Only a few specimens of this species have been examined and varia- 
tion has been observed in size and general colouration. 

The holotype of A. oxianus is deposited in the Leningrad Academy of Sciences 
and due to institutional policy was not available for study. However, from a study 
of the description and some paratypes in the BM(NH) it is clear that the name 
oxtanus should be applied to the taxon described above. 

Superficially A. oxianus strongly resembles Epacromius tergestinus (Charp.) but 
the form of the fastigial foveolae, the position of the intercalary vein of the medial 
area of the tegmen and the form of the male subgenital plate show that the species 
is more naturally placed in the genus Atolopus. By its slender form and weakly 
saddle-shaped pronotum A. oxianus would appear to be closely related to A. thalas- 
sinus, from which species it may be distinguished by the elongate fastigial foveolae, 
longer antennae, completely sulcate frontal ridge and small arolium. 

Distribution. (Thirteen males and twenty-two females). 

USSR: Kerki, on River Amu-Darya, 4 3, 3 9, vii; Tchardzhui, on River Amu- 
Darya, I 3, 2 9, viii; Syr Darya, Nadeshdinsky, 2 9, vi; Samarkand, R. Zaravshan, 
I 9, vii; Khiva Town, 7 3, 7 9, “at light ”’, vii; Khiva distr., Gudzha, I 3, 3 9, vu; 
Karmysh, 2 9, vii; Turkestan, I 9. 

Aiolopus carinatus (Bei-Bienko, 1966) comb. n. 
(Text-figs. I9, 20, 29, 57-60) 
Aeoloptilus carinatus Bei-Bienko, 1966 : 1793, fig. 7. 

Type locality. Komodo Islands, mountain plateau, 500-600 m.; type 2 deposited 
in Leningrad. 

Redescription. 3. Integument moderately rugulose. Antenna as long as combined lengths 
of head and pronotum, with twenty-two segments. Fastigium pentagonal, forward angle 
rounded, weakly concave with margins fairly well developed at least in front of eyes; fastigial 
foveolae subrectangular with rounded angles, shallow, about one and a half times as long as 
maximum width; frontal ridge flat or weakly convex, very slightly narrowing upwards (Text-fig. 
29). Eye ellipsoid, about one and half times as high as maximum width and almost two and a 
half times as high as length of subocular groove. Pronotum with dorsum weakly saddle-shaped 
(Text-figs. 19-20), prozona about three quarters the length of the metazona, latter with obtuse- 
angular posterior margin; lateral carinae moderately developed in prozona, parallel or very weakly 
divergent in front of first transverse sulcus and weakly divergent back to posterior transverse 


sulcus, almost obliterated in metazona; lateral plate of pronotum slightly higher than wide; 
mesosternal interspace slightly wider than long. Tegmen long, well exceeding apex of hind 
femur. Hind femur narrow, about four times as long as maximum width; hind tibia almost as 
long as hind femur, with twelve outer and twelve or thirteen inner spines, apical spurs simple 
with outer pair about one and a half times as long as inner pair; arolium half length of claw. 
Supra-anal plate, cercus and subgenital plate normal for genus. Phallic complex (Text-figs. 
57-60) with zygoma of cingulum without dorsal processes and apodemes laterally flattened; 
basal valves of penis with large lateral expansions which are not recurved. 

General colouration brown with dark brown and ochraceous markings. Lateral carinae of 
pronotum pale brown or ochraceous; tegmen with costal stripe ochraceous and complete, proximal 
half of tegmen with dark brown area extending from costa to cubital vein, vannal area hyaline, 
distal half of tegmen mottled hyaline and brown; hind femur brown with pregenicular ochraceous 
ring, upper outer area with two weak triangular brown spots, inner area ochraceous with two 
incomplete dark bands, lower inner area with weak orange tinge; hind tibia narrowly black 
basally, followed by broad ochraceous ring, apical two thirds greyish blue, sometimes apical 
quarter has weak orange tinge; hind wing hyaline with darker distal area. 

9. As male but slightly larger and more robust; ovipositor normal for genus. 

Fics. 57-60. A. carinatus (Bei-Bienko), male genitalia. 57, epiphallus; 58, phallic com- 
plex, dorsal view, epiphallus and ectophallic membrane removed; 59, same, lateral view 
60, endophallus, lateral view. 

334 D. HOLLIS 

Measurements (mm.). Length of body, $ 16-8, 2 20-6—21-4. Length of pronotum, ¢ 3:0, 
2, 36-38. Length of tegmen, § 14:8, 9 16-5-17°5. Length of hind femur, ¢ 10-0, 9 11-4—11°9. 
Maximum width of hind femur, ¢ 2:3, 9 2-5-2:8. Maximum width of head, ¢ 2-7, 2 3:2-3°'3. 

Ratios (one male and two females measured) : 

Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 
3 ae 4°35 4°93 1°48 
= I-12 1s 4°25 4°56 4°58 4°60 1°45 1°47 

Discussion. When originally described this species was thought to be generically 
distinct from Aiolopus, but for reasons explained above (p. 315) this generic separa- 
tion is not accepted by the present author. 

A. carinatus appears to be very closely allied to A. th. tamulus, from which it 
may be distinguished by the form of the fastigial foveolae, the pronotal carinae and 
the greater number of spines on the hind tibia. 

Distribution. Komopo Is.: Rintja, r gf, 1 9, viii (Leningrad). SumBa Is.: Melolo, 
I 9, v (Willemse). 

Aiolopus longicornis Sjéstedt, Igo9. 
(Text-figs. 6, 17, 18, 26, 61-69) 
Aiolopus longicornis Sjéstedt, 1909 : 156, 169. 

Type locality. This species was described from two males and two females from 
Zanzibar and one female from Mombo, Usambara; one male specimen from Zanzibar 
bears Sjéstedt’s type label, and this specimen is selected as LECTOTYPE and is 
deposited in Stockholm. 

Redescription. . Larger than average size for genus. Integument more strongly rugulose. 
Antenna clearly longer than combined lengths of head and pronotum, with twenty-two to 
twenty-four segments, the median segments elongate and about three times longer than broad. 
Fastigium broadly pentagonal, little longer than wide, moderately concave, strongly sloping 
forwards and roundly merging with frons, marginal carinulae well developed; fastigial foveolae 
almost rectangular, hardly narrowing forwards, weakly concave with moderately developed 
margins, the lower one often weak; frons oblique; frontal ridge coarsely and densely pitted, 
flat but impressed at median ocellus, merging with genae well before clypeus, lateral margins 
weakly convergent at apex (Text-fig. 26). Eyes oval, slightly less than one and a half times as 
high as maximum width and about twice the length of the subocular groove. Pronotum (Text- 
figs. 17-18) short and wide, hardly more than one and one third times longer than maximum 
width, moderately saddle-shaped, with prozona constricted medially; metazona with obtuse- 
angular posterior margin; lateral plate of pronotum higher than wide; mesosternal interspace 
slightly wider than long, weakly trapezoid, widening posteriorly. Tegmen relatively long (see 
E/P and E/F ratios). Hind femur (Text-fig. 6) moderately broad, FL/FW ratio about 3:7; 
hind tibia almost as long as hind femur, with nine outer and ten inner spines, inner apical spurs 
almost twice as long as outer spurs; arolium about half length of claw. Phallic complex (Text- 
figs. 61-64) with zygoma of cingulum with well developed dorsal processes and short apodemes ; 
basal valves of penis hardly expanded laterally. 

General colouration brown with ochraceous (or rarely green) and blackish markings; median 
longitudinal ochraceous stripe on head and pronotum normally well defined, ochraceous X-shaped 


Fics. 61-68. <A. longicornis Sjost., genitalia. 61, gd epiphallus; 62, g phallic complex, 
dorsal view, epiphallus and ectophallic membrane removed; 63, same, lateral view; 
64, g endophallus, lateral view; 65, 2 spermatheca of specimen from Chad area; 66, same, 
from Congo; 67, same, from Rukwa, Tanzania; 68, same, from Tingida, Tanzania. 

336 D. HOLLIS 

pattern on dorsum of pronotum clearly defined; tegmen with two V-shaped ochraceous areas 
extending from anterior border to mid-line, apical half mottled, first and second vannal areas 
often ochraceous and when tegmen are folded this colouration forms a continuous stripe with 
that of head and pronotum; hind wing hyaline, sometimes with faintly yellowish base and 
sometimes with darkened apex and posterior border; hind femur with three weak black spots 
on upper outer area, external area mottled ochraceous black with the black colour often weak, 
ochraceous pregenicular ring distinct, apex black; inner area with complete preapical black band 
and medial black spot in dorsal half, lower inner area reddish; hind tibia with narrow basal black 
ring followed by broad ochraceous ring and then a broad black ring, ochraceous medially and 
apical third reddish. 

9. Larger and more robust than male. Spermatheca as in Text-figs. 65-68, with apical 
diverticulum varying from a small bubble-like projection to a finger-like tube. 

Measurements (mm.). Length of body, 9 18-8—26-5, 9 25-3-31-7. Length of pronotum, 
3 3°7-5°0, 9 4:4-5°5. Length of tegmen, ¢ 18-6—24°5, 2 23-7-27°8. Length of hind femur, 
¢ II-I-16:0, 9 14:8-17:°6. Maximum width of hind femur, ¢ 3-3-4°:3, 2 4:0-4:°8. Maximum 
width of head, ¢ 3:6—5-0, 2 4:2-5'8. 

Ratios (fifty males and twenty females measured): 

ae Ve) GS ss eeaeastre ae. NN co cree eimai. 
Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. Max. 
G  70"93. T205"- 1710 SCION 321/02 23297. 4°74 5°93 5°50 +47 1°58 %:67 
Q O92 1°04 1°09 3°53 3°68 3°84 4°87 5°14 5°48 1°56 1r-6r 1°66 

Discussion. This species is intermediate between the ¢halassinus group and the 
simulatrix group, having the relatively longer hind femur and tibia and the saddle- 
shaped pronotum of the former and the stouter build and more strongly rugulose 
integument of the latter. A. meruensts is possibly its closest relative, also having a 
relatively broad head and short pronotum, but longicornis may be distinguished 
from meruensis by the broad frontal ridge, the elongate median segments of the 
antennal flagellum, the relatively longer tegmen and the narrower hind femur. 

Distribution (Text-fig. 69). Two hundred and eighty-one specimens of this species 
were examined, indicating the following distribution: 

NIGERIA (Chad area), February; Conco, (former Belgian), August; ETHIOPIA, 
September, December; SoMALIA, August, October; KENyA, January, March, May, 
October; UGANDA, April to July; TANZANIA, throughout the year; BuRuNDI, April; 
ZAMBIA, March, August. 

Aiolopus meruensis Sjéstedt, 1909 
(Text-figs. 69-74) 

Aiolopus meruensis Sjdstedt, 1909 : 156, 170. 
Aeolopus latus Uvarov, 1922 : 545, Syn. n. 

Type locality. Meru (Tanzania): Flodhastsjéarne; type 9 deposited in Stockholm. 

Redescription.— 3. Integument moderately rugulose. Antenna at most as long as combined 
lengths of head and pronotum, with twenty-one to twenty-three segments. Fastigium of vertex 
rounded pentagonal, about as long as wide, weakly concave, with well defined margins; fastigial 
foveolae trapezoid, broad, barely one and a half times longer than wide, narrowing forwards, margins 


well defined but sometimes lower margin weak; frontal ridge flat or weakly sulcate at and below 
median ocellus, lateral margins gradually and continuously convergent upwards, moderately 
coarsely pitted. Eyes one and a half times as high as maximum width and almost twice as long 
as subocular groove. Pronotum slightly saddle-shaped, broad; metazona about one and two 
thirds the length of prozona, with obtuseangular or almost rounded posterior margin; lateral 
plate of pronotum slightly higher than wide; mesosternal interspace wider than long, trapezoid, 
widening posteriorly. Tegmen relatively short, E/F ratio about 1-47. Hind femur broad, 
ratio of length to width about 3-39; hind tibia almost as long as hind femur, with nine to ten 
outer and ten to eleven inner spines, inner apical spurs about twice as long as outer spurs; 

— 40° 

“. - 30° 


= 10° 


@ -meruensis 


10% —@ = longicornis 


fo) 400 800 

Scale in miles 

20° 10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 

Fic. 69. Aitiolopus spp., distribution map. 

338 D. HOLLIS 

arolium half length of claw. Supra-anal plate, cercus and subgenital plate normal for genus, 
Phallic complex (Text-figs. 70-73) with zygoma of cingulum with well developed dorsal processes 
and lateral expansions at bases of apodemes, latter short; basal valves of penis with rounded 
lateral expansions. 

General colouration brown with ochraceous or greenish markings; head and pronotum with 
median longitudinal pale stripe, pronotum with obvious X-shaped ochraceous pattern; tegmen 
with pale stripe in first vannal area and two transverse pale bands, apical third mottled; hind wing 
hyaline, often weakly pale yellow basally and with infumate apex; hind femur on outer side 



cbr Sps 
Fics. 70-74.